
Fairy tales with justice. A fair person. Story. German Schwank from "Faceti" by Heinrich Bebel

Added 06/19/2010 15:49

A Tale of Justice

The bunny was lying on the grass and basking in the sun, but then a bee flew up and began collecting nectar from the flowers next to the hare. The hare did not like that his peace was disturbed, and he began to chase the bee.

The fox saw this and was indignant that the hare offended those who were weaker than him. Out of a sense of justice, she attacked the hare and began to beat him. The bee flew away safely.

The wolf, who saw how the fox dealt with the hare, also became indignant at the fact that the weak were being offended. He grabbed the fox by the scruff of the neck and began hitting it with his paws. The hare ran away in joy.

The bear, who noticed the fuss between the wolf and the fox, was also outraged that the weak were being offended, and decided to take revenge on the wolf. He pressed him to the ground and began to trample him with his feet. The fox freed himself from the wolf's clutches and quickly disappeared into the forest.

The bees flying by were also inflamed with a sense of defense of justice. They attacked the bear and began to bite him, as a result of which the bear left the wolf, who, taking the opportunity, quickly disappeared.

Justice eventually triumphed: the bitten and angry bear tore up and broke into pieces the beehive, then in turn killed everyone he came across: a hare, a fox and a wolf. Without discerning who is right and who is wrong.

Moral: revenge, of course, is an interesting activity, but there will always be someone who will avenge those who were revenged.

Midnight Vision

I have heard many times and read more than once that he “disappeared” - the “fair man” disappeared, and not only disappeared completely without a trace, but there is not even a hope of finding him again in Russia. It was hard, and at the same time I didn’t want to believe it. Maybe the matter depends a lot on those themselves who are looking for and cannot find a “fair person”... I was reminded of the old vaudeville “Good Night on Shcherbakov Lane.” There, I remember, there was a verse that

And in Shcherbakov Lane

A kind person was found.

This means that the author of this play knew how to find a “good man” even in such a small and musty alley, but is it possible that a just man could not be found in all of Russia? What kind of justice is required of a “just man”? It is required that “at the sight of social injustice, he finds the courage and determination to tell people loudly: “You are mistaken and are following the path of error: that is where justice is.”

I quote this passage from an article by a public body that need not be named. I guarantee one thing: that the words I cited were printed and that they seemed deeply true to many; but I had a prejudice against them. I believed that a just man was still alive somewhere, and I actually met him soon. I saw him in a fight with an entire society, which he strove to defeat alone and did not destroy.

This was last summer. I left St. Petersburg with a devout friend who enticed me to watch a big religious celebration. The journey was not long and not tiring: on a cool evening we boarded the carriage in St. Petersburg, and the next morning we were already in place. Half an hour later, my devout friend had already quarreled with the cathedral psalm-reader, who showed him some kind of disrespect, and in the evening, when my companion sat down in the room we occupied to write a complaint against the psalm-reader to St. Petersburg, I, accompanied by one easy-going artist, arrived here “to read the scenes ", went to get some fresh air and, by the way, to see: how do people live here?

In St. Petersburg at these hours, all decent people live, as you know, “at garden buffets,” and here it turned out to be the same, and therefore we ended up, without any misunderstandings, in a public garden, where an artist I knew was supposed to show his talents.

He was not new here and knew many, and many knew him.

The garden where we arrived was quite large for a provincial town, but it was more like a thoroughfare boulevard. However, share entrances to it were closed on the occasion of the paid concert and performance that took place that evening. The paying public entered only through one middle passage, made in a concave semicircle. At the gate there were wooden booths for selling tickets; there were several police officers and several onlookers who were unable to enter the garden due to lack of money.

In front of this entrance to the garden there was a small front garden - it is unknown why it was grown and fenced here. He treated the garden like a dressing room to a bathhouse.

The artist passed with “special rights,” and I took a ticket, and we entered the gate to the sounds of Skobelev’s march, followed by “hurray” and again a new demand for the same march.

There were a lot of people, and they all huddled together on a small lawn, on one side of which there was a wooden restaurant built in the shape of a pagan temple. On one side of it, a plank summer theater was erected, where the performance was now taking place, and then my St. Petersburg reader was supposed to read; on the other there was a “shell” in which a military orchestra was located, performing that Skobel march.

Society obviously belonged to various strata: there were officials, officers of the army regiment, merchants and “gray people of bourgeois rank.” In more prominent places, a merchant was hanging around, and in the distance, a regimental clerk and a special lady milled about in a cloud.

Fragile tables with dirty napkins were often placed next to each other and everyone was decidedly occupied. People unanimously made a public display of how they were alive. Tea, beer and "prostain" were in great demand. Only in one place did I notice a man who was conducting a more respectable business: in front of him stood a champagne bottle of cognac and a kettle of boiling water for punch. There were several empty glasses near him, but he sat alone.

This guest had a remarkable appearance that caught the eye. He was enormously tall, with thick black hair, through which gray hair was already flowing in both his head and beard, and he was dressed extremely pretentiously, colorfully and tastelessly. He was wearing a colored blue canvas shirt with high, tightly starched collars; her neck is casually tied with a white foulard with brown polka dots, a Manchester jacket is on her shoulders, and on her chest is an extremely massive gold chain with a diamond and many key rings. He was also dressed in an original way: he had such open shoes on his feet that they could rather be mistaken for shoes, and between them and his trousers the bright red stripes of colorful silk socks sparkled, as if he had scratched his feet until they bled.

He was sitting at the largest table, which was located in the best place - under a large, old linden tree, and seemed to be excited.

The artist accompanying me, seeing this original, quietly squeezed my hand and spoke:

Ba-ba-ba! What a surprise!

Who is it?

This, mother, is a first-class suzhet.

In what sense?

In the most curious sense. This is Martyn Ivanovich - a woodcutter, a merchant, a wealthy man and an eccentric. In common parlance among his people he is called “Martyn the Righteous” - he loves to tell everyone the truth. He, like Ersha Ershovich, is known throughout all Russian rivers and seas. And he is not without education - he knows a lot of Griboyedov and Pushkin by heart, and as soon as he drinks, he will start drawing from “Woe from Wit” or from Gogol. Yes, he’s just right for us and he’s on a roll - he’s already sitting without a hat.

It became hot.

No; he always has another bottle under his hat, in case they don’t serve any more from the buffet.

The artist called past a footman as he ran by and asked:

Does Martin Ivanovich have a bottle under his hat?

How... it's covered.

Well, that means I’m ready, and soon there will be a presentation of some of the most unexpected and highest justice! - We need to see him.

The artist went to Martyn Ivanovich, and I wandered behind him and watched their meeting not far away.

The artist stopped in front of Martin and, taking off his hat, said with a smile:

Your justice is honored.

Martyn Ivanovich, in response to this, extended his hand to him and, immediately throwing him onto an adjacent empty chair, answered:

“But I don’t want to,” my friend said, but at that moment there was already a glass of punch in front of him, and Martyn again repeated the same saying:

“Please,” said Sobakevich.

No, I really can’t, I need to read now.

Martyn splashed the punch on the ground and recited some Nozdryov phrase.

I didn’t like it: I understood why everyone was running away from this antique. The original was indeed original, but it only seemed to me that it was not just Sobakevich sitting in it, but also Konstantin Kostanjoglo, who was boiling fish skins. Only Kostanjoglo is now drunk and, out of habit, criticizes the whole world even more disgustingly. He said that “all of us are scoundrels”; and when the audience again demanded Skobel’s march, he suddenly stood up and shushed him for no reason.

What is he doing? - I asked my friend who had left him.

Shifted a little justice. But by the way, it's time to go to the theater.

I left with a friend and took refuge in his restroom. They sang, read and went out into the garden again.

The performance was over. The audience thinned out significantly and, leaving, still demanded Skobelev's march. We found a table without difficulty, but by luck or misfortune we were again caught on a “visa” with our Martyn Ivanovich. During our absence, he still managed to increase his sensitivity, and his justice, apparently, required him to publicly prove himself. Now he no longer sat, but stood and recited, not poetry, but a prose passage, which really obliged one to recognize in him a very significant erudition for a man of his environment. He remembered passages from Zakharov’s words of praise to Catherine, which are found in “Discourse on the Old and New Syllables.”

- “Suvorov, Catherine said, punish!” Like a stormy whirlwind he rose from the Turkish borders he had strictly guarded; like a falcon fell on his prey. Whom he saw he squandered; whom he attacked, he defeated; whom he threw thunder at, he destroyed. It was and was not. Europe shuddered. .. And..."

But at this time the audience again demanded "Skobel's March", and during the performance of this piece by the orchestra it became impossible to hear what Martyn Ivanovich was saying; Only when the march was over did it resound again:

- “You must honor your forefathers and don’t bother thinking highly!”

What is this person trying to achieve? - I asked my friend.

And the truth, the truth, my lord, he seeks justice.

What does he need her for now?

He needs it: he is righteous and the appearance of righteousness shows on his face. Now he will reveal it! Look, look! - the narrator finished. And I saw that Martyn Ivanovich suddenly rose from his seat and with uncertain but quick steps rushed towards an elderly man in military uniform who was passing by.

Martyn Ivanovich caught up with this stranger (who turned out to be the bandmaster of the orchestra playing), instantly grabbed him by the collar from behind and shouted:

“No, you won’t hide from me,” Nozdryov said.

The bandmaster smiled embarrassedly, but asked him to leave him.

No, I won’t leave you,” answered Martyn Ivanovich. - You tormented me! - And he moved it to the table and shouted: - Drink to the insult of the insulted forefathers and the darkness of the descendants!

Who did I offend?

Whom? Me, Suvorov and all fair people!

I didn’t think and didn’t have the will.

Why are you itching for Skobelev’s march all evening?

The public demands.

You have tormented me with this injustice.

The public demands.

Despise the public if it is unfair.

Where is the injustice here?

Why don’t you play a march for Suvorov?

The public doesn't demand it.

And you talk some sense into her. Play Skobeleva once, and Suvorov twice, because he fought more. Yes! And now I’m letting you go with this: go and now thunder the march to Suvorov.

I can not.

There is no Suvorov march.

How is there no march for Suvorov? “Suvorov, Catherine said, punish! He rose, fell, wasted, conquered, Europe shook!..” And there is no march for him!

The public doesn't demand it.

Yeah... so I'll show her!

And Martyn Ivanovich suddenly released the bandmaster from his hands, stood on the table and shouted:

Public! you are unfair, and... for that you are a pig!

Everything began to rustle and move, and near the table from which Martin the Just was speaking, a bailiff appeared and began to demand that the speaker immediately go down to the ground. Martin did not go. He fought back with his feet and loudly continued to reproach everyone for injustice to Suvorov and ended with a challenge, throwing one shoe from his foot instead of a glove. The policemen who arrived in time grabbed him by the legs, but did not stop the confusion: a second shoe flew through the air, the table overturned, dishes clanged, cognac and water were splashed, and a dump began... At the buffet, by someone's order, the lights were instantly turned off, everyone rushed to the exit , and the musicians on the stage began to discordantly play the final song: “How glorious is our Lord in Zion.”

My friend and I joined a small group of curious people who were in no hurry to run away and were waiting for the outcome. We all crowded around the place where the police were trying to calm down the dispersed Martyn Ivanovich, who courageously defended his cause, shouting:

- “Catherine advertised: Suvorov, punish... He rose, fell, wasted, shuddered.”

And he fell silent, either because he was tired, or something else bothered him.

In the current darkness it was difficult to see who was bothering whom, but the voice of the just man rang out again:

Not souls: I myself go for justice.

This is not where justice is proven,” the bailiff answered him.

I’m not telling you, but the whole society!

Come to the station.

You're welcome!

And I will go. Hands off! There's no point in hugging me. I can’t have anything for Suvorov-Rymniksky!

Gentlemen, step aside and besiege me.

I'm not afraid... Why is there no march for Suvorov?

Complain to the magistrate.

And I will complain! There are more Suvorovs!

The judge will sort it out.

Your judge is a fool! Where the hell can he tell?

Well!.. This is all in the protocol.

But I’m not afraid of your judge and I’m going! - Martin shouted. “He pushed the police officers aside with his hands and walked with long steps towards the exit. He had no shoes on - he walked in only his colorful socks...

The police did not lag behind him and tried to surround him.

From the remaining audience, someone shouted:

Martyn Ivanovich, look for boots... put on your shoes.

He stopped, but then waved his hand and walked again, shouting:

Nothing... If I am a fair person, this is how I should be. Justice always goes without boots.

At the gate, Martyn was put on a cab and taken with the policeman.

The public went wherever they wanted.

But he, however, really reasoned fairly, - he said, overtaking us, one stranger to another.

In what way?

Whatever you want - Suvorov fought more than Skobelev - why don’t they really play a march for him?

There is no provision.

That's injustice.

And you keep quiet, it’s none of our business. The world may owe him something, but you don’t, so there’s no point in being fair.

A friend pulled me by the hand and whispered:

And if you want to know, this is the real truth!

When I was undressing in my room, two people passing along the corridor, quietly talking; At the next door they began to say goodbye and exchanged words:

But whatever you want, there was justice in his drunken delirium!

Yes, she was, but the devil was in her.

And they wished each other good night.

Julia Gippenreiter, the most widely read psychologist in the post-Soviet space, has released a new book - it is suggested that you read it with your children. Using examples from fairy tales and life stories, a child from 4 to 8 years old will understand what kindness, honesty, empathy, and other moral concepts are. If you have been planning to talk to your child about bad and good behavior for a long time, but did not know how to start, the book offers an approximate thread of conversation, questions and tasks. One of the chapters is devoted to the sense of justice.

In R. Kipling's fairy tale "The Jungle Book", baby Mowgli found himself in the wild jungle. Do you remember how it was? The child wandered into the wolves alone at night, completely naked and helpless. But he was not at all afraid, he began to play with the wolf cubs, warmed up to the she-wolf, and began to suck her milk together with the wolf cubs.

Suddenly, the bloodthirsty tiger Sherkhan appeared and demanded that the baby be given to him: “The human cub belongs to me!” - the tiger growled, sticking his head into the wolves’ den. But Mother Wolf with burning green eyes jumped towards him and also growled in response: “No! The human cub is mine! He will stay with me, and no one will touch him!” Evil Shere Khan chickened out and backed away, he knew that when it comes to protecting her cubs, Mother Wolf is ready for anything!

The wolves left Mowgli in their lair and raised him, although because of this Shere Khan became their fierce enemy! Why do you think they did this?

(be silent, let the child speak, you can write something down together)

Yes, you are right. And let's add: this was required by the law of supreme justice.

Look, a cub came to their lair - weak and gullible, and the honor of the Wolves demanded that he be protected, even if he had to fight tooth and nail!

Fighting for justice takes courage. You need to be strong and courageous, because evil also has power, like Shere Khan, and evil does not retreat voluntarily!

Do you have to fight for justice in life? One girl told this story.

“There was a boy in our class - so thin, polite. From the first grade he wore glasses because he couldn’t see very well. His name was Kolya, but the guys immediately nicknamed him “The Glass Boy.” During recess he didn’t run, but rather stood somewhere- he would sit by the window and read a book. Then he would tell him interestingly what he had read, some of the guys loved to listen to him.

And there were also ringleaders in the class - guys who violated discipline, teased, and became hooligans. They often pestered Kolya: either they would take away his book, or hide his backpack, or during recess they would swoop in and knock him down! They attacked for no reason. But somehow he endured it, didn’t even complain...

One day a new boy appeared in the class. He looked at the bullying of Kolya and said: “Stop touching him!” I will be friends with him, I like him! And whoever starts to offend him will have to deal with me!“.

The ringleaders got angry and one even attacked him with a battering ram, and the new guy twisted his arms so much that he didn’t even have time to twitch! Since then, no one has touched Kolya."

Wonderful story, isn't it? How bravely this newcomer acted! He said straight to the bullies’ faces: “Enough!”

When you learn about such cases, your soul becomes lighter! Is it true?

Justice loves to live in the family. Parents usually make sure that no one gets anything more all the time, so that no one is offended. Children get used to it and then try to share everything themselves. honestly. For example, candy or ice cream.

It is also important to divide housework fairly: someone sets the table, someone washes the dishes, someone sweeps the floor, and someone sits with the baby... When you have a big family, it’s so good: you agree and you work alone "team". But a team of three or even two people, for example, you and your mother, can also work well together.

For a family to be friendly, you need to be able to negotiate. Children in some families are used to arguing about every issue: who should sit at the table next to their mother, who should sit by the window on the train, what program to watch on TV, what ice cream to choose... Instead, you can simply agree.

When they agree honestly, there is no need to argue!

I'd really like to know what you're talking about we have to negotiate at home with parents, brother or sister, other children: in the yard, school or kindergarten, so to be honest? Here are some hint pictures.

Agreed with parents (about what? Did you manage to fulfill it?)

I negotiated with my brother/sister (what happened?)

I agreed with a friend, with the guys

Negotiated with the teacher, teacher, coach, etc.

When there are older and younger children in a family, you often hear: “Well, why is it possible for him, but not for me?”. Here's a little story.

One two and a half year old girl had a brother. She suddenly began asking her mother to wrap her in the same blanket, rock her in her arms and let her drink from a bottle. “I’m still little too!” - she said.

But then she stopped being interested in her younger brother. She began to look towards her older brother and say:

“Why do I need to sleep during the day, but he doesn’t have to sleep?”

“Why do I have to go to bed at nine in the evening, but he can go to bed at ten?!”

Yes, it is difficult to see that the elder can do more. But more is asked of him. He has responsibilities that you don't have. For example, an older brother takes his younger brother to kindergarten, but it’s funny to imagine that the younger brother takes his older brother to school!

So we have to divide “not equally!”, not equally, but fairly.

Or, for example, in a game: if you need to throw a dice, then the younger one can do the same thing as the older one. And if, for example, they are playing chess, and one child is noticeably stronger, then it is fair that he starts the game without some piece, for example, a knight. It is called "even the odds."

Leveling the odds means making it fair so that everyone can win.

Author Julia Gippenreiterpsychologist, specialist in experimental psychology

Comment on the article "How to teach children about justice"

Section: -- gatherings (Abstract justice). About justice. Truth. And other trends of the new time. How to teach children about justice. Fighting for justice requires courage. You need to be strong and courageous, because evil also...

Injustice - how to react. School problems. Children's education. I explained to my child the same way we were taught at school - that each child is approached based on his abilities - the smarter the child, the more they pick on him.

And again about inheritance and justice. Housing problem. Family relationships. And again about inheritance and justice. I saw a recent topic “Problematic inheritance”, where the author also wants to solve the problem fairly and peacefully.

How to teach children about justice. Children's education. about justice. What was the biggest injustice that happened in your life? with me, probably still in DS. when the teacher took mine off me One “traitor” was found and rode his bike to someone’s...

Explained the situation. The next day they brought the documents. I’m not from the police Yes, in my opinion, the main thing here is to understand the situation and be absolutely sure that the child herself lives according to justice and according to the law and I will fight for it, let it be true and honorable.

How to teach children about justice. Children's education. about justice. What was the biggest injustice that happened in your life? with me, probably still in DS. when the teacher took mine off me. One “traitor” was found and rode his bike to...

about justice :). Unified State Exam and other exams. Education and relationships with teenage children: transitional age There was no hostel at all. And so three times. Explain how a wall will help if a person does not know how to solve a problem and is confused about the topic?

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Second series. About justice in society.. Exams. Children's education. And all of them, speaking about the fairness of passing exams, for some reason are silent about the fairness of admission to the best schools in the country, the fairness of living in the region and others...

about justice. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. About yours, about your girl’s. Do you think that justice will prevail in the end? I have no idea what justice is and why the hell it should triumph and whether it should.... how do you feel about justice...

How to teach children about justice. A heightened sense of justice.... How to deal with this? My son is 9 years old, and it is just VERY aggravated. Children from birth are inherent in these feelings of truth and universal justice.

A heightened sense of justice.... How to deal with this? My son is 9 years old, and it is just VERY aggravated. Keeps track of every friend, brother, sister, etc. so that everything is according to the rules. If someone cheated in the game - that's it! you are not my friend! being 5 minutes late is also not a friend! come out...

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Fairness of judging. - gatherings. About yours, about your girl’s. Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships, and what does fairness of judging have to do with it? This is the idiocy of the organizers, and nothing more. Did you know this before the swim? Well, I would explain...

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This folk story is about a good girl who lived during the Song Dynasty about a thousand years ago. The girl was not only poor, but also lame. On top of that, she lost her parents at an early age and was therefore forced to beg from the villagers in order to survive.
There was a river at the edge of the village, which the villagers had to ford when collecting firewood or cultivating the land on the other side of the river. During the rainy seasons, the river was often impassable. The villagers were used to this problem, but the little girl had a different opinion.
Every day, she collected stones and stacked them on the river bank. She said she would like to help build a stone bridge to make it easier for people to cross the river. At first, the adults laughed at her idea.
But when, over time, they saw that the pile of stones had grown, they changed their minds. Local residents joined the little girl and began to help her collect stones.
Soon the pile of stones on the river bank became very large, and the villagers invited a builder. The little girl helped build the bridge, spending all her time on it.

Just when the bridge was about to be completed, an accident occurred and a little girl was seriously injured. She survived, but lost sight in both eyes. Despite this, she continued to help as best she could, and the villagers sighed about the injustice of heaven to the good girl.
As the villagers celebrated the completion of the bridge, they all felt sorry for the good girl - poor, lame, and blind - who had inspired them to build it. Be that as it may, the little girl was not sad about herself. She smiled widely, feeling genuine happiness for the villagers.
Suddenly a thunderstorm came, as if to wash away all the dust from the new bridge. The thunder was followed by flashes of lightning, and people were shocked to discover that the good little girl had died as a result of being struck by lightning. They couldn't understand why the heavens were so cruel to the good girl.
It so happened that the respected Imperial Judge Bao Zheng was passing by. The villagers stopped Bao and told him the story of the good girl. They asked him why heaven was so unfair? Judge Bao was unable to answer. Saddened by the story, he wrote the following words: “Do no evil, do no good.”
The night before, the Emperor's son was born. The child was crying and no one knew what to do. The emperor invited the judge to a private meeting. Bao examined the newborn and was amazed at his healthy skin. Taking the newborn's hand, Bao was amazed to see on it the words "Do no evil, do no good" - the exact words he wrote after hearing the story of the little girl. His face became worried. He quickly tried to wipe the words from the newborn's hand, and they immediately disappeared.
Seeing that the birth mark had disappeared from his son's hand, the Emperor was upset and afraid that Bao had erased his son's lucky mark. Bao then told the Emperor the story of the little girl, and the writing of those exact words that made him feel awkward. The Emperor was puzzled, and ordered Bao to seek an explanation in the afterlife (hell).
With the help of a shaman, Judge Bao entered the afterlife. The king of the underworld told him the truth. The soul of that little village girl committed great sins, and the Gods arranged for her to pay off her karma in three lives: the first life - poor, lonely and lame; second life - blind; and the third is death from a lightning strike. The girl was born lame and poor, but she was so kind to others that the Gods decided to shorten the time of payment for her sins to two lives. So she was made blind. Despite this, the little girl did not complain, and continued to think about others first. The gods then shortened her time of reckoning to one life, and as a result she was struck by lightning. The King of the Underworld asked Judge Bao, “Don’t you think it’s good to extinguish the karma of three lives in one?” Now this soul has accumulated enough virtue to be reborn as a prince.
Judge Bao, whose job is to bring justice to the people, has now been shown a new meaning of justice that he did not know before. He was sure of one thing: He would be able to give the Emperor a good explanation.

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    God's judgment Indian parable

    There is a city called Shalipura, where the merchant Shaliga lived with his wife Jalika. They had a son, Gunkara, who was married to Sriyadevi. And Sriyadevi was in a relationship with the merchant Subddhi. Despite the fact that rumors about this had already appeared among the people, her husband, who was in love with her, did not want to listen to anything. ...

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    A big heart Parable from Sergei Shepel

    And having lit a candle, they do not put it under a bushel, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. (Matt. 5.15) After death, a believer came to the judgment of God. His soul with all the virtues and vices, as well as perfect good and evil, was weighed and found...

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    Brahman in water Indian parable

    One day the padishah wanted to take a walk. He took several courtiers with him and went out of town. The weather was cool. The road led them to a pond. The padishah put his hand in the water - even his heart sank, the water was so cold. The evening dew has increased...

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    Looking for a precedent Hasidic parable

    When Levi Yitzchak was asked to become the rebbe of Berdichev, he agreed on the condition that the elders would not involve him in discussing issues of local government, except when they decided to pass new laws. A couple of months later...

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    Generosity Christian parable as presented by Konstantin Filatov

    Once upon a time, a valiant king led his army on a campaign. But many warriors did not believe in the victory of their weapons because the enemy was strong and the path was dangerous and long. And, having passed half the way, the two commanders secretly fled. And a rumor spread that the king had sent them in pursuit...

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    Supreme Judge Taoist Parable

    The Emperor of China met Lao Tzu and was so fascinated by him that he appointed him chief judge. Lao Tzu tried to refuse the appointment, but in vain. Then he agreed and said: “You will regret this appointment, since my ways of understanding...

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    Libra and boy Indian parable

    There lived in one city a merchant named Naduka. Having spent his fortune, he decided to go to another country. And at home he had scales made of a thousand pieces of iron, inherited from his ancestors. And, having given them to the chief of the merchants for safekeeping...

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    Proud Slave Sufi parable from Jami

    Somehow a famine struck in Egypt, and people had nowhere to look for help. Many committed suicide in despair, others were ready to give their lives for a piece of stale bread. One sage, who observed human grief with pain in his heart, met in the city...

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