
Parables for children. Pedagogical tales. Four parables about truth Parables about lies and truth

Modern parable

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    Brahman, the cow and the law of karma Vaishnava parable

    One young sannyasi, while traveling, came to the house of a wealthy brahmana. Sannyasis usually spend the night in the houses of brahmins, because... You can get clean food from them. But some sannyasis take a vow not to enter houses at all. And that's why the brahmins keep...

  • 3

    Buffalo and drum Italian parable

    Once two friends met. We turned into a tavern, sat down at a table and ordered a glass of wine. “We haven’t seen each other for a long time,” the first one spoke. - And during this time I happened to visit one city. I saw so many things along the way that...

  • 4

    Great liar Assyrian parable

    In one village there lived a man. He lied so much, no one could lie to him. And then one acquaintance says to him: “Do you know that in another village there is such a liar that he lies better than you!” - Yah! Nobody knows how to lie better than me. - Try it, go to...

  • 5

    Belief in lies Taoist parable

    Fan's retinue consisted of well-born people. Dressed in white silk, they rode around in chariots or strolled leisurely, looking down on everyone. Noticing Kai from Shan Mountain, old and weak, with a darkly tanned face, in a dress and hat that was not at all exquisite, ...

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    Explosion in the living room Stratagem No. 16 - If you want to catch, let go first

    The owner poured tea into cups and placed them in front of the guests. He then put the lids on the cups, and a faint clinking noise was heard. The owner saw that something was still missing, put the thermos on the floor and hurried into the next room. Both guests, the father and his ten-year-old...

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    Video recording of spouses Parable from Andrey Yakushev

    A married couple came for a consultation with a psychologist: their family relationship began to collapse. The psychologist spoke to each of them in turn. And then, by mutual agreement, they watched a video recording of each person's conversation. The couple were very surprised that...

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    Wolf and Lamb Fable by Ivan Krylov

    The powerful are always to blame for the powerless: We hear tons of examples of this in history, But we don’t write history, But about how they say in fables... On a hot day, a lamb went to a stream to drink: And something bad must happen, What about those places the hungry Wolf prowled. ...

  • 9

    Wolf at the kennel Fable by Ivan Krylov

    The wolf at night, thinking of getting into the sheepfold, ended up in the kennel. Suddenly the entire kennel yard rose up. Smelling the gray one so close to the bully, the dogs are flooded in the barns and are eager to fight; The hounds shout: “Wow, guys, thief!” And instantly the gates are locked; In a minute the kennel became hell. ...

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    Grass-eater wolf Fable by Sergei Mikhalkov

    The leader of thieves and a seasoned thief himself, The wolf-flayer No matter how hard he tried to avoid the raid, But he still got caught. Now the sentence will be carried out on him, The criminal will not escape punishment! Witnesses give truthful, direct testimony: “I killed a sheep here, killed a calf here, And there...

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    Magus Christian parable as presented by Konstantin Filatov

    It happened that a sorcerer appeared in a Christian city and, pretending to be God, he deceived many who were not firm in the faith, and blasphemed the Christian faith, and said that he foresaw everything and could walk on water. A rebellion began in the city, and those who believed the sorcerer wanted to destroy...

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    It is known: all wolves are robbers, bandits, rogues. Who is not afraid of a wolf's fang? Once upon a time they were threatened with fetters in the forest, and the worst were wolf pits and traps. A search was launched for the fugitives and the animals were seen more than once - on a linden tree, on an alder tree or a birch tree - portraits in profile and...

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  • 14

    A thief who couldn't stand lies Burmese parable

    There lived one person in the world. Among his fellow countrymen he was known as a simple-minded but ardent fellow. In reality, he was dishonest. However, when some kind of theft happened in the village, it never occurred to anyone to suspect him. In the same village there lived a rich man. ...

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    Liar and ignoramus Parable from Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani

    There lived two brothers. One was at court, the other worked at home. The one who was at court was a skilled liar, and the king generously paid him for all sorts of inventions. The one who stayed at home was an ignorant man and often said to his brother: “I don’t want anymore...

  • 16
  • April 7th, 2013 , 12:16 pm

    In one old world there lived two sisters - Truth and Lie. And because they were sisters, people often confused them. Truth didn’t like this kind of confusion at all. It’s hard to say that she considered herself better than her sister or was better than her - after all, kindred spirits. But there was some fundamental difference between them.

    On those days when the Truth could not appear on the street - either because of illness or because of a difficult situation outside the window - it was replaced by a Lie. The lie was beautiful. Not much, but somewhat more attractive than the Truth, which people, frankly speaking, were a little afraid of, although they appreciated it. Some eccentrics managed to walk from morning to night with fire and search for the Truth, but she tried not to come across such seekers - she was too frightened by the zeal with which they took up their work.

    One day Pravda felt really bad. She felt that something inside was acting up and causing her back to be covered with large goosebumps. Truth called what lives inside her Conscience. Lies did not believe in Conscience and always laughed at her sister, who was in rather poor health. And now a month has passed since Truth, locked in her room, did not leave the house. Her role was played by Lies. The lie tried to be different every day. Sometimes she looked too revealing, and other times she was wrapped in such chic outfits that it was absolutely impossible to see her among the fluffy skirts. Sometimes she was kind and humorous, such that people recognizing her on the streets smiled sweetly, said hello and moved on. On other days, she was rude and cruel, bringing passers-by to tears, or even worse. And so, day after day, people forgot what Truth looks like. They saw only Lies everywhere and believed only in them.

    On one of the most ordinary gray days, the most curious little man with fire approached Lies. He was shortsighted and used to trusting his intuition most of all. The man, who looked more like a professor wise over the years, felt the stranger’s face and was incredibly happy. He realized that he had found the Truth! The little man developed a whole hypothesis about how, over time, Lies turned into Truth. And that initially no Truth existed at all - that there was only a Lie, which cleverly disguised itself under many honest faces, but now, finally, it has found its new face - the face of Truth.

    And from then on, when the Truth appeared on the street, everyone believed that it was a Lie. Therefore, Pravda was very upset and tried to leave the room less often. Even the people with the lights disappeared from the streets - they knew that the Truth was actually a False - why continue the search? And only Lies remained the way they wanted to be. Having replaced her sister and completely confused people, she continues to confuse them and push their heads together. But Pravda doesn’t even try to come out and fix everything - they don’t trust anyone anymore. People are happy with everything anyway.

    Two tips

    (parable for children and adults)

    The fox advised the hedgehog to go to the hairdresser.

    “They don’t wear thorns like that anymore,” she says, licking her lips. Now the tortoiseshell hairstyle is in fashion!

    The hedgehog listened to the advice and went into the city. It’s good that an owl flew past him after the fox.

    Then immediately ask yourself to refresh yourself with cucumber lotion and carrot water! - Having learned what was the matter, she said.

    For what? – the hedgehog didn’t understand.

    And to make it tastier for the fox to eat you! - the owl explained. “Before that, your thorns bothered her!”

    And only then did the hedgehog realize that not every piece of advice, and certainly not everyone giving advice, can be trusted!


    Parable about a car without a driver

    I wanted the car to drive itself without a driver.

    I took it and went!

    He can go wherever he wants, and whatever he thinks about, he can do. Life is not a pleasure!

    Only suddenly she sees an abyss ahead. Such that if you fall into it, you won’t be able to assemble the wheels!

    She should press the brake, but can you do it without a driver?

    I remembered the car about the driver and how it would hum with all its might!

    The driver heard this, caught up with the wayward car, jumped into the cab and braked just before the abyss.

    What if I didn’t have time?..

    Author of the parable: Monk Barnabas (Evgeniy Sanin). From the book: Little parables for children and adults.



    (Parable for children)

    In the middle of God's beautiful, bright world there lived a little gray insect. All the other insects were very proud of their bright flowers and did not pay any attention to her, and the Colorado potato beetle even mocked her.

    The little insect was very sad. But one morning a ray of sunlight stroked her back. The little girl was glad that someone loved her and thought with gratitude: “I can do a good deed! Let me clear the leaves of aphids,” and leaf by leaf, twig by twig, I cleared the whole tree in a day. And every leaf on the tree whispered to her:

    “Thank you, you saved us!” The little gray insect was so happy and embarrassed that she blushed. It was so beautiful!

    Since then, she always shone and radiated such joy that everyone loved her and began to call her “ladybug.” And now, when people ask her to fly to heaven and fulfill their desire, she does it with joy, because she is “God’s”, and she knows for sure that everyone can become happy, you just need to do good to others!

    The following comment was left:

    Dmitry Igorevich:

    09/18/2013 at 2:59 am

    “I can’t hold a grudge for a long time, I simply exclude a person from my life so as not to waste time on emptiness. It happened that the expectations were adequate, and the situation and plans for the future were clarified, to which I received a response of complete reciprocity. Lie! It’s worth writing an article on this topic... an offense that you really need to be able to turn a blind eye to.”

    British sociologists conducted a study. In surveys conducted during the study, 80% of people admitted that they tell a lie at least once a day. It turns out that practically the majority uses lies when communicating. That is, let’s not lie and admit that every person quite often tells a lie. So, the topic is very difficult and controversial, although lies are universally condemned.

    It is known that it is easier to expose another person in a lie than to admit one’s own lie. Thus, if we return to the topic of feeling offended, then people, often offended by the lies of others, themselves, with or without intent, cause no less offense with their untruths.

    “Some people lie in order to survive...

    Someone lies because it is his job...

    And someone lies due to their nature,

    After all, there is nothing else in him except lies.”

    How often do you have to resort to lies?

    A rich lover gave one beautiful woman an expensive coat. Everything would be fine, but how can I tell my husband about the gift? She thought about this for a long time and came up with an idea.

    “You know, honey, on the way home I found a coupon from the storage locker. Maybe you should go and have a look, and maybe there’s something good there.”

    My husband left for the station with a ticket, he was gone for a long time, and when he came he said that in the storage room he found nothing except a bag with old, dirty junk: “I just went in vain!”

    And in the morning, my husband’s secretary showed up for work in a new, expensive coat.

    “Why do people lie? Is it really that easier?

    To be strangled in the ropes of frantic lies?

    The harness of deception weighs so heavily on our shoulders...

    Is it really that easier? Really? Tell!"

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    Parables about lies. : 50 comments

    1. Tatiana Palomi

      A wonderful parable about a magic bridge. A lie in the name of good is considered not so dangerous, but it is still a lie, no matter how positive it is.

    2. Svetlana

      The last parable seems strange to me.
      A truth that is not fully told is unsaid. It's somewhere between a lie and the truth.

    3. Galina

      A lie is a lie. And even with the best intentions, you shouldn’t lie. The truth is better - no matter how bitter it is. Thank you for the parables and the relevant topic.

    4. Khutornaya Elena

      I have long been convinced that any lie threatens to become the truth when you say it, so I thought about it and realized that I prefer not to lie at all. Not saying anything where it doesn’t change anything is yes, I don’t exclude it, giving some kind of metaphorical and not entirely clear meaning is the same, but only in those situations where this does not threaten to worsen and lead to big misunderstandings and problems in the future. In other cases, it is better to tell the truth, whatever it may be, and if this every time causes great difficulties and troubles due to the person’s reaction, then it is easier not to communicate with such a person. And I also think that, on the contrary, you cannot tell the truth when it can lead to trouble, the most common example is when they admit to cheating. For what? To ease the soul, to amuse one’s self-esteem? When no one needs the truth, then there is no point in voicing it.

    5. Vasiliy

      A liar is a liar, no matter for what reasons, this is a difficult topic for modern people, almost everyone lies, but this does no honor to anyone and does not help in life! Thank you, great stories!

    6. Natasha

      Sooner or later, any lie will be revealed!

    7. Olga

      Any lie is revealed sooner or later. And even a white lie can turn into trouble.

    8. Elena

      The parables are wonderful and very instructive, short and wise, so everyone chooses for themselves what to go hand in hand with in life - with lies or truth.

    9. Larisa

      Interesting parable!

    10. Khutornaya Elena

      That’s right, everything would be too simple if it were completely unambiguous.

    11. ZeroXor

      Deception in the wild is as effective as strength and speed. Personally, nature has not endowed me with either the second or the third. So I didn’t really have a choice - either die or... survive.

    12. Natalia

      It's always easier to tell the truth. After all, when you deceive, you need to remember what you said, otherwise you will definitely let it slip later. And people will still understand that she lied. I don't know how to lie.

    13. Elena

      Everything secret always becomes clear. This proverb contains the wisdom of centuries.
      However, “cutting the truth” is not always worth it. You should look at the situation.
      You brought up an interesting topic, Zoya. Thanks for the parables.

    14. Arina

      Very interesting. As Dr. House said: “All people lie, but we need to find out why they do it?”

    15. Tamara

      Lies exist in our lives. The question is how to treat her. It is very important who is lying. Just an acquaintance or a close and dear person. Lies are always unpleasant.

    16. Elena

      I think that every person can lie if necessary. But I don’t understand people who lie just casually, not realizing that their lies are sewn with white thread...

    17. Madina
    18. Tatiana

      I liked all the parables, thank you, Zoya! She smiled especially when the secretary came in a coat, because how lies ruined his wife, and you can’t say anything!

    Views: 9,144

    Since the Fall, humanity has become more and more mired in lies. Today this will not surprise anyone. It has entered our lives so deeply and ingrained itself in it that now it is worth trying hard to eradicate it. Lies, empty promises, filth and curses coming from people's mouths, slander and malice have become constant companions of modern society.

    Politicians and rulers, in order to achieve their goals, deceive the people; you can no longer safely ride on public transport without hearing some curse or obscenity. Because in the morning and evening, people are more irritable and the involuntary movement of a neighbor in a minibus forces a person to speak incorrectly. Lawyers lie to justify their client, even if he is actually a criminal. Because they want to spend their vacation in the Canaries once again. And people don't pay attention to all this.

    How often do we cheat our hearts?

    Considering it polite is a lie.

    And this little lie

    We deceive people all the time.

    We scatter compliments

    Scolding and cursing in my soul,

    Send applause to the stage,

    The artist is scolding himself.

    It’s easier for us with this unsteady lie -

    Let him believe if he is a dunce.

    It's hard with a kind smile

    Print the evil truth on the forehead.

    Lie - no one will sulk!

    Lie - let fools believe!

    And everyone will smile at each other,

    And what is not true is nothing!

    Olga Khurm

    The surprising thing is that no one likes liars, although every day every person lies, whether consciously or not. A child, having not done his homework, lies that he forgot his notebook, a husband composes a fable so that his wife does not find out about his addictions, a wife complains about health problems only in order not to fulfill her marital duty, a friend tells another that she looks great, although she is not, in order to look better against her background. All this is done in order “so as not to harm your neighbor.” Many people think that this is a white lie! Although why then lie to your loved one?

    After all, all Power is in the truth. The power of a truthful word is the most powerful energy that can crush untruth. By telling a lie, we may be changing our destiny. And a person who tells the truth has nothing to fear, because he does not add anything unnecessary to his reality and does not make empty promises that he cannot fulfill. We will pay for what comes out of our mouths. And what is at stake is nothing less than your life and the lives of those close to you.

    Since childhood, our parents taught us to always tell the truth. After all, a person will receive an excellent reputation and respect in the team if he speaks the truth. When a person says something that corresponds to reality, then his inner strength is felt.

    Here's what Scripture says about those who deceive:

    4 “Your tongue devises destruction; like a sophisticated razor, he [is] [you], insidious!

    5 You love evil more than good, lies more than telling the truth;

    6 You love all kinds of destructive speech, a deceitful tongue:

    7 Therefore God will utterly crush you, destroy you, and uproot you from [your] dwelling, and your root from the land of the living.” (Ps.51:4-7)

    Why is there power in truth?

    Perhaps someone will say that sometimes the truth can hurt a person. Undoubtedly! The truth will hit you right in the heart. And it depends on the person whether he will endure it or continue to believe false testimony. There is a type of people who cannot accept the truth. They believe in whatever is convenient for them. Many, under the burden of a hard and cruel life, want to see a miracle and a fairy tale. That's why they behave this way.

    The first Christians were persecuted precisely for the truth. Jesus Christ was also crucified for her. But still they knew that eternal life with their Lord awaited them. Proverbs 11:4 “Riches will not help you in the day of wrath, but righteousness will save you from death.” People who have acquired wealth through deceit will suffer a sad fate on the day of God's judgment. A righteous lips will be saved from death.

    Proverbs 10:2 “Unrighteous treasures do not profit, but righteousness delivers from death.”

    Proverbs 13:6 “Righteousness keeps the blameless in the way, but wickedness destroys the sinner.”

    Parable about truth and lies

    Below we will present examples of several versions of parables that can reason with a person and convince him that lies are worth fighting. It should not be allowed in life. Its consequences will always have a detrimental effect on yourself and the people to whom you lied.

    Parable No. 1
    “A man heard that there is truth in the world. I went to look for her.

    He goes to himself, he sees - a lie is coming. - “Where are you going, man?” - He asks. - “I’m going to look for the Truth!” - “Here, good! - Lies speak. “I also want to see her once, otherwise I’ve never met her!” They went together.

    They came to one region and asked: “Is there really truth here?” - “I was there, I just left!” We don’t know where!” Let the man and the lie continue to seek the truth.

    They came to another region and asked again: “Was Truth here?” - "Was! - They answer. – He’s walking somewhere nearby. Who is this with you? Who is this with you? – People ask a person. - "It's a lie!" - He answers. And people say to him: “Who can find the Truth along with the Lies? Drive away the Lies! - They advise...

    “And that’s true!” – The man was amazed and drove away the Lie.

    Just drove it away, lo and behold, the truth is coming! “Hello,” he says, “good people!” These are miracles!”

    Parable No. 2

    The buyer liked the house for sale. He asked about the price.

    “One dollar,” answered the manager.

    - Why is it so cheap? – the buyer was amazed.

    “You see what’s the matter,” said the seller. – The late owner ordered the house to be sold at the minimum price, provided that the buyer, firstly, donated one million dollars for the care of her cat, and secondly, kept the terms of the transaction secret. This is the will.

    A man bought a house for one dollar and donated one million to the late owner’s cat. When his friends asked him how much such a beautiful house was purchased for, he answered:

    - For one dollar.

    - Why tell lies? This cannot be - all the acquaintances reproached the new owner.

    - No. This is true! - he insisted, but no one believed him, and everyone was convinced that he was a monstrous liar.

    “And he marveled at their unbelief...” (Mark 6:6).

    Parable No. 3

    “One day, after finishing the service, the priest said:

    – Next Sunday I will talk to you about lies. To make it easier for you to understand what will be discussed, read the seventeenth chapter of the Gospel of Mark at home before doing this.

    The following Sunday the priest announced before his sermon:

    I ask those who completed the task and read the seventeenth chapter to raise their hands.

    Almost all the parishioners raised their hands.

    “It’s with you that I wanted to talk about lies,” said the priest. “There is no seventeenth chapter in the Gospel of Mark.”

    What is untruth or lie?

    From these stories it is clear that a lie does not have to be some kind of serious deception. Sometimes we can deceive in small ways without noticing it ourselves. Or we act like the Jesuits, telling only that part of the truth that is beneficial to ourselves, hiding the rest.

    It's never easy to tell the truth. It takes a lot of effort to tell everything as it is. Today, many of us tell the truth only when we are sure that we are not risking anything. There is no risk of losing an apartment, a car, a job, respect...

    The bitter truth has always changed and will change the person himself and the attitude of others towards him. And radically.

    And sometimes we deceive, calling it a “white lie” (virtuous deception). Expresses the interests of the person being lied to. For example, a friend who spent an hour choosing what to wear asks you: “How do I look?” Naturally you will answer: “Okay.” Even if it's not true. But you will say this without offending her or upsetting her, because she tried so hard, dressed up for so long. Or maybe you just don’t care what she looks like, you just shrugged it off with your answer and that’s it. Or another example, a white lie can be called the situation when a seriously ill person is told that he is taking small steps, but is getting better. This is done in order to protect people from nervous breakdowns or large outbursts of emotions.

    In any case, no matter how people justify their lying, Scripture says it is sin. Proverbs 19:9 “ A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever tells a lie will perish».

    The truth is the right way out of any situation!!

    How to learn to tell the truth?

    Sinful human nature is such that whether we like it or not, we still sin. And it would be stupid to deny it. However, this does not mean that you need to give up and let everything take its course. Man has enormous power, and it is given to him by God. And despite the fact that it is very difficult to tame a small member of the body, it can still be done. How to learn to tell the truth?

    1. First of all, you need to constantly ask God to help you control your speech.
    2. The Bible says that what the heart is filled with is what will come out of it. This means that if we fill ourselves with lies and empty talk, then this is what we will say ourselves.
    3. Communicate with those people who also watch their speech.

    1 Corinthians 15:33 “Do not be deceived: bad associations corrupt good morals.”

    1. Constantly control your thoughts and speech.

    Tell the truth, and perhaps the world around you will become a little better and kinder.

    “...Therefore, putting away falsehood, speak the truth every one of you to your neighbor, for we are members of one another. When you are angry, do not sin: do not let the sun rise in your anger, and do not give place to the devil.”

    “...Let no corrupt word come out of your mouth, but only what is good for edification in the faith, so that it may bring grace to those who hear.” (Eph. 4:25 – 29).

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