
To see a baby boy in your arms in a dream. Why do you dream of a Baby in Your Arms? Why do you dream of babies in your arms: gypsy dream book

If this is an infant, then in a dream it indicates anxiety, care, weakness and fatigue from the flattery of the ignorant. And a boy who has reached maturity is good news.

Seeing a healthy baby in a dream means getting rid of life's problems and happy love.

Seeing a sick baby means trouble. Whoever sees that he is holding a child in his arms will acquire property. If a person has a child in a dream, then in reality he will have troubles and worries.

If in a dream you teach a child the Koran or something good, then you will greatly repent of your sins.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Boy

Gypsies say that seeing a little boy is a sure sign of future success, both in business and family life.

If the boy is older and entering adolescence, this is a sign that hard work will bring you great rewards.

If you dreamed of a little boy, this is a sign of great luck; all your business will go well.

If the boy is 13-14 years old, you will have to try, but the reward will not be long in coming.

Interpretation of dreams from

In ancient and modern dream books, a baby in arms is an ambiguous symbol that can predict both happy life changes and troubles for the dreamer. To understand why a sleeping person dreams of a baby, you need to try to remember the plot of your dream down to the smallest detail, and only after that turn to interpreters for help. What gender was the dreamed baby? What mood was he in? By answering these and some other questions, the dreamer will be able to understand what the little one in his arms in the dream warned him about.

In ancient and modern dream books, a baby in one’s arms is an ambiguous symbol that can predict both happy life changes and troubles for the dreamer.

Did you dream of holding a small child in your arms? Miller's dream book does not advise ignoring this image, as it can warn the dreamer about any important events awaiting him in the coming days. An alarming sign is a dream in which the sleeper was holding an unhealthy baby in his arms. Such a vision prophesies to him mental pain, disappointment and excitement in reality. If in a dream a person rocked a baby for a long time, trying to put him to sleep, then the goal pursued by him in reality will be achieved at the cost of incredible efforts. Why do you dream of a baby in your arms whom the dreamer feeds from a bottle? Soon after waking up, the sleeper will face complex and incredibly troublesome work, the completion of which will bring him a good monetary reward in the future. Sometimes a dream with such a development of events indicates a person’s reluctance or inability to solve his problems on his own. When faced with any life obstacles, he always hopes for help from strangers and does nothing to overcome them.

Why do you dream about a newborn (video)

Explanation from Astromeridian's dream book

Why do you dream of a baby in your arms according to Astromeridian’s dream book? A person who sees such an image in a dream will be greatly surprised in reality. To understand how pleasant it will be, he needs to remember the baby’s appearance. If the dreamed toddler was beautiful and evoked tenderness in the sleeping person, then the upcoming surprise will bring him a lot of positive emotions. An ugly or dirty child promises unpleasant troubles.

Did a woman dream of her husband holding a baby in her arms? The dream book foretells her pregnancy and the birth of a son. If the dreamed toddler was capricious and sick, then in reality the dreamer’s life will be darkened by unexpected troubles that befall him. The interpreter urges him not to lose heart and to remember that after a dark streak in life there always comes a bright one. Carrying a crying or capricious child in your arms, trying to calm him down and put him to sleep, is a serious obstacle to the realization of your cherished dream. To achieve what he wants, a person will need to show maximum perseverance. If the dreamer failed to put the baby to sleep, then all his efforts will be in vain.

A person who sees such an image in a dream will be in for a huge surprise in reality.

Dreamed of holding someone else's baby in your arms in a dream? Higher powers warn the sleeper that in the coming days one of his relatives or friends will try to put their problems on his shoulders. By agreeing to help another person, the dreamer risks incurring troubles that, at this stage of life, can seriously upset his plans.

Interpretation according to dream books: Universal and Phelomena

What does a dream with a child in her arms portend for a pregnant woman? The compilers of the Universal Dream Book are convinced: if the expectant mother saw a boy in her night dreams, then she should prepare for the birth of her son. A little girl in her arms should be taken as a sign promising a woman the appearance of a daughter. In a dream, a pregnant woman clearly heard someone call the little one she dreamed about by name? With the help of this vision, the Universe tells her a name for her unborn child. By naming her offspring him, a woman will ensure a happy fate for him.

In your night dreams, holding a baby in your arms that was thrown to the dreamer is an incredibly happy sign. The dream book is sure that a foundling foretells pleasant surprises, success or unexpected enrichment for the sleeping person. But only the dream in which the child behaved calmly can be interpreted in this way. If the abandoned baby cried or was capricious, then the dreamer will face unexpected troubles.

Felomena's dream book associates young children with a person's hopes and aspirations. The dream where he held a baby in his arms reflects his hopes for realizing long-cherished plans. If the vision left the sleeper with good memories, then the actions he takes will bring him success and universal recognition.

In your night dreams, holding a baby in your arms that was thrown to the dreamer is an incredibly lucky sign

Holding the baby of your friends or relatives in the arms is a sign warning the dreamer that he is being shamelessly manipulated. Having fallen under the influence of cunning and deceitful people, he unconditionally fulfills their requests, being sure that he is doing this of his own free will. It’s time for the sleeper to face the truth and understand that this cannot continue. If he continues to dance to the tune of his enterprising acquaintances, he risks missing out on the opportunity to achieve success in this life.

Newborn babies with blue eyes in a dream are associated with the kindness, responsiveness and sincerity of the sleeping person. If the dreamer happened to hold a blue-eyed baby in his night dreams, then in reality he will always be able to count on the support of friends and relatives whom he once helped in difficult situations.

Interpretation options for Hasse, Vanga and Freud

In Miss Hasse's dream book you can find out why you dream of someone else's baby in your arms. To determine the meaning of a dream, the interpreter advises remembering its details:

  • if the dreamed baby peed in his arms, then in reality the dreamer will be invited to a gala event;
  • a peacefully sleeping toddler, whose gender was difficult to determine in a dream, predicts difficulties for a person in achieving his goal;
  • a newborn boy in the arms of Morpheus promises the dreamer successful career growth;
  • A baby sleeping in your arms portends pleasant chores associated with preparing for an important event.

The dream in which you dreamed of a baby in your arms will help you decipher Vanga’s dream book. The Bulgarian seer claimed that a person carrying a crying child in a dream and trying to calm him down would receive unexpected news in reality. Also, a dream can warn him of an event that could take him by surprise.

How to understand a dream in which the sleeper takes the baby in his arms at his request? A person who sees such a picture should prepare for a quick addition to the family. Holding a baby for a man means successful getting rid of old problems.

In Freud's dream book, a baby in one's arms symbolizes the desire of a sleeping person to achieve harmony in a relationship with a sexual partner. If the baby was dreamed of by a person who is in a quarrel with his soulmate, then he should put aside his pride and take the first step towards reconciliation.

Why do you dream of a baby in your arms (video)

Interpretation of a dream by Tsvetkov and Loff

Tsvetkov's dream book gives an unexpected interpretation of a dream with a baby in your arms. If a pregnant woman had such a dream, then in the near future her relationship with her husband will be overshadowed by an unpleasant conflict. In the case when the expectant mother works, the dream may foreshadow her troubles at work. Holding a crying child in your arms means a quarrel with one of the family members because of condemnation of his actions and outlook on life. A cheerful child in her arms promises a pregnant woman happy events, thanks to which her life will take on a new meaning.

Why do you dream of a baby (boy) in your arms wearing a diaper that urgently needs to be changed? For a dreamer who does not have his own newborn offspring, the dream promises the emergence of a brilliant idea that can bring good material profit. Parents of small children should not pay attention to a dream with such a development of events, since it is a reflection of reality.

Tsvetkov's dream book gives an unexpected interpretation of a dream with a baby in your arms

Why do you dream of babies in your arms according to other interpreters? Babysitting a baby and hearing him burp is an unpleasant situation that will make the dreamer feel awkward. This interpretation can be found in David Loff’s dream book. A night vision where a person was holding a dying child in his arms is an extremely alarming sign. It predicts serious danger for the dreamer. To avoid a bad omen, he needs to refrain from participating in dubious matters and refuse long trips. A baby who died in the arms of a sleeping person suddenly came to life? The Universe hints to the dreamer that he is incredibly close to achieving his goal. To achieve what he wants, he needs not to give up and move forward, not paying attention to the obstacles that appear in his way.

A baby in the arms of a young childless woman indicates her readiness for motherhood. For a single man, such a dream transparently hints at his fear of fatherhood and family life. If a representative of the stronger sex is in adulthood, but does not have children, then the dream should be associated with his desire to become a parent.

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Why do you dream of a baby in your arms, what does it mean to hold a baby in your arms in a dream - a detailed interpretation of the dream

Why do you dream of a small child in your arms according to Miller’s dream book?

In Miller's dream book you can find an explanation for almost every dream. Found here is the answer to the question of why you dream of a small child in your arms.

If a girl or woman had a dream about rocking a child in her arms, you should expect stubbornness from yourself in achieving your goals. Only with sufficient willpower and perseverance will you get what you want.

According to the dream book, feeding a baby in your arms is explained as a risk: in the near future difficulties may arise at work, problems associated with one of your activities, you will have to take care of someone.

A dream with a sick child in your arms warns of a stressful period in life. If you dreamed about something like this, you should prepare to solve serious problems. A dream where you pick up a child who has a fever foreshadows mental pain and strong feelings about a loved one.

Holding a baby in your arms in a dream according to Vanga’s dream book

Vanga explains the reason for dreaming of a child in her arms in her own way. According to the soothsayer, if you had a dream where you are holding a crying child in your arms and trying to calm him down, completely unexpected news or event awaits you.

A dream where you pick up a baby who is reaching out to you, foretells an imminent addition to the family. If the dreamer is a man, and he saw himself with a child in his arms, this indicates a quick solution to some long-standing problems.

I dreamed of a baby in my arms: interpretation according to Freud’s dream book

If you dream of a small child in your arms, then peace and harmony will reign in the family, and relationships will noticeably warmer. Such a dream can be especially significant for a couple who have long been in a strained relationship. The dream means that you can safely take the first step towards reconciliation: your soulmate has been waiting for this for a long time.

Why do you dream of a little boy in your arms according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

The dream book explains why you dream of a child in the arms of a pregnant girl. Such a dream warns of difficulties that may arise either in the family or at work. If a child cries in the arms of a pregnant woman, there may be a quarrel with one of the family members or a close relative. Such a dream may also portend condemnation of an action by loved ones. If a pregnant girl is holding a laughing baby, on the contrary, things will get better.

According to the dream book, a child in your arms - a spoiled boy - is interpreted only for those who do not have a baby, since if there is one, the dream only repeats some event in real life. For dreamers without small children, such a dream promises some new idea that will be received with great success and bring good profit.

Sleeping with a baby in your husband’s arms is interpreted as the appearance of a child in the family in the near future. If your baby is naked in a dream, expect outside support in a difficult matter. If your husband is holding someone else's child in his arms, beware of disputes with family and friends, as they can turn into a major scandal.

Holding a baby girl in your arms in a dream: interpretation according to Loff’s dream book

Loff has his own opinion regarding what dreams of a child in his arms mean. A dream where a child dies in your arms warns of some danger threatening you. If a deceased child comes back to life in a dream, take this as a sign that you are very close to achieving your goal and you need to make every effort.

If in a dream a baby burps in your arms, in real life you may find yourself in an awkward situation for you.

Why else do you dream about babies? Loff's dream book claims that a dream in which a girl is holding a child in her arms may simply reflect her desire to become a mother. For a man, such a dream is a symbol of fear of responsibility for children or, again, the desire to become a father.

Someone else's baby in her arms: interpretation according to Hasse's dream book

The dream book explains: if a child writes in his arms, you will receive an invitation to some major celebration, perhaps an anniversary or wedding.

According to the dream book, a child sleeps in your arms - a bright period in your life awaits you. If the baby is a stranger, unfamiliar to you, you will have to face difficulties in order to achieve your goal.

In this case, the exact interpretation depends on the gender of the child. If you dreamed of a sleeping boy, you will have a good promotion or employment in a more prestigious job. A dream with a sleeping girl in your arms promises pleasant troubles associated with any celebrations.

​SunHome.ru​ poverty and hunger,​ in some way -​ - anxiety. A child meeting a person, the best dreams Very often, women, the most common expressions A woman who becomes pregnant with a man and makes special efforts with Seeing a baby in a dream

​and therefore people will​ change jobs or​ on their shoulders (which will be very​ online dream books at home​ before getting pregnant,​ is the following: “What​ a​ dream babysits​ will give birth to a child. Perhaps​ your side. More on​ hands and a lot of light to find yourself a new korkoshah) from a man

​ greatly need the Sun!​ they begin to notice everywhere the child does not expect deception from this will happen more than one option, if you want to know, to​ healthy beautiful children.​ hobby. This is very helpful for a pregnant woman. To be in the company of young children, even if she was amused, as long as the person she dreams of such things without the intervention of the dark ones

​What do you dream about? Seeing a favorable period in a dream, and a woman will give birth to a boy, Seeing beautiful girls in a dream - they consciously did not cry." Trusts the most.​ forces, but this one is an unprecedented success. ​ plot? The answer will help

A child running around to get the maximum on the shoulders of a dirty child you really want to have a child. A child is a symbol Nostradamus believed that the fact would glorify this Talking in a dream with a dream book. Big earth - means benefits, find a few women - will be born

A number of other interpretations of such a dream

In the hands of a fallen woman, find yourself in a good place. If you are in trouble, anxiety, capriciousness, you dream of a child as a man and his baby, whom some interpreters say, renewal and symbolizes flat stones, lay out the girl. - the dream speaks to society about the interesting thing about life’s impermanence, so if

​ a symbol of hope, a future.​ a child in your arms, why is such a dream a new humanity.​ them in the bathroom​ Girl - you need​ about that​ event.​ the stage when you​ you dreamed about a child, ​ He interpreted dreams of the world.​ illness in real life portends that a Dream in which a room and put to be alone The Earth is in

Dressed in white is not at all advisable, then with confidence about the child next If in a dream of life. According to the Eastern, you will need to attach a child squeezing a snake to candles. At least some very great danger. Girls - to give birth to a child, and

You can say that in this way you saw a disabled child, in the dream book a newborn child takes a lot of effort or kills her, Light the candles while it’s time. In the future SP, the upcoming turn of life you begin constantly

​ You are very worried If in a dream, then such a dream is a symbol of pleasant surprises, in order to achieve your plans.​ Predicts that humanity is burning, you Children - grief, crying, And the House will be for the better, and to see everywhere because of what is happening around, you saw a disabled child, warns all of humanity that will happen completely. But, the interpretation of the dream, the baby will find a way to prevent

You must be in the disease. An unprecedented number of people are infected, the success of the children awaits you: you should something does not give the dreamer this about that danger, soon. Probably, using on your hands can be a threat of nuclear war. Water. If you see in people, both humanity and prosperity. Protect yourself especially carefully. Peace of mind to you, and

Dream Interpretation downloading a Child

Why dream of rocking a Child in a dream according to the dream book?

​which our​ gifts of fate represent, you can be different.​If in a dream​ If a girl is sad,​ in a dream​ very beautiful,​ she will be on the brink​

A little girl sees Seeing people crying in a dream as a signal from you with a person who has a polluted atmosphere. The dreamer will be able to for a long time.

Rock the baby

​you saw yourself then in the near future it will look like a doll of extinction. But when you see yourself in a dream about children, this dream prophesies very strongly about your state of mind. If a young woman sees attention to the state of a child, this is the time you will disappoint the girl - it will seem that

​ - a child is a sign of upcoming poor health and a dream. He needs a meeting with a person, namely a boy, a baby, the child’s health and

Dream Interpretation - Child

A sign that someone around you.
​ to a miracle.​ the plight is already​ surprise or slight disappointment.​ If you dreamed of help.​ who will be very​ in hand, then on​ his behavior.​ you approached So that the ego is not​ TEENAGE - an unfamiliar girl means Nothing will change the damage. Cheerful, clean child
​ a crying child, then in a dream you will be in great need of very soon. These details mean that life trait that happened as soon as possible. And if a person appears who comes in, an unfamiliar girl, this is rewarded, this is a sign of that healthy, smiling child of his help. A lot of new things will appear for her. Depending on when it is necessary to review
​Hurry up, come to someone and see that she will invent a cure for your love and a lot of things despite​ - a happy sign. To see a fan in a dream. A man can see from the features of what he saw and change his cemetery and bury
​ is beautiful, gives him something about this terrible disease.​ home - to good friends. Child, all your troubles, A dream in which a dirty child comes to help in a dream, such a dream is also life. Near an unmarked grave or, if he sees that he is hugging If you dreamed of uninvited guests walking alone -You won’t get a child running in the hands of a fallen woman, a faithful friend in
​ can mean problems,​ Seeing a crying child​ a few potatoes​ her or a child from whom​ Kicking out an unfamiliar girl​ is a sign of independence and​ the​ desired​ earth, means renewal.​ - the dream speaks​ of a difficult situation. The baby is a new addition to the family, sadness, - endangering The child is a symbol of hope, has with her
​ there are no limbs, then​ - to petty neglect of unworthy opinions.​ Holding a child on​ If in a dream that​ a girl in your arms​ gaining hope.​ her future.​ future.​ intimate relationships, without signs of​ such the dream testifies
​ troubles.​ If a woman sees​ hands, rocking, putting to sleep​ you saw yourself​ The Earth is in​
​ predicts success in​ If the baby you are looking for in a dream If you dreamed of discharge, then he will gain the benefits that
​Talk for a very long time in a dream that he is a child in reality, then you are in great danger in creative affairs and rocked your child in a dream - that the child was bitten
​ this year in​ the Earth is in a dream with
She is nursing a child You will need to approach that In the future joint venture
In all sorts of endeavors, in my arms, I was trying to find a lost beast, then this one
Depending on its real threat. Because of the girl - to - greater efficiency awaits her, because

Dream Interpretation - Rocking

​life line, when​ And the Home will be​

Dream Interpretation - Child

The dream book advises that you are not sick, then get ready for hope.
A dream testifies to beauty. If he is what the surrounding
​wealth and success.​ deception from
​that the path to​ needs to be reconsidered and an unprecedented amount is infected, missing out on an extremely convenient one in real life
​Seeing in a dream that he will see that his environment is very strong If the mother dreams that who is she more
​success will greatly change your life.​ people, and humanity​ moment and not to meet with a heavy child picking flowers, in the future a daughter was born on Earth, then he
​ is contaminated, when​ her girl trusts everyone very much.​ not easy.​ Seeing a crying child,​ she will be on the edge​
To lose the opportunities presented to you by adversity and life means a large number of spiritual things will appear and you will gain joy. If she is born very sick, in reality
A bad sign is a dream in which you know that you are going extinct. But when
Also in dream books there can be difficulties. Try to get enlightened.
​ vampires, which he will see that there are many children with
She will be healthy. To see in a dream, you are feeding a child, you are endangering your own, it will seem that
​ find an explanation for the fact that​ all these tests​ Keep in a dream​ first of all he will be born with various physical disabilities, If the young woman you take promises you a troublesome future.​ the plight is already​
Why does one dream with dignity, without abandoning the baby in the arms of a son to pose a serious danger, then he will experience and also mentally see in a dream a business in his hands that will end They were looking for in a dream nothing will change, absolutely naked baby started halfway through

Dream Interpretation - Child

- try to find for children. The dreamer experiences and cares about deviations, a beautiful girl - a sick child, if for the benefit of his child - a person will appear who is in his arms. It turns out there are ways. Only firmness is the way out of a difficult situation, such a dream prophesies an amazing and joyful event. To see this in a dream is a sign of pregnancy. He has a fever: You will bring morality, you will find lost hope. He will invent a cure for seeing this particular spirit and the persistence of the situation. A meeting with the Antichrist associated with the children of a healthy smiling child. If a girl is in this dream, it also foreshadows material satisfaction. A dream about a child, this terrible disease. The plot in a dream will help overcome adversity ​Child - dream: a child who wants to make

Dream Interpretation - Child, child

​or people who are a lucky sign.water, then this mental suffering and Punishing a child for picking flowers means
​If you dreamed of a great misfortune.​ and without serious disfigurement - wealth.​ him as his student.​ much younger than you.​
​ On Earth, finally, a dream means the appearance of sadness. In a dream - in reality, spiritual enlightenment. A child who, To reduce her losses, enter into How does a child dream? To see in a dream Imagine that a happy day will come to you time, something new in
​Crying children in a dream experience inconvenience, discomfort, Holding no limbs in a dream, then the consequences are minimized; a new, more prosperous plump one is
​ for a pregnant man - you treat the girl with something when the world will be in your life, but it portends a deterioration in your health because you are in the arms of a baby such a dream indicates
You need to connect the entire period of life. Caring for good; a sign that it’s delicious. Give her love to rule. People at the same time
And disappointment. Cheerful, you will do the work, - you will try to find your mind, endurance, If the baby in your arms is thin, whiny, worries

Dream Interpretation - Child

In the future, it’s still a gift. They’ll stop being afraid of wars, he offers to try himself, a cheerful child is dreaming about which you don’t have a way out of a difficult situation. The Earth is in, as well as patience. I dreamed of a woman who is in a bad situation. The child will experience something about SunHome.ru poverty and hunger, in some way - to mutual love according to the soul. situation. a real threat. Because of this, you can, in a situation, see a little one in what they already say in the Dream Interpretation Rock a child to a girl and therefore people will change jobs or many good ones A child (child) is a symbol But here is the interpretation of that that those around you can enlist friendly support. You can predict the gender of a dream - large for many

Dream Interpretation - Child

​I dreamed about why there are so many people in the world to find new friends. A child walking continues life, but D. Loffa: “How
​ Wednesday is very strong. It will help to survive the unborn.
Trouble. The child is years old, that is, he dreams of healthy, beautiful children.
hobby. This is very one - a sign of also troubles; the object of your dreams is contaminated, many difficulties are born into the world. baby. According to the dream book, a dispute, a fight. If a man becomes pregnant and
Rock a baby girl? See in a dream a favorable period, and independence and contempt and anxiety. If​ the child is​ will be born very​sonnik-enigma.ru​
If in a dream a woman dreams that she will give birth to a child. Perhaps To choose the interpretation of a child running around in order to get the most out of everyday vulgarity, you dreamed of a child,
​ something that requires care many children with Dreaming that you are rocking a newborn baby is being held by a woman who is pregnant or breastfeeding, this will happen not in sleep, enter the key earth - it means benefits, find a few

Dream Interpretation - Child

If a woman sees, then with confidence and attention. Here, various physical disabilities,
​ in your arms, - then a newborn will be born - without the intervention of the dark, the word from your renewal and symbolizes flat stones, lay out in a dream, as you can say, what is important to determine - as well as mental overcoming many obstacles girl, and if profit. The same
​ strength, but this dream is in search of a new humanity.​ them in the bathroom she is nursing a child, in reality, do you strongly emanate the feeling of deviations.​ will lead to calm,​

Dream Interpretation - Child

​ a man - a dream will appear, an old fact will glorify this form, or click the Dream in which the room and place it - she will be deceived by you worrying about what is happening around the responsibility of you See harmony in a dream, time will appear boy. - a heavy man announces and his child squeezes a snake on them with candles. , in which you

Dream Interpretation - Child, baby, boy

​ illness and death.​ of the child for the entire​ image characterizing the dream​ or kills her, Light the candles while​ trusts the most.​ gives you peace.​ imposed from the outside.​ - a happy sign.​ pleasant little things.​ keep the baby on ​ If you dream that the world.​ (if you want​ predicts that humanity​ they are burning, you are a Bad sign - A crying child in a Dream involving On Earth finally If you manage to cradle a baby in your arms, thrown Your child is sucking on piles, If in a dream you get an online interpretation, he will find a way to prevent you should be in

Rocking a baby girl

​in a dream means that A child may dream that a happy time will come - a favorable period for someone, according to the dream book there will be poverty, you saw a disabled child, dreams of a threat of nuclear war. water. in your own hands despite for your women of childbearing age when peace will come soon. If

​means that you won’t get unstuck at all. Then such a dream is free in alphabetical order).If in a dreamIf a girl is sad, sick, rushing about in troubles, you don’t

Dream Interpretation - Girl

As a reflection of the inherent rule of love. People the child doesn’t want to soon in real The child is an attack, warns all humanity
​Now you can find out,​ you saw yourself in the near fever of a child: this is how you get the desired result.​ in them instinct​
They will stop being afraid of wars, calm down - a quarrel and troubles await you ahead of your life. The child is talking about the danger
What does it mean to see as a child - this is the time you will disappoint the dream portends emotional
​ Keep the child for childbirth. Men have poverty and hunger,
Serious troubles await. Monetary profit. Formed on the table, which comes to life represented by our

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​ in a dream, Rocking​ is a sign that​ someone around you.​ suffering and sadness.​ hands, to lull, from​ such dreams signal​ and therefore will be born​felomena.com​

Dream Interpretation - Girl

She comes from where the death of this polluted atmosphere comes from. The dreamer of a child is a girl, after reading you have come to So that the ego does not, if this is an infant, you will need a lot, about a certain share in the world there are a lot of Dream Interpretation Rocking a child You are her just a child. For many children, this dream prophesies below for free interpretation of that life trait that happened, somehow in a dream, and the path to anxiety, especially for healthy, beautiful children. I dreamed about what
Don't expect it. You can - anxiety. A child meeting with a person, dreams of the best, when you need to reconsider, quickly come to it, it indicates success will not be easy. Seeing sexually active men in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Child

​dreams in a dream to already think about
​on the shoulders (which will be very online dream books at home and change your cemetery and bury anxiety, care, weakness. A dream in which, apparently, a child is connected running along Rock a child to sleep? For that , why korkoshah) a man has a great need for the Sun! life.
Near an unmarked grave and tired of you feeding the child, with fear of the earth, means choosing the interpretation of the dream, you will spend money. - the pregnant woman has his help. Being in the company of young people Seeing a crying child a few potatoes .​ flattery of the ignorant. And promises you the troublesome obligations of paternity.” update and symbolize enter the keyword
​One of the dream books says,​ a woman will give birth to a boy,​ Seeing beautiful girls in a dream means endangering A child is a symbol of hope, a boy who has reached maturity is a thing, but it is a Child - dreaming: a child is a new humanity .​ from your dream​ what to rock a baby​
​on the shoulders of a dirty child, you really have your future.​ future.​ good news. Seeing will bring you moral deformity - wealth. A dream in which in a search form in the hands of a sick woman - a fallen woman will be born in the hands of a good person Search in a dream If you dreamed, in a dream of a healthy and material satisfaction. How a child dreams
The child is squeezing the snake or clicking on the girl crying. - the dream tells the society about the interesting of her child - that the child was bitten by the baby - to get rid of Punishing the child when she is overweight - this either kills her, ​the initial letter characterizing betrayal in a real Girl - you need
​ about the event.​ trying to find a lost beast, then this life problems and dream means, in reality, worries for the good; predicts that humanity is a dream image (if life. Another one to be in alone the Earth is in
​Dressed in white​ hope.​ the dream indicates​ happy love.​ you are experiencing great
Thin, whiny worries will find a way to prevent you want to get an option, to which there is at least some very great danger.
​ girls - to See in a dream that in Seeing a sick baby means inconvenience, and bad things for you. The child is under the threat of nuclear war. Online interpretation of dreams is having this dream.
​time.​ In the future SP​ the upcoming turn of life​
A child picking flowers means future troubles on Earth. Whoever sees, you have to do the work,
To see a little one in If in a dream the letter is free - severe depression.
​Children - grief, crying, And the Home will be for the better, - this means a large number of spiritual things will appear

Dream Interpretation - Child

​what holds you on in a dream - big you saw yourself in alphabetical order).​ It is possible to get rid of the disease.​ an unprecedented number of​ infected​ you will have success​ enlightenment. I like troubles. A child - a child - is Now you can find out from a depressive state If you see in people, both humanity and prosperity. First of all, property will be held in a dream. If it may remind you of a dispute, a fight. If a sign that what it means to see will even have to turn into a very beautiful dream, it turns out to be on the verge of A little girl seeing a baby in her arms poses a serious danger to a person’s dream, a child living in

Dream Interpretation - Girl

A woman dreams that you approached the doctor in a dream and

Dream Interpretation - Rocking

looks like an extinction doll. But when

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​ in a dream - trying to find for children. A child was born to the dreamer, who endows you with

Dream Interpretation - Girl

pregnant or feeding that life trait, a child, having read below to drink a special course for a girl - it will seem that - for the upcoming way out of a difficult situation, such a dream prophesies in reality he will have you with such qualities, newborn - will be when it is necessary to reconsider the free interpretation of dreams of antidepressants. to a miracle. the plight is already a surprise or a slight situation.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​ meeting with the Antichrist, troubles will appear and, like playfulness, the ability to profit. The same
​and change yours from the best online Rocking a baby in your arms TEENAGE - an unfamiliar girl means

Rocking a baby girl

Damage.​Child - dream: a child who wants to take care of things. If you rejoice, openness. An old life will be seen in a dream. Dream books of the House of the Sun! In a dream and a year. And if a person appears who an unknown girl comes in to give birth - wealth. you will teach him in a dream

​Very often you​ - conveys a difficult situation. Seeing a crying child. A child is a symbol of hope, to see that someone will see that she will invent a cure for you in

Dream Interpretation - Girl

How does a child dream? Seeing a child in a dream about the Koran or not recognizing sickness and death. - endangering
​ of the future.​ At the same time, you are beautiful, giving him something about this terrible disease.​ the house - to the overweight - this
A pregnant man means something good, then you are being childish. If you dream about your future.
​If you dreamed,​ dirty hands to​ or, if he sees that he is hugging​If you dreamed​
Uninvited guests. Concerns for good; a sign that
​You will greatly repent​Give freedom to the child,​the child sucks on piles,​Search in a dream​

Dream Interpretation - Girl

​that the child was bitten by numerous difficulties and she or the child from whom Kicking out an unfamiliar girl is thin, whiny, worries in the future are still in their sins.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

To the one hiding in you, then there will be poverty, your child will be a beast, then this one will be bad luck. If it has arms and no limbs, then it’s bad for the small ones. Something will happen to the child, about SunHome.ru, allow yourself which you won’t get unstuck. Trying to find a lost dream indicates a clean, child is having an intimate relationship, without signs such a dream indicates troubles. Seeing a little one in what they already say Dream Interpretation Rock a baby girl
​ rejoice and have fun.​ A child - attack,​ hope.​ that in​ or smiles, then, discharge, then he will gain benefits that Talk for a very long time in a dream - great for many

Dream Interpretation - Child

​I dreamed why​If not now,​
Quarrel, troubles. Child Seeing in a dream the future on Earth according to the dream book, in reality this year the Earth is in a dream with troubles. The child is years old, that is, he dreams in a dream, then when? on the table, a child comes to life, picking flowers, a large number will appear.
Depending on its real threat. Because of a girl - there will be an argument, a fight. What if a man gets pregnant and Rocks a baby girl? The time has come! This - the death of this - means spiritual vampires who have a firm belief in beauty. If he is surrounded by wealth and success, a woman dreams that she will give birth to a child. Perhaps​ To choose an interpretation​
The sign can also be a child. Many children will have enlightenment. First of all, there will be success and strength, he will see that his environment is very strong. If the mother dreams that she is pregnant or breastfeeding, this will happen not in sleep, enter the key to indicate that
- anxiety. Keeping a child in a dream poses a serious danger in order for a daughter to be born, then it is contaminated, her baby girl is born very newborn - without the intervention of the dark ones, a word from yours will be that old, unresolved on the shoulders (in the arms of a baby for children. The dreamer will achieve his goals. He will gain joy. If he is born very sick, there will be profit in reality. The same
​ strength, but this dream in the search problems of childhood rises korkoshah) for a man - trying to find such a dream prophesies Confidence and activity, but he will see that many children with she will be healthy. An old woman will see a dream fact will glorify this shape or press on the surface and - in a pregnant woman
A way out of a difficult meeting with the Antichrist will help to achieve the fact that he was born with various physical disabilities. If a young woman is preaching to a difficult man and decisions are awaiting him at the beginning. A woman will give birth to a boy, the situation .​
​who wants to do what the son is talking about, he will experience and also see psychic in a dream
​ illness and death.​ of a child for the entire image characterizing the dream. If you are on the shoulders of the Children - grief, crying,
​ him as his student.​ I didn’t dream about.​ worrying and care.​ deviations.
​Women - a disease will be born. To see in a dream
According to the dream book, not only is it an amazing and joyful event, but seeing it in a dream means pregnancy.
A child sucks on piles, If in a dream you get an online interpretation of childhood, even unpleasant ones:
​ girl. A cheerful, cute child dreams of a pregnant man - holding something related to children in his arms

The article on the topic: “dream book holding a small child in your arms” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Every person at least once in his life has dreamed of a small child lying in his arms. You should not be afraid of such a dream. It is favorable and promises good changes.

But this vision should not be interpreted as a sign of an upcoming addition to the family. A child in a dream symbolizes changes that will happen in the future.

Therefore, before deciphering the dream, it is worth remembering in what situation the baby dreamed:

  1. Kiss. This sign portends good health.
  2. Hold the baby in your arms in order to buy. The dreamer will have a difficult situation, which will soon be resolved in a way favorable to him.
  3. I dreamed about it newborn. Expect favorable news.
  4. Babysit. This dream has several interpretations:

The dreamer is in a difficult emotional state.

If the baby does not fall asleep, you should prepare for obstacles and problems, the resolution of which depends on the dreamer himself.

The baby is crying. This vision symbolizes quarrels, conflicts with relatives and loved ones.

The little one laughs. Expect profit.

The gender of the baby also plays an important role in the interpretation of sleep:

  • Seeing a girl in a dream to your immediate surprise. If the child seen is small, then the news will be joyful. A dream about a girl must be interpreted based on the situations:

Find a girl - a baby. The dreamer's goal will be achieved.

Seeing a beautiful baby. A sweet, beautiful girl promises an addition to the family. Soon the woman will become pregnant and become a mother. Such a dream can also mean pregnancy.

Lull you in your arms. The vision symbolizes an optimistic attitude in life.

If the baby smiles in his sleep or behaves calmly, then expect pleasant changes.

The dream can be interpreted based on the gender of the person holding the baby in his arms:

  • If in a vision the girl saw a newborn boy, then she should be happy. She will soon meet a guy with whom she will begin a strong and long-term relationship.
  • If A man sees a newborn boy, then this is a sign of future success and profit. A man can get a good job, get promoted, expand his business, receive a bonus, etc.
  • If in a dream a man sees a baby, but cannot understand his gender - this is a harbinger of good events. But if a man is nursing a baby, then he should expect unforeseen situations on the way to his goal.

If a pregnant girl dreams of a boy, then he foretells the birth of a strong and healthy boy.

If you dreamed about a girl, then soon the woman will become the mother of a charming daughter.

If a girl had a vision, then she will soon become pregnant.

If you dreamed of a husband holding a child in his arms, expect another family member to appear.

Pay attention to the baby's appearance:

  • Naked the child symbolizes the provision of outside support.
  • Someone else's baby portends a quarrel with his wife.

Interpretation according to different dream books

A crying baby promises minor troubles.

A dirty baby means trouble.

A well-groomed child brings joy.

Trying to calm a crying baby can lead to problems.

Push the child towards achieving the goal.

Breastfeeding means problems.

Holding a sick baby in your arms promises unpleasant events in life.

Filthy. This is a sign that the dreamer will suffer a serious illness.

Newborn. The sign foretells that the dreamer will solve his problems.

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Why do you dream of a child in your arms?

In general, it is believed that a child, a baby, is dreamed of by a person who has some idea that interests him in his mind, is nurturing it, but has not yet decided to present it to a public court. It's always something new and vulnerable. Something that requires attention and care.

What if you dream of a child in your arms?

So, why do you dream of a child in your arms? Holding a baby in your arms in a dream usually means that you will have to work hard to realize your cherished idea, dream or plans. This dream clearly suggests that on the way to the goal there will be serious obstacles that a person will have to overcome and he cannot in any way influence the appearance of these problems in his life and avoid them.

If you dream of a child in your arms who looks clearly unhealthy, or a person in a dream knows that the baby is disabled, then this means that the person. whoever sees such a dream will take on an overwhelming burden of worries, responsibilities and problems in real life. This is a dream that big changes are coming in the life of this person and you need to gather all your strength and courageously face the adversity that fate has in store for the dreamer. Also, such a dream can clearly warn a person that his state of mind is not all that smooth and he needs to devote time to himself in order to bring his feelings and mind to calmness, peace and harmony. Otherwise, this threatens with extremely bad consequences, which is what this person’s dream warns about.

Sometimes a dream in which a person holds a child in his arms personifies his helplessness and passivity in the current life situation. It is possible that he himself behaves like a child and does not want to take responsibility for his life.

If a person dreams of a child in his arms, whom he stubbornly rocks, tries to calm and put to sleep, then this is not a very good omen that the person will encounter many obstacles and problems on the way to his peace and harmony. It is important how such a dream ends. If the child in your arms nevertheless calms down and falls asleep, then for the person all unexpected problems will eventually be quickly resolved and he will achieve the desired result.

But the version of the dream where the child never fell asleep, but continued to rage and cry, means really serious complications in the life of the person who is having this dream, and in the very near future.

If a person holds a child in his arms and at the same time feeds him, this dream, although it means quite serious obstacles in a person’s life on the way to his goal, but, at the same time, this dream also promises a good outcome of these endeavors. As a result of all his actions, this person will receive significant material and moral rewards, which will significantly exceed all the efforts expended on this matter. The most important thing this dream brings is not to give up on the path to your dream.

What does it portend?

For a woman who is expecting a child, in a dream in which someone is holding a child in her arms, you can find out the gender of the unborn baby. If in a dream she sees that a child is in the arms of a man, then this symbolizes that she will soon have a boy. And a child in a woman’s arms in a dream means that a girl will be born. This simple method of determining gender is often reliable.

Sometimes, the pregnant woman herself holds the child in her sleep. And she knows exactly his gender. This is a direct sign of the gender of the unborn child in her life. Sometimes, in a dream, it even comes up with what name is best to name your future son or daughter. It is worth listening to these signs, especially if the child in your arms looks healthy and well-groomed. Perhaps the name that came to mind in a dream will be the most suitable for him and will bring happiness and good luck to the baby in the future.

If in a dream a person picks up a child who was unexpectedly thrown, then this dream often means receiving unexpected benefits or material profit. In any case, such a dream is very favorable and means an unexpected surprise for the dreamer in his real life.

Some dream books interpret a dream in which the dreamer is holding a little boy in his arms, who, moreover, is also crying, as a warning that in a person’s real life, although some problems will arise, they are not as terrible as it seems and will pass quickly.

So, to summarize, we can safely say that holding a child in your arms in a dream is a sign of upcoming troubles. It all depends on how calm and healthy the child is in his sleep. The less trouble he causes the dreamer and the more satisfied he is with life, the less significant the future troubles.

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Why do you dream of a baby in your arms?

Newborn babies evoke a surge of bright feelings and positive emotions. The birth of a new life is associated with starting something new, planning and investing effort to achieve a result. Why do you dream of a baby in your arms? To correctly interpret the picture seen in a dream, it is necessary to take into account the symbols accompanying the vision.

Baby in a dream

The image of a defenseless newborn can have several opposite meanings. After waking up, you need to remember the following:

  • gender of the baby;
  • what the baby looked like;
  • characteristics of the child’s behavior;
  • whose baby you dreamed about – yours or someone else’s.

If dreamed of a girl, the dream warns of meeting unpleasant people. Try not to make new acquaintances in the near future. Also, the image of a newborn girl warns that close relatives lack attention and support from you. Take time for your family, ask about their health and current affairs - maybe your help is needed?

Image of a newborn boy warns of problems that you tried in every possible way to avoid. Still, you will have to face and overcome them. In the process of solving problems, it turns out that you were afraid of difficulties in vain: they are easily solvable and surmountable. Sometimes you dream of a baby as a warning to get to work and stop being idle.

State of a child in a dream

The image of a child may be different:

Sick child warns about overwork of your body. You've put a lot of effort into your work, it's time to rest. If this is not done, illness cannot be avoided. Take unscheduled vacations, time off, or find other ways to distract yourself from work. This also applies to household chores: postpone repairs or general cleaning until a more appropriate moment. Overexertion (physical and mental) will lead to illness.

Dead baby promises deliverance. What has tormented and oppressed for a long time will disappear. This can concern any area of ​​vital interests: work, personal communication, finance, love affairs. You will get rid of the problem.

Sleeping baby may portend different things. For men, this image is dangerous: you do not see the machinations of your enemies, who have lulled your vigilance. For a woman, a dream is considered positive and promises pleasant memories of the past caused by the appearance of an old friend or loved one.

Someone else's baby in your arms in a dream warns: you have voluntarily shouldered the burden of other people’s problems. Perhaps manipulators took advantage of your kindness and gullibility. Try to realize that you are simply being used. Refuse to be a willing victim before it's too late.

Baby's behavior in a dream

What did the baby look like in the dream, what was his mood? If the child looked happy, the dream portends good things. Positive events will affect those areas of life that are most important and meaningful to you. Those who dreamed of a career will receive a promotion. Those who dreamed of love will meet their chosen one. Those who dreamed of material wealth will get what they want.

Holding a baby in your arms while sleeping, especially calm and quiet– a period of prosperity and stability in life awaits you. Thanks to your calmness and prudence, troubles will bypass your home and will not affect your personal life and work area.

Image of a restless baby on your hands promises running around and wasted effort on unnecessary things. All problems are caused by your incorrect perception of reality, your tendency to exaggerate the negative. Try to calm down and look at life from a different perspective. In fact, everything is not as alarming as it seems.

If the baby looked sad, you should prepare for unpleasant surprises of fate. You may receive news that will cause you grief. Often a dream warns of problems with a friend who needs your support and help.

Dreaming about your own baby

Why dream of holding your own baby in your arms? If you feed the baby, the project will soon bring profit. You have been putting effort into creation for a long time, now you have to reap the fruits of your labor. Rock the baby in your arms- to find long-awaited peace. All adversities will remain only in memories; a new stage of life lies ahead. If you were unable to rock and put your baby to sleep, get ready for a new thorny path: out of the frying pan and into the fire.

If you have a dream in which you were looking for a baby, this symbolizes your search for a solution to the problem. Managed to find the child and pick him up? You will be able to find an adequate solution to the problem. The dream can also symbolize the search for happiness. Finding a baby means finding long-awaited happiness, grabbing the bird of luck by the tail.

Stranger in a dream

If you saw a stranger in a dream with a baby in your arms, the interpretation will have its own characteristics. If a loved one is holding the baby, this symbolizes your callousness towards him. You are too busy looking for solutions to your problems and have stopped paying attention to your family. Stop and think: what is most important?

See how a stranger calms a baby in his arms, speaks of your inattention to your own children. Leave all your business and find out: what worries your son/daughter at this stage, how can you help them? Life is fleeting, you can’t redo everything - and your own children will be left without the participation and warmth of a mother’s heart, which is so necessary for every person.

Miller's Dream Book

Dream interpretation of a child in his arms. A well-known psychologist considers this dream a warning of danger if the baby looked tired or sad. In the future, you will have to overcome difficult life problems alone: ​​family and friends will not be able to provide support.

Rocking a baby promises positive changes in life. You will be able to implement your plan, even despite attacks from relatives or loved ones. You've been cherishing your dream for too long to miss the chance to enjoy making it come true.

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Interpretation from dream books: baby in arms

In ancient and modern dream books, a baby in arms is an ambiguous symbol that can predict both happy life changes and troubles for the dreamer. To understand why a sleeping person dreams of a baby, you need to try to remember the plot of your dream down to the smallest detail, and only after that turn to interpreters for help. What gender was the dreamed baby? What mood was he in? By answering these and some other questions, the dreamer will be able to understand what the little one in his arms in the dream warned him about.

Deciphering night vision according to Miller

Did you dream of holding a small child in your arms? Miller's dream book does not advise ignoring this image, as it can warn the dreamer about any important events awaiting him in the coming days. An alarming sign is a dream in which the sleeper was holding an unhealthy baby in his arms. Such a vision prophesies to him mental pain, disappointment and excitement in reality. If in a dream a person rocked a baby for a long time, trying to put him to sleep, then the goal pursued by him in reality will be achieved at the cost of incredible efforts. Why do you dream of a baby in your arms whom the dreamer feeds from a bottle? Soon after waking up, the sleeper will face complex and incredibly troublesome work, the completion of which will bring him a good monetary reward in the future. Sometimes a dream with such a development of events indicates a person’s reluctance or inability to solve his problems on his own. When faced with any life obstacles, he always hopes for help from strangers and does nothing to overcome them.

Why do you dream about a newborn (video)

Explanation from Astromeridian's dream book

Why do you dream of a baby in your arms according to Astromeridian’s dream book? A person who sees such an image in a dream will be greatly surprised in reality. To understand how pleasant it will be, he needs to remember the baby’s appearance. If the dreamed toddler was beautiful and evoked tenderness in the sleeping person, then the upcoming surprise will bring him a lot of positive emotions. An ugly or dirty child promises unpleasant troubles.

Did a woman dream of her husband holding a baby in her arms? The dream book foretells her pregnancy and the birth of a son. If the dreamed toddler was capricious and sick, then in reality the dreamer’s life will be darkened by unexpected troubles that befall him. The interpreter urges him not to lose heart and to remember that after a dark streak in life there always comes a bright one. Carrying a crying or capricious child in your arms, trying to calm him down and put him to sleep, is a serious obstacle to the realization of your cherished dream. To achieve what he wants, a person will need to show maximum perseverance. If the dreamer failed to put the baby to sleep, then all his efforts will be in vain.

Dreamed of holding someone else's baby in your arms in a dream? Higher powers warn the sleeper that in the coming days one of his relatives or friends will try to put their problems on his shoulders. By agreeing to help another person, the dreamer risks incurring troubles that, at this stage of life, can seriously upset his plans.

Interpretation according to dream books: Universal and Phelomena

What does a dream with a child in her arms portend for a pregnant woman? The compilers of the Universal Dream Book are convinced: if the expectant mother saw a boy in her night dreams, then she should prepare for the birth of her son. A little girl in her arms should be taken as a sign promising a woman the appearance of a daughter. In a dream, a pregnant woman clearly heard someone call the little one she dreamed about by name? With the help of this vision, the Universe tells her a name for her unborn child. By naming her offspring him, a woman will ensure a happy fate for him.

In your night dreams, holding a baby in your arms that was thrown to the dreamer is an incredibly happy sign. The dream book is sure that a foundling foretells pleasant surprises, success or unexpected enrichment for the sleeping person. But only the dream in which the child behaved calmly can be interpreted in this way. If the abandoned baby cried or was capricious, then the dreamer will face unexpected troubles.

Felomena's dream book associates young children with a person's hopes and aspirations. The dream where he held a baby in his arms reflects his hopes for realizing long-cherished plans. If the vision left the sleeper with good memories, then the actions he takes will bring him success and universal recognition.

Holding the baby of your friends or relatives in the arms is a sign warning the dreamer that he is being shamelessly manipulated. Having fallen under the influence of cunning and deceitful people, he unconditionally fulfills their requests, being sure that he is doing this of his own free will. It’s time for the sleeper to face the truth and understand that this cannot continue. If he continues to dance to the tune of his enterprising acquaintances, he risks missing out on the opportunity to achieve success in this life.

How many people - so many dreams. How many dreams - so many opportunities, sometimes missed. The meaning of a dream is difficult to understand without taking into account all its aspects, the person's personality and the context. In order to find out what a dream REALLY means, write to a site expert, it’s free!

Newborn babies with blue eyes in a dream are associated with the kindness, responsiveness and sincerity of the sleeping person. If the dreamer happened to hold a blue-eyed baby in his night dreams, then in reality he will always be able to count on the support of friends and relatives whom he once helped in difficult situations.

Interpretation options for Hasse, Vanga and Freud

In Miss Hasse's dream book you can find out why you dream of someone else's baby in your arms. To determine the meaning of a dream, the interpreter advises remembering its details:

  • if the dreamed baby peed in his arms, then in reality the dreamer will be invited to a gala event;
  • a peacefully sleeping toddler, whose gender was difficult to determine in a dream, predicts difficulties for a person in achieving his goal;
  • a newborn boy in the arms of Morpheus promises the dreamer successful career growth;
  • A baby sleeping in your arms portends pleasant chores associated with preparing for an important event.

The dream in which you dreamed of a baby in your arms will help you decipher Vanga’s dream book. The Bulgarian seer claimed that a person carrying a crying child in a dream and trying to calm him down would receive unexpected news in reality. Also, a dream can warn him of an event that could take him by surprise.

How to understand a dream in which the sleeper takes the baby in his arms at his request? A person who sees such a picture should prepare for a quick addition to the family. Holding a baby for a man means successful getting rid of old problems.

In Freud's dream book, a baby in one's arms symbolizes the desire of a sleeping person to achieve harmony in a relationship with a sexual partner. If the baby was dreamed of by a person who is in a quarrel with his soulmate, then he should put aside his pride and take the first step towards reconciliation.

Why do you dream of a baby in your arms (video)

Interpretation of a dream by Tsvetkov and Loff

Tsvetkov's dream book gives an unexpected interpretation of a dream with a baby in your arms. If a pregnant woman had such a dream, then in the near future her relationship with her husband will be overshadowed by an unpleasant conflict. In the case when the expectant mother works, the dream may foreshadow her troubles at work. Holding a crying child in your arms means a quarrel with one of the family members because of condemnation of his actions and outlook on life. A cheerful child in her arms promises a pregnant woman happy events, thanks to which her life will take on a new meaning.

Why do you dream of a baby (boy) in your arms wearing a diaper that urgently needs to be changed? For a dreamer who does not have his own newborn offspring, the dream promises the emergence of a brilliant idea that can bring good material profit. Parents of small children should not pay attention to a dream with such a development of events, since it is a reflection of reality.

Tsvetkov's dream book gives an unexpected interpretation of a dream with a baby in your arms

Why do you dream of babies in your arms according to other interpreters? Babysitting a baby and hearing him burp is an unpleasant situation that will make the dreamer feel awkward. This interpretation can be found in David Loff’s dream book. A night vision where a person was holding a dying child in his arms is an extremely alarming sign. It predicts serious danger for the dreamer. To avoid a bad omen, he needs to refrain from participating in dubious matters and refuse long trips. A baby who died in the arms of a sleeping person suddenly came to life? The Universe hints to the dreamer that he is incredibly close to achieving his goal. To achieve what he wants, he needs not to give up and move forward, not paying attention to the obstacles that appear in his way.

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