
The meaning of flowers in the mandala - unravel the secrets of the soul. Mandalas: meanings of colors in sacred symbols Mandala symbols and their meanings

Mandala is a sacred schematic image used in Buddhist and Hindu religious practices.

Word " mandala" in Sanskrit means " platform of the universe" The figures that make up the mandala are considered sacred in almost all religions. It is believed that a mandala is a model of the Universe, including earth, air, fire, sky (ether). When meditating on a mandala, a person works as if with all existing elements at once.

The use of mandala is very diverse. With its help you can:

  • relieve headaches
    reduce the impact of meteorological factors
    train memory
    neutralize geopathogenic zones
    cleanse any environment, space, objects, organisms

The very presence of a mandala within your apartment, office, premises triggers its beneficial effect. Intuition and your own feelings will tell you what the drawing should be, the main thing is to remember that the drawing should be symmetrical and enclosed in a circle.

Meaning of mandala symbols:

Circle- a symbol of feminine energy Yin. Provides the drawing with the following qualities: harmony, integrity, unity, sincerity and sensuality.
Spiral- a symbol of movement, which indicates that everything is changing. A person can gain, lose and gain something again.
Shells– a symbol of secrecy and keeping secrets.
Arrows and other images with sharp corners are a symbol of the masculine principle of Yang energy. Such elements have aggressive and active energy. They can also be used as a sign of protection and attack.
Eyes And ovals- This is a symbol of the “all-seeing eye”. It is recommended to use it to create a mandala of harmony and love, since ovals give care, guardianship and security.
Square, rhombus and polygon - a symbol of a solid foundation.

These are just the basic symbols that are used in creating magical drawings. The mandala must not only be correctly drawn, but also decorated.

Mandala color meaning:

red, orange, yellow– active energy of movement, love and internal potential;
blue, purple, cyan– calmness and poise;
green, turquoise– encourages action and leads to loss of strength (it all depends on the shade);
black Brown– used for restrictions or divisions;
white– a universal color with a huge number of meanings.

By the way, the famous Swiss psychologist and philosopher Carl Jung he drew mandalas almost every day; in this he saw a deep psychotherapeutic effect, high-quality material for analysis, and used mandala drawing as a method of complex therapy.

After drawing his first mandala in 1916, Jung sketched more and more every day, noting that each drawing reflected his inner life here and now, which meant that the drawings could be used to record his “psychic transformation.” The process of “individualization”, that is, uniqueness and individuality, according to Jung, is a natural process; the motive of the mandala is movement towards the center of personality, towards the center of the soul, with which everything is connected, and which itself is a source of energy.

Colored mandala and music for relaxation

Video: Celtic Reiki Living Mandala - Meditation

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There are several ways to understand what is in a person’s soul. One of them is to decipher the secret signs contained in the mandala. Color preferences tell what is happening in the psyche: what problems are bothering you and how to get out of the crisis.

In this article

Pattern meanings in psychology

The Eastern teaching about the sacred circle - the mandala - became widespread in the European system of psychoanalysis at the beginning of the last century. Carl Jung said that the mandala is not just an ancient symbol and a tool for self-knowledge. She is a protective circle that a person activates in difficult life situations. The subconscious seems to protect the wearer from problems by drawing a saving sign. It appears in dreams in the form of a labyrinth at a moment of highest mental tension; we unconsciously sketch spirals, circles and other similar shapes on paper.

In classical magic, a circle is a shield. It is not for nothing that the hero of Gogol’s “Viy”, reading the psalter over the body of the lady, outlined a space around him with chalk into which evil spirits did not penetrate. To go beyond the lines of salvation means to give your soul to be torn to pieces by dark forces.

A mandala drawing collects scattered fragments of consciousness, organizes thoughts and helps to concentrate on the main thing.

The color and shape of the sacred symbol have a beneficial effect on the psyche - Eastern sages knew about this and used the mandala in esoteric practices and meditations.

Mandala is a portal to the inner “I” of a person

The video contains instructions for creating a personal mandala

Mandala heals not only the soul, through the subconscious it penetrates to the bodily level. Color therapy as a way to get rid of psychosomatic diseases is used in modern medicine.

Mandalotherapy is about opening secret channels. The bright disk is created in a state of altered consciousness when control is completely released. A person is not dominated by public opinion, and the personal censor rests.

You can decipher the mandala yourself, but a psychoanalyst will tell you more. When interpreting the pattern, the following is taken into account:

  • the color scheme in which the drawing is made;
  • geometric shapes inscribed in a circle or square;
  • the force of hand pressure on the paper;
  • directions of shading of the mandala.

Pay attention to the center of the circle

Fine arts classes help you relax, take your mind off problems and throw out accumulated emotions. You don't have to be talented to draw a mandala.

In this video about sacred geometry and the principles of constructing a mandala:

Geometric shape of the center

Lots of winding lines. This is a symbol of internal contradictions, fear, uncertainty. Chaotic weaving indicates a weak character, inability to defend the chosen position, and reluctance to make independent decisions.

Square. A symbol of stability, on the one hand, on the other, indicates the presence of a secret that a person is hiding. In the classical interpretation - the personification of the house. If the scheme is open and assumes the presence of doors, a person is open to communication, his psyche is healthy. A closed perimeter is a warning sign. Indicates internal fatigue, stress, inability to find a place in life. Such people experience communication difficulties at home and at work.

Mandala with a square in the center

The triangle means perpetual motion. If the acute angle looks down, the person is prone to self-destruction. Subject to vicious addictions: alcoholism, drug addiction. The point upward is a symbol of aspiration to the Mountain Heights, enlightenment, powerful creative potential. A person is not afraid to take responsibility for actions and thoughts. Knows how and loves to make decisions. Takes care of others.

Mandala with a triangle in the center

When deciphering the center of the mandala, pay attention to the original symbols.

Other geometric shapes of the mandala center

The color with which a person paints the center of the mandala speaks about the state at the current moment.

The point located in the center of the picture is interpreted in two ways. Small and barely noticeable: complexes, shyness and uncertainty. Clear and bold - a person knows how to stand up for himself, is active and courageous.

Target (the center consists of several circles). Strong attachment to the material side of the world. Confidence in the hostility of the surrounding world. Feelings of helplessness and vulnerability. The larger the target, the more fears and concerns.

Mandala target

The labyrinth is a disturbing symbol of the center of the mandala. Indicates the presence of internal problems that are difficult to correct. The subconscious signals the impossibility of escaping the impasse. The mind searches in vain for ways to solve the problem, but does not see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Mandala labyrinth

A spiraling center indicates a lack of stability. The desire to feel a hard surface under your feet is the sacred meaning of the symbol.

Spiral center

We can paint the same template in different ways. Color preferences are influenced by physical and mental health.

Popular science film “The Way of the Mandala: The Wheel of Life.”

Color symbolism of the center of the mandala and its interpretation

Interpretation of tones is an important stage of psychoanalysis.

  1. The dark brown color in the center of the mandala is deciphered as a depressive state. Indicates deep melancholy, apathy and a persistent reluctance to live.
  2. The presence of purple and dark blue tones speaks about fears, uncertainty and the inability to take a step forward. A center painted yellow or white indicates psychological trauma. The presence of these shades is an alarming signal.
  3. Blue and pink are a sign of infantility. A man hides from reality behind colorful glasses.
  4. The center of the mandala, painted in a purple tone, without any admixtures of others, speaks of selfishness and spiritual deafness. Such people are not capable of compassion; first of all, they satisfy their own needs, but love to receive praise from others.
  5. The red and blue center of the mandala indicates hidden or overt aggression towards the world. Depending on the level of culture and upbringing, a person shows hostility to the world in different ways.

Color the mandala and find out your mood

General meanings of the figures that make up the mandala

When deciphering the mandala, pay attention to the overall geometry.

  1. The more triangles, the more contradictory the author’s nature. On the one hand, he is active and purposeful, on the other, passive and driven. It all depends on where the acute angle is directed: up or down.
  2. Squares speak of seeking protection and stability. The more of these geometric shapes, the higher the need for ordering life.
  3. A complex, intricate pattern without clear boundaries means the inability to collect your thoughts and pull yourself together.
  4. Clockwise spirals enclosed in a circle symbolize creative energy. Counterclockwise – inertia, reluctance to develop, regression.
  5. A lot of wavy lines speak of difficult emotional experiences.
  6. Lightning and zigzags are symbols of creativity, a creative approach to life, and divine energy.

Interpretation of mandala figures is a creative and exciting process, similar to deciphering the lines on the palm in palmistry. Esotericists compare it with Tarot cards: each person perceives classical images in their own way, passing through the subconscious.

The mandala pattern should be interpreted based on general rules and subconscious associations.

In this video you will see how 3 beautiful mandalas are drawn, filled with energy and come to life:

Meanings of symbols in the mandala

The symbolism of the picture is directly related to the gender, age, social status and level of spiritual development of the person being tested. The higher the intellect and the wider the boundaries of consciousness, the more bizarre the pattern. The most difficult mandalas to decipher are those created by subtle and sensitive people.

If a woman writes a flower into a mandala, this speaks of her sensuality, desire to realize her potential and please men. The same symbol in a male drawing indicates infantility, immaturity, and a tendency to shift responsibility to others.

The flower in the center is a sign of femininity

A star in a diagram drawn by a man is a sign of intelligence, stamina, ability to concentrate and inner strength. Women who choose this sign know how to attract the opposite sex, but prefer freedom and independence.

Star mandala - a symbol of a strong man

The cross is a symbol of reflection. It means that a person is at a crossroads. It is difficult for him to make the right decision. The second version of interpretation is harsher: helplessness and depression. Best transcript: a new stage in life. Completing things started and making changes for the better.

The cross inside the mandala is interpreted in different ways

Mandala color schemes and how to work with them

Life is filled with colors. Depending on our mood and well-being, we choose one or another shade of clothing or accessories. Likewise, a mandala can be chosen for all occasions. Color or draw a sacred symbol yourself, and then decipher the messages from the subconscious yourself.

Mandala can be made in various artistic techniques

The most common colors used in mandala designs and their explanation.

  1. Red. Symbolizes life, internal energy, the desire to create. Large fragments of the mandala, painted in red, speak of a person’s aggression and self-confidence. In the classification, male - female is a symbol of sexuality and passion.
  2. Orange. Inflated self-esteem and exorbitant ambitions. The appearance of color in a woman’s drawing is evidence of difficulties in finding a life partner.
  3. Yellow. Creative skills. Artists, writers and musicians use this shade more often than others.
  4. Green. Nature and harmony. The color of spring renewal of life. This color is chosen by people whose activities are related to helping their neighbors: doctors and teachers.
  5. Blue. A sign of fortitude, intuition, endurance. Talks about the ability to withstand life's difficulties.
  6. Blue. Symbolizes friendliness, openness, tolerance. The turquoise hue helps heal mental and physical ailments.
  7. Violet. The color of harmony, inspiration and purification.
  8. Brown. Earth shade. Stability. Stable psyche. Controlling emotions.
  9. Black. The presence of this color in the drawing indicates depression and unresolved problems. In a broader sense: darkness, mystery and enigma.
  10. White. Color-amulet. A symbol of highest spirituality and purity.

Please note: if the center of the mandala is completely painted in purple, this indicates that the person is highly dependent on his mother. In the worst case scenario, a young man or girl is unable to make an independent decision. Missing or white areas in the drawing represent insecurity and resentment.

Diagnostic webinar about the meaning of colors and mandala diagnostics:

When deciphering a mandala pattern, tones, shades and color combinations are taken into account.

  1. Mixing red and black is a sign of illness. The author of the mandala should undergo tests to determine the state of the body’s hematopoietic system.
  2. Pink is not a bad color. But in combination with gothic black it is a sign of depression and suicidal tendencies.
  3. Many lilac areas are a signal of respiratory tract disease.
  4. Gray and graphite - despondency, loss of meaning and joy in life.
  5. Pink and black color scheme is the calling card of fans of the emo youth subculture. Its adherents view life as a series of sufferings, and tearfulness and bad mood are elevated to absolutes.

Mandala - a symbol of the eternal cycle of life

The video contains positive energetic mandala music 2018:

Use mandala therapy for practical and everyday purposes. It will help you get to know your friends and relatives better. Of course, a non-specialist cannot claim a complete interpretation, but you will get a general idea of ​​people . Deciphering a color chart is akin to a universal key. With its help, you will learn to find a common language with the world and comprehend harmony.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

You need to know the meaning of colors in a mandala. After all, each shade is a symbol of certain feelings, emotions, sensations, and premonitions. If you are serious about learning the art of mandala making and plan to practice regularly, be sure to take the time to learn more about the meaning of flowers.

The meaning of flowers in a mandala by location

To interpret the meaning of what is depicted correctly, you need to rely not only on knowledge of the meaning of each color, but also take into account its location:

  • The central part of the mandala is painted with a color that symbolizes something that is especially important for a person in the current period of life. This is the deepest, most authentic, meaningful and important
  • It happens that one color in a mandala dominates, prevails over the others. This means that the events and feelings to which this color corresponds occupy all thoughts and are extremely important for the creator of the mandala. This is the increased importance of one area of ​​life combined with the neglect of all other areas
  • But if the colors are distributed evenly in the mandala, it means that a person pays equal attention to all areas of his life. He is balanced, manages his time, calm and peaceful
  • The color that covers the first outer ring of the mandala is a symbol of your interaction with the outside world. The ring depicts the boundaries of this world that you do not go beyond or are unable to go beyond.
  • The upper part of the mandala is a symbol of the processes taking place in your life. Accordingly, the colors chosen for painting this area represent all these processes
  • The bottom part of the mandala is the most interesting. This is your unconscious: emotions and actions committed by the dictates of your heart. This is something that the mind does not control. Reflexes and instincts also fall into the unconscious category
  • You should also pay attention to the colors of those parts of the mandala that are most intensely colored and clearly stand out from the general background. These colors are a reflection of strong, transcendental emotions and feelings that a person has almost no control over. This is an internal state that you may not even be aware of, but it exists in your life.

Now you know how to interpret the meaning of colors in a mandala. Let's talk in more detail about the interpretation of each shade.

What do the colors of the mandala tell you?

So, now let's share a more specific meaning of each color:

  • A black mandala symbolizes death or some terrible secret. Black color is associated with global disorder, emptiness, loss. If the mandala is painted in this color, a person feels the need for self-denial, the destruction of egocentrism. Or he is on the verge of depression, has experienced great grief and is in mourning. “Death” in this context can also mean psychological rebirth, the completion of the obsolete, unnecessary, superfluous
  • Mendala black and white has a more positive meaning. Because white color compensates for all the negativity of black. It is a symbol of spirituality, innocence and purity, intangible values, and unity. Emotion - awe and surprise, an attempt to hide strong feelings, readiness for change. But if the white color is not applied on purpose, but there are simply unpainted areas left - emotionlessness, coldness, indifference
  • The color red indicates that a person is experiencing an incredible uplift. His potential grows, a lot of strength and energy appears to achieve his goals. Libido also increases, the need for sex and passion appears, it is necessary to calm down sexual energy
  • Green color symbolizes everything that grows, ripens, and bears fruit. May indicate pregnancy or desire to become parents. Usually the color is chosen by mature people who are inclined to teach, educate, take care of, control
  • Gray color is depressive states, indifference to life, lack of pleasant emotions, strong feelings of guilt. A person feels out of place and is looking for a safe haven where he will find happiness and well-being
  • The turquoise color indicates that a person dreams of being healed of everything that oppresses his psyche. Perhaps he has experienced the bitterness of loss, he is haunted by painful memories. He passionately desires to free himself from negative emotions and live a full, rich, happy life.
  • The color brown reminds of kinship and importance to a person. It is a symbol of stability and security, strong ties and family ties. But it can also speak of a conflictual, extremely difficult relationship with the mother. A person urgently needs to be loved, emotionally protected and to feel comfortable. The color of low self-esteem and “dislike”
  • Fuchsia is the color of excitement and anxiety. It is also a release of energy into unnecessary channels. For example, the struggle of emancipated women with men is extremely radical and absurd. This includes the desire to become a researcher, make some discovery or engage in creativity.

Watch a video about the meaning of colors in a mandala:

  • Peach color represents mature sexuality. This is calmness, maturation, the release of creative energy, which is directed in the right direction.
  • Pink color is a symbol of youth and purity, good health. But at the same time, this is a struggle between two opposite emotions - joy and pain, in one person. These may be strong experiences from the past that a person is trying to forget, filling his time with pleasant events
  • The color yellow symbolizes a person’s desire to take a step towards awareness, the desire to develop spirituality. This is a penchant for heroism, a desire to do great things, to benefit society, and on a grandiose scale.
  • Blue is the color of security and calm. This is the state of a deeply religious person who is confident that everything is God’s will. These are all positive human emotions aimed at others: sympathy, love, devotion

Knowing the meaning of the colors in the mandala will bring you much closer to unlocking your own soul. Pay attention to the color you choose to paint certain areas and try to decipher the meaning of the resulting pattern.

The word Mandala (pronounced mon-dah-lah) means "circle". The mandala represents wholeness, a cosmic diagram that reminds us of our relationship to infinity, extending within and beyond our bodies and minds.

The mandala appears to us in all aspects of life, the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and, more obviously, the circles of life encompassing friends, family and community.

Mandalas are circular designs that symbolize the idea that life never ends. Many mandalas have spiritual meaning for a specific person or group of people. Hindus were one of the first people to use the mandala as a spiritual tool, but most people know that mandalas were created by Buddhists.

Mandala meaning

Mandalas are used for meditation, allowing a person to become one with the universe. There are not many people who can achieve this state of mind by studying mandala. The symbolism of creating a mandala can have significant meaning for many people, be it Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, Pagan or any other religious orientation.

Mandalas can be created by people to symbolize their journeys through life. A mandala can also tell a story about a person. In some cases, they describe a person's path in life. Groups can create mandalas showing what they must do to grow and develop as a group.

How to use a mandala

There are many uses for mandala. The design of the mandala is supposed to be visually appealing to absorb the mind in such a way that annoying thoughts are put aside, a spiritual essence surrounds the person viewing the mandala, which in turn allows him to achieve a higher consciousness, almost like being under hypnosis. This allows the busy mind to take a break while the creative mind runs freely.

Mandala is mainly used as a form of meditation to gain knowledge from within. You must know the meaning of the mandala you have chosen or set your own meaning before using it for meditation.

Once the goal is established, you can begin to focus on the mandala. Think about beauty, let your mind wander just like when looking at a candle flame. If your mind involuntarily begins to think about ordinary everyday problems, simply return your attention to the beauty of the mandala. Let the mandala absorb all your attention. Look at its colors and patterns. As you begin to fall into the mandala, you will experience a feeling of lightness, which can trigger intuitive thoughts. Relax and let thoughts and feelings come to you. If you start to feel panicked, lost, uneasy, or start thinking about everyday things again, simply relax and refocus your attention back to the mandala.

Everyone experiences different feelings. But if you are relaxed and focused on the mandala, obviously you have achieved what the mandala intended. You must leave with a clear intention, which is set by the chosen mandala before meditation.

Mandala colors

There is a wide selection of mandalas and their meanings on the Internet. Many websites have mandalas coloring pages available for download. It's better to choose colors intuitively. The colors and their symbolic meanings are described below to help you choose a mandala color:

  • Red - for strength, high energy and passion
  • Pink - for love, intuition and femininity
  • Orange - for creativity, transformation, self-awareness and intuition
  • Yellow - for learning, wisdom, laughter and happiness
  • Green - for physical and mental healing, love of nature and caring
  • Blue – for emotional healing, inner peace and meditation
  • Purple - for spiritual values
  • White - for spiritual charm
  • Black is for mystery, deep thinking and individuality.

How to draw mandalas

1. Prepare colored pencils (pens, markers) of the desired color. You can turn on relaxing music to get in the mood.

2. Set an intention, such as becoming healthier or having a loving relationship with your partner. Think about this until you decide on the pattern of your mandala.

3. Once you have aligned your mind and body, focus on the colors that you find helpful for your purpose. (See above)

4. Focus on your intention as you begin to draw. Repeat words that express your intention while you draw.

5. Draw a stream of thoughts connecting you to the creative source, as if it had a life of its own. You may feel inspired to use certain shapes, words or symbols as the basis for your manifestation.

6. Continue drawing, focusing only on your intention and how you will feel when you eventually achieve your goal. Stop drawing if you become distracted by other thoughts or notice that your energy is going astray. Give yourself a moment and take a few deep, relaxing breaths. When the energetic connection returns, continue drawing.

7. Mandalas should be created effortlessly, with creative pleasure. Leave any judgment aside and let your mandala evolve, no matter how long it takes to create.

8. Look at the mandala and feel its energy. This will be the living intention that you set at the very beginning. When you look at a drawing, you may notice elements that you didn't see when you created it. This confirms that you have been in distracted cerebral, intuitive activity - this is a good sign. The meaning of these elements will come to you over time through contemplation.

9. Once you have created your mandala, hang it somewhere to look at every day - on the wall or as a screen saver on your phone, computer or laptop so that it affects your subconscious.

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