
What is soft ice cream for cars made of. Soft ice cream as a business. Video: how soft ice cream is sold in the USA

On past, today's and future requests, I wrote this little instruction.

First stage

  • Once you have made the decision to start producing and selling soft ice cream, the first thing to do is to study similar points, (talk to sellers), as easy as a curious customer, to study the range and prices. Or the best way to work at a similar point, as a seller.

Stage two

Find the right place.

  • Places; the best places are where they visit every day, walk, etc. idle people. This is a shopping center (preferably near cinemas or at the entrance - exit) only the most visited amusement parks, central streets, pedestrian zones and central places where people hang out every day.
  • Choose a freezer, if everything is in order with finances (there is no shortage), then you can buy a powerful freezer with additional options, such as the production of yogurt or cocktails. A powerful freezer can serve more customers at a time (for example, an ordinary inexpensive three-horn freezer with a price of 120-140 thousand rubles can produce 5 to 7 portions at a time, one by one). See performance, freezer performance from 14 - 16 l / h, these are weak, low-power freezers. A more powerful and larger one increases this limit due to the larger volume of the freezing cylinder and the power of the apparatus (for freezing).
  • By and large, inexpensive three-horn freezers for soft ice cream do not differ much from each other. Unless the manufacturers, the most popular are China and Korea, there are Italy and the USA, but they are more expensive.
  • If you have found a company selling freezers in your city or in a nearby area, then of course it is better to contact them, come there and see for yourself, feel, control everything.

Many are in a hurry to surprise their future customers with an assortment, selling not only ice cream, but also the above options, such as cocktails, yogurt. That's all well and good, but if you're struggling with finances, don't overpay for extras.

Let's go back to the first stage, talk with sellers or owners of outlets, what is the ratio of sales of cocktails and ice cream, and only then decide whether it is worth spending money on it right now. In addition, if everything goes well for you, only then it is better to think about it, and with good sales, you will definitely need a second freezer, and it is not advisable to increase the profit that has not yet appeared.

But that's my personal opinion.

Fourth stage

IP registration

The first way, the easiest, we find jur. company and for 3 - 4 tr. they do everything themselves.

Second way

We collect documents: (there are not many of them)
Passport (2-3 pages and registration) and TIN (do not forget to make photocopies).

And we go to the tax office at the place of residence.
There we ask where the IP is registered. We find the right inspector, he gives us the form to fill out and tells us where to pay the state duty, about 800 rubles.

OKVED code - 52.24.3 Retail sale of ice cream and frozen desserts

Then we go to the notary, we certify all the documents.
We pay according to the receipt, we bring everything to the inspector, and everything (almost everything).

You are assigned a date when everything is ready, come and collect your certificate.
That's all, you are an individual entrepreneur, with all rights and obligations.

  • CEC, here it is clear that we need sanitary books, a dressing gown or a uniform that would cover up to everyday clothes. At the expense of water and sewerage, in theory, of course, they are needed, but each has its own conditions. Yes, and checks are not frequent, but in spite of everything, I hope for your decency and respect itself, which will not allow you to poison your customers for the sake of savings. Wash the freezer every day, honestly (as for yourself), everything will definitely come back to you.
  • Additional equipment, a refrigerator for storing the finished mixture, containers for the mixture (they will store the finished mixture in the refrigerator), blades for stirring the mixture and driving residues into the cylinder, it is better to buy water in bottles of 19 liters, and not from suppliers, but at wholesale depots, since it is at least twice cheaper there (but this is of course if there is transport). Measuring cups, scales for dry mix, the mix is ​​usually in bags of 1.6 - 1.8 kg, I packed it in one kilogram, it's more convenient.

This is what at this point in time, I remembered, and what came to my mind. But I hope you, dear visitors, will help me fill in the gaps and shortcomings with your questions and advice. If anyone wants to share their experience and interesting findings with others, I will be happy to give you a place on my site.

The production and sale of soft ice cream is a good option for starting a business. The freezer sweet product is a cool milk dessert that is in high demand. Such ice cream has a special composition and is not exposed to extreme cold, which is why it is tender and tasty, and due to the fact that it is whipped during preparation, it turns out light, airy and melts in your mouth.

The composition includes powder, liquid and many different flavors and aromas. The best option for selling this finished product is considered to be a showcase sale.

With the onset of heat, people are increasingly looking for outlets selling delicious ice cream. The business idea of ​​​​selling this cool treat is definitely very profitable, as neither children nor adults can resist this dessert.

Soft ice cream in the Russian market occupies only 10% of total sales, although in Western countries this figure reaches 70%. Based on this information, it can be concluded that the potential for production and sales are very high.

However, we must not forget that this product is limited by the expiration date, so it is recommended to place the point in a busy, passable place, allowing you to count on the daily sale of large quantities.

If a novice entrepreneur places an outlet near a zoo, a beach, a city park, a busy square or a street, then he will definitely not lose.

The search for a freezer should be done in advance, since the level of competition in this area is very high. During the registration process, you need to find out whether street trading is possible in relation to the selected product.

In addition, you need to follow the plan for public regular or one-time events, city or national holidays. These include: sports competitions, carnival, city day, youth day, etc. One such event can bring 50 or even 100 times the profit, that is, partially or even completely pay off the freezer.

Activity registration

To obtain permission to locate a trading stall in a certain place, you need to apply with an application-request to the consumer market department.

Obtaining a permit for street trading requires the collection of a fairly impressive package of documents, namely:

  • certificates of entry of individual entrepreneurs into the state register;
  • coordination of the assortment with Rospotrebnadzor;
  • conclusions issued by the fire and sanitary-epidemiological service;
  • certificates from the tax office on existing debts.

In addition, you can not do without preparation:

  • control log;
  • organization passports;
  • inspection log;
  • health passport.

The most difficult stage is obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor. This requires:

  • sellers;
  • contracts for waste disposal or the use of garbage containers, as well as the use of sewerage;
  • declarations of conformity for equipment, ready mix, ice cream cones and drinking water.

outlet options

Before you start selling ice cream, you need to realize that the purchase of a freezer, the definition of a trade name, the choice of mixtures and cones are not of paramount importance. The most important point is the search for a suitable place, which is characterized by the presence of a quantitative and qualitative flow of potential customers.

The location of the point directly affects the scope of implementation. The main consumers of ice cream are children and young people.

A point of sale can be organized using a counter or showcase, which is recommended to be placed in shopping centers.

Necessary equipment

The technological process of making soft ice cream is not fraught with anything complicated. The finished mixture is simply placed in special equipment. After a short period of time, you can put a delicious treat in a glass.

When purchasing a freezer, you need to consider the difference in power, some additional features and cost. Placement of the device is possible in any room in which there is an electrical network.

The low power freezer does not take up much space and does not hinder the seller's movement in any way. Devices made by foreign manufacturers (Italian, Polish, German) are in the greatest demand, as they are characterized by high quality. Market monitoring allows you to make the right choice, combining both price and quality.

The minimum threshold for the cost of the freezer is 30 000 rub. A powerful machine can be purchased for approximately for 400,000 rubles. The latter is more suitable for a cafe or restaurant, but the purchase of such a device for the operation of a small outlet is considered inappropriate. The best option is a freezer with a capacity of 16 l / h and a small number of additional functions (making a cocktail or milk juice). The cost of such a device will be approximately 60 000 rub.

In addition, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without the following additional equipment:

  • a cold chamber in which the components will be stored;
  • special blades for mixing the mixture;
  • containers for the mixture;
  • measuring cups;
  • scales.

The cooking process is clearly shown in the following video:

Required Components

This small business requires regular purchases of raw materials. For cooperation, you need to choose only reliable suppliers, since only this moment can guarantee the quality of the product. If customers appreciate the taste of ice cream, then the idea will pay off very quickly.

The main component is the finished mixture, which can be found on sale both in powder and liquid form. The latter option does not require any additional manipulations, but the cost of the dry mixture is much lower - about 350 rub. per package.

The capacity of the box depends on the manufacturer, but generally varies from 1.6 to 1.8 kg. The volume of one is enough to make 60 servings of ice cream, 100 g each.

You need to remember about the container. Packaging of the finished product must be carried out in a plastic cup(approximate price 50 kopecks/piece) or into a waffle cone(1 rub/piece). It is recommended to offer buyers both options.

To reduce the payback period, you should regularly expand or update the range of desserts. For example, ice cream can be topped with fruit jam or syrup. At the same time, the increase in additional costs is minimal, and the influx of customers is significant.

How to attract customers

The beginning of any entrepreneurial activity is accompanied by difficulties, but this business idea has one indisputable advantage: such a project does not need a PR campaign.

The owner of an ice shop selling goodies does not need to burden himself with developing his own website, making flyers and business cards, it will be enough to place outdoor advertising that attracts passers-by.

Financial expenses

The business of producing and selling soft ice cream is very profitable. Opening a small pavilion may require the following financial investments:

  • purchase of the necessary equipment (freezer, refrigerator, containers, measuring cups, scales, etc.) - 110,000 rubles.
  • purchase of raw materials - 5000 rubles;
  • IP registration - 1,000 rubles.

In total, the initial investment is approximately 106 000 rub.

Approximate profit and payback

Purchasing equipment with higher performance and finding a profitable location can reduce the payback period of the project. For the initial data, the daily sale of the finished product in the amount of 8 kg was taken. Customer service for a small pavilion can easily be handled by one person.

The payback and the amount of expected profit are presented in the following table:

Name of indicatorValue
Monthly productivity, kg.240
Production cost, rub./kg.75
Retail price, rub./kg500
The amount of monthly revenue, rub.120 000
The amount of monthly variable costs (rent, salary, taxes), rub.60 000
Net profit, rub./month42 000
Payback period, months3

It turns out that during the incomplete spring-summer period, you can fully recoup all costs. The onset of winter time does not mean that you need to curtail activities.

For example, if the location of the outlet is a cinema or an entertainment center, then even in the cold period of time, the production of soft ice cream will be popular. Of course, one cannot count on great demand, but the pavilion will still bring income.

Until recently, ice cream was a luxury treat available only to certain segments of the population. And the production of ice cream was a very expensive and complex technological process that occupied huge plants. Today, manufacturing processes have been simplified so much that production "fits" in one desktop machine, and the ice cream business is considered a very affordable business with a small start-up capital.

By the way, mankind, for more than 4000 years, likes the taste of a chilled delicacy. The first prototypes of ice cream, mixed ice and fruit, were a traditional dessert at the court of Chinese emperors. In its modern form, ice cream appeared in Europe in the 18th century.

Modern ice cream, at the production stage, is divided into hardened and soft. The main difference between them is the freezing temperature of the final product. Hardened or hard ice cream is frozen at -25°C. Soft at -4…8°C. In this regard, soft ice cream has a short shelf life, but the ease of production has made this business a business on the spot, that is, soft ice cream is made right in front of the client using simple equipment.

Equipment, ingredients and soft ice cream production technology

The production of soft ice cream requires several initial ingredients and one apparatus - a freezer.

The principle scheme for the production of soft ice cream includes several stages. The ingredients for soft ice cream are mixed with water or milk according to the recipe. The resulting mixture is filtered and pasteurized to remove mechanical impurities and pathogenic microorganisms. Then the mixture is homogenized and pre-cooled to +4°C for ripening, which increases the consumer qualities of ice cream. The use of ready-made dry mixes simplifies the process to one step: the mixture must be diluted with water and loaded into the freezer.

The finished mixture in the freezer is whipped with air, cooled to -8°C and unloaded into a bunker, from which the finished product is poured into single portions, the finished soft ice cream has a temperature of -4°C.

Freezers for soft ice cream are divided into domestic and industrial. The difference between the devices is in the volume of ice cream production, as well as in the presence of additional functions, such as: mixing the finished mixture, pasteurization, the type of treat produced, the ability to add syrups and fillers to ice cream.

Commercial soft ice cream freezers, depending on the ingredients used, can also produce other chilled desserts - sorbetto, granito, frozen yogurt (frozen yogurt), milkshakes and more.

The cost of equipment and dry mixes for soft ice cream

The average cost of a commercial soft ice cream freezer is 140-180 thousand rubles. This is a desktop version of the refrigerator. Such a freezer produces 10-18 liters of ice cream per hour. It usually has 2 containers and 3 dispensers. Accordingly, the freezer can simultaneously produce ice cream of two flavors (2 different mixtures), as well as their combination using a third dispenser. Freezers with one capacity cost 30-50 thousand rubles cheaper. There are also devices with 5 or more containers or increased production capacity up to 50 liters per hour. The price of the freezer is also affected by additional options, the choice of which depends on your capabilities and desires. For example, overnight storage of the finished mixture is a controversial option, but the possibility of producing other chilled desserts, such as milkshakes, is a necessary option, since, according to experts in this business, milkshakes account for up to 70% of sales.

In addition to the freezer, you will need mixes for soft ice cream, fillers, syrups, waffle cones or disposable cups (creamers) for ice cream, as well as cups of various sizes for other desserts, the total cost of the initial volume is 30-100 thousand rubles.

Additional equipment for a point for the production and sale of soft ice cream

In addition to the freezer and counter design, you will need the following equipment.

Refrigerator or refrigerated showcase for storing ready-made mixtures, a set of gastronorm containers, various spatulas, spoons and scrapers for stirring the finished mixture and removing ice cream residues from freezer containers and hoppers.

Also, you will need clean water to prepare the dry powder mixture. It must be purchased from a reliable seller-supplier of drinking water, which is delivered in ordinary containers of 19 liters.

In addition to everything, you need to buy measuring utensils and scales. They will be needed for the correct preparation of dry mixes (usually 1 part of the mixture to 3 parts of water), as well as fitting the finished serving of ice cream to the cones and creamers.

But, before you buy all the equipment, you need to decide on other aspects of this business, namely, the place of your trade, the power of your equipment will also depend on it.

Choosing a place to sell soft ice cream

You don't have to be a successful businessman to figure out which ice cream shop can be considered a treat. These are places where hundreds and thousands of people pass every hour. And not just pass, but stare around.

Thus, shopping centers, pedestrian streets, amusement and recreation parks, cinemas and other entertainment centers, as well as places where many people are in standby mode or festive idleness can be considered ideal places for selling ice cream - metro stations, railway stations, airports, mass Events.

Based on the location, you can calculate the approximate required power of your equipment. For example, a freezer for 10 liters per hour: this is 200 servings of ice cream of 50 grams or 100 servings of milkshake of 100 grams. That is, 2-3 servings of ice cream per minute or 1-2 servings of a cocktail. Adding this to the selection and serving time (3-8 minutes), we get that you can cook a maximum of 30 servings per hour. Imagine that the session at the cinema has ended and a queue of 30 people has lined up for you. Do you think the tail of the queue will wait for its portion for an hour and is this ideal? In practice, 30 servings on weak equipment are cooked in 1.5-2 hours. Therefore, it is better to take equipment with a margin of power, albeit to the detriment of additional options.

Legal and organizational side of the issue of trade in soft ice cream

For the legal existence of an ice cream business, it is enough to register a simple IP, it is quite simple and familiar to many. Moreover, sole proprietors have much less fines than LLCs.

Like any type of catering business, the production and sale of soft ice cream must be coordinated with the SES and Rospotrebnadzor.

Your activity must comply with:

  • Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for catering establishments (SP, clause 16: Requirements for temporary fast food catering establishments.
  • Responsibility for violation of these rules is established in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Article 6.6.

There will be penalties, we warn you right away. There will be complaints, dissatisfied people and, in general, inspection bodies need statistics. For a complaint, check and fine, a sloppy appearance of a seller or a dirty counter, stale napkins or an unpleasant smell is enough.

Therefore, your employees should always smile, be in uniform, work in disposable gloves, have fresh napkins and smell good :) Do not save on either workers or uniforms with special hygiene products. By the way, in order to avoid an unpleasant smell, make a rule to wash the freezer at least 2 times a week, and preferably 4, taking care of the appearance of the equipment every day.

Also, pay attention to working with suppliers. Suppliers must be accurate, punctual and reliable. They must have a valid certificate for all products supplied.

You must have documents for all equipment (certificates of conformity, specifications, customs documents - if the equipment was imported from abroad), supply contracts, waybills.

In addition, you must have:

  • lease agreements and shared use of bathrooms (for shopping centers, cinemas, etc.);
  • health books for all your employees who work with products;
  • certificates for all your products and ingredients, including water. Strictly follow the expiration dates of all products and labeling. Well, look at Revizzoro, so you know;

Having all the necessary documents in hand, register with the tax office, Rospotrebnadzor, obtain permits from the SES, notify other necessary services (depending on the region of residence, the rules differ).

Video: how soft ice cream is sold in the USA

That's all - successful business to you! Drag the article to your bookmarks or social network, the information is useful, but you can lose it.

Research what types of ice cream your closest competitors offer. You can get your customers by selling new or better products. Of great importance in the ice cream trade is the right choice of location for the outlet. Consider all possible options.

Before drawing up a business plan, study the proposals of equipment manufacturers. Not always the high performance of the device is appropriate.

Main risks

Seasonal dependency is not the biggest issue for indoor trading. Ice cream lovers buy it in any, even the most unfavorable weather. The ability to organize trade in the open air in the summer, and move indoors with the onset of cold weather reduces this risk.

Selling ice cream is a very popular destination. The competition is extremely high. The purchase of a modern device, a good location and the sale of related products will help minimize this risk.

Soft ice cream has a very short shelf life. When choosing the performance of the device, this factor should be taken into account. Selling an expired product is fraught with severe fines.


The main criterion for choosing a location is liveliness and the absence of competitors nearby. With a successful choice of a place for selling ice cream, the initial costs pay off within 1-2 months.

Renting a small area in a shopping center or any other premises with a large number of visitors is more expensive, but it removes the problem of obtaining a large number of permits, connecting to electricity and water supply, and storing equipment.

Selling soft ice cream on the street is more profitable in summer. Look for areas with high traffic in the city, near parks, educational and recreational facilities. Consider options taking into account the possibility of connecting to electricity, water supply. Also, consider where the equipment will be stored.


Apparatus for making soft ice cream is offered by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Important criteria for choosing a particular model are:

- Dimensions.
- Electricity consumption.
- Warranty period of service.

The difference in the cost of domestic and foreign devices is also significant. Let's carry out a comparative analysis of the two most popular and recommended samples by experts.

SaniServ (USA). Productivity - up to 15 kg / h. Weight - 70 kg. Reliable, allows you to produce soft ice cream. The cost is about 150,000 rubles.

RIKON-30 (Russia). Productivity - up to 30 kg / h. Weight - 160 kg. Ice cream is slightly worse in texture. The cost is about 75,000 rubles.

To sell ice cream, you need to buy a standard glass chest-refrigerator, a counter.

Also, it is worth considering what special mixtures the device works best with. The most popular due to their excellent taste and ease of preparation are American Frosty Freeze blends. The price of a package weighing 1.25 kg is 480 rubles. These mixtures are diluted with water in a ratio of 1/5. As a result, you get about 6 kg of ice cream. In parallel, you can offer customers frozen yogurt. YoSoGood dry mix (USA) is the most profitable and popular option. The price of a package weighing 1.25 kg is 600 rubles.

The wholesale cost of a waffle cone is 1.5 rubles; plastic cups and spoons - 1 ruble.


From one package of dry mix, on average, 55-60 servings (100 g) of soft ice cream are obtained. Under favorable weather conditions, 350-400 servings can be sold throughout the day. The average cost of ice cream in a vanilla cone is 20 rubles, with a plastic cup - 17-18 rubles. The daily revenue of one point is about 7,500 rubles, the monthly one is about 200,000 rubles. Not every day the weather will favor the sale of ice cream, but on weekends and hot days, sales increase dramatically.

Current expenses:

Raw materials and consumables - about 80,000 rubles.
Salary - 50,000 rubles.
Rent, taxes, payment for electricity and contingencies - 10,000-12,000 rubles.
Thus, the net monthly profit is about 58,000 rubles.


To operate one point, two sellers with a shift exit should be hired. Offer employees a salary and an additional payment in the amount of a certain percentage of sales. Sellers must have health books with permission to work in the food trade.

If there are 2-3 points for the sale of ice cream, the owner can deal with suppliers of raw materials and other organizational issues. When expanding the network, an administrator should be hired for management.

For financial and tax reporting, you can hire a part-time accountant.

Documents and licenses

In the tax office, you can issue an IP. The optimal type of taxation is UTII. For trade in the premises, a lease agreement is concluded with the owner. For trade on the street - with the city authorities.

To obtain a permit from the sanitary and epidemiological station, it is necessary to provide an agreement for garbage collection, water and electricity supply, certificates from the manufacturer of equipment and raw materials. Also, this organization very strictly controls the availability of medical books with a medical examination passed by employees at the time prescribed by law.


The profitability of the soft ice cream trade is extremely high. To reduce the risks from an unfortunate location or weather conditions, expand the range and network of outlets at the slightest opportunity.

Offer refreshing mineral water, drinks made from natural ingredients, cotton candy, other types of ice cream, frozen yogurt, sweets.

Place several tables near the apparatus under umbrellas. Create comfort. Flowering plants, pleasant music - all this will make customers stay longer near your point and buy an additional serving.


Despite high competition and seasonality, the sale of soft ice cream can become a successful and highly profitable business. The right choice of location, expansion of the range and network of points of sale will quickly reach payback and net profit.

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