
Andrey kaminov, general director of FGUP "atex", denies guilt. How a cleaver caught the deputy head of the uspp for pedophilia Andrei Kaminov with his wife on the Arbat

The general director of FSUE "Ateks" under the Federal Security Service (FSO) Andrei Kaminov, arrested in the case of embezzlement during the construction of the presidential residence in Novo-Ogaryovo, denies his guilt. From his testimony it follows that he actually did not decide anything at his post, and the contracts and their amounts were directly determined by the former leadership of the FSO and the Baltstroy company controlled by the St. Petersburg billionaire. The latter is planned to be charged under Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ().

According to a source familiar with the situation, Andrei Kaminov denies his guilt in stealing funds, while he does not refuse to testify. The head of the FSUE presents his version of events. According to her, when he headed Atex in 2012, this enterprise was already working according to the established schemes, which he simply could not change - the FSO was 100% the founder of the FSUE. According to him, initially, "Atex" was created as a formal "pad", since the security service could not directly engage in commercial activities.

According to these schemes, the FSO determined the volume of construction work, what amounts would be spent on them, as well as the contractors, which invariably became the structures that were part of Mikhalchenko's empire "Baltstroy". Information about which particular firm should be signed contracts, Kaminovu was transferred in the form of a recommendation, which was impossible to get around. Somehow "Baltstroy" and its "daughters" refused one contract, considering it insignificant, FSUE chose other firms that were not related to Mikhalchenko. And then Baltstroy changed his mind. To "sort out" the situation, the FSO allegedly "hacked down" all these third-party firms, referring to the fact that it does not consider it possible to allow them to work at a secret facility. And the contracts again went to structures associated with Mikhalchenko.

Despite the fact that Kaminov himself came from one of Mikhalchenko's structures - before joining the FSUE he worked in the Forum holding - he did not have the necessary relationship with Baltstroy. As a result, Stanislav Küner, one of the junior partners of Baltstroy, was introduced to FSUE as a deputy director. While working at Ateks, he was also the founder of a number of companies that were part of the Baltstroy empire.

FSO supervised the progress of work, accepted all the work performed, etc. “Nothing depended on Kaminov. FSUE "Ateks" is a stillborn structure. Its leadership was told who would build what and for how much. Then the funds of the FSO came - with "recommendations" to whom and how much should be transferred for the work. All these funds went to a kopeck for the indicated purpose. How they were then distributed, Kaminov did not know, ”the interlocutor expressed his opinion.

Earlier, another source said the following: “There were four old friends who communicated from their youth - Dmitry Sergeev, Alexander Kochenov, Dmitry Torchinsky, Stanislav Küner. The leader among them was Sergeev. He once bought a stake in the construction company Baltstroy, and persuaded the other half to buy his friend Dmitry Mikhalchenko. It is no secret that the latter had good relations with the then leadership of the FSO. Mikhalchenko and organized all contracts through the security service with Baltstroy and many related structures, in which Kochenov, Torchinsky and Kyuner were introduced to different positions or among the founders. The profits were divided as follows: half - to Mikhalchenko, half - to Sergeev, who distributed part of the money among Kochenov, Torchinsky and Kyuner.

As already reported, Kuhner, Torchinsky and another "baltstroevite" Sergei Perevalov, who were charged in the framework of the case of embezzlement of FSO funds, entered into pre-trial agreements. “In all the testimonies Mikhalchenko's surname appears as a possible organizer of the theft,” the agency's source noted earlier.

In this case, Mikhalchenko's surname appears on almost every page. “The investigation believes that an organized criminal group was acting. However, the entire plot of the accusation at the moment is being built in such a way that the organizer of the group was precisely Dmitry Mikhalchenko. It is a matter of time to bring charges against him under Article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (organization of a criminal community), ”one of the agency's interlocutors believes.

The verdict on the scandalous case of the ex-deputy of the bailiffs department of the Moscow region was announced by the Lefortovo court of Moscow.

A former employee of the FSSP was found guilty of attempting to have sexual intercourse with a minor and sentenced to 2.5 years in a general regime colony. The verdict was announced on August 22. The information was confirmed by LifeNews in the Moscow office of the Investigative Committee of Russia. The source noted that Andrey Kaminov and did not plead guilty.

Initially, about the verdict of the ex-employee of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Moscow Region reported on Facebook, lawyer Alexei Mikhalchik, who represented the interests of the founder of the Occupy Pedophilia movement Maxim Martsinkevich, who posted on the Internet video compromising Andrey Kaminov.

The 38-year-old ex-bailiff was detained by fighters against pedophiles on a date with a 14-year-old boy. Before that, Kaminov was caught in correspondence in social networks with a teenager, who was offered to have sex. After some time, the bailiff filed a resignation letter, and on September 3, 2013, he was arrested as part of a criminal case initiated by the Investigative Committee.

[NEWSru.com, 03.09.2013, "Moscow detectives detained the former deputy head of the Moscow Region FSSSP, in which the neo-Nazi Tesak" saw a "pedophile": Having come on a date on June 7, Andrei Kaminov promised to pay the boy 1,000 rubles for oral sex. At that moment, the official was seized by Tesak and his supporters, who was sitting in the closet.
Later, Andrei Kaminov took to the hospital, complaining that "fighters against pedophiles" severely beat him. From the published footage, it is not clear whether the FSSP official was really beaten at the "safe house" of antipedophiles. However, it is obvious that the conversation with him was conducted in a harsh manner and was more like interrogation with partiality. […]
Andrei Kaminov himself, although he partially lost his memory after what happened, insisted on his innocence. […]
It should be noted that the beaten Andrei Kaminov turned to doctors only two days after meeting with "antipedophiles".
Apparently, after three months of deliberation, the Investigative Committee decided to support the version of the neo-Nazi Tesak and decided to arrest Kaminov. - Box K.ru]

Maksim Martsinkevich, known as Tesak, was also recently convicted. The court sent him to a colony for five years under the article "Incitement to hatred or enmity and humiliation of human dignity with the use of violence." The charges were brought against him after he posted three videos on the Web in which he supported the pogroms in Biryulevo after the high-profile murder in 2013.

On December 13, 2013, Martsinkevich was arrested in absentia by the Kuntsevsky court of Moscow, however, while the criminal case was being investigated in Russia, Martsinkevich was in Cuba. He was deported from Havana to Russia for lack of identification documents, immediately after confirmation of the suspect's identity arrived at the Russian consulate in Havana in January 2014.

[Kommersant, 08/16/2014 "The feud of the nationalist lasted for five years": Before the announcement of the verdict, Tesak held an impromptu press conference. [...]
"I am sorry that we can get a term for a good deed," Tesak said. "I wanted to wake up civil society, but apparently I stepped on the tail of a high-ranking pedophile." - Box K.ru]

In pedophilia. Andrei Kaminov came on a date with a 14-year-old boy, and ended up with activists of the Occupy Pedophilia movement.

As it turned out, 38-year-old bailiff Corresponded with the teenager for several days.

- The man corresponded with our "bait" in the social network "Vkontakte" over the past days. During the conversation, he spoke to the boy several times about his sexual desires, - commented the activist of the movement Anzhej Kmitits. - It was decided to make an appointment with him in one of the capital's apartments, since he himself asked for a "secluded" atmosphere.

So that the boy would certainly let him into the apartment, Andrei Kaminov paid him a thousand rubles and promised a good pastime.

- The meeting took place in a house on Baumanskaya Street. Upon entering the apartment, he was very frightened, because together with the teenager he saw Tesak's group, continues Anzhey Kmitits. - He realized that it was a setup, and began to justify his act with good intentions - they say, he is generally a volunteer and came to conduct an educational conversation with a minor.

The man refused to give his name and the public organization he represents. Later, Occupy Pedophilia activists were able to identify the alleged pedophile's name by looking at the messages on his mobile phone. There, the participants in the movement also found information that he works as a bailiff.

- I am a volunteer and do the same as you! I came to convince the boy from further similar steps, - Andrey Kaminov said in his defense. - I was not going to do anything bad, but on the contrary!

Not believing in the "high mission" of Andrey Kaminov, Tesak and his team carried out educational work with the guest, after which the official was released home.

[lenta.ru, 10.06.2013, "Caught" by fighters against pedophiles "bailiff quit": At the end of the video, Martsinkevich takes the caught "pedophile" to the bathroom and orders him to sit in the bathtub. He himself is stripped to the waist, and in his hand he holds a container with a yellow liquid. [...] One of the favored methods of the Cleaver is pouring urine on the opponent. - Box K.ru]

Correspondence of a pedophile official with a "baited" boy

The fact that the deputy head of the FSSP Department for the Moscow Region, Andrei Kaminov, had been in their hands, the activists realized after the meeting, recognizing him from a photo posted on the official website.

It should be noted that the Occupy Pedophilia participants did not write a statement to the police against Andrei Kaminov, since the parents of the 14-year-old victim of a pedophile did not give their consent.

Andrei Kaminov himself, having heard a question from journalists on the phone, pretended that the connection was interrupted, and after that he turned off the phone. [...]

[Moskovsky Komsomolets, 06/09/2013, "A pedophile caught by volunteers turned out to be like an official of the bailiff service": The correspondent contacted Martsinkevich and found out the details of the high-profile story [...]

“It all started with the fact that a 14-year-old teenager named Alexander contacted us at the beginning of last week,” says Martsinkevich. - He said that for several days in a row in one of the social networks he is being harassed with sexual offers by a 27-year-old user with the nickname “Max”. We decided to help the boy, we rented an apartment on Baumanskaya Street especially for their meeting, and last Friday evening we began to wait for the stranger together with Alexander and other activists.

When the man appeared in the apartment and saw us, he was very frightened. We began to record him on a video camera and demanded to give his name, position and place of work, but he refused. On his phone, we found photographs of him in uniform and office, which later helped us to establish his identity. Immediately after the photo was discovered, this type began to claim that he is a volunteer, and, like us, allegedly fights against pedophiles, and that 1000 rubles that he promised Alexander for a meeting serves only as a bait in order to get in to trust the teenager and convey to him the "eternal values".

In general, everyone we catch constantly strives to pretend to be psychologists, or lone volunteers, although they are ordinary perverts. In short, the man spent half an hour in a rented apartment on Baumanskaya; Alexander, most likely, frightened by the shape and entourage of this pedophile in the photographs, refused to write a statement to the police, and we were forced to let the pervert go. - Box K.ru]

[lifenews.Ru, 10.06.2013, "The deputy head of the FSSP, caught by Tesak, has resigned": 38-year-old deputy head of the Moscow Region Directorate of the FSSP Andrei Kaminov wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will after publishing a video of his arrest on a date with a 14-year-old boy.

- Kaminov filed a letter of resignation, during the day it will be considered and a positive decision will be made, - the press service of the FSSP told Life News.

In addition to losing his job, the bailiff faces a criminal case for seducing a minor.

“On the fact of publication in the media, a check has been scheduled, during which all the circumstances of the incident will be established,” Sergey Stukalov, the official representative of the Moscow State Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee, commented to Life News. - The audit will be made a procedural decision.

If all the facts set forth in the Life News publication are confirmed, Kaminov faces up to 4 years in prison under Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Sexual intercourse and other sexual acts with a person under the age of sixteen). - Box K.ru]

Marina Davydova

The deputy head of the Moscow Region Bailiffs Office was caught during a raid by Occupy Pedophilia activists.

Maxim Martsinkevich, nicknamed Tesak, together with his associates, caught the deputy head of the UFSSP of the Moscow region in pedophilia. Andrei Kaminov came on a date with a 14-year-old boy, and ended up with activists of the Occupy Pedophilia movement.

As it turned out, the 38-year-old bailiff was with the teenager for several days.

The man corresponded with our "bait" in the social network "Vkontakte" over the past days. During the conversation, he spoke to the boy several times about his sexual desires, '' Anzhej Kmititz, an activist of the movement, commented to Life News. - It was decided to make an appointment with him in one of the capital's apartments, since he himself asked for a "secluded" atmosphere.

So that the boy would certainly let him into the apartment, Andrei Kaminov paid him a thousand rubles and promised a good pastime.

The meeting took place in a house on Baumanskaya Street. Upon entering the apartment, he was very frightened, because together with the teenager he saw Tesak's group, continues Anzhey Kmitits. - He realized that it was a setup, and began to justify his act with good intentions - they say, he is generally a volunteer and came to conduct an educational conversation with a minor.

The man refused to give his name and the public organization he represents. Later, Occupy Pedophilia activists were able to identify the alleged pedophile's name by looking at the messages on his mobile phone. There, the participants in the movement also found information that he works as a bailiff.

I am a volunteer and do what you do! I came to convince the boy from further similar steps, - Andrey Kaminov said in his defense. - I was not going to do anything bad, but on the contrary!

Not believing in the "high mission" of Andrey Kimanov, Tesak and his team carried out educational work with the guest, after which the official was allowed to go home.

It should be noted that the Occupy Pedophilia participants did not write a statement to the police against Andrei Kaminov, since the parents of the 14-year-old victim of a pedophile did not give their consent.

Andrei Kaminov himself, having heard a question from journalists on the phone, pretended that the connection was interrupted, and after that he turned off the phone. [...]

[MK.Ru, 09.06.2013, "A pedophile caught by volunteers turned out to be like an official of the bailiff service": The correspondent of "MK" contacted Martsinkevich and found out the details of the high-profile story [...]
“It all started with the fact that a 14-year-old teenager named Alexander contacted us at the beginning of last week,” says Martsinkevich. - He said that for several days in a row in one of the social networks, a 27-year-old user with the nickname "Max" has been soliciting him with offers of a sexual nature. We decided to help the boy, we rented an apartment on Baumanskaya Street especially for their meeting, and last Friday evening we began to wait for the stranger together with Alexander and other activists. When the man appeared in the apartment and saw us, he was very frightened. We began to record him on a video camera and demanded to give his name, position and place of work, but he refused. On his phone, we found photographs of him in uniform and office, which later helped us to establish his identity. Immediately after the photo was discovered, this type began to assert that he was a volunteer, and, like us, allegedly fights against pedophiles, and that 1000 rubles that he promised Alexander for a meeting serves only as a bait in order to get in trust in the teenager and convey to him the "eternal values". In general, everyone we catch constantly strives to pretend to be psychologists, or lone volunteers, although they are ordinary perverts. In short, the man spent half an hour in a rented apartment on Baumanskaya; Alexander, most likely, frightened by the shape and entourage of this pedophile in the photographs, refused to write a statement to the police, and we were forced to let the pervert go. - Box K.ru]

[LifeNews.Ru, 10.06.2013, "The deputy head of the FSSP, caught by Tesak, resigned": 38-year-old deputy head of the Moscow Region FSSP Directorate Andrei Kaminov wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will after publishing a video of his arrest on a date with a 14-year-old boy.
- Kaminov filed a letter of resignation, within a day it will be considered and a positive decision made, - told Life News in the press service of the FSSP.
In addition to losing his job, the bailiff faces a criminal case for seducing a minor.
“On the fact of publication in the media, a check has been scheduled, during which all the circumstances of the incident will be established,” Sergey Stukalov, the official representative of the Moscow State Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee, commented to Life News. - The audit will be made a procedural decision.
If all the facts stated in the Life News publication are confirmed, Kaminov faces up to 4 years in prison under Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Sexual intercourse and other sexual acts with a person under the age of sixteen). - Box K.ru]

The verdict on the scandalous case of the ex-deputy of the bailiffs department of the Moscow region was announced by the Lefortovo court of Moscow.

A former employee of the FSSP was found guilty of attempting to have sexual intercourse with a minor and sentenced to 2.5 years in a general regime colony. The verdict was announced on August 22. The information was confirmed by LifeNews in the Moscow office of the Investigative Committee of Russia. The source noted that Andrey Kaminov and did not plead guilty.

Initially, about the verdict of the ex-employee of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Moscow Region reported on Facebook, lawyer Alexei Mikhalchik, who represented the interests of the founder of the Occupy Pedophilia movement Maxim Martsinkevich, who posted on the Internet video compromising Andrey Kaminov.

The 38-year-old ex-bailiff was detained by fighters against pedophiles on a date with a 14-year-old boy. Before that, Kaminov was caught in correspondence in social networks with a teenager, who was offered to have sex. After some time, the bailiff filed a resignation letter, and on September 3, 2013, he was arrested as part of a criminal case initiated by the Investigative Committee.

[NEWSru.com, 09/03/2013, "Moscow detectives detained the former deputy head of the Moscow Region FSSS, in which the neo-Nazi Tesak" saw a "pedophile": Having come on a date on June 7, Andrei Kaminov promised to pay the boy 1,000 rubles for oral sex. At that moment, the official was seized by Tesak and his supporters, who was sitting in the closet.
Later, Andrei Kaminov took to the hospital, complaining that "fighters against pedophiles" severely beat him. From the published footage, it is not clear whether the FSSP official was really beaten at the "safe house" of antipedophiles. However, it is obvious that the conversation with him was conducted in a harsh manner and was more like interrogation with partiality. […]
Andrei Kaminov himself, although he partially lost his memory after what happened, insisted on his innocence. […]
It should be noted that the beaten Andrei Kaminov turned to doctors only two days after meeting with "antipedophiles".
Apparently, after three months of deliberation, the Investigative Committee decided to support the version of the neo-Nazi Tesak and decided to arrest Kaminov. - Box K.ru]

Maksim Martsinkevich, known as Tesak, was also recently convicted. The court sent him to a colony for five years under the article "Incitement to hatred or enmity and humiliation of human dignity with the use of violence." The charges were brought against him after he posted three videos on the Web in which he supported the pogroms in Biryulevo after the high-profile murder in 2013.

On December 13, 2013, Martsinkevich was arrested in absentia by the Kuntsevsky court of Moscow, however, while the criminal case was being investigated in Russia, Martsinkevich was in Cuba. He was deported from Havana to Russia for lack of identification documents, immediately after confirmation of the suspect's identity arrived at the Russian consulate in Havana in January 2014.

["Kommersant", 08.16.2014 "The feud of the nationalist lasted for five years": Before the announcement of the verdict, Tesak held an impromptu press conference. [...]
"I am sorry that we can get a term for a good deed," Tesak said. "I wanted to wake up civil society, but apparently I stepped on the tail of a high-ranking pedophile." - Box K.ru]

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