
Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory uss. Alexander Uss. Biography. Children of Uss Alexander Viktorovich

The speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the region has been appointed acting head of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Ussa is called the most recognizable politician in the region. And what future voters do not know about him?

Russian President Vladimir Putin has appointed Alexander Uss, speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the region, as acting head of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. This was reported by the correspondent of UtroNews. Political analysts say the Kremlin’s move is quite justified, since Uss is undoubtedly the most famous politician in the region.

Large financial groups also fought over the edge. Alexander Uss is considered close to Oleg Deripaksi's Rusal. There is also a very large Vankor oil and gas field in the region, which belongs to Rosneft. Apparently, Alexander Uss arranged for everyone.

In 2018, the Krasnoyarsk Territory will host gubernatorial elections. And it is still unknown whether the Kremlin will support Alexander Uss. Everything, probably, depends on how he will show himself in his so far temporary post. But voters already now, probably, will be interested in some details from the life of Alexander Uss.

Corruption rumors?

Formally, Alexander Uss cannot be undermined. The ideal chairman of the Legislative Assembly, whose career in public service can only be envied. Uss has been the speaker for over 20 years. Re-elected three times! I was going to work for the next four years, but was offered the post of acting governor. And Uss could not refuse.

Everyone knows that officials in our country are officially prohibited from doing business. But this does not hinder Alexander Uss with a good salary of 200 thousand rubles. engage in teaching and research activities. And it turns out to be very profitable!

During the period from 2012 to 2015, the Ussov family managed to earn about 300 million rubles. He owns executive class cars - Land Rover Range Rover, Lexus and even a small boat Cilverado - in other words, a yacht. I wonder which university in our country can pay for teaching activities with money that ensures such a luxurious life?

Evil tongues suggest that the speaker has an abundance of business in all profitable industries - timber, construction, coal, energy. And in the position of the second person in the region, apparently, it is very convenient to "cover" this business.

A rich spouse?

If you carefully study the speaker's declarations of assets and income, you can find interesting things. From 2012 to the present day, Lyudmila Uss owns the Orangery Store building with an area of \u200b\u200b920.9 sq.m. In her own property since 2014. there is also the land under the shop - an area of \u200b\u200b722 sq. m.

At one time, the city actively discussed the project of changes in the planning of the historical center of the city. It was proposed to improve the territory from the Kacha embankment to the Revolution Square. And the stumbling block in this discussion was the building of the former greenhouse in the Surikov park on the street. Lenin, 118a. They wanted to transform it into a restaurant.

By law, such changes must be carried out through a public hearing procedure. And during them, local residents and city council deputies in the absolute majority opposed this project. Nevertheless, the reconstruction project was approved by the Krasnoyarsk Mayor's Office. It turns out that if you are the spouse of the speaker, then the law is not written for you?

Alexander's wife, Uss, apparently owned a significant stake in the KLM Ko CJSC group of companies. The structures affiliated with it are implementing on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory a major priority investment project of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation in the field of deep woodworking.

The volume of government injections into this project, taking into account the planned funding, amounted to almost 1 billion rubles. And, probably, not without the participation of the speaker of the regional parliament. The implementation of the project, apparently, allowed Lyudmila Uss, according to "Interlocutor", to acquire a "modest" apartment, the market price of which is 0.5 billion rubles.

And not in Krasnoyarsk, but in one of the most expensive districts of Moscow. But for some reason, Lyumila Uss forgot to include this apartment in the declaration of her spouse. Although the reason for such forgetfulness is quite understandable.

Uss turned out to be forgetful too?

In 2015, State Duma deputies, members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation V. Rashkin and S. Obukhov sent a request to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation that the declaration of property and income of Uss was missing two very impressive amounts - 30 million euros and 40 million dollars. The deputies suspected that this money was withdrawn to a Cypriot offshore.

They say that the prosecutor's check seems to have confirmed this fact. However, apparently, the case was quickly hushed up. And the sums in the new declaration of the speaker were not listed again. Perhaps it is precisely these "accumulations" that allow Alexander Uss, according to Vedomosti, to acquire land plots in the elite Akulinino near Moscow. And even with a size of 4.7 hectares!

There is, according to the ill-wishers of Uss, he also has a land in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - hunting grounds with a poetic name "In the name of Lope de Vega". The site is located on the border of the Byuzinsky state reserve in the Balakhtinsky district. An asphalt road has been laid through the plot, and an artificial pond is located nearby. And all this was built at the expense of the state?

Does Alexander Uss "fatten" at the state expense?

Fighters against corruption drew attention to the fact that all the construction projects of the Siberian Federal University, whose president is Alexander Uss, were built by Sibiryak OJSC, the head and owner of which is a certain V. Egorov. All tenders were allegedly won by him legally. And their amount is impressive - 3 billion rubles! Did Alexander Uss have kickbacks from them? Or does he own a stake in this firm?

Of course, voters themselves in 2018 will decide whether they need a governor like Alexander Uss. And they still have time to check all the available facts that cast doubt on Alexander Uss as a guardian of his native land. Apparently, Alexander Uss and his family love money much more.

Alexander Viktorovich Uss - Russian civil servant, Doctor of Law, Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (since September 21, 2018), former Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (1998-2017).

Childhood and youth

Childhood and adolescence of Alexander Uss passed in the village of Novogorodka, Ilanskiy district, Krasnoyarsk Territory, where he was born on November 3, 1954. The politician is very proud of his father, Viktor Petrovich (1922-2011), who for 30 years was the chairman of the collective farm of the VII Congress of Soviets and was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

After school, Alexander Uss entered the law faculty of Krasnoyarsk State University, from which he graduated in 1976 with honors. After that, he entered Tomsk State University as a research trainee, and a year later became his graduate student.

Before graduating from this university in 1981, he defended his Ph.D. "Conflicts between convicts, accompanied by violent assaults", which was written based on the materials of forced labor camps in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, became a candidate of legal sciences.

Alexander Uss visited his native school

As a student, Alexander Uss played the guitar in a student ensemble, worked as a musician in the Yenisei Lights restaurant and as a builder of wooden houses and baths.

Scientific career

After graduation, Alexander Uss went to work at Krasnoyarsk State University as an assistant. Over time, he became a senior lecturer there, and then - an assistant professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Forensic Science.

In 1986, Uss had the honor to go to the Federal Republic of Germany for a two-year practice at the Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law.

After practice, he remained for some time an assistant professor of the Department of Criminal Law, and then became a senior research fellow at Krasnoyarsk State University, which he was until 1993.

A year later, Uss defended his thesis at the Tomsk State University on the topic "The social-integrative role of criminal law" and since then has been awarded the title of Doctor of Law.

Political career

In 1993, the new governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Valery Zubov, invited Alexander Uss, who was his university friend, to the post of head of the legal department of the regional administration. A year later, Uss became a deputy of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the Evenk Autonomous Okrug. He was a member of the International Affairs Committee.

Uss held the above positions until 1995, after which he became Zubov's deputy on legal issues.

In December 1997, Uss was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and a month later became its chairman. As part of his post, he also entered the Federation Council of the Russian Federation (the committee on international affairs and the commission on regulations and parliamentary procedures).

In 2002, Alexander Uss took part in the elections for the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which were appointed after the tragic death of the previous governor, General Alexander Lebed. Uss won the first round. His rival was the young governor of Taimyr, a native of Norilsk Nickel, Alexander Khloponin, to whom Uss lost in the second round by a difference of 6%.

After that, he remained the speaker of the local parliament, and he was repeatedly re-elected in this place under other governors (Lev Kuznetsov, Viktor Tolokonsky).

Family of Alexander Uss: wife and children

Alexander Uss met his wife Lyudmila at Krasnoyarsk State University, and for more than 40 years they have been happily married. The married couple have three children: Maria (born 1977), Artyom (born 1982) and Alexandra (born 1991). Maria and Artyom followed in their father's footsteps, becoming lawyers. Alexander and Lyudmila Ussov also have a grandson, Alexey.

Alexander Viktorovich has been fond of various sports all his life (alpine skiing, tennis, judo, golf), and for some time he was also fond of horse riding. In an informal setting, he can play the guitar and sing to its accompaniment.

Governor Alexander Uss now

On September 29, 2017, Vladimir Putin appointed Alexander Uss as interim governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. A year later, Uss won the first round of early gubernatorial elections, gaining more than 60% of the vote with a turnout of 29%. On September 21, 2018, he officially took office.

Alexander Uss on pension reform

The Krasnoyarsk Territory has the highest life rate in all of Siberia. For example, the average salary of a resident of this region is 41 thousand rubles, and the capital of the region has repeatedly become the winner of the competition "The most comfortable city in Russia." Despite this, Alexander Uss still faces some problems, the main of which are ecology and transport.

Alexander Uss is one of those politicians who are called "tough business executives." For several years, Alexander Viktorovich took care of the welfare of his native Krasnoyarsk Territory and, finally, achieved his main goal - he took over as governor. In addition to a political career, there was a place in Uss's biography for both scientific activity and family happiness.

Childhood and youth

The future Russian politician was born on November 3, 1954 in the village of Novgorodok, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Alexander's father was the chairman of the collective farm and was even awarded the honorary title of Hero of Socialist Labor. In an interview, Uss likes to emphasize that in his heart he considers himself a peasant, like his parents, and admires the wisdom of the villagers.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the University of Tomsk, choosing a legal specialty. In 1976, Alexander Viktorovich continued his education in graduate school at the same educational institution and after 4 years he defended his dissertation. The topic of Uss's scientific work was rather unusual and concerned conflicts between convicted people. Also during his studies, the future governor managed to become a fellow of the Max Planck Institute of Criminal Law.

Career and politics

The career path of Alexander Uss began with teaching: until 1993, the man worked first as an assistant, then as a senior teacher and, finally, as an assistant professor in the department of criminal law at Krasnoyarsk State University. Then Alexander Viktorovich was promoted to head of the legal department in the administration of his native land. From this appointment, he began his ascent up the political ladder.

In the same year, the aspiring politician became a candidate for deputies of the Federation Council (from the Evenk District) and a year later took this chair. The career of Alexander Viktorovich developed rapidly: already in 1995, the man became deputy governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and in 1997 Uss was also elected to the Legislative Assembly. Aleksandr Viktorovich spent only a year as a deputy, and in 1998 he headed the main legislative body of the region, becoming its chairman.

In 2001, Alexander Uss again managed to get into the parliamentary composition of the Legislative Assembly, and, like the previous time, a year later the politician returned the post of chairman. In parallel with his work in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, since 1998, the man has also held a chair in the Federation Council of the country, being a member of the international affairs committee. True, in the winter of 2001, Alexander Viktorovich had to give up these powers by virtue of the new law on the formation of the upper house of the Russian parliament.

All this time, the politician went to the main goal - the chair of the governor of his native land. For the first time, Alexander Uss ran for this post in 2002, after the death of the current governor. The first round of elections brought victory: Alexander Viktorovich won 27.6% of the vote. But in the second round, the candidate failed - the victory went to. In 2007, the politician again entered the deputy composition of the regional Legislative Assembly, and in the same year he again headed it.

In 2012, Alexander Uss became the head of the branch of the Russian Bar Association in the Siberian Federal District. In addition, the politician was a member of the country's foreign policy and defense council.

2015 was remembered by supporters of Uss for the youth economic forum held in Krasnoyarsk with the assistance of Alexander Viktorovich. One of the moderators of the event was the rector of the Skolkovo School of Management Andrei Sharonov, who emphasized the importance of such forums for the development of the country as a whole.

In 2017, Alexander Viktorovich was appointed to the post of Acting Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. That year, the politician added 221 million rubles to his fortune (according to the official declaration).

Uss fully justified the confidence of the president and spared no effort to develop his native land. It is known that the politician managed to attract large amounts of investment to the region.

Since 1996, Alexander Uss has been a member of the Our Home Russia party, and then, in 2001, he became a member of Unity. Since 2003, the politician has been a member of United Russia.

Personal life

The personal life of Alexander Uss has developed happily. It is known that the politician's wife, Lyudmila Prokopyevna, is engaged in her own business. The family of Alexander Viktorovich has three children: in 1977, his wife gave the man a daughter, Maria, in 1982, his son Artem was born, and in 1992, Uss became a father for the third time - Alexander's daughter was born. The older children followed in their father's footsteps and received a law degree.

In 2013, Alexander Viktorovich first became a grandfather. In an interview, the politician shared his joy and said that the boy was named Grisha and he was born in Berlin. It is also known that Uss himself speaks fluent German.

A man prefers to spend his free time with his family. In addition, the politician has a hobby: he loves to ski and ride a horse. Also, Alexander Viktorovich is fond of tennis and golf and plays the guitar well.

Alexander Uss now

In 2018, photos of Alexander Uss reappeared on the pages of news publications. This time, the occasion was the election of the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The politician managed to gain the confidence of voters and gain 60.19% of the vote, beating the rest of his competitors for this post.

Alexander Viktorovich's rivals were Yegor Bondarenko, Alexander Lympio and Ivan Serebryakov. The latter represented the Patriots of Russia party at the elections, whose head in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is Anatoly Bykov.

Now the politician accepts congratulations on his new status and, by his own admission, is preparing to implement far-reaching plans.

Uss Alexander Viktorovich - one of the most prominent political figures of our time, speaker of the Legislative Assembly

Today he is a millionaire, a respected person with many titles and regalia, but how did he achieve all this?

Uss Alexander Viktorovich, biography: the beginning

The future politician was born in the very outback of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the village of Novgorodka, Ilansky District, on November 3, 1954. His parents worked all their lives for the good of the country, his father, Viktor Petrovich Uss, was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, went through the war and was the chairman of a collective farm for 25 years, he died at the age of 89, and his mother, Maria Fominichna Uss, an honored pensioner, is alive this day.

Education and scientific activity

Alexander finished 10 classes in the city of Ilansky. From childhood he was accustomed to work and helped his parents in everything. And in 1971 his dream came true: he entered the Krasnoyarsk State University at the Faculty of Law, which he brilliantly graduated in 1976.

After that, he decided to seriously engage in science and trained at Tomsk State University, completed his postgraduate studies there and wrote his Ph.D. thesis in 1981.

After that, Uss Alexander Viktorovich worked for five years at the Department of Criminal Law of the Law Faculty of Krasnoyarsk State University. At first, he performed the duties of an assistant, then became, and a little later, an assistant professor at the Department of Criminal Law.

For special merits in his work, Alexander Viktorovich was sent along with 11 Soviet specialists for an internship in Germany at the Max Planck University of International Criminal Law. The training lasted two years and ended in 1988. There he was engaged in scientific work and perfectly mastered the German language.

After an internship in Germany, the future politician worked for another 5 years at Krasnoyarsk University, wrote scientific papers and taught.

Career politician

In 1993, a sharp turn took place in Alexander's life: from teaching to public. At this time, he was elected a deputy from the Evenk district, gaining an impressive number of votes.

At the same time, Uss worked in the legal department of the Krasnoyarsk city administration, was the chief there.

Since 1995, Alexander has worked as Deputy Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Valery Zubov.

In 1997 he entered the parliament of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for the second time, twice entered the Federation Council of Russia.

Since 1998 Uss Alexander Viktorovich - Chairman of the Legislative Assembly. He has held this position almost unchanged to this day.

He started with the regional party "Union of Business and Order", then joined the party "Unity", was the chairman of the party "Nashi", at the moment is listed in the ranks of "United Russia".

After the unification of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with the Republic of Taimyr and in 2007, he was elected Chairman of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Parliament.

He ran for office several times, but each time he was inferior to his rivals, finding himself in second place in terms of the number of votes.

Since 2012, Uss has been the head of the Russian Bar Association.

It is interesting that Uss Alexander Viktorovich, whose reception works once a week at the address: Perenson str., 20, n / p No. 4, pom. No. 18, 26, 27 - trying to be closer to the people.

Scientific activity

Alexander Viktorovich made a great contribution to the development of the Siberian Federal University. For this he was awarded the honorary title - President of the Siberian Federal University.

And in 2015 he was admitted to the European Academy of Science and Art. This association brings together many European and Russian scientists, history and art.

Members of the Academy are elected by a special commission, all achievements and qualities of the candidate are studied.

Since Alexander Uss is the chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Doctor of Law and President of the largest university in Siberia, his candidacy was approved.

Personal life of Alexander Uss

Alexander's personal life was as successful as his political activities. He met his wife Lyudmila while still a student, they studied at the same institute.

At first they were brought together by a community of interests, his future wife studied at the law faculty, only a year younger, then they fell in love and soon got married. Alexander and Lyudmila have been together for more than 25 years, during which time they had three children.

Lyudmila is a wonderful housewife, a real homemaker. In addition, she manages to combine this activity with work. She, like her husband, is a lawyer, and quite successful. Lyudmila Uss earns much more than her husband, owns a lot of real estate in and abroad, cars and other luxury goods.

Children of Uss Alexander Viktorovich

Alexander Viktorovich has three children: two daughters and a son.

Daughter Maria was born in 1977, a year after he graduated from the institute. She was named after the grandmother Maria Fominichna Uss. Maria, like her father, graduated from the Faculty of Law and works as a lawyer.

Son Artem was born in 1982, after completing an internship in Germany. Interestingly, his son Alexander is a lawyer who graduated from the same institute as his father.

By the way, Krasnoyarsk State University has now been renamed (SFU).

Uss Artem Aleksandrovich heads a law firm, lives and works in Moscow.

Another daughter, Alexandra, was born in 1992, little is known about her.

In general, there is very little information about the Uss family in the public domain.

Extra-political activity

Alexander Uss is a professional politician and an excellent speaker. He loves and knows how to perform in public.

In his spare time, he plays tennis and judo.

Opponents and detractors of this politician say that he lacks experience in economic and managerial activities. Perhaps there is some truth in this: so far Alexander has not managed to become governor, a goal he has been striving for for the past 20 years.

He loves to travel very much. By his own admission, his favorite places are the northern lands of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: mountains and small rivers, where he likes to fish.

Alexander and his family have a German shepherd dog Nord, which is a prize-winner of Siberian exhibitions. Every day he tries to give her at least an hour.

He also considers it appropriate to spend time with his children.

It is interesting that Uss Alexander Viktorovich is a millionaire; every year his family declares its income in an amount that exceeds even the income of the local governor.

Again, according to rumors, some of the funds were obtained in an incomprehensible way.

But the chairman of the Legislative Assembly does not hide his income. His family owns a huge amount of real estate, his wife Lyudmila and son Artem are engaged in a profitable business. And he himself is a versatile person.

Scientific works of Alexander Uss

Uss Alexander Viktorovich in his life wrote many scientific works, books on forensic science. His articles on legal or other hot topics often appear in the local and regional press.

Here is such a Uss Alexander. His bioraffia will surely be enriched with new interesting pages. After all, life goes on, he is still in the prime of life and, perhaps, in the future he will be able to achieve his dream - to become the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, or to rise even higher.

Tomorrow, the chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Alexander Uss, will celebrate his birthday. And this despite the fact that he had already celebrated it ... as recently as November 3!

Why Alexander Viktorovich is given gifts twice a year and what else unusual happened to him in life - we found out on the eve of his "name day".

1. One holiday is good, but four is better

With two sons in the Uss family - Alexander and his older brother Vladislav - birthdays are celebrated here as many as four times! Vladislav's passport officers confused the date, because these documents were issued not in the native village of Ussov - Novogorodka, but in the neighboring village, where the village council was. Vladislav was born on January 17, and they put in the certificate the date when the parents arrived for the document: February 10. “Well, they won't confuse anything with the youngest, Alexander,” the parents hoped. But it was not there. Alexander was born on November 15 (here it is - the true date of his birth!). But in the documents the passport officers ... wrote down the number when his mother was brought to the hospital - November 3.

2. Student Uss was incredibly lucky when he entered the law school

As you know, Alexander Uss is a Doctor of Law. But at one time he entered the law faculty of the Krasnoyarsk state university thanks to luck:

I really wanted to become a lawyer. That is why I do not even know for them, - Alexander Viktorovich admits. - But as in all times, there was just a frenzied competition for the Faculty of Law. When I entered, 750 people applied, but only 50 had to be taken. At that time, the Faculty of Law was located at 49 Mira. And here we are - a huge crowd of applicants, we are nervous, leafing through textbooks and notebooks, and then my future classmate Galina comes up to me and asks: "Well, you, Uss, what do you know about the uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov?" I take out my textbook and begin to read aloud about this uprising. I just had time to read how I was called for an exam. I take a ticket - and the first question is about the uprising of Ivan Bolotnikov! I didn't even sit down and prepare, I just walked right up to the examiners with this ticket (which, by the way, shocked them - they thought that the applicant did not know anything about him at all and would not answer). But I, on the contrary, gave a brilliant answer - firstly, I prepared well, and secondly, I had just read the required text.

3. The deputies call the chief a "peasant son"

Guess the name of his colleague, deputies of the Legislative Assembly, behind the eyes of their chairman?

Alexander Viktorovich? Sasha? You can't guess. "Peasant son"! The name stuck after MP Oleg Pashchenko called the speaker a "peasant son". And what - nothing offensive.

Uss's parents are, as they say, "noble peasants": his father worked as the chairman of a collective farm, his mother worked in the collective farm fields.

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