
All books are about: “my restless witch. Such different British books My restless witch read online

“When I read this book, realizing that this was not a novel, not fiction, but almost a documentary text, I kept thinking: maybe Mikhail Alekseev, among the thousands of people he saw in Stalingrad, met my father. Maybe somewhere at a stop, at the crossroads of front-line roads, they suddenly met their eyes for a second. Maybe my father saw the events described by Alekseev with the same eyes? I read “My Stalingrad” through the eyes of a son who lost his father in Stalingrad, with the hope that on the pages of the book I would encounter him, at least for a moment. I don't know...

Armageddon in a skirt 2 Evgeniya Boyko

The boomerang principle applies to everyone, regardless of whether you are a simple person or a super strong demon. Now it’s time for the restless witch Cherry to pay for all her sins. The law of universal meanness prepares many tests and Fate has a rich imagination!.. So, dear graduate of the Academy of Unnatural Science, bequeath your favorite slippers to your friend and prepare your “second ninety” for a fantastic beating.

The Real Princess and the Wandering Bridge by Alexandra Egorushkina

Cheerful, bright and tasty Russian language! Finally, my students will read not some translated nonsense, after which they write boring and illiterate essays, but a Russian book for Russian schoolchildren. Maria Alekseevna Knyazhina, literature teacher with thirty years of experience. A witty and intelligent book for children - finally! F. Sorokin, science fiction writer. Alexandra Egorushkina loves, understands and respects children. But this is rare in modern children's literature. When my baby grows up, he will have something to read. N. Maksimova,…

My girlfriend is always against Mill Millington

Have you ever argued with your other half until your voice became hoarse? No?! What, they never slammed the door without finding an argument? Well then, you probably shouldn't read this book. For the rest, it is strongly recommended, since “My Girlfriend is Always Against” is a real encyclopedia of relationships between men and women who, as has long been known, arrived from different planets. And this is also a sharp comedy about our lives, believable to the point of shock and funny to the point of colic. Pal's life had settled down. A small house, a couple of smart kids, a lifelong friend of German origin...

The witch wears Reebok Nadezhda Pervukhina

Everyone knows that “the devil wears Prada.” And what about the witch?.. And the witch adheres to a sporty style and wears Reebok sneakers. And this witch's name is Yulia Vetrova. She had a difficult test - to become the personal secretary of the powerful sorceress and head of the witch corporation "Medium" Mrs. Mokrida Price. What did Julia not suffer from her! But that's not all! Read and learn about who was thwarted by fairies, and also about how magicians hate witches. By the way, how do you feel about nectar moonshine?

My favorite blondes Andrey Malakhov

How to lure Nikolai Baskov to a talk show? Where does the Moscow elite lose kilos? In what circle of hell is Masha Malinovskaya’s place destined? And what do the host of the most popular talk show in the country and his favorite blonde editors do besides working with difficulty, but still managing to do so? Life in and behind the scenes - this is what the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov’s novel “My Favorite Blondes”, written in the genre of black comedy, is dedicated to. To the question of what is true here and what is not, Malakhov (who categorically does not consider himself a writer and demanded in this regard that...

I don't want to be a witch! Galina Gordienko

“I don’t want to be a witch!” - the first of three incredible stories that happened to Taika Romanova, a restless red-haired girl, a real “misfortune” of her own family and school. She suddenly fell in love with an old silver ring that she inherited from her great-grandmother. Once you put it on, amazing things immediately begin to happen... The story will be of interest to middle school-age readers. Other stories from Taika’s life can be found in the books “Changing a Boy for a Girl” and “Give Back My Freckles!”

Give back my freckles Galina Gordienko

“Give back my freckles!” - the third and last of the stories about the adventures of Taika Romanova. This time, the little mischief girl finds herself in the hands of a magic mirror that can change anyone beyond recognition. Can you imagine what could happen when restless Taika discovers this? The story will be of interest to middle school readers. Other stories from Taika’s life can be found in the books “I Don’t Want to Be a Witch!” and “Changing a boy for a girl.”

April Witch Maigull Axelsson

The novel “The Witch of April” brought its author, writer and journalist Maigull Axelsson, dizzying success all over the world, as well as the August Strindberg Prize, Sweden’s main literary award. The book has been translated into fifteen languages, and its circulation today amounts to seven figures. At the center of a piercing modern drama is the intertwining of the destinies of four women, four sisters. The first of them has been bedridden since birth, the second is a successful doctor, the third is a physicist, the fourth is a complete drug addict... Paralyzed,...

Adventures of the Witch Marina Efiminyuk

The story of the young witch Asya, who has suffered a lot. If you want to burst your bellies laughing (even crawling under the table) - read! Someone will say that it looks like Gromyko. So what? Yes, there are some similarities. But it's funnier, and much funnier.

The Bible Jesus Read by Philip Yancey

The book helps the modern reader see the relevance of the Old Testament. In a conversation about the book of Job, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and prophetic books, the author shows that they reveal to us the essence of human nature and tell us about the value of the human personality. The Old Testament is the biography of God, the story of His passionate romance with people. The Old Testament is an introduction to the story of the life of Jesus Christ, because it was Christ who gave the answer to the questions that troubled the prophets of antiquity. And the author reminds us: the Old Testament is not an ancient incomprehensible...

My father J. Ward

A year has passed since the final reunion of Zsadist and Bella. During this time, Butch, Vicious and Fury also managed to improve their personal lives. So the Brotherhood continued to live and make good, and nothing seemed to foretell trouble. Until Nalla was born. After that, everything changed in the world of her parents: Bella found new happiness, which came with a bunch of tedious worries, and Zed again faced the nightmares of the past, which did not want to finally loosen their stranglehold. As a result, Bella faced a terrible choice: hellren or...

Reading Marshal Zhukov Pyotr Mezhiritsky

Hoaxer: Mezhiritsky’s book, although called “Reading Marshal Zhukov,” nevertheless does not concentrate only on the personality of the marshal (and therefore it is in “Research” and not in “Biography”). I do not agree with some of the author’s conclusions, but I will make a reservation: I completely agree with only one author, his name is Hoaxer. Hoaxer (04/09/2002): The book has finally been updated (the first publication, according to the author, needed additions). In my opinion, today’s version can be considered the 3rd edition, corrected, as they say, and expanded. From the point of view of an offline publisher,...

Notes of the fallen witch Masha Streltsova

Her clients are too cool, and therefore she does not dare tell anyone what she sees and knows. And she writes an online diary - about magical rituals, about her fellow witches, and about the fact that sometimes you should throw cards at yourself. If she knew where to lay the straws, the whole city lads would not be chasing her, trying to avenge the death of the leader... And she has only one hope - for the help of her long-dead loved one, but does he remember the one for whom he died?

Witch Alina Bagazova

I couldn’t even imagine that one evening and one chance meeting with an unfamiliar woman would turn my whole life around so much. What is it to be a witch? In response, the imagination can throw up a lot of interesting things... But not at all what happened to me. Is this just unreality... Or, on the contrary, is this now my reality? I was confused where my world was and where the other was. And you also have to constantly risk your life, and for what?! It’s good that I have friends, my beloved husband and... When will it all end and will it end? Yes, the burden of a witch is not an easy one.

Oram, Giavin. : diary of the cat Screwtape / ill. S. Warburton; lane from English O. Panova. – M.: Makhaon, 2010. – 192 p., ill.

Boyce, Frank Cottrell. Millions: story / trans. from English I. Izotova. – M.: Rosman, 2005. – 224 p.

Almond, David. : fantastic story / trans. from English O. Varshaver: ill. O. Jeffers. – M.: Samokat, 2015. – 252 p., ill.

Good afternoon, my friends!

Today I will tell you about three books by British authors - very different and very popular. All of them are recommended by publishers for middle age, however, in my opinion, the first one, which I’ll tell you about, is more suitable for elementary school students, the second one – for children 10-12 years old, and the third one can be read with interest by everyone, including adults.

Let's start with a children's book " My restless witch on a cooking show", written by Giawyn Oram and drawn by Sarah Warburton. The book includes two stories - included in the general title and "My restless witch spends the night with her friends." Moreover, this, of course, is not the only book about a little witch; there are also sequels. I’ll say right away that these stories, for my taste, are better drawn than they are written. Why? Because the pictures are truly dashing and very funny, the main character and narrator, the cat, is especially successful. Of course, he is more interesting than the witch in text. Also because the adventures of the restless witch are not very original, that is, in one form or another they were found in many similar stories told by other authors. Endless flights on a broomstick have been told thousands of times, both in folk tales and by modern authors, including Harry Potter.

The plots are simple, not to say primitive. The witch lives in a parallel world, from where it is possible to get to us, but not from us. There are quite strict rules there, there is a certain hierarchy, headed by - well, exactly like in our world! - old teachers and bureaucrats of the witch world. The only consolation for people like the heroine are helper cats, who, as a rule, know much more than their mistresses and work very hard, in essence, doing for the witches not only everything that they have no time or reluctance to do, but at the same time their witchcraft. work.

On the other hand, cats have their own lives, their own affairs and interests, for example, broom racing (just now not Quidditch, but Harry clearly inherited it here). However, they are practically slaves of their mistresses, a kind of slaves-servants-friends. And therefore they are similar in character. And if the owner is eccentric, like the heroine of these fairy tales, then the cat, too, whether you want it or not, has to conform.

And the hostess is beyond eccentric. In the witch world, the girl is desperately bored, she either makes friends among those whom she is obliged to scare in our world, or rushes to television in order to become or at least feel like a real star.

And the cat has to help, help out, invent and sacrifice his own interests in order to help out the presumptuous mistress.

However, in the parallel witch world, she is not the only black crow; other witches are also crows, just like the witches of our world. In general, this is exactly what the book is about. I don’t know whether to advise you to read it, but it’s interesting to flip through it.

Much more interesting and literary richer is the story by Frank Boyce “ Millions" This is a story about how two boys of 10-12 years old, whose mother died, move with their father to a new prestigious area and one day they I mean, a bag with a lot of money falls down. And everything would be fabulously good if “Millions” were a fairy tale, but this is not a fairy tale, but a realistic story. And therefore money does not bring happiness to its owners, because, firstly, it must be spent in a week, because these are pounds sent to be burned, because Britain, along with the whole of Europe, is switching to the euro; and secondly, well, think for yourself what a child can do with hundreds of thousands of pounds if they can’t give it to dad - he, as the kids believe, is too honest a person for that, and there’s simply nothing to spend on themselves in a week, even in a blessed England: the boys are not some nouveau riche, but ordinary schoolchildren.

Well, how much juice and cola can a person drink, eat pizza, sweets, chocolates, chew gum, buy toys?.. And if he is still a conscientious person, if he believes in saints and even communicates with them?..

That's it. In addition, we, I repeat, are not in a fairy tale, but in reality, where money does not fall on anyone’s head by itself, especially big ones. How the guys can get out of all this (and they will have to get out, of course), you will learn by reading an interesting and talented story by a very famous British writer and screenwriter who works a lot in cinema, Frank Boyes. Or by watching its film adaptation (based on the author’s script), carried out by the famous director Danny Boyle. The movie is also enough popular, but the story is still better, if only because the author managed to endow his very different characters with bright psychological traits. All three - a father and two sons - turned out to be completely different, but at the very core similar. And then: they are members of the same family. All three are good and even honest people, but each of them, in their own struggle with the modern world, in which no one is interested in personality, one day caves in. However, in the end they do not break, and therefore emerge victorious, and in the most difficult struggle in which a person can participate - in the struggle for his own dignity.

The third book is also about this struggle. It contains more fairy tales and more literature as such. It was written by David Almond, whose work is classified as magical realism. This is a style in which phantasmagoria invades a generally realistic text, and the text is gradually saturated with it to such an extent that before our eyes a completely special, unique world is created, where, on the one hand, as in a fairy tale, everything is possible, on the other – everything is predetermined by a realistic foundation. The author and the characters, and with them the reader, seem to be balancing on a tightrope, stretched over the abyss, so breathtaking. The most famous books created in this style were written by the Colombian Gabriel García Márquez (the novel “One Hundred Years of Solitude”) and the Serbian Milorad Pavic (the novel “The Khazar Dictionary”). However, magical realism was born much earlier than Marquez and Pavich lived and worked. In essence, it was in this style that Hoffman and Gogol, Bulgakov and Krzhizhanovsky worked. And many other writers.

David Almond is a very popular author, crowned with many prestigious literary awards, including the most important for children's writers - the Andersen Prize. Most of Almond's novels have been filmed, his novel Skelig being especially popular. But today I will tell you about another of his books, “ The boy who swam with piranhas».

At first, this story does not seem very original, since the difficult childhood of an early orphaned hero, you understand, is a rather hackneyed topic. As well as the theme of leaving home and wandering with circus performers. But Almond solves it in a truly original way. Taking a sort of plasticine set of well-known characters who have been used many times in literature: a talented, quiet boy, but terribly gifted with humanity and fortitude, his uncle-guardian who has gone crazy in business, the fairground artists he meets - father and daughter, clearly referring the well-read man to both Hugo and to Gautier, a gypsy fortuneteller, a famous circus performer-dreamer and myth-builder, and, of course, a team of bad guys led by a sort of Karabas, just without a beard, the author builds his novel as a personal conversation with each of us, completely in the spirit of Mikhail Bulgakov : “Follow me, reader,” and I’ll show you...

For example? For example, the fact that a person can be beautiful and, as Maxim Gorky said, sound proud, but can to be a hopeless scoundrel, such that the toothy, voracious piranhas are able to give him points ahead. Or, for example, the fact that happiness is not in money, and happiness is not in work alone. Or, for example, the fact that loved ones are more valuable than anything in the world, even creativity. So, in any case, it should be, because creativity may not take place, but not die, and man, alas, is mortal. The most interesting thing, for you and me at least, is that the mother of the fair girl, unlike the main character’s parents, did not die, but ran away from her family in search of herself, and found - no matter where you thought, but never guess... - in Novosibirsk, at the railway station, which, according to the author, is very beautiful and equipped with a wonderful arch...

How does this book of wanderings end? This is how a phantasmagoria should end. May be. Or it should be. Don't know. The author only hinted at a happy ending. The novel has been finished, but it doesn’t seem to be closed. Like a door in a house that is not afraid of thieves or even otherworldly evil forces.

A wonderful, masterful, skillful book, superbly translated into Russian by Olga Varshaver. Be sure to read it, and I hope we will return to the work of David Almond more than once.

Be healthy and don't get tired of reading!

The boomerang principle applies to everyone, regardless of whether you are a simple person or a super strong demon. Now it’s time for the restless witch Cherry to pay for all her sins. The law of universal meanness prepares many tests and Fate has a rich imagination!.. So, dear graduate of the Academy of Unnatural Science, bequeath your favorite slippers to your friend and prepare your “second ninety” for a fantastic beating.

I don't want to be a witch! Galina Gordienko

“I don’t want to be a witch!” - the first of three incredible stories that happened to Taika Romanova, a restless red-haired girl, a real “misfortune” of her own family and school. She suddenly fell in love with an old silver ring that she inherited from her great-grandmother. Once you put it on, amazing things immediately begin to happen... The story will be of interest to middle school-age readers. Other stories from Taika’s life can be found in the books “Changing a Boy for a Girl” and “Give Back My Freckles!”

Give back my freckles Galina Gordienko

“Give back my freckles!” - the third and last of the stories about the adventures of Taika Romanova. This time, the little mischief girl finds herself in the hands of a magic mirror that can change anyone beyond recognition. Can you imagine what could happen when restless Taika discovers this? The story will be of interest to middle school readers. Other stories from Taika’s life can be found in the books “I Don’t Want to Be a Witch!” and “Changing a boy for a girl.”

April Witch Maigull Axelsson

The novel “The Witch of April” brought its author, writer and journalist Maigull Axelsson, dizzying success all over the world, as well as the August Strindberg Prize, Sweden’s main literary award. The book has been translated into fifteen languages, and its circulation today amounts to seven figures. At the center of a piercing modern drama is the intertwining of the destinies of four women, four sisters. The first of them has been bedridden since birth, the second is a successful doctor, the third is a physicist, the fourth is a complete drug addict... Paralyzed,...

Witch Alina Bagazova

I couldn’t even imagine that one evening and one chance meeting with an unfamiliar woman would turn my whole life around so much. What is it to be a witch? In response, the imagination can throw up a lot of interesting things... But not at all what happened to me. Is this just unreality... Or, on the contrary, is this now my reality? I was confused where my world was and where the other was. And you also have to constantly risk your life, and for what?! It’s good that I have friends, my beloved husband and... When will it all end and will it end? Yes, the burden of a witch is not an easy one.

Soothe my sorrows Sergey Alekseev

During the years of the collapse of the Soviet empire, intelligence services are trying to find the rightful heir to the new Russian royal dynasty. The General Prosecutor's Office and the top-secret Center "Strike of Retribution" near Moscow are waging a long unspoken duel with each other. The acute criminal intrigue in the novel “Quench My Sorrows” is accompanied by dramatic love conflicts that have a mystical background.

Particularly dangerous witch Olga Myakhar

WANTED! A ESPECIALLY DANGEROUS WITCH IS WANTED! Looks defenseless. Easily gains trust. Fearless. Loves adventures. Prone to vagrancy. A sense of humor almost always prevails over common sense. Masters all types of magic, knows absolutely all spells by heart and knows how to use them. It does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. Merciless to the undead and evil spirits. Promiscuous: best friend and accomplice – dark personality; an alien from another world (wanted for the murder of a monarch). Special features: appears everywhere with a dragon (young, impudent, lazy,...

Community of Loyal Witches Andrey Komarov

Every woman is a little bit of a witch, but not everyone knows about it. Elena Tikhonova, an ordinary teacher with problems on the personal front, knows for sure that in order to become a real witch, she needs to take just one step - complete the task of the “Community of Loyal Witches”. What will she choose - to join the community, and thereby gain immortality, the ability to satisfy any desire, power over men, or...

Witch's Hammer Caroline Farr

Samantha Crawford, a budding journalist, is tasked with creating a series of articles about the love affairs of the great actor, adventurer and philanderer Peter Castellano. The girl arrives at an estate with the strange name “Witch’s Hammer,” where Peter, a descendant of Russian aristocrats, lives with his daughter and a whole staff of servants taken from Russia after the revolution. One of the house's inhabitants is rumored to be a follower of Grigory Rasputin and has power derived from the dead. Finding out the cause of the death of the former mistress of the estate, Samantha unwittingly becomes a participant...

Every film is my last Ingmar Bergman

I must admit that I am faithful to the end to only one thing - the film I am working on. What will (or will not) happen next is not important to me and does not cause either exaggerated hopes or anxiety. This attitude adds strength and confidence to me now, at the moment, because I understand the relativity of all guarantees and therefore value my integrity as an artist infinitely more. Therefore, I believe that every film I make is my last.

The Witch Jules Michelet

The famous French scientist, writer, author of the outstanding “History of France” and “History of the French Revolution” Jules Michelet (1798–1874) is the author of many artistic and journalistic works. Among them, a special place is occupied by “The Witch” (Novel of History), in which the author draws his own image of the devil’s bride - a witch-benefactor who heals, predicts the future, guesses, calls the souls of the dead, can bewitch, make you fall in love... The book is illustrated with reproductions of paintings by prominent artists . Designed for a wide range...

Standing Stones, book. 1: Quittin Witch Elizaveta Dvoretskaya

When two powers are on the verge of war, any careless word can serve as a spark that will start a fire. And if this word is uttered by a born sorceress, who herself does not know her own strengths and capabilities, then the consequences are completely unpredictable. The daughter of a noble man, Herdis, quarreled with the young Earl Hrodmar, a relative of the powerful king, and brought a dangerous illness upon him and his squad. And so, to take revenge on the witch, troops gather and ships go to sea. This war will rage for many years and will affect many nations. Into the whirlwind...

Witches Castle Alexander Belyaev

The story "The Witch's Castle" was written in 1939. The looming threat of fascism became more and more noticeable, the first sparks of the future fire of the world war flared up (when the writer was working on the story, the fascists had already captured the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia). And although humanity did not yet know everything about the great disasters that fascism brings to the world, about the bloody reprisals against patriots, about the inhuman experiments of Nazi “scientists” on prisoners in concentration camps, a science fiction writer who knows how to look into the future, and in the story “The Castle of the Witches” "remained true to himself: an ominous image...

My girlfriend is always against Mill Millington

Have you ever argued with your other half until your voice became hoarse? No?! What, they never slammed the door without finding an argument? Well then, you probably shouldn't read this book. For the rest, it is strongly recommended, since “My Girlfriend is Always Against” is a real encyclopedia of relationships between men and women who, as has long been known, arrived from different planets. And this is also a sharp comedy about our lives, believable to the point of shock and funny to the point of colic. Pal's life had settled down. A small house, a couple of smart kids, a lifelong friend of German origin...

The Witch's Dream Florinda Donner

Florinda Donner, a female warrior from the party of the Nagual Carlos Castaneda, goes to Venezuela, to local magicians, where she becomes a student of the “witch” and healer Mercedes Peralta for several months. Meetings with amazing people, incredible events, turning the wheel of chance with the help of the shadow of a witch - an analogue of “manipulation of intention” in the world of Don Juan - all this awaits you on the pages of this unusually honest, elegant, intelligent and full of love book. Those who are not at all interested in Carlos Castaneda and all kinds of magic will receive a wonderful artistic...

Witches... what could be more mysterious? On the one hand, I wouldn’t want to fall into their “miraculous” hands. On the other hand, I really want to look into the secrets of the witchcraft world. Besides, you never know who you will meet on your life's journey. What if there really is a real witch?! And then it wouldn’t be bad to know as much as possible about the insidious ladies from the world of evil spirits in order to be fully armed! Know what to expect and perhaps anticipate the witch's next move.

Although... is this possible? After all, witches are usually unpredictable! And they can also be charming, charming, insidious, noble, sloppy, fashionable, harmful, talented, simply evil and in extreme anger, and sometimes they are even kind. In other words, witches can be different, but they are extremely rarely boring! And this is a reason to learn as much as possible about them! Where do we get knowledge from? From books, of course!

On the pages of BiblioGuide we have already said about witch books. First of all, this is, of course, a whole series. No less interesting is written about the “nice” ladies in the book. And today I decided to continue the conversation I once started.

So, one more book about witches! It's called - " My restless witch«.

The title says that this book was written by an English children's writer. Giavin Oram. But from the book itself you will learn that the author is actually a certain cat Screwtape. His full name is Mortimer Screwtape the Cat. But he allows his family to call him simply Moti. Of course, it will seem strange to you that some cat, even with a full name, can write. However, I’ll tell you, Mochi is not just a cat! First of all, he studied at school for a whole year. And by the way, he was an excellent student. After graduating from school, the cat Screwtape entered into a 7-year contract with a certain witch named Thin Agatha. He entered her service as a witch's assistant in accordance with the diploma he received. And this, as it turned out, is a real punishment, because... the witch Thin Agatha, or simply Thin Aggie, constantly shirked her direct duties and did not want to be a witch in any way. Therefore, in order to avoid a terrible fate, the cat had to show excellent ingenuity. As a consolation for his bad luck with his mistress, Screwtape kept a diary. In it, the ill-fated assistant of a careless witch wrote down his thoughts, fears and feelings in the form of disappointments, hopes and joys. It was this same diary that Thin Aggie subsequently stole from her faithful assistant to give to one of the publishers. In return, he promised to send her a couple of fashionable shoes every year. Now you understand how valuable the information contained in this book is. After all, it contains nothing more than the most secret diary entries of the real witch’s assistant! This means that the book describes the life of witches from the inside. Their rules, their laws, morals and customs, even spells and the rarest recipes for witchcraft potions!

I must say that I read Mortimer’s cat’s entries in one sitting. I had time to sympathize with the cat and rejoice at his talents! Because his young mistress is a complete madwoman! Even I, who am absolutely not enlightened in witch matters, still know that a witch should be shaggy and fly on a broomstick. But Skinny Aggie seemed to be trying to imitate Barbie! She loved pink instead of black, she drove a pink car instead of flying on a broomstick, she liked ballet and she loved being friends with children! Can you imagine the horror that gripped Moti?! After all, his owner was obliged to intimidate the children, but not to make friends with them!!! And when this eccentric young lady suddenly wanted to become a prima ballerina on the ballet stage and certainly dance in the image of Princess Odette in Swan Lake, such adventures and worries began that neither a fairy tale nor a pen could describe! And only pure chance saved the skin of Mortimer's cat. After all, it’s not safe to joke with the supreme witches! What was the punishment for the cat and his owner? Oh, better not even ask! It’s scary to remember these pages.

And everything seemed to end well. But! Before Moti had time to recover from his adventures at the ballet school, his mistress threw out a new number! This time she suddenly wanted to take part in the competition for the best girl rock band! And the first question is how will the supreme witches react to this? The second question is what name to give the group? The third question is where to find talented girls? The fourth question is who will write the hits? In short, the cat had to work hard. It’s not enough for him to write essays in the field of spells and recipes for witchcraft potions, but songs also fell on his cat’s shoulders! Yes, not simple songs, but real hits! True, Moti coped with this too. Want to know how? Then read his diary before he shows up Giavin Oram copyright. And when he presents them, no one knows what will happen. Who knows, this cat, maybe he will get the sleeping powder of the supreme witch Yodina and sprinkle it on the publisher? And never again, in any country in the world, will the secret diary of the cat Screwtape be republished! Or even worse, all circulation will be confiscated! In a word, read it quickly while you still have the opportunity!

By the way, not long ago I was able to catch the wave of the Magic News radio. According to the latest research by alchemists, the book of the cat Screwtape can be read by even the most non-reading children with great pleasure. Children all over the world are reading the book " My restless witch"from 7 to 13 years old, and require continuation! But here it depends. If Skinny Aggie manages to get the next notes from her assistant and agree with the publisher to get, for example, stylish T-shirts in return, then all the children who don’t read will definitely turn into readers! Maybe they’ll even sign up for the library! I keep thinking, maybe this book “ My restless witch"bewitched?

And one more piece of news was reported by the Magic News radio. It turns out that Hollywood is preparing a new cartoon based on the diary entries of the cat Moti. Perhaps Skinny Aggie herself will advise the director and animators. Oh, I almost forgot, the cartoon will be filmed not only based on the book “ My restless witch". It turns out that Skinny Aggie managed to hand over a couple more of her assistant’s recordings to the publisher. This made it possible to publish the next book about the adventures of a young witch and her cat. The book is called " My restless witch on a cooking show". I can imagine what a show it turned out to be! So Hollywood will create its masterpiece based on two books.

All that remains for me is to provide the bibliography:

Oram G. My restless witch / Artist Sarah Warburton, translation from English. O. Panova. - M.: Makhaon, 2010. - 192 pp. - ISBN 978-5-389-00411-5

Fascinating and fun reading!

Witches... what could be more mysterious? On the one hand, I wouldn’t want to fall into their “miraculous” hands. On the other hand, I really want to look into the secrets of the witchcraft world. Besides, you never know who you will meet on your life's journey. What if there really is a real witch?! And then it wouldn’t be bad to know as much as possible about the insidious ladies from the world of evil spirits in order to be fully armed! Know what to expect and perhaps anticipate the witch's next move.

Although... is this possible? After all, witches are usually unpredictable! And they can also be charming, charming, insidious, noble, sloppy, fashionable, harmful, talented, simply evil and in extreme anger, and sometimes they are even kind. In other words, witches can be different, but they are extremely rarely boring! And this is a reason to learn as much as possible about them! Where do we get knowledge from? From books, of course!

On the pages of BiblioGuide we have already said about witch books. First of all, this is, of course, a whole series about the famous witch Pachkula. No less interesting is written about “nice” ladies in Eva Ibbotson’s book “Miss Witch”. And today I decided to continue the conversation I once started.

So, one more book about witches! It's called - " My restless witch".

The title says that this book was written by an English children's writer. Giavin Oram. But from the book itself you will learn that the author is actually a certain cat Screwtape. His full name is Mortimer Screwtape the Cat. But he allows his family to call him simply Moti. Of course, it will seem strange to you that some cat, even with a full name, can write. However, I’ll tell you, Mochi is not just a cat! First of all, he studied at school for a whole year. And by the way, he was an excellent student. After graduating from school, the cat Screwtape entered into a 7-year contract with a certain witch named Thin Agatha. He entered her service as a witch's assistant in accordance with the diploma he received. And this, as it turned out, was a real punishment, because the witch Thin Agatha, or simply Thin Aggie, constantly shirked her direct duties and did not want to be a witch at all. Therefore, in order to avoid a terrible fate, the cat had to show excellent ingenuity. As a consolation for his bad luck with his mistress, Screwtape kept a diary. In it, the ill-fated assistant of a careless witch wrote down his thoughts, fears and feelings in the form of disappointments, hopes and joys. It was this same diary that Thin Aggie subsequently stole from her faithful assistant to give to one of the publishers. In return, he promised to send her a couple of fashionable shoes every year. Now you understand how valuable the information contained in this book is. After all, it contains nothing more than the most secret diary entries of the real witch’s assistant! This means that the book describes the life of witches from the inside. Their rules, their laws, morals and customs, even spells and the rarest recipes for witchcraft potions!

I must say that I read Mortimer’s cat’s entries in one sitting. I had time to sympathize with the cat and rejoice at his talents! Because his young mistress is a complete madwoman! Even I, who am absolutely not enlightened in witch matters, still know that a witch should be shaggy and fly on a broomstick. But Skinny Aggie seemed to be trying to imitate Barbie! She loved pink instead of black, she drove a pink car instead of flying on a broomstick, she liked ballet and she loved being friends with children! Can you imagine the horror that gripped Moti?! After all, his owner was obliged to intimidate the children, but not to make friends with them!!! And when this eccentric young lady suddenly wanted to become a prima ballerina on the ballet stage and certainly dance in the image of Princess Odette in Swan Lake, such adventures and worries began that neither a fairy tale nor a pen could describe! And only pure chance saved the skin of Mortimer's cat. After all, it’s not safe to joke with the supreme witches! What was the punishment for the cat and his owner? Oh, better not even ask! It’s scary to remember these pages.

And everything seemed to end well. But! Before Moti had time to recover from his adventures at the ballet school, his mistress threw out a new number! This time she suddenly wanted to take part in the competition for the best girl rock band! And the first question is how will the supreme witches react to this? The second question is what name to give the group? The third question is where to find talented girls? The fourth question is who will write the hits? In short, the cat had to work hard. It’s not enough for him to write essays in the field of spells and recipes for witchcraft potions, but songs also fell on his cat’s shoulders! Yes, not simple songs, but real hits! True, Moti coped with this too. Want to know how? Then read his diary before he shows up Giavin Oram copyright. And when he presents them, no one knows what will happen. Who knows, this cat, maybe he will get the sleeping powder of the supreme witch Yodina and sprinkle it on the publisher? And never again, in any country in the world, will the secret diary of the cat Screwtape be republished! Or even worse, all circulation will be confiscated! In a word, read it quickly while you still have the opportunity!

By the way, not long ago I was able to catch the wave of the Magic News radio. According to the latest research by alchemists, the book of the cat Screwtape can be read by even the most non-reading children with great pleasure. Children all over the world are reading the book" My restless witch"from 7 to 13 years old, and require a continuation! But it depends on your luck. If Skinny Aggie manages to get the next notes from her assistant and agrees with the publisher to get, for example, stylish T-shirts in return, then all the children who don’t read will definitely turn into reading ones! Maybe They'll even sign up for the library! I keep thinking, maybe this book " My restless witch"bewitched?

And one more piece of news was reported by the Magic News radio. It turns out that Hollywood is preparing a new cartoon based on the diary entries of the cat Moti. Perhaps Skinny Aggie herself will advise the director and animators. Oh, I almost forgot, the cartoon will be based not only on the book" My restless witch". It turns out that Skinny Aggie managed to give the publisher a couple more notes from her assistant. This made it possible to publish the next book about the adventures of a young witch and her cat. The book is called " My restless witch on a cooking show"I can imagine what kind of show it turned out to be! So Hollywood will create its own masterpiece based on two books.

All that remains for me is to provide the bibliography:

Oram G. My restless witch / Artist Sarah Warburton, translation from English. language O. Panova. - M.: Makhaon, 2010. - 192 pp. - ISBN 978-5-389-00411-5

Fascinating and fun reading!

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