
Honey and apple saved the year. When apple and honey saved. What not to do in Orekhovy Spas

The last month of summer is famous for the harvest and three popular holidays called Spas.

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These holidays are not transitory, that is, each holiday has its own permanent date. But the day of the week on which this date falls varies from year to year. The name Spas has folk roots, and the Orthodox Church celebrates major religious holidays on these same days. The word “saved” itself, according to one version, comes from Christ the Savior, but according to another, more probable, from the word save, which hints at harvesting, which should save from hunger in the cold winter.

When is Honey Spas in 2018

Orthodox Christians celebrate the First, or Honey Savior August 14. In 2018, Honey Spas falls on Tuesday. This holiday has several other names - the First Savior of Maccoveus, the Savior on the Water, and according to the church calendar, the Assumption Fast begins on the day of the Honey Savior.

Source: Pixabay

It got its first name, Honey Spas, for the reason that by August beekeepers begin collecting honey, which has already filled the hives. In addition to honey, which, by the way, can only be eaten after lighting in the church, boxes of poppy seeds are also ready, which is why the name Makovey is sometimes considered related to this. However, in the church on the day of the First Savior they also celebrate the day of remembrance of the seven Old Testament martyrs of the Maccabees.

Honey Spas is the first sign of the end of summer; peasants have already begun preparing for autumn and the beginning of the harvest; after Honey Spas they did not swim in open reservoirs.

When is Apple Spas in 2018?

Second or Apple Spas celebrated August 19, in 2018 this is Sunday. On the Day of the Apple Savior, the Church celebrates the great religious holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord, which is associated with the last days of Christ’s earthly life: having climbed Mount Tabor with his disciples the apostles John, James and Peter, Jesus said that he would soon die on the Cross and then be resurrected. After these words, Christ was transformed - his face shone, and “his clothes became white as light.”

Spas were celebrated in Rus' back in the days when the traditions of their pagan ancestors had not yet been erased from people's minds. Previously, people humanized nature, spiritualized it, because they were completely dependent on the harvest. Therefore, at the end of summer - beginning of autumn, the pagans celebrated their big holiday - Harvest Day. It was this significant day in the life of our ancestors that was replaced by more modern, so to speak, three holidays that personify the connection between man and nature - Honey, Apple and Nut Spas. But now a religious component has interfered with their essence, so the holidays have changed their name and meaning.

What does the word “Savior” mean?

The word “Savior” comes from the word “Savior”, and this has a deep meaning. People tried to unite Christian humility and gratitude to God the Guardian and the Earth-Nurse, and this unity found itself in the traditions celebration of the three Saviors.

Spas in 2017 - dates of celebration

Honey Spas 2017 (First)

Honey Spas opens the Trinity holidays. He falls on the Assumption Fast, interrupting its severity with small indulgences in food. In it falls on August 14. It is on this day that believers come to church to illuminate this year's honey harvest. Illuminated honey is traditionally left in the church or distributed on the porch. All honey from the new harvest is illuminated, and from this day on it can be eaten.

Apple Spas 2017 (Second)

Apple Spas falls on August 19, and in fact is not apple day, because on this day it is not apples that should be illuminated, but grapes. However, not all places on the globe where Christians live grow grapes, so it is customary to shine on this day the harvest that has already ripened by that time. In our strip these are apples. Just like honey, illuminated apples are distributed to the poor and needy, and the entire new harvest, which can now be eaten, is considered illuminated.

Nut Spas 2017 (Third)

The last of the three Spas is Nut. It will take place August 29. Otherwise, it is called the Bread Spas, because from this moment the preparation of supplies for the winter is completed. According to tradition, wells are cleaned in villages and villages on this day before winter. Bread and nuts are shined in the church, after which they are left as a gift to the church or to the poor on the porch.

In August, three holidays dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ are celebrated at once: the First Savior - the Origin of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (popularly the Honey Savior), the Second Savior - the Transfiguration of the Lord (Apple Savior) and the Third Savior - the memory of the Miraculous Image of the Lord Jesus Christ (Nut Savior). ).

This month is rich in things related to the harvest, because the popular name of these holidays exalts three main products: honey, apples and nuts, without which Russian people cannot imagine their existence.

In 2017 we celebrate Nut Spas on August 29, as every year. People also call it Khlebny, Kholshchev, Maly, and Savior on canvas. The Third Savior will mark the transfer of the Icon of the Lord Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands to Constantinople, but, as it happens, these days the collection of nuts begins, after the harvest they sow winter rye, and city residents traditionally start trading in canvases and linens.

History of the celebration of the Third Savior

Nut Spas, like all Christian celebrations, has a deep history. If we look at the church calendar, we can see that on this day they celebrate the transfer of the Image of the Lord Not Made by Hands from Edessa to Constantinople. Prince Avgar, seriously ill with leprosy, was looking for ways to get rid of the disease. Once he heard about a miracle worker from Palestine who heals people. It was Jesus Christ.

When a messenger rushed to him, Christ listened to the messenger, slowly washed his face, wiped his face with a towel and gave it to the messenger. The miracle worker possessed great healing power, so the prince only wiped himself with this towel, which was touched by the face of the Almighty, and was immediately healed.

As a sign of what happened to him, Prince Avgar ordered to hang a towel on the tower, so that all people could believe in a miracle, and thus the city could be protected from external enemies.

The miraculous image that appeared on the towel healed other sick people for a long time, until it was stolen by Muslims and lost. Thus was born the tradition of hanging an image of Christ on the gates of towers in order to protect against hordes of enemies. Hanging canvases depicting Jesus Christ gave another name to the holiday - “Savior on Canvas”.

There is another origin of the holiday - pagan and associated with the harvest. In August, the people placed gifts on the altar of the gods in order to appease them. Since the nut harvest was rich at this time, nuts were offered. In addition to honey, apple, and nut salas, they also celebrated mushroom, berry, etc.

Signs of the Nut Savior

If people are revered as great, then the last one, Nut, is considered a semi-holiday, but it comes after, so it can be celebrated tasty and fun. On this day, housewives bake pies and bread from the new harvest, always from ears of corn blessed in the church. There is even a wise folk saying: The Third Savior has stored up bread, so we will have plenty of bread.

The end of August marks the transition from summer to autumn, from work typical of summer to work related to harvesting. Nuts should be a mandatory dish on the table; housewives try to add their special taste to each dish and prepare them for future use for the winter. And, if in the villages there was a short rest between field work, then in the cities the trade in canvases and canvases was in full swing, the fair was in full swing.

Particular attention, even judging by the name of the holiday, was paid to nuts; it was believed that both the fruits and branches themselves had miraculous powers. Therefore, amulets were made from walnut branches, which were kept in the house and given to those closest and dearest. A hazel broom was also held in high esteem by bathhouse attendants, as it relieved many diseases and even the evil eye.

The end of August, and birds fly to Orekhovy Spas: swallows and cranes. There is a belief that if storks fly away to the Third Spas, then the holiday of the Intercession will be frosty and cold.

If the farewell cooing of storks was heard after the Nut Savior, it means that the autumn will be warm, late, and the spring will be cold. This is where the sayings came from: Spas - prepare your mittens in reserve, that is, prepare for winter, Spas - and summer leaves us, the last birds fly away to the Third Spas.

Traditional and forgotten recipes for Nut Spas

Many dishes are prepared at Orekhovy Spas, primarily with nuts. You can bake nutty flavored charlotte, babka, pies, cakes with nut cream, muffins, various cookies, bake apples with nuts, kozinaki.

Housewives on this day cooked with the addition of nuts, and nut sauces were served with the main dishes. Jam and jelly made from nuts were especially popular.

In addition to dishes, the nut was widely used for medicinal purposes. Ointment from young nuts helped with arthritis, nut milk, crushed in a mortar and steamed with boiling water, healed ulcers. Honey combined with nuts was a miracle cure for impotence.

Peanuts, as a type of nut, are indispensable in the treatment of hemophilia. Almonds are an assistant for dry coughs, asthenia, skin diseases, treat anemia and pneumonia, and even strengthen the brain and eyesight. And tea with nuts is not only tasty, but also healthy, its aroma will win your love forever!

Before the Third Savior, the Assumption Fast ends (August 27), and the ban on eating fish and meat is lifted. Therefore, the last holiday of summer is marked by an abundance of various foods on the tables, and the main decoration is fresh bread made from freshly ground flour. This is where the popular name came from - Khlebny Spas. Nothing will change and in 2019, as always, Nut Spas will be celebrated on August 29.

Back in 944, a great biblical event took place, with which believers associate the holiday to this day. Then from Edessa, by order of the Emperor of Byzantium, Constantine VII, the Face of the Son of God Not Made by Hands was brought to Constantinople.

An ancient legend, confirmed by a document found in the 4th century, says that in Mesopotamia, in the city of Edessa, King Abgar was dying of an incurable illness. He was tormented by leprosy and no medicine or potion could help. Only a miracle could save the king.

Having heard numerous people's stories that in Palestine there lives a miracle worker who heals everyone and his name is Jesus Christ. The king immediately wrote a letter asking for help. The painter Ananias was entrusted with delivering the message.

Seeing Jesus, the painter decided to paint him, believing that the Face of the Son of God would definitely heal the king. But, unfortunately, no matter how hard Ananias tried, the portrait did not work out for him. Then Christ washed and wiped his face on the canvas. And a miracle happened - the outlines of the Image of the Son of God clearly appeared on the canvas. The miraculous Face of Christ helped the king defeat leprosy, and for a long time, healed many sufferers.

Having believed with all his heart in the Son of God, Abgar hung the canvas on the tower so that people could see the miracle with their own eyes, and so that the Divine Face would protect the city from enemies. Soon the Muslims stole the Image Not Made by Hands; many centuries later, with incredible efforts, the Byzantine Emperor Michael III managed to obtain the relic. In 944, the Face Not Made by Hands was transferred to Constantinople. In 1204, the relic was stolen, and to this day its whereabouts are unknown. According to one legend, the Face Not Made by Hands drowned along with the ship on which the kidnappers were transporting it.

There is an assumption that the first icons of ancient Rus' were created by painters based on the Image of Jesus Not Made by Hands. And the people often began to call the holiday “Savior on Canvas.”

Folk customs and traditions in Orekhovy Spas 2019

According to tradition, on the holiday, it is necessary to consecrate in the temple: ears of wheat collected the day before, fresh nuts, water and fruits. Only after church prayer and gratitude to the Almighty for our daily bread, from blessed products, can we prepare a festive table. Nuts, as usual, are added to almost all dishes. The most common treats at the nut spas: charlotte, baked apples with nuts, cakes with different types of nuts, cookies, muffins, and, of course, freshly baked bread. In the evening, candles are lit and after evening prayer, the family can begin the festive meal.

Since the holiday is celebrated on August 29, people in villages are very busy with field work. They are in a hurry to complete the work as quickly as possible before the rains start. Therefore, large celebrations are usually not organized in villages, but in cities, on the contrary, fun and large-scale celebrations are held. Fairs are widely popular, where all kinds of goods are presented, from vegetables and fruits to all kinds of linens and fabrics. When the Nut Saved in 2019, walking around the fair, you can’t leave empty-handed. After all, according to popular belief, this will lead to lack of money for the whole year. And if you buy fabric and sew clothes from it for your child, this will bring good health and good luck.

Nuts, the main symbol of the holiday, have long been endowed with healing powers. Not only the fruits are valued, but also the nut branches. They were stocked up for future use for the whole year, and they were often used as amulets. The belief that a walnut cross hung at the front door will protect against envious people and bad thoughts has still not lost its relevance.

People have always held walnut bath brooms in special esteem. It was believed that by taking a steam bath, a person would be healed of diseases and gain protection from the evil eye. They were harvested and stored separately, not mixed with brooms made from other tree species.

Housewives make a tincture from nut membranes drenched in alcohol. This medicine helps with colds. And an ointment based on young nuts can cure joint pain. If honey is mixed with nuts and given to a man for a month, his male strength will double.

On the Third Spas, work in the fields is encouraged. They perform what is popularly called “additional sowing”, when they finish sowing winter rye and harvesting early young potatoes. Housewives, gathering their husbands to work in the fields, placed three sheaves of hay in a cart, and placed sacks of rye on top for sowing. Children carried buckwheat porridge to the fields. Once the work was completed, the whole family enjoyed freshly baked bread and porridge during the evening celebration.

On Orekhovy Spas, just like on Honey, they sanctify the water in the wells and cleanse the springs gushing from the bowels of the earth. Water is considered healing and can cleanse the soul of accumulated sins.

Signs and beliefs on the Nut Spa

The most respected woman in the area began collecting nuts. Then other villagers joined her. They followed her example, trying to collect as many nuts as possible. After all, according to legend, the more nuts you collect, the larger the grain harvest will be for the next year.

If a nut falls on your head in the forest, then this is a good sign, indicating good luck in business. And finding two fused nuts on a holiday is considered unprecedented luck. They must be picked up with your left hand and placed in your wallet to attract money.

The people tried to finish the grain harvest before the Third Savior, so that nothing was lost or rotted. The last harvested ears were carefully tied around the sickles, icons were placed under them, and left until the next harvest.

People on Orekhovyi saved, they always carefully monitored the behavior of birds, especially storks, cranes and swallows. If the storks fly south to the Third Spas, then severe frost is expected on Intercession (October 14), but spring, on the contrary, is expected to be sunny. Birds are in no hurry to fly away - autumn will delight you with warmth, winter will start late, and spring will be cool.

According to an old legend, you need to feed the birds flying away to warmer regions with bread crumbs. And if along the way, the birds meet the souls of deceased relatives, they will convey messages to them.

At a festive dinner, according to popular belief, you need to pay tribute to the hostess and try every dish on the table. Then you will be lucky for the whole year, and there will be no financial problems.

On the holiday, it is customary to wish everyone health, as strong as a nut shell, prosperity and God's blessing in all endeavors.

When is Apple and Honey Spas in 2017?

Remember, if you don’t know what date Apple Spas 2017 is, it is always the same date - August 19. Honey Spas comes before Yablochny on August 14th. Before the adoption of Christianity, there was paganism in Rus'. But when Vladimir Svyatoslavovich came to power, everything changed. During his reign, the baptism of Rus' and the proclamation of the Christian faith took place. But people did not want to give up pagan customs, and therefore some of them were included in the Christian calendar. Among them is a pagan holiday dedicated to the apple harvest.

History of Apple Spas

In ancient times there were many such holidays. People celebrated bread, mushroom, honey, berry and other Spas. On these days, festive rituals were organized that were dedicated to the Gods of the Savior. All of them were related to the yield of a particular fruit. Before eating the crop, its fruits were necessarily consecrated. Also on the Feast of the Savior, the souls of fallen soldiers were remembered.

Currently, Christians celebrate three Saviors - Honey, Nut and Apple. The latter began to be celebrated in the 4th century. On Mount Tabor, on August 19, Saint Helena erected a temple in honor of the Transfiguration. Lied to the Gospel The Transfiguration occurred on the 40th day after Easter. But the Orthodox Church moved the holiday to August 19 so that it would not coincide with the period of Lent.

After the Apple Feast, Orthodox people are allowed to eat apples and other fruits that were consecrated at the Divine Liturgy. On this day, Catholics celebrate the victory of the Christian people over the Turks near Belgrade.

The Transfiguration of the Lord is described by all the evangelists except John. Three of them convey the events of the past in the same words.

“Jesus invited Peter, John and James to pray on the mountain. While reading the prayer, the face of Christ was transformed: it was illuminated with light; and the clothes He was wearing became snow-white. A few minutes later the disciples saw 2 prophets: Moses and Elijah. They told Jesus about the events that would soon take place in Jerusalem. The disciples were very surprised by what they saw, but Christ forbade them to tell about this story until he was resurrected.”

On August 19, the Divine Liturgy is celebrated in Orthodox churches, during which proverbs are read and canons dedicated to the Great Transfiguration are sung. According to tradition, believers on this day should dress in white.

Rituals for Apple Spas are performed for 9 days. The main one is the lighting of apple fruits. There is a belief that fruits sprinkled with holy water have the aroma of apples that grew in the Garden of Eden.

Miracle fruit - apple

In ancient times, people used apple peels to tell fortunes. It was believed that in this way one could “see” the name of the future husband.

The modern word “pomade” comes from the French name for the apple variety “pomme”.

In America, the apple is considered a very popular fruit. Rockefeller started his business by trading apples, and later earned a decent fortune.

English doctors claim that if you eat at least one apple fruit a day, illnesses will go away.

In Rus', during the period of paganism and at present, believers celebrate. But if earlier housewives baked apple pies and treated each other to apple jam, now everything is limited to the ritual of lighting fruits. Tradition says that every fruit grown on earth must be dedicated to God.

Many people endow the Feast of the Transfiguration with magical powers. It is believed that a wish made on this day must certainly come true.

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