
Mobile kitchen on wheels for business. Profitable business: cafe on wheels. How to open a cafe-bus. List of necessary documents and equipment. Restaurant on a double-decker bus

A mobile cafe is an excellent alternative to a stationary catering point. It is unusual and has low prices, which can be explained by the low cost of organizing a business. The establishment claims to be a serious competitor to ordinary food outlets such as cafes, restaurants and canteens. This business format is unusual, which will surely attract the attention of visitors. They will have access to an additional option - departure at the request of the client. How to organize such a business, what are its nuances and how much money should be invested in the implementation of the project?

The specifics of a mini-cafe on wheels

When opening a cafe on wheels, you should decide in advance on the contingent of visitors. The format of the institution determines its target audience in the form of students, schoolchildren and children. To attract their attention and stand out from other similar and stationary establishments, you need to consider the design of a mobile cafe. So that its visitors are not disturbed by extraneous sounds from the street, you should take care of soundproofing.

To entertain visitors, you will need audio and video equipment. When planning celebrations, care should be taken to develop an entertainment program and the possibility of preparing dishes for the banquet menu.

In advance, you should consider the routes of movement of the institution on wheels. In this case, you need to take into account the location of the city's attractions, as well as the time of the greatest accumulation of people in them. So that the cafe does not stand idle, it is necessary to notify the citizens of the city about the trajectory of movement. It is better if the cafe moves along the same route, which will allow its customers to plan their visit. It is better to save information about customers, as well as their dates of birth, phone numbers and e-mail addresses, in your database, which will allow you to issue an advertising mailing list with promotional offers dedicated to holidays.

Cafe on wheels menu

When compiling the menu, you should take into account the specifics of the institution. It must not contain alcohol. It is allowed to include low-alcohol cocktails in the menu if the target audience of the subject belongs to the adult category. Since it is impossible to provide full-fledged cooking in a mobile establishment, most of the dishes should be presented in the form of semi-finished products, for the preparation of which one does not need to spend a lot of time and make great efforts. They must be brought to such a degree of readiness that they can simply be reheated and served to the client. The menu can include bakery products, soups and side dishes.

Interior design of a cafe on wheels

To bring semi-finished products to readiness, you need an oven or microwave. As an alternative, you can draw up a contractual relationship with a stationary institution in which the cooking process is established. However, it should be borne in mind that having purchased a ready-made lunch in an elite restaurant, it will be difficult to sell it at the same price in a mobile cafe. For this reason, it is better to negotiate the supply of freshly prepared food in canteens.

The fast food business is very profitable. This has already been appreciated by hundreds of entrepreneurs, including newcomers. But in order not to make large investments at the start, you can choose a slightly different area - mobile fast food. This format of public catering in Russia is not yet “famous” for high competition, which means that you have a chance to win back your niche in the market. Fast food on wheels as a business is considered highly profitable - investments with a consistently high demand for the dishes offered can pay off in six months.

Our business valuation:

Starting investment - from 300,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The complexity of starting a business is 5/10.

Mobile fast food can hardly be called a full-fledged catering establishment. In mobile stalls, people only buy “fast” food so that they can go about their business again. The format of the mobile outlet may be different.

Analyze your local consumer market. If in the business part of the city and on busy avenues, food trucks are not represented at all or are presented in limited quantities, you can start your own business. It is better to plan the opening in the spring - there will be more demand, and you will be able to recoup an impressive part of the investment in one summer season. How to open fast food on wheels? What nuances will an entrepreneur have to settle in order to start a business?

How to start a business on wheels?

Start the implementation of a business project by finding the “right” vehicle. An ordinary truck, of course, will not work here - you need a special van designed for the cafeteria. Moreover, it is more profitable to find just such, otherwise impressive investments will go to the “alterations” of an ordinary car. There are many companies selling and leasing commercial trailers on the market - there are plenty to choose from.

To minimize investments at the start, you can not purchase a van for personal use, but rent it. In the future, when things go uphill, just buy the vehicle.

Perhaps the only drawback of this direction is the need to obtain numerous permits from state inspections. Register your activity and register with the tax office. To prepare all the documents, you have to wait at least 3-6 months. Preparing for the opening of the "institution" will check the sanitary and fire services. The local bodies of Rospotrebnadzor will have to approve the menu and recipes.

And do not forget that a car for fast food on wheels still remains a car that needs full legal registration - it is subject to registration with the traffic police, technical inspection, and obtaining OSAGO insurance.

It also does not hurt to think about the design of the outlet. Let the van attract customers not only with the pleasant aromas of freshly prepared food, but also with its bright design. This is how you will create your own brand name - who knows, maybe soon you will expand your network of mobile coffee shops.

If there is a financial opportunity, it is better to involve a professional lawyer in “paper” cases - important tasks will have to be solved, which will be problematic for an ignorant person to understand.

Choose a line of business

The business plan for fast food on wheels must include a menu item. The amount of revenue will largely depend on the range of dishes offered. And here it does not hurt to analyze the activities of competitors - what they sell, what customers are more willing to buy from them, what service they offer.

Mobile fast food may specialize in the sale of only one dish, or it may offer customers a full range of "fast" food. Our compatriots prefer the following menu:

  • shawarma,
  • pizza,
  • hot dogs,
  • pies,
  • pancakes,
  • confectionery.

It's great if the mobile cafe additionally sells hot and cold drinks - there is always a demand for them.

When working out the menu, pay attention to the offers of franchisors. A fast food franchise on wheels will save the entrepreneur from developing the concept and design of the future establishment - all data is provided by the parent company. But there are few offers of such a plan on the market, they cost decently, and the rules of cooperation are sometimes simply impossible to fulfill. Therefore, it is sometimes financially more profitable for a novice entrepreneur to open an institution from scratch.

Be prepared for the fact that inspection authorities will periodically visit the fast food trailer. Everything here must be kept clean and tidy. And the highest requirements must be made to the purchased products for cooking! If representatives of the sanitary services during the inspection reveal any violations, the sale of fast food on wheels will be suspended. To avoid this, use products only from trusted suppliers - it is clearly not worth saving here. It is better to establish contacts with local food processing plants and vegetable sellers - then you will not have to overpay for the delivery of "raw materials" from afar.

Location of the outlet

Buying a mobile shopping kiosk for fast food is half the battle. Now it is worth deciding on its location. And here, too, a number of problems are possible. Even though your cafe will be on wheels, you can't just stand anywhere on the side of the road and start offering people "fast" food! It will be necessary to "settle" somewhere.

Mobile carts for fast food and vans should be installed in passable places. Sleeping areas - not your option. Here, the dishes will not diverge so quickly, which will significantly reduce revenue.

Fast food van on wheels can be put:

  • close to major markets
  • on the territory of large shopping centers,
  • at the train stations
  • in the business part of the city,
  • on busy streets.

Many entrepreneurs change their location for the period of major city holidays, installing a car for fast food in amusement parks and squares. On one such day, you can make a monthly income.

To set up a mobile counter at a selected location, obtain permission from your local city government or private tenant. You will conclude an agreement with the specified amount of rent for the site. Experts advise at first not to conclude a long-term contract for the use of land - it is important to first understand whether there will be a decent income in a particular place. In case of failure, you can always move to another place.

Camper Equipment Costs

Fast food equipment on wheels can be bought inexpensively. The exact list of necessary kitchen utensils, utensils and appliances will depend on the chosen specifics of the business. In any case, it is quite realistic to meet even 200,000 rubles.

As a rule, a fast food machine is equipped with the following equipment:

  • microwave,
  • grill ovens,
  • coffee makers and juicers,
  • cooler,
  • heated counters,
  • fridge.

If you do not have sufficient finances, you can think about purchasing used equipment. But be careful when choosing it - sellers can simply sell illiquid assets.

To work with kitchen equipment, you do not have to look for experienced employees - even beginners will cope with the tasks. Hire at least two salespeople to work in shifts. Please note that each employee must have a sanitary book!

How much can you earn from a food truck?

To buy a fast food van on wheels and all the necessary equipment, you will need at least 1,000,000 rubles. If you rent a vehicle, the initial investment can be reduced to 300,000 rubles - the best option for beginners!

Do not expect huge profits in the first months of operation - the mobile shop will gain popularity gradually.

When setting up a business, pay attention to pricing. The cost of the dishes you offer should not exceed the bar that your closest competitors have set! Customers won't buy expensive hot dogs if there's a better-priced eatery literally 100 meters away.

Many entrepreneurs dream of owning their food service business. One of the pretty good business ideas is a cafe on wheels.

Such a cafe is unusual in its appearance and attracts with low prices. An establishment of this type can compete with ordinary cafes and restaurants quite well.

Business ideas on wheels are new to our country. It doesn't take much to make this idea a reality. You can fulfill such desires of a guest that an ordinary restaurant cannot - come to your guest.

The specifics of a mini-cafe on wheels

Before you open an institution of this type, you need to decide on the contingent of visitors. Based on the type of your establishment and product prices, children, schoolchildren and students will visit you more often.

Each entrepreneur of such a business must come up with an original style for his institution. First of all, you need to think about the interior of the cafe on wheels. Since the cafe is mobile, you need to take care of soundproofing so that it does not disturb your customers.

It would be nice to have audio and video acoustics, which can be used not only during a banquet, but also on weekdays. If you decide to hold events in your institution that will bring you a lot of additional profit, then do not forget about the entertainment program and the banquet menu.

Also, you need to think about the routes of the cafe in advance, do not forget about all the sights of your city. You can come up with various promotions suitable for your establishment, for example, discounts for regular customers, as well as birthday discounts. Do not forget to make a book of regular customers whom you would notify about your promotions by SMS or by phone.

Cafe on wheels menu

As for the menu, a special approach is needed here for such an institution. For your visitors it is necessary to exclude alcoholic products. In extreme cases, you can include low-alcohol cocktails. A mobile cafe on wheels cannot have its own kitchen, which means that the cafe will work on semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness, that is, which you just need to warm up.

It can be such dishes: soups, side dishes and bakery products. You can conclude an agreement with any restaurant, cafe, and even with a canteen - it's up to you. If the budget allows, then, of course, it is better to order in a good institution. Do not forget that if you buy fried salmon at a restaurant at one price, you will not be able to sell it at your own place at the same price, it will be too expensive for your cafe.

Hiring workers

For customer service, you will need a driver, a waiter and a so-called chef who will warm up and prepare coffee. If you want your establishment to work seven days a week, and this is desirable, then you need to hire 2 or 3 people (1 person per shift). It is desirable that the drivers were with experience.

Necessary kitchen utensils

For a cafe on wheels, you need to pick up the necessary equipment, but keep in mind the following: if it suddenly gets very dirty, there will be nowhere to wash it. Your cafe is moving, and a standing glass cup on the table can fall at any moment. Having broken 100 glasses, you will have to count the loss.

Necessary equipment for a cafe:

  • Kitchen.
  • 2 tables for equipment.
  • Microwave.
  • Coffee machine.
  • A couple of refrigerators.
  • Cupboards for storing dishes.
  • Dishwasher (if the dishes are reusable) or containers for used disposable dishes.
  • Forks, spoons, half-portion plates, small tableware, saucers, trays, napkin holders, bread bins, etc.
  • Chairs and tables are plastic or wooden. All furniture must be screwed to the wall and floor of the bus.

Necessary conditions for a cafe

Do not forget about heating in winter, heating the lower steps, and in hot weather - air conditioning. As for parking, you can agree on it with one motor transport company in your city. There are two ways to organize this kind of business:

  • Buy a franchise.
  • Create your own brand.

The franchise price is quite high, it is 90 thousand euros, today it is 4,410,000 rubles. These include: double-decker bus (US-made), trademark rights, initial advertising campaign, and formulation. But in Russia they try not to get involved with this type of transport, but buy our domestic ones and make a cafe-bus to their liking. In addition, you need to collect the necessary documents:

  • Permission to open a cafe on the bus.
  • Certificate of medical examination of all employees.
  • Permission from the fire safety authorities.
  • License to sell goods and alcohol.
  • A document with positive results of sanitary checks.

Planned start-up costs

Bus - 2,800,000 rubles.
Equipment - about 150 thousand rubles, depending on how much you will bet.
Cafe and interior design - 90-120 thousand rubles.
Total: 3,050,000-3,070,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:
For fuel - (consumption 30l / 100 km, 100 km per day, 25 rubles per liter) - 23.25 thousand rubles.
Bus service - 15 thousand rubles.
Wages of employees: 2 drivers - 20 thousand rubles, a waiter - 15 thousand rubles, a cook - 10 thousand rubles, an accountant - 7 thousand rubles.
Total: 142.25 thousand rubles.

Enterprise profit

If we take on average that a mobile cafe on wheels will pay off in a couple of years, then every month you can receive 125 thousand rubles in revenue. With an average check of one hundred rubles per client and a markup of 50%, the institution must serve 100-120 visitors every day, these figures are quite real. With such a profit, the company will not work at a loss for itself.

Problems of opening an unusual cafe

The cafe-bus is an unusual institution and quite interesting, but unfortunately, the sanitary-epidemiological station and other stations responsible for the cleanliness of the enterprise are under a big question. The question is whether this type of business can be unrealistic. Maybe even easy, consider the reasons.

Rospotrebnadzor will be against such a bus, so that it travels around the city, because the catering company must be connected to city communications. Fire safety rules state that catering establishments, without exception, must have two emergency exits, and the bus has only one door.

If in your city the population does not exceed 200 thousand people, then such a cafe should not be opened. The population of such cities has its own opinion, it is cheaper for them to go home for dinner than to go to a cafe. The next problem is Russian roads. Any stop provokes a spill of drinks and hot dishes. Based on this, only packaged dishes should be present in the cafe menu.

Pros of a mobile cafe

Not every day and not every season will be profitable. For example, in the warm season, your business will be useful for the population, and on frosty or stormy days, no one will come to you. Although the authorities themselves are negative about this kind of business, such a cafe would be useful on big holidays, such as the parade on May 1 and 9, and other events.

Having listed all the shortcomings of such an institution, we doubt whether such a business will pay off and whether it will bring profit at all. A normal profit is brought by an institution with 50 seats or more, and such a bus places about 20-30 people. Despite this, nothing can stop a purposeful entrepreneur, and he will make it a reality. With a lot of effort and patience, you can make such a business quite good.

In different countries, a mobile cafe on wheels is considered acceptable, for example, in Japan. Only in this country are prepared snacks such as takoyaki dough balls, the main component of which is octopus. In addition to cafes on wheels, there are many such businesses around the world, for example, San Francisco.

There is a mobile restaurant made from an old school bus, and this restaurant is very popular. It is regarded more as an entertainment option with an assortment of fast food menus.

The first project of such a mobile restaurant was launched in Los Angeles in 2008 by chef Roy Choi. He offered Korean and Mexican cuisine to visitors. There is also such a business in China, where it is also very popular due to the huge population.

A few years ago, the Moscow government gave the green light to entrepreneurs to open such a business, but so far only drinks are served there. In summer, cafe-trams or cafe-trolleybuses travel in many cities of Russia. This type of establishment will look good in cities with a large influx of tourists. If the population wants to see this type of catering establishments, then the government will allow such a business to exist in every city.

-> Entertainment and hospitality, tourism, catering, beauty, health, medicine

In recent years, the business of organizing a cafe on wheels has been successfully developing in Russia. The development of mobile cafes began relatively recently - about 10 years ago. According to some estimates, there are already about 30,000 mobile cafes in Russia, and experts predict that this market will continue to develop rapidly.

After the collapse of the Union, pancake, dumpling and snack bars, which are familiar to us, began to disappear. Their disappearance led to the emergence of a new business niche of mobile cafes. The history of this type of business began in Russia in 1998. The company with the largest number of mobile cafes in Russia is Markon City, which owns the Steff fast food chain. This company has 115 mobile cafes. The company was one of the very first to establish itself on the Russian market, and at the very beginning it had practically no competitors. But time goes by and similar companies began to appear again and again.

To achieve the same impressive success as "Marcon - City" requires assertiveness, a ready-made business plan for the development of a cafe and, of course, you need a van equipped with the necessary devices for cooking. You can buy such vans not only abroad, but also in Russia. Such vans previously cost about 25 thousand dollars. Over time, this amount has decreased by a little more than two times. On average, vans now cost about 10 thousand dollars.

The main part of this type of business is a trailer like "Tonar" or "Kupava". Among these vans, the cheapest and fastest payback is the grilled chicken van. They pay off quickly for two reasons. The first reason is the low cost of the van, and the second reason is the popularity among the representatives of the lower middle class, the most numerous in many Russian cities.

People who decide to go into this business should take into account that after 5-6 years the vans wear out and this should be taken into account when drawing up a business plan for a mobile cafe.

At this time, there are practically no restrictions on what a mobile cafe can sell. A mobile cafe can sell pastries, pizza, barbecue, pancakes, potatoes, donuts, a variety of national dishes.

However, do not think that if there are no restrictions on products, this does not mean at all that there are no more restrictions. Compliance with the requirements of the SES, Consumer Supervision, firefighters and other government agencies has not been canceled, and these figures love to check such mini-snacks. However, like any other type of business.

Mobile cafes will bring sufficient profit only in large cities. In small towns, a mobile cafe will bring profit only if the cafe is located in the city center or in places of mass festivities, and mainly in summer. By the way, mobile cafes for cooking grilled chicken, hot dogs, shawarma are now very common, but there are only a few mobile cafes for cooking, for example, pancakes. And this should also be taken into account by future mini-restaurateurs. In order for a mobile cafe for cooking, for example, pancakes, to generate income, at least 5-6 mobile cafes will be required.

Quite a serious problem is the attitude of the authorities towards mobile cafes. To open a cafe, you will need to bypass about 15 instances, and when you move the cafe, you will have to go through all the same instances again, which greatly complicates the very concept of a mobile cafe. In addition, the authorities of many cities have a rather negative attitude towards mobile cafes, but you can change your attitude towards a mobile cafe by providing the authorities with your ready-made business plan for business development. Convince the authorities that you are interested in creating new jobs, which is especially appreciated in a crisis and a general layoff.
It is worth considering that in different cities the standards in relation to mobile cafes are determined differently. And if you know the situation in one city, it does not mean that the same is true in another city.

Problems can also arise with the land. Usually such permission is given for several months. Based on this, many people involved in this business save on capital investments. However, precisely because of the unreliability of the land situation, it is quite difficult to attract banks to this business. The attitude of the authorities is also very indicative. Recently, new amendments to sanitary standards have been adopted. Mandatory connection to the city's sewerage and water supply systems is now required, and no exceptions are made for cafes on wheels. Therefore, the authorities of some cities began to prohibit such a business.

Each point is usually characterized by two indicators - throughput and average purchase price. A very successful and very profitable point will be when it serves more than 200 people. However, there is also a physical limit of service - it is 500 people.

Mobile fast food establishments are a fairly profitable line of business, which is perfect for aspiring entrepreneurs. This format has not yet become widespread in our country, so any newcomer has every chance to take his place in this market. How to open fast food on wheels in your city and quickly return the initial investment, we will tell in this article.

What is fast food?

Fast food prepared from semi-finished products is in great demand both in large metropolitan areas and in small provincial towns. It has a pleasant taste, affordable price and high calorie content. The most profitable format of a fast food establishment is fast food on wheels as a business.

A small mobile van, with the right approach, will bring more profit than a stationary business fast food cafe. During the day, you can sell hot dogs or hamburgers from wheels near business centers or educational institutions, and in the evening move to parks or squares.

How to open a mobile fast food outlet?

To avoid any problems, before opening a street fast food as a business, you need to coordinate the location of the van with the local authorities. You do not have the right to park where you want and engage in trade. Such actions under the legislation of our country are considered an administrative offense. Therefore, after you choose a place, you need to find the owner of the land and issue the appropriate permit. If you want to set up a point of sale on the territory owned by the city authorities, apply for permission from the local administration.

After choosing a location, you need to develop a clear fast food business plan, analyze the level of competition in your locality and draw appropriate conclusions. If your city already has a mobile food chain, you need to carefully consider how you can attract customers to your business. This is a very important point that should not be overlooked.

Business registration

Before you open a fast food business, you must register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The activities of such catering establishments are regulated by OKVED 55.30. As for taxation, it is better to choose UTII. In this case, the amount of tax will be charged depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe outlet. Also, do not forget that the van is considered a vehicle, so you must register it with the traffic police.

In addition, it is necessary to coordinate the work of fast food with Potrebnadzor, SES and the fire inspectorate. If you have never dealt with the execution of such documents, seek help from specialists.


To save money at the start, at first you can buy inexpensive used fast food equipment on wheels. It is better to make an exact list of equipment, utensils and equipment after you decide on the assortment. Typically, a fast food van on wheels is equipped with the following equipment:

  • Microwave oven (for heating food);
  • Grill oven;
  • Coffee maker;
  • Heated counter;
  • Fridge;
  • Cooler with water.

To buy fast food on wheels with all the necessary equipment, you need about 20 thousand dollars. If you rent a suitable van, the costs will be halved. This is a great option for aspiring entrepreneurs who are interested in.


To ensure the smooth operation of fast food, you will need two sellers who will work on a schedule of 2 through 2. If we talk about wages, then it is best to pay some certain salary + a few percent of the daily revenue. At the same time, the seller's salary should not be lower than a fixed amount, for example, 400–500 rubles per shift. This will allow you to increase the motivation of staff and set them up for quality work.

The ideal fast food worker is a woman, 30-50 years old, with experience in the food service industry. Finding such employees is not easy, but thanks to this, your outlet will be more successful.

If you plan to organize in parallel, it is advisable to hire a professional confectioner and technologist who will develop the dough recipe and fillings. Another new and fairly profitable line of business is. Such products attract the attention of customers, and, accordingly, increase the profitability of the enterprise.


Before you draw up a business plan for opening fast food, you first need to decide on the assortment, since the choice of equipment and, accordingly, the size of the initial investment largely depend on this. Perhaps it will be any one product or a wide selection of dishes that can be eaten on the go. When developing a business plan for fast food on wheels, the assortment can include:

  • Pancakes with different fillings;
  • Shawarma;
  • Hot dogs;
  • Patties;
  • Vareniki;
  • Chebureki.

Such food will be bought by passers-by who want to have a quick bite along the way without changing their route. It is desirable that a stream of people constantly pass through your outlet. In this case, it will bring a decent profit.

If you want to open a small fast food business in a residential area, the assortment of the establishment should include:

  • Grilled chicken;
  • Frozen semi-finished products;
  • Homemade baking.

People who come back late from work will be happy to buy food that does not have to spend a lot of time preparing. The most profitable format is a 24-hour fast food establishment. If you want a quick return on your investment, ask around the road. Of course, in this case, you will have to spend a lot of time on obtaining permits, but it's worth it, since such a business will bring a solid income.

Financial investments

The most important advantage of a mobile fast food outlet is a small investment. At the moment, the price of fast food on wheels ranges from $15,000 to $20,000. Approximately 5-7 thousand more dollars will be needed for the purchase of products, the creation of a corporate identity, business registration and other organizational expenses.

If you are not limited in financial resources, you can buy a ready-made fast food business or open it as a franchise. This will require a large start-up capital. But in this case, you will significantly reduce the risks associated with an unsuccessful start. In addition, an aspiring entrepreneur who buys a fast food on wheels franchise receives a number of advantages:

  • Free expert advice;
  • Staff training at the expense of the franchise company;
  • Work under the name of a promoted brand;
  • You are selling a well-known product that does not need additional advertising.

To get a quick payback, it is best to start a business with several vans in different areas of the city. The most important thing in this business is not to make a mistake with the location of outlets. The only downside to buying a franchise is that you have to work by someone else's rules. If you are interested in such activities, ask. This successful brand is very popular all over the world, so such a catering establishment will bring you a decent profit in any case.

New formats of street food New formats of street food


Now let's try to understand, in the field of catering? In the first months of work, while there is no permanent clientele, fast food will not bring big profits. To attract buyers, offer them affordable prices. They should be slightly higher than in neighboring canteens, but lower than those of competitors.

A promoted point with a high level of service during the warm season brings in 600-800 dollars of revenue per day. In winter, there are fewer buyers, since eating outside in the cold is not very convenient, so many customers go to stationary establishments. To keep revenue at the same level, offer customers various additional services. A good income in the winter brings coffee to go as a business or food delivery to offices.


Trading on the street has a lot of advantages and is highly profitable. Since you can move your outlet at any time, there is no need to draw up a land allocation for it. Thanks to this, you can significantly reduce your operating costs. As a rule, they amount to no more than 600-800 dollars per month. Revenue in mobile eateries in the summer is much higher than in similar stationary establishments.

The payback period largely depends on the format of the institution. A street mobile stall pays off in just 6–8 months. If you want to open a stationary fast food restaurant, the initial investment can only be returned after 2-3 years.

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