
Pregnancy ovulation calendar calculate calculator. How to calculate ovulation with an irregular menstrual cycle - proven methods. Determination of ovulation by the calendar method

Menstrual cycle

There is a widespread misconception that a woman's menstrual cycle should last exactly 28 days, and ovulation should occur exactly "on the 14th day of the cycle" or "in the middle of the menstrual cycle." This is not true.

In fact, the menstrual cycle is divided into two phases - follicular (before ovulation) and luteal (after ovulation).

Follicular phase

The follicular phase (preceding ovulation) begins on the first day of the last menstrual period and lasts until one dominant follicle (or several) matures in the ovaries. Ends with ovulation.

Luteal phase

The luteal phase (the phase of the corpus luteum) begins from the moment of ovulation and lasts about 12-16 days.

In place of the ovulated follicle, a corpus luteum forms within a few days after ovulation. Its main function is to synthesize progesterone and estrogen to support future pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, then after 10-12 days the corpus luteum undergoes reverse development, which leads to a drop in hormone levels, after which the next menstruation begins. If pregnancy has occurred, the corpus luteum continues to function and support pregnancy.

In the absence of pregnancy, the level of progesterone reaches its maximum value about a week after ovulation - at this time, it is recommended to take a blood test for progesterone to assess the function of the corpus luteum.

Length of the menstrual cycle

The follicular phase may vary in duration (as in different women, and one woman throughout her life). Usually, the length of this particular phase of the cycle determines the length of the entire menstrual cycle and affects the delay in menstruation - for example, if the maturation of the follicle occurs faster or slower than usual, or does not occur at all. The luteal phase is usually of constant duration (12 to 16 days).

For a quick pregnancy, only three things are needed: the presence of active sperm at the time of the release of the egg and their free access to it. Your task is to learn how to calculate ovulation and make love on this day or a day or two earlier, then the chances of pregnancy are the highest. The onset of the fertile period, that is, a favorable time for conception, can be recognized by every woman, it is enough to choose one, or preferably several, convenient methods.

The methods are arranged starting with the most reliable:

  1. Folliculometry.
  2. LH test.
  3. Studying the pattern of dried saliva (fern effect).
  4. Measurement basal temperature.
  5. Monitoring cervical fluid.
  6. Determination of the position and density of the cervix.
  7. Introspection.
  8. Calendar method.

At the very beginning of planning, it is recommended to try each of the listed methods. So you will be able to determine your individual set of characteristic ovulation symptoms. Intimacy outside the fetal period (4-5 days before, the day of ovulation and 1 day after it) is almost a 100% way NOT to get pregnant.

Standard 28-day menstrual cycle and its stages

So, the normal female cycle consists of the following phases:

  1. The growth phase of the follicle containing the egg.
  2. Ovulation.
  3. The phase of the corpus luteum, which forms after the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg.

Foliculogenesis (preparation for ovulation)

It occurs - the structural components of the ovaries, special epithelial cocoons with immature eggs. In a classical situation, the stage ends on the 7-8th day of the cycle by isolating one dominant follicle (less often several). It contains the egg cell ready for fertilization.

In the ovary, the dominant follicle matures up to 18-24 mm - the follicular phase of the cycle

Ovulation(possible dates: 12-15 days of the menstrual cycle)

The dominant follicle matures, ruptures and releases the egg. She moves towards the uterus. The most favorable period for her fertilization begins, lasting 36-50 hours.

Ovulation - the release of a mature egg from the follicle

About 6 to 36 hours before ovulation, there is a powerful release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and estrogen. The female body reacts to this with certain physiological changes. Next, let's look at each of the eight methods for determining ovulation.

Luteal phase

The transformation of the "spent" follicle into the corpus luteum - a temporary gland that produces the sex hormone progesterone. If conception has not occurred, this function gradually decreases, corpus luteum after ovulation degrades and is completely absorbed in 2-3 months.

Very detailed about menstrual cycle and you can read ovulation in.

The average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, but this figure can vary significantly in either direction. The individual characteristics of the organism also affect the course of each stage. Therefore, when the question of the most favorable days for conception is raised, it is necessary accuracy in determining the period of ovulation.

Follicle ultrasound - folliculometry

This is the most reliable (100%) way to find out the date of egg release. The procedure is somewhat time consuming, since several visits to the ultrasound office are required, and the cost of one session is about 1000 rubles.

The essence of the method is as follows: during the cycle, the formation and growth of a dominant follicle (or several) in the ovaries is monitored. On average, the first visit takes place at the 7-10th DC. Further, the screening is repeated every two (sometimes three) days until the fact that ovulation has occurred is established.

Note(!) The day of the first visit is scheduled approximately 6 days before the expected ovulation. For most women, it occurs 14 days before the onset of menstruation. Thus, with a 30-day cycle: 30-14-6 = 10 DC. If the cycle is irregular, you need to count from the shortest. For example, the total duration was: 35, 42, 31, 36, then we take 31 days as a basis: 31-14-6 = 11 DC.

How to establish the egg release date using folliculometry?

During the first two or three visits, the ultrasound specialist will determine how fast the dominant follicle is growing. It will rupture when it reaches about 18-24 mm. If at the last dose the follicle reached 18 mm, and the average speed is 2 mm / day, then most likely in the next three days there will be ovulation and you can start actively planning.

Advice: When you knew that a mature egg would be released soon, pay attention to your state of health. Are there any signs of the onset of a high fertility period? Try a few more methods below. Tracking such patterns, in the future you will be able to calculate the day of your ovulation without expensive ultrasound and tests.

Confirmation of the fact using ultrasound

So, after the release of the oocyte (egg cell) in the ovary there is no longer a dominant follicle, and in its place the corpus luteum is visualized, in addition there is often free fluid in abdominal cavity ... This suggests that active planning can be stopped from tomorrow.

If there is a dominant follicle (by the time of the visit it will be about 24 mm), then ovulation is today. Ultrasound monitoring continues until the corpus luteum appears.

Folliculometry is a 100% method for determining ovulation. Dominant follicle

Advice: If the last PA took place the day before, today can be skipped and repeated tomorrow. Thanks to this break, more actively motile spermatozoa with good fertilizing ability are formed. You can read about when is the best time to have sex to get pregnant at.

Luteinizing hormone (LH) urine test

I advise everyone to start with tests for LH. This is the most reliable home based method for detecting when your chances of pregnancy are greatest. The essence of testing is to detect the moment when the level of LH in the urine reaches a certain level (for different manufacturers, 20-30 mIU / ml). After such a sharp jump, ovulation will occur in the next two days.

Decoding (!) It is necessary to repeat the testing daily until a positive result is obtained, when the test strip is the same or even brighter than the control... Negative result - There is only one control strip or a control strip brighter than the test.

The LH ovulation test is the second most reliable way to determine ovulation

Advice for beginners: In order not to bother with the brightness of the stripes, use modern electronic devices, which, in case of a positive result, I will show you a smiley. This, for example,ClearblueDigitaland its improved versionClearblueDigital Advancedwhich defines 34 days before ovulation (blinking smiley). The latter, for example, is convenient for planning a girl.

When to start doing ovulation tests?

34-17 = 17 DC

With an irregular cycle, you need to start from the shortest duration. For example, in the last three months, menstruation came in 28, 31 and 32 days. You need to start testing with 11 DCs and continue until a positive result is obtained.

Why is this method not suitable for you?

  1. Ovulation tests are expensive... A pack of the cheapest pharmacy tests costs about 150 rubles, but basically the price is much higher - from 250 rubles, inkjet or cassette tests from 400 rubles. To track ovulation in one cycle, you need at least 5 test strips (approximately three days before the release of the hormone and a day or two after). This is assuming your cycle is stable. Now imagine how many test strips you need with an irregular cycle.

Here's what you can do: you need to order cheap tests from China (more on that below).

  1. Many drugs can affect the result.... For example, some hormonal, diuretic, hypertension and others.
  2. Certain diseases can affect the validity of the result. In case of ovarian dysfunction, early menopause, neoplasms, etc. Before testing, you should consult with a gynecologist and talk about your chronic diseases.

Preconditions for Proper Testing

  • You need to conduct research every day, at about the same time (for a more objective assessment).
  • Do not drink a lot of fluids, do not take diuretics, and refrain from urinating for 3-4 hours (to maximize the LH concentration).
  • Open and use test and urine immediately, do not store.
  • Do not forget to precisely withstand the time recommended by the manufacturer - I described in detail in the article about the immersion time and the assessment of the result, as well as the photo instructions of most of the popular tests.

Instructions for using ovulation test strips

All test strips have a similar instruction, the only difference is in the number of seconds or minutes of waiting:

  1. Take out the test and dip it into a container with urine to the maximum level, not higher than the strip marked with arrows;
  2. Wait for the number of seconds specified by the manufacturer;
  3. Lay on a dry horizontal surface;
  4. After a few minutes (depending on the name) evaluate the result.

Which manufacturer is the best?

The brand of the ovulation test and the place of purchase does not matter. Both cheap and expensive manufacturers are quite capable of showing ovulation. The only thing is that the test surface in expensive ones is a little wider and therefore it is more convenient to evaluate, plus there are additional chips in the composition - containers for urine, calendars, etc.

Over the years of planning, I've tried a huge number of different test strips and ended up settling on the regular budget option (

Inkjet or cassette systems only differ, which is more modern design, and do not require urine collection. All have the same stripes. Electronic "tricks" were invented for girls who do not want to bother with comparisons and immediately give an accurate result - yes or no.

How not to miscalculate when ordering tests from China

Ovulation tests can be bought online and are much cheaper. For example, the price of this test with Aliexpress.com is much cheaper than in a pharmacy (I myself had a very irregular cycle before my first pregnancy and every month 10-20 tests took stably).

Here are some tips on how I chose a product from China so as not to get caught by an unscrupulous seller:

  • the seller must have a positive story, 99% positive reviews;
  • product rating not less than 4.5 stars;
  • more than 100 units sold;
  • more than 30 reviews published;
  • the availability of guaranteed return information must be indicated.

When to start planning?

If the ovulation test gives a positive result, a mature and ready-to-fertilize egg will be released in the next day or two. So, in order to get pregnant sooner, it will be great to make love today, if the last sex was the day before yesterday, or tomorrow, if the PA was yesterday. You can also read more about which days are best to do active planning to conceive or.

Studying the crystallization of saliva (or cervical mucus)

The essence of the test is to take a sample of pure saliva every day so that it dries naturally within 15-30 minutes. After that, in a special microscope (magnification of about 100 times), it will be possible to see the crystals formed. The more estrogen in the biomaterial, the more the fern effect is manifested. The process when saliva or CF crystallizes in the form of fern leaves is called arborization. The more intensely the leaf looms, the closer ovulation is.

A positive result looks like this:

There are many different patterns of dry saliva pattern throughout the cycle. They can even diagnose various disorders of the reproductive system. Crystallization of saliva is an excellent self-diagnosis method that allows you to catch not obvious but important problems.require a mandatory consultation with a doctor.

A few tips for proper testing:

  • use clean saliva under the tongue;
  • the best time is right after sleep, before eating, drinking and brushing your teeth. Or, one to two hours should pass after eating or drinking;
  • the volume of biomaterial for analysis is one drop, without air bubbles.

What is the correct crystallization during the cycle

Normally, the first, non-fertile days of the cycle, when estrogen is in small quantities, you will see only grains or grains. Gradually, on the 7-9th day (with a cycle of 28 days), small branches will begin to appear. On the 10-12th DC, the first leaves are indistinct. A positive test is obtained when the fern can be seen very clearly.

Nuance(!) The test is informative only in dynamics. Without a preliminary study of its crystallization during at least one cycle, it is very difficult to immediately understand - two days before the release of the egg or four. I recommend this type of testing to natural-born researchers who have been fond of biology since childhood.

Advice(!) choose a device that contains slides, so you can save the sample and compare as a result of the need (for example, ARBOR). You can also order an additional set of glasses.

When is it better to choose something else

In pharmacies, the device is rarely found - mostly women order it via the Internet. The microscope test is difficult to obtain - this is the first point to pay attention to. Second, it is not cheap, the price starts from 1500 rubles. The most popular brands are: OvuPred, Ovatel, Ovu, Arbor, Vesta-tester and others.

Here's another reason to think about whether you would like to be tested, memorized, stored, compared and evaluated on a daily basis? If not, this option for determining fertility is definitely not for you. Better to choose tests for LH or folliculometry.

What if there is no fern effect at all?

In this case, observe the crystallization of saliva for one more cycle. It is likely that in this the ovaries "rest" and there was no dominant follicle, like ovulation itself. This is normal, two or three cycles a year for a woman. After 35, the number of such rest periods increases significantly.

Here are some changes in the pattern of crystallized saliva that require an assessment by your gynecologist:

  • no distinct fern leaves were observed throughout the cycle;
  • the effect manifested itself several times, in a wave-like manner;
  • the distinct fern effect lasted for several days in a row or throughout the cycle.

When to start planning?

The fertile period, when you have the highest chance of getting pregnant, is when estrogen begins to rise in your body — about 3-4 days before ovulation. Through the microscope, you will see the formed, but sparse, indistinct fern leaves. This is the average characteristic of the beginning of favorable days for conception.

Advice: Your first cycle of work with a test microscope, I recommend that you arm yourself with additional methods for determining ovulation (LH tests or basal thermometry, for example). Thus, you can be sure that the saliva crystallization tests are correctly deciphered. Further, with the acquisition of practice, you will be able to use only one, the most convenient method for yourself.

Basal thermometry

Basal (or baseline) is the body temperature at rest. It should be measured immediately after sleep, before any activity - in the mouth, rectally or vaginally.

The principle of this method is as follows: daily during the cycle, measure BT and enter the indicators into a graph. Each point corresponds to a day of the cycle. Next, you need to connect all the points to each other and you get a basal curve.

What are the BT norms before and after ovulation?

In the first half of the cycle, while the ovum matures, estrogen predominates in the body. It ensures the development of the dominant follicle and the growth of the uterine endometrium. BT during this period is low, on average from 36.2 to 36.8 ° C.

Basal temperature measurement method - how to understand ovulation according to the schedule

After the rupture of the follicle (ovulation), a corpus luteum forms in its place, which begins to actively produce progesterone, the hormone of pregnancy. This hormone increases the average BT by 0.3-0.5 ° C. If you notice that the indicators have crept up, above the usual norms of the first phase of the cycle, then the egg has already come out.

What is the basal temperature before ovulation

This is the only sign by which one can assume that in the next 6–36 hours there will be a rupture of the follicle - BT decreases by 0.2–0.3 ° C compared to the average values ​​of the first phase. This is called an ovulatory dip in basal temperature. This is how it looks on the chart:

Note(!) It is on this day that ovulation tests will give a bright second strip. At first, while you are mastering the method, if you doubt whether this is really a depression before ovulation, do a LH test or pay attention to the nature of cervical mucus (there should be a consistency like crude protein chicken eggs). Read more about determining ovulation by BT c.

What is the disadvantage of the method?

It often happens that there is no pre-ovulation decrease in BT. The numbers simply remain at their usual low levels. In this case, you will not be able to predict the imminent onset of ovulation ( except for the lucky ones with a regular cycle day to day, I will talk about this in the last chapter).

Thus, it turns out that one can only confirm the fact that ovulation has occurred, because the growth of progesterone and an increase in BT have begun.

On this graph, there is no drop in basal temperature, it is possible to understand that an egg was released at the DC only by the growth of indicators from the next day, that is, in fact.

Who shouldn't start measuring BT

To maintain a basal temperature schedule, you need to get enough sleep (3-6 hours of continuous sleep). In addition, you need to get up in the morning at the same time (± 30 min.). Basal thermometry will not work for you at all if your life is connected with this:

  • shifts;
  • regular nighttime activity;
  • or you usually go to the bathroom several times a night.

Second, if you have a small child and you cannot sleep soundly or for a long time, this will also be reflected in the BT indicators.

Third, if you accept any hormonal drugs, it makes no sense to take measurements, the base temperature changes under the influence of any hormones.

Remember (!) For the correct construction of the schedule, regularity and compliance with the same measurement conditions are very important. Then the graph will be indicative and it will be easier for you to catch ovulation.

Mandatory conditions for measuring BT

To take accurate, not distorted by external factors, indicators, you must:

  1. Wake up at the same time after 3-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
  2. In the evening, shake the thermometer, prepare it near the bed along with a mobile phone (to keep track of the time and highlight the scale). Try to move as little as possible - excessive activity warms up the body and distorts the actual indicators.
  3. If you chose the measurement in the mouth, then you need to keep it under the tongue for 8 minutes. With the rectal or vaginal method - 5 minutes. Read about the pros and cons of each of these methods in.
  4. Always use the same thermometer (electronic or mercury). The pros and cons are detailed in.
  5. After the procedure, immediately write down the readings, since sleepiness is easily forgotten.

And finally, if something went wrong and somewhere there were deviations in the measurement - make a note in the graph like: "slept badly", "woke up an hour later", "SARS", etc. Very much for basal temperature. You need to know them and take them into account when decoding the graph, sharp jumps in BT are quite likely, and your notes and observations will perfectly help explain them.

Why mark additional parameters in the BT chart?

If you look at several options for online charts, you will surely notice the empty additional marks below:

  • medicines;
  • discharge;
  • pain;
  • disease;
  • ovulation test;
  • pregnancy test;
  • chest pain;
  • alcohol, etc.

Some notes are needed in order to discover what could potentially distort BT in a higher direction, while others are needed to trace patterns before, during and after ovulation.

For example, every month you notice lower abdominal pain, discharge such as egg white during ovulation, or chest pain immediately after it. In the future, even when you stop measuring BT, familiar symptoms and observations will tell you about the onset of the most favorable period for conception.

Determination of ovulation by cervical mucus

By the special nature of the discharge, you can most likely find out about the beginning of the most favorable period for conceiving a child. After the end of menstruation, the cervical fluid is cloudy, viscous and sticky, sometimes creamy. 5-6 days before the release of the egg, it begins to change: it gradually becomes more rarefied, viscous. In about a day or two, the cervical mucus reaches the consistency of a raw chicken egg.

A simple test (!) Pinch some mucus between your thumb and forefinger and try to stretch. The pre-ovulatory circulatory fluid stretches well by 4 cm, which means that the fertile period has begun.

If intercourse takes place today / tomorrow, then, with a high degree of probability, by the time a mature egg is released, the sperm will have time to reach the fallopian tubes and “meet” it.

Why Does Crude Protein Structure Promote Pregnancy?

The main task of cervical mucus is to prevent infection from passing through the cervical canal into the uterus.... That is why it is sticky, thick and viscous for a longer cycle time, and the medium is acidic. If open contact occurs during this non-fertile period, after 1 hour all spermatozoa will die, getting stuck in the mucus, and not passing through the cervical barrier.

This is interesting (!) The structure of chicken protein is more alkaline and similar to the tubules through which sperm glide easily. In such an environment, sperm cover the distance faster (at a speed of up to 4 mm / min) from the vagina, through the cervical canal and further to the uterus. After that, they can safely be in the female body for up to three to five days.

What is the cervical fluid after ovulation

With the onset of active production of progesterone, the level of estrogen drops sharply and the nature of the circulatory fluid changes accordingly. It becomes viscous and sticky again. This is a signal that the period of high fertility is over.

I recommend repeating sexual intercourse today, just in case (the egg lives for a day and, perhaps, some nimble sperm will still be able to get through the cervix). This way you can increase your chances of pregnancy!

Official statistics (!) According to medical records, began after intercourse the day after the rupture of the follicle. You may also be one of them.

Bloody issues

There is nothing wrong with minor bleeding during ovulation. If damaged blood capillary possible blood in the circulatory fluid. Usually such a daub is limited to one time or one day - no more.

If, about two weeks before the expected period, you notice a pink or brown spot, this is a very likely sign of ovulation that has occurred and you still have time for open intercourse while the egg is living. More about the method of calculating by cervical fluid can be read in.

When the method doesn't work

Some women, due to their individual characteristics, do not feel moisture. The characteristic period of rapid ovulation. Perhaps the CSF is released a little, or vice versa, mucous inclusions are regularly seen on paper or a damp cloth. In this case, use additional methods of calculating the favorable period, while continuing to observe the discharge.

Over time, you will learn to catch the slightest difference and correctly, only the nature of the cervical fluid, determine high fertility.

Monitoring the cervix

Attention(!) Self-diagnosis of the cervix requires mandatory compliance with hygiene standards. My gynecologist has a negative attitude towards this method of determining ovulation. Agree, it's not good to catch infection and inflammation in the planning process. Always use disposable sterile gloves.

And now about self-diagnosis

It is necessary to feel the cervix every day during the cycle. This is done in order to determine the difference in the position and structure of the organ. The best position is squatting or on the toilet. Do not change your position and quickly assess:

  • the height of its location;
  • density;
  • openness ( does not work for most women who have given birth).

How the cervix changes before ovulation

On the eve or on the day of egg release, it is located high, since the length of the cervical canal is shortened and can be easily reached only with the tip of the finger. It resembles lips or an earlobe in softness. In its very center, there is a small fossa, a depression (this is an open cervical canal).

Note(!) After natural childbirth in women, the cervix is ​​often ajar. In addition, the method may be absolutely not indicative after the suffered ruptures during childbirth, abortion, cleaning and other mechanical manipulations with the cervix (when there is scar deformity).

After the end of the fertility period, the cervix again becomes dense and stubborn (like the tip of a nose). Set low and easy to reach with the middle of your fingertip. The cervical canal is tightly closed and only a crack is felt. The same characteristics persist for almost the entire first half of the cycle until ovulation.

Self-observation - pain during ovulation

You can learn to independently determine the release of the egg, based only on subjective sensations (you feel pain, but you cannot see with your eyes). The fact is that shortly before ovulation, the follicular vesicle with the egg inside so increases in volume (up to 18-24 mm). It literally presses and bursts - hence the pain, tingling on the right or left side, depending on which ovary the follicle is maturing.

Further, after the rupture and release of the oocyte, follicular fluid is poured into the abdominal cavity. It irritates the peritoneum and vertebral nerve roots, causing aching and pressing, bursting pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, or rectal area.

From experience (!) After dozens of times determining ovulation by BT, tests, by the nature of the circulatory fluid, I tried to listen carefully to my feelings. How I feel before and immediately after the release of the egg. So I learned literally up to an hour to determine ovulation. Most often it occurs in the afternoon, in the evening. From the tension and distension in the lower abdomen and pain in the rectum, it is immediately clear that the follicle has burst. The day before, I felt high humidity and wanted closeness - everything coincides!

If you feel a bursting pain in the lower abdomen, then get into active planning as soon as possible. If the previous PA was more than three days ago, most likely you will have a boy.

Pain after ovulation usually subsides within one to two days after the end of the fertile period.

If you don't feel anything

It is possible that you have a high pain threshold and you will not feel anything at the moment the egg is released. It's okay, there are many other inexpensive options out there. Don't stop trying to listen to yourself - with practice it will come. If not, use the temperature method or tests for crystallization of saliva or LH. You can check the correctness of your calculations in about 14 days from the beginning of your period.

Calendar method

Unfortunately he only suitable for women with a regular cycle(± 1 day). The calculation of the day of ovulation is as follows: you need to subtract the duration of your second phase from the cycle length. The average length is 14 days, but sometimes it is 12 to 16 days.

For example, if menstruation occurs every 30 days, then: 30 - 14 = 16 DC. If the length of the corpus luteum phase is 15 days, then: 30 - 15 = 15 DC. Egg release will occur on the 15th day of the cycle. Thus, the fertile period is three days before. during and one day after ovulation. The best time for PA for an early pregnancy is the 13th and 15th DC, or the 12th, 14th and 15th DC.

The calendar method for determining ovulation is only suitable with a regular cycle. To calculate the day of ovulation, you need to subtract the length of the second phase from the cycle length. Yellow - ovulation, green - a period of high fertility, red - menstruation.

Important(!) The duration of the luteal phase (the phase of the corpus luteum) is a constant value for the same woman (tolerance is 1 day). Only the duration changesPhase I. This rule applies to all women of reproductive age.

How do you know your luteal phase length?

To do this, you need two or three cycles. determine the exact date of ovulation... How many days will pass after it until the first day of menstruation, this is your duration of the luteal phase. Why determine several cycles if phase II is constant? This is necessary to confirm the correctness of your calculations. There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. Folliculometry. By ultrasound, the doctor will establish the exact date when ovulation will occur and after it will confirm the correctness of the calculation.
  2. Temperature method... The day after the release of the egg, the basal temperature will begin to rise due to the action of progesterone.

When is the best time to make love to give birth to a boy or a girl?

To plan a child of a certain gender, use the rule: the closer the PA is to the release of the egg, the more likely it is to conceive a boy. In other words, if sex takes place 6–12 hours before ovulation or 12 hours after it, XY sperm will be the first to reach it. But they do not live long, up to about 24–36 hours. It follows that open contact 36 or more hours before ovulation will most likely ensure the birth of a girl. You can learn more about planning the gender of your child.

So, you have learned about all the most reliable ways to determine the best time to plan a child. I advise you to start with the most accurate ones - folliculometry, LH tests plus BT measurements, and gradually add and test other options.

When you know for sure that ovulation is approaching, observe the cervical mucus, whether there is a fern effect, whether there is soreness in the lower abdomen. In short, find out which of the listed methods work in your case. In the future, you will be able to dwell on one, the simplest, most indicative and convenient. Your soonest pregnancy!

Understanding the regularity and cyclical nature of the work of her body opens up the widest opportunities for a woman - she can build an individual contraception plan, or she can plan the conception of a child more effectively. And in these matters, you cannot do without the ability to accurately determine the day of ovulation.

There are many online calculators, applications and services. They will quickly and free of charge calculate the days favorable for conception for the woman and the days on which the likelihood of pregnancy is low. How to use such calculators and how much accurate results they give, this article says.

About nuances

Ovulation is a short period of the menstrual cycle when a mature egg leaves the follicle cavity on the ovary and goes into free swimming. She does not live long, and fertilization of the egg is possible only when she is viable, and this is from a day to 36 hours, no more. That's why it is important to know why and how ovulation occurs in a woman and how to more accurately determine this day.

Men are more fortunate. To become fathers, they absolutely do not need to count, calculate, guess, because spermatogenesis in the body of the stronger sex goes on continuously, new sex cells are produced constantly, they are completely renewed every three months, and partially every day. A man, after reaching puberty and until old age, retains the ability to fertilize, if, of course, he is healthy.

For women, nature has provided another scenario in which she cannot afford to waste sex cells, because she has a limited number of them for her entire reproductive life. This is the ovarian reserve with which a girl is born, and it is not replenished during her life. It should be spent gradually, cyclically, which is what happens. Every month in a woman's body, only one egg matures; double maturation rarely occurs. When the germ cell reaches a certain maturity, it gets the opportunity to leave the follicle and enter the fallopian tube, where it can be fertilized by the male germ cell within 24 hours after ovulation. This is the essence of ovulation, in general terms.

To imagine this process in more detail, you need to find out exactly how the release of the egg takes place. After the next menstruation, under the action of follicle-stimulating hormone, several follicles-vesicles begin to grow simultaneously on the surface of the ovaries. But one continues to grow gradually, and the rest undergo reverse development so that the ovarian reserve is preserved as long as possible. Their turn will come in one of the subsequent cycles during the woman's life. This follicle is called dominant; an oocyte develops inside it in a nutrient medium.

Closer to the middle of the menstrual cycle, the level of the female sex hormone estrogen increases significantly, which becomes a kind of command for the production of another active substance - luteinizing hormone. It is LH that thinns the membrane of a noticeably grown follicle, stigma forms on it, a rupture occurs, due to which the egg leaves the follicle and is captured by the fallopian tube. The egg is given a little to live - about a day. If during this time the meeting with the sperm does not occur, the oocyte dies and naturally leaves the woman's body along with menstrual bleeding.

If fertilization occurs during the ovulatory day, then pregnancy occurs, the female reproductive cell and the male, when they merge, form a new cell, with an individual genome, in the course of the most complex intrauterine evolution it will become your child.

Thus, the most favorable day for conceiving a child is precisely ovulation... However, the period of ovulation is very short. It would be very difficult to reproduce if only days were all limited. To give men and women additional chances for offspring, nature has wisely provided for a longer life for sperm. Therefore, the fertile period is not limited by the time of oocyte release. Favorable days for conception (fertile window) begin a few days before ovulation and end a few days after it.

The environment of the female genital tract is considered quite favorable for the existence of sperm. Usually they can maintain viability and the ability to fertilize for several days (most often 3-4 days, but there are also rare men with a very high level of fertility, whose germ cells live up to a week).

Self-fertilization occurs only during ovulation and never at any other time.

Thus, for the released egg, there are the following possible options:

  • there are no living and mobile spermatozoa capable of fusion in the genital tract, fertilization does not occur, after 24–36 hours the oocyte dies;
  • live and motile spermatozoa suitable for fertilization are already waiting for the oocyte, if intercourse occurred 3-4 days before ovulation, under favorable conditions, fusion occurs;
  • sperm suitable for fertilization arrive in the fallopian tube, where the oocyte is located, on the day of ovulation, after the release of the egg during the day; under favorable conditions, conception occurs.

Thus, the ability to determine the day of ovulation makes it possible for the fair sex not only to more accurately plan the desired pregnancy, but also to protect herself more effectively if pregnancy is not yet included in the woman's immediate plans. And for this, a variety of calculators have been created that help to produce necessary calculations by determining the optimal time to quickly get pregnant or create an individual contraception plan.

How and what does the calculator calculate?

Women who are used to looking after not only their appearance, but also their reproductive health, often use women's calendars - paper, electronic, in the applications of their smartphones. In them, you can mark the day of the beginning of the next menstruation in order to keep track of how regularly menstruation comes. The calendar suggests a possible day of ovulation. An online calculator relieves a woman of the need to independently calculate the days favorable for conception. For her, this special algorithm will be able to calculate, which contains basic medical information about the timing of the onset of ovulation.

The principle of the calculator is based on the calendar method for determining female fertility. According to the calendar method, the day of ovulation falls exactly in the middle of the cycle and conditionally divides it into two phases - the phase of follicle maturation (follicular) and the phase after follicle rupture (luteal). Determining the timing of ovulation in a calendar way using a calculator is not a big deal. To do this, you need to know the following:

  • the length of your menstrual cycle(the period of time from the first day of menstruation to the first day of subsequent menstruation);
  • the duration of the menstrual period itself(from the beginning to the end of menstrual flow).

Some calculators do not ask for information on the duration of menstruation, since this does not have much effect on the calendar method.

This is mainly necessary for assessing fertility, in order to know if the follicular phase of the cycle is sufficient in time. You can calculate ovulation according to the calendar using the formula D-14, where D is the length of your cycle, and 14 is the standard duration of the second, luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. The fact is that the first phase in women can differ in duration, and strikingly. But the second is usually almost the same for women with different duration of the female cycle, and it is 14 days (plus or minus a day). Various circumstances and unfavorable factors on the second phase and its duration have less influence, therefore, its fluctuations are usually very insignificant.

Example: a woman's menstrual cycle lasts 30 days and is regular. In this case, 14 is subtracted from 30, thus ovulation is supposed to occur on the 16th day after the beginning of the past menstruation. And with a more frequent, already "classic" cycle of 28 days, ovulation, as follows from the formula, should be expected on the 14th day.

It will also calculate the date of ovulation and an online counter. True, here women can face different data: some calculators show about a day more, and some less. For example, with a 28-day cycle, a woman can get information on the onset of ovulation on day 15 in one calculator, and on day 14 in another. What is the reason for such an error is difficult to say, perhaps, software developers know this. There is an assumption that the reason for the error was the statement that the luteal phase lasts 14 + \ - 1 day.

Be that as it may, it is easy for a woman to use a calculator by performing the following steps:

  1. enter the value of the cycle duration;
  2. enter the value of the duration of the period (if the program asks);
  3. we enter the number of months for which we want to receive the calculation (1 cycle, 2, 3 or more).

As a result, we get a ready womens calendar already filled for a while ahead. You can print it and carry it with you in your purse or diary so that you can check it at any time.

But besides the day of ovulation, especially marked, the counting will show the time of the beginning of the fertile period, as well as the time of its end.

This information comes from the method for determining the boundaries of the fertility window, the beginning of the days favorable for planning pregnancy can be according to the formula (D-17) + \ - 3-4 days, where D is the duration of the female cycle. Example: in a woman with a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation itself is expected on the 14th day, but the beginning of the fertile period begins from 10-11 days of the cycle. With a 30-day cycle, the beginning of the fertility period falls on days 12-13, with ovulation on the 16th day of the cycle. The end of the fertile window is the period after ovulation during which the oocyte is theoretically able to live. It is customary to add a few more days in case of a delayed release of the oocyte from the follicle.

And there are also ovulation calculators that will helpfully suggest choosing the right day for conceiving a child of a certain gender - a boy or a girl. The calculator can determine this using the gender planning method, based on the difference between the sperm of the two groups. Reproductive cell women always carry only one type of genetic set in the last pair of chromosomes - XX. And if women reproduced offspring without the participation of men, or cloned offspring, then there would be no options - only girls were born.

Nature has given men a chance, so male reproductive cells exist in two versions - some carry the XX genetic set, and others - XY. If the egg is fertilized by a cell with XX information, a girl is born, and when fertilized with sperm with a set of XY, a boy is born. Some time ago, there was a hypothesis according to which XX spermatozoa were endowed with greater viability, but less mobility. Therefore, it was believed that such people will live longer in the genital tract of a woman in anticipation of ovulation. And it was before her that it was recommended to have sexual intercourse in order to conceive a girl. XY sperm were hypothesized to be faster and more mobile, but less viable, so the calculator recommends the day of ovulation and the time after it within the fertile window for conceiving a boy.

Summarizing all of the above, we note that the ovulation calculator allows the following:

  • do not engage in independent calculations;
  • determine the expected day of ovulation;
  • determine the boundaries of the entire period of fertility within the cycle;
  • determine the days "dangerous" and "safe" for planning contraception;
  • find out on which days the probability of having a boy or girl is higher.

The calculation does not take more than 10 seconds, it is free of charge.

Efficiency and precision

As you can see, using the calculator is not difficult at all. It is much more difficult to understand whether the calculation is accurate, the onset of a favorable period for conception will occur within the specified time frame. Both the calculation that the woman makes on her own and the calculator data is a calendar method, the accuracy of which is not considered high. The calculation error is approximately 20%... Why? The calculator, like the entire calendar method, does not take into account the individual characteristics of the female cycle. And this is not a mechanism, not a computer, a woman's body cannot work according to a certain algorithm, ovulation can occur later and earlier than the average time. Naturally, with the deviation of the egg release time, the boundaries of the fertility window also change.

For women with irregular cycle it will be very difficult to correctly calculate ovulation using a calculator. Even in women with regular periods, physiological fluctuations are possible. But for the second, calculators are more suitable.

Repetition of a certain cycle duration over a long period of time with an allowable error of 1–2 days is considered regular. Women with an irregular cycle find it difficult to determine the main value - duration. Sometimes it is recommended to use the calculator to take data on the cycle duration for the last few months (at least 4 cycles) and calculate the arithmetic mean.

To understand how large the error and the probability of error will be in this case, consider a simple example:

  • the woman's cycle is irregular, for the last 4 months she received the following data - 28, 35, 33 and 30 days;
  • add everything and divide by 4 (cycles) and get 31.5;
  • we enter the value "31" into the calculator and we see that ovulation falls on the 17th day.

Now imagine that this woman will have 28 days in the upcoming cycle. She will wait for ovulation on the 17th day, according to calculations, and it will happen on the 14th. And on the 17th day, the fertile window has already ended. The error of the online ovulation determinant will be significant even with a 35-day cycle for the same woman, because she will ovulate later than the calculator predicted.

In all women, regardless of the regularity or irregularity of the cycle, the ovulation process is regulated by a certain ratio of hormones.

The hormonal background is not a constant value, it can change under the influence of a variety of factors, both endogenous and exogenous, so no one can say for sure whether ovulation will be normal, it will be early, or if late ovulation is suspected. Fluctuations in the level of sex hormones occur even for such common reasons as:

  • insufficient night sleep, a woman's work on the night shift;
  • travel, flight, change of climate and time zone;
  • taking antidepressants, antibiotics, anticonvulsants, a long period of oral contraceptive use before cancellation;
  • severe stress, nervous shock, emotional instability;
  • colds, viral illness, recently transferred;
  • sudden weight loss or rapid weight gain;
  • excessive physical activity.

Early ovulation can lead to a high in relation to the norms of the hormone FSH, estrogen. And an insufficient number of them often becomes the cause of late ovulation or its absence at all. Also, the onset of ovulation can be affected by various gynecological diseases, endocrine disorders, problems with the functioning of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, genital infections, a recent abortion or the fact of recovery from childbirth while breastfeeding.

With early ovulation, the chances of getting pregnant are always lower., because the oocyte often leaves the follicle immature, not ready for full fusion of DNA with the male reproductive cell. And here with late ovulation, the likelihood of conception is higher than with early, but still lower than with ovulation on time. But with a late release of the oocyte, the likelihood of miscarriage and unauthorized termination of pregnancy is higher.

Not a single calculator in the world can predict anovulatory cycle, and such (deprived of ovulation at all) are normal in perfectly healthy women several times a year. The younger the fair sex, the less frequent such cycles are. The older, the more often (at 20-30 years old a woman stays without ovulation 1-2 times a year, and after 35 years - up to 5-6 times a year). Without ovulation, conception is impossible, because there is no reproductive cell, no matter what day sexual intercourse takes place... The conclusion from the above is simple: calculating the time of the onset of the ovulatory period with a calculator, you get only an approximate "plan of action"; the calculator cannot answer the question exactly when day X will happen.

As for the accuracy of floor planning, then there is no need to rely on the data of the calculator at all.

The fact is that the hypothesis about the difference between the two types of spermatozoa with the development of medicine and reproductive technologies has not been confirmed. Doctors have established in the laboratory that germ cells with a set of XX have exactly the same mobility and viability as sperm with a genetic set of XY. That is, from the genetic information in the sperm head, its morphological properties and General characteristics do not depend. This means that a woman has exactly the same probability of becoming a mother of both a girl and a boy, no matter what day of the fertile window sexual intercourse takes place.

How to understand with an accuracy of the day?

So, you have received the calculation of the online calculator. The question arises, how to make it more accurate, how to determine ovulation with high accuracy. For this, there are other methods that can be used simultaneously with the calendar.

Basal temperature fixation method

Basal temperature is called internal organs, and it is believed that it reacts as accurately as possible to fluctuations in the hormonal background. You can use the method separately, or you can use it as part of the symptothermal method for determining fertility (this will further increase the accuracy of the data). The internal baseline temperature is changed in the morning before the woman gets out of bed upon waking. A mercury thermometer is inserted 2–3 centimeters into the rectum or vagina. You can measure it in the mouth, but this requires a separate, special thermometer.

Every day, measurements should be given about 5-7 minutes. The obtained thermometer readings with an accuracy of a tenth of a degree are entered into a special graph. Before ovulation, under the influence of estrogen, the basal temperature decreases, and after the release of the egg from the follicle, it rises sharply, which is explained by the beginning of progesterone production by the corpus luteum formed at the follicle site. Many women compare ovulation on the graph in decoding as a bird with open wings, the day of ovulation with its beak.

Scheduling helps not only with determining the day of ovulation, but also with the recognition of possible signs of pregnancy at a time when even sensitive tests cannot show it. During pregnancy, the temperature remains high, does not drop before the expected day of menstruation, the exception is implantation BT, which can be observed during pregnancy about a week after fertilization - the temperature literally drops by a day.

And also according to the data of the BT graph, hormonal disorders can be suspected, inflammatory process, the threat of miscarriage on early date and many others, no less useful information about the state of women's health.

Symptothermal method

This is a comprehensive approach to ovulation symptoms. A woman not only measures her basal temperature every morning, but also observes changes in cervical mucus and the position of the cervix. The cervix is ​​very sensitive to a woman's hormonal status. With an increase in estrogen in the blood, the secretion of the cervical canal increases. The discharge becomes more abundant, they are more stringy, reminiscent of raw chicken protein, easily stretched a few centimeters between the fingers.

Such secretion 1–2 days before ovulation and during ovulation is provided by nature itself... The alkaline environment of cervical mucus partially reduces the acidity level of the vaginal environment, which increases the chances of male germ cells to survive on their way to the egg. And also abundant mucus provides an easier and faster passage of male cells to their destination - into the fallopian tube. A day after ovulation, the amount of excretion decreases, and in general, in the second phase of the female cycle, which is considered infertile, the discharge is very scarce and thick, this is how progesterone affects the work of the cervical canal.

Shortly before ovulation, the cervix opens slightly and rises higher, which can be determined independently by gently inserting two clean fingers into the vagina. Additional symptoms and signs of the ovulation period, according to the feelings of most women - increased libido, mood swings, enlarged mammary glands, increased nipple sensitivity. The woman enters all these data into a special diary in the form of a table, from which it is easy to single out the day of egg release, and the end of the fertile period, and pregnancy before the delay, if it occurs in the current cycle.

Ovulation tests

Modern test systems, which are available in any pharmacy, will help to confirm or deny the calculator data. It can be disposable strip-strips, and reusable digital urine tests, and mini-microscopes, which determine ovulation by saliva and vaginal secretions. There is no mathematics here, nothing is calculated on monthly basis, the case is excluded in chemistry. The strips have a test area that is coated with a reagent that is sensitive to the hormone LH. Before ovulation, 1-2 days before LH reaches its peak, the test shows a bright second bar.

The tests, which are curious devices resembling a small microscope, act on the properties of the hormone estrogen to retain sodium and potassium in the body. When saliva dries on the glass, a woman on the day of ovulation sees a characteristic pattern that resembles fern leaves or patterns on glass on a frosty winter day.

The readings of the tests can also be erroneous, false positive or false negative, but the accuracy of this method is much higher than the predictions of the calculator and calculation according to the calendar.

Medical methods

These include folliculometry and a blood hormone test. This is the most accurate of all methods to determine the day of ovulation with day-to-day accuracy.... An ultrasound of the ovaries recommends taking place after the end of the next menstruation, on the 5-7th day of the cycle, and then, if necessary, several more times until the middle of the cycle in order to establish the number, growth rate and size of follicles. With great accuracy, the results are confirmed by laboratory tests for FSH, LH, estrogen and progesterone.

A woman herself, of course, will not be able to carry out such a diagnosis on her own. Usually, the study of the follicle maturation process must be carried out in the IVF treatment protocol with planned intrauterine insemination, egg donation, drug stimulation of the ovulation process. Folliculometry is an important diagnostic method when establishing the reasons female infertility and a method that allows you to assess the state of the ovarian reserve - whether it is sufficient, because when it is depleted, menopause occurs.

If you are under 35 years old, and you are planning a pregnancy on your own for a year using a calculator and other methods, but there is no conception, see your doctor. If you are over 35 years old, you should not wait up to a year, contact your doctor after six months of unsuccessful independent planning.

Online ovulation calculation is a simple, straightforward and affordable method to help couples dreaming of a baby.

The ovulation calculator service shows the most suitable days for pregnancy. But there is a small nuance. This method works for women who have normal menstrual periods and who record their start and duration each month. It is these data (the beginning of menstruation, the duration of the cycle and the duration of menstruation) that must be entered into the calculator to calculate the most appropriate time for conception.

To get the most accurate results, one should not forget about the characteristics of the body, as well as various factors affecting the maturation of the follicle.

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When pregnancy occurs

Not every sexual contact without the use of contraceptives should lead to pregnancy. It is the right phase of the menstrual cycle that determines conception.

Physiological processes in the female body depend on the phase of the cycle. The hypothalamic-pituitary system is responsible for the work of the reproductive organs. Releasing hormones produced by the nuclei of the hypothalamus are responsible for the work of the pituitary gland. Gonadotropic hormones, secreted under the action of releasing factors, control cyclic changes in the reproductive organs, including ovulation.

Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle, the egg, after the rupture of the mature ovarian follicle, moves into the fallopian tube. Within a day, the egg is able to fertilize. In order not to miss this moment, you can use the ovulation calendar.

There are three phases of the cycle

  • Follicular phase. It starts on the first day of your period and lasts an average of 14 days. It is characterized by an increase in the blood of the follicle-stimulating hormone FGS. It is he who regulates the maturation of follicles. Subsequently, one dominant follicle remains, which prepares for the transition to the next phase.
  • Ovulatory phase. During this period, the follicle ruptures and the egg is released. That is, ovulation occurs. You can calculate this phase using the ovulation calendar.
  • Luteal phase. Duration - from 13 to 14 days. It is characterized by the appearance of a corpus luteum, which secretes estrogens. During this period, the uterus is ready for implantation of a fertilized egg.

If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum ceases to perform its functions, as a result of which the endometrium exfoliates, and menstruation begins. From this day, the beginning of a new cycle is considered.

Reliability and benefits of calculating ovulation

What are the advantages of a calendar:

  • easy to use;
  • safe and fairly accurate method with a regular menstrual cycle;
  • quick result.

Important: Whether pregnancy occurs or not directly depends on the mobility and viability of sperm. If intercourse is too frequent, the relative sperm count decreases. Therefore, a couple who "strives" for conception with all their might should wait for a favorable time for conception, and thereby increase their chances.

The ovulation calendar also helps prevent unwanted pregnancies. This method should not be used by women who have problems with hormonal levels and regularity of the cycle. In this case, the results will not be reliable.

Other pregnancy planning methods

A woman can become pregnant even after one sexual encounter, but for most couples it is important to plan and prepare for pregnancy well in advance. In addition to online calculator there are other methods to determine the ovulatory period in a woman:

Body temperature measurement

Temperature is measured immediately after sleep and before physical activity. Its indicators allow you to assess hormonal homeostasis. The onset of the ovulatory period is characterized by an increase in temperature by 0.25-0.5 degrees. This method requires constant monitoring, attention, and regular maintenance of temperature records.

Functional tests

These include:

  • Pupil symptom. To determine the phase of the menstrual cycle at this stage, the degree of expansion of the external os of the cervical canal is assessed. Maximum expansion indicates a favorable time for conception, and means that the concentration of estrogen is at its peak.
  • Assessment of the viscosity of cervical mucus. The nature of mucus changes under the influence of estrogen. During the ovulatory period, the maximum concentration of estrogen leads to the highest viscosity of the mucus, which is seen when stretched (about 12 mm).
  • Ovulation test. Depends on the phase of the cycle and shows the level of luteinizing hormone (LH). The maximum LH value is reached before ovulation.
  • Karyopyknotic index (KPI). Microscopy of the smear is done, and the ratio of pyknotic (keratinizing) cells to intermediate ones is revealed. The ovulatory period of fluctuations in CRPD is 60-80%.
  • Fern symptom. Examine the cervical mucus on a slide under a microscope. When in contact with air, a pattern becomes visible, in the form of a fern branch. The most pronounced and clear pattern is noted precisely in the ovulatory period, when the amount of estrogen is maximum. If there is no characteristic pattern, estrogen deficiency is noted in the body.
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). Allows you to assess the work of the ovaries and the size of the endometrium.

To determine ovulation or not, you can also use the following signs:

  • dull pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes localized on one side;
  • more liquid mucus from the cervical canal, for better penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity;
  • increased sex drive - the so-called reproductive instinct;
  • soft cervix, painful breasts;
  • changeable taste, improved sense of smell;
  • a surge of energy and strength;
  • slight weight gain due to difficulty in removing fluid.

The simplest, most convenient and free method of determination is a specially designed calculator. A woman does not have to regularly visit a doctor or look for an ovulation test, she just needs to enter the data online.

If we talk about the greatest reliability of the results, it is still better to undergo an ultrasound scan. During the study, the doctor will see the presence of a mature follicle and determine the onset of the ovulatory period. Ultrasound - best method studies in planning a natural pregnancy, IVF, and in the control of an already onset one. It is recommended to carry out it several times after a certain period of time. If a woman does not have any pathologies, then an ovulation test can also determine the body's readiness for conception.

How to know if conception has occurred

Immediately after fertilization of the egg, hormonal changes begin in the female body. The onset of pregnancy can be suspected if the following signs are present:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes in the side;
  • breast enlargement and nipple halo;
  • painful sensations when touching the chest;
  • small bleeding;
  • flatulence, toxicosis;
  • a slight increase in basal temperature.

Over time, all of these symptoms become less pronounced or disappear.

The above signs cannot be called absolutely reliable. Often these same symptoms accompany problems with the abdominal and pelvic organs. Also, they can occur against the background of stress and anxiety associated with the absence of a long-awaited pregnancy.

Therefore, in order to find out whether a pregnancy has really come or not, it is better for a woman to wait for the expected date of menstruation, and, if there is a delay, to conduct a routine pregnancy test at home. Such a test is almost infallible. If the result shows pregnancy, an ultrasound scan can be done after two weeks. During this period, the doctor will be able to detect the presence and number of embryos, determine the position fetal egg in the uterus, and vitality.

Make an appointment now

More and more young families take a responsible and conscious approach to planning pregnancy and childbirth. To find out on which days of the next cycle the possibility of conception is especially great, it is always useful to calculate the ovulation calendar, that is, the exact date when the egg cell ripe for fertilization will leave the follicle. Two to three days before this date and 24 hours after the onset of ovulation are the most "fertile" moments when the possibility of meeting the sperm and the egg is maximum. The life span of an egg is approximately 12-36 hours, but

sperm are more tenacious. By the time of ovulation, the hardiest of them may already be waiting for the egg in the right place, if intercourse took place even a few days earlier. That is why the favorable period for pregnancy lasts several days.

Sometimes married couples strive to calculate the ovulation calendar with the opposite goal: so as not to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy on other days. Gynecologists still do not recommend using this method of contraception, since it is very unreliable: even in a woman with a constant menstrual cycle, ovulation can shift a couple of days in one direction or another from its expected date.

Calculate ovulation calendar online

To avoid counting on your fingers, we suggest using our service and calculating the ovulation calendar online for free for any month of any year. This is very easy to do: you just need to remember when your last period began. This date - day, month, year - must be entered into the corresponding window of the calculator, as well as the average duration of your menstrual cycle and the number of cycles for which you want to calculate the ovulation calendar. This service allows you to determine the estimated date of ovulation for a year in advance.

Our calculator will quickly calculate and determine when you are expected to ovulate in the next or any other month / cycle you specify.

However, do not forget that the calculations are always approximate (although the percentage of probability is quite high). Many factors can affect the maturation of the egg in each menstrual cycle, but in general, in order to determine the most auspicious days for conception, this method is quite suitable.

Let your expectations come true, whatever they may be!

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