
Medical fraud in Russia - Fall Method. Diagnostics by Fall Measuring Skin Resistance What is Foll Method

Around the personal life and professional activity of the German doctor Rainhald Fall (1909-1989) there was a lot of myths. He is also attributed to membership in the notorious Nazi Organization Agenerbe (Ahnenerbe), and the SCHES, and experiments on concentration camps, and access to the secret archives of Tibetan monks, and much more, not corresponding to reality. The only thing that all sources converge is the great interest of Dr. Fall to Eastern medicine, which he was carried away in the late 1930s.

Having tried to cross two directions - the traditional Chinese and technological western, in the late 1950s Fall announced the creation of electroacapuncture diagnostics. The idea was quite simple and theoretically fully implemented. In Chinese traditional medicine, there is a doctrine of qi, which circulates in the body, warms the so-called dense (for example, liver) and hollow (for example, stomach) organs, and also moisturizes the skin through the pores. Impacting certain points of the meridians of the human body, you can change the parameters of Qi and thus cause certain physiological effects.

Fall reasonably suggested that Qi is a type of energy that is easy to detect with electrophysiological recording devices. After all, there is, say, electrocardiography, allowing to highlight and record the electrical activity of the heart. Since qi "comes out" to the skin surface, it should be sought there. For example, using a galvanic effect and fixing the occurrence of current between two electrodes.

During experiments, the German doctor discovered the skin sections (biologically active points - BAT), where the device gave out such indications as on other sites. They could be combined between themselves and get peculiar meridians, however, not quite coinciding with Chinese. Nevertheless, Fall considered that he only clarified and visited the data accumulated by Eastern Medicine, and decided that changes in skin resistance in the 850 points found may be diagnostic.

Inventor new diagnostic method Compiled up the tables, where he painted which pathology and in which organs correspond to deviations in certain BAT. He also developed his own scale of values \u200b\u200bfrom 0 to 100, within which the arrow of the electrical instrument was rejected. The range 45-55 corresponded to the norm, more precisely, the "balanced state". The numbers more than 55 testified about inflammation, and the closer to 100, the process intensively. The shift of the arrow left, that is, from 45 to zero, spoke of stagnant or degenerative processes in the organ.

The standard procedure of electrocupuncture diagnostics looked as follows: the patient took a passive electrode in the hand, and the doctor consistently pressed the active electrode (probe) to all BAT. The obtained data was entered into the table and then interpreted. But that's not all. If the patient took in hand drug Treatment - any, including homeopathic, or even noble stone, cosmetic agent, etc., - the arrow also deviated. Fall concluded that departure from the area of \u200b\u200bunbalanced values \u200b\u200bin the balance zone is observed if the drug is suitable for this particular patient and is able to heal the disease. Finally, according to Fall, a weak electric current, which can be served in BAT from the same diagnostic device, and itself has a therapeutic effect. Convenience incredible: and all diagnosis, and supere-efficient, individually selected treatment occur on the spot - no longer need to run in different specialists and are subject to extensive effects of medicinal "chemistry."

The first transistor device that Foll collected with the help of the Verner Fritz engineer, was called Dermatron, after which the Folly diagnosis began a triumphal procession on the planet. Gradually, the bulky and long-term technique was subjected to modifications and upgrades. So, one of the pupils of Fall - Helmut Shimmel - reduced the amount of BAT tested from 850 to 60, some modern follicles and 40 testimony taken by the dipstick from the right and left side rollers on the fingers and legs, and the express screening is satisfied with 20 points at the brushes . In addition, as the computer equipment develops, it has disappeared the need to fill the tables manually, went into the past analog arrow. Now the removable readings are recorded in a special program, it also makes the final verdict in the form of a list of diagnoses and helps to select treatment, including creating "information copies of drugs" on any media.

A series of mistakes

If everything was as thought Foll, he would definitely entered the history of medicine along with the inventor of the first optical microscope or an electrocardiograph. And certainly, the Nobel Prize would be at least two nominations - "Physiology and Medicine" and "Physics". However, the follicide is a classic pseudomedicine, and for such an approval there are a number of weighty grounds.

First, the concept of qi does not boil only to energy, the more electrical, even if they take into account its interpretation in traditional sources. By and large, Qi, as Chinese doctors understood it, - any substance involved in the life of the body or supporting the functional activity of organs and tissues. In this sense, the air inhaling by us is also qi.

Secondly, never managed to measure what is called "Energy Qi", although attempts made repeatedly, there are even systematic reviews of such studies. It would be possible to assume that only the Fall device was capable of it at the expense of some secret chip, but in essence it is an ordinary galvanometer, an analogue of the tester, which has many home and professional masters. Schemes for assembling their own Follyl apparatus can be easily found on the Internet, there is nothing secret in them.

Thirdly, even if we assume that the diagnosis of Fall uses a certain unexplored phenomenon, the effectiveness of the methodology can still be assessed, thanks to the scientific instrumentarity of evidence-based medicine. Remember the dogs, sniffing infection, and pigeons diagnosing cancer? Exactly the same experiments can also be carried out with the use of follystics. For example, we take people with proven allergies on cat wool or house dust ticks. With the confirmation of their disease there are no problems: a provocative test with an allergen immediately demonstrates the attack in all its glory. Also, the diagnosis can be verified by at least two ways: the skin test and the study of specific antibodies (IgE) in the blood plasma. Next, we gain as many healthy volunteers, the absence of allergies they confirm the same ways. And then in random order, we also send those and others to the diagnostics on the fol.

Fall device is essentially an ordinary galvanometer, an analogue of the tester, which has many domestic and professional masters. In 2001, scientists from Southampton did. Moreover, they were attracted to the experiment not only university researchers, but also experts from the city center of complementary medicine so that specially trained and experienced people are involved in the diagnosis. Three follist with the vegatest apparatus in the blind manner tested 15 allergies and 15 people from the control group - each in three navigations. Moreover, alternatives have significantly simplified the task, calling six potential allergens, it remained only to establish them for each specific case. Total each participant has passed through 54 diagnostic sessions. And what was pressed with the help of the Fall apparatus, did not coincide at all with the fact that the cross was confirmed by other methods. In fourth, errors are laid in the technique of collecting primary information. The skin is a bad electricity conductor, it originally possesses sufficiently high resistance. However, in some situations, it decreases significantly, for example, when the sweat is highlighted, in respiration (sometimes - right during the Folva diagnostics); This phenomenon is called a "skin-galvanic effect", and it is described by a couple of hundred years ago. This can be checked any home tester. In addition, it turned out experimentally that it significantly affects the exposure force of the probe (active electrode) into the skin. Explanation Simple: When the diploma is immersed deeper, a large body surface area begins to touch him, the contact is improved, the resulting signal is enhanced. And the idea of \u200b\u200bchecking medications for compatibility, holding them in hand, and is ridiculous at all: the test drugs are often located in plastic or glass bottles, jars or ampoules, but listed materials - dielectrics, that is, the current does not hold, which is confirmed in experiments.

Mines in the legal field

A scientifically substantiated compromise has accumulated so much that the supervisory-regulators were forced to pay attention to him. Even in the early 1970s, American Food Control Office and medicines (FDA), whose approval to enter the market is required and medical technology has ceased to issue permits to local diagnostic folne devices and fully covered access to the United States similar equipment issued in other countries. Then the manufacturers went to cunning and began to call the devices with percutaneous neurostimulants or complexes for studying biological feedback. As a result, the FDA has to constantly "beat on the tails", issuing prescriptions for the ban on individual devices to specific manufacturers. For example, in 2015, Zyto Technologies with the devices of the ZYTO series were hit, as well as ondamed, Inc with the same device. At the same time, the Office made an emphasis on the potential danger that Folly technique carries patients, misleading them and setting non-existent diagnoses. FDA claims and advertising brochures mentioned the high efficiency of diagnosis, its scientific substantiation, etc.

Many practitioners even prosecuted for fraud, work without a license, causing a death patient by negligence and other misconducts directly related to their professional activities. Similar actions have repeatedly undertaken by the regulatory bodies of Great Britain, Australia and Canada.

Diagnostics in the West for Fall found refuge and beneficial soil for prosperity on the territory of the former USSR. It was happy to adopt various multi-level marketing systems (MLM), spreading dietary supplies and other miracle preparations. On the one hand, this technique is not mentioned in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2012 No. 291 (Ed. Dated 15.04.2013) "On licensing of medical activities (with the exception of this activity carried out by medical organizations and other organizations belonging to the private system Health, on the territory of the Skolkovo innovation center). " On the other hand, in leading medical universities, doctors can undergo thematic courses of advanced training, and on the basis of data obtained by folly diagnostics, not one dozen dissertations is protected.

Fallists are often referred to two official documents: Methodical recommendations "The possibilities of computerized electropuncture diagnostics according to the R. Fall method in the treatment methods of reflexology and homeopathy methods", approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1999 No. 98/232, and Methodical recommendations of the Ministry of Health No. 0074 " Bioresonance therapy. " But what is interesting: these documents cannot be found in neither legal bases ("Consultant Plus" or "Garant"), nor on the official website of the Ministry of Health. So the question of the legality of the diagnosis on Fall in Russia remains open. What, however, did not prevent frankly charlatan devices recognized by world science in the pilot projects of testing students for drugs in the pilot projects of testing students for drugs. A very demonstrative history occurred in 2009 at the St. Petersburg State Sea Technical University, where a mass examination of students was conducted. As journalists of the Rosbalt news agency found out, the diagnosts used the classic folne device.

Money on this event was allocated from the budget of the university - 600 thousand rubles to the device itself and 1 million rubles each year for a survey. At the same time, the diagnosis was carried out and doctors of narcologists were carried out on drugs, as expected under the law, but the staff of a private security company.

The quintessence of all the acts became the phrase, told by the guards-diagnostic of one student. The device discovered her traces of drugs, and the girl argued that he had never had a business with them in life. "Perhaps you yourself did not use drugs, but were located next to potential addicts. The bioenergo informational essence of their drugs was transferred to you, and our device recorded it, "the operator explained.

What endless horizons open! For example, for entry lovers to the left. After the spouse or spouse accuses his partner in treason on the grounds that he or she infected with gonoronia (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.), you can get up to the third position and with a sense of righteous anger to pronounce: "Dear ( Dear), how could you (La) think! Just in the minibus I was (lsya) near the young man (girl) potentially easy behavior. And the bioenergo informational essence of its (her) gonococcus (trichomonad, chlamydia, etc.) passed to me! "

Attempts to push the Folly Methodology on the state level continuing so far, but so far it is actively used in many private medical centers and dubious "wellness" offices.

Each body has its own biologically active point on the skin. Violations in the body lead to a change in the energy potential at these points. Its dimension gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe patient's health.

About the special points on the body of man was known to 4 thousand years ago. The ability to influence the condition of the body, affecting them, was also studied by ancient doctors. Special success in this regard reached the scientists of China, developing an acupuncture method. European Doctors of the 19th century tried to strengthen the therapeutic effect of acupuncture using an electrical discharge. In the middle of the 20th century, it was found that in disruption of the function of the organ and the bioelectric potential of the corresponding points changes. At about the same time, Dr. Reynhald Fall created his device, thanks to which the integrated diagnosis of the body became quite accessible to the wide segments of the population.

  1. Go to the inspection in the morning, well rested.
  2. Before the procedure and on the eve do not use alcohol, coffee, strong tea.
  3. Three days before the diagnosis, the X-ray and ultrasound examination is not held.
  4. Do not take medicine. Otherwise, be sure to tell the doctor, which drug was accepted and in what dosage.
  5. Put clothes from natural fabrics.
  6. For the examination, go without makeup and jewelry - they are able to influence the energy potential of biologically active points.

The diagnosis is carried out in a special room, where there are no devices that create electromagnetic "interference." The patient sits on a comfortable wooden chair, holding an electrode in hand. It affects biological points with a current of weak power. At the same time, the doctor applies the second electrode to these points and measures the amount of skin resistance. Based on the data obtained, conclusions are made on the state of the body.

If you need to check the effectiveness of the treatment, the device is placed in the apparatus, which took the patient, after which the energy potential of the point is again measured.


Despite the seeming simplicity of the technique, it requires knowledge and skills. Nowadays, unfortunately, there are a lot of specialists with insufficient qualifications, or even just charlatans, the main goal of which is earnings. Invitation to be examined in 15 minutes should be alert. A qualitative study can be passed only in specialized diagnostic centers, in which the level of knowledge of specialists does not leave doubt.

Currently, the Foll method is used in 44 countries of the world. In the international society of electroakapuncture, 50 thousand folthicist doctors are included, which continue to develop and improve this method.

Dr. Foll

Reynold Fall was born in Berlin in 1909. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming an architect, but fate ordered otherwise ... After the tragic death of his father, a shocked young man decided to fully devote himself to medicine. He became a student of the medical faculty of an old Tubingen University and, at his end, brilliantly defended his thesis.

During his medical activity, the restless Reynold changed specialization from a sports doctor to a dentist, was engaged in pediatrics, preventive medicine. In 1953, Dr. Foll, together with the Werner Engineer, began to develop new methods of electroakapuncture diagnostics. Inspired by the successes in this field, after 3 years he founded the electrocupuncture society, which eventually became international. In 1966, "For outstanding services for the suffering mankind and for the development of a new method ..." Pope Paul VI awarded Dr. Fall Gold Medal.

Acupuncture as the basis of the method of Fall

The basis of the method of Fall is the principles and traditions of the Chinese acupuncture (acupuncture). Ancient China's healers believed that the processes that occur in our body were associated with the transfer of energy (cell biopotential) between different organs. This energy moves not chaotic, but according to certain routes - meridians, from one acupuncture point to another. Acupuncture points are special places on the human body, where the beams of nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels, interrelated with various organs, are most closely suitable for skin surface. The failure of one of the organs leads to potential changes and along the move of the meridian, and at points, and in other organs that are connected with them. So, for example, the inflammatory process at the root of the 8th tooth can cause violations of the heart, duodenum, central nervous system and cause pathological changes to them. Conversely, a violation of the heart can cause an inflammatory process at the root of the 8th tooth, etc. (on the principle of feedback). Fall used all these knowledge and went even further. He found out that, acting on bioactive points with weak electrical impulses, you can find out what is happening in the organs associated with them. To do this, you only need to measure resistance at these points. An increase in conductivity speaks about acute inflammation, a decrease - on the presence of a chronic process.

In India, during the development and distribution of magic, the diagnosis and selection of treatment was carried out with the help of pendulums and rings - the progenitors of the modern frame. These vintage "devices" changed the nature of the movement if the drug did not fit the patient. For such diagnostics not always. The presence of the patient himself was required, it was enough to bring his blood, hair, urine or sperm.

The essence of the Fall method

Exploring the known points, it is possible, without resorting to a complex and sometimes unsafe methods of diagnosis, to get a holistic picture of the state of the whole organism. So, connecting the ancient Chinese art of healing with highly sensitive equipment and a computer, Dr. Fall presented the world a new direction in the diagnosis of diseases.

However, the results obtained did not fully satisfy the researcher. Diagnosis, of course, is good, but what practical doctor does not dream of the healing effect? Therefore, when Fall found that the medicinal substances located near the active points affect their "energy" to the parameters of the points themselves, or normalizing, or worsening them, he realized that the dream becomes reality. The most interesting - the medications caused the therapeutic effect, even if they were placed in glass tubes or other containers. So the theory of remote treatment was revived, that is, treatment at a distance, without taking medication.

Currently, this method is even more improved. The doctor makes wax granules, with the help of a computer chargening them similarly to homeopathic agents. The patient after the examination receives these granules for treatment and takes them according to the appointment of the doctor.

Unfortunately, professionals owning the Fallla, not so much. And although the diagnostic procedure at first glance is quite simple, it is necessary to learn to study. The study lasts 1-2 hours, and in difficult cases and longer. Therefore, if you are offered in the transition of the subway in 15 minutes to "define all diseases", you can be sure that you are dealing with charlatans. Wishing to pass the survey on the pall should be addressed to specialized centers where specially trained doctors work.

Fall Method Survey

If you decide to undergo a folth examination, remember a number of rules that will help increase the accuracy of the method:

Examine in the morning, first as you wanted to sleep;

On the eve and on the day of the survey, we exclude alcohol, coffee and other exciting drinks;

If possible, do not take medicine or at least inform the doctor what you were taken;

Wear clothes from natural fabrics (wool, cotton, flax, etc.);

On the day of research, do not use cosmetics, perfume and do not take yourself with decorations.

And the last thing - whatever you write in the conclusion, do not panic, but it is better to ask the doctor more details, which is unclear and that they denote the "scary", in your opinion, the terms.

Criticism of the Fall method

Benefits of the Fall method

Opportunity early diagnosis various violations in the body before the appearance of clinical symptoms.

Diagnosis of unclear and clinically difficult cases. Detection negative impact pesticides, nitrates, radionuclides and other substances that cannot be determined by laboratory methods, as well as hidden foci of infection.

Individual selection of homeopathic remedies, food, cosmetics, deactive and orthopedic materials.

Correction of disorders and restoration of the life balance of the body when exposed to low-frequency pulses.

Disadvantages of the method of Fall.

It is difficult, and sometimes it is impossible to exclude all artifacts during the study.

Magnetic and electrical impulses of surrounding items reduce the accuracy of the diagnosis.

This method requires clarification by other methods of diagnosis (ultrasound, laboratory studies, fibrogastroscopy, etc.).

Diagnostics on a folth gives only a direction for which the doctor is moving further for the formulation of the final diagnosis.

The accuracy of the diagnostic results depends on the thoroughness of the study, the professionalism of the doctor and the presence of acupuncture skills.

Miraculum Sacra Fames. Fall method.

What it is?

Virgil left immortal: Auri Sacra Fames is a damned thirst for gold. But it was always rationally and explain at all times - the desire to be rich. But what we see now, in our enlightened time - the time of the triumph of natural sciences is irrational and inexplicable. I call it Miraculum Sacra Fames is a damned thirst for a miracle.

One day it seems:

"In our country, after numerous clinical trials, the Foll method got the right to clinical practice Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 211 dated June 6, 1989 and included in the list of types of medical activities in Russia by order of the Ministry of Health of July 1, 1996. Methodical recommendations include: "Opportunities for computerized electropuncture diagnostics according to the R. Fall method in therapy with methods of reflexotherapy and homeopathy."

And Ba-Bah! As a dusty bag on your head:
"Decision of the Security Council Russian Federation dated July 6, 1999:
"Due to the lack of equipment, a new screening method for testing persons who consume drugs has been developed and approved by the equipment that ensures the implementation of this method.
The method is based on an electropuncture vegetative resonant test, allowed by the medical application of the Ministry of Health of Russia. "

Let's deal with the order that this is for Fall and what kind of miracles of mercy he brought into this sinful world.

Dr. Reynhald Fall during the Time of Third Reich consisted of the SS subdivision Anecherba, which was engaged in experiments on people in the Auschwitz concentration camp and a different mysticism in order to remove the race of superholesalers. Aneterbe was established in 1933 as an elitarian mystical order, which since 1939 on the initiative of Himmler became the main research structure within the framework of the SS and had more than fifty research institutes in his subordination.

Fall's es counseling came out dry out of the water, for some mysterious reasons, no serious punishment. In 1953 he emerged from non-existence as the author of the device and the method called by him. Hurry to earn good in its invention, he died quietly in 1990.

What is the method of Fall?

From the point of view of Eastern Medicine, life activity is ensured by the circulation of special " vital energy" It circulates not chaotic, but according to special "channels", or "meridians". They are special points through which it is possible to influence the meridians, and (which is important in this case) the state of the points reflects the state of the organs with which they are connected. In Russian-language literature they are called "biologically active points".

Long before Fall, they knew about the special properties of the points: anomalously low - compared with the "dummy" areas of the skin - electrical current resistance. But he drew attention to the variability of this abnormal resistance and attributed to him some kind of diagnostic meaning.

With truly German hardworking and the Foll's Pedantice, many measurements were made and systematized the results of their experiments in the form of diagnostic tables. And everything would be quite decent, but the devil suffered Fall in a very foggy distance. It can be seen, the service was not gone in a mystical "anenbe" and a chassis with Tibetan monks.

Fall found that the resistance of the points varies when taking ordinary and homeopathic agents. Moreover, it changes even if you take into your hand just packing with a medicine. What is generally wonderful, this is a change in resistance Miscellaneous: depending on whether the drug is suitable for this individual or not!

And then everything went "More Merry and Wizard", as Alice spoke in Wonderland.

Followers of Fall Bravo suggested in the direction indicated and supple copying medicines!

No, my hand is not risen to write. Understand me correctly: natural shortness ... So, I copied from one site:

"The instrument allows you to choose a suitable tool. Data on all medicines - in a computer program. But that's not all. The drug, selected individually, does not need to look for in pharmacies. It is enough for information about its action to the very homeopathic grunt. Here you have a wave analog. Clearly, how did the meanheads "wept" on the bumps and the river? The power of its own radiation, they selected accurate resonance to organs and systems. Now it is done in medical offices, qualified doctors.

By the way, the device of Fall can tall and on the driver. Water rebuilds its crystal structure and makes it a similar structure of the drug and gives it to the monitor. Now the water will radiate at these frequencies. Since we are 90% of water, the cells of patient organs perceive this frequency and recover. For the same principle there are psychics. "

Cool wrapped!

Brave folly players shipped to what "rewrite" medical properties medicines (as they diligently emphasize, "even especially expensive") with the help of a "oscillatory circuit" (!) on any neutral substance: sugar, salt, distilled water. And this copy works even stronger than the original!

Researchers to designate this miracle use a variety of terms: bioinformation transfer, imprinting, rewriting information.

What is the physical meaning of these spells? And the hell knows! But he is unlikely.

At this wonders, the Fall Esovets will not end. The main kunz ahead.

"Absolutely for all people consecrated native crosses (no matter what material they are made) have a positive, healing effect. If the sanctified item put on the hand and test the control point from the meridian of allergies, the device instantly reacted. The arrow of the device was aligned exactly 50 units - the norm. In general, when diagnosing folts, it is recommended to remove the cross so that it does not distort into the positive side of the overall background ... "

I wonder how this happens with "absolutely all" by Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and all sorts of atheists there?

In his devices, folly players are committed to stuffing the memory of already about 24,000 drugs. So that I burst, if there are so many of them in all pharmacopes of the world! In addition, at their disposal there are nosodes - these are samples of killed microbes, painfully altered tissues and organs - in general, samples of "diseases"; As well as organic producers - dried sections of healthy organs and tissues. "Information" about all these witchcraft causes is also recorded in the computer's memory.

Translucent let's bring a preliminary result:

  • The method is based on measuring the electrical resistance of the skin.
  • Using measurements, the state of meridians and organs dependent on them are determined.
  • Based on the measurement results, it is concluded about the state of health and a clinical diagnosis is established.
  • On the same basis, there is a conclusion on intoxication (the presence of poisons in the body), including the use of drugs.
  • The same apparatus immediately, on the spot, treatment is carried out.
What is it eating?

After reading the description of the miracle, called "Fall Method", let's figure it out: what the miracle of us "in the Nudera" and, as A. Raykin said, what did the "turn of our brother"? And in general, what are the successes of all folne mysteries?

According to the follicists (they themselves call them themselves):

  • The effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment according to this method reaches 80-85%. Difficult to treat this method of treatment oncological diseases (But the psychiatric diseases that are not treated at the physical level are easily diagnosed).
  • Using the Fall method, it is possible to individually assign not only the necessary treatment to the patient, but also to choose the noble stones suitable for a particular person, minerals that, one way or another, affect the body. You can also choose cosmetics, clothing, decorations.
  • The value of the data obtained by the EAF (electric pump on the fuel), it is difficult to overestimate for medicine. According to the reaction of the body and the group of active points, it is possible to determine the presence of a pathological process, an allergic reaction to medical preparations and food products, the effectiveness of medical and homeopathic drugs appointed by the doctor.
It is asked: why this miracle for more than half a century did not bode the whole therapy and a kind piece of those surgical disciplines, where treatment does not require bloody intervention?

I really, it's a little surprising: on the ether, which only allows you to operate without pain, or about Penicillina, just the killing microbes (and that is not all), the world learned instantly and instantly happened to do without it, but about such Universal Kunz-Stük, about Panacea, you can say, not everyone heard. Well, so I enlighten you.

What is this miracle? Yes, the most ordinary ohmmeter. Or voltmeter. Or ammeter. Galvanometer, by and large. Guys, who in the pantry / garage does not roll the automerometer, is he the tester? Here, it is the most.

  • Scientists taught the scale, noting one of the conditional units. During diagnostics, the patient should keep one of the electrodes of the device in his hand, another electrode (probe) doctor applies to certain points. If the scale arrow shows 50-65 units, it means that the point is in the energy equilibrium, the body for which it is responsible is healthy. If the arrow stops at 70 or 100 units, it signals the inflammatory processes. It also happens that the device shows less than 50 units. This means that the body is "deprived of the strength" - its internal structure is broken, something prevents him from acting normally. This is how simple and correct can be diagnosed with diseases and even pre-pathological disorders. With the help of its device, the German doctor discovered many more important points on the human skin, not described in Eastern Medicine, and conducted another 8 meridians through them. That is, the method of Fall is used not 12, as in the Chinese acupuncture, but 20 meridians.
Family Nechur! With the same success, he could spend all 80 meridians ...

Anyway, the procedure is the simplest.

Fallists argue that the instrument with an accuracy of up to 90% establishes drug addiction!

"And not only this. The device, for example, calculates how long a person used drugs, and most importantly, which drug it was, - explains the director of the Methodological Center "Heating Metal Technologies and the Prevention of Drug Addiction in the Youth Environment" with MSTU. Bauman Gennady Semikin. - The device analyzes the so-called information trace that drug leaves in the body. Chemicals over time are output from the body, and the information track remains. That is why we can talk about the fact of drug intake even after many years. "

I think that it is not for nothing that this method originated in the depths of such a devilish organization as SS! The idea is ingenious for any manipulations with the results. Focus here is that the resistance of human skin has a huge scatter. The Foll method is based on measuring the resistance of human skin by an ordinary ohmmeter. And depends on the skin resistance only from two values:

Degree of sweating object;
- Pressing powers on the skin electrode.

Remove your autometer. Turn it on the measurement of resistance. Take in your hand any metal object, even a tablespoon, and attach one electrode to it. Now the dipstick tap the skin. The arrow will move, showing some resistance. Pushing the diploma with a different force you will force the arrow "Walk" on the scale. In a couple of minutes you will learn to stop it against any division you need ... Normably spread from 10 to 100 com.

Even with constant pressure - let's say, by gluing the measuring electrode to the skin - we note that the arrow walks on the scale. For a few seconds, resistance can change ten times.

Make some deep breaths. Paddle. Sit calmly and relaxed, but mentally imagine something terrible. Now - beautiful. The arrow will immediately mark all these activities with their movements on the scale.

This effect is called "skin-galvanic reflex" and it is known for the time of the century, almost since the time of Alessandro Volta and Michael Faraday.

Now it is clear what a hellish car was in the hands of the villains of all the masters!

Want to measure the intelligence of shortcoming or the frequency of drinking alcohol, or the genetic affability of the individual? Pull into a person electrode with adjustable effort.

Do you need to shift this student from the university, dismiss an uncomfortable employee, to dwell with the enemy, eliminate the political opponent? Herr Fall from the Underworld, stretches your hand.

The Foll method turned out to be a luxurious gift for charlatans from medicine. With it, it is possible to prove everything that takes way to mind: the effectiveness of homeopathy, the benefits of prayers, bactericidality of oblique look and the virginity of the mother heroine.

And since the "discovered" hands are immediately "cured", what are the little things in the pockets of the healers?

How much is the usual Ommeter? That's right, pennies. Now connect it to the computer, which will show beautiful pictures and print an impressive list of diseases, and next to it - an equally impressive list of "medicines" ... then there will be no pennies, but very decent pennies.

But back to the fact that they started: to the fact that the product of SSEsovsky creativity, from beginning to end, the Charlatanian method of Foll, is legalized by the Government of Russia! And Ukraine this time has not fallen behind the fashion.

Small remark at the end: in the US so-called. "Foll Method" since 1970, officially recognized as charlatancy. Moreover, for the use of so-called "Fall Method" Charlatan's medical practice is imprisoned and obliges to pay moral and material damage to their victims.

What are they evil, these Yankees ... But in the world there is a lot of different wonders.

Electropuncture diagnostics - method of hardware diagnostics, which consists in exposure to a weak force on the acupuncture points, or biologically active points (BAT), located on the fingers, followed by measuring the skin resistance (potential) at these points, which can be judged by the activity of associated organs and Systems

The result of the analysis of these measurements is the conclusion of possible pathological processes or pronounced disorders of adaptive regulation in bodies and systems related to points, and the preliminary diagnosis.

The electropuncture method arose as a synthesis of the classic Chinese acupuncture and technical capabilities that the XX centuries with them.

Acupuncture as the basis of the method of Fall

Ancient China's healers believed that the processes that occur in our body were associated with the transfer of energy (cell biopotential) between different organs. This energy moves not chaotically, but according to certain routes - meridians - from one acupuncture point to another, and one meridian is responsible for the heart, the other for the kidney, the third of the liver, etc., the failure of one of the organs leads to potential changes and The move of the meridian, and at points, and in other organs that are connected with them. The points were massaged, they pointed with needles, caught fire, and the patient after such procedures recovered either it became much easier.

  1. small intestine
  2. a heart
  3. endocrine glands
  4. parenchyma
  5. allergy, vascular degeneration
  6. circulation, sex
  7. nervous degeneration
  8. colon,
  9. lymph
  10. lungs, bronchioles

  1. spleen,
  2. liver,
  3. sustaines
  4. stomach,
  5. connective tissue
  6. leather,
  7. muscular fat
  8. bubble
  9. kidney

Acupuncture (from Lat. acus - needle and punctura - prick) - existing more than 3000 years in traditional Chinese medicine, in which therapeutic effect on the body is carried out by introducing special needles into biologically active points located on the body and related to the work of one or another internal organ.

The method of electropuncture diagnostics is based on an information and functional relationship, which exists between the energy potential of acupuncture points and the state internal organs and systems: the internal processes occurring in the body form the potential to the BAT.

The Foll Method is built on the merger of these knowledge with homeopathy and modern empirical concepts in physics. Dr. Foll found out that, affecting Bati weak electrical impulses, you can find out what is happening in the organs associated with them. To do this, you only need to measure resistance at these points. In one of the episodes of his experiments, Dr. Foll began to measure the electric potential of the skin of people. It was in the "magic Chinese points" he discovered deviations from the norm - they had completely different values \u200b\u200bof the potential.

Thus, the electropuncture is a method (both diagnostic and therapeutic), which uses Chinese acupuncture points for its purposes, but for removing information from them or therapeutic effects instead of needles using specially designed electrodes.

A bit of history

The author of the method of electropuncture diagnostics The German doctor was born in 1909 in Berlin. After the tragic death of his father, he decided to devote himself to medicine, becoming a student of the medical faculty of an ancient Tubingen University.

During his medical activities, Reinhald Foll changed specializations - from a sports doctor to a dentist, was engaged in pediatrics, preventive medicine.

The world's first device for measuring the electric skin potential of the patient was invented by Foll in 1953 in collaboration with Engineer Fritz Werner.

After three years, R. Foll's inspired by its achievements, it is based on the electrocupuncture society, which in 1960 was transformed into an international society of electrical pumping. R. Fall. (This society exists and today, moreover, its honorary members are leading doctors from 30 countries of the world.)

For a huge contribution to the development of modern medicine, Reynchold Foll has become a laureate of prestigious international awards: 1966 - Gold Medal of the Vatican "For outstanding services to the suffering mankind and the development of a new method": 1974 - Honorary award of the German Democratic Republic - Magofanda Medal; 1979 - Order "For merits to the Federal Republic of Germany".

Rhinehold Fall died in 1989 in the city of Pochingen (Germany). Despite the departure from the life of an outstanding doctor, the popularity of the method created by him is growing from year to year.

Currently, 50,000 militia doctors are included in the international society of electrocupuncture, which continue to develop and improve the Foll method.

Apparatus for diagnosis. It is a device for measuring the resistance (ohmmeter), which is used including in conventional electrical insments.

The main measuring part of the device is represented by a scale having a hundred divisions. In the process of diagnostics, the patient must take one electrode in the hand, and the other electrode doctor applies to biologically active points. When conducting a survey, the value of the signal indicator is taken into account, the drop in the indicator (arrows), the asymmetry of the values \u200b\u200bof the indicators to achieve the maximum value (peak) of the indicator.

The measurement results were defined quite simply:

  • 50-60 units on the scale of the device - the absolute energy equilibrium of the point and the normal state of health of the organ with which it is connected;
  • less than 50 units - violation of the internal structure of the body, the deficit of his vitality;
  • from 70 to 100 units - inflammatory processes in organism.

With the help of its device, R. Foll has discovered many more important points on the skin of the person who are not described in Eastern medicine, and spent 8 new meridians through them, but only points of hand (before wrist) and legs are used in practice in the diagnosis of fol. to the ankle).

In addition, Fall found that the medicinal substances located near the active points affect their energy to the parameters of the points themselves - either normalizing or worsening them. That is, using the Fall method, you can not only carry out diagnostics and electrotherapy, but also to choose a drug that is suitable for a particular person.

Unique "Magic" Opening of Dr. R. Foll

They were the possibility of transferring the properties of various drugs on the so-called puffers. For this, Fall used a device similar to an electric conductor, attaching two contact cells to it, in one of which he put an empty ball, and to another - homeopathic. At the time of connecting the device to the source of the electric current, the process of transmitting the bead-pacifier properties of the means began. Subsequently, Foll found out that in exactly the same way it is possible to transfer the properties of the drug to other substances, for example, water. It is amazing that after the transfer of the properties of the drug to various substances, the latter sometimes act even more efficiently than the drug from which the transmission of information occurred.

Currently, the latest computer technologies are used to carry out electrical diagnostics according to the Fall method, with which measurements of the functional state and health of the patient organs are carried out and the definition of the disease at the initial stage of its development is carried out, which makes it possible to determine the type of pathological process and carry out the necessary treatment at the stage When other means and research methods are non-informative.

Benefits of the Fall method:

  • fast and complete determination of the functional state of all organs and body systems
  • the possibility of early diagnosis of various violations in the body before the appearance of clinical symptoms
  • diagnosis of unclear and clinically difficult cases
  • establishing a tendency to some diseases and prediction of their occurrence
  • tracking the dynamics of changes when conducting treatment
  • identification of the negative impact of pesticides, radionuclides and other substances that cannot be determined by laboratory methods, as well as hidden foci of infection
  • individual selection of medicines without introducing them to the body
  • determination of the portability of food, cosmetics, deuterostric and orthopedic materials
  • correction of disorders and restoration of the life balance of the body when exposed to low-frequency pulses
    Painlessness and safety of the procedure.

The use of electropuncture diagnostics not only does not exclude other research methods (ultrasound, x-ray, tomography, biochemical and immunological surveys, etc.), but complements them, helps to make more targeted.

Disadvantages of the method of Fall.

  • magnetic and electrical impulses of surrounding items reduce the accuracy of the diagnosis
  • sometimes the method requires clarification by other methods of diagnosis (ultrasound, laboratory studies, fibrogastroscopy, etc.)
  • diagnostics on the fullness gives only a direction by which the doctor is moving further for setting the final diagnosis.
  • the reliability of the diagnostic results strongly depends on the thoroughness of the study, professionalism of the doctor and the presence of acupuncture skills

The exception for the treatment according to the Fall method are diseases of the nervous system that are not adjusted at the physical level.

Contraindications for electropuncture diagnostics

  • presence in the body of an electrical aggregateimulator
  • leather pathology in the projection of measurement points (fingers and legs)
  • increased electric power sensitivity and mechanical exposure

In medical circles, the attitude to the method of Fall is controversial: some sources claim that this method is not used in medicine and has no scientific basis, on the other hand, the Fall method is approved by classical official medicine and is allowed to apply the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

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