
Spelling n or n n adverbs. Spelling -n- and -nn- in Russian. Explanation of new material

Н-НН in adverbs, adjectives and participles, full and short

1. With one letter n are written:

1. Adjectives with a non-derivative base: red, young, blue. There is no suffix in such adjectives. Letter n is part of the root.

2. Denominate adjectives with suffix -n: winter n th(from: winter), years n th(from: summer).

3. Denominate adjectives with suffixes -an, -yan: sandy, silver (adj. meaning “name of material, substance”), and -in: mouse, passerine (adj. meaning “accessories”).


wooden, tin, glass write with two letters NN.

4. Verbal adjectives, if there is no prefix and explanatory word: heat fresh meat .


Write with two letters NN words from the list:
given, arrogant, abandoned, desired, bought, seen, made, cutesied, captivated, deprived, sacred, read, desperate, minted, cursed, unheard of, unseen, unexpected, unforeseen

Do not confuse:

The list of exceptions does not include words uninvited, uninvited, named, which are consistent with the data above. Write them according to the rule: unsolicited advice, uninvited guest,sworn brother.

5. Short adjectives in the masculine singular form: advice is valuable - (m.r.), as well as short adjectives in all other forms if they are formed from full adjectives with one letter n: red girl (from the full form with one letter n: red), the sun is red, the girls are red.

6. Adverbs on -O And -e formed from adjectives with one letter n: windy, neat.

2. With two letters NN are written:

1. Denominate adjectives with suffix -n, if the root of the noun ends in a letter n:autumn, spring, sleepy.

2. Denominate adjectives with the suffixes -enn, -onn: letter, portion.


flighty man, windmill, chicken pox, But windless day,leeward side.

3. Verbal adjectives with suffix -nn : korcheva nn y plot, Brakova nnth thing.
Figure out how the word is formed: defective ← reject + NN .
Suffix -nn write in verbal adjectives formed from a generating stem with suffixes: - Eve//-ova,-Eve
: uprooted←uproot, formed←form.

It’s easier to remember this way: adjectives on Eve+nn + th,ova +nn +y, eva +nn+ y.

4. Adjectives-exceptions from clauses:

1.3.Exception: wood, tin, glass write with two letters - NN .
1.4.Exception: the, swaggering, abandoned, desired, bought, seen, made, cutesy, captive, deprived, sacred, read, desperate, embossed, damned, unheard of, unprecedented, inadvertent, unexpected.

5. Passive past participles, if there are prefixes or explanatory words: a written essay, mittens knitted (by whom?) by grandmother, as well as participles and verbal adjectives formed from perfective verbs without prefixes: bought, abandoned, given (the latter are included in the list words to remember in paragraph 5 along with other examples).

6. Short adjectives formed from the full form with two letters NN(except for the form m.r. singular, in which there is always one letter n): night without moon n a, adviсe prices.

7. Adverbs on -O And -e, formed from adjectives with two letters NN: sincerely, thoughtfully, calmly.

So, in order not to make mistakes in the exam, you need to know all the points. Be sure to include examples, because examples are samples that help you act by analogy.
Do not forget about the exceptions in paragraphs: 1.3., 1.4., 2.2.


To expand your language experience, you can refer to the section.
This is a constructor dictionary. Set the parameters you are interested in and get the necessary lists of words.
It is now useful for you to turn to the Correct Dictionary, as well as to the Grammar Dictionary. Don’t forget, you can connect the following parameters: “New”, “Easy”, “Difficult”, “Important”. You can add or, on the contrary, exclude words for grades 5-8. Create your own dictionary configuration on the topic tasks 14.

A13. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers replaced by one H?

Skillfully made (1) forged (2) beams (3) lattices of St. Petersburg are one of the decorations of the city.

1) 1,2 2) 2 3) 2, 3 4) 1, 3

A little theory

Despite the fact that the codifier talks about one and two letters H in the suffixes of various parts, in the control measuring materials we will also deal with words in which the spelling of two H is due to the fact that the first of the letters is part of the root (base), and the second is the suffix -N- or part of a suffix starting with N.


1) Adjectives with suffixes -an-, -yang-, -in- are written with one -n-: clay yang, silver yang, chicken. Exceptions: glass, tin, wood.

2) Adjectives with suffixes -onn-, -enn- written with two -n-: aviation, related. Exception: windy, oily.

3) In adjectives formed from the stem on -n using a suffix -n-, spelled two -n-: picture n-a + n th).

Participles and adjectives formed from verbs:

Two letters -n- are written in suffixes of full participles and adjectives formed from verbs:

1) if they have the prefix: all aroma, boiled(But: smart boy, called brother);

2) if they have dependent words: cook nnaya with milk ;

3) if the word has suffixes -ova-, -eva-, -irova-: pickled, paved;

4) if the word is formed from an unprefixed verb of the perfect form (except wounded): deprived;

In short participles one is written -n-, and in adjectives - two (except for the masculine singular form). It is necessary to distinguish between full and short forms of passive past participles with suffixes -enn- And -nn- and adjectives formed from verbs. Compare:

well-mannered participle from the verb “to educate”; short form: brought up, brought up, brought up, brought up And well-mannered adjective; short form: brought up, brought up, brought up, brought up.

How to distinguish? It’s possible according to the meaning, but it’s easier to try substituting the word ‘ more’: Masha was raised by her grandmother And Masha is well-mannered, polite and smart. As you can see, in the first case the substitution of the proposed word is inappropriate, but in the second it is quite possible. In addition, passive participles require the presence (at least on a subconscious level) of an indication of who performed the action indicated in the participle.

Writing one or two letters -n- V complex adjectives obeys the general rule: plain painted (paint, imperfect species); smoothly colored (painted, perfect view).

Adverbs, formed from adjectives with two -n-, also written with two -n-: went organized n o.

In nouns, formed from adjectives, participles and verbal adjectives, so many are written -n-, how many of them were in the production base: pupil ( from ‘ well-mannered), martyr ( from ‘ tormented) .

Two - n- written in all words formed from stems to -n, with a suffix starting with -n: foam (pen -a + n -th), hexagon (six + side + nick).

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in adverbs

Adverbs are written with -n- or -nn- depending on the spelling of the generating adjective or the full form of the participle. Here are spelling examples -n- And -nn- adverbs.

All adverbs originated or originate from words belonging to different parts of speech. Adverbs are actively formed from qualitative adjectives and the full form of participles using a suffix -O:

  • beautiful - look beautiful;
  • preoccupied - ask concerned about.
  • There is often doubt about how a derived lexeme is written correctly: with one letter "n" or with two? Spelling -n- or -nn- in adverbs it depends on the word of what part of speech they were formed.

    Spelling adverbs with -n-

    In writing adverbs with -n- And -nn- formed on behalf of an adjective, we are guided by the rule of Russian spelling:

    Let's see how this selection principle works. -n- And -nn-:

    careful approach - treat with care;

    long report - wrote at length;

    intentional act - did it intentionally;

    a confused look - answered the confused one.

    Particular difficulty in writing -n- And -nn- cause adverbs formed from verbal adjectives. For example, how to spell the adverb correctly "confused" or "confusing"?

    Then you need to make your choice, restoring the word-formation chain:

    (what to do?) confuse - confused (answer) - answer (how?) confused no.

    An adjective is formed from an imperfective verb using a suffix -en-, which is preserved in the writing of the derived adverb.

    We check the spelling in the same way -n- in a word:

    (what to do?) enrage - mad (wolf) - spin how? besh en o.

    The engines were running at full speed. Hundreds of demons, called horsepower, fought, furiously rotating the piston levers (A. Tolstoy).

    Let's pay attention to the spelling of the adjective "windy" with one letter "n". Accordingly, the derived adverb retains the suffix -en-:

    It's very windy outside today.

    Spelling adverbs with -nn-

    WITH -nn- adverbs formed from the full forms of adjectives and participles are written with -nn-:

  • foggy - foggy nn o answer;
  • concentrated person - was engaged in concentrated work;
  • An offended child says offended;
  • modern approach - looks modern.
  • Spelling N and NN in adjectives, participles, adverbs, nouns

    Tables with examples.

    Spelling -Н- and -НН- in adjectives formed from nouns

    Excl.: glass, tin, wood

    Excl.: windy (but: windless)

    Remember: young, rosy, porky, whole, spicy

    (antique (antique), pocket (pocket))

    Spelling -Н- and -НН- in adjectives and participles formed from verbs

    Excl.: slow, desired, sacred, unexpected, unexpected, unexpected, unseen, unheard

    Excl.: forged, chewed(ov-, ev- is included in the root, not in the suffix)

    Compound adjectives

    Each part of a complex adjective is written according to the same rules,

    as the corresponding independent word

    Short adjectives

    There are as many N written as in the full form

    Short participles

    Only N is always written

    The job is done, the problem is solved, we are connected by a word

    NOTE: If you find it difficult to distinguish between an adjective and a participle, first of all try to determine what attribute this word means. If the sign is temporary, limited, a sign of an action performed on an object, then this is a participle.

    (The girl was raised by her mother. The commission was formed yesterday)

    If a word denotes a feature that is constantly inherent in an object, then it is an adjective

    Spelling “n” and “nn” in adverbs ending with “-o” and nouns

    Spelling. Total dictation 2014

    Adverbs on -O, nouns with suffixes -ness, -ik, -its(A), formed from adjectives and passive participles, are written with double n or one n- depending on how the corresponding adjective or participle is written. Examples:

    are written with NN: accidentally, unheard of(from inadvertent, unheard of), excitedly, excitement (excited), confident, confidence
    (confident), good manners, pupil, pupil (well-mannered), focus (directed), prisoner (captive), rooter (root), matinee (morning);

    are written with n: confusing (talks confusedly), confused, confusion(from confused), learned (very learnedly expressed), scholarship(from scientist), done (grinned artificially), efficiency(from made), hemp (hemp), moss (mossy), silversmith (silversmith), anemone, anemone, frivolity, windy (It's windy outside today) [PAS 2011: 94].

    “The spelling of the following adjectives is determined in dictionary order: with one n are written smart, tricky; with two n haggard, exhausted, pompous, slow , desperate" [PAS 2011: 89] .

    N and NN in adverbs

    Spelling rules N and NN in adverbs

    In adverbs on -O- And -e- formed from qualitative adjectives and verbal participles, one or two letters can be written in suffixes N:

    N in adverb suffixes it is written in words formed from adjectives or participles with one letter N.

    There are not always as many N written in adverbs as there were in the generating stem.

    As you can see, the rules for writing one and two letters НН suffixes of adverbs and nouns are the same. At school this topic is studied in 8th grade.

    Did not like? — Write in the comments what is missing.

    The most active participants of the week:

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    • 1. Natalya Starostina - bookstore gift card for 500 rubles.
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    Theoretical charging

    1. When it is written in adjectives NN ?
    2. Name the exceptions to these rules.
    3. How to distinguish a verbal adjective with a suffix -n- from communion with -nn- ?
    4. What exceptions in the spelling of verbal adjectives do you know?
    5. How to write suffixes with n And NN in short forms of adjectives and participles?
    6. How much n written in adverbs and nouns formed from adjectives and participles?


    1. Form adjectives from nouns and verbs according to the example:

    leather– leather en y: sand, rye;

    drum- drum n y: abuse, hurricane, pocket, fog, spring, manna, early;

    clay– clay yang y: birch bark, water, tin, resin, wool, peat;

    to knit– elm n y: tear, call, confuse, hew, forge, chew, cut, wash;

    wallow- Valya n y: winnow, solder, sow, shoot.

    2. Form adjectives from these nouns and highlight the suffix.

    Goose, mosquito, bee, lion, mouse, rooster, ant, nightingale, snake, guest, poplar, length, plain, antiquity, virgin soil, pig.
    Infection, station, lecture, tradition, pension, exam, season, lemon, wormwood, string, desert, cast iron, crow, horse.

    3. Form adjectives from nouns and verbs, highlight suffixes according to the example:

    disease– illness enne y.
    Morning, lunch, life, thought, fire, letter, number, cranberry, straw, foliage, courage, fatherland, kinship, feeling.

    enrage– besh en y.
    Felt, iron, give, burn, heat, glue, boil, mow, fry, cut, wound, teach, layer.

    4. Graphically explain the spelling. n And NN in words:

    cochet n y meadow - nekoshe n oh, skosh NN y and koshe NN dewy meadow;
    more painted NN th fence - painted - has not been more beautiful for a long time NN y- unbeautiful n y;
    nope n tablecloth - weave NN golden - weave NN aya - not a lot NN and I;
    wound n 1st warrior - wound NN first in battle - lightly wounded n oh - hurt n s plow;
    burn n sugar - semi-burnt NN that manuscript is burned NN oh desert.

    5. Conduct a selective dictation with an explanation. Write down the words in two columns n And NN .

    1) Old Mazay loves his low-lying land with passion (N. Nekrasov). 2) The road lay through a former rye field. 3) Spring entered the earth with a solemn march. 4) I was drawn to the stone buildings, where there was a smell of machine oil. 5) The early harsh winter dawn appeared through the deathly haze (A. Fadeev). 6) Neither the sled nor the animal tracks were visible. 7) The sound of horse hooves was heard: a thief was being led out of the stable n wow horse. 8) Stanitsa obnese n and the earth n shaft (L. Tolstoy). 9) Nastya was just as windy n ah, like her young lady (A. Pushkin). 10) The night was calm NN and I.

    6. Compose and write down a dictation of exception words for all cases of this topic.

    7. Copy, form from these words using suffixes -ost-, -nii-, -nii- nouns, indicate spellings.

    8. Explain spelling n And NN in words.

    Straight n hic, work harder n ik, guests n itza, ice cream n oh, travel NN ik, be friends NN ik, kinship NN ik, mali NN ik, sacred NN ik, educate NN ik, uch n IR, foliage NN itsa, ko NN itza, mane NN ik, have n And NN ik, ple NN ik, put NN ik, hemp n IR, oil n ik, drier n itza, teacher n itza, puta n itza, celebration NN awn.

    9. Rearrange the phrases to illustrate all possible ways of writing participles.

    Sample: touche n vegetables (non-natural type, no dependent word, prefix); touche NN ed in a pot (s.s.); netushe n y (prefix Not- does not affect spelling); put out NN dried vegetables (prefix).
    Kova n th chest, heavier NN brick barge, shooting n shell casings, wound NN hit the shoulder, name NN y in honor, seche NN hail-stricken fields, kuple NN y goods.

    10. Explain spelling n And NN , indicating the word from which the compound adjective is formed: broadleaf NN oh (foliage NN oh).

    Illness NN oh lethargic look NN handy you n Osha, right n o-delicate aroma, after dinner NN oh dream, fresh ice cream n oh meat, fresh frozen NN y fruits, self-made n th carpet, little wearer n th jacket, highly artistic NN long-awaited taste, long-awaited newborn, less traveled path, newly-minted institution, narrow departmental interests, socially useful work.

    11. From these verbs, form passive participles with prefixes and verbal adjectives without prefixes.

    Sample: whiten – bleached – bleached.

    Knit, glue, smoke, break, wet, wear, plow, saw, weave, frighten, tear, scratch, salt, dry, sharpen, paint.

    12. Insert the missing letters, find words with suffixes, highlight the suffixes.

    Stone, strong, ardent, frosty, axed, long, juicy, weighty, ra_y, so_y, patterned, beto_y, slanted, straight, ruddy, tribal, guest, revolutionary, thief, filthy.

    13. From given words using suffixes -nick-, -ost-, -hic- Form, if possible, derivative words according to the model: related– kinship NN ik, kinship NN awn.

    Authentic, modern, flighty, charming, manly, base, skilled, artificial, economical, strange.

    14. Explain the difference in the spelling of words with the same root.

    1) All my friends are educated NN s. Commissions have already been formed n s.
    2) The faces of the soldiers are stern and concerned NN s. We were more concerned n s passed.
    3) The training camp was organized NN O. Organized n o good food.
    4) The wool is all tangled n and a kitten. This story is confusing NN and also unclear.
    5) The sea is excited n about the storm. Spoke excitedly NN oh, it's hot.

    15. Express dictation (in the 1st column write down the numbers of words from n , in the 2nd – with NN ).

    1) Stir NN oh colors,
    2) bestse NN oh thing
    3) more colorful NN y shops,
    4) clearing illuminated n A,
    5) weave n th pattern,
    6) tourists are accommodated n s,
    7) commission formed n A,
    8) blush n s faces,
    9) svi n y hams,
    10) not beautiful n this fabric,
    11) piss n oh beauty,
    12) scribble notebook n A,
    13) leather n th briefcase,
    14) wind n th day
    15) wind n oh engine,
    16) no wind NN th day
    17) scattering NN oh boy,
    18) something NN oh error.


    № 1

    Exercise 1. Write down the short forms of the adjective next to the full form.
    Sample: rosychild rouge, girl rouge, child rouge.

    Incomparable, united, valuable, revolutionary, desert, modern.

    Task 2. Explain the spelling of words using the adjectives from which they are derived.
    Sample: oil n itza – oil n y (damn).

    Unforced NN awn, beshe n oh, unceremoniously NN awn, life NN oh, trust NN awn, guests n itza, wind n oh the leaves NN itza, karma NN ik, customs NN ik, kinship NN ik.

    № 2

    Exercise 1. Paste n And NN , highlight the suffixes.

    Telephone conversation, table tennis, earthen embankment, crane cry, hurricane warning, unreasonable lateness, skillful speaker, artificial diamond, seasonal work, target area, silver thread, wooden salt shaker.

    Task 2. Form these adjectives into their short form in the feminine gender.

    Unexpected, sacred, windy, deserted, long, ruddy, young, skillful, wounded, educated, artificial.

    № 3

    Exercise 1. Replace these phrases with synonymous expressions and highlight the suffixes.
    Sample: time of revolution - revolution NN oh time.

    Division commander, excursion bus, triangle with equal sides, battalion commissar, excitement of discussion, punctuation mark, gathering according to tradition, windy day, institute of information.

    Task 2. Explain the spelling n And NN according to the model.
    Sample: smoked n awn - smoked n th.

    Smyshle n awn, bring up NN ik, wiser n awn, oil n itsa, chosen NN ik, tuma NN awn, puta n itza, confused NN awn, craft NN ik, yu n awn.

    № 4

    Exercise 1. Convert participles into adjectives.
    Sample: oven NN fish in ashes - oven n oh fish, gilded NN oh ring - more gold n oh ring.

    Kvashe NN cabbage in a barrel, white NN th ceiling, melted NN oh oil, heavy NN forest-covered barge, paved NN aya street, earlier NN warrior in hand, not more beautiful for a long time NN hair, unseeded NN oh field, planting NN bushes grown by children.

    Task 2. Form adverbs from these words using a suffix -O- .

    Furious, arrogant, solemn, oily, windy, violent, nameless, windless, organized, thoughtful, unheard of.

    № 5

    Exercise 1. Form a short form, highlight the spelling.

    Tangled hair, scattered beads, overdyed stockings, works of art, numerous lights, cropped hair, given words, young creatures, educated youths, concentrated faces.

    Task 2. Turn adjectives into passive participles by adding either a dependent word or a prefix.

    Soaked apples, a wounded bird, a quilted jacket, dyed hair, salted fish, unshorn children, burnt coal, unfed cattle.

    № 6

    Exercise 1. Paste n or NN , explaining your choice.

    Prettier in blue; the guest seated under the icon; imprisoned father; bride's trousseau; the streets are empty; regiment attached to the army commander; pork carcasses; movements of the kingdom; my hair has not been dyed for a long time; smart children.

    Task 2. Write down any exceptions to the topic " N And NN in adjectives."

    № 7

    Exercise 1. Form short participles and adverbs from these verbs, create phrases and write them down.
    Sample:tangle - the wool is tangled n ah, talking is confusing NN O.

    Organize, concentrate, enliven, deserve, strain, inspire, excite, dispel, excite, condemn.

    Task 2. Underline words with suffix -he N- .

    Seasonal, editorial, bottomless, compositional, revolutionary, bouillon, legal, sleepless, restless, commission, inclined, template, inertial, carriage, concrete, reactionary, operational.

    № 8

    Exercise 1. Explain the spelling of the following words (show graphically).

    Cochet n y meadow - unscrupulous NN th meadow
    more beautiful n This product has not been more beautiful for a long time NN th fence
    weave NN a basket made by a craftsman - a basket not woven n A
    purchase NN y bread - wound n 1st soldier
    Yes NN th example - weave n th pattern
    half-burned NN the manuscript is half-faded n y fish
    ice cream n the meat is not frozen NN berry

    Task 2. Write down exception words on the topic “ N And NN in participles and verbal adjectives."

    № 9

    Exercise 1. Form adjectives from the nouns and verbs given in brackets, write down phrases with them, explain graphically n or NN .

    (Discussion) question, (wind) young man, (no wind) weather, (car) master, (inspiration) music, (gasify) area, (bee) wax, (make) fright, (weave) carpet, (seeds) fund, (eagle) glance, (sparrow) tweet, (division) medical battalion, (not wait) visit.

    Task 2. Explain the spelling n or NN.

    Thoughtful decisions NN s (correct) – all the moves have been thought through n s
    Views are directed into the distance - movements are directed NN s (decisive)
    Papers towards n s to court - move in the direction NN O

    № 10

    Exercise 1. Form participles and adjectives from verbs.
    Sample: whiten - whiter n oh, it's been a long time since I was whiter NN walls.

    Ferment, mow, pave, smelt, chill, heat, teach.

    Task 2. Explain the spelling using the example: weave NN gold scarf(there is a dependent word).

    Hidden NN oh ice cream n oh, confused NN wow, puta n oh story, yu n great chess player, the story is confusing NN oh, don't decide NN that's a task, nope n gold material n thread. mystery NN oh secret, layer n y pie, boiling n oh water.

    № 11

    Exercise 1. Insert the missing letters, distribute them into two columns with n And NN .

    An embarrassed youth, a mad dog, a skilled worker, a forged lattice, a job done, a crane's cry, window frames, a smart baby, unplowed fields, mushrooms dried in the sun, a wind engine, calm weather, a wounded finger, a desired day.

    Task 2. Next to the full participles and adjectives, write down the short ones.

    Baked fish –
    sown field -
    sacred oath -
    desired holidays -
    slow movements -
    clouds scattered by the wind -
    concentrated faces -
    absent-minded students -
    proven friends -

    № 12

    Exercise 1. Write down, inserting letters, explaining spelling.

    The faces of the sailors are concerned and serious; sauerkraut; we are limited in time; came out organized; concerned about the patient's condition; cucumbers pickled in a barrel; behave with restraint; teenagers are unbalanced and hot-tempered; imbalance and lack of restraint; unbaked bread; bride's dowry; baked pumpkin; Tanks assigned to the regiment.

    Task 2. Make up and write down sentences or phrases with the words:

    brought up nы - bring up NN s, isolated n s – isolated NN s, sleeping n s – soldering NN s, scattering n s – scattering NN s, holding back n s - restraining NN s.

    Control vocabulary dictation

    Green forest, oil engine, butter pancake, tin soldier, red dawn, windy day, burnt sugar, unexpected success, spoiled child, pig tail, chewed - chewed leaf, shod horse, unexpected success, come unexpectedly, unprecedented dawn, unheard of news, slow progress, bride's dowry, non-woven tablecloth, smart kid, half-dried fish, long-awaited visit, leather cloak, freshly painted fence, gullible beast, windmill, incessant rain, burnt letter, broken line, boiled water, valuable remark, artificial honey, baked apple, half-milked cows, fields cut by hail, sworn brother, wounded in the chest, a strange incident, virgin harvest, short history, millionth inhabitant, true values, felted shoes, a shot sparrow, the real truth, children are absent-minded and inattentive, clouds are scattered, smells spicy with saffron, a rosy birthday girl, wormwood thickets, a desperate young man, a wildly beating heart, state customs officers, a chased step, a lacerated wound.

    Tables with examples.

    Spelling -Н- and -НН- in adjectives formed from nouns

    Spelling -Н- and -НН- in adjectives and participles formed from verbs

    1) If adj. formed from verbs without prefixes (the prefix does NOT affect the spelling of N or NN) ( knitted, uncut)

    Excl.: slow, desired, sacred, unexpected, unexpected, unexpected, unseen, unheard

    1) If adj. formed from verbs with prefixes (the prefix does NOT affect the spelling of N or NN) ( tied, beveled, built)
    2) If there is a suffix -OVA-, -EVA- ( organized excursion, uprooted forest)

    Excl.: forged, chewed(ov-, ev- is included in the root, not in the suffix)

    3) If there is a dependent word ( wicker)
    4) If adj. formed from verbs owls. type ( solved)

    Except: wounded

    Compound adjectives

    Each part of a complex adjective is written according to the same rules,

    as the corresponding independent word

    Fresh frozen – ice cream – freeze Fresh frozen – frozen – freeze

    Short adjectives

    There are as many N written as in the full form

    Young artists The road is long (long)

    Short participles

    Only N is always written

    The job is done, the problem is solved, we are connected by a word

    NOTE: If you find it difficult to distinguish between an adjective and a participle, first of all try to determine what attribute this word means. If the sign is temporary, limited, a sign of an action performed on an object, then this is a participle.

    (The girl was raised by her mother. The commission was formed yesterday)

    If a word denotes a feature that is constantly inherent in an object, then it is an adjective

    (The girl is raised and educated)

    Spelling -Н- and -НН- in adverbs

    Spelling -Н- and -НН- in nouns

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