
Sysoev fountain. An unimaginably stupid footballer became a member of the Legislature. Viktor Sysoev in politics

Viktor Sysoev told how he went to "help mom" at the Mariinsky Palace.

The son of the skier Yegorova, the youngest and now hereditary parliamentarian, in an interview successfully proved that he can cope with the work in the Legislative Assembly.

- Victor, good afternoon. Tell me, when did you decide to run for ZakS?

- I'm not ready to answer questions now.

- But can you already congratulate you on your victory?

- You can, congratulate.

- By the way, have you ever been to the Mariinsky Palace?

- Of course, I did. My mother works there.

- Did she help you in the elections?

- If only morally.

- How many meetings with voters did you have during the campaign?

- I will not answer this question.

- None?

- I didn't say that, I just avoided answering.

- Are you well acquainted with legislative work, with the law on the budget? What are you going to do at ZakS?

- I am nothing. Not ready to answer questions.

- You went to the elections with a specific program and goals?

- Probably. I cannot answer, if you want, think of something yourself.

- I would not like, I ask, to find out your views and position.

- When I start work, then please.

- Do I understand correctly that you will work in the ZakSa Commission on Sports, because this is one of the areas closest to you?

- May be.

- Before that, when you came to the Mariinsky Palace to see your mother, what did you do?

- I helped, but we can say that I studied the vastness of the palace.

- How was this help expressed?

- Why do you need to know this? I will not answer - I am a modest deputy.

- And also the youngest ... Are you flattered by such a career success?

- I don't, but the rest, along the way, yes.

- Do you think that you will be able to communicate on equal terms with older deputies?

- I am a sociable person, I have a language. I can find a common language with everyone.

- Where were you on election night?

- Here and there. And where is the secret.

- At the polling stations, apparently, or in the election commission?

- Yes, I was there. I won't tell you anything else.

- Can you then have the last question: the elections were fair?

- Of course.

- But what about the reports of the observers about violations?

- Nobody told me anything.

According to the preliminary results of voting in the elections to the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, the LDPR party gains 12 percent and receives three mandates. One of those who pass on the list of Zhirinovsky's party turned out to be a 21-year-old footballer, the son of a skier Lyubov Yegorova, a deputy from United Russia. Viktor Sysoev scored the highest result among Eldeperars on the 22nd territory in the Frunzensky district. Yegorova herself won the elections in a single-mandate constituency.

As Fontanka wrote, Sysoev is a professional footballer. Played for FC Dynamo St. Petersburg. In the 2014/2015 season, he played 12 minutes on the field, in 2015/2016 - 1 minute. Now, as they say on the Dynamo website, it is a "free agent". Judging by the photos on social networks, the future deputy has a tattoo Grazie i genitori per avermi dato la vita, which can be translated as “Thank you parents for the life given to me”.

Ksenia Klochkova

Viktor Sysoev: 1 minute on the field

From the second league to the deputies of St. Petersburg? Who is Sysoev

Who is he?

Until yesterday, few knew about the football player Viktor Sysoev: only those who closely follow the St. Petersburg Dynamo and the PFL West zone. He got into the system of the second St. Petersburg club when he was still Petrotrest. He made his professional football debut in October 2013, when Dynamo from the Northern capital still lived in the first division. As befits a young player, in the second year I got more playing practice. True, under the sad accompanying circumstances, Dynamo was teetering on the brink of collapse and confidently headed towards relegation to the PFL.

In the second division last season, Viktor Sysoev played exactly one minute - as a substitute in the match against Domodedovo. It was almost a year ago. According to the official website of Dynamo, the rest of the time a footballer playing in the positions of left-back or left midfielder was healing his injuries. Although he appeared on the field at the training camp. In the summer, Sysoev left the blue and white - on the site he is listed as a retired free agent. And, perhaps, the transfer will take place straight to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

How did he get into politics?

Even fewer people knew about the politician Viktor Sysoev. However, for him politics is the same family affair as sports. Sysoev's mother is the renowned skier Lyubov Yegorova, 6-time Olympic champion. By the way, she also started on the left flank, only just the political one. She was first elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg in 2007 from the Communist Party. And then there was a "transfer" to United Russia. Viktor Sysoev unexpectedly turned out to be a summer rookie of a completely different party - the Liberal Democratic Party. And he became the first number on the regional party list in the same district as his mother. As a result, Lyubov Egorova again successfully won the elections in the single-mandate constituency. And the regional group of the Liberal Democratic Party with its son at the head gained 18.43%. Brand magic?

The possible election of Viktor Sysoev, a 21-year-old football player, the son of Viktor Sysoev, a deputy Lyubov Egorova, has already caused a wave of indignation and negative comments on social networks, it is possible that Viktor Sysoev in the Liberal Democratic Party will be asked to give up his mandate in order to pass more suitable candidates to the Legislative Assembly. If Viktor Sysoev receives a mandate, this could cause additional reputational damage to the Legislative Assembly of the 6th convocation - insert K. ru]

Will he become a deputy?

Of course, the Legislative Assembly's mandate is simply not given for the first place in the regional list. However, the Liberal Democratic Party took 2nd place in the elections and on citywide party lists. This provided three seats in the new composition of the city parliament. In the citywide list, Vladimir Zhirinovsky personally went under the first number, who, of course, is not going to change the State Duma to the Legislative Assembly. And if two mandates go to two other representatives of the top three on the list, then one is vacant and should go to the first number on the list of the regional group with the best result. And this is the 22nd district, 18.43% and Viktor Sysoev. There is, of course, a way to retreat - the ex-footballer himself (unless he is going to become the first example of an unprecedented combination of professions) from a seat in the city parliament. The final composition of the deputies should be determined tomorrow.

What is its program?

Sysoev's fresh interview with Fontanka made a splash. The footballer, in principle, refused to answer questions, how can one explain such fiery statements as “if you like, think of something yourself” (about the program), “when I start work, then please” (about views). The position of not giving interviews seems to be understandable, because he is not yet a deputy yet. But the unwillingness to tell about their views, program, or at least confirm or deny the fact of holding meetings with voters is surprising. Have you ever seen a candidate for deputy who does not promise at least decent pensions, wages and land to the peasants? So in this reluctance to give out at least a couple of populist slogans, Sysoev is unique, apparently, in the same way as in age (he can become the youngest deputy) and in professional status (he did not even announce his retirement as a player).

Does he need it?

Someone immediately writes that this is a story about how "they married me without me." In fact, everything is natural. There are enough examples in Russia of how famous athletes became deputies literally overnight, without going through at least some school of lawmaking or routine political work. Just at the expense of the name. If Viktor Sysoev nevertheless becomes a deputy of the Legislative Assembly, it will simply be the quintessence of such a career ladder. All the steps have already been jumped here - not only gaining political authority and knowledge, but also gaining a name in sports. An unknown footballer becomes a deputy - absurd only at first glance.

From the point of view of the quality of the legislative process, it does not matter what your last name is - Sysoev, Tarasov or Kokorin. It doesn't matter if you have several matches at the PFL level or dozens at the national team level behind you. Matches do not make you better as a deputy and do not make the laws for St. Petersburg or the country better. And the footballers themselves can very naturally become politicians. More precisely, not to become, but simply to try on images with which they had a lot in common at the height of their careers. It's a pity that Viktor Sysoev hastily deleted his VKontakte page yesterday - it would be easier for you to assess what place football occupied on it. Whether a football player or a deputy - the main thing is to hang out beautifully. So you can go to the Maldives or drink champagne in Monte Carlo.

Tourists mistakenly believe that the paving stones adorned the Palace Square during the reign of Catherine II and is a historical exhibit in itself. "In fact, the present paving stone appeared on Palace Square in 1977. It was replaced by asphalt, laid in 1932. Historically, Palace Square was paved with cobblestones," the release says. In just a year, the Center's employees moved over 12 thousand paving stones - not only taken away in memory, but also twisted, shattered.

A political sensation is coming in St. Petersburg: 21-year-old footballer Viktor Sysoev is to become a deputy of the Legislative Assembly.

Viktor Sysoev: 1 minute on the field. From the second league to the deputies of St. Petersburg? Just at the expense of the name. If Viktor Sysoev nevertheless becomes a deputy of the Legislative Assembly, it will simply be the quintessence of such a career ladder.

  • Victor Sysoev

  • Who is he?

    Until yesterday, few knew about the football player Viktor Sysoev: only those who closely follow the St. Petersburg Dynamo and the PFL West zone. He got into the system of the second St. Petersburg club when he was still Petrotrest. He made his professional football debut in October 2013, when Dynamo from the Northern capital still lived in the first division. As befits a young player, in the second year I got more playing practice. True, under the sad accompanying circumstances, Dynamo was teetering on the brink of collapse and confidently headed towards relegation to the PFL.

    The representative of the publishing house did not confirm the information On September 11, a post appeared on Facebook with the following content: "Friends, fans, today received sad news from Germany: Viktor Olegovich died last night during a seance ... The funeral the day after tomorrow in Gelsenkirchen."

    The footballer Viktor Sysoev, who at the age of 21 could become a member of the St. Petersburg legislative assembly from the Liberal Democratic Party, admitted in the very first interview that he did not have a definite election program and did not know what he would be doing in the Legislative Assembly.

    A political sensation is coming in St. Petersburg: 21-year-old footballer Viktor Sysoev is to become a deputy of the Legislative Assembly. The deputies decided to abandon the award of the title "Honorary Citizen of St. Petersburg" this year, when the city celebrates its 315th anniversary.

    In the second division last season, Viktor Sysoev played exactly one minute - as a substitute in the match against Domodedovo. It was almost a year ago. According to the official website of Dynamo, the rest of the time a footballer playing in the positions of left-back or left midfielder was healing his injuries. Although he appeared on the field at the training camp. In the summer, Sysoev left the blue and white - on the site he is listed as a retired free agent. And, perhaps, the transfer will take place straight to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

    How did he get into politics?

    Even fewer people knew about the politician Viktor Sysoev. However, for him politics is as much a family affair as sports. Sysoev's mother is the renowned skier Lyubov Yegorova, 6-time Olympic champion. By the way, she also started on the left flank, only just the political one. She was first elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg in 2007 from the Communist Party. And then there was a "transfer" to United Russia. Viktor Sysoev unexpectedly turned out to be a summer rookie of a completely different party - the Liberal Democratic Party. And he became the first number on the regional party list in the same district as his mother. As a result, Lyubov Egorova again successfully won the elections in the single-mandate constituency. And the regional group of the Liberal Democratic Party with its son at the head gained 18.43%. Brand magic?

    The match will be hosted by the Olimpiyskiy National Sports Complex and will qualify for the 2017/18 or 2018/19 Champions League final. This season, the final of the most prestigious club tournament in the Old World will take place on June 3 at the Millennium Stadium in the Wales capital Cardiff.

    The disappeared in St. Petersburg was found dead in the Leningrad region. Viktor Sysoev scored the highest result among Eldeperars on the 22nd territory in the Frunzensky district. As Fontanka wrote, Sysoev is a professional footballer. He played for FC Dynamo St. Petersburg.

    The youngest deputy of the St. Petersburg legislative assembly, Viktor Sysoev, “unsubscribes” from his voters with the same phrases. The son of the famous skier and United Russia member Lyubov Yegorova answered two requests of activists with absolutely identical

    8 coaches who could have made a career in politics

    Will he become a deputy?

    Of course, the Legislative Assembly's mandate is simply not given for the first place in the regional list. However, the Liberal Democratic Party took 2nd place in the elections and on citywide party lists. This provided three seats in the new composition of the city parliament. In the citywide list, Vladimir Zhirinovsky personally went under the first number, who, of course, is not going to change the State Duma to the Legislative Assembly. And if two mandates go to two other representatives of the top three on the list, then one is vacant and should go to the first number on the list of the regional group with the best result. And this is the 22nd district, 18.43% and Viktor Sysoev. There is, of course, a way to retreat - the ex-footballer himself (unless he is going to become the first example of an unprecedented combination of professions) from a seat in the city parliament. The final composition of the deputies should be determined tomorrow.

    MOSCOW, September 20 - PRIME. The financial department of Russia came up with a proposal from next year to start collecting insurance premiums from the entire salary fund at a flat rate of 29% and by 2019 to bring it to 26%. About this with reference to a number of federal officials writes the newspaper "Vedomosti". According to the interlocutors of the publication, the Ministry of Finance has developed a second option: in 2017 to raise VAT to 20%, to raise the preferential 10% rate to 12%, and from 2019 to start increasing it by 2 percentage points. per year until it equals the non-concessional 20%. This will give the budget almost 600 billion rubles in 2017, says one of the officials. In 2018 - another 400 billion rubles and another 200 billion rubles - in 2019. According to an official of the financial and economic bloc, it is unlikely that such a "maneuver" will be able to be carried out since 2017, since it is necessary to take into account not only the budgetary component, but also the socio-political situation in the country. This proposal of the finance department was discussed last week by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Finance Minister Anton Siluanov with President Vladimir Putin. The proposals of the ministry of Anton Siluanov were worked out on Monday at a meeting with the first deputy prime minister of the government, Igor Shuvalov. According to the newspaper's sources, no decisions have been made yet.

    Who is Victor Sysoev. September 19, 2016Politika, St. Petersburg "Autostat Info". Until yesterday, few knew about the football player Viktor Sysoev: only those who closely follow the St. Petersburg Dynamo and the PFL West zone.

    In the elections to the Legislative Assembly held in St. Petersburg, the LDPR party received 12% of the votes and three mandates, one of which went to 21-year-old footballer Viktor Sysoev. Son of skier Lyubov Egorova, deputy of "United Russia"

    What is its program?

    Sysoev's fresh interview with Fontanka made a splash. The footballer, in principle, refused to answer questions, how can one explain such fiery statements as “if you like, think of something yourself” (about the program), “when I start work, then please” (about views). The position of not giving interviews seems to be understandable, because he is not yet a deputy yet. But the unwillingness to tell about their views, program, or at least confirm or deny the fact of holding meetings with voters is surprising. Have you ever seen a candidate for deputy who does not promise at least decent pensions, wages and land to the peasants? So in this reluctance to give out at least a couple of populist slogans, Sysoev is unique, apparently, in the same way as in age (he can become the youngest deputy) and in professional status (he did not even announce his retirement as a player).

    Does he need it?

    Someone immediately writes that this is a story about how "they married me without me." In fact, everything is natural. There are enough examples in Russia of how famous athletes became deputies literally overnight, without going through at least some school of lawmaking or routine political work. Just at the expense of the name. If Viktor Sysoev nevertheless becomes a deputy of the Legislative Assembly, it will simply be the quintessence of such a career ladder. All the steps have already been jumped here - not only gaining political authority and knowledge, but also gaining a name in sports. An unknown footballer becomes a deputy - absurd only at first glance.

    Vegetables. Why Kokorin and Mamaev are in an idiotic position

    From the point of view of the quality of the legislative process, it does not matter what your last name is - Sysoev, Tarasov or Kokorin. It doesn't matter if you have a few matches at the PFL level or dozens at the national team level behind you. Matches do not make you better as a deputy and do not make the laws for St. Petersburg or the country better. And the footballers themselves can very naturally become politicians. More precisely, not to become, but simply to try on images with which they had a lot in common at the height of their careers. It's a pity that Viktor Sysoev hastily deleted his VKontakte page yesterday - it would be easier for you to assess what place football occupied on it. Whether a football player or a deputy - the main thing is to hang out beautifully. So you can go to the Maldives or drink champagne in Monte Carlo.

    CSKA lost at home to Tottenham in the Champions League match.
    The meeting ended with a score of 0: 1 The meeting, which took place on Tuesday, September 27, at the CSKA Arena in Moscow, ended with a score of 1: 0 in favor of the guests. Among the winners, the Korean forward Song Hyun Min scored.

    The youngest and now hereditary parliamentarian in an interview with success proved that he can cope with work in the Legislative Assembly.

    - Victor, good afternoon. Tell me, when did you decide to run for ZakS?

    I'm not ready to answer questions right now.

    - But can you already congratulate you on your victory?

    You can, congratulations.

    - By the way, have you ever been to the Mariinsky Palace?

    Of course, I did. My mother works there.

    - Did she help you in the elections?

    If only morally.

    - How many meetings with voters did you have during the campaign?

    I will not answer this question.

    - None?

    I didn’t say that, I just avoided answering.

    - Are you well acquainted with legislative work, with the law on the budget? What are you going to study in ZakSa ?

    I am nothing. Not ready to answer questions.

    - You went to the elections with a specific program and goals?

    Probably. I cannot answer, if you want, think of something yourself.

    - I would not like, I ask, to find out your views and position.

    When I get to work, then please.

    Do I understand correctly that you will work in the Commission of the Legislative Assembly for Sports, because this is one of the areas closest to you?

    May be.

    - Before that, when you came to the Mariinsky Palace to see your mother, what did you do?

    He helped, but we can say that he studied the vastness of the palace.

    - How was this help expressed?

    Why do you need to know this? I will not answer - I am a modest deputy.

    - And also the youngest ... Are you flattered by such a career success?

    I don't, but the rest, along the way, yes.

    - Do you think that you will be able to communicate on equal terms with older deputies?

    I am a sociable person, I have a language. I can find a common language with everyone.

    - Where were you on election night?

    Here and there. And where is the secret.

    - At the polling stations, apparently, or in the election commission?

    Yes, I was there. I won't tell you anything else.

    - Can you then have the last question: the elections were fair?

    Of course.

    - But what about the reports of the observers about violations?

    Nobody told me anything.

    According to the preliminary results of voting in the elections to the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, the LDPR party gains 12 percent and receives three mandates. One of those who pass on the list of Zhirinovsky's party turned out to be a 21-year-old football player, the son of a deputy from "United Russia" skiers Lyubov Egorova. Viktor Sysoev scored the highest result among Eldeperars on the 22nd territory in the Frunzensky district. Yegorova herself won the elections in a single-mandate constituency.

    As Fontanka wrote, Sysoev is a professional footballer. Played for FC Dynamo St. Petersburg. In the 2014/2015 season he played 12 minutes on the field, in 2015/2016 - 1 minute. Now, as they say on the Dynamo website, it is a "free agent". Judging by the photos on social networks, the future deputy has a tattoo Grazie i genitori per avermi dato la vita, which can be translated as “Thank you parents for the life given to me”.

    Ksenia Klochkova


    Viktor Sysoev: 1 minute on the field

    From the second league to the deputies of St. Petersburg? Who is Sysoev

    Who is he?

    Until yesterday, few knew about the football player Viktor Sysoev: only those who closely follow the St. Petersburg Dynamo and the PFL West zone. He got into the system of the second St. Petersburg club when he was still Petrotrest. He made his professional football debut in October 2013, when Dynamo from the Northern capital still lived in the first division. As befits a young player, in the second year I got more playing practice. True, under the sad accompanying circumstances, Dynamo was teetering on the brink of collapse and confidently headed towards relegation to the PFL.

    In the second division last season, Viktor Sysoev played exactly one minute - as a substitute in the match against Domodedovo. It was almost a year ago. According to the official website of Dynamo, the rest of the time a footballer playing in the positions of left-back or left midfielder was healing his injuries. Although he appeared on the field at the training camp. In the summer, Sysoev left the blue and white - on the site he is listed as a left free agent. And, perhaps, the transfer will take place straight to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

    How did he get into politics?

    Even fewer people knew about the politician Viktor Sysoev. However, for him politics is as much a family affair as sports. Sysoev's mother is the renowned skier Lyubov Yegorova, 6-time Olympic champion. By the way, she also started on the left flank, only just the political one. She was first elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg in 2007 from the Communist Party. And then there was a "transfer" to United Russia. Viktor Sysoev unexpectedly turned out to be a summer rookie of a completely different party - Liberal Democratic Party ... And he became the first number on the regional party list in the same district as his mother. As a result, Lyubov Egorova again successfully won the elections in the single-mandate constituency. And the regional group of the Liberal Democratic Party with its son at the head gained 18.43%. Brand magic?

    To interview 21-year-old football player Viktor Sysoev, who spent one minute on the field last season and was now elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, where his mother worked. It seems that the promising official himself did not understand how he became a deputy.

    Sysoev was unable to answer most of the questions of the correspondent of the publication: neither when he decided to run for the Legislative Assembly, nor how many meetings he held with voters, nor what is he going to do in his new post.

    - How many meetings with voters did you have during the campaign?

    I will not answer this question.

    - None?

    I didn't say that, I just avoided answering.

    - Are you well acquainted with legislative work, with the law on the budget? What are you going to do at ZakS?

    I am nothing. Not ready to answer questions.

    - You went to the polls with a specific program and goals?

    Probably. I cannot answer, if you want, think of something yourself.

    Sysoev's mother is a skier and United Russia member Lyubov Egorova, who was elected to the ZakS in 2011. Victor told "Fontanka" that he had already been there, "but we can say that he studied the vastness of the palace."

    - Where were you on election night?

    Here and there. And where is the secret.

    - At the polling stations, apparently, or in the election commission?

    Yes, I was there. I won't tell you anything else.

    - Can you then have the last question: the elections were fair?

    Of course.

    - But what about the reports of the observers about violations?

    Nobody told me anything.

    Sysoev goes to the St. Petersburg ZakS on the lists of the Liberal Democratic Party - the party gained 12% and receives three mandates. Yegorova herself won the elections in a single-mandate constituency. According to Fontanka, the future deputy has a tattoo with the inscription “Grazie i genitori per avermi dato la vita”, which can be translated as “Thank you parents for the life given to me”.

    Sysoev played for Dynamo St. Petersburg, in the 2014/2015 season he spent 12 minutes on the field, in 2015/2016 - one minute, now there is a mark “free agent” in front of his name.

    UPD LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky explained Sysoev's crumpled interview with the fact that he was not used to public speaking and was simply “embarrassed,” reports Life.

    There is a silver lining. Now he will be aware of the agenda and learn how to speak, speak, give interviews, we will work with him. Let's work and help. This is the beginning, youth. - Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party

    On the day of elections to the State Duma on September 18, observers and journalists talked about at the polling stations. Members of the commissions did not hesitate to put ballots in batches, there were many complaints about "carousels", "cruises", bringing in state employees and attempts to bribe. One form of protest.

    About football player Victor Sysoeva until yesterday, few knew: only those who closely follow the St. Petersburg Dynamo and the PFL West zone. He got into the system of the second St. Petersburg club when he was still Petrotrest. He made his professional football debut in October 2013, when Dynamo from the Northern capital still lived in the first division. As befits a young player, in the second year I got more playing practice. True, under the sad accompanying circumstances, Dynamo was teetering on the brink of collapse and confidently headed towards relegation to the PFL.

    In the second division last season, Viktor Sysoev played exactly one minute - as a substitute in the match against Domodedovo. It was almost a year ago. According to the official website of Dynamo, the rest of the time a footballer playing in the positions of left-back or left midfielder was healing his injuries. Although he appeared on the field at the training camp. In the summer, Sysoev left the blue and white - on the site he is listed as a retired free agent. And, perhaps, the transfer will take place straight to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

    Photo: vk.com/id141887674

    How did he get into politics?

    Even fewer people knew about the politician Viktor Sysoev. However, for him politics is as much a family affair as sports. Sysoev's mother is the renowned skier Lyubov Yegorova, 6-time Olympic champion. By the way, she also started on the left flank, only just the political one. She was first elected to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg in 2007 from the Communist Party. And then there was a "transfer" to United Russia. Viktor Sysoev unexpectedly turned out to be a summer rookie of a completely different party - the Liberal Democratic Party. And he became the first number on the regional party list in the same district as his mother. As a result, Lyubov Egorova again successfully won the elections in the single-mandate constituency. And the regional group of the Liberal Democratic Party with its son at the head gained 18.43%. Brand magic?

    Viktor Sysoev in professional football:

    17 matches, 252 minutes, 1 assist, 1 yellow card.

    8 coaches who could have made a career in politics

    Will he become a deputy?

    Of course, the Legislative Assembly's mandate is simply not given for the first place in the regional list. However, the Liberal Democratic Party took 2nd place in the elections and on citywide party lists. This provided three seats in the new composition of the city parliament. In the citywide list, Vladimir Zhirinovsky personally went under the first number, who, of course, is not going to change the State Duma to the Legislative Assembly. And if two mandates go to two other representatives of the top three on the list, then one is vacant and should go to the first number on the list of the regional group with the best result. And this is the 22nd district, 18.43% and Viktor Sysoev. There is, of course, a way to retreat - the ex-footballer himself (unless he is going to become the first example of an unprecedented combination of professions) from a seat in the city parliament. The final composition of the deputies should be determined tomorrow.

    Viktor Sysoev in politics:

    1st number in the list of regional group 22 of the St. Petersburg branch of the Liberal Democratic Party.

    What is its program?

    Sysoev's fresh interview with Fontanka made a splash. The footballer, in principle, refused to answer questions, how can one explain such fiery statements as “if you like, think of something yourself” (about the program), “when I start work, then please” (about views). The position of not giving interviews seems to be understandable, because he is not yet a deputy yet. But the unwillingness to tell about their views, program, or at least confirm or deny the fact of holding meetings with voters is surprising. Have you ever seen a candidate for deputy who does not promise at least decent pensions, wages and land to the peasants? So in this reluctance to give out at least a couple of populist slogans, Sysoev is unique, apparently, in the same way as in age (he can become the youngest deputy) and in professional status (he did not even announce his retirement as a player).

    Photo: vk.com/id141887674

    Does he need it?

    Someone immediately writes that this is a story about how "they married me without me." In fact, everything is natural. There are enough examples in Russia of how famous athletes became deputies literally overnight, without going through at least some school of lawmaking or routine political work. Just at the expense of the name. If Viktor Sysoev nevertheless becomes a deputy of the Legislative Assembly, it will simply be the quintessence of such a career ladder. All the steps have already been jumped here - not only gaining political authority and knowledge, but also gaining a name in sports. An unknown footballer becomes a deputy - absurd only at first glance.

    Vegetables. Why Kokorin and Mamaev are in an idiotic position

    From the point of view of the quality of the legislative process, it does not matter what your last name is - Sysoev, Tarasov or Kokorin. It doesn't matter if you have a few matches at the PFL level or dozens at the national team level behind you. Matches do not make you better as a deputy and do not make the laws for St. Petersburg or the country better. And the footballers themselves can very naturally become politicians. More precisely, not to become, but simply to try on images with which they had a lot in common at the height of their careers. It's a pity that Viktor Sysoev hastily deleted his VKontakte page yesterday - it would be easier for you to assess what place football occupied on it. Whether a football player or a deputy - the main thing is to hang out beautifully. So you can go to the Maldives or drink champagne in Monte Carlo.

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