
We are building our own house. We are building a house. Detailed calculation of materials needed to build your house

bow men

Thank you. Glad you liked it. I'm not a genius at all. I did not come up with anything new and did not make any sensational discovery. I'm just building. I do what I like. Is it difficult to lay a brick or block? I think no. The main thing is to want to put it. And in what good physical shape do you stay if you don’t go after work to read the newspaper and watch TV or drink beer, but go to the construction site to work physically. Although I still find time for beer
So, I continue my report. I'll tell you about the lintels above the windows. We decided to pour them from concrete. The first formwork for the lintel was invented for a long time, but then when they realized what was going on, they quickly reinforced the lintels with fittings of the 10th, 12th in two rows. And in a 2-meter window opening, I put corners in concrete. Now if I did - no concrete lintels. I would put the corners and it would be much faster in time and much easier in complexity. It would have been warmer too. But at that time no one suggested.

But you can write a whole story about this dog. She lives for herself at a construction site, sometimes disappears but not for long, she still comes here. They named her Moska. She recently brought puppies under my boards. All males. So who needs to contact, otherwise I don’t know where to put them. If it were not for the wife who pities them, I would have taught them to swim in our river a long time ago. The thing is that this bitch of chickens steals from the neighbors and I recently found out about this. And I keep thinking why she doesn’t want to eat my bread and potatoes and why the puppies are so plump and round like koloboks. Here she is in the photo

In the course of the story, I will also throw off pictures of small puppies.
And now the armored belt. I went around the Internet, all the neighbors, pestered the familiar builders, forumhouse. ru also tortured and decided to do it anyway. See the photo and everything will become clear.

But I made a belt with such reinforcement so that it would not be just a belt, but with the prefix "armo". A year ago, I didn’t even hear such a clever word. Horror

By the way, at that time I also mastered the technology of welding. Not with my wife and not with my mother-in-law (I mastered this even earlier. yyyy) but the technology of iron welding. The welding machine had been lying in the attic for a long time, even the electrodes of 20 years ago were used
In the previous photo, there is a wooden formwork that was made only on the middle load-bearing wall because it is 20 cm thick. The brick there would take up the whole place in width.

That's what I understand used brick. New from the factory is still far from it. KAMAZ brought and threw off the dump truck. Of the 4.5 thousand bricks, maybe 50 pieces were broken in half.

A week later, the beams were laid. Thickness 12x16 cm. The ends of the beams were pitched, but the end was “left” untarred. Oh, with what problems we left him. The fact is that I pitched the butt too, and then they told me here on the forum that you can’t do that. I took the grinder into my hands and quickly went to cut the ends. They say the tree breathes upside down. I don't know if it's true or not, let him breathe.

I didn’t film the process of how we lifted them, because it’s not convenient to take a picture and raise the beams. She and almost all the other pictures don’t have me due to the fact that my father is not very friendly with a digital camera, and my wife is either a child or busy with work, there is no time to go to her construction site specifically to take a picture. But in vain ... It would be a lot of interesting to show you

It was decided to impregnate the beams with means of protecting the wood from insects and bacteria already at the top later, and of course the rafters immediately. Here is the brush and go

Father dilutes Borochron. This is the name of this tool

Meeting future neighbors. Cool, we have a family right next door and they have a child 2 months older than ours. And a young family also lives behind them: they have a daughter a year younger than our son. There will be someone to play with in the sandbox and sweat and when they grow up to fight for the girl next door

On this optimistic note, I will finish today ... Next will be the second floor, the roof, etc. I still have a lot to tell and show you
I describe everything in such a short way and if you are interested in something in detail, write, ask, point out errors. Let's learn together not to do them.

Posted By: 02/09/2014

For many young and not so young people, one of the most important life tasks is to acquire their own housing. Your home - it still sounds and warms the soul. And for the majority, this task is not easy and long, and for some it is generally impossible. Which is strange. IMHO the ability to get a house and find food are the basic skills of any full-fledged organism. The rest may die. Accordingly, I believe that this task is feasible for anyone and not as long as it is commonly believed, if we proceed not from the propaganda of the matrix and the prevailing stereotypes, but from calculations and common sense. I want to analyze this question in as much detail as possible in order to understand why you still do not live in your own house. It's really not that expensive. Moreover, I want to show that building your own house is several times cheaper than buying an apartment.

How to calculate the value of your home.

For fun, I calculated the cost of building an average cottage, and for those who doubt, I want to offer a detailed analysis. For those who are not interested in understanding the numbers, I can immediately offer the result of the calculations, at the end there is detail. Of course, I considered the option of a frame house, which I consider the most optimal solution in all respects. Such as price, convenience, cost, speed of construction, insulation.

For calculation, I took the simplest rectangular house with an attic and a gable roof. I note that the house is not a one-two-room apartment, as many as seven can live in it. So if you do not plan to start a family and build on one person, you can safely divide the cost of the house by two. If you want to live in a cottage with an attic with a total area of ​​120m2, then by building it using frame technology, you will spend about 300 thousand rubles. on all materials without communications and finishing. This is subject to focusing on the average prices of construction hypermarkets. If desired, you can find cheaper materials. You can build a house a little smaller. That is, if cheapness is fundamental for you, I think it is possible in 200-250 tr. meet if you try, because in the calculation I rounded everything up and often with a margin. The key question is where to build it. Often the high cost of housing is associated with its location. IMHO best option live outside the city in 30-50 minutes drive. There is usually a reasonable ratio of remoteness and cost. At such a distance, land in the villages costs about 15-20t.r. for a hundred A normal-sized plot can be purchased for 100-200t.r., a good one for 200-300t.r. Here we are already starting from our requests and wallet.

At this stage, a part of you will be sad. Spending an hour on the road to the city if you work there is unpleasant. But think about it, how many of you live close to where you work? I think not everyone, but the rest already spend time on transport, and according to modern traffic jams, this time usually takes at least an hour anyway. So what difference does it make where you go? Don't have a car? Buy the cheapest by today's standards available to everyone. Even for the very poor, an old VAZ is available for 30 thousand rubles.

From the materials the house still needs to be built. A sane team of workers will assemble it for about 200 tr. for a couple of months. If you want to save this money, you can build it yourself, but more on that later.

The total homeowner's total budget is:

300 tr. – materials

200 tr. - Work

200 tr. - plot

I round everything up to account for unforeseen circumstances.


So, let's put an average of 100 tr. to the source of thermal energy. Naturally, we did not talk about communications. There are many nuances here. The most important thing for us is electricity. Those who want to experiment a lot can try to do without it, but I would not advise. You can do without everything else. We remember the most important thing - the presence of communications directly affects the cost of the site! Therefore, you just need to count and decide what they go into and whether it is cheaper to refuse them. In addition to electricity, you can refuse almost any communications, replacing them with autonomous sources. A well is drilled for water, heating is done on a solid fuel boiler. It's all just a matter of costs. Simplified, I can say the following - it makes sense to do a well in any case, even if there is a water supply system. Its cost is low and about 5-10 tr. in our places. It makes sense to lay gas if its connection will cost up to 200 tr., gas is not absolutely necessary. Heating is now quite possible to provide a solid fuel boiler, and everything else is powered by electricity.

How much do heating and plumbing systems cost? Protozoa pumping station costs about 5 tr, heating consists of 90% of the cost of the boiler and radiators. If you take the most inexpensive aluminum radiators, then a section costs about 200 rubles, 150 sections are enough for a house with an area of ​​​​120 m2. A simple boiler costs about 15 tr. We will throw another 10% approximately on pipes and other fittings, they are not very expensive. In total, we lay 55t.r. for materials for heating and water supply. Attentive for certain remember about the sewerage. Outside the city, it's just a cesspool-septic tank, into which a pipe is released. The cost of building a septic tank will be determined practically by the cost of digging a hole.

What do we end up with? Having an average of 800t.r. and common sense, you can become the owner of a normal cottage and a piece of land. If you are ready to do everything with your own hands and you have a Padawan, then you can become a homeowner with half a million in your pocket.

Misconceptions that prevent you from having your own home.

Now let's look at common misconceptions.

I have crooked hands, I can't hammer a nail. The ability to do something with your hands, just like any other skill, can be learned, and relatively quickly. If the head understands, then the basics of carpentry skills are easily mastered in a week, and welding of polypropylene pipes - in a day. Globally, in order to build your house according to a finished project, you need to be able to hammer nails, saw boards and use a screwdriver. Of the intellectual skills, you need the ability to use a tape measure, a level and a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe geometry at the level elementary school. To carry out heating and plumbing, it is enough to be able to twist threaded parts and weld polypropylene pipes. Both are even easier than carpentry. If in childhood you had at least a four in labor lessons, then you can easily master all this, even being a complete humanist.

Professionals should be engaged in construction, otherwise everything will collapse. Professionalism is good everywhere, of course, but you need to understand that there are different design options that are demanding to a different extent on the professionalism of the builder. Frame housing construction is good because, subject to the technology, it is almost impossible to build an insufficiently strong building there. If the hands are completely crooked, it may be crooked. But it's unlikely to fall. Moreover, it is quite possible to acquire a level of professionalism sufficient for these works in a week or two. There is nothing complicated. In addition, watching the work of the so-called professional builders, I have repeatedly noted that, being an amateur, I can do the same thing better.

I don't even have half a million. Nowadays, this amount is available to absolutely anyone in our country. Even with an average salary, you can save 10 tr. per month and accumulate the required amount in 4-5 years. A normally earning person can accumulate this amount in a year without straining. In the end, if you rent an apartment, then you are the same 10 tr. per month or even more constantly paying rent. Wouldn't it be better to build your house on them? As a last resort, you can take out a loan. Again, there is no need for the entire amount at once. You can buy land first. Then save up and build a frame with a roof, then make walls. All construction is easily divided into stages for 2-4 years.

I just need to earn more, and live outside the city and work with my hands below my dignity. Well, if you are so successful, and your income allows you not to get your hands dirty - great, happy for you, buy yourself a penthouse in the center and enjoy life. But as practice shows, most readers do not have such financial capabilities. And if you do not have much choice, then you just need to think. What alternatives do you have to have your own living space of 120 meters in a few years? I note this is not a one-room apartment or a two-room apartment, but a much more spacious housing that will fit for the whole family. In fact, if you earn from 100 tr. per month, then you might think about how else to get a living space, but if your income is noticeably lower, then obviously the most reasonable option is to build a house. A house is the most economical option. In general, I do not mind that a person who earns a lot can afford not to be able to do anything with his own hands. But for a person who is not able to earn money for his own housing, this is an unacceptable luxury.

Maintenance of a house is more expensive than apartments and if something breaks, you will have to fix everything yourself. In fact, living in a house is much more economical. The maintenance of such a cottage can be cheaper than payments for a one-room apartment. Especially if you consume only electricity and get water from a well. Read your utility bill. When you live in your own home, you will hardly have to pay for any of this, and the savings on heating and water supply with sewerage will be at times. What usually breaks down in public high-rise buildings? The roof starts to leak, the heating breaks, someone floods someone. The probability of this in your own house is actually much less, because the size, the number of residents and the load on networks and structures are smaller. The pressure in the heating network in multi-storey buildings is several times higher, so the threat of breakthroughs is much greater, the roof area is also much larger, which increases the likelihood of defects and leaks. After all, if something breaks, then there is nothing that cannot be fixed. It's just that it will break down a lot less often and recover easier due to the smaller scale. Well, if once every 40 years your roof starts to leak, renovating the roof is really a small problem.

Frame house sucks. Specific boys do not live in it. OK. Live your whole life in a rented apartment or pay off your mortgage all your life. It's your business.

A detailed calculation of the materials needed to build your home.

For those who have read to the end and doubt that the materials will fit into 300t.r. I will give a more detailed calculation. I examined a house measuring 6x10 with an attic and a gable roof. The roof area is approximately 100m2, the area of ​​the outer walls is approximately 130m2, the floor area is 60m2. I laid the floor logs every half a meter, laid an inch board across it, and a DSP on top of it. From the inside, the walls were sheathed with plasterboard, outside - with siding. Wall thickness 20 cm insulation - blown wool or glass wool. The foundation is columnar. Ondulin roof. 10 m2 of metal-plastic windows.

In general, the most economical and practical materials. No luxury, just hardcore.

Total came out:

  • Foundation - concrete3 m3 approximately 10t.r., but if you interfere yourself, it is much cheaper
  • Forest - 8 m3 approximately 65t.r. you can find cheaper timber
  • Roof - ondulin 50 sheets approximately 20 tr.
  • Floor - DSP 40 sheets approximately 40 tr.
  • Exterior walls - siding about 40 tr.
  • Steam, wind insulation about 5t.r.
  • Insulation 60 m3 approximately 80 tr.
  • Internal walls - drywall with profiles 130m2 approximately 15 tr.
  • Windows approximately 10m2 30 tr.

Naturally, I did not consider the finish, because it is from zero to infinity. And for the correctness of the comparison, new apartments are also sold in the form of building options without finishing.

If I didn’t take into account some little things like screws, then just consider that you will make the house a little smaller for the money. We will also write down the internal partitions there, because I don’t know how you want to arrange them.

One of the three things you must do in life a real man, is building a house. The occupation is not easy, it scares many away due to ignorance of the stages and rules for the construction of private residential and country houses. Indeed, building a house is not as easy as it seems. However, having certain information, this is possible, and even when professional builders are involved, knowing the main milestones in the production of work, it will be easier to control professionals.
So, first we decide on a land plot, for which we prepare a package of necessary documents, we obtain a building permit. This will require a project of the building and the connection of engineering communications. An individual option is more expensive than a standard one, but it all depends on the finances and desires of the developer. Also, the project will allow you to calculate the cost of all work and materials.

Having chosen the land, we evaluate the situation in the area, find out the nature of the neighbors, in the absence of a water supply system, the quality and depth of groundwater for arranging a well or well. Water is needed for work, and drilling a well will require additional costs.

Having received Required documents, we follow further. On the site we equip a change house. For this, an ordinary construction trailer is suitable, in which you will have to hide tools and some materials. and we cover the area. At first, a barrier from an ordinary slab is suitable, which can then be replaced with a profiled sheet.

Having finished the preparation, we invite surveyors and display the corners of the foundation of the building. It is better to entrust these works to specialists who know how to work with a level and theodolite. Foundation types, a specific option is indicated in the project based on the type of soil, the design of the planned house and the financial capabilities of the customer. The main foundation used is that after laying it should stand for about a month or a little more. Do not despair, use this time for other work on the site. If there is no money for further work, we waterproof the sidewalls of the foundation, sprinkle the gaps with soil with soil and wait for the time to resume work.

Next, we make and raise the roof. The roofing material is thought out in the project, but the most affordable is slate. All work should preferably be completed before the onset of rain and cold weather. Otherwise, with the onset of a new warm season, floors and walls will have to dry. Window and door openings are closed with foil or wooden shields.
Having finished with these works, we proceed to the installation of sanitary and gas systems, we do floor screed, we build a cesspool on the site. At the same time, we insert window and door openings and, after laying communications, we perform plastering and other finishing work in the interior. In parallel, or as it turns out, if possible, we make the lining of the foundation and.

Practically the house is built. You can make repairs in one of the rooms and move to live, gradually finishing the rest of the residential and utility rooms, build a garage. As you can see, not everything is as scary as it seemed at first. The main thing is to comprehensively assess your strengths and make the right decision. Good luck!

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