
Pregnancy consider from the day conception. Why differ obstetric period of pregnancy and real. Pregnancy on weeks - why think so

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful periods of the life of a fair sex. It is worth noting that medicine knows two options for calculating the time of the fetal tool in the uterus: obstetric period of pregnancy and real.

What does it all start?

To begin with, it is worth saying how to occur in fertilization. In about the middle of the month, the female egg is coming out of the follicle and slowly moves for exactly here it meets with a male cage. Next chromosome merge, and conception occurs. Going into the uterine muscle, the fruit egg is embedded in the endometrium, and from that moment we can assume that the pregnancy took place.

Determination of the term of pregnancy

When a woman understands that it is in an interesting position, the initial task for it is to define the term. The term of pregnancy is calculated on weeks. Usually, the time segment during which the baby is in the maternal womb is 40 weeks. A small displacement in one direction or another is considered normal and does not require any correction. Doctors distinguish the obstetric period of pregnancy and real.

Real Baby Enterprise

This period takes the countdown from the moment when ovulation occurred. The output of the egg from the follicle is the afternoon from which the real period of pregnancy is calculated. In most women's clinics, which are monitoring the course of pregnancy, it is precisely this calculation method. If you decide to pass the blood test to determine the content in it, then you will also be given the result that indicates the real time value.

Obstetrician pregnancy

This time cut starts its countdown from the first day of the last blood discharge From the genital paths of a woman. To count the estimated birth date, this time is used. Also, many fine sex representatives use this method to establish a pregnancy term. That is why so often in women there are discrepancies with the calculation made by the doctor.

Obstetric period of pregnancy and real

In most cases, the difference between these calculation methods is two weeks. With a standard female cycle of twenty-eight days, the exit of an egg from the ovary occurs in two weeks after the start of the last menstruation.

However, not all representatives of the wonderful floor cycle has a standard length. For example, some ladies ovulation occurs one week after the start of the last menstruation. In such cases, the difference between obstetric and real time will be one week.

If a woman has an egg yield occurred three weeks after the start of the last menstruation, then in this case the obstetric period of pregnancy and the real will have a difference of twenty-one day.

All described situations are normal. That is why the term of pregnancy for weeks should be installed taking into account length menstrual cycle women. It is impossible to equidate all representatives of the finest floor to generally accepted standards. This can lead to an incorrect calculation of the baby tooling.

pregnancy on ultrasound

There are situations where a woman cannot call the date of the first day of the last month. This situation often arises if the woman recently gave birth or feed the baby to the breast. In such cases, representatives of beautiful sex are recommended to undergo a diagnosis of ultrasound (ultrasound).

A small period of pregnancy, which is not yet possible to install when manually inspection, is easily diagnosed on ultrasound examination. It is worth noting that the specialist can determine the presence of a woman in the uterus already starting with the fourth obstetric week. All measurements and definitions are calculated with an obstetric method.

Instead of imprisonment

If you do not know how to calculate the term of pregnancy, ask your doctor about it. In most cases, it is enough to know the date of the last menstruation and the length of the female menstrual cycle. If necessary, still prescribe a ultrasound study. Calculate the same method that the specialist enjoys. Only in this case you will not come across discrepancies and will not fall into the controversial situation.

How is the term of pregnancy for weeks and days? First of all, the girl or her gynecologist should learn when immediate conception occurred. Without this information, clarify the stage of fetal development is problematic. Fortunately, it is possible to cope with the task in different ways. And every woman can independently decide how it is to lead to calculations. Next, we will try to consider all existing options for the development of events.

Types of time

But first will have to remember one simple truth - the term of pregnancy can be different. It is conditionally divided into two types. What exactly?

You can find out information about the obstetric period of pregnancy, and it is possible - about embryonic. These periods are slightly different from each other. And therefore, sometimes unprepared women arise some problems. All of them are solved. And then we will try to understand how not to get confused in the previously specified periods.

About obstetric

How is the obstetric term of pregnancy on weeks and even days? First of all, it is necessary to understand that it is generally.

The obstetric is the term of pregnancy, counted from the first day of the last menstruation. It helps to put the PDR, and also to understand when conception could happen.

About embryonic

You can also hear from a doctor or an ultrasonic office specialist about the embryonic date. What is it?

So it is customary to call the period of direct development of the fetus. He is two weeks less obstetric. It serves as a faithful assistant in determining the pathologies of the development of the future kid.

Methods of counting

At the moment, learn about pregnancy and assume its period:

  • on blood test;
  • with the help of ultrasound research;
  • through a gynecological calendar;
  • calendar calculation method;
  • with the help of fetal movements;
  • online calculator;
  • on the DA, if it is supplied;
  • according to the graphic of basal temperature.

You can also purchase a special electronic test for the definition of pregnancy in the pharmacy. Some such devices show not only successful conception, but also the deadline. True, the test will have to be spent.

Pregnancy term for weeks to determine, as a rule, is problematic without the help of specialist doctors. All listed methods, with the exception of surrendering analyzes, visits to the gynecologist, as well as in the Cabinet of ultrasound-research, cannot be considered reliable. But all together they allow you to get the most accurate data.

Important: In determining the stage of development of pregnancy, it is recommended to focus on the obstetric period.

Recent monthly

How is the term of pregnancy in weeks? It all depends on which data wants to get the girl. Let's start with the counting of the obstetric period of pregnancy. He, as already mentioned, helps to assume the date of birth, which is an extremely important point.

Usually girls consider the term of pregnancy from the last menstruation. You need to remember when there was a last menstruation, and then think about when it started. The time interval between the date of commencement of calculations and the beginning of critical days is the term of pregnancy. It can be considered in the days, weeks and even months - how comfortable.

By blood

Interests the term of pregnancy? How many weeks you need to wait before a visit to the doctor or before using a special pregnancy test?

In general, rushing with checking for the success of conception is not worthwhile. Early diagnosis It may be false, that is, their reasons.

This is all that immediately after conception, a certain change is beginning to occur in the body of a woman. In the blood produced "hormone of pregnancy". It is called hgch. It is on him that the tests for pregnancy react. This changes depending on the term of an interesting position.

The table above will help assume the term of pregnancy for the results of blood test results on the HCG. It is better to wait for menstruation delays before passing it. Otherwise, the girl can miss the pregnancy in the early stages.

Calendar BT

How many weeks is the early period of pregnancy? Usually describes the first trimester of an interesting position, up to 12 weeks (obstetric). Up to this point, each pregnant can at their own accord to make an abortion or register in the LCD to receive the relevant benefits in the future.

In any case, you first need to understand that the conception has happened successfully. It is not always easy to do, but if the woman carefully refers to its body, you can try to achieve the necessary data as early as possible. To judge the successful toddler conception helps the graph of basal temperature. True, he will have to lead it in advance and for several months.

Usually, when bt ovulation increases to 37-37.7 degrees, it is kept on such values \u200b\u200bfor several days, and then if the conception has not occurred, it falls to the norm. In the case of pregnancy, the temperature remains high on early timing. So, the deviation of the BT graphics from the norm is a clear sign of a successful conception.

Now what? It is necessary to look at the graph of the basal temperature and determine to celebrate the date of conception of the baby. After that, he will only remain counting the difference between the day of the occurrence of pregnancy and time when the girl decided to hold the appropriate calculations.


How is the term of pregnancy for weeks? The main problem is sometimes the determination of the date of the child's conception. And therefore, it is necessary to carry out appropriate calculations by various methods.

Some girls can understand that they are pregnant, along the movements of the fetus. True, so long is usually not waiting. The thing is that the first movements of the future kid girl can feel in the second trimester - on the 16-20th week. Accordingly, it can be quite easy to understand when a pregnancy has come, conceived, as well as deliver the PDR.

Calculator on the Internet

The term of pregnancy for the weeks and days of every woman can be found without leaving home. True, this reception is like something calendar method Definition of the obstetric period of gestation. We are talking about the use of special online calculators on a variety of women's sites and forums.

Usually in order to take advantage of this technique, it is recommended to act as follows:

  1. Remember when there was a last menstruation. Or rather, when it started.
  2. Find and open the so-called pregnancy calculator on the Internet.
  3. Write how much the difference will be the difference in the days between critical days, as well as the date of the last critical days.
  4. Click on the button responsible for the beginning of the calculations.

Everything that will remain will now look at the screen. There will be information about the PDR, as well as about the current period of pregnancy in weeks and days. Very comfortably! There is no need to use the calendar method and independently count the relevant data.

If the estate is known

How is the term of pregnancy for weeks? The answer to such a question is already known. But the receivers listed earlier are not exhaustive. You can achieve the desired result in different ways. True, it is better to give preference medical methods Diagnostics of pregnancy and production of the day.

It happens that the doctor reports the presumptive date of childbirth, and the rest of the information is forgotten. If you look at it in the exchange card or help, it is impossible, you can find out yourself when an interesting position has come.

For this, the estimated date of delivery must be between 9 months. The time received is the beginning of the countdown of the obstetric period of pregnancy. Accordingly, with the help of it, it can be understood at what stage of the development of an interesting position is a girl. There is nothing hard in it - only the simplest mathematical actions.

About tests

Calculate the term of pregnancy for weeks and days, as it was already possible to notice, it is not so difficult, as it seems initially. In any case, if a woman responsibly refers to its body and knows his features well.

It was previously emphasized that with the help of a special pregnancy test, a girl can learn about the term of gestation. To implement the task, it is necessary to simply buy an electronic pregnancy test at the pharmacy, such as ClearBlue. It shows the presence of a successful conception, and a time of an interesting position in weeks.

Suppose, test bought. Now what? You usually need to perform the following steps:

  1. Wait until menstruation delay occurs. Up to this point, the test (even electronic) may be wrong.
  2. Take a pregnancy test in the morning and urinate him.
  3. Put the device to the vertical dry surface (preferably).
  4. Look at the result.

Such diagnostics is available to every girl, it takes only a few minutes. True, pregnancy tests may be mistaken. And therefore, as already mentioned, it is better to apply for suspected successful conception of specialists. Only they are able to most accurately put the term of pregnancy, as well as identify the pathology of the fetus, putting also an alleged date of birth.

By ultrasound

Medical diagnostics of an interesting position is the most accurate. If a girl wants to quickly understand that it is pregnant, you need to prefer more accurate methods for solving the task. They are not so much.

You can go and do ultrasound. In pregnancy timing (in weeks), the PDR, and the embryonic period, and even pregnancy pathology are determined. Can we assume the date of birth in this way? Quite.

A specialist doctor will make an ultrasound of a small pelvis organs, and then report on the presence or absence of a successful conception. In the first case, you can also assume or accurately name the term of pregnancy. At the 6-8th week, the palpitations of the fetus begins to listen.

IMPORTANT: If you come to the ultrasound too early, some specialists can confuse the fetal egg with inflammatory process Or a pile. Such cases are really found in practice, although not too often.

In gynecologist

According to the term of pregnancy for weeks, we found out. You can clarify the information about the fruit, as well as the development of pregnancy you can always have a gynecologist. This specialist collects history, and then gives the patient the information you are interested in.

As a rule, when visiting the gynecologist, due to pregnancy, the doctor asks:

  • when there was a last unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • how many menstruation lasts;
  • when there were last monthly;
  • is there a delay of critical days.

With the help of these information on a special gynecological calendar, the doctor notes the beginning of pregnancy, and then determines the current period of its term, puts the DA.

Also, a woman will have to pass on a gynecological chair. Gynecologist will be able as of state internal organs Girls determine whether there is a pregnancy. For example, on the cervix - it acquires a blue shade.

With eco and normal cycle

Interests the term of pregnancy? How many weeks the girl is pregnant, not so difficult to learn. The main thing is to act consistently, as well as to decide on the appropriate diagnostic method.

Increasingly, the pairs are carried out by ECO procedure. In this case, the definition of the day of the beginning of pregnancy has its own characteristics. Women with a normal cycle, as a rule, can navigate the day when the last critical days began. An obstetric period will be counted from the corresponding day.

Eco and long cycle

The situation with Eco is somewhat different if a woman has a long menstrual cycle. In this case, the obstetric period will differ from the embryonic about a month. This difference is unacceptable, it leads to serious problems when determining the DA, as well as the current period of pregnancy and the pathologies of the fetus.

What to do if the woman did Eco, and at the same time a long menstrual cycle? In this situation, as a rule, it is necessary to consider the development of gestation since the instinct of the embryo. And the beginning of the last critical days of gynecologists in this case is not particularly interested in. In any case, such information for counting the development time of pregnancy will be superfluous.


We found out how to calculate the term of pregnancy in weeks, as well as days and months. Credit with a similar task is offered differently. It is better to take advantage of several methods of receiving the data of interest, as well as contact a specialist doctor.

Some girls say they understand that pregnant, immediately after conception. Nobody canceled the inner intuition, but it's not worth relying on it. And trust the precursors of successful conception like toxicosis and implanting bleeding too. Similar symptoms may indicate hormonal disbalance. Have a latency week? The term of pregnancy in this case is usually about 4 weeks. We are talking about obstetric period. As soon as there is a delay of menstruation, you need to do a test and go to the doctor.

It is sometimes very difficult to determine the term of its pregnancy. The implementation of special research procedures in order to establish more accurate data on ovulation, characteristic of those who treat infertility. Therefore, the actual conception date may be a secret for seven seals for future parents and attending physician.

Calendar method

A woman can remember the exact date of conception, but if a strengthened pregnancy planning process was going before conception, it can calculate this date. For example, using data on basal temperature during the last menstrual cycles, you can create a kind of chart of temperature change. And after analyzing such a schedule, you can finally find out more accurate. But the most interesting thing is that after a woman announces this data to his gynecologist, the question of the first date of the last menstruation is followed. Why do you need this data and why does the gynecologist get a period or less for a couple of weeks? Due to the fact that the gynecologist uses the Nemelet formula and puts the obstetric period, its data differs with the calculations of the future mother. He a priori believes that pregnancy came on the first day of menstruation. Despite the fact that this statement is not always true, such calculations are very close to the truth. The calculation technique is that the date will take 3 months and add 7 days. This is usually considered an estimated date of birth. You can still add 280 days to the above date. If the pregnancy is scheduled, then some future parents know the exact day of ovulation and add 264 days to it.

Ultrasound procedure

Back in the last century, the ultrasound apparatus has already been invented, but still not so popular as it was not used everywhere. Therefore, Soviet mothers did not know about such a calculation method. On a period of up to 8 weeks, all embryos get the same development, and therefore, you can accurately set the date of conception. The more time passes from conception, the wrong date. In all "guilty" individual development of each embryo. The main criterion for determining the date of conception in this method is considered to be the size of the tailbone to the pattern (in the documents is indicated as the CTR and is measured in mm).

Inspection of the gynecologist

It is impossible to learn about the fact of pregnancy one by one by a gynecologist, since the uterus is not yet increased so that it could be diagnosed. Install the fact of pregnancy itself can only start from 6 weeks or a couple of weeks after the delay. As a rule, an approximate period of pregnancy is made depending on the size of the uterus. At 6 weeks it is the size of egg, in 8 - with a goose, and from 10 weeks is approximately equal to the female fist.

In the future, you can specify the term on the first movement of the fetus. They say it is like women who are pregnant for the first time, chapels have exactly 20 week of pregnancy. Also on each inspection of the gynecologist is measured the length of the uterus. The higher the uterus relative to the navel, the more period. A few days before the birth of the baby, the uterus falls at the level of 32 weeks. The uterus is measured not so much to find out the date of the fetal conception, as in order to make sure the absence of pathologies (lowland, multi-way and other). Also measured the abdominal volume relative to the navel of a pregnant woman. Approximately the middle of pregnancy seems to be possible to listen to the fetal heartbeat without ultrasound and KTG devices. For this, the gynecologist applies a special tube to the stomach and listens.

Despite the diversity of the methods for determining the period, none of them is accurate by 100%, since all the kids develop differently.

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See also:

1 week of pregnancy

The term of pregnancy in obstetrics can be determined in several ways:

  • in trimesters, each of which lasts 13 weeks;
  • on lunar or obstetric months, each of which lasts 28 days;
  • for weeks, which, with a normally occurring pregnancy, there are an average of 40.

The crushing of the entire period on the week allows you to closely monitor the state of my mother and the future child throughout the pregnancy. According to this principle, gynecologists calculate the estimated date of delivery (PDR) as follows: all pregnancy is calculated as 40 weeks or 280 days precisely because in the overwhelming majority of cases fertilization falls on the period of ovulation, that is, 12-14 days after the end of menstruation. To determine the deadline for the first day of the last menstrual cycle, 280 days are added, or in a different way: they subtract three months and add 7 days. For example, if the last menstruation started on August 10, then the DA was on May 17th.

In general, the starting point when counting the term of pregnancy and the DRD is the first day of the last menstrual cycle. And it should be understood that the actual pregnancy at this time has not yet come. The conception will allegedly occur in 2 weeks during ovulation, and when the term of pregnancy is calculated from this date, this is about ovulation or adolescence of the fetus. But gestational (i.e. menstrual), the period of pregnancy is beginning to be considered from the first day of the last menstruation, because already now in the ovary matures an egg, which in the future will be fertilized by spermatozoa, and even later - these two will merge into a single whole, from which the embryo will develop , placenta and cord.

Please note that the date of conception determined by the doctor will almost always differ from the real date for two weeks. Therefore, if you are told that now you have 14 weeks of pregnancy, it means that the baby is 12 weeks. And if you give birth at the time limit, it is preferably this happens at 38 week's life week or on the 40th week of pregnancy.

Symptoms of pregnancy for 1 week

That is, if now we are talking about the first week of pregnancy, it is understood that after about 2 weeks the conception will happen, and the first symptoms will let yourself know only after another while. In the meantime, about actual pregnancy, it is too early to say about the actual pregnancy: the egg is just getting ready for the journey and the subsequent meeting with a sperm, which when merging with an egg and causes the birth of a new life.

The symptoms of pregnancy in the first week are absent, future mommay not suspect that in the near future together with his spouse will expect the appearance of a small miracle with a thrill, picking up the baby suitable name. In the meantime, the woman feels excellently, full of strength and energy and only dreams of a cherished replenishment in the family.


Also do not have to talk about any special sensations characteristic of pregnancy for 1 week. At this stage, the time of ovulation has not yet come, and therefore, it is unlikely to let them know any of the signs, in some cases accompanying the ovulatory period.

Menstruation is over, the woman does not disturb any unpleasant symptoms, the possible signs of menstrual syndrome disappeared. The emotional background stabilized, the mood improved, thoughts returned to the topic "I want a child, soon - it's time for the next one, and let the successful, attempt at this time.

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Pregnancy for weeks - why do you think so?

Everyone knows that pregnancy lasts 9 months. But according to medical rules, it is customary to conduct pregnancy for weeks. Let's figure out why experts consider pregnancy for weeks, and not by months.

Accuracy is important

Following the development of a child in your tummy, accuracy is important to make sure everything goes according to plan. Week is always 7 days, and a month is from 28 to 31 days, what can be accuracy here?

Obstetrician pregnancy

The term of pregnancy by the date of conception

After conception, the pregnancy lasts 266 days or 38 weeks. Ovulation usually occurs on 14-15 days of the menstrual cycle (which is considered from the first day of menstruation). It is at this time that the conception is possible - the egg cell ripe and left the ovary for fertilization. Therefore, the difference between obstetric period and the term by the date of conception may differ for two weeks.

Intrauterine development of the child

The development of the baby and the changes occurring in the body develops, it is easier to take into account on weeks, because a month is a very long period of this development. The weeks are better and more accurate to observe all the stages of pregnancy. Such a calendar of pregnancy will be accurate!

Pregnancy Calendar

To be aware of what happens to my mother and her baby at every week of pregnancy, a special pregnancy calendar was created for weeks. Such a calendar received its distribution among future mothers, precisely because of its advantages. After all, it is not only interesting what happens to you and with your child, but also useful. Given from the data of the calendar, you can find out why certain changes in the female organism occur. Of course, each woman has a pregnancy individually, and the pregnancy calendar for weeks gives only a general presentation and information on the development of the fetus, but all future mothers will find a lot for themselves. useful Soviets At each stage of pregnancy.

Each pregnant woman wants to know the date of his birth. PDD is an estimated date of birth, designed for 40 weeks of pregnancy. To find out their date of birth, it is necessary to add 9 months and 7 days before the first day of its last menstruation.

It should be borne in mind that there can be no mathematical accuracy, if it comes to pregnancy and childbirth. The exact date of your baby is impossible to foresee! A relatively small percentage of women give birth on time defined by a doctor and pregnancy calculators. Although they say that pregnancy should last exactly 40 weeks, but in many cases it is not. Remember that childbirth date may occur before, for example, at 38 weeks and later, for example, in 42 weeks and it is also not pathology. For multiple pregnancy Births almost always begin before the dates defined by the gynecologist.

Pregnancy is a bright and unforgettable time in the life of a woman. Therefore, tuned to positive and enjoy every moment!

How to count the term of pregnancy should know every future mother. Often, doctors are mistaken with such calculations. The term of pregnancy is a vague indicator that allows you to determine the approximate date of delivery. Gynecologists define it:

  1. to appoint a mandatory examination of the pregnant
  2. to determine the parameters of the fetus,
  3. to identify disorders in the course of pregnancy and so on.

Methods used

  • the obstetric is the simplest and disposal method, since it makes the future mothers be confused. To determine this indicator, you need to remember when there were last monthly. This day is the beginning of the start of pregnancy and calculations begin to go from it,
  • embryonic - consisting in identifying the day of conception, that is, the moment of meeting the eggs with sperm. As you know, the egg takes on average for the 14th day of the cycle and is called ovulation. Thus, to calculate the term of pregnancy, it will be necessary to keep a report on the day of ovulation. If you compare this technique with averaged cycle, the embryonic method is from the classification of 2 weeks from the obstetric method. It should be noted that 70% of women ovulation cycle is different, more than 28 days. If the menstrual cycle is longer, then ovulation begins later than 14 days. In this case, the conception occurs later. From the date of the beginning of the last menstruation should be taken over 14 days. Therefore, it is important to know when there was ovulation.
  • in terms of hCG - using conventional pregnancy tests, you can determine the presence of this blood hormone in the blood. If you pass the blood to the laboratory, then the pregnant will be able to get a quantitative indicator, on the basis of which it will be possible to determine the day of conception and the date of the upcoming birth,
  • according to the results of the ultrasound, this is the most accurate method that allows you to determine the term of pregnancy. You can use this technique in the first week of pregnancy. However, gynecologists recommend passing an ultrasound after 10-11 weeks to 26 weeks. This procedure is accurate and painless, both for a woman and for a child. The accuracy of this method is justified by the fact that the result is based on the size fruit eggwhich varies within 3-84 mm,
  • the size of the uterus - with the help of hands you can measure the uterus, after which the gynecologist compares the resulting indicator with a special table. This technique is old, but reliable. The accuracy of this technique is small, since the personal features of the mother and the fetus are on the size of the uterus,
  • online calculations - online calculators allow you to accurately calculate the term of pregnancy.

Calendar technique

In the case when sex acts rarely occur, it is possible that the woman will remember when the egg fence occurred. You can determine this day and if the woman regularly measures the woman with menstruation basal temperature, well focusing on schedules. Date must be reported to the gynecologist. At the same time, it is necessary to consider that the doctor often calls the term of pregnancy, which exceeds reality for 2 weeks.

This is explained by the fact that the doctors use an obstetric period. It depends on the first day of menstruation. Based on this technique, it can be concluded that the pregnancy begins from the first day of the menstrual cycle. Despite this, the calendar method is quite accurate. Taking into account the same method, gynecologists expect the date of the upcoming birth. To do this, by the first day of the last month, 280 days is added, either takes 3 months and is added 7 days. With the knowledge of the exact day of ovulation, it is added to the first day of menstruation of 264 days instead of 280. This method allows us to find out, not only how to count the term of pregnancy, but also childbirth.


Over the years, this technique has been used as a diagnosis of fetal development. With the help of ultrasound, you can specify the term gestation. More accurate is the data obtained when conducting research in the first weeks of pregnancy, that is, up to 8 weeks.

In this period, healthy embryos develop equally. Therefore, the term of pregnancy, taking into account the size of the fetus, can be calculated for sure. However, the more period - the greater the errors. This is explained by the fact that the fetus is beginning to show individual every day. With minor deviations for 7 or less days, gynecologists do not take it into account. An alleged period is calculated based on the metering of Coccchico-dump-sized. The result of the physician is obtained using a special table.

When a delay in the development of the fetus for 14 or more days, the gynecologist can diagnose - intrauterine delay in the development of the fetus. To cure such a disease is impossible. Of preventive Mer stand out:

  1. balanced diet,

I was today at the 15th hospital, it is strong there, so they said ideally from the first day of menstruation, but according to my first ultrasound (5.8 and 12 weeks) it can be seen that ovulation later and the term until April 5, at week 17 coincides term as on menstruation on March 29, and then according to today's 36 week of type April 8. And how to be? That is, it stretched from March 29 to April 8 on any day, you see whether even in pregnancy calendars 42 weeks write, TC Someone later ovulation. And the doctor with 16 maternity hospital is considered only on Menstr, but I have a girlfriend, and familiar hats 42 gave birth, Ie came to menstruation, but they didn't understand the first ultrasound, I don't understand how much it is important to go in advance Tell me the new ones 10 November 2010, 14:23

with 100% up to date, it is impossible to calculate until day. Usually consider from the 1st day of the last M., and then adjust the results of the ultrasound. The second doctor correctly said that a really pregnancy came later, and everyone understands that, but it is considered from menstruation, because. The date of the last M. is a precise, well-known day, but when fertilization occurred - it is only possible to guess. New 10 November 2010, 14:28

doctors consider the obstetric period of pregnancy, from the first day of the last menstruation, is the generally accepted method, because. It is impossible to know the accurate date of conception, and it turns out that 10 obstetric months (month - 4 weeks) We are pregnant. Do not bother, consider from day day. New 10 November 2010, 17:37

The first doctor put you to the CRC correctly, it is considered from the first day of the last menstruation, and the tests are handed over in accordance with this period, and normal labor with such a calculation occurs according to statistics at 38-42 weeks. If the term has exceeded 42 weeks, the child is considered to be transferred. This calculation is associated with the fact that not every woman can accurately name the date of ovulation, therefore the pedaged period is calculated. And about the movements, it is necessary to worry after 22 weeks if there are no movements. You can simply not feel them. New November 11, 2010, 07:34

I first thought too from menstruation, but I also know that I had a conception after 2 weeks ... (we stopped protected 29.04, and the post. She was 14.04), so they set me more ... and after ultrasound 23 Ned I began to put the correct period of 2 weeks less than the new on January 28, 2011, 21:19

I have that by ultrasound that the doctor tells them two opinions coincide, but with my counts there is no last m. I was 29.06.10. And from 10.07.10 we were no longer protected. So I don `t know the time will show, but if right now, I will go to the decret on the decret in a month and this is not good. I want to stay quickly. New August23 August 2011, 21:31

the obstetric period of the baby tooling is 40 weeks. And if you count for 9 months, it turns out somewhere 38 weeks. So these couple of weeks they add on the days of the last period to the period of ovulation. I don `t know the truth for what it can, that may not be a tank 38 or 39, exactly forty and all. So, consider from the first day of the last menstruation and after forty-week you will have a baby! New on October 9, 2011, 17:56

The doctor puts me 8 weeks, and 12 weeks put on the calendar in the internet. So what is right? New 15 November 2011, 01:41

And on my two ultrasound dates, and if from menstruation, it is generally before ... and the doctor is constantly confused ... I know one to give birth around from December 28 to January 13 ... And another interesting fact that I did a test for the week, and in a week showed positive. So for all counts at the time of the first test I was already pregnant ... Why so ... New on November 2, 2011, 14:22

tell me how I calculate the term of pregnancy The last Mesch began 23 Ishley days of Tuism ended 27 was on ultrasound toldly 7 weeks +/- 3 how to count when ended or how? Teaching if it is possible to be very detailed, I thank in advance !!!

Natalie I was on the site 23 hours ago Russia, Kimra

I, too, first believed, week after monthly + 10 days. It is so profitable for some reason. But I went to the head, she said. What is considered right now from the first day of the last month. And if they say that monthly was before, for example, days 10 days, then there would be a misconception of ultrasound and one month. They will then turn the pills. Supposedly poorly developing fruit

I asked all doctors in this pregnancy, from what time do they consider the start of pregnancy? I have all the doctors (gynecologists and ultrasters) consider monthly periods, because We are guided by the formula that has been accepted for a long time. The meaning is that ovulation comes from all women in different times, and it is impossible to postpone two weeks from the last menstruation (it is incorrect). The most informative - ultrasound in 12 weeks. There you will be correctly calculated and will look at the corresponding fetus size and the term of pregnancy.

Interestingly, and if I say a doctor that the monthly came then then they came to 10 days later) i.e. If I am the Sovar, I'll make it worse? IN maternity leave Just the hunt earlier to leave, all the same twins!) But probably I confuse myself only, because by ultrasound, too, will be different. ?? !!!))

// confusion with pregnancy timing

Quite often, a woman has a question - why I put just such a period of pregnancy, especially often it arises after an ultrasound.

So, there is a so-called obstetrician pregnancyand true. The obstetric period of pregnancy is considered from the first day of the last menstruation and for this calculation the pregnancy lasts 280 days or 40 weeks. The fetus may have its own plan of intrauterine life and therefore the period of pregnancy can vary from 37 to 42 weeks. It affects a lot of factors.

True timepregnancy is considered from the moment of ovulation (exit of the egg). Since it normally happens after 2 weeks from the date of the menstruation - it turns out that the true term of pregnancy is 2 weeks less. But it must be remembered that ovulation can shift over time (occur or before or later), and when irregular cycle Her offensive can change.

The term of pregnancy during ultrasound is determined on the basis of the size of individual parts of the fetal body. There are several generally accepted tables developed by individual authors, where the average fetal size is indicated at different times of pregnancy and the interval interval (sometimes this interval can reach 2 weeks). There are differences between these tables, therefore a program is installed in modern Uz-devices, which calculates the term of pregnancy, taking average indicators from different tables.

Remember how you choose clothes in the store - there are sizes that came up on the basis of averaged indicators, but quite rarely happens that the dress or blouse of your size is perfectly sits on your figure, it will definitely be a mismatch somewhere. So the averaged fetus sizes, and their compliance of pregnancy, may have individual characteristics.

Now let's see specific example: You know the date of conception, and after the ultrasound, you put a period of pregnancy, which does not match your calculations - there are several explanations - you are confusing the true term of pregnancy with obstetrics (remember that it is less than 2 weeks), you did not correctly regard the day of conception (ovulation could happen later or earlier), fruit measurements are not very accurate.

Usually, all methods in the aggregate are used as accurately as possible to determine and take the average. That is, it is calculated on the last menstruation, the day of conception and the results of the ultrasound - it turns out a certain average that most of all matches your gestation.

In order not to be confused, just always consider your pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation. All events during pregnancy are designed for obstetric period, so you will be easier to navigate with the results of both ultrasound and other research and analyzes.

Finally, several important advice at the beginning of pregnancy:

  1. If you have a delay in menstruation, you must definitely find out the cause of this delay (by making a pregnancy test). If he is positive in the near future to turn to the gynecologist. Since there is always a risk of ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage - not to pay attention to the latency of menstruation, or to postpone his hike to the gynecologist - very dangerous!

  2. In the first two months of pregnancy, it is necessary to refrain from sexual life. Resume sex life You can after the expiration of this period, if the pregnancy will leak normally and there will be no states in which the doctor will advise to refrain from sexual life (threat of interrupting pregnancy, etc.)

  3. It is not necessary to panic if during the menstrual cycle, during which you become pregnant, you led "unemployed" lifestyle (used alcohol, took medications, sore or had other "excesses"). It is important to discuss all this with a doctor. Only some species medicinal preparations They have a proven negative effect on the fetus, and only individual diseases at the very beginning of pregnancy can unequivocally be a reason for interrupting pregnancy. In the overwhelming majority, all "excesses" and accepted medicines from colds and antibiotics are no effect on the fruit and the course of pregnancy. Of course, none of the doctors will not be able to answer the question with confidence - whether it will affect or other medicine or transferred illness (there are reliable exceptions) to the further development of the fetus. This question is always solved individually, but it is necessary to remember if the woman still decides to "reinforce" and make an abortion - its consequences can also be unpredictable and there is a chance that after that pregnancy may not occur for a long time.

  4. High and remember your weight - it will help you to keep track of how you pick up weight during pregnancy

  5. At the beginning of pregnancy, you can sick, torture, spin the head, sick the chest and in general you can feel very bad. There is an opinion that this is a psychological component. That is, when a woman finds out that she is pregnant, there is a program of behavior known for her (any woman knows that during pregnancy should be nausea, bad state of health etc.). I repeatedly had to see how the normal female well-being changed in one day, as soon as she learned about her pregnancy and on the contrary, some psychological counseling fully removed this state. It is not proven scientifically, but it's just information about reflection.

  6. Information that you become pregnant should not significantly change your lifestyle - eat what you want (but in moderation of course), lead the usual life, except to avoid smoking and places where very bad air and ecology, try not to contact with Patients and sneezing people, get more positive emotions. A glass of wine or champagne for dinner (of course, not every day) - not contraindicated.

  7. If you are engaged in sports - it is not necessary to throw these classes. In the first 2 months, it may be worth refraining from active classes, and then if there are no contraindications, it is worth continuing. For each trimester of pregnancy, special exercises have been developed - they know specially trained instructors - just consult them. The pool during pregnancy is very shown (there may be contraindications, but rarely), but it's not worth actively sunbathing in the solarium. Staying on the beach under the umbrella during safe time (in the morning and evening) - only for the benefit, like bathing in the sea.

  8. Is it possible to fly on the plane - a frequent question of pregnant women - the answer is very simple - if the pregnancy proceeds normally - it is possible if there is a threat to interrupts - it is not worth it, you should not fly by plane a few weeks before delivery.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but natural condition Women, the most beautiful time in her life. Nature very carefully thought out all the processes that occur during pregnancy, and developed mechanisms for protection against different failures. A lot of woman's body can compensate for themselves.

Of course, there are various deviations during pregnancy, requiring correction, and sometimes emergency interventions, but in most cases the pregnancy proceeds normally.

Situations when it is necessary to consult a doctor:

  • Blood or brownish or brown or slightly reddish highlights from the vagina

  • Pain in the lower stomach

  • Pain in the lower back, sacrum, copter

// confusion with pregnancy timing

Quite often, a woman has a question - why I put just such a period of pregnancy, especially often it arises after an ultrasound.

So, there is a so-called obstetrician pregnancyand true. The obstetric period of pregnancy is considered from the first day of the last menstruation and for this calculation the pregnancy lasts 280 days or 40 weeks. The fetus may have its own plan of intrauterine life and therefore the period of pregnancy can vary from 37 to 42 weeks. It affects a lot of factors.

True timepregnancy is considered from the moment of ovulation (exit of the egg). Since it normally happens after 2 weeks from the date of the menstruation - it turns out that the true term of pregnancy is 2 weeks less. But it must be remembered that ovulation can shift over time (occur or earlier or later), and with an irregular cycle, its offensive can change very much.

The term of pregnancy during ultrasound is determined on the basis of the size of individual parts of the fetal body. There are several generally accepted tables developed by individual authors, where the average fetal size is indicated at different times of pregnancy and the interval interval (sometimes this interval can reach 2 weeks). There are differences between these tables, therefore a program is installed in modern Uz-devices, which calculates the term of pregnancy, taking average indicators from different tables.

Remember how you choose clothes in the store - there are sizes that came up on the basis of averaged indicators, but quite rarely happens that the dress or blouse of your size is perfectly sits on your figure, it will definitely be a mismatch somewhere. So the averaged fetus sizes, and their compliance of pregnancy, may have individual characteristics.

Now let's see a specific example: you know the date of conception, and after the ultrasound you put a period of pregnancy, which does not match your calculations - there are several explanations - you are confusing the true term of pregnancy with obstetrics (remember that it is less than 2 weeks), you are not Correctly regarded the day of conception (ovulation could happen later or earlier), fruit measurements are not very accurate.

Usually, all methods in the aggregate are used as accurately as possible to determine and take the average. That is, it is calculated on the last menstruation, the day of conception and the results of the ultrasound - it turns out a certain average that most of all matches your gestation.

In order not to be confused, just always consider your pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation. All events during pregnancy are designed for obstetric period, so you will be easier to navigate with the results of both ultrasound and other research and analyzes.

Finally, several important advice at the beginning of pregnancy:

  1. If you have a delay in menstruation, you must definitely find out the cause of this delay (by making a pregnancy test). If he is positive in the near future to turn to the gynecologist. Since there is always a risk of ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage - not to pay attention to the latency of menstruation, or to postpone his hike to the gynecologist - very dangerous!

  2. In the first two months of pregnancy, it is necessary to refrain from sexual life. You can resume sex life after the expiration of this period, if the pregnancy will leak normally and there will be no states in which the doctor will advise to refrain from sexual life (the threat of interrupting pregnancy, etc.)

  3. It is not necessary to panic if during the menstrual cycle, during which you become pregnant, you led "unemployed" lifestyle (used alcohol, took medications, sore or had other "excesses"). It is important to discuss all this with a doctor. Only certain types of drugs have a proven negative effect on the fetus, and only individual diseases at the very beginning of pregnancy can definitely be a reason for interrupting pregnancy. In the overwhelming majority, all "excesses" and accepted medicines from colds and antibiotics are no effect on the fruit and the course of pregnancy. Of course, none of the doctors will not be able to answer the question with confidence - whether it will affect or other medicine or transferred illness (there are reliable exceptions) to the further development of the fetus. This question is always solved individually, but it is necessary to remember if the woman still decides to "reinforce" and make an abortion - its consequences can also be unpredictable and there is a chance that after that pregnancy may not occur for a long time.

  4. High and remember your weight - it will help you to keep track of how you pick up weight during pregnancy

  5. At the beginning of pregnancy, you can sick, torture, spin the head, sick the chest and in general you can feel very bad. There is an opinion that this is a psychological component. That is, when a woman finds out that she is pregnant, there is a program of behavior known to her (any woman knows that during pregnancy should be nausea, poor health, etc.). I repeatedly had to see how the normal female well-being changed in one day, as soon as she learned about her pregnancy and on the contrary, some psychological counseling fully removed this state. It is not proven scientifically, but it's just information about reflection.

  6. Information that you become pregnant should not significantly change your lifestyle - eat what you want (but in moderation of course), lead the usual life, except to avoid smoking and places where very bad air and ecology, try not to contact with Patients and sneezing people, get more positive emotions. A glass of wine or champagne for dinner (of course, not every day) - not contraindicated.

  7. If you are engaged in sports - it is not necessary to throw these classes. In the first 2 months, it may be worth refraining from active classes, and then if there are no contraindications, it is worth continuing. For each trimester of pregnancy, special exercises have been developed - they know specially trained instructors - just consult them. The pool during pregnancy is very shown (there may be contraindications, but rarely), but it's not worth actively sunbathing in the solarium. Staying on the beach under the umbrella during safe time (in the morning and evening) - only for the benefit, like bathing in the sea.

  8. Is it possible to fly on the plane - a frequent question of pregnant women - the answer is very simple - if the pregnancy proceeds normally - it is possible if there is a threat to interrupts - it is not worth it, you should not fly by plane a few weeks before delivery.

Pregnancy is not a disease, and the natural state of the woman, the most beautiful time in her life. Nature very carefully thought out all the processes that occur during pregnancy, and developed mechanisms for protection against different failures. A lot of woman's body can compensate for themselves.

Of course, there are various deviations during pregnancy, requiring correction, and sometimes emergency interventions, but in most cases the pregnancy proceeds normally.

Situations when it is necessary to consult a doctor:

  • Blood or brownish or brown or slightly reddish highlights from the vagina

  • Pain in the lower stomach

  • Pain in the lower back, sacrum, copter

POLYESTER.RU - Magazine for girls and women