
Dragon Aries: character, love, compatibility, work, talents. Aries men: in love - a dragon, in life - fire

Superdragon. Makes his way with his eyes closed, confident in victory!

Eastern horoscope: year of the dragon
Zodiac horoscope: Aries sign

Two energetic astrological signs make such people, one might say, hyperactive. Their enthusiasm is contagious, but they need to learn how to finish what they start. Selfish and impulsive, Aries-Dragon live stormily and cheerfully and can behave with people arrogantly and arrogantly.

In Chinese astrology, the Dragon is considered a powerful sign in its power. People born at this time gain the confidence and aura of the Dragon.

A person born in the sign of Aries in the year of the Dragon acquires a large amount of courage and elegance. Aries-Dragon has an amazing intellectual approach to life, which attracts a huge number of friends and admirers to him. He can literally amaze the people around him with his thinking. These people are cheerful and funny, and it seems that they have few worries in their lives.

The Aries-Dragon man is usually very intelligent, creative, quick in thinking and wit. Of all the Dragon personalities, this one is probably the most whimsical in communication and often has a wicked sense of humor filled with sarcasm.

They are not very curious, and do not want to know everything about something or someone. They have enough and incomplete representation. These people are very fond of research and when they receive their hypotheses, they do not tell anyone about it.

Curiosity still makes the Aries-Dragon interested in someone or something. They tend to look for people who are slightly different in thought and opinion from their own. These people love to communicate and therefore any potential friends should be prepared for many hours of interesting discussion with Aries-Dragon.

By asking questions and getting answers, these people can judge you as a person and what approach is best for you, so a conversation with him will always captivate you.

Aries-Dragon often falls in love and can easily build relationships with several people before settling on one person. These people need partners who will also demonstratively return the same amount of love and openness that the Aries-Dragons themselves give.

When Aries-Dragon is upset or outraged, he may pass all your advice on deaf ears. If they are thoughtful or in an indignant state, it is better to leave them alone. They themselves are able to find their own solutions to problems and rarely accept recommendations from other people.

Aries dragon is a person with the makings of a strong personality. He is self-confident, possesses business qualities and at the same time is quite balanced. The male dragon aries may seem almost superman, but this impression is superficial. Doubt, of course, is inherent in him, like in any other person. At the same time, he is able to show the way to others, lift people up and infect them with his enthusiasm.

Dragon Aries, even a woman, prefers to act on the principle of "all or nothing." He loves power, self-confident and brave, sometimes to the point of recklessness. In the struggle for their rights and dignity, the zodiac sign Aries, born in the year of the dragon, knows no limits - both in love and in friendship and business relationships.

If this woman were an animal, she would be Tyrannosaurus rex.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex needs no introduction, just like the Aries Dragon woman. It is impossible not to notice her. Wherever she is, she dominates, from social gatherings to the office.

People either hate these women or worship them. Not that they cared. She doesn't worry about what other people think of her. These women are self-directed, confident and charming.

They are natural leaders and they know it. The Aries-Dragon woman is at the top of the food chain and does not intend to give someone her power.

This is probably the most aggressive and demanding woman of all Aries. She can be an absolute tyrant, especially if she fails to control the situation and the people around her.

Able to achieve extraordinary success, both in love and work. Can overcome challenge after challenge. They cannot be stopped. Can open any door, and those that do not open, knocks out with his foot.

She's used to getting what she wants, and if she doesn't, she brushes it off and keeps moving on.

Aries Dragon Woman in Love

As you may have guessed, this woman is not the easiest person to communicate with. It's not easy to get along with her, but it's very easy to fall in love with her. Something makes her special and fans can't figure out what.

Despite all her virtues, it is very difficult for her to find her love. It is very difficult for her to calm down and stop at one person. She wants everything to be according to them, and despise people who are considered weak.

She needs a soulmate who will match her aggressive nature, but still allow them to lead.

They have many friends, but few have been able to make this friendship long-term.

Work for Aries Dragon Woman

These women are full of energy and self-confidence. They can force people to buy everything they sell. This quality makes them excellent sellers. She loves a challenge and rewards and is not afraid to talk to anyone.

She will be happy only when she is at the top. She needs to try to be more honest about her skills and talents. Don't set the bar too high. They will make excellent actors, doctors and journalists. But they won't be happy unless they get a job as chief surgeon or host of a popular show.

What to work on in your character

Qualities that you can endlessly demonstrate include: endless enthusiasm for life, resourcefulness and spontaneity. In difficult life situations, you should turn to your humor more often.

Throughout your life, it is important for you not to lose your true reaction to sorrow and pain. If you are impatient, be impatient and you can always find a creative way out of any situation. If you are jealous, show how much you love your partner.

Aries Dragon, you need to strive to change your "I" to "I strive." When you strive for something, you can reach incredible heights for yourself and for other people. You should match your intellect with high intuition. When you discover in yourself how high your intuition is, life will become more successful.

Health is an important factor throughout life. The head, and especially the eyes, can become the center of your intuition and concentration of power. You can benefit from meditative practice, for example, when you visualize the energy moving along the spine from the top of the head. Imagine how the energy oozes around you like a fountain and moves along the spine. As you meditate, use the energy and power within you to heal pain and other ailments.

Famous Aries Dragons

Russell Crowe (4/7/1964)
Steven Seagal (4/10/1952)
Maxim Gorky (3/28/1868)
Jackie Evancho (4/9/2000)
Hayley Joel Osment (4/10/1988)
Brenda Song (03/27/1988)
Melissa Joan Hart (4/18/1976)
Jonathan Brandis (4/13/1976)
Candace Cameron (4/6/1976)
Matt Doran (3/30/1976)
Jennifer Capriati (3/29/1976)
Taylor Humphreys (3/27/1976)
Amy Smart (3/26/1976)
Peyton Manning (3/24/1976)

Years: 1928; 1940; 1952; 1964; 1976; 1988; 2000; 2012; 2024.

If we talk about Aries, born in the year of the Dragon, then first of all it should be noted the ambitions that are characteristic of this sign. These are people who are self-confident. They easily make fundamental decisions, quickly respond to changing reality, defend their own rights and freedom. Among other things, Aries-Dragon is impulsive and has excellent leadership inclinations.

He is a person with a huge supply of energy. He tends to be passionate and impulsive. The pronounced features of the Aries-Dragon include the following:

  • love of freedom;
  • desire to be a leader;
  • energy.

In such a combination, similar elements are combined. Aries itself represents a person of revolutionary views. He is able to easily convince others. The Dragon is characterized by practicality and maximalism. In this regard, Aries, who was born in the year of the Dragon, can reach unprecedented heights and make real revolutions.

In love and business relationships, the representative of this sign will not be loyal. It is difficult for him to give in or discuss controversial issues. He does only as he sees fit. Aries-Dragon has unsurpassed strength and self-confidence. For this reason, if in personal relationships everything develops as he likes, then he will certainly show all his positive qualities. And the family, no doubt, will be happy and strong.

Aries-Dragon: general characteristics

Aries-Dragon is very difficult to convince and impose on him a different point of view

Aries-Dragons have strong leadership qualities. They are free-spirited and impulsive. These are people who have powerful willpower and efficiency. A person who was born in such a combination of signs gives everyone around him his energy and endless enthusiasm. Characteristics of this kind make it possible to achieve significant results in any field. Aries-Dragon becomes an integral part of any team. He is able to motivate others to achieve.

This is a very bright personality that can lead others. He firmly believes in a bright future. However, it also has its drawbacks. First of all, we are talking about the fact that Aries, who was born in the year of the Dragon, does not know the measure. This is a man of extremes. If he really wanted something, then he definitely needs to get it here and now.

This person always proves his own innocence, defends his point of view and will not make concessions. He is a power-hungry and self-confident nature. He is able to fight against anyone who seeks to limit his rights or hurt his pride.

Such people become great friends and responsible partners, both in business and in love. You should not cross the road of the Aries-Dragon. Otherwise, his anger will not have a limit. He is able to overcome any obstacles. In addition, this person does not take into account the general principles of morality and honor. It is easy for him to go against any norms and rules. In addition, he is able to pass off other people's successes as his own.

For Aries, who was born in the year of the Dragon, some unscrupulousness is characteristic in achieving the desired. This person can perfectly prove himself as a politician, head of a large enterprise or his own business.

It is worth paying attention that not in all cases everything works out for such a person in the best possible way. Sometimes he is really lucky in everything, but sometimes he has to work hard in order to achieve success.

In such a combination, a person can be overly arrogant and proud. And this entails such consequences as the loss of loved ones and the lack of support in case of need. In this regard, Aries, born in the year of the Dragon, should not forget that the people around him also have their own ideals and feelings.

When building love relationships, as in business, this person shows perseverance and intractability. If the other half agrees to indulge him in everything, then marriage will have prospects. One way or another, the representative of this combination of signs should come to a compromise, learn to give in, but somewhere and defend their own worldview. But do not forget that in a relationship there are always two people involved. If this fact is not taken into account, then harmony and joy will not be achieved in family life.

Aries Dragon Woman: Characteristics

The Aries-Dragon woman has a domineering nature, she likes to keep everything under control

It is typical for an Aries-Dragon woman to be generous, noble and kind. She makes great efforts to harmonize her own life. She is friendly. It is not difficult for a woman to find an approach to everyone and conduct conversations on various topics.

The characteristic of the Aries woman, who was born in the year of the Dragon, is also that she is always active and active. She is not afraid of changes in the surrounding reality. She is very lucky. A woman is surrounded by good people. There are practically no obstacles in her life path. In addition, she earns money easily.

The Aries woman, born in the year of the Dragon, has extraordinary ambitions. She has well developed leadership qualities. And this applies to both business and personal life. When a woman makes important decisions, she does not attach importance to unimportant details. However, she looks deep into things. She likes to be a leader. In this, she is similar to a man who was born in a similar combination of signs. It is not difficult for an Aries woman who was born in the year of the Dragon to achieve the status of a leader. She can easily become a boss, director or manager.

The fundamental characteristics of the Aries-Dragon woman include:

  • courage;
  • directness;
  • perseverance.

However, in achieving her goals, her thirst for fame and pride can interfere with her.

She certainly gives the impression of a very strong personality. But when building a love relationship, a woman manifests herself as an ardent nature, which is characterized by romance. She likes to be looked after, complimented and paid attention. A woman seeks to find for herself a powerful and strong-willed man who will motivate her to develop and improve herself.

It should be noted that the Aries woman, who was born in the year of the Dragon, is able to build a career and be a wonderful wife and mother. Difficulties in marriage will certainly make themselves felt if a woman decides to connect her life with an uninteresting and inactive man. Such cases occur quite often if she marries very young. She needs an opponent with whom she will constantly compete. Unfortunately, this rarely happens in reality.

It is not easy for an Aries-Dragon woman to find a strong man, because he will not put up with her independent character. In most cases, such representatives of the stronger sex require submission from their beloved. But a woman will not put up with this. To reduce conflict, a couple should always learn to compromise.

Aries Dragon Man: Characteristics

The Aries-Dragon man is not used to stopping halfway and always tries to bring any matter to its logical end.

The Aries-Dragon man fills those around him with faith in a brighter future and shares his energy with them. It is very pleasant to communicate with him, because he is always in a good mood and self-confident. A man has ambition. He always has many plans and goals. He is distinguished by inflexibility and the presence of a certain talent. It is not difficult for an Aries man who was born in the year of the Dragon to achieve his goals. At the same time, he maintains an attentive attitude towards others.

The fundamental characteristics of the Aries-Dragon man include:

  • love of freedom;
  • determination;
  • striving to be first.

This person, both in business and in love, purposefully moves towards his goal. People around prefer not to stand in his way. He becomes an excellent leader who is able to come to the right decision and act quickly. In addition, the actions of a man are distinguished by logic and thoughtfulness. He will not hesitate or hesitate.

Even in his youth, he manages to achieve financial independence and build a career. If a man fails, he does not despair. He is characterized by undying optimism, which helps him cope with all the difficulties. He gains experience and continues to move forward. At the same time, he manages to return the lost doubly.

If we talk about the characteristics of the Aries-Dragon man in a love relationship, then it should be noted that the fair sex does not leave him unattended. He likes to woo women. He highly appreciates their beauty, intelligence and refined manners. A man needs feelings. At the same time, he may be in search of his ideal even when he is already married.

The Aries man, who was born in the year of the Dragon, likes to look after and anticipate the wishes of his chosen one. However, she should take into account that from time to time he falls into a state of anger. He is an extremely loving man. In order to win him over, you need the ability to talk and have your own opinions on any topic. It is in this way that the Aries-Dragon man will be able to decide whether to continue the relationship.

A woman must match him. She should be strong and intellectually developed. It is important to keep in mind that in personal relationships a man can be very contradictory. It is very difficult to predict his actions. It is not easy for him to find a suitable candidate for himself.

For the Aries man, who was born in the year of the Dragon, his own independence is important. He is in search of a companion who is similar in worldview to himself. She should not put pressure on her beloved. After all, personal interests and the desire for self-realization are important for him. A woman should support him in everything.

In order to build a happy relationship with such a man, you should try. The main thing to remember is that in no case should you enter into a struggle for leadership with him. Only he should deal with the solution of important problems. However, a man can be gently and imperceptibly guided.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

Nata Karlin

The main characteristics of Aries-Dragon are purposefulness, undeniable leadership qualities, complete confidence in their own omnipotence and determination. People of this combination of signs are natural leaders who are able to achieve their goals and go to them by any means. Their vocation is to lead people, they are talented politicians and bosses. If this person opens his own business, then the business promises to be extremely successful and profitable. These are maximalists, which have only 2 paths - get everything or leave everything at the very beginning of the path.

Aries-Dragons are born leaders who are able to achieve their goals

The Aries guy of the Year of the Dragon is an optimistic person who has inexhaustible optimism and gives everyone around positive. These are the lucky ones for whom all life's difficulties are a challenge and an exciting event, getting out of it is a matter of honor. It should be noted that they are successful in this. Therefore, already at an early age, they can achieve success in society and the business they have just begun. Men of this sign almost always live in abundance and surround themselves with faithful and reliable life partners.

Ambitious character, constant desire to plan everything allows men of this combination of signs to easily and naturally achieve any goals. However, flying high up the career and social ladder, these people do not lose their human qualities. But they should not delve too much into the problems of others, because they are completely imbued with them and forget even about their own urgent needs.

In their youth, these men need to fully devote themselves to a career and the search for the main business of their whole life. Only then can they achieve true success.

The main weakness of the character of men of this combination of signs is inability to control one's own anger. If you managed to witness such an attack of rage, then you can fully experience the feeling of horror from what is happening to a person. But this minus quickly turns into a plus, as soon as the guy himself realizes all the ugliness of his own behavior. He immediately transforms into a tame lamb, who faithfully looks into the eyes and seeks the support of others. However, you should not flatter yourself: as soon as the wave of shame subsides, he will immediately show you a new round of his aggression. At these moments, it is advisable not to respond to his statements, not to argue, and patiently wait for the end of the tirade. Only in this case the man will understand that he was wrong. Otherwise, his decision will be unequivocal: he was just defending himself!

The main weakness of the character of men of this combination of signs is the inability to control their own anger

Characteristics of women Aries-Dragon

The Aries girl, born in the year of the Dragon, is relaxed and funny, inquisitive and windy. She chooses a partner for herself. This should be a person with a strong character and high vital activity. Finding such a person is quite problematic, so the ladies of this sign are very often lonely.

At work these ladies are executive, quite ambitious. Their character is flint, which allows them to become a reliable partner and an excellent companion in any business. The ladies of this combination of signs are trying to fulfill themselves in any area that they have chosen important for themselves in life. They do not tolerate competition, they quickly eliminate those who stand in their way mercilessly, without looking back at conventions.

Friendship for women of this sign is an important part of life. They are always surrounded by many people who want to become their friends.

They infect with positive, know how to delve into other people's problems, give good advice and help everyone who needs it right now. They themselves will never betray or forgive betrayal to anyone, especially those who were very trusted.

Disadvantages of women sign

The weak side of women of this combination of signs is that, being constantly on the move, they demand this from others. They need to learn to be somewhat softer and more flexible, because over time this trait develops into despotism. Another disadvantage - stubbornness bordering on the denial of quite logical things.

Aries-Dragon girls infect with positive, know how to delve into other people's problems, give good advice

In old age, women of this combination of signs become rather grumpy old women, trying to prove to everyone that they are right and not recognizing other people's opinions. In order not to achieve such a result, it is enough in youth to learn to control your anger and an indefatigable desire to teach everyone and everything.

A man of this combination of signs constantly needs adoration, so for him a partner is a source of love and pleasure. He is looking for this bright feeling always and everywhere, while giving more than receiving in return. They are gallant cavaliers, permanent knights and wonderful lovers. Men of this sign are accustomed to approach life's difficulties with enthusiasm and determination, instilling the same feelings in those around them. Marriage for these men is a duty that they gladly place on their own shoulders if they feel the disinterested love of their partner.

A partner for Aries-Dragon is a source of love and pleasure, so he needs constant adoration

Women of this combination of signs of a partner choose for themselves for a long time, they approach this issue with all seriousness. At the same time, they can marry several times until they find a person who is stronger than them in character. A relationship with an insecure man is fatal for her.

She is a lover of change and adventure, so it is simply impossible to make her a housewife who peacefully takes care of the life of her family. Men who are self-confident, not experiencing feelings of jealousy and just as inquisitive can approach her. However, the households of women of this sign are always treated kindly and surrounded by attention and care. She easily combines family concerns and career growth. She very easily manages to solve all the problems of the family, while being held in high esteem by her superiors and purposefully gradually approaching the intended peak. This peak can be anything - the position of the same boss who only recently hired her, success in a business chosen as a hobby, etc.

The main thing in family relationships for her is love and warmth. Only within the walls of her own home and next to the man who loves her can she be calm and balanced.

Maximum Compatibility Medium
Minimum Compatibility
Eastern calendar Rat, Monkey, Rooster, Tiger, SnakeDragon, Bull, Horse, PigDog, Cat (Rabbit), Goat,
according to the western calendar Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, CapricornAquarius, Leo, Gemini, Pisces, LibraVirgo, Taurus, Cancer

Full characteristics of the child Aries, born in the year of the Dragon

The Aries boy in the year of the Dragon is a closed, difficult-to-understand child. This kid looks at strangers for a long time before letting them into his life. He treats close people with the same bias, so it is very difficult to understand what is really on the mind of this little wild kid.

The child of this combination of signs always needs a lot of freedom., he tries to solve any problem on his own, without attracting much attention from adults. To avoid conflicts, it is better to leave the girl or boy alone and make sure that the child does not injure himself by overcoming difficulties on his own.

The child of this combination of signs always needs a lot of freedom.

However, if you advise or convince the child calmly, he will definitely listen, consider what he heard and draw the right conclusions. But just do not insist on your own, this will lead to a quarrel, and the baby of this combination of signs departs from conflicts for a very long time and hard. In adolescence, it is already simply impossible to reverse such stubbornness. Therefore, it is best to educate and exhort the child much earlier, so as not to become his enemy in the future.

October 19, 2017, 13:46

Compatibility horoscope: the characteristic of the zodiac sign Aries is a woman in the year of the dragon - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Two energetic astrological signs make such people, one might say, hyperactive. Their enthusiasm is contagious, but they need to learn how to finish what they start. Selfish and impulsive, Aries-Dragon live stormily and cheerfully and can behave with people arrogantly and arrogantly. In Chinese astrology, the Dragon is considered a powerful sign in its power. People born at this time gain the confidence and aura of the Dragon.

The Aries-Dragon man is usually very intelligent, creative, quick in thinking and wit. Of all the Dragon personalities, this one is probably the most whimsical in communication and often has a wicked sense of humor filled with sarcasm. They are not very curious, and do not want to know everything about something or someone. They have enough and incomplete representation. These people are very fond of research and when they receive their hypotheses, they do not tell anyone about it.

Curiosity still makes the Aries-Dragon interested in someone or something. They tend to look for people who are slightly different in thought and opinion from their own. These people love to communicate and therefore any potential friends should be prepared for many hours of interesting discussion with Aries-Dragon. By asking questions and getting answers, these people can judge you as a person and what approach is best for you, so a conversation with him will always captivate you.

Aries dragon is a person with the makings of a strong personality. He is self-confident, possesses business qualities and at the same time is quite balanced. The male dragon aries may seem almost superman, but this impression is superficial. Doubt, of course, is inherent in him, like in any other person. At the same time, he is able to show the way to others, lift people up and infect them with his enthusiasm.

Dragon Aries, even a woman, prefers to act on the principle of "all or nothing." He loves power, self-confident and brave, sometimes to the point of recklessness. In the struggle for their rights and dignity, the zodiac sign Aries, born in the year of the dragon, knows no limits - both in love and in friendship and business relationships.

Dragon Combination

Aries Man - Dragon

The characteristics and compatibility of the Aries-Dragon man are of interest to everyone who was born under the control of these signs. Both astrological signs give this man hyperactivity contagious enthusiasm, but he should learn to complete everything that he starts. The impulsive and selfish Aries-Dragon lives cheerfully and violently and often does not notice that he is behaving arrogantly and arrogantly with other people.

A man born in the sign of Aries in the year of the Dragon becomes bold and elegant. Aries-Dragon has a rather intellectual approach to life, which attracts a huge number of friends and new acquaintances. In life, he is an optimist and it may even seem to others that he has few worries in life. He is characterized by creativity, speed of thinking and wit. Often the sense of humor is filled with sarcasm.

He is not too curious and does not seek to know everything about everyone. He has enough and incomplete representation. He likes to explore hypotheses, although he doesn't tell anyone about it. Of course, he is also driven by curiosity, which makes him interested in something in life. He wants to communicate with those who differ in their thinking, because he loves hours of discussion so much.


The Aries-Dragon man is one of those people who asks a person questions and, depending on the answer, determines what approach is needed for him, so you will enjoy talking with him. In moments when this guy is outraged or upset, he will not listen to other people's advice and will simply ask to be left alone. He tends to find solutions to his own problems and rarely asks others for help.

This guy has all the makings of a strong personality. He is self-confident, quite balanced and has excellent business qualities. To some, it may seem perfect, however, this is a superficial impression. Of course, like other people, he has doubts, he just does not focus on them and continues to go his own way. Along with this, he manages to show others the way, inspire and infect with his enthusiasm.

A man born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Dragon always acts on the principle of "all or nothing." He likes power, and self-confidence and courage sometimes reach recklessness. For him, the world is a struggle in which he knows no limit, this applies to both love and friendship.

Compatibility in love men Aries-Dragon

The Aries-Dragon man surprises those around him with his calmness even in difficult situations, including in love. Feelings for him are more practical than philosophical. If the partner does not reciprocate, he quickly decides to break up. At first glance, it seems that a love relationship with him will be simple and harmonious. But in reality, he constantly analyzes the attitude of his chosen one towards him and sees all her shortcomings.

This guy chooses his partner only in accordance with the presence of certain qualities of character. For example, he will try to build a relationship with someone who has connections or some other benefits. At the same time, his soulmate must certainly be self-confident, smart and decisive, that is, to match him. A feeling of jealousy rarely arises in him, since, in principle, he is always directed at himself with his thoughts. He likes to do flashy deeds for the sake of narcissism and is often hypocritical.

Marriage for a man Aries-Dragon is possible only after he himself is realized. The main guideline for marriage for him is not a feeling, but more material values. If he meets a suitable woman, he will be able to evaluate her not by material wealth, but by spiritual compatibility.

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Aries - Dragon: Characteristics

Dragon-Aries Man

Men born under the sign of Aries in the year of the Dragon show an irrepressible thirst for power and superiority in everything. In the struggle for a place on the throne, they are ready to burn any competitor alive, thereby fully justifying their "dragon" nature according to the Eastern calendar.

The Dragon-Aries man, when it comes to solving business problems, shows remarkable ingenuity and composure. All his decisions are verified from the point of view of logic, obtaining the maximum benefit and speed of execution. Dragons do not tolerate long reflections and unproductive reflections - they are people of action.

On the personal front, Dragon-Aries men prefer to choose submissive and silent companions for themselves, who can calmly endure their dictatorial habits and craving for personality suppression.

Dragon-Aries Woman

Women born in the year of the Dragon according to the eastern calendar and under the sign of Aries according to the zodiac are very ambitious and have good leadership qualities, both in work and in relationships. They see the big picture and make decisions without going into small details, which is by no means a minus - they see the important and do not drown in the little things. The Dragon-Aries woman is a passionate and surprisingly romantic nature - you won’t attract her attention with rough courtship.

Dragon-Aries are wonderful friends and reliable partners in careers and relationships, but it is extremely undesirable to cross the road for these people: they won’t burn it, they will gore it.

Aries-Dragon Woman: Personality Characteristics

The characteristic of the sign of birth affects the character of a person and his life. The Year of the Dragon, together with the sign of Aries, gives an amazing combination in terms of activity and personality traits. This sign compares favorably with others. The dragon is strong, ambitious and purposeful. Bright and stubborn Aries further enhances the features, so an incredibly interesting characteristic of the Aries-Dragon woman is obtained.

Character and appearance

These two signs are associated with activity and ambition. The Dragon, born in the month of Aries, is hyperactive, endowed with enthusiasm and the desire to bring everything to the end. Selfishness and arrogance can be traced in character traits. They can behave arrogantly, but this is due to their purposefulness and conviction that they are right.

People under the sign of the Dragon are endowed with powerful energy, and Aries strengthens it. Representatives of this sign prefer to live violently and cheerfully, enjoying every minute and getting everything they want.

This combination has a highly developed thinking and a reasonable approach to life.. It draws people to him.

Women are sociable and know their worth. They are elegant and beautiful, take care of themselves. Bright appearance, excitement, gaiety undoubtedly attract attention, and women have many admirers.

Behavior Description

The Dragon-Aries differs in many aspects compared to other signs. You can’t pass by such a person without paying attention, he is sure to be remembered, but on the good side or the bad, it depends on the circumstances and the desire of the representative of the sign.

In love and marriage

A woman born under this combination is playful and windy. She needs a man who is interesting and active. She will go away from the stupid and boring. A man should be stronger than her, but it’s quite difficult to find one, because the Dragon is a strong sign itself, and Aries further enhances the bright temperament.

Dragon-Aries needs romance and passion, new experiences, constant changes in life. An attempt to make her domestic and busy with everyday life may end in rebellion, since such a life is not for the Dragon.

A woman born under these signs will be the head of the family, and a man will have a hard time with her. But at the same time, he must protect her so that she feels support nearby. However, due to her increased activity, the children and husband will not suffer from a lack of attention. Impressions, an interesting life are guaranteed to them. She will find time for a career and for a family, there will be enough energy for all areas of life.

A representative of this sign falls in love easily and can meet with several men at the same time, choosing the best one. She needs a partner who can openly demonstrate her love and keep up with her activity and bright temperament.

In work, the Dragon-Aries is a good and reliable partner. Even with a woman, you can establish excellent business relationships. She appreciates development, strives for the implementation of her plans and does not stop there. However, it is better for her not to cross the road - she will direct all her bright character to the fight against competitors.

In the team, she feels great, has increased sociability, the ability to make friends and business connections. It can be distinguished by inflexibility, so few dare to argue with it. Nevertheless, this is a good leader who knows how to cheer up the team and charge with his enthusiasm. True, not everyone keeps up with her activity.

In terms of finances, the Dragon-Aries is usually doing well. They know how to make money, endowed with talent. Of course, sometimes they can enter into adventures that, in spite of everything, bring profit.

This is a bright personality who easily makes friends and superficial acquaintances.. With the Dragon-Aries it is fun in the company, but he can also provoke adventures. Even in friendship, this sign will seek leadership, but people will gladly follow him.

Perfect match

As you know, according to the horoscope, some signs suit us more than others. For a woman under the sign of the Dragon-Aries, cooperation with Cancer, Aquarius and Libra is suitable. It is desirable that they be born in the year of the Boar, Tiger or Ox.

In love, representatives of this sign will find their soul mate among Scorpions and Sagittarius. They should be born in the year of the Cat, Horse, Monkey or Dragon. Friendship and communication goes well with Virgo and Taurus.

In general, the Dragon-Aries sign is very interesting and multifaceted.. Communication with such a person gives a lot of impressions, although not everyone keeps up with activity and ambition.

Chinese animal calendar by year!

The character of women Dragons - Aries: These women are incredibly lucky. Finances themselves are drawn to them, they easily make the necessary acquaintances and overcome all obstacles. Not only luck, but also other pronounced qualities help them achieve their goals: fearlessness, courage, straightforwardness and incredible stubbornness. The only thing that can get in their way is vanity and excessive pride.

These are noble, generous and good-natured women who strive for harmony in everything in their lives. They are very friendly and happy to communicate with a variety of people. It is easy for them to find a common language and you can talk with them on any topic. They quickly become close to people and take betrayal hard, but they never dare to take revenge on their offenders. At the same time, they will always be able to stand up for themselves and their loved ones.

Women Dragons - Aries in love and relationships: When these Aries are in love, you can do anything with them. They are extremely trusting, gentle and ready to please their chosen ones in everything. They have a serious attitude to relationships, which they try to build on honesty and complete trust. They put forward the same requirements for their partners, and if they do not see these qualities, they are deeply disappointed. They will never be able to forgive betrayal.

Women Dragons - Aries in finance and career: By middle age, they become successful people with a good income. They build their careers well, advance along it and have professional knowledge. At the same time, they rarely suffer from star disease, and their modesty and self-confidence are highly valued by their superiors. They are good at building relationships with employees, expressing respect and maintaining the necessary distance.

Women Dragons - Aries in family and marriage: Family relationships are very important to them. They will go out of their way to financially provide for their children, parents, and spouse. They do not forget about their other duties, which earned them the title of an ideal spouse. At the same time, they try to avoid unnecessary conflicts, believing that the house is a quiet and peaceful place. Therefore, they will provide the solution of some issues to their soul mate, and will not interfere.

Advice to women Dragons - Aries: Your chosen ones are sensitive to the most important human qualities: honesty, trust and nobility. And if they find opposite qualities in you, then there will be a gap in the relationship. It is worth remembering that they cannot live permanently on a volcano - they need harmony and tranquility. And their chosen ones must ensure this, and then they will remain faithful and faithful companions for the rest of their lives.

A horoscope of the Astrological sign is Aries, Dragon born in a year

Both the sign of the Zodiac and the eastern sign of the year of birth of a person have individual properties, qualities and conditions, which are mainly manifested in the characteristics of a person and his relations in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the Eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people show certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The sign of the Zodiac forms tactical abilities in a person's character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth forms the conditions and laws of the external environment for a person, his relations with people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the sign of the Zodiac. The year of birth forms for a person one of the twelve levels of his self-realization. The Eastern sign is called a strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person, and in this field the Eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of surrounding people towards a person.

Aries is the seventh sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign are by nature unstable, insightful and prone to fanatical hobbies.

The specialty of the zodiac sign Aries is " activist, agitator, provocateur, deputy". A person of this zodiac sign is able to allocate a lot of willpower to the tasks assigned to him. Aries lives by the principle: " Obey the Laws Coolly". He is prone to sudden measures and actions, trying to quickly realize his desires. Aries often oversteps his own and other people's rules and laws, because of this he repeats the same mistakes. Aries tends to manipulate people, sometimes inciting them to extreme actions. He is prone to various pleasures that can ruin his health.

Eastern sign Year of the Dragon – 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036, 2048, 2060.

The Year of the Dragon forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships on the twelfth level of circumstance. People born in the year of the Dragon are surrounded by relationships with people who are prudent because of their experience, business maximalists striving for power. Regardless of the sign of the Zodiac, a person born in the year of the Dragon has to participate in work processes in which interacting people mainly occupy the positions of " presidents and heads of public associations". Interacting people show interest in a person born in the year of the Dragon in order to use his authority in their plans or take advantage of his resources. Surrounding people, regardless of their zodiac signs and eastern years, in relations with a person born in the year of the Dragon, show increased logic, pragmatism and perseverance. Interacting people with this person have relationships according to the principle of the zodiac sign Aquarius: “ Show people their face ».

Aries horoscope, born in the year Dragon.

Such a combination of signs is manifested by strong-willed, sometimes militant behavior in a person who develops relationships with people who show dictatorship and "dry" logic. This person is strong willed. Aries influences the mood of the people around him with his sadistic suddenness. Aries is a wolf, which, if necessary, takes the form of a lamb. The Year of the Dragon creates an arrogant environment with interacting people who have strategic views on life events and cruel, sadistic, inhuman attitudes towards people in work and interpersonal processes. Zodiac sign Aries, born in the year of the Dragon, overcomes the frequent dictatorship shown to him by the people around him. At the same time, Aries is able to involve others in solving their own and common problems. Interacting people tend to obey this person because of his connections in society and his warm-hearted self-interest. Aries has the ability to use other people's results in circumstances. Interacting people provoke the zodiac sign Aries to maximalism. Achieving what they want in a relationship, interacting people tend to behave as if Aries owes them.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by the signs of the Zodiac and the year of birth in the programs " Individual Scanner" and " crown of education". In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, the Zodiac or the Eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the information structure of a person, which is called " psychonomy ».

characteristics of the zodiac sign Aries woman in the year of the dragon

Superdragon. Makes his way with his eyes closed, confident in victory!

Zodiac horoscope: Aries sign

Two energetic astrological signs make such people, one might say, hyperactive. Their enthusiasm is contagious, but they need to learn how to finish what they start. Selfish and impulsive, Aries-Dragon live stormily and cheerfully and can behave with people arrogantly and arrogantly.

In Chinese astrology, the Dragon is considered a powerful sign in its power. People born at this time gain the confidence and aura of the Dragon.

A person born in the sign of Aries in the year of the Dragon acquires a large amount of courage and elegance. Aries-Dragon has an amazing intellectual approach to life, which attracts a huge number of friends and admirers to him. He can literally amaze the people around him with his thinking. These people are cheerful and funny, and it seems that they have few worries in their lives.

The Aries-Dragon man is usually very intelligent, creative, quick in thinking and wit. Of all the Dragon personalities, this one is probably the most whimsical in communication and often has a wicked sense of humor filled with sarcasm.

They are not very curious, and do not want to know everything about something or someone. They have enough and incomplete representation. These people are very fond of research and when they receive their hypotheses, they do not tell anyone about it.

Curiosity still makes the Aries-Dragon interested in someone or something. They tend to look for people who are slightly different in thought and opinion from their own. These people love to communicate and therefore any potential friends should be prepared for many hours of interesting discussion with Aries-Dragon.

By asking questions and getting answers, these people can judge you as a person and what approach is best for you, so a conversation with him will always captivate you.

Aries-Dragon often falls in love and can easily build relationships with several people before settling on one person. These people need partners who will also demonstratively return the same amount of love and openness that the Aries-Dragons themselves give.

When Aries-Dragon is upset or outraged, he may pass all your advice on deaf ears. If they are thoughtful or in an indignant state, it is better to leave them alone. They themselves are able to find their own solutions to problems and rarely accept recommendations from other people.

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