
Psychological training in a group of games and exercises. Psychological trainings, psychological games, individual, pair and group exercises. Psychological game for children “zoo”

To work on yourself, you don’t always need to see a psychologist. In some cases, it is enough to use special exercises. They are effective if you need to restore faith in your own strength. It can be difficult not to give in to despondency in a difficult situation. The goal may be to restore mental fitness and mental clarity. Such activities are quite simple, interesting and effective. Therefore, a good psychological exercise allows you to very quickly set yourself in the right direction.

How to get rid of stress

The “Balloon” exercise is quite interesting and simple. The task is performed mentally. It consists of imagining a balloon that inflates with each breath. After increasing it, you should hold your breath for 30 seconds. This psychological exercise must be repeated 5-6 times.

You can put your hands on your knees. After this, you should relax by closing your eyes. In your right hand you need to imagine a lemon, and then squeeze the juice out of it completely. The same must be done for the left hand. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to imagine. Then you should repeat the movement with both hands at the same time.

The psychological exercise “Seven Candles” is performed while sitting. You should sit comfortably with your eyes closed. After this, you need to imagine seven burning candles. You should take a deep breath. Then, imagining a candle, blow it out. The same steps must be repeated with the remaining candles.

The “Fly” exercise will help you get rid of facial tension. To do this, you need to close your eyes and imagine that a fly is about to land on your face. It is annoying and constantly falls on different areas of the skin. That is, the insect has to be driven away. You should not open your eyes.

If you imagine a lamp at chest level, this also allows you to feel better. If the lighting is directed downward, this is associated with a comfortable feeling. Then the lamp begins to shine upward, blinding the eyes. You should direct it downward in your thoughts.

Increased self-esteem

It's easy to boost your self-esteem with simple exercises. These can be psychological exercises for training and those that you can do yourself. It is necessary to identify the qualities that will be worked on. For this purpose, it is preferable to take an ordinary piece of paper and list on it the positive character traits that need to be strengthened. You should refer to this list daily as you work on these traits.

But in the evening there is no need to be sad or engage in self-flagellation. You should make a list of even small victories. The list should include even minor achievements. Here every victory is of great importance. This task is very effective for

The exercises can be done as daily work with affirmations. You need to set a positive attitude for yourself and read it in the morning. This approach helps a lot to improve the situation during the day. If something doesn’t work out, then you just need to remember the morning setting and repeat it. You should also read books written by successful people. For example, “The Richest Man in Babylon” by J. Clason, “The Subconscious Can Do Anything” by J. Kehoe and others.

You should not assume that using such exercises will allow you to achieve obvious results quickly enough. It all depends on perseverance and self-confidence. If you move step by step, you will gradually get better.

Psychological exercises for groups

Classes in a team, which can be formed of several people, are quite effective. Psychological exercises (group) are aimed at simultaneous work with several participants. Best of all, such activities help to resolve communication difficulties.

A fairly popular problem is the following: a person feels different from everyone else. Because of this, he develops a feeling of internal discomfort. He also begins to experience loneliness, believing that others do not understand him. In this case, a certain psychological exercise helps.

Its purpose is to show the individuality of each of those present. To do this, you need to distribute a napkin to all participants. Then a number of actions should be carried out on the remaining participants:

  • Fold the sheet in half.
  • Open the top right corner.
  • Fold the sheet in half again.
  • Repeat the action with the corner.
  • Do the same for the third time.
  • Repeat everything 4 times.

After this, each participant needs to unfold the piece of paper and show the snowflake. Participants compare the images obtained through bending. And the remarkable thing here is that the same instructions were initially used. At the same time, different snowflakes turned out. This is exactly how the best psychological exercises work. They are unobtrusive and revealing. The training discussed above clearly demonstrates the individuality of each participant.

Improving family relationships

A family in which there is no mutual understanding between children and parents is not happy. You should be able to negotiate, explain and defend your point of view. At the same time, it is extremely important to act tactfully and not offend anyone with your behavior. In order to understand each other as best as possible, you should also pay attention to psychological exercises for children and adults.

One successful example is the Glass Door exercise. To implement it, you need to imagine a subway car. It was as if one participant managed to enter it, but the other did not. Glass doors have appeared between them, preventing audibility but maintaining visibility. And now the person remaining on the platform wants to tell his friend about where the next meeting will take place. Time to talk is 15 seconds, because after that the train leaves.

During the exercise, participants must position themselves at a distance of 1 meter from each other. After this, they need to spend 15 seconds agreeing on a meeting place and time. Then the train leaves, and the person remaining on the platform talks about whether he understood his partner.

Psychological exercises for training at home can involve more people than in a couple. Thus, the father could stay on the platform, and the mother and son could leave. Or the daughter is alone in the carriage, and mom and dad agree with her on a meeting place. This exercise should be repeated several times. The more options you come up with, the better.

Exercises for the little ones

Children like to look for a hidden object, performing a corresponding psychological exercise. To do this, you need to place something in the room and blindfold the child. Then you should give out loud commands regarding how to move around the room. They can sound in the following form: “Take a step to the right, turn around, sit down.” And after finding the item, it’s a good idea to change roles.

How to summarize the results should be discussed with the child about the difficulties of completing the exercise. What was easier to do - listen to orders or command?

The game "Crocodile" is very popular. One participant, using facial expressions and gestures, explains a word to everyone. It can be any noun or set expression. It can be abstract or concrete. The person who solves the riddle correctly asks the next question.

Exercises to improve sociability

If you have problems with communication skills, you also need to turn to a number of exercises. This is not at all difficult to do at home, but it is best to practice in a group. When conducting various types of training, various socio-psychological exercises are used. The success of the training group is to improve the individual's interpersonal abilities.

Such exercises are aimed at:

  1. Learn to perceive yourself and others.
  2. Obtain a range of socio-psychological knowledge.
  3. Better understand each other's messages.
  4. Feel your own involvement in emerging situations.
  5. Understand the features of interpersonal communication.

Examples of exercises for training

The “Snowball” exercise helps to defuse the situation a little at the beginning of any training. It consists in each of the participants taking turns calling their name and the epithet for it. But the adjective must begin with the first letter of the name. This could be Andrey Adekhvatny, Sergey Serious, Daria Dobraya and others. Thus, those present get the first impression of new acquaintances. And, importantly, the psychological exercise allows you to defuse the atmosphere and form the first contacts between the participants. 10 minutes are allocated for the exercise.

There is another exercise called “Compliment”. To complete it, you need to divide everyone present into pairs. After this, each of them should introduce themselves to their partner, giving him a compliment. The other person repeats this action. Then the pairs must change. But the other partner should name the last compliment he heard. The game should continue until those present become completely familiar with each other. The exercise takes 7 minutes.

Options for parents

Every adult is faced with a large number of issues that need to be resolved every day. This applies to work activities, problems in personal life, difficulties with raising children, and financial issues.

To improve your life, you need to take responsibility for everything that happens around you. It is not anyone who is to blame, but the person with whom events that do not suit him happen. Therefore, you need to realize the importance of your influence on what is happening. After this, you can do simple psychological exercises for parents.

You need to imagine that the whole family is a very small company. And for it to be successful, you need to behave by analogy with entrepreneurs. You should set goals, plan, manage employees, analyze activities, and distribute responsibilities. But one should not equate a family with something productive, for example, an enterprise that raises children.

Now you need to describe your ideal family. You should reflect on the general state of family affairs. It is necessary to identify and record the moments in which parents manage to control what is happening. All force majeure situations must also be noted. Thus, all the company’s weaknesses become identified.

Another exercise for parents

During the day, you should write down any complaints that arise. You also need to pay attention to other people's accusations. Such psychological exercises are very effective. Often we are not even aware of how much energy we spend blaming others for our troubles.

Once something similar appears in your head, you need to pay attention to this thought. All conclusions like “This happened because he acted this way” should be replaced with “What can I do to make the situation better?” You need to work on yourself for three weeks. The reward will be the habit of taking responsibility for everything that happens in your own life.

If the difficulty in solving life’s problems continues to be felt, then you need to perceive everything as a new task for creativity. You should realize that everything that happens is an experiment. It is also necessary to work on finding new solutions and use imagination. After all, such an approach to business is very interesting in comparison with the one that involves going with the flow.

Exercise to improve family relationships

Now you need to decide on your dreams and desires. Perhaps the wife believes that first of all she needs to take care of purchasing a good house. The husband may believe that education for children is of great importance. Practical psychological exercises also include a discussion of the material side of the issue. The qualities you want to see in your family are also essential. Moreover, it is very important that spouses respect each other.

At this stage, you need to have a dream evening. It consists of telling each other your thoughts about an ideal family. In this case, husband and wife must be mutually frank. It is very important here to think about personal growth, giving importance to children. How do you see your relationship with them years from now? You can choose 5, 10, 20 years as reference periods.

Simple psychological exercises can often achieve significant results. This requires very little effort and patience. Perhaps living a stress-free life is an achievable goal. So why do we often ignore ordinary techniques, the implementation of which does not require additional costs? After all, it is better to foresee the situation or start eliminating the problem at the very beginning than to later seek the help of a specialist.

Psychological games for lovers and married couples are an excellent tool for promoting mutual understanding. Thanks to the easy game form, you can relax, open up and understand each other better.


This game helps to build the right relationships, focus on each other and learn to think about your partner.

The essence of the game: the spouses are face to face and take turns “mirroring”, that is, repeating the gestures and facial expressions of their partner. This is both fun and harmony is maintained in the couple.

"Trust me"

This game teaches you to trust each other and listen. The bottom line is that you need to fall with your back into the arms of your significant other. Another option is that one participant is blindfolded, the second must guide him through the obstacles, guiding him with his voice. Then the partners change roles. The main thing is not to confuse left and right :)


This is another psychological game for a couple that teaches you to understand each other.

The couple sits down face to face. The partner is trying to convey a mental image to the other. Everything happens without words. The second should carefully monitor the eyes, as well as the facial expression of his partner, and strive to “read” his thoughts. At the end of the game, the readings are verified. According to practice, it is often not the object itself that is guessed, but the emotional background associated with it.


The goal of the game is that in 7 minutes (an option without a time limit is possible), you need to write the maximum possible number of sentences that begin with the words: “I love you because you ...”, or write the positive qualities of your partner.

Psychological exercises for personal training

The bigger, the better. It's an enjoyable game for both. There are no losers here. One will write more, the other - will receive more compliments. The game can be modified if desired.

Another version of the game for rapprochement. On a piece of paper you need to write 10 animals, reptiles, insects or birds (in a column, with numbering). Both partners do this. They don't show each other anything.

Then the leader (in this case the third one is not superfluous) asks the couple to look at the sheet. Next, representatives of the fauna are considered, chosen, for example, by the wife. The presenter says: “The husband is affectionate, like...; sociable, like...; strong as...; independent, like...; beautiful as...; brave, like..." and so on up to 10 options. Instead of three dots, wife options are substituted.

Then the representatives chosen by the spouse are named. So, the wife “is with relatives like ...; in the store like...; with colleagues like...; in a restaurant like...; in bed like...; like at home..." and so on until the last.

This comic game for two lovers perfectly lifts the mood. You can also use it find new kind words by which you will call each other :)

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Psychological trainings

Various exercises, role-playing and business games, and several sample psychological training programs are collected here. Video training Psychological training using video equipment and using its capabilities so that you can look at yourself and your behavior “from the outside.” Skills training groups Behavior rehearsal in skills training. Additional techniques in skills training. Homework in skills training. Measurement and evaluation in skills training. Basic concepts of skills training. Basic skills training procedures. Relaxation training. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of self-confidence skills. Image exercises Exercises and techniques aimed at developing and managing one’s own image. Communication techniques Specific methods, skills to get out of difficult situations of interpersonal communication, to achieve the desired result from the interlocutor. Communication exercises Practicing conflict resolution skills and abilities. Increased confidence. Development of persuasive speech. Development of intuition in communication. Formation of an attitude towards mutual understanding. Improving communication culture. Development of initial contact skills. Interview with the employer. Effective self-presentation skills. Manipulative games Psychological training games in which artificial situations are created that provoke conflicts of interest among players and their manipulation of each other. Selection Minus For those who are going to sooner or later get a job or study and go through the selection procedure... Preparation for school Formation of a child’s academic readiness for school. Training programs Several sample psychological training programs. Career guidance games Development of self-presentation skills when applying for a job. Determining long-term life and professional goals. Analysis and comprehension of professional prospects. Managing your personal professional plan. Encouraging participants to make a conscious choice of profession. Development of professionally important qualities. Rational exercises Exercises to develop your own mind, increase rationality. Role-playing game Acting out or performing a certain role; as a procedure it is widespread in psychotherapy, education and other fields. Technicians Psychological exercises for self-training. Training in the organization Smoothing out conflicts.

Exercises for Training in Psychology

Development of responsibility. Role-playing and business games. Self-management and time management. Aggression management. Behavior in negotiations. Mental state management Relieving emotional stress. Working with negative conditions. Anxiety management. Removing "clamps" and relaxation. Regulation of breathing. Tone control. Mutual aid exercises Exercises in which participants help each other in solving personal problems, getting out of difficult life situations, and establishing contacts. The role of the leading psychologist in such exercises is minimal. Personal growth exercises Developing self-reflection skills. Analysis of possible points of personal growth. Increased self-confidence. Self-expression. Development of positive thinking. Determining long-term life goals. Self-acceptance. Exercises to develop intellectual abilities Development of thinking, logic, memory, attention, observation, perception, verbal and non-verbal intelligence. Warm-up exercises Self-presentation. Getting the participants to know each other. Development of group cohesion. Relieving emotional tension and tightness. Formation of an attitude towards mutual understanding. Improving communication culture. Developing skills for cohesive action. RSS [email protected]

Psychological games and exercises for children

Psychological game for children “If you like it, then do it!”

Children stand in a circle, one of them shows any movement, saying the first words of the song “If you like it, then do it like this...”, the rest of the children repeat the movement, continuing the song: “If you like it, then show it to others, if you like it, then do it this way...” Then the next child shows his movement, and so on until the circle is completed.

Psychological game for children “I’m throwing a ball at you.”

To relax and lift your spirits, you can offer a game with a ball. In a circle, everyone will throw the ball to each other, calling the name of the person to whom they are throwing it, and saying the words: “I am throwing you a flower (candy, elephant, etc.).” The one to whom the ball was thrown must respond with dignity.

Psychological game for children “Broken phone”

Participants take turns passing proverbs to each other, which the presenter calls into the ears of those sitting at both ends. Then each of them reports a proverb that was transmitted to him from the other end.

There is no such person who can live forever without sin

Every untruth is a sin

You can't escape fate

Risk is a noble cause

If you make money, you will live without need

When money talks, truth is silent

And steal wisely - trouble cannot be avoided

Once you steal, you become a thief forever

Who is stronger is right

Whoever you hang out with, that's how you'll gain

A smart lie is better than a stupid truth

If he ran away, he was right, but if he got caught, he was guilty.

4.Game “Understand Me”

At the same time, all participants pronounce their word loudly, and the driver repeats all the words that were heard.

Psychological game for children “Fair of Virtues”

Participants in the game each receive 2 sheets with the names “sell” and “buy.” The presenter suggests that on one sheet, under the inscription “I sell,” write all his shortcomings that he would like to get rid of, and on the other sheet, under the inscription “buy,” write the advantages, which he lacks in communication. Then the sheets are attached to the chests of the game participants, and they become visitors to the “Fair”, begin to walk around and offer to buy (or sell) what they need. The game continues until everyone has gone through and read all the possible options for buying and selling the qualities required for him.

Psychological game for children “Name the emotion”

Passing the ball around, participants name the emotions that interfere with communication. Then the ball is passed to the other side and emotions are called that help communication. Emotions can be expressed in different ways - through movement, posture, facial expressions, gestures, intonation.

Method “Your name”

Participants stand in a circle, and one, passing the ball to a neighbor, calls his full name. The task of others is to name, passing the ball around the circle, as many variations of his name as possible (for example, Katya, Katyusha, Katerina, Katenka, Katyushka, Ekaterina). The task is repeated for each participant. Then everyone shares how they felt when they heard their name.

Game-exercise “Garbage Bin”

Children write their negative thoughts, unpleasant incidents, stories, situations on sheets of paper, crumple the sheets and throw them into a bucket (forgetting it forever).

Psychological game for children "BURIME"

It’s easy to write poetry, said the poet Tsvetik. The main thing is that there is meaning and rhyme. Everyone takes a sheet of paper and a pen and writes any line that comes to mind, even vaguely reminiscent of a poem in its rhythmic pattern. Next, all the pieces of paper are passed to one person in a circle and another line is written as a continuation of the previous line, preferably in rhyme, and so on. For an element of surprise, it is better to wrap the sheet in a tube, leaving only the last three lines visible. When all the sheets have gone through one, two or three circles, everyone takes the sheet that started and expressively recites it to the laughter of the audience.

Psychological game for children “FLY”

A game for concentration and testing it. Those who show poor attention and concentration are not accepted as astronauts. Everyone sits in a circle or at a table. Leader's instructions. Imagine a tic-tac-toe field, three by three squares. A fly sits in the center. We will move the fly one by one. There are only four moves: up, down, right, left. A mistake would be reversing: up and down, and the fly leaving the field. The task is to all together, in a circle, mentally move the fly, voicing your move and not making mistakes. If someone makes a mistake, reset and again the fly is in the center. You can enter penalty points for mistakes for the competitive element.

Volumetric fly. This is a more complex option, no longer available to everyone, but only to the most attentive. Imagine a three-dimensional field for playing tic-tac-toe - a three-by-three Rubik's cube. We add two more moves - to ourselves and from ourselves. It is important not to lose the fly, carefully monitor its movements and not make mistakes.

Psychological game for children “THREE”

There is one simple game to test your attention and concentration. Instructions. We will rhythmically count the natural numbers in a circle: one-two-three-four-five and so on. The difficulty is that according to the rules of the game, the number “3”, numbers ending in three, for example “13”, and numbers divisible by three, for example “6”, are not spoken, but clapping. An error is considered to be the error itself and the failure of the rhythm. If there is an error, everything is reset and starts over (“One”) from this participant in any direction in a circle.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the game, not all teams manage to reach at least twenty. If you reach thirty, this indicates good concentration. Simplification or complication of the game is possible by slowing down or speeding up the rhythm.

Psychological game for children “ZOO”

Acting skills game. 7-8 people participate, everyone chooses any animal: sheep, horse, pig, cat, dog, crocodile, platypus, jackal in winter, deer during mating season, etc. Further introduction: everyone in a circle expressively demonstrates to the others the characteristic movement of this animal.

Psychological trainings

After this, in turn, you must first show “yourself”, and then any other “animal” present. This “animal” gets a move, shows itself further than another animal. And so on. Then you can declare a “super zoo”. This is when all the animals are demonstrated in the most exaggerated and bright way! You can play right through. If you made a mistake in passing the move, you are out of the game.

Psychological exercise for children “THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA”

Only women participate in the game. You need to place stools (or chairs without upholstery) in a row according to the number of expected participants (preferably 3-4). A certain number of round caramels are placed on each stool (there are such candies, shaped like small koloboks), or buttons on the stem (preferably larger ones). For example, on the first stool - 3 candies, on the second - 2, on the third - 4. The top of the stools is covered with opaque plastic bags. The preparations are complete. Those interested are invited. They are seated on stools. The music turns on. Usually for this competition the song "Move Your Booty" is included. And so, while dancing while sitting on a stool, the participants must determine how many candies are underneath them. The one who does it faster and more correctly will win.

Psychological game for children “NEW YEAR TREE”

For the game you need: 1 stool or chair, 1 girl, a lot of clothespins. Clothespins are attached to the girl's dress, the girl is placed on a stool, 2 young men are selected from among the company (you can generally divide into 2 teams), who remove the clothespins from her blindfolded. The one who removes the last clothespin, or the one who has the most clothespins, takes the girl off the chair and kisses her as many times as there are clothespins. The game can be played in reverse, i.e. a guy stands on a stool.

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psychological exercises for training

The ancient sages said that “by studying ourselves, we study the world.” Knowing our strengths and weaknesses, we can use them to our advantage: at the right time, bypass an obstacle, avoid conflict, save strength and nerves, not “tear” our hearts in vain, comprehend new things and work productively, rest, relax, etc. None of us knows ourselves completely; the opinions of strangers and horoscopes are also not always objective. Moreover, we have no reason to think that we use knowledge about ourselves rationally.

You can study yourself lazily, without straining your thoughts, leaving thoughts about your own person for later, all your life.

You need to study yourself conscientiously, scrupulously, using intuition both in this process directly and when using knowledge about yourself in life.

Try an experiment: write everything you know about yourself in a diary or just on a piece of paper and return to what you wrote at the end of each month. Pay attention to an interesting fact: knowledge about yourself changes depending on your mood, becomes deeper with the acquisition of life experience, and is forgotten if it is not recorded and corrected.

Psychological games and exercises

These exercises can help their participants acquire communication skills and prepare to communicate with a person of “any degree of complexity”; get to know yourself and other people as best as possible; develop the ability to feel and understand another person.

"Alien Morning"

The presenter asks all participants to close their eyes. Then he turns to the first participant and asks him to describe what clothes the second participant is wearing. Then he asks him to get in a good mood and tell him about his ideas, how the morning of the second participant went.

The presenter can ask leading questions, for example:

— What time did he wake up?

— Did he wake up on his own or was he woken up?

— Did he get up right away or did he still lie in bed?

— Did he do exercises?

—Did it include any partings?

— What color is his toothbrush?

— What color is his towel?

-What did he have for breakfast?

— What did he drink, tea or coffee?

- ……… etc.

After the participant has spoken about his ideas, he can open his eyes. The second participant, whose morning was described, gives a short comment about the coincidence of ideas with reality, and then describes the morning of the third participant. The circle is completed when the last participant describes the morning of the one who was first.

"Geometry for the Dumb"

Participants are given drawing sheets and simple pencils. They will have to act out a mini-lesson taking place in the following conditions. One of the participants takes on the role of a “paralyzed teacher.” He is prohibited from getting up from his chair during the lesson and showing something with his hands. The “disciples,” in turn, are “mute”; they are forbidden to speak or get up from their seats.

The presenter shows the teacher a form depicting a composition of seven geometric figures touching at one point: isosceles triangles, squares and parallelograms. “Students” should not see this image.

The teacher has to describe in words what is shown in the picture. And the students must draw an identical picture based on this story. The facilitator asks how much time does the teacher need for the group to complete the task? Having received the answer, the presenter marks the time, work


When the control time passes and the task has not yet been completed, the facilitator asks again about the necessary additional time. After this time, the result is checked. The teacher gives grades to each student based on the results of his work.

Then the participants discuss the work, each expressing their wishes to the teacher. The teacher also analyzes his work.

After finishing the work, the effectiveness of the two lessons is compared.


Two participants stand opposite each other on both sides of a rectangular frame covered with dense fabric. Partners should not see each other. At the leader’s signal, both players simultaneously prick with their index finger into the wall separating them. The goal is the minimum number of attempts to find a common injection point, i.e. touch through the material with your fingertips.

To exclude the possibility of easy victories, you can introduce a condition: apply injections not to the center of the canvas.


A driver is selected from among the participants in the game and is removed from the room for a while. The remaining participants make a wish for one of the players and call the leader. The presenter can ask the participants questions about what they associate the mystery person with. For example: with what animal? What weather? With what color? Etc. Then the presenter is given 3 attempts to guess the person in question.


A playing field is created - a vast space with scattered matches. Participants are divided into pairs (“robot” and “operator”). The task of the “Operator” is to collect as many matches as possible with the help of his “robot”. To do this, he gives the robot verbal commands, trying to control in detail and accurately the movements of its arms, legs, and torso. The task of the “robot” is to unquestioningly and accurately carry out the commands of its “operator”. The robot's eyes must be closed while working. The presenter should emphasize that the “robot” should not play along with its “operator”; it is just an obedient tool in the hands of the “operator”. When included in the game, the “operator” begins to perceive inaccuracies in the movements of the “robot” not as mistakes of the playing partner, but as his own.

Instead of matches, you can offer any other motor task: draw a figure, tie a knot, go through a maze, build a group sculptural composition, etc.


The game is played in fours, two participants sit opposite each other so that their knees touch and close their eyes. The index fingers of the right hands - “space stations” - are extended towards each other.

Psychological exercises

Two other players stand behind those sitting. At a signal, each of the standing participants begins, using verbal commands or touches, to control the movements of the right hand of the person sitting in front of him. The goal of the players standing behind the chairs is to bring the ends of their partners' index fingers together. A competitive version of the game is also possible: one of the players tries to move his “target” - the palm of the person sitting in front of him - away from the “rocket” pursuing him - the index finger of the person sitting opposite him. In this case, the palm should, of course, always be within the reach of the fingers, and the face should be beyond it.


Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, players distribute the roles of “frozen” and “reanimator” among themselves. At a signal, the “frozen” one freezes motionless, depicting a creature immersed in suspended animation - with a petrified face and an empty gaze. The “reanimator” must rescue his partner from suspended animation in a minute and revive him. The “reanimator” has no right to touch the “frozen” person or address him with any questions or words. The tools of the “reanimator” are gaze, facial expressions, gestures and pantomime. The success of the “reanimator” can be considered the involuntary remarks of “Frozen,” his laughter and smile. The criteria for emerging from suspended animation, which can range from obvious violations of silence and immobility to subtle changes in facial expression, are set by the participants themselves.


The group is divided into pairs. One of the participants closes his eyes and forms his hand into a “claw” of several fingers. Another places one or more objects on the table. His task is to use the “claw”, which obediently follows all instructions, to grab the object and transfer it to another chair. The “claw” is designed in such a way that it can move in all directions, maintaining an orientation perpendicular to the surface of the chair, as well as bring and spread the fingers.

In order to give this exercise a competitive nature, it is advisable to limit the time it is performed.

An even more acute and dynamic form of the game is the competitive struggle of two pairs, each of whom drags objects from the opponents’ chair to their own chair using a “claw” until they are all concentrated on one chair.

In the simplest version of the game, the owner of the “claw” is assigned the role of a robot disinterested in the outcome of the task, capable only of mechanically executing the “operator’s” commands: “Push!”, “Pull!”, “Right,” “Left,” “Up,” “Down”, “Grab”, “Unclamp”, “Stop”. With this distribution of responsibilities, the exercise works primarily for the “operator”: it is he who mobilizes the ability to feel, since in order to successfully carry out the necessary manipulations he must feel the “claw” as if it were his own. A more complex option: the “operator” places his palm on the shoulder or head of his partner and tries to control the “claw” in the language of pressing, squeezing, stroking, etc.

"Shadow play"

Before the start of the game, cards are prepared equal to the number of players. Roles are written on the cards. Let's say your “Performance” takes place in a castle, then the list of roles could be as follows: King, Queen, Princess, Knight, Servant, Wanderer, Courtier. The cards are shuffled and dealt out so that no one can see what role the other players got. And then communication begins, during which everyone plays the role assigned to him and at the same time tries to find out who the others are playing. You can express your guesses out loud, then if you guess right, then the “exposed” one is eliminated from the game. If you make a mistake, you go out yourself, opening your card. The game continues until it is finally clear who is who. And then you can play “tavern”. A Merchant, a Thief, a Sailor, a Wizard, a Robber, a Detective,… gathered there.

"Own space"

Having identified one of its members (the “protagonist”) from the group, the leader invites him to stand or sit in the center of the playing area and imagine himself as a “luminary”, at a reasonable distance from which the “planets” - the rest of the group - will be. And in such a way that those whose “attraction” is felt stronger by him will be closer, and those whose attraction is weaker will be further away.

Now the “protagonist” needs to, slowly turning around his axis, inform each of those present in which direction and at what distance he needs to move, and the distance is fixed with the command “Stop!” But those to whom it was not given leave the site altogether. In addition, the “protagonist” can leave people in place and even bring them closer to him if it turns out that the preliminary distance was too great. The results of such an arrangement should be considered as a demonstration by the “protagonist” of his likes and dislikes. Their reality is revealed at the second stage of the game, when he is asked to evaluate the created psychological space from the point of view of the comfort that the “protagonist” experiences within the formed environment, and to increase comfort by changing the arrangement of participants and changing their composition (by returning one of the participants to the site). expelled).


The group is divided into threes. In each troika, responsibilities are distributed as follows.

1. The first participant plays the role of “deaf and dumb”: he hears nothing, cannot speak, but he has sight at his disposal, as well as gesture and pantomime.

2. The second plays the role of “deaf and paralytic.” He can talk and see.

3. The third is “blind and dumb.” He can only hear and show.

All three are given tasks: to agree on a meeting place, a gift for the birthday boy, or what color to paint the fence.

To make it easier for participants to enter the role, you can provide them with the appropriate details: bandages (for the blind), candy (for the dumb), bows or ropes (for tying the limbs of paralytics), cotton wool (in the ears of the deaf).


The exercise is performed in pairs. Every 5 minutes there is a change of partner and position.

1. Partners sit on the floor, back to back. Conduct any conversation. Then they share their feelings.

2. Partners look into each other's eyes. They try to make eye contact without using words. Then discussion.

3. During a conversation, one partner stands, the other sits. After 1 minute they change places. Discussion.


The whole group, with the exception of the driver, sits on chairs in a circle. The driver, blindfolded, walks inside the circle, periodically sitting on the laps of those sitting. His task is to guess who he sat with. You are not allowed to feel with your hands; you must sit with your back to the person sitting, as if you were sitting on a chair. The person sitting must say “BEEP”, distorting his voice so as not to be recognized. If the driver guessed whose lap he is sitting on, then this member of the group begins to drive, and the previous one sits in his place.

"Siamese twins"

The group is divided into pairs. Each pair joins hands so that the left hand of one participant and the right hand of the other participant are free. Each pair is invited to make some kind of craft from sheets of paper (airplane, steamship, etc.). The couple makes the craft only with their free hands.

The conditions for completing the task can be complicated:

  • complete the task silently,
  • one participant works with his eyes closed,
  • both participants work with their eyes closed.


Participants are divided into pairs. The first participant speaks, and the second only listens.

2. Topic: “What will you be like in 10 years”

Discussion of feelings and emotions evoked during the exercise.


Participants stand in circles holding hands tightly. One of the participants stands in the center of the circle. He must ask the players to let him out of the circle in such a way that they really want to do it - that is, find the “weak link” and choose the right treatment.

"Sculptor and Clay"

In pairs, exercise participants distribute roles. One of them becomes the “soft clay” and the other the “sculptor”.

The sculptor silently “sculpts” from clay some image that he comes up with himself. If the “clay” is not satisfied with the sculptor’s handling, it may “fall apart.”

At the end of the work, the participant, playing the role of clay, tries to guess what image was molded from it and why.

"Intelligence service"

The game is played in the form of a dialogue between two participants. Each participant receives a note with a task from the presenter: find out something from their partner. For example: does he have a guitar, does he play chess, the date of birth of his mother, etc.

Each participant must get an answer to his question and, in addition, guess what his interlocutor wants to know. The game is played for 5 minutes. The audience evaluates each person's success in completing the task.

"The escape"

The participants of the game are divided into pairs. One of the participants becomes a “prisoner”, the other “the organizer of the escape”. They sit opposite each other.

The presenter sets the situation: “The prisoner is given incomplete information that an escape is being prepared for him that night. The method of escape and the time must be guessed by the prisoner himself, writing about it in a note. At this time, the organizer of the escape describes in a note his version of escape.”

Simplified version: participants are not allowed to talk.

A more complicated version: participants are prohibited from talking or exchanging any signs at all.

Participants in the exercise exchange notes and compare the text.

Those pairs whose text is approximately the same are marked.

“How do I see myself?”

Participants are given markers and drawing sheets. They are asked to draw a picture on a given topic, “How do I see myself?” It can be any drawing: black and white or color, realistic or abstract, or maybe it will be some kind of diagram. Participants are absolutely free to choose both genre and technique. Time for drawing - 10 minutes. Then the presenter collects the drawings and hangs them up, making a “portrait gallery.” Participants try to guess who is shown in the picture and why. Then the author comments on his self-portrait.

"Contact bridge"

Participants are asked to divide into pairs. Partners stand opposite each other at a distance of approximately an outstretched arm. The presenter gives the task: hold the felt-tip pen between the index fingers of both participants so that it acts as a “bridge” between the partners. Next, without agreeing, the partners begin to move the felt-tip pen together, moving along a free trajectory. Participants are asked to close their eyes after a while and continue moving.

Then there is a discussion of the exercise. Participants tell how the contact took place, paying special attention to the problem of leadership, subordination, taking initiative, cooperation, etc.


The chairs of the participants are arranged in the form of an open circle, like the letter “c”. A separate unoccupied chair is placed in the middle of the resulting gap.

Participants take turns sitting on an empty chair. Everyone will have to spend 3 minutes on the chair. During this time, they are invited to provide various positive information about themselves: character, skills, abilities, achievements, etc. You are allowed to spend all 3 minutes on a chair in silence or not speak the entire time.

The rest of the participants should all the time carefully look at the person sitting on the chair, like they are looking at beautiful fish in an aquarium. At the same time, participants cannot support the person sitting on the chair either with their gaze, or facial expressions, or nods of the head, or anything at all.

After each participant has been on the chair, the exercise is discussed.


All participants form two circles of equal numbers - an outer and an inner one, and stand facing each other, forming pairs. For 1 minute, those standing in the outer circle say to their partners: “I want to wish you……..” Participants in the inner circle listen silently. After a minute, those standing in the outer circle take one step in one direction, thereby changing partners, and continue the same phrase. And so on until they return to the first partner. Then the participants in the inner circle are given the floor. They also move in a circle, changing partners and continuing the phrase: “I also want to wish you.....”


Each participant is asked to write his name on one side of the piece of paper, and on the other side to put his distinctive sign. Then the sheets are mixed and placed on the table. Then one of the participants turns over any piece of paper (except his own) and continues the phrase: “I believe that... (says name) life is good because......

Then the participant in question pulls out another piece of paper and talks about another person. If the circle closes, then the exercise is continued by the person who wishes. The exercise ends when all group members have taken part,

More games and trainings:
Exercises to develop creative, logical thinking
Creativity training program
Action training, development of communication skills
Communication training program for pioneer camp
Training on awareness of oneself as part of a group, attention
Self-knowledge training
Art therapy training
Self-confidence training
Exercises for social adaptation of deviant teenagers
Sensitivity training
Training for the development of self-knowledge and reflection
Training to overcome fears and negative experiences
Training to relieve emotional stress in a group
Training for the development of creative abilities of high school students
Fairy tale therapy training
Dance therapy training
Training to increase group cohesion, dating
Psychological training for unity
Intellectual training for middle and high schools
Trainings with the squad in the camp
Business games
Games for children with ADHD
Interpersonal games
Games for children in the classroom, at the table, outdoors
Game I am a person
Lesson with training elements. Who we are What we are
Self-understanding exercises
Jeff's Exercise
Psychological lesson on stress resistance, self-control
Game activity for children to relieve aggression

Sections: School psychological service

Target: Formation and development of group interaction skills.


  • Building Group Cohesion
  • Development of creative abilities
  • Group decision making training

Lesson time: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Training plan

  1. Introducing participants to the goals and objectives of the training (2 min)
  2. Group norms (7 min)
  3. Exercise “Take a napkin” (15 min)
  4. Exercise “Knot” (10 min)
  5. Exercise “Joint counting” (10 min)
  6. Exercise “Square” (10 min)
  7. Exercise “Intuition” (20 min)
  8. Exercise “Confusion” (10 min)
  9. Exercise “Rainstorm” (10 min)
  10. Reflection (5 min)

Progress of the lesson

1. Opening remarks. Introducing participants to the training objectives

2. Acceptance of group norms

  • Confidentiality rule: everything that is said and heard in the group is not carried outside of it. After the lesson, you can only tell third parties about your own experiences. You must not communicate anything about the actions, words or feelings of other participants.
  • Speak as sincerely as possible.
  • You must be as present as possible, adhere to the “here and now” principle. Being in the present means paying attention to current events, the behavior and feelings of other participants, i.e. be included in group work.
  • In the group they do not talk about other participants in the third person, but address them by calling them by name.

3. Exercise “Take a napkin”

Goal: identifying listeners’ ideas about themselves.

Equipment: pack of napkins.

The coach passes around a pack of paper napkins with the words: “In case you need them, please take some napkins for yourself.”

After all participants have taken napkins, the trainer asks everyone to introduce themselves and tell as many facts about themselves as they took napkins.

4. Exercise “Knot”

Equipment: long rope.

Each member of the group holds on to a rope. The task is to tie the rope into a knot. You cannot let go of your hands, you can only move them along the rope (if someone lets go of their hands, the exercise starts over).

5. Exercise “Joint Counting”

The task is very simple: you just need to count to ten (according to the number of participants). The trick is that you have to count collectively: someone says “one”, someone else says “two”, etc., you cannot agree on the order of counting. If the next number is pronounced by two people at the same time, the count starts over. In the simplest version, the exercise is performed with your eyes closed, in a more complex version - with your eyes closed. Talking during the exercise is prohibited. The presenter records how much they managed to bring the score to in each attempt. This exercise is more interesting when the participants are not located in a circle, but scattered. If the participants themselves establish a certain order for pronouncing the numbers (in a circle, through one, in alphabetical order, etc.), they should be praised for their resourcefulness.

6. Exercise “Square”

Goal: to get a feel for each group member.

Line up the whole group in a circle and have the participants close their eyes. Now, without opening your eyes, you need to change into a square. Usually a farce begins immediately, everyone shouts, offering their strategy. After some time, the organizer of the process is identified, who actually builds people. After the square is built, do not allow your eyes to open. Ask if everyone is sure they are square? There are usually a few people who are not sure about this. The square should really be even. And only after absolutely everyone agrees that they are standing exactly in the square, invite the participants to open their eyes, rejoice at the good result and analyze the process. You can also build into other shapes.

During the exercises, participants experience strong emotions and draw a lot of conclusions, so after each stage you can have a small discussion where you can express wishes to your colleagues to improve their work. The most important question here is: how could the task be done better and faster?

It is very good if each participant in the training is recognized by the management, and even better if the teams receive good memorable prizes.

7. Exercise “Intuition” (20 min.)

Goal: developing the ability to listen to the group.

All participants sit on chairs in a circle. One participant is taken out of the room for a while. The group agrees on some task that this participant will have to complete (for example, remove the chain from Sveta’s neck and hang it on Anton), and on the sound that the group will use for clues (a song motif or just some kind of sound).

The participant then re-enters the room and is told that he must perform some task. As the participant begins to get closer to completing their task, the group's sound becomes louder.

It usually looks like this. First, the participant tries to identify the “object” of the task - he passes by all the participants, when he reaches Sveta, the sound becomes very loud. The “object” has been defined, now we need to figure out what the task is. The participant tries further: touches the shoulders, the watch - a quiet sound, the chain on the neck - a loud sound. The participant takes off the chain and tries it on himself - the sound becomes quieter. He walks past all the participants and reaches Anton - the sound becomes louder, etc.

After several circles, the tasks can be complicated: put your empty chair in the center of the circle and sit on it, change places with someone, find and open an umbrella and walk under it with one of the other participants.

8. Exercise “Confusion”

Purpose: Identifying the degree of group cohesion. Setting up participants for interaction.

Participants stand in a circle and extend their right hand towards the center of the circle. At the presenter’s signal, each participant must find a “handshake friend.” Then all participants extend their left hand and also find a “handshake friend” (it is important that the handshake friends are different). And now the task of the participants is to unravel, i.e. line up in a circle again without separating your hands. The task can be complicated by prohibiting all communication between participants.

9. Exercise “Rainstorm”

Everyone sits in a circle. The presenter asks everyone to close their eyes and remain silent, thus tuning in to the perception of sounds. After some time, the leader begins to rub his palms (the sound of approaching rain), then the next participant joins him, etc. counterclockwise until the last participant (the leader's left neighbor) picks up this movement. Then the leader starts the following movement - clicking the fingers of one hand (the first large drops). Gradually, all participants perform this movement. Thus, the following movements will be launched:

  • Rubbing palms (the sound of an approaching rainstorm);
  • Clicking the fingers of one hand;
  • Clicking the fingers of both hands;
  • Clap your hands;
  • Chest clapping;
  • Claps on one knee;
  • Claps on two knees;
  • Without stopping clapping, first stomp with one foot, then with both feet.

This gradually creates the sound of a heavy rainfall.

After some time, the leader begins to start the movements in the reverse order - the rain gradually subsides and moves away. After the last participant stops rubbing their palms, everyone sits in silence for a few seconds until the leader asks to open their eyes. So how? You heard the sound of a tropical downpour.

  • Start performing movements only after your neighbor on the left.
  • Continue with the old movement until you start the new one.

10. Reflection

Please express your opinion about the training, your well-being, satisfaction with your work in the group and your wishes.


  1. Basargina D. V., Semenova T. V. Games in training. Favorite recipes of a successful trainer - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2010. - 174 p.
  2. Foppel K. Group cohesion. Psychological games and exercises. Per. with him. – M.: Genesis, 2010. – 336 p. – (All about the psychological group)
  3. http://www.trepsy.net/

Requests vary. Topics for trainings and their names can be of all kinds.

In business coaching, there are two categories of training: communication with oneself, communication with others. They list the top 10 requests for a business coach:

Communication with yourself

    Stress management: stress of lack of resources, stress of lack of goals.

    Time management: time diagnostics, goal setting, planning and organizing your life, hence control and self-motivation, correction of your plans and goals.

    Strategies for making effective decisions: working with polyvariant strategies (no options), principled strategies (dilemma), a mixture of strategies.

    Life-coaching:“Everything is fine, but for some reason I feel bad.” A person cannot talk about his problems; against the backdrop of general well-being, depression develops. Problems of self-deception and performative problems, i.e. how to present yourself to society so that you feel good about it.

    Health and family: work-life balance; problems in the family that can affect the effectiveness of work.

Communication with others

    Sales Psychology

    Effective Negotiations

    Team building and team management

    Conflict Management: how to conflict correctly, effective strategies, ways to get out of conflict, how to avoid getting into a conflict situation.

    Self-presentation training: the problem of effective public speaking.

In fact, these same topics can be found in personal growth training and communication training.

    Training program

Most trainers encounter difficulties when writing a training program on their own. Of course, it’s one thing to conduct ready-made small programs or training on a product, and completely different to write a high-quality training from scratch. Yes, write it in such a way that the participants will like it, so that the management will not be ashamed to show it, so that, in the end, it can be carried out without problems. There are 5 steps to writing a training program:

Step 1: What do you want? – we set the goals and objectives of the training. Descriptive note

It is also important to collect information: who to teach, what to teach, where to teach. After these seemingly simple steps, you will have enough material to set training goals. Drawing up an explanatory note. Step 2: Create a training concept.

This is the most creative part of the whole process, where you need to accurately define the main idea, thought and approach. Rest assured - no concept, no organics. The main thing is to understand the necessity and benefits of such an event. The concept should be formulated briefly and succinctly: “carnival”, “meeting of experts”, “children’s party” or “vanity exhibition”, but you never know what other ideas a professional can come up with. The main thing is that this will give integrity to the training and will not give you the opportunity to scatter.

Step 3: Create a training plan. Now it is possible to draw up a preliminary training plan, in which it is important to combine the objectives of the training with its concept, as a result of which it will be possible to identify thematic modules. We prescribe time intervals. Step 4: We select teaching methods, compose exercises, determine their goals, duration, stimulus material, possible handouts, and draw up possible questions after completing each exercise.

Choose methods depending on the purpose of the training: If the goal of the training is new knowledge, then during the training, strengthen the information block (mini-lecture, video viewing of materials, moderation, group discussion). Choose methods depending on the topic of the training: If the training is aimed at developing practical sales skills, then the main methods will be role-playing, video analysis, case method, analysis and solution of practical situations. Choose methods depending on the characteristics of the group: If the group is open, the participants are friendly and have a positive attitude towards learning, then methods aimed at interpersonal interaction, self-analysis and self-disclosure of participants (drawing techniques, visualization, role-playing and business games, the “Doitwrong” method) will be appropriate. Choose methods depending on time resources: Remember that the most time-consuming methods are: mini-lecture, practical assignment, role-playing game (with a time limit), video viewing. And such methods as moderation, group discussion, business games, brainstorming, and role-playing games with a free plot require significant time investment. Step 5: We write the training program itself The process of learning new material in training, developing skills, and changing attitudes is based on group processes. By managing these processes, the effectiveness of training also increases. Thus, the structure of the training program is based on the laws of group dynamics. The program is formed from a description of the content of knowledge, skills, tools, methods and technologies.

On our website we have tried to collect (and this work has just begun!) all the most interesting psychological trainings and psychological games, all the psychological exercises that are sold to people for money by certified (and not so certified))) trainers.

Of course, there are complex psychological exercises that are best done in a team with experienced psychologists who conduct good psychological trainings that have proven themselves and are truly beneficial.

But there are trainings in psychology that everyone can do on their own. All that is required of you (in rare cases) is to assemble a team of like-minded people. Because, for example, you can’t do a round dance alone, no matter how you look at it.

Our materials will be especially useful for teachers and social workers if they work with an adequate, motivated audience.

After all, people shell out a lot of money for psychological trainings, so when they come to them and receive the task of performing this or that psychological exercise or playing a psychological game, they work seriously.

What about schoolchildren and students? It is not always possible to explain to them that “this is for their own good.” After all, they didn’t pay a lot of money to attend a three-day seminar that wouldn’t come to their city for another five years.

Only that which is expensive is valued. Therefore, psychological games, psychological trainings and psychological exercises can only be carried out in a group that does not need to be explained why it has gathered here...

If you have the opportunity to play in such an atmosphere, then I congratulate you. No? This means the time has not come yet. Perform those psychological exercises that are designed for paired or individual work.

I have already said that our site will be updated with fresh materials dedicated to scenarios and explanations of various kinds of psychological games, psychological training and psychological exercises.

These are the psychological exercises and games that have already appeared on our website.

Each of us has several memories of ourselves - very happy. We imagine them as an excerpt from a movie, with all the details, and we see ourselves in them as if from the outside.

Living memories of certain moments in life are called in psychology “the resource of happiness.”

You can and should travel to these resources of happiness. described - how and why. Difficult at first glance. But it turns out very cool when it works. The forgotten path to happiness is returning. You understand at what moment you lost your way and return exactly to that moment.

If you have never done visualization, then start with this psychological exercise: . Then the first one will go easier.

And this is a psychological exercise from body-oriented therapy "?". I recommend to all.

For those giving a lecture on what PROJECTION is, this exercise is ideal as an introduction to this lecture.

This psychological game is also suitable for those who want to engage a small group of friendly people who are not strangers to intellectual pastime with an intellectual game. (The game is not difficult, don’t let the expression “mind games” scare you!)

Psychological exercise for working in pairs "". One of my favorite psychological games, much more useful than sea battle or tic-tac-toe, but it looks similar...

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