
Compatibility of Aquarius and Scorpions: conflict contradictions or wise spiritual growth? Scorpio Woman, Male Aries - Love Compatibility How to Confress Men Scorpio Woman Scales

Think about how to conquer scorpion? Contact the stars for help. The horoscope of a man born under this difficult sign will tell the path of seduction.

Many consider scorpions. It seems that these men think only about sex, do not have the concept of loyalty, family values. In fact, any Mustang can be curled.

So how to attract the attention of scorpion? Representatives of this sign of the jack on everything bright, extraordinary. A woman on which such a man will pay attention should be ... Queen. And at the same time no matter what: Bala, Chess Tournament, Dinner Parties or Sports Competitions.

How to conquer scorpion, a man of gorgeous and impregnable at first glance? The main thing is not to give him to understand that it is an object of seduction. Scorpions - conquerors by nature. Such men themselves make decisions. They do not tolerate pressure on the part of women, protruding against Emancipation. The question is how to understand Scorpio is quite complicated. On the one hand, these men do not show interest in emancipated women. On the other hand, they do not avoid initiative ladies. With the latter, though, scorpions prefer to cooperate exclusively in the business environment.

How to conquer the heart of scorpion

To understand how to conquer the heart of Scorpio, you need to learn more about this sign. So, the male Scorpio is a bright person. He is targeted. Achieving goal is the main principle of scorpion's life. The execution of the conceived is a real passion for representatives of this sign. How to marry a male scorpion? Just become his goal. He will do everything you need, on your own.

How do you like scorpion if you are not familiar? First of all, throw away all the rules, dogmas and generally accepted seduction rules. They, as a rule, do not work with scorpions. These men go to their goals. And what he is unusual, the more interesting the journey.

Do not know how to interest Scorpion? Try to act atypically for a woman. All unusual attracts these extraordinary personalities. Scorpio noticed you? It's time to implement a special seduction strategy.

How to seduce a male scorpion

To the question, how to seduce a man of scorpion, the answer is one: do it so that he notice you, and then do not give in to the gentlemen tricks. An impregnable woman becomes the desired goal. The harder the path to her heart, the more dense the coupon scorpion into skillfully placed networks.

But it is worth considering the feature of representatives of this sign. Once the goal is achieved, it is made in the achievement diary and is forgotten. It is typically for men. How to win the love of scorpion? Do not cease to surprise him. For a man of this sign, the main thing is in love tone. If a woman is a solid riddle, it is not interesting.

How to keep a male scorpion

To the question of how to keep a man of scorpion, it is impossible to answer unequivocally. Much depends on the relatives of the relationship, age, the genus of partners. Recommendations for the holding of a ferritic and passionate lover, a courageous adventurist of Scorpion can give a professional astrologer. An individual horoscope will allow to build relationships with a man, taking into account the peculiarities of its temperament and character caused by the influence of heavenly shamps and tel.

In principle, sometimes tough, but always self-sufficient and strong Scorpio, how to conquer this sign to representatives of different signs, will tell the stars.

How to conquer scorpion

How to attract a scorpion man in love with a woman Aries? The most important thing is not to confess the love of the first. To behave carefully, restrained. It is important to remain as natural as possible. Psychological clamps Scorpion squeezes at times. Most often, a man perceives them as a sign of lies. In this case, the relationship is unlikely to take place.

Recommend the Aries, how to attract the attention of scorpion, men of strong and bright, you can the following: Believe it to ideals. A strong and sometimes cynical man incredibly touches unconditional faith. Also scorpions Pads for innocence and loyalty. At the same time, the feelings should be sincere. Play with scorpion yourself more expensive. A representative of this sign may hurt a woman who risked him to deceive, lead a double game, pursue hidden goals.

So, for the Aries, the answer to the question of how to fall in love with the scorpion, is obvious. It is necessary to give him something that hundreds of modern women predators will not be able to: deep, all-consuming true love. And having received with her a completeness and loyalty, Scorpio may well become a home (to a certain extent).

How to conquer scorpion

If the woman is taurus thinks how to attract Scorpio, then he really likes it. With the first meeting with the representative of this sign, the Taurus is usually lost. A woman simply does not know how to treat a mute invitation of a man, how to resist his hypnotic look.

But if she understands that he is not so cruel and terrible, as written in standard horoscopes, it can relax and ... getting into the network. But this often all ends. For scorpion, a hypnotic look - the usual thing. It is not necessarily a manifestation of interest in a woman.

At the Taurus, respectively, the question arises how to conquer the man of scorpion. There are no effort to apply to the seduction. Only the first stage can be the most difficult. Taurus needs to cause scorpion's interest, encourage him to conquer. For this, most women born under the specified sign are all necessary, from external beauty to internal harmony and sincerity. The last quality of the man, suspicious, tough, pragmatic, appreciate especially high.

How to keep Scorpio is a more difficult question. To do this, it is necessary to create it the conditions that are most suitable for self-development. If the relationship does not interfere with the business activity of scorpion, it, as a rule, remains true to them.

How twins win scorpion

The girl twins should not be thought about how to attract a scorpion guy. The representative of this sign will notice it from afar. Twin female attractive, gentle, feminine. But at the same time decisive, ambitious, extraordinary. This is exactly the ideal companion most of the scorpions. Long-term relationships of the pair are possible only when man and women mutual work.

How to conquer scorpion - a question for twins is simple. Women of this sign are not inclined to worship. They are accustomed to admiring glances, attention from men. Gemini - a sign that needs to conquer. For scorpion, this is a typical task. All you need to twins for the conquest of scorpion, allow yourself to conquer.

Much more difficult to develop and maintain relationships. Many twins and scorpions prefer to stay friends. They are too different. He is waiting for a swan fancy woman. It is frightened by constancy. Save the Union will allow only true love. Also, Gemini will have to agree to a number of compromises. The response step of Scorpio will be a confirmation of his attachment to the partner.

How to conquer scorpion

If not how to fall in love, then how to understand a man of scorpion, a woman's cancer knows for sure. She intuitively feels the mood of everyone who is interesting to her. Cancer at the first meetings can be afraid of scorpion. But as soon as she relaxes, a man will go to the offensive. The attention of scorpion cancer attracts mysteriousness. This adventurer is not averse to unravel the new riddle. Scorpio is curious from nature. And the cancer is in no hurry to disclose their secrets. It warms the interest of an adventure crawler.

How to fall in love with scorpion, a man of contradictory and no less mysterious than a woman cancer? It is enough to trust him. It is tough, sometimes even cruel pragmatists Scorpions appreciate most. They are bribed and the sincerity of cancer. If a woman fears to start a relationship, although she likes a man, it is noticeable. Scorpio in this case in 99% of cases will try to dispel the fears of a watermark representative. It will turn from the "aggressor", which he depicts a lot of books, in a positive hero. Cancer it is necessary. Scorpio, married and happy in marriage, will only have to guess whether the entire seduction process was.

How to conquer scorpion

For a woman, a lioness is a question how to fall in love with a scorpion guy, never stand acute. The queen, bright, an extraordinary person attracts the attention of representatives of the opposite sex without much effort. Scorpions tend to notice beautiful and successful women. And the lioness is just such.

Spripion falls in love with the queen quickly. She gladly meets him reciprocity. But in the relationship, a lot of surprises awaits. The first is permanent close attention, and not for the purpose of worship. Scorpio is inquisitive from nature. He studies every partner. It is hardly a lioness to be a "experimental rabbit".

Another surprise concerns training. Scorpio - strong sign. A man born under it is inclined to dominate. He will somehow teach a partner of life. How long will it suffer this lioness, depends on its character and the power of feelings.

Hold next to the scorpion for a woman born under the sign of the lion is easy. A pair of compromises - and the couple are happy for many years. Two strong personalities are an excellent union. But it is possible only under one condition - the presence of mutual understanding.

How to win a scorpion

The Virgin does not need to make special efforts to conquer Scorpio. She is ready to give a man what he is waiting for. The Virgin does not have any questions like, how to understand what I like scorpion, she intuitively feels his man. In addition, this election lady simply does not fall in love with those who are indifferent. Here manifests the rationalism of the Virgin.

A representative of a typical female sign at the first meeting notes signs of the in love of a male scorpion. And she willingly respond to feelings. Couple relationships at first glance may seem idyllic. But they are far from perfect. Virgo and Scorpio consider perfection boring. It kills the soul, and this can not be allowed.

The basis of the Union of Deva-Scorpio becomes its selfless devotion. He is responsible for this with irrevaluity. Disagreements in a pair rarely occur about other women and men. There are many other reasons for stocking. For example, his suspicion. Self-sufficient Virgo simply does not understand why Scorpio is so careful. Frequently and disagreement on domestic issues. But they are quickly solved. The relations of Virgo and Scorpio are based on partnership principles. Such a union has every chance of becoming strong.

As weights to conquer scorpion

How to interest a male scorpion woman weighs? To do this, the entire arsenal of female weapons can be used, from beauty to charm. Scales from nature are smart and smart. They perfectly cope with the analysis of life situations. Such women are unmistakably determine which approach to a particular man will be the most efficient.

It is more difficult for the scales to find the answer to the question of how to understand that Scorpio loves. Girls and women of this sign tend to confleate love with love. Additional difficulties creates a scorpion nature. This man is inclined to hide the true feelings, desires and intentions. Weighs life can go to learn to recognize the masks of her beloved.

A stumbling block in relationships can be leadership. Scorpio - leader by nature. Scales - a cardinal sign. With all its charm, femininity and advantage of the partner, it is unlikely to agree to give the position of the leader. Loving scorpion it will understand. Perfect for a couple will be double board, separation of authority.

As scorpion conquer scorpion

Girl Scorpio knows exactly how the scorpion guy likes. They are so similar. Two scorpions forever connect their destinies, forever break up, make it forever. For this pair there is no half-term.

Both partners manifest in relations, intentions, solutions Exceptional constancy. It keeps them a friend near a friend. At the same time, everyone takes care of its own security and security of a partner. Scorpions appreciate each other and their relationship. But they may dispay due to disagreements on fundamental issues. When the conflict is settled, the pair can again tie themselves for marriage.

Cooling relations between partners - rarity. A woman knows exactly how to charm a man of scorpion. It is not important at all, they are familiar with 5 minutes or 20 years.

So similar and such different man And a woman can create an exemplary family. When one scorpion finds the other, the whole world freezes waiting. Hold the relationship of the couple both at the first stage and in family life can excessive scorpion restraint. A man and a woman will not hurt to sit at the table of negotiations to clarify relationships, discussing controversial issues.

How to conquer scorpion

How to seduce a male scorpion to a woman to shoot? This process may be quite complicated. Wine from the unprecedented honesty for the stars is the unprecedented honesty. Representatives of this sign (regardless of the floor) own the virtuosically strongest weapon on Earth - in short. Often they fought out their relatives, acquaintances, loved ones. Scorpions are sufficiently offended. Accordingly, the novel of the couple can end, and without starting.

To interest, fall in love with scorpion, Sagittarius does not prevent learn how to restrain his negative emotions. Woman should be softer, feminine. It is not easy for the one that is born under the sign, symbolizing the centaur. But no one bothers try.

There are also positive features that will certainly notice, scorpion will appreciate. This is primarily optimistic, hope. These features are lacking for the man himself. Having found them in a partner, he seeks to strengthen the originating relationship. And to keep them, you will have to work hard. Scorpio - become less rigid. Sagittarius - to show tolerance and tact.

How to conquer the scorpion

A rare Capricorn woman does not know how to like a man Scorpio. More precisely, any man. Representatives of this sign are usually confident. It is also peculiar to another feature: almost always the Capricors play according to the rules. So, if a woman liked the male Scorpio, she will act thoughtlessly. Most likely, first Capricorn will explore the partner horoscope, a compatibility horoscope. Then, making the conclusions, start seduction. What as a result? They will marry. And all because both are accustomed to playing the rules.

Capricorn and Scorpio combines a lot. One of the main qualities inherent in both is practicality. Practical Scorpio and Capricorn in life and in love. If it is convenient for them in each other's society, the Union will be happy and long. As soon as one partners misses rational grain, the relationship can give a crack.

Scorpio and Capricorn understand each other with a half pass. This helps them at the stage of formation of relations and in life together. The only thing that can undermine the Union is serious, is the loss of one of them confidence in another. Fooling partner is irrational and impractical for both scorpion and Capricorn.

How to conquer scorpion

Aquarily developed intuition helps to understand how to seduce scorpion. This woman does not need much time for seduction. It unmistakably defines the hidden meaning of his gestures and facial expressions. Aquarius intuitively understands that scorpion and eyebrows do not conduct without calculation. Woman skillfully playing his emotions. As a result, Scorpio, without noticing, turns out to be in the networks of Aquarius. At the same time, the man believes that he won an impregnable fortress, not established under his hypnotic onslaught.

In Love Scorpio will be long and carefully studying the partner. And he necessarily overshadows the secrets of Women. When this happens, the Union can strengthen. Scorpio will invariably admire many qualities of Aquarius. Most of all, a man appreciates in his partner a refusal of conformism, individualism and independence. The loyalty of Aquarius also has great importance. This condition is one of the main to preserve the scorpion relationships.

How to win a scorpion

How to charm Scorpio, a woman's female knows sometimes better than others. She gives him something that the young lady is more prone to leadership. Fish always admire scorpions. They perceive such men practically perfect. But only one point of view. Admiration concerns the business qualities of scorpions. The latter meet fish interest. But most often these women become girlfriends for scorpions. Friendship can last dozens of years.

Marriages between fish and scorpions are less common. Wine all the tendency to postpone the fateful decision. If the fish and scorpion are not married in time, the couple will disintegrate. At the same time, the memory of love is both carried throughout life.

If you want to be with your favorite scorpion, you will have to own a love harmony. To do this, it is necessary to overcome the suspicion of a man. Scorpio, courageous and volitional, inclined to resist the attempts of a woman to bring him to a decision on marriage. But it is worth weakening the onslaught, and the male conqueror will make the right fish move.

Human relations are always complex. And it does not matter at all, it is the union of two lions, fish and scorpion or Capricorn with Square. In this case, everyone has the right to choose: partner, life path. Creating an alliance, representatives of different or identical signs of the zodiac agreed primarily to cooperate. Each partner receives something from the other. Many dream of harmonious relationships. But alas, often expectations are not justified. Wine all annoying mistakes that could be avoided.

Want to build harmonious, healthy relationship with your favorite scorpion? Contact our astrologer to compile an individual compatibility horoscope.

A woman who has managed to fall in love with a scorpion man, you can sympathize. And from the heart to envy. The battle for the changeable heart of the chief will be hot, and the novel - passionate and kipuchim. But even if I managed to conquer, I wouldn't have to rest on the laurels of the laurels: to withstand under a side of a capricious arthristone will be able not every girl! But if there is no couple, boredom and stagnation do not threaten.

Scorpio in life is a real ladies. He seduces and fascinates resembling, without applying for that effort. And never turns out to take a look at the next victim to the feet. As soon as the lady is conquered, the harmful arachnid loses interest to her and goes in search of the next prey. Moreover, the lack of scorpions in the latter does not happen.

If you have thought to connect fate with a representative of this sign, keep in mind: witty, self-confident and sharp scorpions are often surrounded by a crowd of fans, and you have to put up with it. Change yourself your man will simply unable! He like air needs someone else's admiration and recognition. And Scorpio, skillful manipulator, will always know how to get the desired.

Have you already decided that the distinctive feature of the sign is infantionally and narrowing? There was no one. Classic scorpions are courageous, purposeful and strong human spirit, which is not so easy to shoot down from one day the selected path. They will overcome all obstacles, shifted the mountains, protrudes on the seabed and do it, what they conceived. But it is these qualities that can be an obstacle to the establishment of trustful personal relations. If the tail predator next to you seems to be trying to encroach on his loose will, clearly or secretly, the scandal will break out a grandiose, and then a vulnerable artician will forever disappear over the turn. If you want to save your relationship, do not forget this commandment.

Relationship with scorpion resemble passionate tango

Living with a scorpion, you will not know what to expect through a minute - temporary clutch, fabulous fireworks of passion or deadly eruption of the volcano. Men of this sign are uncontrollable in everything. They love passionately, moving forward stubbornly, merge ruthlessly. And with all this somewhere in the depths hide a thin soul, which only chosen. If you put it in purpose to do it, remember that your chosen has a claw and sting that may hurt. Do not torpet scorpion, or leave this novel with serious scars on the heart! Having loved, he himself will open at one time. And believe me, more loving, devoted and tied man, than in love with scorpion, not found. Fans that will continue to melt around, only bite elbows will remain.

Characteristics of a sign in combination with a Chinese horoscope

Rat. "Stranging" the sign is always distinguished by increased independence, but this hybrid endowed with it over all measures. To reconcile the fact that all important solutions your man will take alone. In a sense, it is even not bad, since the rat does not make spelling conclusions and always carefully calculates the consequences.

Bull. Strength multiplied by masculinity. Next to him a woman will feel behind the real stone wall! But instead, they will have to forget about the most innocent flirting - a jealous bull.

Tiger. Doubly, a dangerous beast, few people let me, preferring to manage random, for anything that do not bonded connections. But if you enable to enter your life, then forever.

Rabbit. A wonderful animal comes up and yourself and a girlfriend, setting up the future of the family Nöndyshko. And all because the pickly rabbit give all the best! Another point: Unlike the real animals, he does not hurry to acquire offspring, directing all the forces on his career.

The Dragon. Looking for a reliable companion in a woman: they will have to maintain a satellite and tolerate changes in his mood. But how grateful will be a dragon!

Snake. Wise, leisure, solid. But, possessing a double sting, often hurts his girlfriend with sharp words and characteristics. And not even having such an intention!

Scorpio - strong sign

Horse. Perhaps the best family man will be released from it. The horse appreciates his girlfriend, does not look at the side, it works until the seventh sweat. And from time to time leaves the last word in the dispute over the companion - a rarity for scorpion!

Goat. This individual will be in constant search - then the chosen's posts are short, the spiritual world is not rich enough. Although, we must admit, a representative of a horned sign is usually a very interesting man and has the opportunity to pick up. It is capable of embarking on the partner, provided that it will learn to be unpredictable and inventive in the relationship.

A monkey. The mobility and boiler energy of the scorpion chairs are slightly muffled, but they will not be reassured. Provide such a man a cozy home and feeling that they need it, and Scorpio will always return to you, wherever I called the monkey's thirst for adventure.

Cock. Complete opposite of the previous sign: Domashed and quiet, wishing to find a reliable house, wife and children. But if you need, the rooster encloses anyone who will try to harm his beloved.

Dog. Good, loyal and endowed with intuition will never leave his girlfriend if she herself does not give it to this. Slowing with him is easy, but the dog confidence is not all.

Pig. The routine hates the stronger than all other signs and is rarely content with a quiet family harbor. Often he occupies senior positions, seeking to lead them both in affairs and in relationships. However, the girlfriend will have to become a true queen, I disagree to a smaller pig.

Compatibility of a scorpion guy with women of different signs of the zodiac

  • Women Aries - Nature Hot and Drinking to Straight Scorpion. If they learn during the grinding not to let the story of the horns and hoofs, and the partner holds his sting, the Union will be strong and bright to their common pleasure.
  • A woman's woman has a fairly strong character, so as not to be broken by power scorpion and sufficient wisdom so as not to go on a straight conflict with him. However, it will be difficult to get along with these two.
  • Changeable and eternally different twin has every chance to conquer the heart of Scorpio. And almost certainly will lose it, failing to come to terms with the winsted moral partner.Unfortunately, this happens with the twins.
  • Woman cancer protects his inner world as thorough as scorpion. It is difficult to go to this pair, and it is not easy to stay next to each other.

No horoscopes will prevent a balance in relationship if the efforts are mutual
  • Lioness and Scorpio perfect para For short-term novel. There will be everything: salutes, baths from rose petals and a bubble passion. And then both cool and the relationship will come to no. Although ... why not try?
  • Intellect and a sense of scorpion's humor will be impressed by the Woman-Virgin, but too different values \u200b\u200bfor these two in order to hold partners for a long time nearby.
  • It is believed that the cone of women-scales is logic and mind, while the tailed sign is famous for its passion. Here is a truly, "poems and prose, ice and a flame"! However, it was the hot scorpion that there is every chance to wake the sensuality of the scales. With due diligence, the couple can build a completely harmonious relationship.
  • Two scorpions in the house - a rattling mixture. Most likely, in the hot battles for the championship will suffer and they themselves, and all others.
  • It is no better about scorpions and silicon - strong, independent and knowledgeable girlfriends. Here, only the ability to make a compromise can help.
  • A cappression female blindfold and a house, which makes the perfect scorpion companion from her. The main thing is not to forget that the horns are also available from her, and do not bring a girlfriend from patience with excessive authority.
  • Woman Aquarius and Scorpio converge easy. But rarely remain near for a long time: a man will demand impeccable loyalty, and his girlfriend will not be able to live without flirting and crowd of fans.
  • Fish and Scorpio are the perfect union and understanding on the verge of fiction. She appreciates himself in dignity, but he knows how to give up on time, and the man in gratitude surrounds the partner to the rustling concern.

How to win his heart and keep? Trips and secrets

A little female tricks, desire, patience - and even water with fire will come together
  • The main rule of your strategy: Do not show that you are already conquered. Give Scorpio to understand that he is interested in you, but to win, you will have to work hard. At the same time, try to avoid frank lies. Sooner or later, the scorpion is cut it and will not forgive.
  • Remember: your man loves praise, but does not tolerate bowrs. And it is smart enough to distinguish one of the other.
  • Be immaculate always. Scorpio places high demands on his girlfriend - even a dust potatoes in the country, you should look perfect.
  • In pursuit of beauty Do not forget about the mind. You are going to conquer erudite, which is unable to long-term relationships with attractive deserts. Arrange the intellectual battles to him. This in domestic issues of Scorpio prefers to leave the last word for itself. Entertaining dispute an interesting topic Bring your clever is stronger than a bright appearance.
  • Try to be different. He got used to see you in the image of a lady "to the tips of the nails" in a strict suit? Snack on a date in ultra-screw shorts and offer a walk on the rollers. All kinds of rest still preferred movie and popcorn? Stop your satellite on the racetrack, make a bet and fiercely "Belt" for your horse.

Once in bed with a tailed sign, do not hesitate. Allowing to fully manifest itself to your temperament, you will conquer and win the pickly scorpion. Council for the future: Never be afraid to offer and try a new one, the partner will be delighted.

Harmful tips: how to lose chance forever to be with him

  • On the courtyard of the age of feminism! Strive to insist on your own, even if you should not give anything to any question.
  • Does the first option fit? We act from nasty: completely dissolved in your satellite, not forgetting from time to time to repeat that he is the center of your Mirozdanya.
  • We often tear over your partner - let him see what you are witty and fun. Basic topics: Sickness of Scorpio, his pride and belief. And more caustic comments during the quarrel!
  • Require from scorpion of pigeons and stories about feelings for you.
  • If anything in the partner does not suit you, do it with re-education. A clever woman in two bills will cut out of a man what wishes!
  • Do not forget to explain that the missionary posture and the light turned off the only one acceptable option for you is intima, and everything else is fiction for perverts.

Video: Sexual sign preferences

Armed with tips of the stars, do not forget about your own head. Man is not a computer program, it is not impregnated from and to with all possible reactions. What will be your favorite and only scorpion, will show only time. Be careful to your partner, learn to recognize His feelings, talk about yours. If both of them find yourself ready for a long-term relationship, they will definitely be challenged, and no horoscope is not a hindrance.

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There is nothing more beautiful on earth than love, and when it is mutual - it is perfectly doubly. But it happens not always. Sometimes the subject of adoration does not even know about your feelings. And then you need to try, interest it, pay attention to yourself.

In women, there are many tricks with which they are putting a man into their networks. Some are trying to seduce, others are developing a whole action plan. In this case, it is better to consider the sign of the zodiac, under which a man was born. Consider how to fall in love with a male of scorpion, what needs to be done so that OM began to experience an unbearable passion.

First you need to find out what the character of a man born under this sign. Get ready, to the fact that it is not easy to win the love of scorpion, and you may have to go a long, thorny path. They are too sophisticated people, loving, but few people let me to heart. Related to loved ones may be rigid and wayward. But if you manage to conquer Scorpio, then you will get an excellent defender who will never give you offense.

Character of Men Scorpion

Affective, stubborn, they cannot be convicted of anything. Having decided once, they will not change it under any circumstances. And even if they find themselves that they are wrong, scorpions do not all equal to the selected path.

Scorpions are strong not only physical, but also in spirit. They are always able to continue the struggle, even if everyone around abandoned her. They know how to lead and love it. Scorpions will not depend on anyone, they always know how to make money so that nothing needs.

To conquer the friendly location of the scorpion is difficult, it will never open unfamiliar people. If you meet, no one can identify their true character and inner world, as they show themselves only on the one hand. Nevertheless, the male Scorpio loves to live beautifully and fall in extremes. He wishes to prove to people that he is capable of much, the fact that other people usually cannot do.

He does not worry his own shortcomings in no way, he does not consider them those. Scorpions are friends only with those people who divided everything from them that falls on the way. If you have not sustained the test for strength, it is unlikely that it will be friends with you.

Men of this sign are skeptical to life, they are not inherent optimism. Know when Scorpio loves, he does not scatter words to the wind and if he talks about his sincere feelings, it means that he really experiences them. You will not hear from representatives of this sign in vain words. But love relationship He is given to all the soul and heart. Selflessness also applies to his professional activities.

Scorpio will not be ashamed if he has to do any non-lack of work. If it promotes to his intended target, nothing matters. It is capable of starting from scratch and achieve unprecedented heights. Among famous doctors, athletes, the military there are quite a few representatives of this sign. They also have a tendency to music and painting, can achieve a lot in this area.

People of this sign can recognize that represents one or another person at a glance. He always feels, and it is impossible to deceive it.

Scorpions are difficult to relax, they are always in tension. In the work they are rather demanding, do not give the descent to anyone. Work for them means a lot, they can dedicate her most of their lives.

Positive and negative sides of scorpion

Water element determines this sign. Male Scorpio is always a strong person who is not easy to contact for its not emotionality. They differ in their ability to go to the end so that it does not happen. All life scorpions can fight their ideals. Other people should also comply with their high demands and try to improve.

What are the good men scorpions

Never know your secrets from scorpion, they know how to keep secrets are best. They are also reliable defenders who will not be thrown in trouble and will be able to stand in any situation.

Their passion can sometimes have a limit, women are difficult to resist the spell of Scorpion.

Negative sides of character

Scorpions do not know how to let go of the past, and if someone offended them, they will never forgive it. They are not accustomed to putting their feelings for display, and their personal life is always behind tightly closed doors.

It's pretty hard to understand women to fall in love with scorpion, as they are secretive. Never find out what they feel in relation to you, whether interest is experiencing interest or not.

Their serious attitude to life can have adverse effects on health. Representatives of this sign risk early to extract. Them nervous system Defins pretty early, and to the old age these people become unbearable.

How to interest a male scorpion

Sexuality of this sign of the zodiac excavation, a woman is usually crazy about his caress and is ready to go behind him on the edge of light. In bed, it is demanding, does not tolerate too strong closetness or, on the contrary, the promiscuity. If you want to fall in love with scorpion, then you should not open all yourself at once.

It is necessary to surprise him every time something new. They do not like when his partner is too clamped. Young scorpions can show strong romantic feelings. In more raw years, the man of this sign is ready for different kinds of experiments in bed.

Scorpions can adore their spouse and consider it the closest person, but at the same time go to the left. They do not consider such behavior with something out of a series of outgoing, think that they are allowed. But they will never suffer treason and can take revenge on it. These are born hunters who are always rushing to a new victim, so it is worth it so that it swallows prey.

But one should not show your interest too much, the scorpions do not like this. They are more likely to solve riddles. They do not like nonsense and avoid people with low intelligence. They like to lead a hunt for a woman, but at the same time she should not show their superiority over him.

Woman should not only have intelligence, but also well maintained appearance. It should be sexy, attract the views of other men. At the same time, vulgarity is rejected. Scorpio will appreciate the girl who can support a conversation and masterfully prove his point of view.

If the woman keeps the intrigue, shows its interest, and then ignores, then probably such behavior may be interested in scorpion. The chosen must be interested in his life, be aware of events, share with him an increase.

Never allow yourself to flirt with another man in the eyes of Scorpio. This, for sure, destroy all their relationships and prevents their further development, they do not forgive such.

Only the manifestation of absolute honesty, devotion will help to keep representatives of this sign. The girl should have the same increases as the man so that they always had a topic for conversation.

But everything is not easy to get the love of Scorpion. It is necessary to understand and keep patience if it does not work first time. Each time, intriguing and enchanting it, you can keep interest in yourself for a long time. Do not count on the fact that your shared life will be smooth, you will always need to fight for your love.

Signs of love

It is quite difficult to understand that a male Scorpio loves you. Even if he experiences warm feelings for you, he knows how to hide them well. Their emotions are closed from strange eyes, so it is possible to understand how they can actually treat you only by their affairs.

And if you see that he makes pleasant things for you, then this is a good sign. From Scorpio it is difficult to wait for any signs of attention if it is indifferent. When a woman can see that a man has changed for the better lately, she can congratulate himself with a victory.

How the Scorpio with other signs interacts

Scorpio will attract to Aries, but their further development of relationships in question. Both sign are pretty strong, they will always compete.

The Union with the Taurus will be more successful, as they are reliable and hardworking.

With the twin it will be interesting, but not just, so the archers can cause severe jealousy from Scorpion.

Women Cracks are perfect wives for fighting scorpions, providing them with warmth and homemade comfort.

To the Lero Scorpion will experience a strong passion, but they are unlikely to extend their relationship for a long time.

With devices, too, it is not easy, they are little compatible in sexual terms.

Scorpio may also not like a calm, melancholic character of the scales. They need something more intriguing.

Male Scorpio will experience an incredible passion for a woman of the same sign, but then they can bother everything.

Sagittarius will not be an ideal partner, since this sign is too restless.

With the scorpion fish, ideal relationships can be obtained, since their characters and interests are often similar.

Even the most skeptical girl at least once looked in astrological forecast. Especially when the same dream man appears on the horizon. There all the means are good to bring it crazy. And astrology is no exception. Moreover, this science is one of the ancients - it makes sense to trust its forecasts.

The only nuance: when you read the characteristics of a sign of the zodiac, consider the individual factor. Take a common psychotype in the description, but consider your personal situation. Then it will be clear to you that the representative of a specific sign loves whether there is a chance to build a relationship.

The most mysterious zodiac sign

People born under this sign are hard to understand at the first, superficial acquaintance. They are emotional, but do not show their feelings. How to conquer a scorpion man? How to fall in love with yourself and, perhaps, even get out of him?

If you thought how to conquer a man of scorpion, prepare for the difficulties of mutual understanding. He is inherent in secret, desire to hide their true feelings. And you should not quarrel with him at all - I will remember. Sometimes a male scorpion is cruel. How to conquer and keep this? We read on.

Gray mouses are not interested in him. To find a way to win a man of scorpion, a woman should go to themselves. Heat to seduce, be irrepressible passionate. Externally, remain quite virtuous, modest. He is too bright girl if attracting, it's not for long as a fleeting intrigue.

Take patience not to disappoint. Scorpio is a very jealous zodiac sign. How to conquer a male owner who is also carefully hiding? Yes, it still is constantly flirting with others, and from you requires loyalty? Before you conquer the heart of a male scorpion, prepare essentially highlighted against the rest of the ladies.
It is no longer altered. But if you chose you, it means it is serious.

How to win a male scorpion: 10 commandments

  1. Watch your appearance. Just be the most natural possible. You can look bright, but tastefully. Casting outfits are strongly pushed.
  2. Be a skillful lover, if you set out the goal, how to achieve a scorpion man. Your chosen one attaches an en great value. Sex for him in the first place, although mostly it is only a way to relax.
  3. Discuss his hobbies if you want a sure way to conquer the love of a scorpion male. Your partner will be discouraged when it will understand that you both like the same thing.
  4. Constantly intriguity. Try to be an extraordinary, strong kind of kind, excellent interlocutor. Often, scorpions are mile, but sometimes need to be listened to.
  5. Observe loyalty. Scorpio will never seriously contact a frivolous girl who has a lot of fans. Only you yourself will have to come to terms that your beloved is always in the center of women's attention.
  6. Emit femininity - this is your main weapon. Your chosen one needs softness, caress, tenderness.
  7. Be absolutely honest. If you go to lies - it is unlikely that you can later return trust.
  8. Do not try to command them. This sign is important to take all solutions only.
  9. Manage individuality. Your fasciance will play a cruel joke. The scorpion men are boring women who submore everything, if only he was near.
  10. Extremely closely follow your own words. You will not forgive offense, insults, humiliations. Even if it broke during the hardest quarrel.

Compatible with women of different zodiac signs

The ice of scorpion is rarely thawing. It's hard to understand what he has on his mind. The element of scorpion water, so the best allies for them are also water marks. Brilliant parties fold with fish or crayfish.

But then how to win a man-scorpion to a twin woman? Find common interests. They are fine with each other in bed, but to build a long relationship is unlikely to succeed. It will be pretty to work hard on the challenge how to conquer the heart of a scorpion man. An independent twin woman is difficult to conquer the owner of Scorpio.

Cancer should refuse absolute leadership. Want to know how to conquer a male-scorpion woman cancer? Just adapt to, more often to give up. Then the marriage union is succeed to be successful.

How to win a male scorpion to a woman-lioness: to have sex. True, all. The relationship among these zodiacs develop only on sexual soil. Both stubborn, because of which they often quarrel.

Many difficulties with how to conquer the heart of a male scorpion woman sign of scales. If she is too raw, sensual, appreciates equality, it will hardly withstand the dominant partner. The only advice, how to win a male scorpion scales - you need to be sexually attractive.

As a Woman-aquarian conquering a scorpion man - also a dilemma. These signs relate differently to life, have different values. Aquarius seeks independence. Her routine home affairs. And Scorpion needs an ideal mistress.

But in the question how to achieve a scorpion girl with a man-aquarian, the opposite is. There is already a man will be a freedom-loving dreamer, and his chosen leader who seeks to subjugate.
Both unions will disintegrate if the partners do not compromise.

Want to learn how to conquer a male scorpion girl-fish? Everything is quite simple here. They are compatible about love and friendship. Signs are opposite, but get along with each other perfectly.

Even considering its compatibility, know that your life with scorpion is unlikely to be calm. It is impossible to re-educate it. Tame too. Only take it, what it is. Make him compliments, sometimes obey. Just do not risk to belong to the end and completely. This hunter can quickly lose interest.

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