
Supervisory Board. Petr Olegovich Aven. Curriculum Vitae Denis Petra Avena's son who works

Chairman of the Board of Directors of ABH Holdings S.A. since March 2015.
From 1994 to June 2011, he served as President of Alfa-Bank. Responsible for the overall development strategy of the Bank and for maintaining relations with business and government circles in Russia and abroad.
Prior to joining Alfa-Bank in 1991-1992. headed the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation and was the representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with industrially developed countries (G7).

In 1989-1991. worked at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Laxenburg, Austria). Prior to that, he held the position of senior researcher at the All-Russian Research Institute of System Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Graduated from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. In 1980 he received a PhD in Economics.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC AlfaStrakhovanie.

Member of the Board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; is a member of the Presidium of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC).

Member of the Board of Directors of the Russian School of Economics; member of the Board of Trustees of Moscow State University. Lomonosov; Member of the Presidential Council on Foreign Relations, Yale University (USA).

Member of the Board of Trustees of the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts; member of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Geographical Society; Trustee of the Royal Academy of Arts (UK).

Professor at the State University Higher School of Economics (State University - Higher School of Economics). Honorary Doctor of the University of Latvia. Author of numerous scientific works and publications on trade and economic development. He often speaks in Russia and abroad with lectures on the country's economic development.

He was awarded the state awards of the Russian Federation - the Order of Honor, the Order of Friendship, as well as the Latvian Order of Three Stars.

He actively supports art and theater in Russia, is the largest collector of Russian art of the early twentieth century.

Elena Aven, the wife of the chairman of the board of directors of Alfa-Bank, died in Moscow, Alfa-Bank reported.

The wife of the chairman of the board of directors of Alfa-Bank Petr Avena Elena Aven died on Tuesday, August 25. This became known yesterday from a message on the Facebook network of a friend of the deceased - lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky.

“The bright, wonderful, intelligent and kind woman Lena Aven has died. My friend, neighbor, wife of a close friend. My sincere condolences to Peter Aven and their children, Dasha and Denis, ”wrote Dobrovinsky.

“I would like to express my condolences regarding such an early death of Elena Vladimirovna Aven, who is the wife of the chairman of the board of directors of Alfa-Bank,” the bank said in a message published the day before.

Elena Aven photo

A friend of the family, Alfred Koch, also wrote a farewell post - not mentioning, however, the name of the deceased.

I knew her well. She was happy. The children loved her. And she loved them very much, passionately. She loved her husband. And he loved her. He treasured her terribly. Beach, took care of her. I was proud ... A rare family. A rare happiness. Kingdom of Heaven to her. May the earth rest in peace.

Elena Aven was a co-founder of the Generation charitable foundation, founded by the couple in 2008 in Latvia, where the ancestors of Peter Aven are from. The foundation was involved in supporting children's medicine, as well as scholarships and grants in the field of science.

For seven years, the foundation has implemented projects in Latvia: promoted cultural exchange between Latvia and Russia, supporting exhibitions, theatrical performances, films and other art projects, purchased equipment for Latvian hospitals, paying particular attention to the health of children and expectant mothers, provided scholarships to the best students , annually expanding the financing and activities of the fund.

It is reported that Avena has been married for 25 years. They were the largest collectors of Russian painting at the beginning of the last century in Russia.

The couple lived in perfect harmony for a quarter of a century and during this time they managed to raise twins Denis and Dasha, who are now studying at Yale University.

In 2011, in an exclusive interview with MixNews, Mrs. Aven told how easy it is for her to be the wife of such a famous person.

“You know, we have been together for 30 years. I started to live not with some famous person there, but with a junior researcher. And we lived a normal, ordinary life. You need to love each other, respect each other. And we also need to learn not to offend each other, ”Elena Aven said then.

Elena Aven cause of death

The cause of death of Elena Aven was a detached blood clot.

The farewell ceremony will take place in the ritual hall of the Troekurovsky cemetery on Friday, August 28, at 10.00 Moscow time, the funeral - at 12.00 Moscow time.

It is worth noting that 60-year-old Pyotr Aven is one of the richest Russian businessmen, ranking 20th in the Forbes ranking of the richest people in Russia. His fortune is estimated at $ 5.1 billion. Aven owns stakes in most of Alfa Group's companies, including Alfa Bank, and a stake in LetterOne Holdings (RWE Dea, VimpelCom (48%), Turkcell (13.22%)).

Petr Olegovich Aven was born on March 16, 1955 in Moscow. In 1972 he graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Special School No. 2 in Moscow, in 1977 - the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow State University (MSU) named after V.I. M.V. Lomonosov, in 1980 - postgraduate study at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Ph.D. in Economics.

In 1981-1988 he worked as a junior, then as a senior researcher at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of System Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

From 1989-1991, Aven was an adviser to the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs; at the same time - an employee of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Laxenburg, Austria).

In the fall of 1991, Petr Aven became the chairman of the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations in the government of Yegor Gaidar, at the same time - the First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In January-December 1992, Aven headed the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation, at the same time being the representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with industrially developed countries.

July-December 1992 - Deputy Chairman of the Currency and Economic Commission of the Government of the Russian Federation.

From May to December 1992, Petr Aven was chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

In the spring of 1993, Petr Aven created and headed the financial consulting company FinPA (Finance of Petra Aven), specializing in consulting on working with various types of securities and having close contacts with OJSC AKB Alfa-Bank from the very beginning. ...

On December 12, 1993, Aven was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the list of the electoral association "Russia's Choice". On January 4, 1994, he resigned his deputy mandate, motivating his decision by his unwillingness to leave the post of General Director of the FinPA company.

Since October 1994, Petr Aven has been President of OJSC AKB Alfa-Bank, at the same time - President of the Alfa Group Consortium.

Until February 2001, he was a member of the Council for Entrepreneurship under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Petr Aven - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC AlfaStrakhovanie, Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors of CTC Media. He is a member of the Council for Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship under the Government of the Russian Federation, is a member of the Board of Trustees of the National Organization for Financial Reporting Standards. Professor at the State University Higher School of Economics (State University Higher School of Economics). Member of the Eisenhower Fellowships Board of Trustees.

Since April 2006, Petr Aven has been a member of the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers). Member of the Board of Trustees of the Russian School of Economics. Trustee of the Center for Economic Policy (CEPR), UK.

In 2007 he was elected head of the Russian-Latvian Business Council.

In April 2005, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the Order of Honor for the achieved labor success and long-term conscientious work.

According to the magazine "Finance" for 2009, the personal fortune is estimated at $ 1.25 billion.

He is fond of hunting. Collects paintings by artists of the "Silver Age".

Fluent in English, reads and can explain in Spanish.

He is married and has two twin children.
Source: www.rian.ru


In the early 90s, Petr Aven supported Mikhail Fridman when the latter was engaged in the purchase of sugar, tea and carpets from India through Alfa-Eco. Fridman bought his products mainly at the expense of public debts - Peter Aven at the state level assisted Fridman in this business.
Source: www.compromat.ru from 02.08.2005

The press reacted actively to Aven's resignation from the post of Minister of Foreign Economic Relations of Russia in 1992. He himself explained his departure by the fact that Yegor Gaidar left his post, and Viktor Chernomyrdin took his place, with whom Aven would not be able to work. Aven motivated the decision to resign by the fact that Chernomyrdin had excluded his name from the list of the new cabinet.
Source: "Kommersant" № 68 (221) from 23.12.1992

As the Minister of Foreign Economic Relations of Russia, Peter Aven stepped up the arms trade - they began to supply it to Iran, the United Arab Emirates, China, and Korea. Aven announced that he intends to expand the markets for the arms trade.
Source: "Kommersant" No. 53 (206) from 05.12.1992

Petr Aven, being the Minister for Foreign Economic Relations, was involved in organizing the supply of meat, sugar and other food products to Russia. In this business, he was assisted by a partner from France, a Russian emigrant Sergey Mazharov. Aven introduced him to Alexander Krivenko, the former head of Prodintorg, who represented the interests of the Syukre Danre company in Moscow, and Mazharov and Krivenko signed a deal to supply products to Russia. The proceeds from the sale were credited to Aven's accounts in the Cayman Islands and in other offshore zones. Business turned off with the departure of Aven from the government. A short time later Mazharov was killed in Paris. His death was associated with a redistribution of roles in the Russian sugar market.

In 1993, Aven opened a company called FinPA (Finance of Petra Aven), whose employees advised the buyers of Russian debts, in particular, explained the procedure for organizing a transaction in government agencies, identified persons with whom to contact, advised on the mechanism in tenders. Aven was supported at this stage by Anatoly Chubais, Sergei Glazyev, Alexander Shokhin and Oleg Davydov.
Sources: www.whoiswho.ru, Izvestia from 6.01.1995

Petr Aven was accused of the fact that his policy as Minister for Foreign Economic Relations led to huge foreign exchange losses, to the fact that the foreign trade turnover halved, the export of finished industrial products fell and, in fact, the country left some markets.
Source: "New daily newspaper" from 04.11.1994

In 1998, journalists accused Petr Aven of illegally acquiring a state dacha owned by Alexei Tolstoy in Barvikha near Moscow. They wrote that the general director of Zhukovka, Vladimir Ryabenko, applied for the sale of the dacha to Aven at a reduced cost of $ 200,000, allegedly for his investments in the construction of facilities of the State Unitary Enterprise Health Complex Zhukovka. The petition was supported by the chairman of the State Property Committee Alfred Kokh. The journalists were also worried about the fact that both parties - the payer and the recipient - used the services of Alfa-Bank in the payment order confirming the transaction. Aven's amount was registered as an investment contribution, taxes were not levied on it.
Source: "Top secret" No. 10 of 1998

Petr Aven and his partner Mikhail Fridman were accused of seizing the Tyumen Oil Company. General Director of OAO Nizhnevartovskneftegaz Viktor Paliy said that with the arrival of Alfa, multibillion-dollar profits from oil production would go abroad. Anatoly Chubais and Alfred Kokh in 1997, in support of Aven and Fridman, threatened TNK with bankruptcy proceedings if state representatives, in the light of the company's directors, did not vote against the appointment of Paliy as CEO. Boris Nemtsov, in turn, gave the necessary instructions to the Ministry of Fuel and Energy and customs officials, thereby helping Aven and Fridman establish control over TNK's oil exports. As a result, 40% of TNK's shares were sold to ZAO Novy Holding, which represented the interests of KIB Alfa-Bank at a significantly reduced price.

In 1997, oil workers under the leadership of Viktor Paliy filed a lawsuit to invalidate the decisions of the general meetings of TNK on the early termination of the duties of all members of the board of directors. The court found the oilmen were right, but the leadership of Alfa Group presented a fictitious decision of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug court, canceling the first decision. Subsequently, the judge of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, whose signature was on the decision, stated that he had not considered such a case, and that his signature was forged.
Source: "Top secret" from 17.03.1999

Heading the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Pyotr Aven lobbied the interests of Russian and foreign companies in foreign trade transactions for a fee and resolved issues on the issuance of licenses. In particular, he controlled the entry into the arms market and allowed only “his” people to deal with them. The special services were developing Aven for theft on a large scale and connections with the Israeli special services (through a certain Dennis Eisenberg, a resident of the Israeli intelligence in Vienna). In addition, Aven was involved in the transit of drugs from Southeast Asia to Europe. The results of these checks were reported to Boris Yeltsin, after which Aven was removed from his post as Minister.

Aven was seen in ties with Boris Berezovsky (he worked as a consultant at Berezovsky's "LogoVAZ", where he lobbied for decisions to increase customs duties on imported cars), Otari Kvantrishvili, Joseph Kobzon, crime bosses Sergey Timofeev (Sylvester), thief in law Alexei Petrov (Petrik), Mark Rich and Grigory Luchansky. In 1993, Aven met in Vienna with drug dealer Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuel, nicknamed Chessplayer, and resolved with him the financing of Alfa-Bank at the expense of funds from offshore zones, which were planned to be invested by buying up shares of Russian enterprises.
Source: "Version" from 06.06.1999

Petr Aven filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor and dignity against the newspaper "Top Secret" and won it (the newspaper wrote that Aven was involved in drug trafficking and corruption in organizing the arms trade). Aven won 3 million rubles, and the widow of Artyom Borovik, Veronika Borovik-Khilchevskaya, has been friends with Aven since then and periodically publishes laudatory articles about him.
Source: www.lpl.org.ua

The American special services were developing Peter Aven and Alexander Shokhin, who have accounts in Swiss banks. According to the security officials, this is the money they earned from the machinations with the Tanzanian debt of the USSR.
Source: www.zavtra.ru from l6.03.2000

In late 1991 - early 1992, Petr Aven issued a permit to the Committee for External Relations, which at that time was headed by Vladimir Putin, to allocate quotas and issue licenses for foreign trade. Soon after that, they started talking about abuses in the FAC: raw materials began to be sold abroad at low prices, licenses were issued under deliberately fictitious food supplies, most of the firms with which the FAC entered into contracts for the import of food products to St. Petersburg turned out to be bogus.
Source: "Top secret" No. 8 (219), August 2000

In 2000, Petr Aven filed a lawsuit in connection with the establishment of external surveillance over him. This information was provided to Aven by the security service of Alfa-Bank. A criminal case was opened on the facts of interference in Aven's personal life.
Source: www.newsru.com from 08/01/2000

They wrote a lot about how Pyotr Aven got into Alfa Group. In 1994, he met Mikhail Fridman, the chairman of the board of directors of Alfa-Bank - Fridman considered a good administrative resource in Aven (Aven had fairly high connections in the government), with the arrival of Aven, the post of president was introduced to the bank. In turn, Aven immediately increased the client base of Alfa-Bank and put it into the power orbit. Having given Fridman 50% of the shares in FinPA, Aven instead became the owner of 10% of the shares in Alpha. He later helped the bank to increase capital in 1998, when the ruble collapsed - through his people in the government, he learned about the impending crisis and planned the bank's policy in a certain way. Alfa-Bank was one of the few at that time able to fully pay off its depositors.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of ABH Holdings S.A., Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank (Russia)

From 1994 to June 2011, he served as President of Alfa-Bank (Russia). His area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility included strategic development issues for Alfa-Bank (Russia), as well as contacts with business and government circles in Russia and foreign countries. Before starting work at Alfa-Bank (Russia) in 1994, Petr Aven headed the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation in 1991–1992, at the same time being the representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with the industrially developed countries of the G7. Prior to that (1989–1991) he worked at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Laxenburg, Austria.
Petr Aven is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of ABH Holdings S.A., member of the Supervisory Board of Alfa-Bank (Ukraine), Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank (Russia) and Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC AlfaStrakhovanie.
Mr. Aven is a member of the Board of Directors of the Russian School of Economics (NES), a member of the Presidential Council on Foreign Relations at Yale University (USA), and also a member of the Board of Trustees of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Russian Geographical Society, and is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin and Trustee of the Royal Academy of Arts (UK).
Since April 2006, Mr. Aven has been a member of the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. In addition, Mr. Aven is a member of the Presidium of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), is a professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (National Research University Higher School of Economics) and is an Honorary Doctor of the University of Latvia.
Petr Aven graduated from Moscow State University in 1977, holds a Ph.D. in Economics (major in Econometrics). Was born in Moscow (Russia) in 1955.

In the wake of perestroika, many people appeared who determined the fate of the country and built a new Russia, one of them was Peter Aven. The biography of a financier is an example of the progressive construction of his career. Of course, Aven had high starting opportunities, but he took full advantage of them. Let's talk about how the professional path of a person who is at the top of the Forbes list developed.


If there are lucky ones by birth, then one of them is Peter Aven. His family was very unusual. Aven's father was a professor, a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, specializing in the field of computer technology. And my grandfather was among the Latvian riflemen, after the war he was repressed and shot. Peter's mother was Jewish by nationality, worked as a teacher at a university. The upbringing of the boy was mainly carried out by his father and maternal grandmother. Aven recognizes and is proud of his Jewish, Russian and Latvian roots.


Petr Aven was born on March 16, 1955 in Moscow. Since the family was intellectual and wealthy, the boy got used to a high standard of living from childhood. When it was time for Peter to go to school, he was sent to the best institution in Moscow. From the 6th grade, he studied at the famous Second School with a physical and mathematical bias. Peter studied averagely, did not demonstrate great zeal. But, according to the recollections of classmates, he was a real ringleader and the soul of the company. Already at this time, Aven's interest in art appeared, he is fond of music, heads a school music club, makes many friends in this area. Back in his school years, he made friends with the grandson of the Soviet writer Arkady Gaidar Yegor. Subsequently, they worked together to reform the country's financial system. Petr Olegovich recalls school as a difficult time, there was an atmosphere of tough competition, but the quality of training was very high. 22 of Aven's 25 classmates entered Moscow State University.


After graduating from school, Aven Petr Olegovich became a student of the Faculty of Economics at one of the best universities in the country - Moscow State University. During his studies, he developed many connections, which later helped him build a career. Peter wrote his thesis on mathematical methods in economics, thus continuing his father's work. At the University of Aven, he continued to study music, heading a music club. In 1977, he graduated from the university and entered graduate school to academician S. Shatalin, where his classmates were Yegor Gaidar and Mikhail Fridman. In 1980 he successfully defended his thesis in the same vein as his thesis.

Carier start

After completing his postgraduate studies and defending Aven's dissertation, Peter had a well-trodden path to research work. He comes to work at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of System Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences. There, in 7 years, he grows from a junior to a senior researcher. In 1989, he moved to work at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an advisor and at the same time carried out scientific research in the Austrian city of Laxenburg at a research institute. At this time, changes are growing in the country, the state needs young progressive specialists, and Aven returns to his homeland.

Work in government

In 1991, Aven, with the help of his friend Yegor Gaidar, who served as the prime minister of the government, entered the civil service. First, he becomes Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, then heads the Cabinet of Foreign Economic Relations of the RSFSR, then rises to the post of Minister of Foreign Economic Relations, he is also entrusted with representing the interests of President B.N. Yeltsin in establishing ties with industrialized countries. But already in 1992, Aven decided to say goodbye to public service.

"Alfa Bank"

After leaving the government, Aven decided to plunge into business. He was invited by Boris Berezovsky, an advisor to the president at LogoVAZ, whom Aven had met while studying at Moscow State University. Then Aven opens his own company "FinAP" (Finance of Petra Avena), which was engaged in consulting on issues of transactions with securities. The beginning of the 90s in Russia was a time of rapid flourishing of private entrepreneurship, and Aven Petr Olegovich could not avoid this temptation. Alfa-Bank is the enterprise of Peter's longtime friend Mikhail Fridman, and in it he decided to apply his experience as a financier in practice. Aven was so carried away by banking that he even abandoned the mandate of a State Duma deputy in favor of working in a bank. He went to the Duma from Yegor Gaidar's Choice of Russia party.

In 1994, Aven Petr sold his consulting company, acquired a 10% stake in Alfa-Bank and took the presidency in it. Petr Olegovich has repeatedly proved that banking is his vocation. Under his management, Alfa-Bank is becoming one of the leaders in the financial services market. By 2006, Aven's stake had grown to 14% and he became the fourth person in the company. In 2014 he became the head of the Board of Directors of the banking group Alfa-Bank.

Other activities

In addition to banking activities, Petr Aven is also involved in other types of business. In 1998, he is a member of the boards of directors of Aviakor and STS companies, later, with the rights given to him by his origin, he is included in the top management of Latvijas Balzams. In 2011, he was included in the management of Golden Telecom. He is also a shareholder in LetterOne Holdings.

Such business activity makes Aven a completely wealthy person, although he himself categorically does not consider himself rich. In addition, Aven is actively involved in social activities. He is a professor at the Higher School of Economics, a member of the Board of Trustees for Supporting the Olympians of Russia, and participates in the trusteeship of the Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin.


Petr Aven, whose fortune is estimated by Forbes magazine at 5,100 million US dollars, is in 2018 on the 22nd place of the richest people in Russia. His capital has decreased slightly compared to 2014, when he was "worth" $ 6,100 million, but Aven is gradually recovering what he lost.


Entrepreneur Aven Petr Olegovich is known for his charitable activities. In 2008, together with his wife Elena, Petr Olegovich organized the Generation Foundation, which envisaged three areas of activity: support for children's health care in Russia, grant and scholarship programs in the field of science, and support for cultural exchange between Latvia and Russia. The Generation organizes a series of concerts by famous Russian musicians in Riga (M. Pletnev, Chulpan Khamatova, Gogol Center with K. Serebrennikov). The foundation held a large exhibition of Riga porcelain in Moscow. The gift of a concert grand piano to composer Raimonds Pauls (worth 120 thousand dollars) was a significant fundraiser. Also "Generation" took over the patronage of a hospital in a small village in Latvia, supports the Tynyanov readings. Aven does not forget about his Jewish blood, together with several of the richest Russians, he created a Jewish museum and center of tolerance in Moscow, thereby fulfilling the covenant of the need to give the community a part of his income.


For his active life, Aven Peter received many solid awards, including the Russian Orders of Friendship and Honor, the Latvian Order of the Three Stars.

Personal life

The businessman is a widower. The wife of Aven Petr Olegovich died as a result of a ruptured blood clot in 2015. The couple have been married for 30 years, the family had two children. Twins Daria and Denis successfully graduated from the American University at Yale. The son chose to continue to do science, and the daughter became interested in marketing and develops the MAC brand for Estée Lauder. Petr Olegovich is a rare person about whom there is no intimate gossip, he leads a completely respectable life.


Businessman Aven is a renowned collector. His collection of Russian paintings of the Silver Age is one of the largest in the country. In his collection there is V. Kandinsky, several paintings by M. Chagall. The cost of his art collection is estimated at several tens of millions of dollars. In addition, Aven enjoys hunting and football.

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