
How to calculate which week of pregnancy. Dates of pregnancy: obstetric and embryonic - how to determine and not get confused in terms. Where does the confusion come from in two weeks

1-2 weeks

From the first week, a new menstrual cycle begins, so at this time it is difficult to talk about an actual pregnancy. However, obstetricians-gynecologists do not start counting from the date of fertilization of the egg, but from the first day of the cycle. Ovulation occurs, then conception, and only from the third week it will be possible to safely talk about the onset of pregnancy.

It's time to take care of your health, get rid of bad habits, switch to proper nutrition, do light sports (but only with the permission of a doctor). These measures are very important for the health of the future baby, who in nine months will delight the world with his presence.

3-4 week

Child. The fertilized egg has already received all the important information about the future man: eye color, hair, skin, gender. Now it moves along the fallopian tube and enters the uterus, where the embryo will develop. By the end of the fourth week, it will have reached a size of 1 mm.

Mum. A woman has the first signs of pregnancy: increased basal temperature, feeling tired, drowsiness, increased appetite, change in taste preferences, nausea, bowel upset, frequent urge to urinate. Intolerance to hotel odors may occur. Bloody discharge is possible, but you should not be afraid of them. It's time to take a pregnancy test.

5-6 weeks

Child. At this time, the baby has already formed the main vital organs: heart, liver, kidneys, lungs. And at this time his heart begins to beat! You can hear a heartbeat on the ultrasound. The arms and legs begin to form. The length of the embryo already reaches 4 mm, the volume of amniotic fluid is about 3 ml. The visual organs and cartilage tissues are formed. The placenta is actively growing.

Mum.A woman during this period may have increased nausea and irritability. The state of the body is similar to what happens before menstruation. Time to visit a gynecologist who will prescribe the necessary tests.

7-8 week

Child. The umbilical cord is fully formed, providing blood circulation between the mother and the baby. Small hands and tiny fingers begin to form. At this time, the sex of the child is determined. The face, nose, nostrils, ears, and upper lip are formed. The epidermis is formed. The embryo slowly straightens, grows and reaches a weight of 4-6 g, a length of 1.5-2 cm.

Mum.The uterus grows to the size of an orange, so the woman gradually develops a tummy and the tightness of her clothes is felt. You need to protect yourself from stress, lifting weights, sudden movements. On ultrasound, you can see the first movements of the baby.

9-10 weeks

Child. The embryo's head is still tilted forward and the chin is pressed against the chest. The stomach begins to work, and it already produces gastric juice. The baby has facial expressions, eyelids are formed, but the eyes are still closed. The tail disappears completely. The embryo stage ends and from now on the baby is called the fetus. The development of milk teeth begins. Now it weighs 7-8 g and is 2.5-3 cm long.

Mum.Mood swings are common in women. The waist is rounded, 2-3 kg are added in weight. Hair becomes drier, skin is smoothed. The work of the heart is becoming more frequent, because now it pumps about one and a half liters of blood per minute.

11-12 weeks

Child. The head still takes up half the size of the entire fetus as the brain grows rapidly. The kidneys begin to produce urine. The kid reaches a weight of about 13 g and he already has real fingers on the arms and legs, the rudiments of nails are developing. The length of the fetus is 4-5 cm. The iris of the eyes is formed. He starts to open his mouth. It's time to undergo the first ultrasound examination and get acquainted with the child, as well as exclude possible congenital anomalies.

Mum. By the end of the 12th week, a woman should register for pregnancy in an antenatal clinic and undergo appropriate examinations by a doctor. Taking vitamins for pregnant women is very important. And the main thing is that toxicosis completely passes at this time.

13-14 weeks

Child. The baby develops a sucking reflex. He turns his head and moves his arms, tumbling, although these movements are still imperceptible. Often on ultrasound you can see how he sucks his thumb! The child grows and his weight becomes about 43 g, and his length is 6-8 cm. The genitals acquire clear outlines. An embryonic fluff appears - lanugo.

Mum. Finally, the tummy becomes noticeable, a longitudinal brown strip appears on it. Freckles and age spots appear. Constipation may occur. The uterus rises from the pelvis into the abdominal cavity, the pregnant woman's appetite increases significantly.

15-16 weeks

Child. Hair begins to grow on the baby's head. He actively swims in amniotic fluid, which tends to renew itself every 3 hours. The baby excretes urine every 45 minutes. At the 16th week there is a chance to feel the first movements of the baby! The muscles of the face have already formed. Marigolds begin to appear, a grasping reflex appears. Weight - about 100 g, length - 12 cm.

Mum.It is worth taking care of your body and purchasing oil against stretch marks. It is very important to visit the dentist, because your body is now actively giving calcium to your baby, so teeth can deteriorate. It's time to also get some special maternity clothes.

17-18 weeks

Child. The baby's weight is 140-190 g, the length is 14 cm. Most of the bones are already formed and continue to strengthen. The baby can swallow amniotic fluid. He already hears well, so you need to talk to him more often, turn on quiet music. During this period, you will definitely feel the movements of the child, which cannot be confused with anything.

Mum. A woman's breasts are enlarged and colostrum can be produced. The expectant mother may suffer from constipation, so you need to eat more fruits and fresh vegetables. More frequent urination, as the uterus strongly presses on the bladder.

19-20 weeks

Child.The baby's body is covered with the original fluff, the arms are extended, he turns his head in different directions. The placenta moves deep into the uterus. The rudiments of permanent teeth appear. The growth of the baby slows down, from now on subcutaneous fat appears. A generic lubricant is formed that covers the folds of the skin. The kid turns into the light. A second ultrasound study is being conducted, which allows you to accurately determine the sex of the unborn baby. Its weight is about 300 g, length is 16 cm.

Mum.The back receives a significant load, so you should monitor the correct posture and wear comfortable shoes without a heel. Brown or red streaks (stretch marks) may appear on the abdomen, thighs, and chest.

21-22 weeks

Child.The kid learns to bend and unbend the arms, legs, grab his heels. Pads with nerve endings appear on the fingers. Eyebrows are indicated on the face. The amount of blood in the body increases. The liquid that it captures turns into a solid. It will remain in the intestines until delivery. The baby's weight is 360-430 g, the length is 28 cm.

Mum.The first half of the pregnancy was successful. The uterus changes its shape, stretches. Lying on the back is harmful to the child, he may suffer from a lack of oxygen. Libido is enhanced. Since the fetus is well protected, sex cannot harm the baby.

23-24 weeks

Child.The baby's weight reaches 500-600 g, length is 30 cm. Most of the time he sleeps, taking short breaks for wakefulness. The skin is a little saggy, as the fatty layer has just started to grow. He pushes his legs from the inside, floating in the amniotic fluid. Eyelashes appear on the eyelids. The respiratory system is developing. Also, the baby is more and more sensitive to the world around him.

Mum.A woman may experience training contractions at this time, manifested in the form of short-term painless contractions. The weight gain is rapidly increasing and reaches 5 kg! Possible heaviness in the legs.

25-26 weeks

Child.The formation of neurons around the neural tube ends. The kid is active until late at night and sleeps soundly in the morning. He clenches his fists, and at this time it is determined whether he will be left-handed or right-handed. The fetal heartbeat can be heard even without special devices. The lungs are fully formed. In the jaws, 20 primordia of milk teeth are formed, and under them - 20 primordia of permanent teeth. The remaining 12 are formed after birth. The weight is 660-800 g, the length is 35 cm.

Mum.The uterus is enlarged and presses on the diaphragm, displacing the stomach from the abdominal cavity. Because of this, gastric juice rises into the esophagus and heartburn occurs.

27-28 weeks

Child.The baby's skin is wrinkled. The movements become more and more powerful. If the baby is born at this time, his chances of survival are 85%. The child tries to breathe on his own, developing the lungs. He still has enough room to turn into the correct position - head down. Weight - 900-1100 g, length - 37 cm.

Mum.The female forms are rounded more, the level of cholesterol in the blood rises. While sitting, the uterus compresses the vena cava, which leads to a lack of oxygen and dizziness. Training contractions of the uterus become more frequent. It is worth finding time for a good rest.

29-30 weeks

Child.The baby's nostrils are free of mucous plugs and amniotic fluid enters them. He already knows how to open and close his eyes, reacts to bright light. The immune system begins its work. The child excretes about 500 ml of urine per day. On the ultrasound, chest movements are noticeable. Enamel appears on the teeth. The baby's weight reaches 1300 g, the length is 39 cm.

Mum.The kidneys work in an increased mode and may not cope with the amount of fluid entering them, which may lead to the formation of edema. The organs next to the uterus are getting tighter. The weight of the expectant mother is actively increasing, the movements become more awkward and relatively slow.

31-32 weeks

Child.The baby becomes chubby, so he prepares a protective layer from temperature changes in the future. In boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum and reach their extreme position. The child reacts to strong sounds from the outside despite the fact that the amniotic fluid creates a kind of plug in the ears. The kidneys are already working well. The nail plate reaches the fingertips. Weight 1600-1900 g, length 42 cm.

Mum.A woman may develop swelling and varicose veins in her legs, so you need to control fluid intake and walk in the fresh air. At this time, a Doppler study of the baby's circulatory system is performed.

33-34 week

Child.The baby becomes cramped in the womb, so he moves less often than before. The child continues to consume calcium from the mother's body, which is so important for the formation of the skeleton. A skin pattern appears on the fingers and toes. The skin is now less red and the hairs on the head are thicker. The baby's weight is 1900-2400 g, length is 45 cm.

Mum.The woman develops shortness of breath, as two have to consume more oxygen. Gums become soft, bleeding, gingivitis may occur. Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness appear. It is worth keeping calm in any case, because the baby subtly feels the experiences of the mother.

35-36 week

Child.In the last weeks of life in the womb, the fluff begins to disappear in the baby. The skin becomes pink and smoothed by subcutaneous fat. The cheeks become more plump, this will help in the future to receive food in the right amount. The amniotic fluid takes on a sticky and viscous consistency. Internal organs continue to improve. The baby's weight is 2400-2600 g, the length is 47 cm.

Mum.To reduce sleep problems, it is advisable to drink less fluids at night. In case of heartburn, you need to eat in small portions, but often. The time is suitable for attending courses for pregnant women, choosing a maternity hospital, an obstetrician.

37-38 week

Child.The kid has already turned his head down. He loses the original fluff and lubrication becomes much less. Sometimes he scratches himself with awkward hand movements. His lungs are already ready to breathe air. The expectant mother can feel her baby hiccuping in the tummy. Its weight is 3000 g, length is 50 cm.

Mum.The belly of the pregnant woman sank, now it became much easier to breathe. The uterus has increased to the maximum, its volume is 4-5 liters. Pregnancy can already be considered fully term. Now labor activity can begin from day to day, so things in the maternity hospital should be collected in packages.

39-40 weeks

Child.Most newborns appear with long marigolds, because by this period they have fully grown. The child's activity slows down, because his tummy is cramped and dark for a long time. His intestines are filled with original feces - meconium, which will come out, most likely after birth. The length of the hair on the head is about 2 cm. The average weight of a child is 3200-3500 g, the length is 52 cm. The baby is completely ready for birth - meet the main person in your life!

Mum.The woman suffers from insomnia, she has a pull in the lower back. The cervix begins to shorten and open. The uterus presses harder on the bladder. False or real contractions may appear. Childbirth occurs with an error of 1-2 weeks earlier or later than a certain period.

41-42 weeks

Child.The baby is fully developed, all his organs are functioning correctly. He continues to grow and gain weight, his tummy has become very cramped. The bones of the skull continue to strengthen, which may slightly complicate the passage of the baby through the birth canal. You need to calculate the number of movements per hour, and if it is at least 10, everything is in order with the baby.

Mum.Until the end of the 42nd week, pregnancy is not considered delayed. If the baby has not been born by this time, there is still no cause for concern. Labor activity can be stimulated by long walks, bending forward, sex with your husband. If you have not given birth by this time, practice breathing techniques, hand out valuable instructions to relatives - and quickly go to the hospital!

Most of the fair sex is looking forward to two coveted stripes. And so, as soon as they find out that everything worked out, they have a question: from what day do they count the pregnancy? Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to determine with an accuracy of the day. The only exception is constant monitoring of ovulation. But it is carried out only during infertility. But there are other ways, the help of which is more or less correct calculation of the gestational age. These are medical studies, calendar methods, gynecological examinations ... Let's figure out what the existing types of determining the period of an interesting position of a woman are.

We consider carefully

Some people believe that the stork's waiting period is the amount of time that has passed since conception. This point of view takes place because it is quite correct. Only in this case is the embryonic term meant. It usually lasts 38 weeks. But the toddler may be asked to enter this world a little earlier or a little later.

Modern medicine takes into account not the embryonic period of pregnancy, but the obstetric one. Its peculiarity is that the first day of the last menstruation is used for counting. This will be the first day of pregnancy. When a woman registers, the doctor enters this date into the exchange card and relies on it when calculating the term.

It is known that ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. Because of this, it becomes clear from what day doctors consider pregnancy. And therefore, the difference between obstetric and embryonic stages of pregnancy is exactly two weeks (the first period is longer than the second). In the first seven days, the egg begins its maturation and preparation for fertilization.

Oh, those forty weeks!

Pregnancy usually lasts 40 obstetric weeks. But the appearance of a baby at a period from 38 to 42 weeks is also considered the norm. Formally, pregnancy can be considered premature or post-term, but in reality, childbirth occurs at the time set by nature - just in time. Here, of course, the question arises: from what day is pregnancy considered? And this interest is understandable, because the discrepancy in the dates lies in the fact that the calculated obstetric term is very average. It can coincide with embryonic only when the baby is conceived in the middle of the 28-day cycle. And then on condition that the cycle before pregnancy was regular.

In addition to the usual calculations using the calendar, the doctor can set a deadline, taking into account the data of ultrasound diagnostics. This will be possible only if the future toddler develops according to all stages of pregnancy.

If the expectant mother believes that conception did not occur in the middle of the cycle, as is the case in most cases, but shortly before its end or at the beginning, she must inform her gynecologist about this. Then the doctor will correct his calculations in order to determine the PDD (preliminary date of birth) as accurately as possible.

Calendar method

This method is designed to control every intercourse. If the union of bodies does not happen so often, then the woman will definitely understand on what day fertilization occurred. Some potential mothers have taught themselves to measure basal temperature. If they have learned to use the schedule correctly, they should inform their doctor about the day they have taken. Based on this information, the doctor will set an approximate date with an error of two weeks.

From what day is pregnancy considered in this case? The inaccuracy is based on the fact that people in white coats take into account only the obstetric term, the peculiarity of which is its dependence on the first day of the last menstruation. This is a very precise technique, and the due date is set within a week. And you can calculate using a simple formula, known for certain to many: the actual fertilization day + 280 days. Or, subtract three months from the day of conception and add seven days. If a potential mother knows the exact day of her ovulation, then only 264 days should be added to the day of conception. This will also be the correct result.

Such a familiar and promising ultrasound

For many years, ultrasound radiation has been used in medicine to control the development of the fetus. After all, every expectant mother is very worried about how to count pregnancy correctly, and with the help of ultrasound, you can calculate both the approximate time of conception and childbirth. To get a more accurate result, doctors recommend examining a pregnant woman in the first 8 weeks. It is at this stage that each fruit develops in exactly the same way. The term is determined by its size.

But further development of each future toddler takes place strictly individually. Body parts and organs can develop more slowly or faster than the patterns suggest. A simple conclusion can be drawn from this: the shorter the gestation period, the better and more effective the expert response will be. The doctor checks the result with the data in the table and verifies the week of pregnancy. If ultrasound detects a delay in fetal development, then a diagnosis will be made about this. And the only thing that can at least slightly accelerate the development of the little one is that the expectant mother will be very attentive to her health.

At a gynecologist's appointment

Some of the women are mistaken when they come to the gynecologist's appointment on the very first day of delay, hoping that only he is able to answer whether pregnancy has come or not, and in case of a positive answer, determine the first day of pregnancy. But at this moment it is impossible to determine it. Yes, the uterus will be slightly enlarged, but this may be due to future menstruation. And its increase associated with the beginning of a new life will occur only after the second or third week of delay. The size of the uterus at this stage will be the size of a chicken egg. The peculiarity of examinations by a gynecologist is the same as that of an ultrasound scan: the shorter the period, the more accurately the exact date of conception will be determined.

Pregnancy with IVF

The number of women who decide on artificial insemination is increasing every day. This method assumes that the egg will be combined with the sperm, after which specialists will monitor them for several days. And here a woman who undergoes such a procedure has the right to inquire from what day a pregnancy should be considered with IVF. And everything is simpler than it might seem: the embryo is planted no earlier than after three to five days. This is when pregnancy begins.

If a woman has a short cycle, the obstetric period is set from the day of the last menstruation. And if it is long, then there will be some peculiarities. The potential mother will start taking medications that block the activity of the ovaries (their stimulation will begin later). Therefore, if you count from the last menstruation, then in real life the development of the fetus will be 3-4 weeks, and the calculated period is 7-8 weeks. Therefore, there is no problem to understand from what day the pregnancy is considered - from conception or implantation. Gynecologists are counting from the day the embryo is implanted into a woman's body.

Getting ready to give birth to a healthy baby

Instead of arguing with the doctor about the situation from what day people in white coats consider pregnancy, it is better for the expectant mother to direct all her attention and care to the new life that is growing in her. Indeed, for the development of the baby, it is important not only the physical health of the mother, but also the psychological one. A woman should try to experience more positive emotions, breathe fresh air more often, eat more plant foods, eat a lot of seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Being pregnant is one of the most joyful moments in every woman's life. She should try not to spoil her joy of waiting for the baby. A mother-to-be should just enjoy her current position, rest more and remember that a child is happy only when his mother is happy.

See also:

Express tour: pregnancy by week

Pregnancy women lasts 280 days or 40 weeks, which is 9 months. This difficult path to meeting a mother with a baby is usually divided into trimesters, each a week which has its own characteristics and characteristics. Each trimester is three months long.

First trimester: 1-13 weeks

At the "start" after conception, the embryo is formed, but the signs are poorly felt by the mother. Details:

  • 1 Week - for a pregnancy to appear, it is necessary to attach the egg, going through the tubes to the wall of the uterus. The expectant mother feels the world deeper, becomes more thoughtful. Many women at this stage experience symptoms, as before menstruation - pulling the lower back, aching in the stomach. Use our pregnancy calculator to calculate the gestational age in weeks and calculate the due date by the last menstrual days. Try not to take pills and eat right;
  • 2 week - in the ovaries, the follicle matures during ovulation, then it bursts, the egg comes out, the breast becomes sensitive, irritability slightly increases, but libido also increases. No saunas and baths during this period! No heavy lifting! Just exercising, swimming, quitting smoking, orange juices and green vegetables rich in folate to help absorb iron! Gustatory habits change, you often want to go to the toilet, pressure decreases;
  • 3 week - the embryo lives in the mother's body, the egg is fertilized by the sperm, divides, after 2.5 weeks it reaches the uterus, which by the end of this period becomes loose. Nothing prevents the egg from attaching securely to the mucous membrane. Metabolism changes, mammary glands coarse. You need to replace sweets with nuts, eat foods rich in calcium, proteins, folic acid, iron;
  • 4 week - Mom detects a delay in menstruation, nausea, malaise may appear. Hormones released during pregnancy can be seen already in urine during laboratory analysis. The internal organs are laid in the embryo, the mother needs vitamins;
  • 5 week - the uterus thickens, the baby looks like a tadpole, but his eyes and nostrils are already forming, he already has a heart, the skeleton is formed. The baby receives nutrition and oxygen from the mother's blood. A woman's ovaries actively release progesterone, and the mother's immunity decreases. In 7 days, the embryo grows to half a centimeter;
  • 6 week - the fetal bladder is forming, which protects the embryo from any troubles, the nervous and circulatory systems develop hourly. The processes of creating the brain, liver, respiratory organs, and pancreas take place. The kid grows up to 1.3 cm;
  • 7 week - the size of the embryo's head reaches 0.8 cm. The visual system is formed, the neural tubes thicken, the upper part of the intestine secretes the esophagus, stomach and pharynx, the bladder and rectum are visible under the lower part, and the prostate in male embryos. A woman's face can become oily during this period, like a teenager. Hormonal changes can cause itching. In case of any troubles, it is better to consult a doctor for advice;
  • 8 week - the nervous system gets the maximum development, the medulla oblongata is ready for work, the spinal cord and the brain have already finally formed, the eyes are still without eyelids, there is a nose, fingers and elbow joints appear on the handles. Mothers should beware of infections;
  • 9 week - the third month begins, the face takes on human features, eyelids are formed, a sucking reflex appears, the circulatory system circulating inside a tiny organism, the heart acquires three chambers, the bronchi branch out. Mom's breasts are enlarged enough to require the next bra number. The uterus enlarges, the ligaments are stretched, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen for this period is the norm;
  • 10 week - A 5-centimeter embryo is already considered a fetus, on ultrasound you can see its gender. His nervous system is divided into central and peripheral, the cerebral hemispheres become more independent. The enlarged uterus is felt even by hands, I constantly want to go to the toilet;
  • 11 week - the baby's body gradually straightens, reaches 5.9 cm, the legs begin to actively catch up with the arms, an iris forms near the eyes, and lymphocytes appear. The mother's kidneys are under double stress, removing metabolic products for two;
  • 12 week - The 50-gram fetus has grown to more than 7 centimeters, the chest movement is noticeable when breathing, the heart beats more than 150 beats per minute, milk teeth, vocal cords, and diaphragm are formed. Mother needs to get enough sleep, exercise, keep calm;
  • 13 week - the placenta has reached 16 mm, becoming a reliable protection for the baby. From this point on, the body will even withstand taking antibiotics, if necessary. Calcium is needed for bones and ribs. Without subcutaneous fat, the skin looks wrinkled. Mom may experience constipation, lower blood pressure, and disturb the kidneys. It is important to eat right in order to gain no more than 11 kg for the entire pregnancy, for multiple pregnancies - no more than 17 kg;

Second trimester: 14-27 weeks

This is a gently flowing period of carrying a baby, during which the mother's body is completely ready to work for two, despite the weight gain, rounding of forms, and the appearance of the abdomen. The embryo has fully formed internal organs and systems, the child moves his limbs, sucks his finger, and the sensation of his movements gives his mother endless delight. More details:

  • 14 week - the baby maintains the chemical composition of the amniotic fluid, excreting urine in them up to several times a day. The ovaries in girls and the prostate in boys are improved. Lack of vitamins affects the well-being of the mother. She has a feeling that there is not enough air. Eat less potatoes and legumes. Allergies may appear on strawberries, peaches, oranges;
  • 15 week - the heart of the baby distills about 23 liters of blood, convolutions are formed in the brain, the bone marrow develops, the intestine forms the original feces, the amount of amniotic fluid increases. You can talk to your baby! The height of the uterus reaches 14 cm. The woman begins to blossom;
  • 16 week - the date of the baby's movement helps to more accurately establish the date of delivery, he actively moves every 10 minutes. He opens his eyes for the first time. Fetal movement may appear by the 20th week. Exercise and the right menu improve the condition of the mother;
  • 17 week - the weight of the fetus exceeds 100 g, and the height reaches 12 cm. He and his mother need calcium, healthy food, since the body type is laid. The woman feels pressure in the stomach, liver. You have to eat many times a day in small portions so that the stomach has time to cope. Sometimes there are cramps in the legs due to a lack of B vitamins, magnesium, calcium;
  • 18 week - the height of a small child is 13 cm, weight is 170 g, the diameter of the head is almost 4 cm, the fingers become proportional, the length of the foot reaches 2.5 cm. Moms rejoice, feeling his movements. At this time, there is a high probability of determining the sex of the baby by ultrasound. The ideal weekly weight gain for mom is 500 g. To reduce swelling, you need to consume less salt;
  • 19 week - the child reacts to screams, the volume of the voice, turns his head to the sound. Listen to pleasant music, do not quarrel with your family. A drawing is formed on children's palms. The pushes in the tummy become clearer. Women do not always distinguish between fetal movement and processes that occur in the intestines;
  • 20 week - the endocrine system is formed, the parts of the brain are improving, the baby can swallow, has good hearing, his weight is about 290 g, his height is about 24 cm. Mom's waist disappears from the rounding of the tummy, the first stretch marks appear, a comfortable bra is required;
  • 21 week - if a baby is suddenly born after this period, his ability to survive increases significantly. Systems and organs are formed, the stomach and chest, the head grow, subcutaneous fat is formed, receptors in the tongue distinguish taste, the first leukocytes appear in his body. Requires a lot of protein and 4 times more carbohydrates;
  • 22 week - the brain weighs 100 g, the growth of the fetus is 28 cm, the weight is about 430 g, the weight of the heart increases, the ligaments and vertebrae are clearly visible. It is necessary to consider the movements of the child, since the swelling can transmit blood vessels that carry food to the placenta;
  • 23 week - alveoli are formed, the respiratory system develops. Mom needs to drink a lot of water, since plasma consists of it. A fluff is visible on the child's head during ultrasound examination, muscles, spine, bones, aorta are clearly visible;
  • 24 week - gradually the baby's skin is smoothed due to the appearance of subcutaneous fatty tissue. The baby feels the emotions of the mother. The doctor listens to how the heart beats, whether the breast has grown, the tummy, what is the diameter of the head;
  • 25 week - the child's weight is 680 g, height - 34 cm. The bone marrow is connected to blood formation. In order for the alveoli to function, surfactant accumulates in the lungs. The bottom of the mother's uterus has risen to 25 cm, the legs get tired more often, pain in the lower back appears;
  • 26 week - the baby has grown to 35 cm, gained more than 770 g, smells, reacts faster to voices. The diameter of the head is now 65.1 mm, the stomach is 67.4 mm, and the chest is 65.8 mm. By this time, the woman postpones business, spares herself more;
  • 27 week - bookmark the speed of reactions, metabolic processes. Mom needs to gain strength for the upcoming third of bearing the fetus. The period is characterized by frequent shortness of breath due to a feeling of lack of air.

Third trimester: 28 weeks and before delivery

The most difficult stage for a mother is from 7 months to childbirth. It is accompanied by active growth of the baby, preparation of the child for independent existence. Details:

  • 28 week - the baby is exactly 7 months old, you can determine whether he will be right-handed or left-handed. To do this, on the ultrasound, you can see which handle he often reaches to the mouth. There is already enough surfactant in the lungs so that the alveoli do not stick together during the first breath;
  • Week 29 - baby's height has reached 38 cm, weight is more than 1 kg. He only has a tummy and folds in the lubricant. He becomes cramped inside his mother, and the blood fully protects him from infections, but the venous and arterial blood are still mixed. The daily portion of excreted urine is 500 g. Mom is on maternity leave at this time;
  • 30 week - the chest of the crumbs grew to 77.4 mm, and the tummy - to 79.3 mm. The cerebral cortex is formed, the child begins to memorize some sounds, sensations. Mom will have to visit the gynecologist weekly. Due to the increased pressure on the vessels during sleep, hands become numb, cramping in the legs. The ligaments become elastic, you can do light stretching warm-ups in the pelvic area;
  • 31 weeks - the weekly weight gain of the child is about 200 g. The child needs subcutaneous fat to keep warm. The pigment accumulates in the hair and the iris of the eyes. Sometimes the uterus rehearses childbirth, there are one-time contractions;
  • 32 week - the baby weighs 1700 g, the body length is over 40 cm. If the placenta "grows old", nutrition will be disturbed, and deviations will appear in development. By this period, the first hair appears. The mother produces vasopressin and oxytocin;
  • 33 week - the child has to take the fetal position because there is not enough space. The body has reached 43 cm, the head is 8.2 cm, the tummy is 87.4 mm, the breasts are 85 mm. The placenta copes with the function of protecting the baby from harmful factors and feeds him through the blood;
  • 34 week - the baby weighs 2.1 kg. The placenta produces hormones that cause lactation. Its thickness is 3.39 cm. It is important not to overdo it with the use of calcium in order to exclude birth injuries. It is necessary to continue to count the movements of the fetus - 4-6 movements are considered the norm;
  • - childbirth is possible this week, but heredity determines a lot. The head is 1/4 body length, its diameter is 91 mm. The feet have become contoured. The baby's genitals and reflexes are developed. The placenta dries up, supplies food worse. Mom is focused on the upcoming meeting with the baby;
  • 39 week - the baby weighs 3.3 kg, height - 51.5 cm. Thanks to the fontanelles made of cartilaginous tissue, the bones of the skull remain pliable so that the child can pass through the birth canal. The baby will be able to distinguish objects at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes. The placenta ages and the fetus experiences a lack of oxygen. Mom prepares things for the hospital and documents;
  • 40 week - the child patiently waited for this hour, gained more than 3.5 kg, grew up to 53 cm. Anxiety comes to the mother if childbirth does not come. Before childbirth, you often want to go to the toilet, the lower back aches, the cervix gradually opens, colostrum is released from the nipples.

If childbirth did not come at the 40th week, it does not matter. A permit within 42 weeks is considered normal. It remains to trust nature. Only 10% of women in labor reach the 42nd week. Doppler ultrasound and ultrasound are performed to assess the condition of the baby and mother. The main thing is to stay calm so as not to harm the health of the mother and child.

"Cervix" in Latin means "cervix") or the cervical canal. The cervix is \u200b\u200b4 cm long and the width of the cervical canal is maximum 4 mm. The shape of the canal resembles a spindle, that is, its widest part is located in the center of the cervix, and the canal narrows up and down. This form ensures the preservation of the mucous plug, which is normally present in the cervical canal.


This calculator will allow you to calculate at what stage of pregnancy you are now, the date of future birth, the date of conception, and even the zodiac sign of the future baby and his zodiac animal according to the eastern calendar. You will also be able to determine the age of the fetus, its weight and height, and how much time is left before delivery. To do this, you need to enter the date of the first day of your last menstrual period and the length of your menstrual cycle. In addition, our calculator generates a very handy and practical pregnancy chart by week. Using it, you can navigate what week of pregnancy you are now in, as well as track the height and weight of your unborn child.

The most detailed pregnancy calendar

The happy time in the life of every woman - pregnancy - is divided into time stages: trimesters, months, weeks. Each of these units of time has its own peculiarities - both in the body of the expectant mother and in the body of the unborn baby. We will talk about all this in the most detailed and understandable way.

Living stories to help

In addition to medical (gynecological) information from experienced obstetricians, we will share with you the real stories of thousands of Babiblog mothers on the pages of our calendar. They are equipped with expressive photographs, ultrasound images, descriptions of sensations in a particular obstetric week of pregnancy. We will also give you tips and advice for each of the stages on the road to a miracle.

On the verge of the birth of a miracle

To get the newborn baby carefully wrapped in a diaper in your hands for the first time, to hear his first cry, to feel his smell, you have to climb a happy staircase of forty steps - forty weeks. You can't stumble on any of them, don't grumble about fate, don't complain about ailments. At the top of this amazing staircase, you will spread your wings and embark on a magical flight of happy motherhood. A miracle is very close!

Listen to experienced moms

It is very important not to worry once again, not to quarrel with loved ones, to avoid phobias and stress when carrying a child. It is for this purpose that each week of pregnancy of our unique calendar is accompanied by useful advice and good recommendations from experienced mothers who have gone this way more than once. You will be calmer when, at each time stage, you can learn the experience of other mothers in this or that issue of your well-being and a healthy pregnancy.

How is the pregnancy going?

In the first obstetric week of pregnancy, the female body begins to prepare for possible fertilization, which will occur later.

In the second week, the "leader" in this cycle is determined - the egg that will give rise to a new life.

As a rule, at the end of the second - beginning of the third obstetric week of pregnancy, fertilization occurs - the fusion of a mature egg with the fastest and most persistent sperm from a huge number of applicants. Just as a loving man completely dissolves in the object of his passion, so the sperm dissolves inside the parent's egg. The genetic information of the parents is combined. Now a new life exists!

In the fourth week, the baby is a lump of rapidly dividing cells. If you look at it under high magnification, the embryo resembles a raspberry berry.

In the fifth week of pregnancy, the laying of the most important systems begins. Now the heart, blood vessels and the respiratory system are being formed - what is vital for independent existence.

Next week, the unborn baby has a hint of arms and legs, separate parts of the inner ear and larynx are formed.

In the seventh week, the fetus actively develops the brain, the gastrointestinal tract begins to form, and the lungs form.

In the eighth week, the great sculptor - nature is doing delicate work. Now the ears, nose and upper lip are formed, as well as fingers on the hands.

At the ninth week of pregnancy, the back of the embryo will begin to straighten, and the tail will "dry out". The baby's brain is developing at a tremendous pace.

The laying of milk teeth begins next week. The embryo is now surrounded by amniotic fluid, protecting it from shock and shaking inside.

At the eleventh week, the unborn baby already has sexual characteristics, and future parents with the help of modern equipment can now find out who is inside - a charming girl or a sturdy little boy. In addition, the color of the eyes is determined in the fetus.

By the twelfth week of pregnancy, the unborn baby has practically formed all body systems. In the remaining time they will grow and develop.

The thirteenth week ends the first trimester of pregnancy. The placenta is fully formed. Now she will be responsible for the delivery of nutrients and oxygen from mom to baby.

At 14 weeks, the baby is covered with a delicate fluff - lanugo. It retains the cheese-like lubricant, which, in turn, protects the crumb from the surrounding waters.

It has been proven that already at the 15th week of pregnancy, the tiny heart of the baby passes more than 20 liters of blood per day. The skin of the stomach is thin and red, it is still so different from a well-fed baby.

At the sixteenth week, the fetal head is no longer so pressed to the chest, it gradually straightens. The muscles of the face are developed, so the child can wink and frown.

At 17 weeks, "brown fat" begins to be deposited, which is necessary for heat exchange in the body. But there is still no subcutaneous fat.

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the baby already hears you, as the structures of the middle ear are improving. It's time to talk to your child and hum children's songs to him.

The next week, the limbs grow and become more proportional.

At the twentieth week, the belly is a miniature man - with a delicate fluff on his head and tiny nails on the fingers and toes. He has a lot to do - the baby yawns, sucks on a fist, and somersaults.

In the twenty-first week, blood cells are produced that are responsible for protecting the body from infections. Thanks to the developed papillae on the tongue, the fetus can taste the surrounding waters.

At 22 weeks, the baby strokes his arms, legs, face, sucks a finger and pushes his legs against the walls of the uterus.

At the twenty-third week, the fetus begins to store subcutaneous fat.

At 24 weeks of gestation, the baby becomes larger and more plump. It occupies almost the entire uterus, it becomes more and more difficult to somersault.

The next week, bones become stronger, joints are formed.

At 26 weeks, the baby knows how to open his eyes.

The third trimester starts with the twenty-seventh week. A toddler weighing about 1000 g has all the main systems working, although their development is not yet complete.

At 28 weeks, the brain grows, new cells and nerve connections are formed.

At the twenty-ninth week, the baby has already learned to more or less regulate his own body temperature.

At the thirtieth week, the baby's eyes are wide open, he reacts to contrasting light penetrating his mother's tummy.

The next week, the baby reacts to loud sounds and pain. You can feel it move when the doctor feels the abdomen.

At 32 weeks gestation, the baby perfectly hears what is happening outside the tummy. He recognizes his mother's heartbeat, bowel movements and the murmur of blood flowing through the umbilical cord. That is why the baby calms down after birth if her mother presses him to her chest, because he hears the usual sounds of her heart.

At 33 weeks, the baby still has enough room for movement, but every day the space of the temporary house - the uterus becomes more and more cramped for him.

Next week, the subcutaneous fat is already a tenth of the baby's weight, which gives the fetus's skin a smooth and pinkish tint.

From 35 weeks old, the baby will gain 200-220 grams weekly to his current weight (approximately 2550 g).

The next week, the baby's face became smooth, and plump cheeks appeared.

At 37 weeks, the baby is already ready for birth and has taken its final position in the uterus.

At 38 weeks, the baby lost lanugo. There is less original lubricant.

At the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, the walls of the uterus contract from time to time, "rehearsing" the birth.

At the fortieth week, fetal movements slowed down in anticipation of birth. His intestines are filled with original feces (meconium). The appearance of a crumb into the world should be expected at any time.

At 41 weeks of pregnancy, all organs and systems of the unborn child are ready to start independent work at any time.

At 42 weeks, the baby has grown long nails on all fingers, hair. His eyes are open, he becomes more active again.

In our calendar, we will consider each week of pregnancy in as much detail as possible. Welcome!

Pregnancy calendars

Each week of your pregnancy calendar from the first to the fortieth week with details.

Pregnancy is an amazing and exciting period in a woman's life. In just 40 weeks, a whole organism is formed from one cell, capable of living in the surrounding conditions. A person never develops at such a fast pace as during the prenatal period.

In order to calculate the week of your pregnancy, you can use the calculator. It is enough to indicate the date of the first day of the last menstruation. Keep in mind that the duration of pregnancy and the rate of development of the fetus are always individual and may differ slightly from the data given in the pregnancy calendar. The following pattern is characteristic - the longer the duration of the menstrual cycle, the longer the pregnancy lasts.

What's your term?

It is most logical to schedule the pregnancy by week - so you will have a better idea of \u200b\u200bhow your baby is growing and what processes pregnancy causes in your own body. By studying the pregnancy calendar by week, you will find timely advice: how to choose clothes for pregnant women, how to avoid toxicosis, how to eat right. Accordingly, the size of the fetus and its new skills are given each week - you will be surprised at how much it already knows how, when even the tummy is not yet visible to others!

In obstetric practice, it is customary to count the gestational age starting from the first day of the last menstruation. In fact, calling this week the first week of pregnancy can only be conditional, because there is no pregnancy yet. All you can do now is prepare your body for pregnancy. ...

Now in your body, the maturation of the egg is taking place. Throughout the second week of pregnancy, the egg is in a small vesicle - the follicle. When the follicle membrane bursts, the fluid comes out of it, carrying the egg with it. This moment is called ovulation and it usually occurs at the end of the second week of pregnancy. ...

Either at the end of last week, or at the beginning of this week, ovulation occurred and the egg got into the fallopian tube. She has only 24 hours to meet the sperm. Most likely, you still do not feel your pregnancy in any way, although some women claim that they felt the moment of the birth of a new life in them. ...

In the fourth week of pregnancy, the embryo is usually already deeply embedded in the wall of the uterus. The future organism is now called the embryonic disc, due to its almost flat shape, and its size by the end of the fourth week of pregnancy is only 1.5 mm. ...

It's hard to imagine, but the heart of the embryo, about 2 mm long, is already beginning to beat! In the fifth week of pregnancy, you can already imagine where his head is, where is the body, where is the tail. ...

In the sixth week of pregnancy, the appearance of the embryo is more like a tadpole rather than a person. Work on the creation of new organs will never be carried out as actively as now. The endocrine glands - thyroid and parathyroid, pituitary, adrenal glands - are also laid down. The oropharyngeal membrane is formed - the primitive beginning of the digestive tract. ...

Now your future baby is already much more like a little man. On the head, parts of the face are more and more clearly marked. The state of health of the expectant mother usually becomes worse. The seventh week of pregnancy, few people pass without ailments. ...

Your baby is literally growing by leaps and bounds. He can already move his arms and bend them at the elbows. The embryo is now quite mobile, it swims vigorously in the amniotic fluid, turns around its axis, upside down and vice versa. Its size (BPD) by the end of the 8th week of pregnancy already reaches 1.5 cm.

The ninth week of pregnancy is characterized by the straightening of the back of the embryo and the disappearance of the tail. The outlines of the auricles have already appeared, even the earlobes, the nose with clearly visible nostrils. Toxicosis reaches its maximum, then it will be easier. ...

From this moment on, your future baby will not be called an embryo, but a fetus! By the tenth week, the placenta has formed and is fully functioning. This is a unique organ that ensures the exchange of nutrients between the fetus and the mother, and also protects the fetus from toxic substances, infectious agents, and immune factors. ...

The size of the fetus by the end of the eleventh week of pregnancy is already about 5-6 cm, and the weight is 8 grams. His heart beats at a rate of 120-160 beats per minute. It's time to register with the antenatal clinic. Waiting for you. ...

The first trimester is ending. The placenta now produces enough progesterone, and the corpus luteum is gradually decreasing in size. The coccygeal-parietal size (CTE) of the fetus at the twelfth week is 5.3 cm.

The baby's limbs are gradually lengthening, and by about the middle of the 13th week of pregnancy, he can reach his mouth with his hands. A very important reflex develops, which the baby will need after birth - sucking. Your tummy starts to appear. Most often, he is still invisible to others, but the clothes are already becoming tight. ...

By the fourteenth week of pregnancy, the face of the fetus looks more plump due to the fact that the cheeks are rounded. A fluff appears on the head of the fetus, eyebrows are indicated. All organs are already in place and functioning. A safer period of pregnancy begins. ...

The fetus actively moves in the amniotic fluid surrounding it. The CTE of the fetus at the fifteenth week of pregnancy is 90-100 mm, and it weighs about 50 grams. But if you go for an ultrasound examination now, the main attention will be paid to other dimensions - the parameters of the head and torso. The biparietal size (BPD) at this time is 32 mm, and the perimeter of the skull is 90 mm. ...

At the sixteenth week, the fetus continues to actively grow the bones of the limbs, the legs and arms are more and more stretched in length. Marigolds grow on the tips of the fingers. The kidneys of the fetus are actively functioning, the first portions of urine enter the amniotic fluid. ...

The main process taking place this week is muscle building. The development of the brain continues, new reflexes are formed. At the seventeenth week of pregnancy, the doctor not only determines the height of the fundus of the uterus, but also listens to the fetal heartbeat. The norm is from 120 to 160 beats per minute. ...

At the eighteenth week of pregnancy, the baby's body length already reaches 22 cm, the girth of the fetal head is 126 mm, and the chest is 117 mm. For a woman, this period is often marked by a joyful event - the feeling of the first movements of the baby. The first tremors are still very weak and usually appear when the mother is lying down. ...

The nineteenth week of pregnancy is the time of the rapid growth of the abdomen. In pregnant women with a wide pelvis, sometimes the tummy may be completely invisible until this time. As the mass of the uterus increases, its pressure on neighboring organs increases, it is time to change the position during sleep. The optimal position of a pregnant woman from the nineteenth week is considered to be on her side. ...

The size of the fetus at this time can be compared with the size of your palm - approximately 16 cm. From now on, your tummy will grow literally every day. Try to prepare your spine for the rapidly growing load. Watch your posture. ...

Twenty-first week of pregnancy is the time you look forward to - the lead time. The doctor will carefully measure the parameters of the fetus, the size of its body parts, the work of the organs and the state of the placenta, and possibly tell you the sex of the baby. ...

At the twenty-second week of pregnancy, the nose and lips become sharper. Eyelashes appear around the eyes. Simultaneously with the accumulation of adipose tissue, facial features are rounded and more and more reminiscent of a newborn baby. Normal indicators for this period are the following: biparietal size of the fetal head (BPF) - from 54 to 56 mm, chest dimensions - 50 and 53 mm, abdominal perimeter - 162 mm. ...

At the twenty-third week, active hematopoiesis continues, in the fetus, this function is performed not only by the bone marrow and spleen, as in an adult, but also by the liver. Also during this period, protective immune cells are intensively formed. If you didn’t have a second fetal ultrasound two weeks ago, it’s important to do it now. Otherwise, you run the risk of missing the optimal time for the study, after which the information content of the ultrasound scan decreases significantly. ...

The movements of the fetus at the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy are already becoming familiar to women, it is already difficult to confuse them with rumbling in the stomach. If the baby does not move for about 12 hours, or, on the contrary, is unusually energetic, you should inform the doctor about this - both can be a sign of trouble. ...

The weight of the fetus at this time is already about 750-800g. Biparietal size (BPD) 65 mm, frontal-occipital diameter (LZD) 81 mm. Now you can clearly identify the periods of sleep and wakefulness of the baby. The upper edge of the uterus at the twenty-fifth week of pregnancy is already determined just above the navel. ...

Starting from the twenty-sixth week of pregnancy, the fetus is considered viable, that is, if it is born at this time, it has a chance to survive, provided that special equipment is available. Every day, the reaction to music and loud speech becomes more obvious - there is no doubt that the baby is already able to hear. ...

With the beginning of the third trimester, the fetus again begins active growth of the brain - it will significantly increase in size by the time of delivery. For a woman, the twenty-seventh week is the time when you should pay increased attention to your health. Now you need to regularly measure your blood pressure and take urine tests. ...

The weight of the fetus is 1100-1200 grams, and its body length is 38 cm. Even now, the baby remembers the timbre of the mother's voice, and after birth this sound will soothe him better than any music. At the twenty-eighth week, you can begin to perform the Pearson test - counting movements for an hour in the morning and evening. A healthy fetus at this time makes at least 10 tangible movements per hour. ...

Your breasts begin to prepare intensively for lactation. The breasts swell and discharge in the form of a yellowish fluid may appear from the nipples. This is colostrum, which contains the most valuable supply of immune substances for the baby. At the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy, the fetus is already large enough so that you can independently distinguish whether it is being pushed by a handle or a leg and where the head is. ...

Usually, the thirtieth week of pregnancy is the time when the woman goes on maternity leave. Its duration is 70 days before delivery and 70 days after delivery. The weight of the fetus at the thirtieth week reaches 1300-1600 grams, and its body length is about 40 cm.

Your baby has most likely already taken its final position. The thirty-first week of pregnancy is carried out. This is usually the last ultrasound of the fetus. The normal weight is considered to be from 1500 to 1800 grams. Height - 42 cm.

The baby's facial features become even more cute - wrinkles disappear completely, and a pronounced hairline is noticeable on the head. Most likely, the fetus has already turned upside down, and now its movements are most noticeable. It is this week that muscle mass rapidly increases, the sucking muscles mature, which will provide the baby with adequate nutrition. ...

The movements of the fetus in the thirty-third week of pregnancy are so constrained that you will not notice any somersaults, but sometimes you will feel tangible movements of the limbs. Usually, fetal movements become most active while you are resting and decrease during walking. This week is the deadline for. ...

There is a month and a half before giving birth. Starting at the thirty-fourth week of pregnancy, the fetus is no longer considered premature, and the baby born this week is officially recognized as prematurely born. Now is the perfect time to recall the material you took in your maternity courses. ...

Your body is preparing for childbirth. At the thirty-fifth week of pregnancy, Braxton Hicks contractions, the so-called training contractions, are increasingly repeated. At the next visit to the antenatal clinic, you will be sent for a general blood test - this is one of the final studies that you have to undergo before giving birth, and it is really important. ...

At the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy, the child weighs about 2700-3000 grams, and its body length is about 48-49 cm. Now it is very important for the expectant mother to monitor the posture. The lowermost part of the spine, the sacral, is subject to significant stress, which can be reduced with proper weight distribution. ...

You still have to attend antenatal clinics every week. It is clear that getting around the city is not easy when the 37th week of pregnancy has already begun, but frequent medical supervision during such a crucial period is simply necessary. According to doctors, childbirth at 37 weeks of gestation is still considered premature, but by this time the fetus has already finally completed its formation. They have signs of maturity, all congenital reflexes are present. ...

By the thirty-eighth week of pregnancy, you will notice that Braxton Hicks contractions have become more frequent and more noticeable. Many women feel relief of breathing - this is due to the lowering of the uterus and a decrease in its pressure on the diaphragm. Another is the discharge of a mucous plug from the vagina - this is a clot of transparent or slightly pinkish mucus. The body prepares for childbirth. ...

For 75% of women, the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy is the final one. You are more likely to give birth earlier than the expected date of birth if your menstrual cycle was less than 28 days, if your mother or grandmother gave birth at the same time, or if, according to medical observations, your cervix is \u200b\u200bnow in an open state. ...

The baby has been waiting for his birth for several weeks, his body is completely ready for extrauterine life, and his appearance is the same as that of a newborn baby. Undoubtedly, for you it will be the most wonderful, beloved and beautiful child in the world. ...

Where does the confusion come from in two weeks?

Doctors in antenatal clinics traditionally count the gestation period starting from the first day of the last menstruation, despite the fact that, according to such calculations, conception occurs only in the third week of pregnancy. Our interactive calendar is built in the same way - this is an obstetric pregnancy calendar. There is another way to calculate the timing of pregnancy, when the day of conception is taken as the starting point. The resulting calendar, it would be correct to call the calendar of fetal development. Sometimes this method is reflected in the conclusions of obstetric ultrasound, where it is possible to establish the life expectancy of the fetus with an accuracy of one day, especially in the first trimester. As a rule, the fetal development calendar is about 2 weeks behind the obstetric pregnancy calendar.

Questions to the article

Gram? Weight before pregnancy 80 kg, now 82.700. And seven weeks ago it was ...

They said. And now I wonder))) which one? ...

The estimated date was 7/4/17. But I still haven't given birth and nothing ...

Cough, no temperature. I am treated with chamomile, milk and honey, my nose is nothing ...

4 times a day. And at 10 pm I can eat. This is normal? I have 10 ...

Obstetric week, I did it in Moscow, they appointed a divigel and ...

The fetus. This is normal. Sometimes there are imperceptible tremors. I have...

I did 3 tests, all 3 showed a weak second strip, the next ...

Reading 100102 .... it's normal that I'm very worried, tell me ...

Date of conception - 03/15/2017 HCG 04/06/2017 - 6145.2 mIU / ml. Moreover, in less than 48 ...

Free, the result of 2.0 ng / ml is pregnancy ??? ...

That is 6 weeks old, but shows how much more. And ultrasound showed 4 weeks. Can...

1 day delay the day before the start of menstruation watched the test showed ...

Ml. An ultrasound scan on 01/11/2017 showed nothing. Please tell me this ...

The doctors and on the ultrasound were fine, but the last three days I started to hurt ...

Received Belarus. On cancellation, menstruation came in the first cycle (33 days ...

Could it affect the baby? and can my gynecologist prescribe ...

11/30/16 on hCG - the result is 1062.2. What does it mean? ...

Placental abruption 20mm by 4mm. Zistka said nothing, it will grow. And ...

2x five days)? 14 DPP - 1290 Me / L, 19 DPP - 6149 Me / L? The Uzi has just ...

Pain began in the pubic bone area when walking and when ...

The second one is already bright. And in the evening, smearing bleeding a little ...

September, in October they are not) What week do I have? How to calculate? ...

A week. Last monthly 12.09.16 ctcl 30 days. The gynecologist says ...

The last menstruation was 04/27/4/05. May 5th was protected sex ...

I read you in the article that it could be a fetus with down syndrome ...

Syphilis recently surrendered by her husband: anti-Treponema pallidum Ig M negative, ...

The condom broke, can there be a chance of pregnancy? ...

Rev. KP.) (Reference values \u200b\u200b1,1 are positive. What does this mean? ...

Be monthly. I did tests 28, 30 and so on. All negative. By 8 ...

For weeks they found a cat at home and he is constantly at home on the street ...

Sometimes a little 3-4 times a day is it normal pregnancy 16 weeks? ...

Menstruation was noted not expressed pain in the lower abdomen, now ...

My throat hurt, followed by a stuffy nose, not big snot, isn't it dangerous ...

1.00-5.00 and immature granulocytes 0.3% reference. interval 0.0-0.2. What is it ...

Vozmojno chto ya beremenna? I esli da, to kakoy srok? Pojalusta otvette esli mojno? ...

Menstruation 07/19/20015. Thank you!...

Placental abruption. If I understand correctly, the embryo receives less ...

The previous children also had a tone and the doctor constantly scares me ...

(there 16 years are missing) PERSONAL PREGNANCY CALENDAR FOR ...

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