
Exercise for pregnant women with lower back pain. Exercises for back pain in pregnant women. Classes with a psychologist

The back is one of the most vulnerable parts of a woman during pregnancy. Almost every expectant mother at least several times during the waiting period for the baby complained of back pain, which is quite natural. With the course of pregnancy, the load on the spine increases, it becomes difficult to walk. The bandage makes the situation a little easier. But you can't wear it all the time, you need to take breaks during the day. What to do, endure and suffer? Of course not. Give up early, until all methods of fighting for well-being have been tried! One such remedy is special exercises to relieve back pain. Classical gymnastics and some yoga postures (asanas) come to the rescue.

Back during pregnancy: what difficulties to expect?

A woman's posture changes during the 9 months of pregnancy. This is due to a shift in the center of gravity: the fetus grows, along with the tummy. The spine must now "work" under increased stress so that the expectant mother can move freely with her back straight and "carry" the baby growing inside, along with amniotic fluid, fat reserves and other sources of additional kilograms. Can you imagine how hard it is on the back?

The changes are noticeable even from the outside. Internal organs are attached to the spinal column by special ligaments. The uterus is no exception. Looking at a pregnant woman, you can notice the deflection in the lumbar region, which is characteristic of all women in the position. The rest of the back is straightened on the contrary.

During pregnancy, all ligaments become looser. This effect is provided by hormones. It is necessary so that during childbirth, the pelvic bones freely disperse and let the baby through the birth canal. Changes in the tension of muscles and ligaments are one of the causes of back pain during pregnancy.

It is impossible to argue that after childbirth the pain will be relieved by hand. The processes will go in the opposite direction: the spine will tend to its normal state. Plus - lactation, due to which the mammary glands will increase in volume. The back will make itself felt after the birth of the baby.

To strengthen your back muscles, you need to pay attention to physical activity with an emphasis on spinal exercises. Then, before and after childbirth, the lower back will hurt less, pregnancy will be easier, and after childbirth the woman will recover faster.

Simple back exercises at home

If your back problems are serious, then, of course, a home exercise routine will not help. It requires special gymnastics complexes under the guidance of a physician in a specialized center. In some cases, physical activity is generally contraindicated until treatment is carried out. It should be remembered that back pain is not only problems with the spine, but also possible pathologies of internal organs.

But if everything is in order with health and the doctor observing the pregnancy does not mind his ward doing exercises, you can master a simple complex. These exercises are suitable even for girls who have not previously played sports.

Before doing it, do not forget to warm up slightly: walking in place, turning your head, neck, swinging your arms, stretching, rubbing limbs.

  • Exercise "Cat". The most famous exercise for the back during pregnancy. Get on all fours. The head is down. We arch our back up, like a cat does when angry. We hold in this position, slowly counting to 5. We lower, relax the back. Repeat 10 times.
  • Back flexion exercise. The starting position is on all fours. The head is raised up. We bend our back down. We stretch well. Hold in position for a few seconds, straighten up. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • Stretching exercise with a roller. Starting position - lying on your back. Put a small roller under the lower back, you can roll a blanket or blanket into a roll. Legs are straight. Raise the left leg, holding the thigh with our hands. Pull your foot towards the ceiling until a slight tension is felt in the back of the thigh. The position is held for 30 seconds. Repeat for the other leg, doing 3 sets.
  • Lying leg raises. We lie on our back, legs straight. Raise your leg about 15 cm from the floor. We count to 5, omit. When performing the exercise, tension should be felt in the gluteal muscles. We do 8 times for one leg, 8 for the other, 3 sets each.
  • "Half-bridge". We lie on our back, legs bent. Raise the lower back and pelvis, linger in the "half-bridge" position for a few seconds, smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times, rest for a minute, then perform 10 more "bridges".

Yoga elements

If you can go to yoga classes for pregnant women, great. If not, you can take on board some elements of ancient Indian teachings, designed specifically for the back.

  • Tadasana - to improve posture and balance. Performed while standing. Legs together. Heels slightly apart, big toes touching. We stand firmly on both legs, swaying slightly. We hold our hands freely below, palms to the hips. Pull the kneecaps up. Slightly bend the stomach. The shoulders are straight, the chest is forward, the shoulder blades are brought together. Breathing is even, calm, deep breaths in and out.
  • Dandasana - to strengthen the muscles of the lower back. We sit on the floor, legs are straight, feet are pulled towards ourselves. If the period is long, the legs can be slightly spread apart. We hold our hands with our palms on the floor parallel to the hips, fingers looking towards the legs. Inhale - we stretch upward without lifting the buttocks off the floor. Chest forward, head straight. We freeze in this position for up to 30 seconds.
  • Pashimottanasana is a beneficial posture for the spine. During pregnancy, the asana is done in a slightly simplified form, since expectant mothers cannot bend over strongly. We sit on the floor, legs are straight, hip-width apart, we pull the socks towards ourselves, the back is even. We wrap our hands around the big toes. We try to bring the shoulder blades together, while the back is straight, only the shoulders are lowered.

By doing these and other exercises regularly, you can make your life much easier. Your back will hurt less. However, don't forget about other ways to prevent back pain. Expectant mothers should definitely wear a bandage, try to avoid long sitting at the computer. It will not be superfluous to engage in swimming or other types of physical activity permitted during pregnancy.

Exercises for back pain during pregnancy - These are special exercises for pregnant women, the implementation of which helps to reduce pain in the spine of the spine.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise # 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Exercise 8

Exercise 10

Causes of back pain during pregnancy

  • In the first trimester of pregnancy, back pain can be caused by softening and relaxation of the ligaments caused by the hormone relaxin produced during pregnancy. Under its influence, the pelvic joints expand in preparation for childbirth. However, this hormone can also affect the relaxation of the intervertebral ligaments, which leads to lower back pain. The effect of relaxin on back discomfort usually diminishes by the 20th week of pregnancy.
  • From the 16th week of pregnancy, back pain can be caused by weight gain, as a result of which the load on the legs and lower back increases.
  • Starting in mid-pregnancy, back pain can be caused by pressure from the uterus on the nerve plexuses and blood vessels around the spine. Most often, in this case, the discomfort worries the pregnant woman when she is in the supine position.
  • Staying on your feet for a long time can also cause discomfort in the spine.
  • Lifting and carrying heavy objects can cause back pain.
  • The tone of the uterus, the threat of miscarriage or premature birth may be accompanied by pain in the dorsal spine.
  • However, most often back pain during pregnancy is associated with the restructuring of the body for bearing a child. The mammary glands of a pregnant woman increase in size and become heavier. As a result, the shoulders are pulled forward, which in turn shortens the chest muscles and lengthens the back muscles. With an increase in pregnancy, the abdomen increases, and the processes described above, together with a shift in the center of gravity, are further aggravated. As a result, we get discomfort in the back, neck, shoulder girdle.

It should be borne in mind that back pain may not be associated with pregnancy.The risk group primarily includes:

  • overweight pregnant women;
  • those who were worried about back pain even before pregnancy;
  • women with incorrect posture;
  • pregnant women with a disease such as pyelonephritis, etc.

Special exercises to relieve back pain during pregnancy

Fitness for back pain is the most active way to solve the problem. In this case, the following types of physical activity are effective and shown:

  • physiotherapy;
  • swimming;
  • walking in the fresh air;

Below is a set of exercises for pregnant women to help relieve stress on the back. They are suitable for independent daily home practices and will not take more than a quarter of an hour. Walk around the room for a couple of minutes to warm up. Perform several breathing exercises with raising straight arms up as you inhale and lowering down as you exhale.

Exercise 1

Standing straight, hands in the "lock" in front of you, palms outward, stretch down, up, right, left.

Exercise 2

Standing straight, we hold a rope in our hands, folded in half several times. We put our hands with a rope behind the head, elbows should be located below shoulder level. We fix the position for 30 seconds.

Exercise # 3 Sitting on the floor, we lean our back against the wall, legs are bent at the knees and spread apart, feet are connected, hands are free on the hips, eyes can be closed, completely relaxed. On inhalation, we stretch the top of our head up, bend a little in the lower back, hold our breath for a short time. Then, as we exhale, we relax, round our back a little and hunch our shoulders. We repeat 3 times.

Exercise 4

Sitting on the floor, we spread straight legs to the sides, with our palms resting on the hips. On exhalation, we turn the body to the right and look over the right shoulder. We fix the position. We straighten up. We repeat the exercise to the left. We repeat 3 times in each direction.

Exercise 5 Kneeling, we sit down first on the right thigh. We straighten up. Then we sit on the left thigh. We straighten up. We repeat 3 times in each direction.

Exercise 6 Kneeling facing the wall, the hips are wide apart, and the feet are to each other, the support is on the shins, the buttocks are pressed to the heels. As we inhale, raise our straight arms up, resting our palms on the wall and stretch the top of our head up. On exhalation, we bend a little in the lower back and thoracic spine. We try to press our forearms against the wall, and slide our palms up along it. Exhale slowly. We hold in this position for as long as possible.

Exercise 7

"Dog". Standing on all fours, we wag our buttocks, like a dog's tail. We continue for 30 seconds.

Exercise 8

"Cat". Standing on all fours, we first bend our back down, stretch our chin up, then bend our back up in an arc. We repeat the exercise 3 times.

Exercise 9

Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet parallel to each other. First, bend your knees to the right. Aligned. Then - to the left. Aligned. We repeat 3 times in each direction.

Exercise 10

Finally, do a relaxation exercise. To do this, after the last exercise, do not rise, but simply roll over onto your side and curl up in a "ball" - bend your legs at the knees, pull your hips closer to your stomach, press your chin to your chest. Place the palm of the lower hand under the head, and with the left - grab the lower legs, relax the back and neck. Lie like this for a few minutes, then roll over to the other side.

Benefits of exercise for back pain during pregnancy

In addition to relieving discomfort in the dorsal spine, the exercises suggested above also:

  • reduce fetal pressure on the spine;
  • reduce the risk of pinching the nerve endings in the vertebrae;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • will prevent edema and varicose veins;
  • reduce pain in the neck and pelvis;
  • improve posture;
  • strengthen the muscles of the chest and shoulders.

Other ways to deal with back pain during pregnancy

Ways to deal with back pain in a pregnant woman will directly depend on the reasons that caused them. This problem, first of all, should be discussed with your obstetrician-gynecologist. He may advise you to take the following steps.

Most women in late pregnancy suffer from severe back pain. This is due to the fact that the shift in the center of gravity of the body due to the growing abdomen leads to overstrain of the back muscles. Consider back exercises that can ease a woman's condition.

Posture exercise

With an increase in the tummy, the lower parts of the back involuntarily bend, the muscles are in a contracted state for a long time, they become overworked and cause pain. Therefore, posture correction can often solve the problem of pain.

Try to straighten your posture with a few tips:

  • Pull your shoulders back slightly and at the same time raise the chest.
  • The head should be straight without bending over.
  • Then you should pick up the muscles on the abdomen and straighten the lower back.
  • In order not to lose balance, bend your legs slightly at the knees.
  • Next, align yourself as if you are being pulled up.

These simple actions need to be performed especially when you have to be on your feet for a long time.

Exercises for pregnant women for the back

The muscles of the back and abdomen work together to support the pregnant woman's tummy, but when stretching to accommodate the continuously enlarging uterus, the muscles weaken significantly and no longer cope with their task. Therefore, it is required to carry out activities to strengthen these muscle groups.

For this, there are special courses for pregnant women, training according to a special fitness program.

But if for some reason it is not possible to attend such courses, then you can organize home fitness for pregnant women, exercises at home are performed more naturally, but without the supervision of a trainer, you need not overdo it.

It is good to start this exercise early in pregnancy. On a flat floor, get on all fours with your back straight. At the same time, stretching your right hand to shoulder level, with your left leg stretch back, aligning to the level of the hip. Pick up the muscles on your abdomen, but without tension, keep your back straight. Freeze in this position for five seconds. Do 10 to 20 reps.

The following exercise for kitty will help solve the problem of pain in the upper spine. The main cause of pain in this part is breast enlargement.

This exercise is also performed from the original stance as in the previous exercise. The head should be gently tilted downward and at the same time round the back, as an angry cat does. Freeze in this position, after ten seconds return to the starting position.

The next exercise will not only relieve pain and strengthen the muscle corset, but also straighten your posture. Get on your knees, bend over and lean on the fitball. Do not strain your muscles. With the pelvic part, make circular movements in one direction and the other, you can use the "eight".

Yoga for pregnant women

Yoga is a universal remedy that will help pregnant women to relieve tension in all muscle groups, because during this period they are exposed to more stress than usual. These exercises work all the spinal muscles, they create an easier workout for the muscles, but the effect is amazing.

If it is not possible to practice in special yoga centers that help pregnant women, then learn one simple but effective exercise, it will greatly ease back pain.

Kneel down on the floor with your legs wide apart and sit on your heels. Next, you need to stretch your arms forward, lower your chin to your chest and bend deeply forward. Place the stomach between the legs, elbows and forehead and rest on the floor. Spread your legs wider if suddenly the stomach does not fit.

Freeze for a moment in this position. Breathing should be even, do not hold it. This position will help relax your back in the lower back.

You should also figure out for yourself which exercises should not be done by pregnant women, so as not to harm yourself and the baby. These are running, brisk walking, strength exercises, twisting, all exercises from a supine position. And, of course, exercises lying on your stomach and abs are absolutely contraindicated.

Expectant mothers, do not be afraid to play sports during pregnancy, it is very useful for you and your baby, you just need to choose those exercises that will help you get through this important period with pleasure.

Related videos

Swimming, water aerobics and gymnastics for pregnant women remain in the arsenal of expectant mothers. You can also do exercises on relaxation and superficial stretching of muscles and ligaments. The complex is aimed at reducing pain in the back, improving the emotional and physical state. You can do charging daily until childbirth.

As a result of these exercises: the pressure of the fetus on the spine decreases, and the risk of pinching the nerve endings in the vertebrae decreases: improves blood circulation - carried out prevention of edema and varicose veins: Reduces pain in the neck and pelvis, improves posture and strengthens the muscles of the chest and shoulders.

Be careful!

During pregnancy deep stretching exercises are not recommended... The level of the hormone relaxin significantly increases, its action is aimed at increasing the elasticity of the ligaments and cartilage, to facilitate the process of childbirth and the passage of the child through the birth canal.

The general level of flexibility during pregnancy increases, but at the same time the stress on the joints and bones increases. Insufficiently trained ligaments may not be ready for new conditions. Therefore, among expectant mothers, there are more frequent cases of joint injuries, dislocations and sprains.

Warm up

Before starting classes, walk calmly around the room for a couple of minutes and do 2-3 breathing exercises.


While standing upright, inhale. Reach the crown of your head up, extending your entire spine. As you exhale, slowly round your back, stretch your shoulders inward, and with your hands to your knees, sliding them down your thighs. Lower your head, press your chin to your chest. Bend forward as much as possible while continuing to reach down with your arms. At the same time, bend the thoracic spine, stretch the shoulder blades up. On the next breath, slowly straightening, straighten your back. Stretching gradually, vertebra by vertebra, return the head and neck to their original position. While standing upright, take a few gentle breaths in and out. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


Get on all fours with an emphasis on your elbows and knees. Lower your shoulders so that your pelvis is much higher. Place your head on your hands. You can use a pillow, while the arms can be extended forward or along the body. Turn your head to the side or rest your forehead. The pelvis and hips should be on the same line perpendicular to the floor. Relax your upper body completely. Watch your back: there should be no bends or bends. Maintain even breathing. The duration of the exercise is 1-2 minutes.

"Good cat / evil cat"

Get on all fours, resting on your palms and knees. Lower your head and relax your neck. As you inhale, bend as much as possible in the lumbar and thoracic spine. Raise your head, stretch the back of your head back. Do not pinch your shoulders, on the contrary, spread them wide. Direct your belly towards the floor all the time. As you exhale, take the reverse position. Round your back, extending upward as much as possible. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


This exercise increases the mobility of the joints, stretches the muscles of the back. Sitting on the floor, lean your back against the wall, knees bent, hips open. Hands rest freely on the hips. Try to connect the soles of your feet. In this case, you do not need to touch the floor with your hips. For convenience, you can even put a pillow under each knee. The exercise is best done with eyes closed, completely relaxing the muscles of the face, neck and shoulders. As you inhale, stretch the crown of your head up, stretching the spine and slightly bending in the lower back. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds. As you exhale, relax all the muscles, you can slightly round your back and hunch your shoulders.

In addition to increasing the mobility of the joints and stretching the muscles of the back of the expectant mother, this exercise will help you significantly improve blood circulation in the pelvic area.

Stretching chest and shoulder muscles

Sit on your knees facing the wall. Spread your hips wide, resting on your shins. At the same time, the knees are directed to the sides, and the feet to each other. The pelvis is lowered, the buttocks are pressed to the heels. Raise your hands up and rest your palms against the wall. The distance between the palms is 5-30 cm. Take a smooth, extended breath. Stretch the crown up. As you exhale, bend slightly in the lower back and thoracic spine.

Try to press your forearms against the wall, and slide your palms even higher. At the same time, the chest "falls" more and more down. Exhale slowly, releasing air smoothly. Hold this pose for 1-2 minutes. Feel the muscles in your neck, shoulders and lower back relax and stretch. The pain in the lumbar region decreases, the heartbeat and breathing are normalized, and the muscles of the chest are trained.

Relaxation of the neck

Sitting on the floor, place a pillow under your buttocks. Bend your legs at the knees, cross your shins. Hands rest freely on the hips. Relax the muscles in your pelvis, shoulder girdle, and arms. Slowly make several circular movements with your head to the right and then to the left. Keep your back straight, do not strain. Make 5-6 turns in each direction.


Sitting on the floor, spread your legs as far as possible, fully straightening them at the knees. Place your palms on your thighs. Don't slouch. Take a breath. As you exhale, turn the body to the right and look behind the right shoulder. Hold the spine extension. Help yourself with your hands, applying light pressure to your hips. Hold this pose for a few seconds. Return to center by relaxing your back. Repeat the turn to the left.

Complete relaxation

Lying on your side, curl up. Press your hips as close to your stomach as possible. The legs are bent at the knees. The chin is pressed to the chest. The right hand is under the head, the left one wraps around the shins. The back is rounded, the neck is relaxed. Don't hold your breath, breathe calmly. Maintain the position for 5-7 minutes, then switch sides.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 17 minutes


Pregnancy is not a disease, and therefore expectant mothers can and should engage in feasible sports and feel moderate physical activity. Every pregnant woman should consult her gynecologist about the type of exercise and the intensity of the exercise.

We will present the most popular and useful exercises for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

The benefits of gymnastics for pregnant women - indications and contraindications

The benefits of gymnastics for pregnant women can hardly be overestimated, so doctors recommend that almost every expectant mother do it daily.

The expectant mother can be introduced to effective exercises at.

  • The strong general strengthening effect of gymnastics on the entire body of a pregnant woman is known. The work of all organs and systems improves, metabolic mechanisms are actively launched, the body's protective resources increase.
  • Exercise improves mood and helps the expectant mother overcome depression.
  • The cardiovascular system is strengthened.
  • With exercise, you can avoid the swelling that worries almost all expectant mothers, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy.
  • Exercise relieves muscle tension and tension, relieves stress on the spine and stabilizes posture.
  • Regular exercise during pregnancy will allow a woman to quickly return to her previous shape after childbirth.
  • Exercise prepares the body of expectant mothers for childbirth.
  • Burning calories by physical activity allows pregnant women not to gain excess weight and to carry out the prevention of fatty deposits on the abdomen and hips.
  • Exercise will greatly help the expectant mother learn to control her own breathing and control her body during childbirth.
  • Strong muscles and proper breathing are the key to significantly reducing pain during childbirth.
  • Getting rid of is another positive property of regular gymnastics.

The list is endless. Surely every woman who is expecting a baby or was previously pregnant herself will tell you about the benefits of the exercises that she performed during pregnancy.

Video: All about gymnastics for pregnant women

Are there any contraindications or restrictions to gymnastics during pregnancy?

  1. With placenta previa physical activity and exertion are prohibited!
  2. It is forbidden to play sports and exercise for women with the threat of termination of pregnancy.
  3. With hypertonicity of the uterus gymnastics should also be postponed to a quieter time.
  4. Give up exercise at risk of bleeding .
  5. With varicose veins or hemorrhoids you cannot perform exercises that increase the load on the legs.
  6. Any strength exercise , as well as exercises associated with jumps, sharp turns, hits and falls are prohibited throughout the entire period of pregnancy!
  7. With hypertension, hypotension, anemia the expectant mother needs to get a doctor's recommendation for performing certain exercises.
  8. The physical activity of the expectant mother is prohibited with toxicosis in the last months of pregnancy .

Even if you feel great and do not see any contraindications for doing the exercises, it will not be superfluous to get the advice of your doctor, and ideally, to undergo an examination.

It is worth noting that there are special exercises that can be performed by pregnant women at any time and even those who have contraindications to other exercises - these are breathing exercises for expectant mothers.

Basic breathing exercises for expectant mothers at any stage of pregnancy

Perform breathing exercises daily for half an hour, before or after basic gymnastics.

These exercises can also be done throughout the day, at any time.

Exercise 1:

Lie on the floor with your legs slightly bent at the knees.

Put one hand on the chest, the other on the stomach. Breathe in slowly through your nose and then exhale.

Inhale should be done as deeply as possible, while inhaling, try not to increase the chest, but breathe only with the diaphragm, raising and lowering the stomach.

Exercise 2:

In the same lying position, place your right hand on your chest and your left hand on your stomach.

Take a deep breath, lifting your shoulders and head slightly, but being careful not to change the position of your abdomen. Change hands and do the exercise again.

Repeat several times.

Exercise 3:

Sit cross-legged. Lower your arms along your torso.

Bending your elbows, lift them so that your fingers stay at chest level. At this time, breathe in without changing the position of the abdomen and chest.

Slowly lower your arms while exhaling.

Gymnastics exercises in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Although a woman's body at the very beginning of pregnancy may not feel changes, very important and powerful processes of the birth of a new life are taking place in its universe.

The embryo, consisting of only a few cells, is very vulnerable to all external influences, so the 1st trimester of waiting for the baby is the time to start taking care of him and learn how to limit yourself from what can harm the course of pregnancy.

Video: Exercise for pregnant women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

What exercises cannot be done in the 1st trimester of pregnancy?

  1. First of all, you need to remove all abs exercises from your gymnastics. - they can provoke uterine tone - and, as a result, bleeding and termination of pregnancy.
  2. It's time to forbid yourself to perform jumps and sharp bends.

Useful gymnastics exercises in the first months of pregnancy:

  1. Exercises for the thighs and muscles of the perineum.

Lean on the back of a chair. Sit down slowly, spreading your knees wide. Hold in a half-squat, then slowly return to the starting position.

Perform the exercise 5-10 times.

  1. Exercises for the calf muscles - prevention of edema.

Position - standing, feet together, toes apart.

Holding the back of the chair, slowly rise onto your toes. Feel the tension in your calf muscles, then slowly return to the starting position.

Perform 5-8 times at a slow pace.

Watch your posture!

  1. Exercise for the muscles of the legs, perineum and abdomen.

Leaning on the back of a chair with both hands, the right leg should be extended forward, then slowly taken to the side, back, then to the left ("swallow", but the leg should be strongly brought to the left). Do the same for the left leg.

Perform the exercise 3-4 times for each leg.

  1. Exercise to maintain the shape of the breast.

Clasp your palms into a lock in front of the chest, elbows are spread parallel to the floor.

Squeeze your hands in the lock, then slowly release the tension.

Monitor correct breathing and do not hold it for a long time!

Repeat the exercise 8-10 times at a slow pace.

  1. Exercise for the hips, abdomen and sides.

Put your feet shoulder-width apart. Do a small squat, bending your knees, and slowly rotate your pelvis - first to the right, then to the left.

Perform the exercise without effort and discomfort.

Make sure your spine is straight!

Gymnastics for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester - exercise video

If the expectant mother felt signs of toxicosis at the beginning of pregnancy, then in the second trimester these unpleasant sensations have already passed. The body begins to get used to the changes that occur in it, and the risk of miscarriage is already unlikely.

Video: Gymnastics in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, attention should be paid to those exercises that strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, abdomen, back and hips - to prepare for even greater loads awaiting in the last months of pregnancy.

Useful advice: In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, it is better for the expectant mother to wear it while exercising.

  1. Kegel exercises - to strengthen the pelvic muscles and prevent urinary incontinence

  1. Seated Floor Exercise - For Back and Abdominal Muscles

Sit on the floor, spread your arms to the sides and back a little, lean on them. Turn your torso and head to one side or the other.

Do not hold your breath, breathe evenly.

Repeat the exercise 4-5 times in each direction.

  1. Side lying exercise

Lie on your left side. Stretch your left hand forward in front of you, put your right hand on it.

Slowly raise your right hand to the top and take it back to the maximum possible distance, without turning the body and head. Return your hand to its original position. Perform 3-4 such exercises, then do the same on the right side.

  1. Exercise for the muscles of the back and abdomen.

Sit on the floor with your heels under your buttocks, thighs, and knees pressed together. Stretch your arms in front of you.

Slowly tilt your head and body forward, trying to touch the floor with your forehead, then slowly return to the starting position.

Do not try to do the exercise with force! If the exercise is difficult or your stomach is in the way, move your knees apart a little.

  1. Exercise for proper breathing

In a sitting position, bend your legs at the knees and cross slightly. Hands are straight and palms on the hips.

Slowly raise your hand and pull up, while taking a deep and slow breath, throwing your head back slightly. Then exhale just as slowly, lowering your hands to the starting position.

Perform the exercise with the other hand, in total, perform 4-7 times for each.

  1. Exercise for the chest

Exercise to maintain the shape of the chest from the previous block for 1 semester continue to do in the second.

Gymnastics exercises for the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, rules of execution

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, it becomes difficult to do most of the previous exercises.

A fitball ball comes to the aid of expectant mothers. There are excellent exercises for preparing for the upcoming childbirth, which are good to do with a fitball.

  1. Exercise with dumbbells to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen

Sit on the ball. Lower your arms with dumbbells (0.5-1 kg) along the body.

Bending your elbows, lift the dumbbells to your armpits, then just as slowly lower to the starting position. Do not tilt the body!

Then bend your arms at the elbows and raise the dumbbells to your shoulders - lower them slowly.

Alternate these movements. Remember to follow the correct breathing.

  1. Exercise in the prone position - to strengthen the muscles of the thighs and perineum.

Lie on the floor. Place one leg on the fitball. Try to roll the ball with your foot to the side, then return it to its original position. Repeat 3-4 times.

Roll the ball as well, bending your knee.

Do the same with the other leg.

  1. Exercise for chest muscles

Holding the fitball in front of you with your arms outstretched forward, try to slowly squeeze it with your palms, then relax your arms just as slowly.

Make sure there is no tension on your stomach while doing this exercise!

Run 5 to 10 times.

Video: Exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester - preparation for childbirth

All information in this article is provided for educational purposes only, it may not correspond to the specific circumstances of your health, and is not a medical recommendation. The site сolady.ru reminds that you should never ignore a doctor's consultation, especially during pregnancy!

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