
Dragon Aries: character, love, compatibility, work, talents. Aries men: in love - a dragon, in life - fire

In this article I will talk about the main qualities of the character of the Aries-Dragon and his behavior in personal relationships. And also what signs suit them best in love.

This article used quotes from our readers from a previous article about, thanks to them for their help in revealing the identity of these people.

Main qualities: purposefulness, rigidity, distrust, good health, dominance, strength, enthusiasm, success, redundancy, courage.

Attract attention These people are hard to miss. They are always in sight at any public meeting. They are either worshiped or hated with all their hearts. Unfortunately for the latter, this does not bother them.

Confidence- they are surrounded by an aura of charm and self-confidence that everyone around admires. They are at the top of the food chain and are not going to give someone power. Their confidence is of interest to many. People are constantly trying to figure out what makes them so special.

Aggression and demanding- This is probably the most aggressive of all signs. They can be tyrants and control every step of a person.

Competitive- able to overcome challenges and problems, both in love and career. They cannot be stopped.

Know how to shock- their actions, thoughts and actions can shock not only loved ones, but the whole district.

Simple guys People tend to think they are naive when they first meet. How surprised you will be in the future.

kind hearts Tell them you lost all your money to scammers and they will cover your mortgage for a year in advance.

Suspiciously calm These people are not like other Aries. They are unperturbed.

cunning- with age, their intelligence turns into cunning. And it is hidden behind politeness and attractiveness.

The main thing is to believe in them. And then they can do everything.

outgoing- they can say a lot of nasty things, I burn all the bridges, but then they quickly cool down.

What are they like in love?

Attractive- it’s not easy to get along with them, but the opposite sex flies to them like moths to the light.

Confidence- a very important quality in dealing with these people. You shouldn't let them down.

They don't like weakness. They like people who are independent and responsible.

I forgive flaws- they are blind to the shortcomings of loved ones and quickly forget about missteps.

What signs suit them?

  1. You can put at the top of the list: Gemini-Rats, Gemini-Monkeys, Aquarius-Monkeys.
  2. With them you will feel a kindred spirit: Sagittarius-Rats, Lions-Rats, Lions-Monkeys.
  3. You are best to avoid: Crayfish-Dogs, Crayfish-Oxen, Capricorn-Oxen, Libra-Dogs.

How to win their heart?

There are two tactics. 1. Just enjoy life next to them. Do not demand anything, just be there, he will appreciate it. 2. Cry for your broken heart - this will definitely work, at least for a while.

This tactic was sent to us by our reader ( One and a half - probably Masha):

“The carrot and stick method. These guys need a game, and a bright and enchanting one. To everything, sometimes take off the mask so that he understands how sincere and open you are. Do not take the first steps, OD conquerors. This is all about the initial stages of a relationship. And in the relationship itself, you need to have your own opinion, support in any of his undertakings. Praise, care. I'm married to ML, and how my husband was quick-tempered, hot and unbridled at the beginning of the relationship, when you don’t understand at all what the hell is in this crazy head. And how much he turned out to be the kindest, gentle, caring husband. A devoted friend (we can generally discuss any problems for days, make plans, dream together), and an ardent lover. Insanely charming. “Grab it right away!!! For me, this is a dream, not a man!”

Work for Aries-Dragon

  1. Excellent sellers— know how to choose words to convince people to buy. Don't be afraid to talk to anyone.
  2. Work should be fun It doesn't matter what profession these people choose. The main thing is that it is close to their heart. A job that brings happiness will help them get a star from the sky.

Famous Aries/Dragons: Jonathan Brandis (4/13/1976), Russell Crowe (4/7/1964), Steven Seagal (4/10/1952), Joan Crawford (3/23/1904), Maxim Gorky (3/ 28/1868)

Are you or someone close to you an Aries Dragon? Then we propose to find out what are the characteristics of men, women and children of this sign according to the combined (double) horoscope, how their life and relationships with other people usually develop.

What kind of person is Aries Dragon: character traits, features of behavior and lifestyle

This is the perfect combination of the youthful energy of Aries with the courage and cunning of the Dragon. And this blend is simply unbeatable! Dragon Aries is ready to go all the way to take the world's leading positions. No one and nothing can resist his strong will and enterprise. Cunning is, in principle, alien to the nature of the "pioneer of the Zodiac" - nevertheless, it is read in all manifestations of Aries in the year of the Dragon.

His unheard of self-confidence leads to the fact that it would never occur to you that it was he who stole your silverware. According to the combined (double) horoscope, the Aries Dragon never looks suspicious. These are quite elegant ladies and elegant gentlemen. And when they open their mouths, you get the impression that these are young, inexperienced “puppies”. And you wonder: is an Aries woman born in the year of the Dragon really capable of waiting for her husband to leave on business to pick up the children, steal furniture from the house and take all the family money from the bank? Can he really run away with his lover to Hong Kong? This is true, and so it was in the case of one familiar representative of this sign. She took everything and disappeared without leaving an address. Did she even leave a letter to her husband? No - only a dog, because she knew that her husband was very attached to her.

Why do you think the Dragon Rat woman did this - why did she take everything, but still left the dog? Because she is very sentimental! The indestructible Dragon literally melts in sadness, loves tearful stories. Sentimental behavior can sometimes be the cause of his death and defeat. The Aries Dragon may not like his employee, but if he comes to ask for a raise and cries, the sensitive boss will hand him his handkerchief and give him a check.

Aries, which is the Dragon according to the Chinese horoscope, is a person who is simply impossible to resist and resist. They have a real ability to attract, please. They exude some kind of atavistic fire, from which even icy resistance melts. Do not leave your wife in the same room with your friend Dragon for a minute if you want her to return home safe and sound. It is enough to leave her for five minutes in the "aura" that the boyish and perky Aries Dragon man radiates, so that a delightful star will shine in her eyes, which will never go out again.

Aries women who were born in the year of the Dragon are just wonderful. I know one lady of this sign. It's terrible: when she comes to the beach, all the other representatives of the fair sex burrow into the sand. Of course, this powerful self-confidence can always turn into arrogance. A lot of fire, little self-control and restraint, which, combined with a brilliant appearance, good taste and success with men, certainly creates an explosive mixture.

As the combined horoscope shows, the Aries Dragon, whether it is a man or a woman, sometimes causes fierce envy. People with a direct, strong character are always wondering why the dexterity, fraud of the Aries Dragon always gets away with it. Can't he see that we've known everything about him for a long time? Doesn't he understand that after so many years we have developed a strong immunity to these jokes of his? Yes, of course, Aries Dragon knows that the district police inspector has already taken note of him and wrote down his number. But nothing will stop Drakosha-Lamb from trying to have fun at the expense of this policeman, to play cat and mouse with him. Everything seems like a game to the Dragon Aries, he knows how to work miracles and charm - so why not show off your abilities? ..

In fact, under the "bravura" outer shell of Aries and the Dragon, a touchingly serious person is sometimes hidden. He doesn't strike up friendships too easily, but he cares deeply for those he loves. Capable of sincere, warm affection. At its core, this is a good person with good intentions. Only he cannot resist the power of his attractiveness ... He loves to bathe in the rays of his own sun, wants to take as much out of life as possible and be the center of everything and everyone.

Dragon Aries woman and Dragon Aries man: characteristic in love

In love with love, Aries Dragons never miss an opportunity to seduce someone or let themselves be seduced. Loyalty? They never heard of it. But it doesn't really matter if our heroes are Dragon Aries boy or Dragon Aries girl. In sex, they are miraculously good, and the intimate moments spent with them are so vivid and memorable that, in fact, then no one asks what and where they did the rest of the week.

The Aries Dragon man in love is extremely sentimental. If you want to keep him and feel that he strayed from the path of virtue too often, then you can always get through to him ... by making a scene. Stand in the kitchen, grab the edge of the table so hard that your knuckles turn white, put your head down and cry. Yes, sob, sighing convulsively and shaking your shoulders. Your man Dragon Aries was already about to leave the house, his thoughts were somewhere on the way, and suddenly this desperate cry of the soul reaches him. “My beloved person is crying ...” - and now the Dragon is already running like crazy up the stairs, caressing you, hugging you and saying: “I will do everything for you, just don’t cry, dear!”

Aries himself, born in the year of the Dragon (especially if it is a man, but it also concerns women) can be advised: from time to time stay longer at home and learn how it is to be at home, and not scour in search of adventure. Play, "talk" with your favorite things. Dig in the garden. Try to enjoy the small joys of everyday life. If you are interested in forming partnerships with your husband or wife, take steps in that direction.

Relations with other signs of the zodiac and the eastern horoscope

According to the double horoscope, the Aries Dragon man and the Aries Dragon woman demonstrate excellent compatibility with Gemini - Monkeys and Rats, communication with which will bring a lot of joy to both parties. Aquarius-Monkey, Sagittarius Rat and Monkey will also be attractive to them. Who does not suit Dragon Aries of both sexes? Astrologers advise them not to pay attention to Cancer Dogs and Oxen, Capricorn-Oxen and the Dog-Libra. On their part, you can only count on provocations.

home and family

The characteristic of the Aries Dragon is such that they are extremely busy with the outside world, they are eager to have their admiring audience in order to be able to shine in front of her and show their branded features. All this greatly distracts them from the family. This does not mean that Aries Dragons are not good parents or siblings. And it only means that they simply lack admiration from family members. But it would be too easy and simple for them - they need the applause of the whole world, and they know how to win it! And this in itself limits the time that they could spend on other activities.

Surely you will not meet Aries according to the eastern horoscope of the Dragon, in a self-service store pushing a cart in front of him, filled to the top with purchases for the whole family. You won't meet him at the laundry. He loves his family, but does not want to take care of them too actively. In addition, the behavior in the family of Aries Dragon men and women is such that they like to put forward various demands on their children and often make comments in the spirit of “don’t answer like that”, “don’t keep your elbows on the table”, “stop smiling stupidly.” The fact is that for Aries Dragons, the most important thing is how they present themselves. And it is not surprising that they want their children to also participate in this performance.

Aries child born in the year of the Dragon

The Aries Dragon girl and the Aries Dragon boy are usually uncontrollable, naughty, noisy and demanding. But at the same time, they are so loving, sensitive and sweet that it is simply impossible to be angry with them for a long time! A feature of these children is restraint - both intellectually and socially. Although they have a special punching power and leadership abilities, the Aries Dragon Child is not always very popular in the class - until he begins to achieve this more consciously and purposefully.

Work, career

The combination of Aries and the Dragon in one person is synonymous with ambition. Such representatives of the double horoscope consider the satisfaction of their aspirations to be the most important life task. They start by being the best in school, graduating with honors, and then using their diplomas to find suitable jobs that satisfy them completely.

Adult Aries Dragon, male or female, sometimes finds difficult and demanding activities. For example, this person buys a non-working machine and tries to start it. Or he borrows a huge amount to buy some completely destroyed house in order to repair it and sell it. Or maybe he will start publishing very difficult to read and thick books, which may not be in great demand. Such challenges are for him the content and meaning of life. And if there are no such problems on his way, he will definitely get them - at least from under the ground.

The nature of the Dragon Aries can allow you to count on success, provided that these people are able to keep their pride and impatience in check. Another disadvantage is their excessive self-confidence. If they engage in some dubious business, go down a slippery path, then they must somehow rise again from the “bottom” to the top. The combined western and eastern horoscope states that it is better for them to return to the office and re-enter the circle of duties. This is what his soul needs. Because the best for the Aries Dragon is the path of honesty, and only she will stop with real insurance against trouble.

What kind of work suits Aries of the Year of the Dragon: a manager, a high-ranking official, a journalist, a clothing designer, an accountant, a craftsman, a company president, a general director.

Nata Karlin

The main characteristics of Aries-Dragon are purposefulness, undeniable leadership qualities, complete confidence in their own omnipotence and determination. People of this combination of signs are natural leaders who are able to achieve their goals and go to them by any means. Their vocation is to lead people, they are talented politicians and bosses. If this person opens his own business, then the business promises to be extremely successful and profitable. These are maximalists, which have only 2 paths - get everything or leave everything at the very beginning of the path.

Aries-Dragons are born leaders who are able to achieve their goals

The Aries guy of the Year of the Dragon is an optimistic person who has inexhaustible optimism and gives everyone around positive. These are the lucky ones for whom all life's difficulties are a challenge and an exciting event, getting out of it is a matter of honor. It should be noted that they are successful in this. Therefore, already at an early age, they can achieve success in society and the business they have just begun. Men of this sign almost always live in abundance and surround themselves with faithful and reliable life partners.

Ambitious character, constant desire to plan everything allows men of this combination of signs to easily and naturally achieve any goals. However, flying high up the career and social ladder, these people do not lose their human qualities. But they should not delve too much into the problems of others, because they are completely imbued with them and forget even about their own urgent needs.

In their youth, these men need to fully devote themselves to a career and the search for the main business of their whole life. Only then can they achieve true success.

The main weakness of the character of men of this combination of signs is inability to control one's own anger. If you managed to witness such an attack of rage, then you can fully experience the feeling of horror from what is happening to a person. But this minus quickly turns into a plus, as soon as the guy himself realizes all the ugliness of his own behavior. He immediately transforms into a tame lamb, who faithfully looks into the eyes and seeks the support of others. However, you should not flatter yourself: as soon as the wave of shame subsides, he will immediately show you a new round of his aggression. At these moments, it is advisable not to respond to his statements, not to argue, and patiently wait for the end of the tirade. Only in this case the man will understand that he was wrong. Otherwise, his decision will be unequivocal: he was just defending himself!

The main weakness of the character of men of this combination of signs is the inability to control their own anger

Characteristics of women Aries-Dragon

The Aries girl, born in the year of the Dragon, is relaxed and funny, inquisitive and windy. She chooses a partner for herself. This should be a person with a strong character and high vital activity. Finding such a person is quite problematic, so the ladies of this sign are very often alone.

At work these ladies are executive, quite ambitious. Their character is flint, which allows them to become a reliable partner and an excellent companion in any business. The ladies of this combination of signs are trying to fulfill themselves in any area that they have chosen important for themselves in life. They do not tolerate competition, they quickly eliminate those who stand in their way mercilessly, without looking back at conventions.

Friendship for women of this sign is an important part of life. They are always surrounded by many people who want to become their friends.

They infect with positive, know how to delve into other people's problems, give good advice and help everyone who needs it right now. They themselves will never betray or forgive betrayal to anyone, especially those who were very trusted.

Disadvantages of women sign

The weak side of women of this combination of signs is that, being constantly on the move, they demand this from others. They need to learn to be somewhat softer and more flexible, because over time this trait develops into despotism. Another disadvantage - stubbornness bordering on the denial of quite logical things.

Aries-Dragon girls infect with positive, know how to delve into other people's problems, give good advice

In old age, women of this combination of signs become rather grumpy old women, trying to prove to everyone that they are right and not recognizing other people's opinions. In order not to achieve such a result, it is enough in youth to learn to control your anger and an indefatigable desire to teach everyone and everything.

A man of this combination of signs constantly needs adoration, so for him a partner is a source of love and pleasure. He is looking for this bright feeling always and everywhere, while giving more than receiving in return. They are gallant cavaliers, permanent knights and wonderful lovers. Men of this sign are accustomed to approach life's difficulties with enthusiasm and determination, instilling the same feelings in those around them. Marriage for these men is a duty that they gladly place on their own shoulders if they feel the disinterested love of their partner.

A partner for Aries-Dragon is a source of love and pleasure, so he needs constant adoration

Women of this combination of signs of a partner choose for themselves for a long time, they approach this issue with all seriousness. At the same time, they can marry several times until they find a person who is stronger than them in character. A relationship with an insecure man is fatal for her.

She is a lover of change and adventure, so it is simply impossible to make her a housewife who peacefully takes care of the life of her family. Men who are self-confident, not experiencing feelings of jealousy and just as inquisitive can approach her. However, the households of women of this sign are always treated kindly and surrounded by attention and care. She easily combines family concerns and career growth. She very easily manages to solve all the problems of the family, while being held in high esteem by her superiors and purposefully gradually approaching the intended peak. This peak can be anything - the position of the same boss who only recently hired her, success in a business chosen as a hobby, etc.

The main thing in family relationships for her is love and warmth. Only within the walls of her own home and next to the man who loves her can she be calm and balanced.

Maximum Compatibility Medium
Minimum Compatibility
Eastern calendar Rat, Monkey, Rooster, Tiger, SnakeDragon, Bull, Horse, PigDog, Cat (Rabbit), Goat,
according to the western calendar Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, CapricornAquarius, Leo, Gemini, Pisces, LibraVirgo, Taurus, Cancer

Full characteristics of the child Aries, born in the year of the Dragon

The Aries boy in the year of the Dragon is a closed, difficult-to-understand child. This kid looks at strangers for a long time before letting them into his life. He treats close people with the same bias, so it is very difficult to understand what is really on the mind of this little wild kid.

The child of this combination of signs always needs a lot of freedom., he tries to solve any problem on his own, without attracting much attention from adults. To avoid conflicts, it is better to leave the girl or boy alone and make sure that the child does not injure himself by overcoming difficulties on his own.

The child of this combination of signs always needs a lot of freedom.

However, if you advise or convince the child calmly, he will definitely listen, consider what he heard and draw the right conclusions. But just do not insist on your own, this will lead to a quarrel, and the baby of this combination of signs departs from conflicts for a very long time and hard. In adolescence, it is already simply impossible to reverse such stubbornness. Therefore, it is best to educate and exhort the child much earlier, so as not to become his enemy in the future.

October 19, 2017, 13:46

The characteristic of the sign of birth affects the character of a person and his life. The Year of the Dragon, together with the sign of Aries, gives an amazing combination in terms of activity and personality traits. This sign compares favorably with others. - strong, ambitious and purposeful. Bright and stubborn Aries further enhances the features, so an incredibly interesting characteristic of the Aries-Dragon woman is obtained.

Character and appearance

These two signs are associated with activity and ambition. The Dragon, born in the month of Aries, is hyperactive, endowed with enthusiasm and the desire to bring everything to the end. Selfishness and arrogance can be traced in character traits. They can behave arrogantly, but this is due to their purposefulness and conviction that they are right.

People under the sign of the Dragon are endowed with powerful energy, and enhances it. Representatives of this sign prefer to live violently and cheerfully, enjoying every minute and getting everything they want.

This combination has a highly developed thinking and a reasonable approach to life.. It draws people to him.

Women are sociable and know their worth. They are elegant and beautiful, take care of themselves. Bright appearance, excitement, gaiety undoubtedly attract attention, and women have many admirers.

Behavior Description

The Dragon-Aries differs in many aspects compared to other signs. You can’t pass by such a person without paying attention, he is sure to be remembered, but on the good side or the bad, it depends on the circumstances and the desire of the representative of the sign.

In love and marriage

A woman born under this combination is playful and windy. she needs an interesting and active. She will go away from the stupid and boring. A man should be stronger than her, but it’s quite difficult to find one, because the Dragon is a strong sign itself, and Aries further enhances the bright temperament.

Dragon-Aries needs romance and passion, new experiences, constant changes in life. An attempt to make her domestic and busy with everyday life may end in rebellion, since such a life is not for the Dragon.

A woman born under these signs will be the head of the family, and a man will have a hard time with her. But at the same time, he must protect her so that she feels support nearby. However, due to her increased activity, the children and husband will not suffer from a lack of attention. Impressions, an interesting life are guaranteed to them. She will find time for a career and for a family, there will be enough energy for all areas of life.

A representative of this sign falls in love easily and can meet with several men at the same time, choosing the best one. She needs a partner who can openly demonstrate hers and keep up with her activity and bright temperament.


In work, the Dragon-Aries is a good and reliable partner. Even with a woman, you can establish excellent business relationships. She appreciates development, strives for the implementation of her plans and does not stop there. However, it is better for her not to cross the road - she will direct all her bright character to the fight against competitors.

In the team, she feels great, has increased sociability, the ability to make friends and business connections. It can be distinguished by inflexibility, so few dare to argue with it. Nevertheless, this is a good leader who knows how to cheer up the team and charge with his enthusiasm. True, not everyone keeps up with her activity.

In terms of finances, the Dragon-Aries is usually doing well. They know how to earn, endowed with talent. Of course, sometimes they can enter into adventures that, in spite of everything, bring profit.

in friendship

This is a bright personality who easily makes friends and superficial acquaintances.. With the Dragon-Aries it is fun in the company, but he can also provoke adventures. Even in friendship, this sign will seek leadership, but people will gladly follow him.

Perfect match

As you know, according to the horoscope, some signs suit us more than others. For a woman under the sign of the Dragon-Aries, cooperation with Cancer, Aquarius and Libra is suitable. It is desirable that they be born in the year of the Boar, Tiger or Ox.

In love, representatives of this sign will find their soul mate among Scorpions and Sagittarius. They should be born in the year of the Cat, Monkey or Dragon. Friendship and communication goes well with Virgo and Taurus.

In general, the Dragon-Aries sign is very interesting and multifaceted.. Communication with such a person gives a lot of impressions, although not everyone keeps up with activity and ambition.

This indefatigable person sees no obstacles in front of him, his whole life is devoted to the struggle. Aries-Dragon is an ardent nature, the temperament of great strength is felt in it. Nature endowed him with the qualities inherent in a true leader: courage, determination, purposefulness. True, the Aries-Dragon is distinguished by impulsiveness and intolerance to other people's shortcomings. It is better to be friends with him, not to quarrel. As an enemy, he is simply terrible: merciless and adamant. According to the combined horoscope, a person born under the sign of Aries-Dragon is overly self-confident and proud. Does not notice obstacles, does not want to reckon with other people's opinions, always goes ahead. With all his might he strives for glory and greatness, and nothing else interests him.

Characteristics of the Aries Dragon

The imperious Aries-Dragon does not consider it necessary to listen to the opinions of other people. He is smart, quick-witted, and also absolutely confident in himself, so he sees no point in consulting with anyone. This is a born leader, skillfully leading people. Not prone to unnecessary experiences, often ignores generally accepted norms of morality. For Aries-Dragon, the main thing in life is to succeed, and how he will come to his cherished goal is unimportant. He considers his opinion to be the only correct one. Does not avoid communication, quite friendly with people, but only for selfish purposes. This is a wonderful manipulator, does not miss a single opportunity to impose his point of view. However, he is so charming that he does not arouse suspicion among others.

A distinctive feature of the character of the Aries-Dragon is exorbitant ambition. Always collected and focused on his goal. He cannot afford such a luxury as despondency, tears and worries. Acts quickly, without wasting time on long reflections. In pursuit of success, he forgets to pay attention to important little things, but thanks to his luck he avoids serious troubles. Indeed, the Dragon-Aries looks like a happy person, completely satisfied with his life. He is distinguished by cheerfulness and an optimistic approach to any problem. After all, Aries-Dragon believes in his indispensability: only he can achieve an excellent result. And the sympathy of the people around him only offends him.

A person of this combination of signs is always in sight, surrounded by a large number of people. Aries-Dragon is too bright and unusual to go unnoticed. It feels such power and strength that everyone's attention is provided. The influence of this charismatic personality on the opposite sex is especially noticeable. Although the Dragon-Aries does not resort to tricks, he does not try to please. He behaves naturally and even a little detached: he does not have time for nonsense. His whole life is spent in pursuit of a dream, in an effort to prove his superiority. Therefore, others should either support the Aries-Dragon in everything, or simply not interfere with him. Sentiments, conversations on lofty topics are inappropriate: great things await him.

Aries Dragon Compatibility

The proud, wayward Aries-Dragon is not ready to make sacrifices even for the sake of a loved one. Although such behavior can lead to problems on the personal front. Each of the Aries-Dragon dreams of meeting a worthy partner, but is not at all going to give up the role of leader to him. For him, a strong feeling is an incentive for career growth, so there is no time for tenderness. Most likely, the Dragon-Aries will do without romantic courtship, but simply take the chosen one or the chosen one by the hand and lead him.

According to the family horoscope, marriage does not change the habits of the Aries-Dragon. He remains true to his convictions: still active and purposeful. For this person, nothing is more important than their own interests. Therefore, loved ones should be patient and wait for the busy Aries-Dragon to find time for them. But he is a real earner, his family does not know the need for anything. He just has a slight weakness: he likes to command, carefully controls the life of the second half and children.

Aries Dragon Career

The ambitious Aries-Dragon can achieve great heights if he learns to trust other people. Too arrogant and proud to listen to the opinion of colleagues at work. Although sometimes it would not hurt him to take into account the interests of employees. But he is very responsible and hardworking, doing everything possible for the prosperity of the common cause. Of course, Aries-Dragon does not agree to any other position, except for the chair of the head. Can he bend to someone else's will? This is a born leader: power suits him.

We must pay tribute to the business acumen of Aries-Dragon: he has the talent to make profitable deals. This quick-thinking, intellectually developed and tenacious person knows how to capitalize on a lost cause. He does not need help, the main thing is not to interfere. Each of the Dragon-Aries, regardless of gender, has an iron will, stamina and determination. Therefore, even in the creative profession, he is able to achieve great success, because he does not waste time on unnecessary experiences.

The proud Aries-Dragon man is determined to succeed, he believes in his great destiny: brilliant accomplishments, fame, fame - this is his lot. With enthusiasm takes on any business, energetic, smart and active. This is an excellent leader, although sometimes his narcissism harms his work. Aries-Dragon man is so self-confident that many seem to be a die-hard stubborn. Women can leave their fantasies on the topic: everything will change after the wedding. Aries-Dragon is the only leader in the family, only the well-being of the union depends on him. A freedom-loving man is in no hurry to tie the knot, loves beautiful, smart women. With pleasure, he starts novels even when he is married.

A strong and strong-willed Aries-Dragon woman does not recognize frames and boundaries. Strives to achieve success in all areas of life, it is important for her to be able to fulfill all her dreams and fantasies. Set up for a successful career, ready to sacrifice her personal life for this great goal. Men should understand that they are dealing with a purposeful woman who does not have time for ironing, washing and cooking borscht. It is impossible to imprison her in four walls, she will not associate life with a despot and tyrant. True, a too calm partner will quickly get bored, Aries-Dragon is a bright, ambitious woman, she needs a competitive spirit. At the same time, she is not devoid of the usual female weaknesses, she expects romantic deeds from men.

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