
How the term of pregnancy is considered correctly. What is an obstetric period of pregnancy? Accuracy of calculating date of delivery

// confusion with pregnancy timing

Quite often, a woman has a question - why I put just such a period of pregnancy, especially often it arises after an ultrasound.

So, there is a so-called obstetric period Pregnancyand true. The obstetric period of pregnancy is considered from the first day of the last menstruation and for this calculation the pregnancy lasts 280 days or 40 weeks. The fetus may have its own plan of intrauterine life and therefore the period of pregnancy can vary from 37 to 42 weeks. It affects a lot of factors.

True timepregnancy is considered from the moment of ovulation (exit of the egg). Since it normally happens after 2 weeks from the date of the menstruation - it turns out that the true term of pregnancy is 2 weeks less. But it must be remembered that ovulation can shift over time (occur or before or later), and when irregular cycle Her offensive can change.

The term of pregnancy during ultrasound is determined on the basis of the size of individual parts of the fetal body. There are several generally accepted tables developed by individual authors, where the average fetal size is indicated at different times of pregnancy and the interval interval (sometimes this interval can reach 2 weeks). There are differences between these tables, therefore a program is installed in modern Uz-devices, which calculates the term of pregnancy, taking average indicators from different tables.

Remember how you choose clothes in the store - there are sizes that came up on the basis of averaged indicators, but quite rarely happens that the dress or blouse of your size is perfectly sits on your figure, it will definitely be a mismatch somewhere. So the averaged fetus sizes, and their compliance of pregnancy, may have individual characteristics.

Now let's see specific example: You know the date of conception, and after the ultrasound, you put a period of pregnancy, which does not match your calculations - there are several explanations - you are confusing the true term of pregnancy with obstetrics (remember that it is less than 2 weeks), you did not correctly regard the day of conception (ovulation could happen later or earlier), fruit measurements are not very accurate.

Usually, all methods in the aggregate are used as accurately as possible to determine and take the average. That is, it is calculated on the last menstruation, the day of conception and the results of the ultrasound - it turns out a certain average that most of all matches your gestation.

In order not to be confused, just always consider your pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation. All events during pregnancy are designed for obstetric period, so you will be easier to navigate with the results of both ultrasound and other research and analyzes.

Finally, several important advice at the beginning of pregnancy:

  1. If you have a delay in menstruation, you must definitely find out the cause of this delay (by making a pregnancy test). If he is positive in the near future to turn to the gynecologist. Since there is always a risk of ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage - not to pay attention to the latency of menstruation, or to postpone his hike to the gynecologist - very dangerous!

  2. In the first two months of pregnancy, it is necessary to refrain from sexual life. Resume sex life You can after the expiration of this period, if the pregnancy will leak normally and there will be no states in which the doctor will advise to refrain from sexual life (threat of interrupting pregnancy, etc.)

  3. It is not necessary to panic if during the menstrual cycle, during which you become pregnant, you led "unemployed" lifestyle (used alcohol, took medications, sore or had other "excesses"). It is important to discuss all this with a doctor. Only some species medicinal preparations They have a proven negative effect on the fetus, and only individual diseases at the very beginning of pregnancy can unequivocally be a reason for interrupting pregnancy. In the overwhelming majority, all "excesses" and accepted medicines from colds and antibiotics are no effect on the fruit and the course of pregnancy. Of course, none of the doctors will not be able to answer the question with confidence - whether it will affect or other medicine or transferred illness (there are reliable exceptions) to the further development of the fetus. This question is always solved individually, but it is necessary to remember if the woman still decides to "reinforce" and make an abortion - its consequences can also be unpredictable and there is a chance that after that pregnancy may not occur for a long time.

  4. High and remember your weight - it will help you to keep track of how you pick up weight during pregnancy

  5. At the beginning of pregnancy, you can sick, torture, spin the head, sick the chest and in general you can feel very bad. There is an opinion that this is a psychological component. That is, when a woman finds out that she is pregnant, there is a program of behavior known for her (any woman knows that during pregnancy should be nausea, bad state of health etc.). I repeatedly had to see how the normal female well-being changed in one day, as soon as she learned about her pregnancy and on the contrary, some psychological counseling fully removed this state. It is not proven scientifically, but it's just information about reflection.

  6. Information that you become pregnant should not significantly change your lifestyle - eat what you want (but in moderation of course), lead the usual life, except to avoid smoking and places where very bad air and ecology, try not to contact with Patients and sneezing people, get more positive emotions. A glass of wine or champagne for dinner (of course, not every day) - not contraindicated.

  7. If you are engaged in sports - it is not necessary to throw these classes. In the first 2 months, it may be worth refraining from active classes, and then if there are no contraindications, it is worth continuing. For each trimester of pregnancy, special exercises have been developed - they know specially trained instructors - just consult them. The pool during pregnancy is very shown (there may be contraindications, but rarely), but it's not worth actively sunbathing in the solarium. Staying on the beach under the umbrella during safe time (in the morning and evening) - only for the benefit, like bathing in the sea.

  8. Is it possible to fly on the plane - a frequent question of pregnant women - the answer is very simple - if the pregnancy proceeds normally - it is possible if there is a threat to interrupts - it is not worth it, you should not fly by plane a few weeks before delivery.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but natural condition Women, the most beautiful time in her life. Nature very carefully thought out all the processes that occur during pregnancy, and developed mechanisms for protection against different failures. A lot of woman's body can compensate for themselves.

Of course, there are various deviations during pregnancy, requiring correction, and sometimes emergency interventions, but in most cases the pregnancy proceeds normally.

Situations when it is necessary to consult a doctor:

  • Blood or brownish or brown or slightly reddish highlights from the vagina

  • Pain in the lower stomach

  • Pain in the lower back, sacrum, copter

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Almost only manifest on the test 2 long-awaited stripes, and the state of joyful shock will pass as future mom Begins to calculate the term to which the Karapuz should be born. Of course, knowing the day of conception, it is not difficult to determine the approximate day of birth, but if there is no such data, it remains to rely on the existing traditional "calculators". It is clear that the period of pregnancy is almost impossible to calculate to days and hours (too many factors affect pregnancy), but methods for calculating the most accurate period are still available.

Calculation of the obstetric period of pregnancy by the date of last menstruation

During the time, when there were no high-tech diagnostic methods, the doctor was used for such calculations a method for determining the term of pregnancy for critical days. What wears the name "Obstetrician term" in medicine. The method is successfully applied today, and suggests calculating the period (which is 40 weeks) from the 1st day of the last menstruation.

The date of birth of obstetrics is determined by the following ways:

  • Date of the 1st day of the last menstruation + 9 months + 7 days.
  • Date of the 1st day of the last menstruation + 280 days.

On a note:

This period is approximate. And only one of the 20 moms give birth to clearly that was calculated by the gynecologist. The remaining 19 calls 1-2 weeks later either before.

Why is the "obstetric" term may be erroneous?

  • Not every woman has "critical days" - regular. The cycle and the duration of the monthly - each woman's own. One - 28 days and regularly, without failures, and in another 29-35 days and "when they think about." One torment with menstruation occupy only 3 days, and the other is a week, or even a half.
  • The conception does not always occupy exactly at the moment of sexual proximity. As you know, the spermatozoa is able to live a few days (or even a week) in the uterine tube, and in which of these days fertilization occurred - no one guesses and install will not be able to install.

How to calculate the term of pregnancy on the first movement of the fetus?

The oldest, "Babushkin" method of determining the term of pregnancy. It is impossible to attribute it to the most accurate method with the rest of the methods - why not? The term of the 1st movement of the crumbs to this day is noted in the history of pregnancy of the future mother.

Everything is simple: the 1st movement is exactly half the term. For 1 bodies, this usually occurs at the 20th week (that is, the date of the 1st movement + another 20 weeks), and for subsequent births - at the 18th week (date of the 1st movement + for another 22 weeks).

True, it should be remembered that ...

  • True 1st movements The future mother will not even feel (the crumb begins to move on the 12th week).
  • Often for the 1st movement of mommy take gas formation in the intestine.
  • Slender subtitle mommy with a sedentary lifestyle, most likely will feel the first points much earlier.

Given the failure of this method for making important decisions about the terms of childbirth, it is not just naive only to rely on it, but also dangerous. Therefore, determining the date of delivery can only be integrated. That is, adjusted on the basis of all factors, analyzes, diagnostics and other indicators.

Calculate the term of pregnancy and date of birth in conception in the days of ovulation

The easiest way to calculate your pregnancy term is to use ovulation days in calculations. Most likely, the pregnancy occurs on the 14th day of the 28th day cycle (or on the 17th day day at a 35-day cycle) - this day and is a reference point for the term of pregnancy. For calculations you only need to take 13-14 days from the date and add 9 months from the date.

Lack of method - low accuracy of forecasts:

  • The 1st Cause: The term of the activity of sperm (2-7 days) in the uterine tube.
  • The 2nd reason: It is difficult to define an approximate day of conception if the spouses make love several times a week or more often.

How do the term of pregnancy obstetric gynecologists?

In the first visit of the future mother with embarrassed "I, probably, pregnant" gynecologist, first of all, is interested in the date of the last month. But the term of pregnancy will be treated, of course, not only on its basis, but comprehensively.

The "package" of such factors and criteria includes the following methods:

According to the size of the uterus

The experienced doctor is very quickly and clearly determines the period in this way, especially early timing. For example, during pregnancy up to 4 weeks, this criterion will be equal to the size of a chicken egg, and at the 8th week - the size of the goose.

After 12 weeks, it is already more difficult to determine, because each kid is individual, and the size of the uterus in 2 mams with the same period can be different.

By ultrasound

Again, until the 12th week of pregnancy, the definition of its term is an easier process than since the 3rd month.

The error of ultrasound diagnosis from the 2nd trimester is due to the individual development of kids.

In the height of the bottom of the uterus (VMS)

This method of the gynecologist uses, starting from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. In the process of tooling the baby, the uterus grows with it and gradually goes beyond the bottom of the pelvis.

The doctor measures VMM, setting a future mother on the couch - proves the uterus through abdominal cavity And works by the "centimeter" (from the Lonatic joint to the highest point of the uterus). The increase in VDM takes place weekly and most often corresponds to certain indicators.

The deviations of 2-4 cm are possible, taking into account the age of the mother, the amount of water and the number of embryos, the size of the baby, etc. Therefore, the obtained indicators are necessarily compared with the size of the fetus and with a mami waist circle.

VMM - settlement of weeks:

  • 8-9th week

The uterus is within a small pelvis. VDM - 8-9 cm.

  • 10-13th week

Since the 12th week, the development of the placenta, the formation of blood vessels in the fetus, the growth of the uterus begins. VDM - 10-11 cm.

  • 16-17th week

The baby is no longer just "Golovastic", but a little man with all organs. VMM - 14-18 cm. The uterus at the 16th week the doctor already proves on the plot between the Pup and the pubic.

  • 18-19th week

A placental system, limbs, cerebellum, and an immune system formed. VDM - 18-19 cm.

  • 20th week

On this period of VDM should be equal to a period of 20 cm.

  • 21st week

From this point on, 1 cm / week is added. The bottom of the uterus is forgiven at a distance - 2 fingers from the navel. VDM - about 21 cm.

  • 22-24th week

The bottom of the uterus is already in the field of the navel, and is easily determined by the doctor. The fruit weighs about 600 VMM - 23-24 cm.

  • 25-27th week

VDM - 25-28 cm.

  • 28-30th week

VMS is equal to 28-31 cm.

  • From the 32nd week, the doctor determines the bottom of the uterus between the navel and the sword-shaped breast process. VDM - 32 cm.
  • By the 36th week, the uterine bottom can already be forgiven on a line that connects the rib arcs. VMS is equal to 36-37 cm.
  • 39th week. During this period, the bottom of the uterus is lowered. The weight of the kid "turns" for 2 kg. VMS is equal to 36-38 cm.
  • 40th week. Now the bottom of the uterus can again tackle between the ribs and the navel, and the VMS decreases sometimes up to 32 cm. This period is when the baby is ready for the appearance of a light.

On the size of the head and the length of the fetus

For this method of calculating the term, various formulas are used:

  • Jordania method

Here the formula is represented as x (term in weeks) \u003d L (child length, cm) + C (D heads, cm).

  • Method of Sculssum

The formula is as follows: x (time in months) \u003d (L x 2) - 5 / 5. In this case, L is the length of the child in cm, the five in the numerator denotes the thickness of the uterus wall, and the five of the denominator is a special / coefficient.

Usually the term of pregnancy, which determines the gynecologist, is different from the one who counted the woman. The fact is that the obstetric weeks of pregnancy differ from ordinary. Let's deal with what the difference and how to count them.

What does the obstetric week mean?

The duration of a special state of a woman is measured by midwife months and weeks. The obstetric week lasts as much as the usual. The month will last 4 weeks.

Obstetric pregnancy weeks will help determine the estimated date of delivery

The obstetric period of pregnancy for 14 days exceeds the real one. Pregnant women worries many questions, one of them - why is such a difference.

Why do the obstetric weeks of pregnancy?

It is mistaken to believe that pregnancy occurs at the time of fertilization of the egg spermatozooid. In fact, pregnancy can be stated after the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus. This is not always happening. For various reasons, the body can reject the embryo, then pregnancy does not occur, despite the fertilization.

This process usually occurs either at the time of ovulation or over the next day. Therefore, the embryonic maturity of the fetus can be considered since ovulation. However, this method is not suitable for further pregnancy control, since the date of ovulation can shift. Even with fully healthy girls ovulation can begin a little earlier or later. Because of this, it is impossible to accurately calculate the fetus embryonic age.

Ultrasound will not help determine how many days the fetus

Obstetric period began to calculate in ancient times, when there were few people known about the characteristics of the female organism, including the doctors of those years and about ovulation. The main symptom of pregnancy was then the absence of menstruation. Therefore, the period of development of pregnancy began with the date of the last menstruation. This method is quite accurate, so the obstetric period take into account modern gynecologists. It is on him who are pregnant.

If you crave to conceive a child, you can simplify the task of doctors. Use the tests for ovulation or determine this period of your cycle using well-based methods, for example, by measuring the temperature. So you will definitely know the date of conception of the child and you can determine the date of birth, as close as possible to reality.

How to calculate obstetric period?

It is believed that pregnancy lasts 9 months. But then the question arises: what months to count, because in one 28 days, in another 30, and in the third there can be 31 in general. There is here to help and comes to calculate the obstetric period, according to which the pregnancy lasts exactly 40 weeks.

To calculate the estimated date of birth, you can act in two ways:

  • From the end of the last menstruation before pregnancy, count 280 days.
  • From the beginning of the last menstruation, count on 9 months and 7 days.

Any of these ways you will receive an estimated date of your visit to the maternity hospital. However, remember that the date is not just so named presumative. Rarely women give birth just on time. Normally, childbirth comes from the 38th to the 42nd week. The child born earlier than the 38th week will be considered premature, and after the 42nd week - transferred. In the interval between the 38th and 42nd week, the kid can be born unripe, but it will always be considered a docking.

Is it possible to determine the term by ultrasound?

Hope that ultrasound research will determine the term of your pregnancy, unjustified. In this study, you can estimate the degree of child's development according to its obstetric age. Therefore, the time must be estimated before the campaign in the Cabinet of the Uzista.

Now you know how an obstetric term is important. During pregnancy, each stage plays a role, so come to this question responsibly.

Answering questions in blogs, faced the fact that the estimated date of conception and the obstetric period of pregnancy remains a mystery to many women, despite numerous ultrasound and counseling of the gynecologist. And, from the words of women, there is often no mutual understanding and between specialists of the WFT and gynecologists, which makes even greater chaos in the minds of pregnant women
It is especially difficult for women with irregular or non-standard menstrual cycle.

In this blog, I will try to decompose on the shelves, as I alone alleged the estimated date of conception, based on the data provided by you.

To begin with, let's decide on the concept "Obstetrician term of pregnancy" And I am spoiled on the topic, why progress runs forward, it became possible to determine the day of ovulation with an accuracy of the day and up to ± 4 days the age of embryo on the CTR, and the "obstetric period" does not go down in history.

Historically, it happened that for a woman the main sign of the occurrence of pregnancy was the absence of menstruation, therefore, the period of pregnancy began from the date of the last menstruation.
Of course, on the first day of menstruation, the pregnancy does not come to anyone, but before relatively recently it was the only starting point from which an obstetrician gynecologist could be repelled.
Later there were knowledge about the menstrual cycle, about ovulation, about the duration of the life of the egg and spermatozoa, the window of fertility, etc.

It was noticed that most women menstrual cycle lasts about 28 days and ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, i.e. for 14 days. Egg after ovulation retains the ability to fertilize only one day, so the day of ovulation and the day of conception almost coincide. But at the same time, spermatozoa retain the ability to fertilize for 3-5 days, so sexual intercourse and conception do not necessarily occur in one day.

And so what is an obstetric period of pregnancy?

For most women with a regular menstrual cycle, 28-29 calendar days are the number of weeks that passed after the first day of its last menstruation. With such a calculation, in the norm, the pregnancy lasts 38-42 weeks (an average of 40 weeks or 280 days).
In the overwhelming majority of cases of this information, it is enough to understand whether the child is growing normally and when the childbirth should occur at about a long time.

Many are perplexed for the first two weeks of the obstetric period of pregnancy. Doctors tell a woman that then the term of pregnancy was 1-2 weeks. "But let me!" - she objects - "I was not even sure that I was not even sure that I would go on a date at all, and you say that I was already pregnant!" Or "I could not get pregnant, because my husband was in another city."

In fact, obstetric period differs from the real (embryonic) exactly 14 days in the biggest.

Why then he is needed in modern world? Unfortunately, to get away from the obstetric period at the present stage of the development of medicine, technically quite difficult and inappropriate.

According to British legislation, laboratories are allowed to experiment with a man's embryo not older than 2 weeks: lawyers motivated this by the fact that after 14 days the development of the embryo could no longer go along the way of development of twins, which means that manipulations in the test tube are manipulations with the fate of human individual. Although scientists believe that it would be useful to extend the period allowed by law for several days, they recognize that the decision should remain not only for the scientific community, since the issue is ethical.
Thus, we can only study the human embryo in vitro only until 14 days of development.
And then, the only possible method Observations on the development of the embryo and the fetus of a person currently is an ultrasound.

But how to understand what sees and measures the doctor during an ultrasound - is it a norm or pathology?
Especially for this, the WSD specialists developed the so-called nomograms that we now use and which are made to ultrasound diagnostic devices.

Imagine that you are the same doctor enthusiast who decided to create a nomogram to assess the development of a person's fetus. At the initial stage, not yet knowing that good, and what is bad, you simply measure the parameters studied in all in a row and write down. Then, when children will deal with someone, pediatricians will examine and say that this child is healthy, and this one is too small / large or with some kind of developmental anomalies. You will need to track the fate of hundreds (thousand) fruits before birth. Then, already learning what kind of child was born, you will save all the parameters that were in healthy children and create so-called. The boundaries of reference values.

This is a very big and painstaking job, which once conducted scientists in different countries, And now we use the results of their research. But how did they determine the term of pregnancy at which a study was conducted in each particular case?
The answer is obvious. They asked the first day of the last menstruation and indicated the obstetric period of pregnancy.

Of course, there is still a pathology analytical study of an abortive material, and the pathologists also have its own nomograms, but also when creating these nomograms, a pregnancy term specified by the obstetrician-gynecologist has been used.

Currently, when the auxiliary reproductive technologies (ADC) are developing intensively, and it has already been proven that the development of these children does not differ from children, conceived naturally, when many pregnant women know the day of ovulation due to special tests or, it is quite possible to create new nomograms, In which reference values \u200b\u200bwill be indicated for the embryonic term.

But such women are a drop in the sea among all those who have no idea what day ovulation is. And it is very good that the overwhelming majority of women are not required to know about ovulation, implantation, the window of fertility, and so on, for conception and the birth of a child.

And from me, as an answer from a specialist, a response is required, the child develops normally. Therefore, I will ask about the first day of the last menstruation, I calculate the obstetric period, I measure the basic parameters of the baby and compare them with the nomograms developed by once. This rule is!

But in each rule, as you know, there are exceptions.
Such exceptions include women with an irregular menstrual cycle, in which ovulation may not occur on the 13-15 day of the cycle, but, say, on the 9th or 21st, or even the 30th.
Well, when such a woman on the first ultrasound comes to 6-13 obstetric weeks. At these deadlines, the deviation of the CTR from average values \u200b\u200bis only ± 4 days. And if the heartbeat is determined for the term, then I, as a TSDS doctor, can adjust the obstetric period of pregnancy into a large or smaller side, comparing the CTR with a nomogram. Those. An obstetrician gynecologist, asking the first day of the last menstruation, puts an obstetric period, say, 8 weeks, and I, measuring the CTR, I specify that in this particular case the embryo corresponds to the obstetric period, say, 6 weeks. And with further observation, the obstetric period of pregnancy is adjusted for these 2 weeks. At later time, I no longer have the right to adjust the obstetric period, as too many individual characteristics and development pathologies appear.

How is the obstetric period of pregnancy when using VRT?

It would seem, here everything is thoroughly known and there should be no problem. But in practice, it is not rarely faced with the fact that in this case there is no understanding.
Here comments from the Internet:
"Subject 27.10, protocol short. Ovulation 21.22.10. If you consider: the subfolder + 2 weeks, then pregnancy from 13.10, if from the first day of the cycle, then pregnancy from 5.10 ... and what ?? » "1 day of the ovarian stimulation - it is considered to be the first day of the cycle, i.e. The first day of menstruation, and this means you need to consider from the day of transfer of minus 2 weeks, it is usually stimulated by no more than two weeks (just like folias grow in the EC). Transfer Day is an ovulation day, which means the day of conception. " "We consider it a minus two weeks before the day of the subrigation. They may coincide or not coincide with the monthly. I did not coincide, as it was stimulated for a long time) "

The correct way to calculate the obstetric period in the case of Eco is this: we know the day of the substregnation and know how many days it was an embryo (it does not matter, frozen it before the prodder or not). Thus, I know exactly the embryonic age and know exactly that the obstetric period of pregnancy differs from the embryonic for 14 days. For example, pregnant after Eco came on an ultrasound on May 30 and reported that on April 30 she was postponed with a five-day embryo. After April 30, 4 weeks and three days passed. At the time of the emphasis, the embryo was already 5 days, it means its embryonic age 5 weeks and two days. And the obstetric period of pregnancy for 2 weeks more. So when I put the ultrasound sensor, then I expect to see the embryo, the CTR of which in my nomograms will correspond to an obstetric date of pregnancy 7-8 weeks.

And so generalize. The conception occurs on the day of ovulation and the development of the embryo begins on this day. In the case of Eco, the day of ovulation is the day of puncture of follicles. If the embryo was frozen, then embryonic time It is considered from the day of the subrigation + the age of the embryo at the time of freezing. Obstetric period for 14 days more embryonic.

The easiest way to calculate the obstetric period of pregnancy and the day of conception can be using a special obstetric calendar. Depending on your data available, you can find the first day of the last menstruation, or the day of ovulation, or the day when the ultrasound of the first trimester was conducted and quickly define an obstetric period of pregnancy today.

For example. On April 30, the ultrasound was installed on the ultrasound: CRT embryo \u003d 10mm, which corresponds to 7 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. We find in the calendar on April 30 and we substitute 7 weeks there. Having found today's date (May 30) we see that the obstetric period of pregnancy today is 11-12 weeks, and the estimated date of conception on March 26 (± 4 days).

If nothing is not clear, there is no obstetric calendar, but it is very important to determine the estimated date of conception based on the data of the ultrasound, I can offer such a way:

1. The calendar in one hand for the right year, to another hand - the conclusion of the ultrasound up to 11 weeks, where the study date is written and what time of pregnancy corresponds to the measured CTR.
2. Find on the calendar the date of the ultrasound and count and count as many weeks as indicated in the conclusion of the ultrasound (days it is better to round up to weeks to a large or smaller side).
3. The found date is introduced into the Count "Last Menstruation" anymore.
4. Press the button "Calculate", raise the look just above, to the column "Supporting Date of conception," we see the date and listen to the inner sensations. We remember that spermatozoa retain the ability to fertilize 3-5 days.
5. Do not forget that the CTR measurement will not allow setting the date of conception with an accuracy of the day, the error is ± 4 days

Example: ultrasound 30.05.17 kPr 10mm (7 obstetric weeks). Send from 30.05 back 7 weeks, we get 11.04.17. We enter this date in the calculator, click Calculate, raise the look above, see the date 04/25/2017.

Unfortunately, I did not find an online calendar who would count the obstetric period of pregnancy and the date of conception with amendment to the ultrasound data in the first trimester. Perhaps we will create it. Use the data of the 2nd and third trimesters of pregnancy for these purposes is inappropriate, since the error is too great.

Once for each future mom comes the same, special day. She will find out about her new condition. And soon a woman will often hear the question: "What is your (you) time?" How to calculate the term of pregnancy to answer correctly?

It's pretty simple!

Almost always the answer to the question of the period of pregnancy will be based on two most famous and popular calculation techniques - obstetric and embryonic (from conception)

Obstetric period

The beginning of pregnancy is the first day of the last menstruation. This method is called obstetric. It does not take into account the individual characteristics of the body of a woman, but is almost universal. They will use any doctor.

In the obstetric method there is its own logic. Counting the term goes with the most early stage Pregnancy - the beginning of the ripening of the egg.

At the obstetric method, the doctor will determine the estimated date of birth (PDR), as well as the period maternity leave. In medicine it is believed that pregnancy lasts 280 days. It is all known 40 weeks or 10 lunar months.

Why 10 months, not 9? And why months are the lunar? "It's guilty" in this astronomy. The moon repeats its phases with a periodicity of 28 days (4 weeks). This is the lunar month. And if you count in the calendar months, then only 9 are fit in normal pregnancy.

Embryonic (true) term - from conception

The beginning of pregnancy is the first day of the last menstruation plus 2 weeks. It is believed that it is in the middle of the cycle an ovulation comes. At the same time, the period from one month to others is taken by the average - 28 days.

This method of time counting calls embryonic or true. But it is worth thinking: is it hiding any truth somewhere else? FROM medical point Vision ovulation may occur within 12-18 days from the beginning of the cycle.

Example. Oksana's husband from the beginning of the spring until late autumn was constantly traveled. At home I sometimes had only one or two days per month. Shortly after the next visit, Oksana's husband understood that she was pregnant. And he thought with a smile that he knew the exact date of conception was June 2. After all, before and after that day, they did not see each other for almost two weeks. The last periods of Oksana were May 18-21. And if you count on May 22 on the beginning of the cycle, the conception took place on the twelfth day. And the egg cell was already ripe. Or not?

Here is the other question - how much time ovulation continues? If strictly in science, then a few seconds. After all, ovulation is only the output of the ripe eggs from the follicle. But most of us consider ovulation and subsequent several (or even a lot) of the clock, which the egg will live in the female organism. How many? Sometimes up to two days. By the way, about the same amount will live in the female organism and spermatozoa after sexual intercourse. And sometimes longer - until the week.

So the true day of conception is a real secret! After all, there may be two different situations. The egg movement moves to the uterus the second day and literally on the outcome of his life turns out to be fertilized. Or vice versa. The spermatozoa fell into the body of a woman before ovulation and actually "waited" the exit of the egg cell.

Maximum exactly the day of conception know couples that carefully planned pregnancy. In this case, the day of ovulation is determined using a special test (sold in a pharmacy) or by ultrasound.

There is another old method for determining ovulation. This is a measurement of basal temperature. It is held in the mornings, at the same time, to the lift from bed (even the eyes are recommended not to open). The thermometer is placed in the oral cavity, the vagina or the rectum. Before ovulation basal temperature Slightly decreases, and then increases. This means the yield of ripened eggs.

And sometimes women feel that ovulation has come. The lower abdomen coarses, the discharge from the vagina becomes slightly more viscous. And the attraction to your beloved man becomes stronger.

That is why many future mothers consider their pregnancy period that the embryonic method: the beginning of the cycle plus 2 weeks or the day of ovulation. In this case, we are talking about the term of conception.

Can there be difficulties?

Lyudmila, the periods often came literally "once." Verdict doctor - ovarian dysfunction. While Luda did not live in a sex life, not too and worried. But after marriage often came the same question. Delay is the manifestation of dysfunction? Or contraception did not work? Once the second option was true. But to calculate the period in the usual method of doctors could not - an explicit inconsistency arose.

Former athletes Valeria, the first monthly came only at 16 years. And the cycle was not installed. There could be a half year between critical days. The girl did not appeal to the doctor. Everything somehow did not find it - then study, then a personal life. Once Knidishka Valeria noticed that he was clearly recovered. The first reaction is a desire to sit on strict diet And remember the former sports loads. It is good that first the girl was consulted with her mother. More precisely, with the future grandmother of his child.

Lena's first century was just ten months old. The kid grew up healthy, and nursing mom on the occasion of such a round date decided to enjoy melon. A few hours after that it was touched. Lena thought she was poisoned. But soon, the doctors clarified the situation: Lena was pregnant again. The first after childbirth menstruation simply did not have time to begin.

How many more such cases! If a woman has a monthly one go, they did not have time to come at all, as in the situation with Lena, traditional counts will not help. It is good that there are alternative techniques.

How else to determine the term?

Mama on a notic!

Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

  • based on gynecological inspection;
  • with ultrasound;
  • on the first movement of the fetus;
  • by the size of the uterus.

In some cases, the doctor "looks after" for all the signs to be less mistaken in the period counting.

Gynecological examination

An experienced gynecologist only in the size of the uterus will be able to calculate the right time. The hands of the doctor will definitely define the borders of the uterine cavity. If the uterus is comparable to chicken egg, Term - 4 weeks. And if closer to goose, then we are talking about eight weeks.

This method works effectively if the term of pregnancy is less than 12 weeks.


Ultrasonic scanning today allows you to effectively examine the fruit and even make some measurements. In the first trimester, the doctor determine the dimensions fruit egg and compares them with traditional data. In the second and third, the doctor will measure the trigger of the chest, the tummy or head. The last "Merka" is considered to be the most correct to determine the term.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the calculation of the deadline gives a very way accurate result. Later, future kids begin to differ very much: someone is larger, someone less. Just as in life, which is waiting for them in the future.

Baby pushes!

The first movement of the fetus is another indicator. If a woman is preparing to give birth to the first child, his movements will feel 20 weeks. If the baby is the second, the third, and so on, then the first movement is expected in 18 weeks. These are official medical data. And future kids do not think at all that they must be sure to follow!

True, the fruit is truly their first movements in the first trimester of pregnancy. But the future child is still so tiny that mom still does not feel any weeks. But there are exceptions.

Inna waited for the second child. And so was a thin, and in the first weeks even dropped the weight. With a rise of 167 cm - 46 kg. And this is in the second trimester! The doctor looked disapprovingly and worried. And Inna felt perfectly. Nausea almost did not torment, vomiting was occasionally. True, I constantly wanted oranges, and one redhead "Handsome" was always lying in a bag. And there was no problem at all.

The baby pushed at the seventeenth week. First, once, and after a couple of hours - another time. And the next day, and a day later, the woman experienced the same sensations. On the next Reception The gynecologist Inna called the date. The doctor once again shook her head, smiled and clarified - maybe it were gases? Inna laughed - the kid's movements, she perfectly remembered on the first pregnancy and could not be mistaken.

True, sometimes you can confuse. If the future mother regularly suffers from meteorism, and even the child is waiting for the first time, the movement of gas in the intestine is sometimes taken for the movements of the kid.

When the weeks are equal to centimeters

And one more way that is associated with the size of the uterus. More precisely, with its height. This method is available only to doctors. Pregnant woman falls on a couch. The doctor takes a centimeter tape or a special tool - a tazometer. Determines the upper and lower borders of the uterine cavity and makes measurements.

The height of the uterus in centimeters is the term of pregnancy. That is, if the doctor measures 30 cm, then the term of pregnancy is 30 weeks.

These four methods (usually in combination with each other) give the most accurate definition of the period of pregnancy.

And when will it be born?

The estimated date of childbirth will tell mom when the kid will appear. But this is the theory. Children are very rarely followed by the calculations of doctors. True, exceptions are there.

On the ultrasound of 12 weeks, the PDR was called on March 10. Lika only shrug blindly shrug. She transferred his first baby exactly a week. Doctors then said that the baby probably wants to grow old. And the truth, even transferred, son weighed at birth with only 2 kg of 700 g.

Therefore, early in the morning of March 10, the Lika did not even immediately realize that the fight began, and stubbornly tried to sleep a little bit. But it did not work. Soon it became clear - it began. That's the daughter and born - exactly-stressful on time.

Nemelay formula:

Pretty exactly the future mother can calculate the PDR itself. Of course, if the monthly before conception was regular.

  1. It is necessary to add seven more days to the first day of the last day, and then take away three months.
  2. Or by the first day of the last menstruation, add 9 months and 7 days.

Here is an approximate date of birth of the future crumbs!

You can learn the DA, using a special pregnancy calendar in the last month. In a red row, we are looking for the date of the beginning of the last menstruation, next to it, in the yellow line, see the date of the likely day of childbirth.

For example, the last month started on January 28th. Plus, seven days is the 4th February. Minus for three months - we get 4th November. And how it will actually - life will show.

The main thing is that on any time the pregnancy was easy.

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