
Zodiac sign Fish story for children. Child fish on the sign of the zodiac. The most bright qualities

Fish girl is different from many of its peers sensitivity and vary. She lacks dedication and ability to deliver real world from fiction. Parents must bring up their daughter correctly so that it can be able to adapt to adult life faster. To do this, you need to instill self-confidence.

Fish Girl: General Horoscope Characteristics

Fish girl is a modest and shy child who is constantly immersed in his inner world, often gives the will of fantasy and confuses real life With fiction. Such a baby is beautiful, feminine and sophisticated, attracts people as a magnet as a magnet, so she has many acquaintances. In childhood, she plays mainly with boys and quickly conquers their location.

Such a child has not only friends, but also enemies. And all because the beauty of the "water" baby attracts to her the opposite sex, provoking the bouts of the envy of the girlfriends. Parents should be prepared for the fact that their daughter will often quarrel with other girls who do not want to give up the palm of championship in the struggle for male attention. With the age of fish will learn to use its charm for its intended purpose.

The girl of the watermark of lazy, so does not always fulfill the requests of adults. Over time, she gets used to work and study, becomes a targeted and disciplined person. If the father and mother will reveal in her daughter top Qualities, it will be easier for her to adapt to life. It will go well and achieve significant success in his career.

Baby, born under the sign of the fish, often hovers in the clouds. In childhood, she may even confuse the day at night. Such a child rarely goes to contact with adults, it can not always focus on any problem, is experiencing difficulties with decision making. Parents must teach their daughter to make a choice. This child needs to be offered to decide what he will go for a walk or what an outfit will put on today.

Fish girl is very talented. She can devote his life to any creative area. To develop in your daughter's ability to sing or drawing, parents must give it to the Arts School. Cashing creativity, such a child will be able to realize its fantasies and learn to accommodate fiction from reality. This will help him to adapt faster in life and achieve success in the future.

Childhood Girl Fish

Baby water sign likes to engage in creativity. She gladly draws, sings, dancing and even composes poems. She lives easier than boys born under the sign of the fish. And all because softness, shyness and modesty are traditionally considered female traits. However, it is difficult for such a child to adapt to life, since he does not always see the face between fiction and reality.

In games, the girl's girl often becomes a nurse, a mannequin or ballerina. Developed fantasy allows it to reincarnate in anyone. She is very impressionable, so heavily worries offended. This baby you need to learn to be yourself. Otherwise, she will be all his life to play someone's roles. Father and mother should not be supplied to the daughter's desire to reincarnate, but they need to adjust its behavior.

Health from the "water" baby is more resistant than nervous system. And the behavior of this girl almost does not cause the trouble to parents. She can do it with a needlework whether drawing. The main thing is not to offend wounded and sensitive fish. It is better to be more interested in their inner world, inventing new creative classes for them, talking with them about fabulous heroes.

School Years and Youth Girls Fish

In the school "Water" baby learns well, and sometimes even excellent. She can always agree with teachers, and her obedience contributes to the normal course of the educational process. The girl's fish on a horoscope is often distracted from the topic of classes, because he loves to turn in the clouds. But it is easily given objects where you can show your fantasy and show numerous talents.

"Water" Baby early begins to think about choosing a profession. She almost always knows who he wants to go to learn. She likes an activity requiring complete dedication. This girl will gladly work as a doctor, nanny, nurse or volunteer. In the future, she will be a caring mother and a good wife. It is possible that the zodiac watermark representative will discover extrasensory abilities, professionally engaged in vocals, painting or theatrical art.

The main role in life the girl of the fish gives the feelings, so it will make marriage early. Becoming an adult, most of the time it will devote to family and children. Professional field for it will be in second place. The "water" girl will be important to find a strong and volitional partner, followed by which she feels like a stone wall. Unsuccessful novels she will experience hard, pondering a long way over the causes of parting. Well, if parents morally prepare their daughter for adult life.

Since 28 years old, a watermark representative of the zodiac will send his strength to financial well-being, if by that time it won't marry. It will achieve material success by 40 years. By that time, this girl will develop in herself positive traits And learn to seek the goals.

Useful advice

The last and most mysterious sign of the fish of the fish appears at the time when spring is struggling with winter for their rights. it off-season Makes children of this sign rather painful and very sensitive to any changes.

If your child appeared on the light from February 21 to March 20 - His sun at the time of birth was located in the sign of fish (In border days you need to know the birth time of the child to accurately determine his zodiac sign).

Features of the nature of the child

Kids sign zodiac fish very emotionic and sensitive And from early childhood, they strongly depend on the emotional background in the family. They can be very calm and peaceful and often seem "not from this world." Their sensitivity and vanity make them very vulnerable.

It seems that children fish come from a fairy tale Magic world or other planet, but on the other hand, this invented world does not leave all their lives. Their fantasy is simple unlimitedAnd creative talents manifest themselves very early. They are very trusting and accept for a clean coin anything, even the most incredible non-residents, and also often come up with something unreal and believe in it.

These children can fantasize so much that you yourself believe that they tell. In a negative version, this is a skillful travelers. They are also very the intuition is developedThey know how to see and feel what others are unable.

Fish is usually more developed by associative thinking, they have their own logic, which can understand which not everyone. That is why fish children can consider strange, incomprehensible creatures. They live more often in their own world, can be long alone and do not suffer from the lack of a company, especially if you have interesting creative hobbies.

As in the case of children-Aquarius, you do not know with fish what will happen next. They do not differ predictability and often behave not at all as others expect them.

Fish - sacrificial sign And very altruistic. From childhood, they hurry to help anyone, bring in the house of wounded birds and cats, are very proud to help anyone. They cannot remain indifferent to those who suffer.

Like cancer sign, fish tied to home and family. If the relationship with parents add up well, they will hold firmly for the family, they will not have a lot of desire to separate from their parents as soon as possible. Usually these children are well taken care of the older relatives in the family.

Representatives of this sign are not conflict and do not like to solve questions hard and assertive. Many difficulties that they face in childhood, they are just trying to get around or want to quickly float from the problem situation.

The most bright qualifications:






    Ability to help


Lack of qualities that should be developed:





Features of fish by age

Baby fish.The mode and routine of the day for fish of any age is painful. They do not like these rules and usually establish their own routine. In early childhood, they hardly to perceive any day of the day and, most likely, you will have not easy for you, because the baby fish will not get used to it. He will constantly confuse the day with the night and ask for it when everyone has long been going to bed. Gradually, they get used to, and everything becomes in place.

Baby fish.The kids of this sign are usually obedient and calm and do not deliver special trouble to parents. That is why their parents often can't understand why their other familiar children behave quite differently: run, refund, scream. Fish in this sense is the perfect child.

Often, these children invent imaginary friends and pets, give "live" toys' qualities and can be played alone, they are not always required by a real company, they feel normal with them normally.

Teen fish.IN adolescence Fishes are often faced with misunderstanding and disgracefulness of peers, go into themselves and in their world of fantasies and books. They are often not understood and underestimated, the children of this sign often become outcasts. However, if the fish are normally adapted in their society, among friends, can be very interesting interlocutors.

Usually they have a good sense of humor and often listen to all the troubles of their friends, taking on the role of a vest.

Children of this sign, and especially adolescents, also very easily enter someone else's influence, and more often it is a negative impact. Therefore, it is important to always be in contact with the child and notice some problem in time.

Talents and interests of fish

Imagination and fantasy fish are very rich, so they necessarily any creative classes are important.. They usually possess a mass of talents: they know how well and sing, and dance, and play musical instruments, and draw.

Fish love to watch sci-fi movies And read books, moreover, their preferences in the books are often limited to fantasy, fairy tales or fiction. But often they are also passionate about the adventure novels, because it is with these books that they can well represent themselves part. Thanks to the books of the fish they are able to draw conclusions and learn from other errors. For them, the world of books can be as real as the usual world that surrounds them.

Children of this sign very impressionable And often are passionate about something. They are ready to dive into books or in favorite hobbies with their heads, forgetting that there is the rest of the world.

Also fish can be carried away by any secrets and secrets, Sometimes they can even have any secret hobbies. In addition, they are very plastic and artistic and, if not too closed, will be happy to visit theater circle.

The interests of the fish are very changes, so you should not be surprised if the child is delighted with one classes today, but a little later wants to switch to something else.

Study fish

These children are usually not so easy to learn because standard education system Not particularly suitable for dreamy and fishes in clouds. Child-fish may not have time. Because it is usually distinguished by slowness, perceives the information not too fast. It is particularly difficult for him to be given the exact sciences, when, as in literature or art, it can demonstrate excellent abilities.

Fish is very depending on the environment And the atmosphere in the team, they, like other "water" children, will be better learn if they are sympathetic to the teacher or they have good relationships with classmates.

Fish health

Children of this sign usually pretty painful and gentle: A light breeze can knock out of the gauge and make a break with the weekly week. This is due primarily with the sensitivity of the immune system of fish and its weakness, so for a child of this sign is greater than for any other, important strengthen immunity, Turn and be secured by all necessary vitamins and minerals.

Fish children often sick with different infections, as well as their diseases can pass from nepipical symptoms. It is sometimes difficult to put the correct diagnosis, so it's better to find a good and very experienced doctor from early childhood.

Children of this sign important observe the day of the day and nutrition, walking and activity, as well as vacation by the sea will strengthen the immune system. Watch that children fish are not particularly in contact with insects whose bites can give allergic reactions. Fish is generally very prone to a variety of allergies.

Also a vulnerable part of the fishe body are feet, so selection of proper shoes At the time when the child starts to walk, very important. It is very helpful that the child regularly walked on stones, sand or some massage mats: so he will have less risks to get flatfoot.

In nutrition, fish should be followed quality and shelf life of products, Since they are very sensitive and easily get shipments.

Features of girls-fish

Girls of this sign are very feminine, dreamy and leave the impression that they are twisted in the clouds and do not want to go down to the ground. This is very sensitive childrenwho are easy to hurt for living, offend, they are often worried about trifles. They cannot pass by homeless animals and are ready to help anyone.

Since these girls are very dream and fantasize a lotTheir talents should certainly develop that they can embody their dreams and fantasies in creativity. This will teach children to be more open and implement their desires and dreams, will not allow them to be closed in themselves and swimming in the world of dreams, to become closed people in the future.

Features Fish Boys

The boys of this sign, like girls, very gentle, caring and dreamed. They are not like tuvents, not too confident in themselves, do not start and more often prefer hold onto from companies peers. They usually have a minimum of friends to whom they can trust, and many in their environment consider them "not from this world."

Like for girls, for boys of this sign is very useful mortify yourself in any creative classes, be it game on musical instrument, drawing or even dance, if he likes it and carries it.

  • Fantasy fish must certainly use, develop, so it is important to send it to positive River. For example, you can ask the child to compose fairy tales yourself or draw beautiful pictures, stroking all the necessary tools for creativity.
  • Children of this sign are very sensitive, ranks, offended. Although they are not particularly prone to vitality, like scorpions, hopping, yet can hold it in yourself for a very long time.
  • For them very important atmosphere in the parent houseBecause any problems between parents fish will perceive on your own expense, closing in yourself and the specks. Any quarrels in the family she will be perceived very painfully, so it is impossible to quarrel and find out. Remember that it is the children of this sign that is the most dangerous to be in a bad home atmosphere, it will leave a track for life!

  • Also children of this sign very impressionable And perceive someone else's pain as yours. Therefore, any brutal films can leave a big imprint on them. At an older age, when their psyche is more prepared, they will perceive the like easier, but in childhood it is better to protect them from such things in order not to injure.
  • Fish sign is very sensitive to musicThey love melodious beautiful music, so since childhood it is good to put on them such songs and melodies.
  • If you want to achieve something from a child fish, you should not raise your voice And even more so apply power. The problems should be solved calmly, you can talk to him "souls" before you put to sleep, give to understand that you are a friend, not an enemy. Children of this sign are well perceived by allegorical explanations, which can be found, for example, in advanced fairy tales.
  • Fish children should teach practicality, economy and order. Often, being in the world of dreams, they forget about the real world, they can dive into the dream, into virtual reality or to go out with their heads in the book, forgetting that there is also a real world with all its needs and responsibilities.
  • Fish is very love travel, discover new horizons and new "worlds", so it's more likely to go to him somewhere, at least just for the city or the nearest city so that the child will be opened by the world and he understood how fascinating is and diverse.
  • Fish children are very susceptible other influencesTherefore, make sure that these influences are positive.

Children born from February 20 to March 20 under twelve The sign of the zodiac - fish, very gentle and vulnerable creatures. The symbol of this sign is two fish flooding in opposite sides. This suggests that the fish have a dual nature, they can panic because of trifles and maintain absolute calm in the face of serious danger.

Already from six-month-old child Fish Easily absorbs the mood of the parents and if he feels that they are unhappy, he constantly whines and crying, and parents do not understand what he is dissatisfied. Children fish are very emotional and sensitive. A distinctive feature of their character is empathy and compassion, sometimes turning all the boundaries and bringing them to tears.

Ordinary quarrels and insults between members families They may die a child of fish that he will not be able to collect his thoughts for a long time and all the time think about how to change the relationship between close people for the better. Difficult relations and misunderstandings between parents will slow down the development of a child of fish, which will be the reason that he will not be able to swim on the ocean waves of adulthood in the right direction.

When upbringing Child fish parents It is necessary to be very attentive to him, hurry to hurt his fine soul by clarifying relationships and the scandals in no case cannot. Try to protect your child from your problems, do not show him that you are upset. The susceptibility of fish does not know the borders, they are ready to give everything to those who love. Allow the little fish to show your care for you and give them the opportunity to understand that they can change your life for the better.

Power of love FishTheir ability to sympathy and empathy makes our world beautiful. Especially the fish are tied to the mother, for the sake of her they are ready for any sacrifices. But to abuse this quality of the nature of the children of fish, not to grow a mama and daughter, who all the time will hold onto the maternal skirt. Teach fish from childhood independence and do not use their readiness for you to abandon personal happiness. Very often, fish in adulthood feel unnecessary, giving all their strength, wealth and health for the sake of loved ones.

Children Fish Learn at school is easy, but they are missing in their power. To raise a child with a successful person, you need to show him the direction of movement. The most preferred directions for the development of fish children are drawing, music, theater and other fields of art, where it is required to show the character's artistry and the flexibility of the mind. Child fish Master of reincarnation, he is well agrees to any role and can touch the audience for living. In senior classes, children of fish dream of becoming a doctor, a veterinarian or a cook, to have the opportunity to take care and mercy towards other people.

Child Fish It is easy to give in to any influence, he just needs to be explained by a quiet and peaceful voice. Scold and punish fish for the allowed errors is useless, such an attitude to find a common language in communicating with fish will not be possible. In adolescence, children of fish can get under the bad effect of a bad company. To prevent this, teach it from little years to distinguish good people from bad.

The child has Fish Usually a lot of friends in school, because he is so pleasant and caring that all children want to be friends with him. But the children of fish are very clear and needing permanent approval. To instill in them the desire to learn well, praise them more often and do not forget to admire their successes. The rating of his achievements is very important to a child's child. If he won't be convinced that he did everything well, he can easily throw their studies.

Raise children Fishes are happy and confident in themselves, people are not particularly difficult if parents themselves know how to enjoy life and support their child in everything. You just need to show a child to a child with your example - how to plan your day, how to stand for yourself and how best to cope with the adoption of difficult solutions. Especially encourage his craving for art and the ability to fantasize. A quiet and friendly child of fish dreams and loves to fantasize. All fish have a strongly developed intuition, they have the gift of the prediction of events and the ability to see the prophetic dreams. If, since childhood, you can teach a child to use congenital intuition, then in adulthood he will surely succeed in life.

All fish no equations To the water element. View of the sea, river, pond or ocean they have a feeling of joy and admiration. Considering the favorable attitude of the child's fish to the water, try to rest more often to relax with him. The most vulnerable seats of fish are legs, hands and lymphatic system. To develop the weak parts of the body to drive a child in the pool and teach it to swim. Swimming not only strengthens the muscles of the extremities of the children of fish, but also helps them become more confident in their abilities. After all, only in the water they feel at home, and on earth they seem to be only visiting. If the fish do not receive sufficient parental love and attention as a child, then constant disorders and experiences can greatly hurt his health.

Two fish that symbolize this zodiac sign are sailed in opposite directions. This personifies the inner life of the boy - fish. His head tells him one thing, and his heart screens about something else, which is one of the reasons why it is so difficult for him to make decisions. Fish - a sign that the zodiacal circle gives its representatives of the ability of foresight. The boy intuitively prefers the upcoming events, it is possible that his some nervousness is explained by this.

February 20 - March 20

sign of zodiac fish

Belonging to the watermark explains the calm character of the boy. He is deprived of leadership ambitions, avoids noisy gatherings. The guy is indifferent to material values, it is more important for the state of internal harmony. He is so focused on his own feelings, which is absolutely not interested in what is happening around. Sensitive Fish The boy thinly catches the psychological attitude of people: words do not matter, the main thing is sensitive. Pisces are confident that water is sharpened - to achieve power at all are not required dictatorial spruce and adamant cruelty to others. The boy of the fish is unlikely to lead in games, because he will give orders to face him, and he prefers his own desires on his own.

Fish boys are very emotional and their feelings can be injured as easily. But due to the male restraint brought up in them, they may not express it with such readiness. For this reason, fisher boys can become sullen and closed, so the wiser decision would give them to express what they feel.

In the process of growing, the boy must learn to defend his own position and believe in his strength. Without proper confidence, he too often will be the goal of third-party attacks. At the same time, parents not only need to teach the baby independence, but also learn how to take it subtle sensitive nature. Fish boys have an unrestrained fantasy, their inner world is filled with fantastic creatures and fabulous events. At the same time, the world created in imagination so delays itself that the child is often unable to return from heaven to Earth. The line between reality and fiction among fish is quite subtle, often the game situations merge for them with everyday life.

The representative of the Svetan sign from the contradictions, he is looking for support in the face of parents and friends. A man who managed to understand the wounded soul of the boy, will become a continuing authority for him and a close friend for his whole life. The guy likes to be useful to someone, his rare spiritual kindness is distinguished. He is always ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of happiness of others. Pisces are too close to the heart perceive any opinion, representatives of this sign - inspired people. Support words can inspire a doubtful boy that he will succeed in indispensable.

The sign of the zodiac, under which the baby is born, to some extent determines his fate, by hanging peculiar features of character. This can be trusted or not, but parents can, in fact, learn from the horoscope a lot of interesting things about their child.

Fish, for example, characterized by shyness and dreaminess. The kids who born under this sign need support for parents.

General characteristic of the sign

Children of fish (boys and girls) have distinctive features Already from childhood. And B. different age They can manifest in different ways. So, up to 7 years old, a child, as a rule, has no problem with sleep. Despite the external calm, they have a great imagination. Therefore, they may well take themselves with something for a long time. For example, play hide and seek with an imaginary friend. Fish love various secrets, Magic stories, as well as games in which you need to guess, come up with or guess something.

At school, such a child is forced to move from its inner world to external and learn to constantly communicate with people. It is not surprising that at first it is not easy. However, the fish are lucky - they manage to quickly find a common language with comrades, teachers. By the way, teachers are worth accepting the fact that the children of this sign are not very attentive due to their thoughtfulness, and try to find an approach, involve in the learning process.

Up to 14 years old, students of this sign can be warmly captivated by some object and show their abilities in studying it. And the parents are so important not to miss this moment! If everything goes as you need, a lot of achievements can get into the child's portfolio.

Planet Patron Sign of Fish - Neptune - gives it representatives of creative vein, spirituality, talents and intuitive thinking. Often the child of the fish early begins to ask questions about the meaning of life, the afterlife of the world, etc. At the same time, it is difficult to decide with their desires since childhood - for example, to choose between a book and cartoon, fruit and candy, desktop game and walk with friends and t. d.

Features of children-fish

The location of the stars at the time of the birth of the kid determinedly affects his character, the worldview, behavior in various situations. Children's horoscope will help parents to choose the right direction in motivating their children, will tell you how to educate it correctly, to take the most appropriate solution in some question:

Fish children are unique, peculiar, as, however, and children of other signs. Knowing "Star" features of his child, parents will be easier to understand his behavior, psycho-emotional state and maintain in difficult moments.

Features of the upbringing of boys

The characteristic of the boys born under this sign is impossible to call the perfect. However, this should not scare, but on the contrary, give food for reflection:

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