
Elevated appetite during pregnancy with the girl. Why there is a strong hunger during pregnancy in early terms and methods of its satisfaction without prejudice to the figure. Elevated appetite during pregnancy. What to do if you constantly want to eat

Today, on the women's site "Beautiful and Successful", let's talk about an increased appetite during pregnancy and whether it is necessary to deal with him. After all, if the pregnant body wants, it means that he needs it? But on the other hand, a large set of weight is undesirable during pregnancy.

How to be and what to do if the appetite during pregnancy is elevated?

Elevated appetite in early time during pregnancy

On appetite women has a huge influence hormonal balance of the body. When pregnant, estrogen begins to produce a little, but progesterone is the main hormone responsible for pregnancy - more produced.

Literally from the first days, progesterone begins to influence the appetite during pregnancy - most women in the early studies appetite decreases, and there are also those that have an appetite in the early pregnancy rates.

Why is this happening?


Wine everything is progesterone. It is this hormone that begins to prepare the body for pregnancy.

  • First, "preparing" the uterus - its walls are thickened, and the muscles relax that the spontaneous miscarriage does not happen.
  • Secondly, there is an accumulation of subcutaneous fat - the "strategic stock" in case, if during pregnancy, the woman will launch nutrients for the full development of the fetus. Pregnant starts to feel a feeling of hunger and a permanent desire to eat something.

Such changes in the body begin to occur literally from the first days of conception.

Note that each organism responds to it differently. If some women from the first days are experiencing a constant need for something, then others, on the contrary, do not want to eat anything.

Anyway, many women note a change in relation to food literally from the first days, so a low or elevated appetite is a sign of pregnancy, which is manifested in early terms.

Emotional condition

Another reason explaining why the appetite rises during pregnancy, it is related to as a psyche of women will react to pregnancy.

  • An unexpected pregnancy can be a real stress for a woman. Some got used to the stress to eat - from here and an explanation of an increased appetite, other women, on the contrary, react to the news of complete apathy to food - appetite disappears.
  • Similarly, a woman can react to the desired pregnancy. For many women, pregnancy becomes peculiar access to food, justification: "Now you can have everything that" requires "an organism!" Especially for this, those women who have suffered from excess weight before pregnancy and limited themselves in nutrition. "Now I am pregnant. I can. The body requires. Now I have the opportunity to eat everything that I want - after all, it is for the future child! Here I face, then I'll do my figure! " "The woman so calms itself and begins to eat everything that used to be in the circle of prohibited products.

Not all women suffer from an increased appetite in the early deadlines, often the picture is observed in the opposite: pregnant torments and vomiting, and even thoughts about food can cause disgust.

Thus, two reasons for both low and elevated appetite during pregnancy can be distinguished.

  • Hormonal changes in the body;
  • Emotional state of pregnant.

Appetite in the second and third trimester

As we have already figured out, a lowered or elevated appetite in the first trimester of pregnancy is more often associated with changing the level of progesterone in the body of the future mother. When the working of progesterone returned to normal, and the body cohesively with its new position, to cause an increased appetite in a pregnant woman in the second trimester and in the later timing lack of necessary nutrients for the full development of the fetus.

It is not surprising, because the body begins to spend extra energy to endure healthy child. Therefore, in the diet of the future mother, products are required to be present, rich in the substances necessary for the growing organism: proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and fats.

If the body is missing these substances, the woman will experience a constant feeling of hunger, and she will constantly increase the appetite during pregnancy.

Why increased appetite during pregnancy?

If during pregnancy, I always want to eat, it is necessary to deal with the reasons for this. It pulls most often on sweet, salty, sour, oily and flour. What is it connected and how to eat right?

Why do you want sweet?

In the body, insulin begins to be produced intensively, and the blood sugar content is reduced, so it often wants sweet. After the pregnant woman in the blood, the sugar level rises for a while, and then drops sharply again. Again there is a feeling of hunger and I want to eat again.

  • It is better to choose useful sweets: marshmallow and marmalade, dried fruits, honey, you can some black bitter chocolate.
  • Often, the desire to eat sweet occurs due to the lack of phosphorus and magnesium organism. Diversify meals will also help cheese, spinach, broccoli, nuts, seeds (raw).

Why do you want salted and sour?

In the time of pregnancy, I want salted, progesterone is also guilty.

We have already spoken above that progesterone relaxes the muscles of the uterus. Because of this, blood flow in vessels deteriorates, a woman has a weakness. Salt, as we know, helps to increase blood pressure, so the body begins to experience the need and "demand" to improve health.

In the first trimester, eat salt and sour - the natural need of the body, in the second trimester, when the level of progesterone is normalized, the desire to eat salinian must go by itself.

  • If the pregnant woman wants salted throughout the pregnancy, then there is not enough chlorides. Their body can learn from fish, seeds, nuts, milk.
  • Also do not forget about sufficient water.

Why do you want fat?

Pregnant all the time I want to eat something fat because of the changed level of sugar in the blood. The body is not enough fatty acids Or group a, d vitamins, and fat food contributes to the stabilization of the sugar level, since the calorie food is slower thanks.

  • Add vegetable oils to the diet: Pumpkin, linen, as well as sesame.

I want all the time of flour

If the appetite on pregnancy is increased, this indicates a lack of nitrogen in the body. Do not eat hunger with harmful carbohydrates: buns, cakes and cookies.

  • Be sure to include in the diet of pregnant protein (meat, fish, legumes, etc.)
  • In order for blood to start moving along the vessels faster, and the flour during pregnancy wanted less, you need to activate your physical activity: more move and engage in solved sports.

How to overcome elevated appetite during pregnancy?

As you can deal with an increased appetite during pregnancy useful meals (as the doctor advise), if after an eaten basin salad after half an hour I want to eat again? Women's website site held a study of forums, where I found out that future mothers cope with this problem. Here are some secrets of "experienced":

  • Kefir helped me. And toxicosis retreated, and the feeling of hunger took place.
  • Zhor attacked at night. I hid dry crackers under the cushion, made in the oven. All the better than to eat sandwiches.
  • Dried fruits and nuts are that I quickly throw in my mouth, feeling the first calling something to eat.
  • I drink tea liters ...
  • You need to drink vitamins! Just look so that iodine does not have, and then the appetite during pregnancy will increase even more. I drank vitrum, cynical and calcium gluconate. All this for the night.
  • I eat bran. It is enough for 2-3 hours to quench the hunger.
  • Before you eat something, a glass of milk drank.

Also should not forget about the basic power rules of the pregnant woman:

  • Go to fractional food.
  • It is necessary to use healthy food ,.
  • Follow the full menu.
  • Monitor the amount of drilled liquid per day.

If you have an excessive traction for food and appetite during pregnancy is enhanced constantly, consult with the doctor, as you do. Do not forget that hunger can be caused by boredom. It is necessary to find a lesson who will respond from the desire to eat something.

Like others early signs Pregnancy, appetite is not an accurate and unconditional signal of the fact that you will soon become mom. However, the violation of the appetite is very often occurring, and can occur with very early deadlines.

Perhaps 3 options for changing appetite in early pregnancy:

An increase in appetite as a sign of pregnancy is found in many women, and may be present even without other symptoms of early toxicosis. Usually the problem arises from the earliest time, literally from 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors bind it to the implantation of the embryo and the reaction of the parent organism, both on the high level of chorionic gonadotropin and the invasion of the trophoblast porce.

Usually, reduced appetite is accompanied by a burden for certain products, selectivity in food. You can feel sharp attacks of nausea from the smell of piercing meat, and at the same time literally escaping salica from the fragrance of pickled cucumbers. Your baby dictates you what he needs now. There is almost always to one degree or another. This desire is something unusual, they begin to like such combinations of products that before and in the head would not be combined. As a sign of pregnancy, it is rare, and is usually accompanied by heartburn, often nausea and vomiting.

How to cope with violations of appetite?

First, it is necessary to tune in to the fact that it is temporary and will pass. It really passes by itself by 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, you can eat normally, and start gaining weight.

Secondly, try to eat often and gradually. Something can cause appetite, and you are taking a lot at a time - and then vomiting is possible. If there are often small portions of chances to safely keep food becomes more.

Thirdly, do not oppose your desires. What you would not want to - eat it, now is not time for diets or restrictions. Exclude only really dangerous, for example, alcohol containing products. If you suddenly wanted strawberries or pineapples, do not deny yourself.

If you are tormented by nausea and vomiting, avoid cooking yourself, the first time you eat, without getting out of bed, and do not allow your stomach empty, we carry something that you can eat, for example, cookies or tanning.

Sign of pregnancy, appetite: What changes occur

The planning family is always looking and trepidated, when early signs of pregnancy appear. Appetite enters into their number, so today on po-needeam.ru you will learn how and why it changes. Disruption of appetite is a fairly common phenomenon during pregnancy. We broke it into 4 categories:

- decrease in appetite; - increase the appetite; - Perversion of appetite.

The decline in appetite as a sign of pregnancy arises due to the adaptation of the female organism to the changes arising. He, as it were, adapts to the presence of a new life in the uterus, so that in the future it is uninterrupted to maintain its growth and development. Progesterone, female hormone, affects the thickening of the endometrium layer, which is necessary for implantation of the embryo and a comfortable stay of the fetus. For this, its level in the body of a pregnant woman rises, but not without by-effect - The work of the digestive system is reflected. This can lead to a decrease in appetite in the early period of pregnancy.

Another culprit of the decline in appetite during pregnancy is stress, which is accompanied by fatigue and racing of mood.

The loss of appetite during pregnancy is associated with fear of gaining weight, toxicosis or constipation. If weight is a psychological problem, then nausea, vomiting and constipation are already physiological. Some women have nausea not only in the morning, but also during the day, in the evening and even at night. Almost all food odors cause disgust. In such cases, pregnant women prefer to starve what to do is impossible.

Constipation in the early period of pregnancy - the phenomenon is not rare. Because of the difficulties with defecation, pregnant can intentionally refuse food.

An increase in appetite as a sign of pregnancy occurs due to the fact that a growing organism requires a lot of nutrients. So begins pregnant to actively eat for two, completely forgetting that we should keep weight under control.

The perversion of the appetite is to combine the incompatible products (for example, there is bread with jam and eat it all this with salt cucumber) or in a big desire to eat something exotic. It is often found to one degree or another.

What to do when impaired appetite?

- make sure that the food is not only delicious, but also contained something useful; - Do not make yourself breakfast; - Drink small portions, but often; - Do not prepare the food yourself, ask someone; - Avoid hard-referred products; - Do not forget about rest and avoid stress; - watch your weight, but without fanaticism; - Avoid products with a sharp odor; - Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration; - To relieve nausea, suck the acidic lollipops; - To prevent constipation Eat products rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables).

Like the remaining signs of pregnancy, appetite is not considered an absolute confirmation of pregnancy. But his violation takes place to be during the tooling of the child. Maurina Obster Gynecologist Marina Slavina

Attention! No medical services are carried out by the site administration. All materials are only informational. The same applies to the advisory section. No online consultation Never replace full-time medical care, which is only in specialized medical institutions. Self-treatment can bring irreparable harm! For any diseases and ailments, contact the clinic to the doctor!

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Nausea, Change the taste of habits, digestion disruption, a change in appetite. 46% of women are nauseous in very early pregnancy. Most often, it appears in the morning, but can also be saved and all day. This is usually a mesmer feeling, but in rare cases, the nausea may be so strong that the future mother has to urgently apply to the doctor. Pregnant women also often do not tolerate certain smells. Perfume or tobacco smoke Often instantly cause nausea. Some women learn about pregnancy to change taste habits. The fact that they did not like to pregnancy suddenly becomes delicious and vice versa, the dishes are suddenly beloved before this disgust. Elevated appetite. Only 19% of women from the first days of pregnancy are experiencing a strong sense of hunger. In combination with the previous sign, they completely change their usual food.

The swelling of the mammary glands. Increased, tense and painful breasts may indicate the beginning of pregnancy. At the same time, many women always have a sensitive breast in the second phase of the cycle. Thus, their body reacts to the increased content of the hormone of progesterone in the blood of a woman, and it is always enhanced in the second phase of the cycle in a healthy woman.

Fatigue, drowsiness, apathy. Increased fatigue is a lot of almost all women in early pregnancy. Irritability. Pregnant women are often very irritable. Their mood is often changed within a few minutes. And it is not whims. This is "to blame" large hormone changes occurring in the body of a woman. Fatigue and apathy can be associated with low mother immunity.

Lack of first signs of pregnancy

Is it possible on the presence or absence of certain signs of talking about pregnancy or its absence? Nature is not very scrupulous to the woman during the waiting period, the result and any of the above listed features may be a precursor monthly. Moreover, polls showed that the lack of signs of pregnancy is not such a bad indicator. Judge for yourself:

When are the first signs of pregnancy?

And yet, when should I expect the first signs of pregnancy? The overwhelming majority of women who successfully planned pregnancy are recognized that the first signs of pregnancy have appeared after the alleged delay. It is even possible that these signs arose as psychological confirmation of the fact - a positive pregnancy test. Anyway, how much time passes until the first signs of pregnancy appear?

The appearance time of the sign

The earliest signs of pregnancy

I am very interested in this topic, here I sit in the internet and looking for me to suit me ?? but what if? Or maybe? So I decided to create this topic. Girls, pregnant women, write your early symptoms of pregnancy please)

That's what I found in the internet: we define the pregnancy in the early terms

Pregnancy is the most important and extremely responsible period in the life of any woman. To conceive a child may be 12-14 days from the beginning of the last menstruation, i.e. in the middle menstrual cycle. Since implantation fruit egg In the uterus (3-7 days after conception) in the body of a woman begins serious hormonal and physiological changes. Therefore, signs of pregnancy begin to manifest themselves in the first two weeks. For the birth of a healthy baby, the future mother needs to be known that the formation of all the children's bodies begins with the first week of pregnancy.

The first signs of pregnancy are individual, since each woman has its own characteristics of the body, and you need to pay attention to any unusual phenomenon for your body. Most women have signs of pregnancy already appear within a week after conception, in some - few weeks later. For an early determination of pregnancy, you need to know the most common early signs:

1) Menstruation delay. This is the main feature, but it is not always accurate. Very often the lack of menstruation can be associated with hormonal failure In the body of a woman caused by severe stress or dysfunction of ovaries.

2) Raising basal temperature. This is one of the main signs of the coming pregnancy, but it is usually celebrated after the menstruation delay. How to measure basal temperature? It is necessary from the evening to put a mercury thermometer near bed so that it could be reached without effort. Electronic thermometer is preferably not used due to the large measurement error. Measure the temperature in the morning after awakening, placing the thermometer into the rectum by 1-2 centimeters. If the basal temperature is raised to 37 ° C and higher, then most likely the pregnancy has come. For accuracy, the procedure is recommended for 7-10 days. The basal temperature remains elevated for three months until the placenta will start fully function. The decrease in the basal temperature during this period is a signal about the threat of miscarriage.

3) improving the sensitivity of the chest. This frequent sign of pregnancy appears 1-2 weeks after conception. Women notice that the chest swells, painfully reacts to any touch towards it. If the breast is surrendered, then the brick-grooved thick liquid begins from the nipples. You can also see the damming of the skin around the nipples.

4) Toxicosis (nausea) can begin by 2-8 week after conception. At this time, the fertilized egg begins to attach to the uterine wall.

5) Frequent urges for urination. This feature is caused by significant hormonal changes in the body of a woman. During pregnancy, the level of female sex hormones increases, which contributes to the tide of blood to the organs of a small pelvis. It is the overflow of blood vessels that causes changes in the functioning of the kidneys, ureters and bladder. But you need to pay attention to the presence of painful sensations (pain, cutting, burning), which should not be in the normal.

6) feeling fatigue. Fast fatigue, drowsiness, apathy appear in the first week after conception. Often there is a sense of indisposition. This is because in the first trimester, the body temperature in a woman is improved, a slight decrease in immunity is noted and the feeling that the woman is ill is arisen. The woman complains about the throat, the congestion of the nasal cavity and the sinuses. This is due to hormonal changes inside the body affecting the production of mucus in the nose and nasal sinuses. In this case, the main thing is not to take medicines contraindicated during pregnancy.

7) Sensitivity to smells. The intolerance of some odors arises in the second week after conception. A woman begins to annoy sharp smells of perfumery, alcohol, tobacco, some foods.

8) Change of appetite. This sign of pregnancy is also observed in the first weeks. ONE marked a sharp increase in appetite, others, on the contrary, complain about his absence. Often, women feel a disgust for previously beloved products and sudden craving for a previously hated, up to the desire to use fragile substances in food, such as chalk, clay, lime. In this way, the woman's body is trying to fill the shortage of nutrients that are necessary for the normal intrauterine development of the child. In the early grades of pregnancy, a woman can sometimes feel some taste of metal in the mouth.

9) lower pressure. This symptom manifests itself immediately after conception and those women who have had reduced pressure to pregnancy. Pressure may decrease less than 90/60 mm. RT. Art. And as a result, weakness, dizziness, sometimes even fainting is observed. The deterioration of well-being is usually an empty stomach, when taking hot baths, with long standing, when staying in a hot and stuffy room. Since the woman in the first trimester of pregnancy is not only reduced pressure, but also the temperature rises, then it "throws" in the heat, then in the cold.

10) Headache, migraine, restless Son.. These signs appear on an early pregnancy due to a sudden increase in the level of hormones in the body. Very often there is a feeling of "breakdown" even after a full night sleep.

11) Talking in the uterus notice many pregnant women in the first second week after conception. Sometimes there are pains in the lower abdomen.

12) Silent pains, "striking" in the lower back, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sacrum. These symptoms female experiences since the second week. Frequently appear "sharpness" from the pelvis area to the legs.

If a woman has several first signs of pregnancy listed above, it is recommended to do a pregnancy test. To obtain a reliable result, it is necessary to make a test after awakening from the morning. Most accurate result The test shows a few days after menstruation delay. But for greater confidence, you need to consult a gynecologist. One of the first analyzes the doctor will appoint blood for HCG. This special protein is chorionic gonadotropin - appears in the blood and the urine of a pregnant woman approximately a week after fertilization. If a woman is not pregnant, then its level is close to zero. The most reliable means early diagnosis It is an ultrasound (ultrasound study), allowing to detect a fetus for 5-6 days after the menstruation delay. In this time, you can see in the uterus fertilized egg with a diameter of 4-6 mm. Purchase ultrasound early stage It is recommended to exclude the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

So, if pregnancy is confirmed, a woman needs to tune in to the baby's hatching and birth. And the main thing is not to worry about trifles.

All the well-known fact is that in the period of the child of the child, a woman is experiencing a very large craving for food intake. The future mother can chew something throughout the day. The ladies in an interesting situation are characterized by enviable appetite due to the growth and development of the fetus, which also requires nutrition. Moreover, pregnant women change their taste addictions. For example, the future mother can love cakes with salty cucumbers, and herring to eat with ice cream.

Such whims of medicine cannot clearly explain. But there are signs about the dependence of the mother's tastes from the floor of its future child. For example, if a woman wants only fried potatoes with salting, then she is probably a boy, and if he prefers only sweet - a girl. Note that scientists with such statements disagree and are confident that food preferences do not affect the field of future children.

Elevated appetite during pregnancy - not a caprication, but the reaction of the body of a pregnant woman for hormonal shifts, from which the increase in the diet directly depends. Moreover, future mothers feel intuitively what and in which hours they need to eat. But this is not always the key to proper nutrition.

So you have elevated appetite during pregnancy what to do!?

Pregnant women may not understand what products to them should be used, which inevitably leads to unusual combinations in the menu. In order not to have the negative effects of such nutrition, experts recommend pregnant to make their own individual diet taking into account taste addictions.

It is noteworthy that the desire of a woman to emit one or another product signals the lack of vital components. For example, if calcium deficiency is noted, then the future mother seeks to compensate for its immeasurable absorption of fermented milk products, and the lack of sodium-cheese. With a lack of iron in the body, a pregnant woman prefers apples and grenades, raw liver and chalk, as well as coal.

Many future mothers change their attitude towards smells that excite appetite. However, the head brain of a woman in a position may incorrectly perceive some food signals to nutrition during pregnancy, as a result of which a finest representative can acquire an extra body of the body, which is then difficult to reset.

Non-fatty traction for meat and eggs testifies to Malokrovia. In this case, it is necessary to refer to the akuster-gynecologist to give tests to biochemical blood indicators. Remember: in late pregnancy treated conductible anemia more difficult.

If a pregnant woman eats more and more sweets, then carbohydrates in her body are poorly absorbed, and fats are digested slowly. Glucose can lead to a rise or decay of blood sugar levels, and such fluctuations are fraught with development sugar diabetes Or obesity. Note that the body future mom Must get from 100 grams of protein per day, but the salt consumption should be limited.

If you liked our site, express your "Thank you" by pressing the buttons below. Katarina I was on the site on March 29, 08:32 Russia, Bratskouvena. postponed in the pope and legs! Well, I always had a problem in principle. I am not complete, but extra centimeters are available at the bottom of the body and another question toxicosis is about from what point starts? I am waiting and afraid ....Mariam I was online on April 18, 07:32 I started 5.5 weeks, closer to 6.De, I understand, I also have a little on the pope! Now actually too. It seems almost almost, and because of the hormones rose. Simply against the backdrop of chest and abdomen - not noticeable. But I know everything ... Zuikina Alena Ravilievna I was online May 27, 2013, 20:05 Russia, New Urengoy

Toxicosis is generally a strange thing, everyone has in its own way. Here I, for example: Tonite, unpleasant, I see I see, I do not want, but as soon as I start trying, Zhor attacks me. From this and the stomach grew up in the form of a rescue circle. The pops and legs do not fully fully, only belly.

I love tomatoes ... directly 4 pcs at a time I can calm (of the mid-sized of course). I try to soup, kashki to eat more often. If you eat fried, then the side dish is just fresh. The main thing is not to overeat! It is better with you to work cottage cheese, puree fruit, vegetables or fruits to carry and snack. The magnificent once overestalked, but ... everything is digested instantly, the only thing that the sensation of gravity and light weakness is constantly.

I do not limit yourself yet (except for citrus).

Maryam I was online April 18, 07:32 I still do not limit myself \u003d) The child does for me \u003d) And about overeating, I finally appreciated the advice there is often, but on a little bit. So that after lunch it still seemed to have ever a little, it means it's time to stop. Otherwise, I then feel bad \u003d) In general, I almost learned to live with toxes and cope! Rainbow I was online June 27, 2014, 12:01 Russia, Great Luki And I, on the contrary, I want to eat everything, but bad even from oatmeal on the water ... I eat everything so tasty, and after 10 minutes, terrible symptoms of poisoning (sorry without fountains, but a very unpleasant nasty in the mouth constantly, the chewing is not saved) goosebumps, dizziness, etc. Manyham I was online April 18, 07:32 you know I my g pressed me to drink Fort Esssential. 2 tablets 3 times a day during meals. After all, in essence, toxicosis is associated with the liver, something stands out there. And as a result, the feeling of poisoning and toxicosis. In short, after the start of reception, I gradually became easier for me. And now it is almost completely not felt. But it helps in combination with proper nutrition. That is, nothing is too fat, we do not eat much, on a little bit, but often. It sounds trite, but it works! \u003d) Rainbow I was online on June 27, 2014, 12:01 Russia, great Lukyskato, with me on you, Essentsya drank a pack ... Now I also try to eat more often ... I was still offered to Essentsyala intravenously, of course, refused to prose And ride every day in a consultation - the minibus is stronger than ... yesterday "died" from three tomatoes ... These were delicious ... I will go to stew something from vegetables today ...

Pregnancy for each woman is a magical and happy time. But very often there is no appetite at all in this period at this period. But since women at this time in response not only for themselves, but also for the health of their future baby, it is necessary to revise the diet.

Causes of reducing appetite during pregnancy

Why does appetite disappears from future moms? After all, there is a completely different opinion that in this state the woman should eat for two.

The loss of appetite during pregnancy most often arises due to such reasons:

  • toxicosis is one of the most common causes. poor appetite in early pregnancy;
  • hormonal splash - bad appetite arises due to improving progesterone;
  • deficiency of some vitamins and microelements (iron, folic acid);
  • squeezing the intestines in a magnified uterus with a fruit;
  • psychological factor is a bad mood of the future mother or frequent stress, when there is no desire to do anything, and including;
  • aggravation of chronic pathology (kidney disease, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine pathology, etc.).

Thus, the absence of appetite during pregnancy can occur as a result of a variety of reasons, both in the early and later its timing. Therefore, to avoid any & surprises& At this time, it is necessary to constantly observe the gynecologist.

Features of appetite during pregnancy

Often, the future mothers have peculiar gastronomic preferences. For example, a desire to eat a salty cucumber with ice cream, lard with jam or mayonnaise cake. Why such strange desires arise in such a state, doctors can not answer.

Often during pregnancy, it happens that the desire to accept any food is not at all. Very often, a disgust may arise to certain products, and to the such that you used to be taken with pleasure.

Such a phenomenon is very often happening in early terms and usually runs on the expiration of the first trimester of pregnancy. You need to try to simply pull out such moments.

However, if you have a desire to eat something, not combined with each other, it is better to visit the gynecologist. It can advise the analysis to identify the deficit in the body of trace elements or vitamins.

Elevated appetite during pregnancy

Despite the fact that many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity disappears the appetite, in some, it may increase on the contrary. Often you want to want throughout the day.

Experts explain this development and growth of the fetus. For women in a position in the early deadlines, it is not a caprication, but the body's response on hormonal hormonal background.

Very often may have a fairly strong feeling of hunger on the future mother, and this threatens a rapid set of extra kilograms, from which to get rid of after delivery will not be at all.

Therefore, women in the position need to adhere to a special diet, eliminate fast food and any harmful products and semi-finished products. It is best to create an individual diet that takes into account all taste addictions.

How to return appetite during pregnancy

If the reason for a bad appetite during pregnancy is one or another pathology, it is necessary to be supervised by physicians who will help determine the cause of such problems.

Very often a decrease in appetite temporary, so to combat this it is necessary to resort to various tricks:

  • constantly walk, breathe fresh air - so you spend the energy and the need to replenish it;
  • if the appetite disappears, but there is no nausea, constantly remind yourself that you are carrying a small life that you need constantly useful substances;
  • take food permanently at one time - even if there is no appetite during pregnancy, the body will require another portion of food reflexively;
  • try to constantly be in a circle of the same women in the position - if the appetite disappears, the joint walks will make you eat for the company;
  • for products, go on your own, often in the store, breathing the aroma of appetizing food, will the desire for something to be energized;
  • in the early and later pregnancy, consume special vitamin complexeswhich fill the body with the necessary substances;
  • always carefully engage in the table serving, think up your menu to small parts - so you will make the impression of the holiday and you can return interest in food a little;
  • you can, after consulting a doctor, drink various herbal infusions that will help to eliminate disgust for food and stimulate the desire to eat.

If you already have no appetite in the early pregnancy, do not hesitate and visit the doctor, tell him about my problems.

It will help determine what cause is such a problem and will help make the right decision if there is no desire to eat anything at your position. After all, do not forget that during this period your future child is growing and it is so easy for him to harm.

Perhaps you need to pass tests and determine the level of trace elements and vitamins in the blood. After replenishing their stock, the problem may disappear by itself.

In any case, take care of yourself and your future child, so you can cope with any problems.

No appetite during pregnancy: who is to blame and what to do?

We are accustomed to hearing that the future motley must eat for two. But in very many cases, a woman in an interesting position is not able to really eat for itself one: the absence and loss of appetite during pregnancy - the phenomenon is frequent and not the most pleasant. Why is it going on, whether it is necessary to worry much because of this and, most importantly, what to do?

Appetite and trimesters

First trimester

The lack of appetite during pregnancy, as a rule, falls on this period. Causes of the loss of appetite in the first trimester of pregnancy

1. It is during this period that the first & famous & signs of an interesting situation appear, such as morning nausea, vomiting, dizziness. Lack of appetite during early pregnancy without any additional problems with digestion is a rarity. Such ailments reduce appetite, and there is nothing surprising: who wants to eat if it turns inside out! Although most often nausea is called the morning, in fact it can appear at any time of the day. Everyone has a different organism, and therefore each woman has the initial weeks of an interesting position can pass in different ways. It may be that nausea is still going on in the afternoon or even worried in the evening. It is noticeable that this phenomenon is most often found in women who are in the womb of twins and those who are waiting for their first child.

In turn, the cause of nausea, vomiting and other alerts are hormonal changes occurring in the feminine body. In particular, the guilt for the fact that at the beginning of pregnancy there is no appetite or the appetite is bad, the elevated level of hormone hCG. In addition, the appearance of nausea may be due to genetically. It often happens that the mother of a pregnant woman also passed through a similar test, and the nausea was very intense and painful.

2. Why still have no appetite in the first trimester? This also affects the slower work of the gastrointestinal tract, which, in turn, is the result of a high level of progesterone and water delay in the body.

3. Test stress. For example, the future mother can worry about the health of the child, because the first trimester is often crucial for the further development of the fetus.

Second and third trimester

It would seem that the first trimester, and with it - toxicosis and the problems with the appetite behind. But it was not there! And in the second, and in the third trimesters, women complain that the appetite died during pregnancy. Why?

1. The culprit is usually all the same nausea, which may not stop all 9 months or even appear closer to childbirth. It can be felt at different times of the day, often - when a woman is hungry or when it eats too much.

2. Loss of appetite during pregnancy in the second trimester can be provoked and added sensitivity to smells, which disgusted future mom from food.

3. If the absence of appetite is manifested in late, & solid & pregnancy timing caused, as a rule, the pressure on the stomach has an increasingly increasing uterus.

4. In connection with such a problem as a bad appetite during pregnancy, it is worth a few words to say about anemia. It is found at each fifth of the future mother. As a rule, it appears after 20 weeks of pregnancy, when the fruit is growing intensively and should get everything that is needed for normal growth, even at the expense of the mother's body. During this period, a pregnant woman increases blood volume and increases the need for the hardware, necessary for the construction of red blood cells. Therefore, it is not surprising that the reserves of this element are quickly depleted. A small iron deficit does not show itself alarming signals. But when it clearly begins to miss and decreases the amount of red blood cells, the future mother feels fatigue, becomes drowned, and even long sleep does not help. There appears shortness of breath and heartbeat. The signs of this state include loss of appetite. If iron deficit confirms the blood test, it's time to be achieved. There is no reason for panic: proper diet In combination with the appropriate drugs can work wonders! So, if appetite disappeared in the later weeks, it makes sense to look at the problem from this point of view.

Thus, if instead of a wolf appetite, problems arise with intake of food or nausea - this is in most cases the normal reaction of the body. A similar problem is relevant for more than half of pregnant women.

Wish to eat gone - leave everything as is?

Intrusive love for food leads to a paradoxical situation: instead there is more than before conception, a woman eats less. She is anxiously on the scales and sees that the arrow does not move forward or - which is even worse - it is five back. However, appetite in the early periods of pregnancy, more precisely, his absence should not cause special concern about the future mother. In the first trimester, the child in the womb is still so small that for food it is quite enough as much as his mother, and the need for calorieness does not change. If the pregnancy of its diet was reasonable and balanced, then it is suitable and baby.

Subsequent trimesters require an increase in energy incoming about 300-400 kcal per day. A short-term reduction in the mother's appetite is not dangerous for the fetus. The problem arises when it ignores food for a long time. Remember that you eat during pregnancy not for two, but for two. Therefore, even if the woman complains that there is no appetite during pregnancy, it should force ourselves, despite the resistance of the body. Exit - there is less, but more often, about 7 times a day at equal intervals. Feed, and as fully as possible, still it is necessary, since otherwise the child may experience a lack of nutrients and be born with a low mass body.

Fortunately, the problem of the lack of a good appetite in a proper approach in 90% of cases does not have any negative impact on a developing child. The only minus is bad state of health Women who over time will pass, at the most - after 9 months. And yet, if the complete lack of desire lasts longer than a few days, and vomiting joins it, then you need to inform the doctor as soon as possible.

Attention! On average, the so-called indomitable vomiting occurs once per thousand pregnancies. It can be really dangerous for the future mother, and for a child. If for a long time a woman tears, it not only does not gain weight, but also loses water and many valuable minerals. Long-term vomiting lead to dehydration, damage to the liver and even interruption of pregnancy. It may well be that in the end it will be necessary to hospitalize and intravenous injection of water, glucose and electrolytes.

Disapted appetite during pregnancy: what can be done?

You can deal with any prematurity of pregnancy, including the lack of appetite or nausea, themselves. This does not mean self-appointment of drugs, especially those anti-luxurious, which can have a negative impact on the child's health. Both medicines and accepted vitamins must be approved by the doctor leading you.

Problems with food and nausea (and therefore, the loss of appetite is pregnant) can be mitigated by changing the habits of food and lifestyle. Here are some tips:

  • It is better to eat smaller portions, but more often - thanks to this nausea will decrease.
  • It is not necessary to eat heavy, difficult to digest food, instead it is more correct to be content with easier dishes.
  • The first snack (for example, several crackers) eat in bed (it's best to get up to the rise).
  • Drink as much as possible (especially during the heat or if you tear) to prevent the body's dehydration. Choose cool drinks. Desserts from the refrigerator (for example, sorbets, jelly) helps to fight nausea, and hot fluids and dishes can be aggravated.
  • Fast relief brings ginger or sucking a piece of lemon.
  • It is worth trying to change your plan for the day if possible: to rest as much as possible, avoid stressful situations that exacerbate nausea. Many women claim to help walks and fresh air. It is worth doing what you have a soul - thereby we awaken positive thinking to life, and it can work wonders.
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Loss of appetite during pregnancy - is it worth worrying

Premenhenev, many women fear that they will now begin to eat everything and rapid weight. But, as it turns out, the opposite situation happens. Loss of appetite during pregnancy is not so rare, as you might think.

Half of future mothers celebrate that on the first trimester, the feeling of hunger almost never makes itself felt. On the one hand, it pleases, and on the other, it may be a serious problem, especially if you are literally forcibly pouring into myself. So what caused the absence of appetite during pregnancy and is it worth worrying about this?

Causes of poor appetite during pregnancy

The body of the woman during the toasting of the fetus is particularly acute reacts to physiological and psychological changes. Therefore, it can manifest themselves as an increased and bad appetite during pregnancy, and the reasons may be the most diverse:

  1. The first and most obvious reason - toxicosis. Naturally, what is there food, if any piece almost immediately leaves back. But the need of B. nutrients It still remains, so try to take at least liquid food - soups, milk porridge, juices and water. So you will be better to digest and keep food in the stomach;
  2. Almost every second future motley suffers from folic acid deficiency - Vitamin B9, vital to any female body. This factor can explain why no appetite during pregnancy. Also pregnant, suffering from the lack of feeling of hunger, it is necessary to take iron;
  3. Stormy splash hormone It is able to suppress appetite, for reducing the function of digestion, it is often possible, it is possible to thank & the high level of the hormone of progesterone, which stops a feeling of hunger;
  4. On the second trimester, the uterus begins to put pressure on the intestines, because of what they occur constipation. This can cause bad digestion and, as a result, the lack of appetite;
  5. If the future mammy refuses food on the third trimester, then most likely, does not feel hunger due to compressed gastric gastric;
  6. The reason that the appetite died during pregnancy can also be stress, Depressed mood or depression in a woman. So the psychological factor also cannot be discounted;
  7. Considering that during pregnancy chronic diseases They have an exacerbate property, among the causes of the loss of appetite, intestinal disorders can be called, as well as diseases of the kidneys and liver.

As you can see, the causes of lack of hunger can cause a wide variety of factors, so it is necessary to regularly observe the doctor to cope with the problem in time.

Methods of increasing appetite in pregnant women

No matter how pleased in the initial stages, the lack of appetite during pregnancy, it is necessary to remember that now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the life of the future kid. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically perform attempts to annoy the feeling of hunger, because, even without needing in the taste sensations, the body is experiencing the need for nutrients and vitamins.

If the loss of appetite during pregnancy is due to any diseases - they must be treated under the guidance of physicians. But, for the most part, the lack of hunger in future mothers wears a temporary or psychological character, therefore the methods of combating them more come to cunning tricks:

  • first of all, when you are not tormented by nausea, tell yourself that the small life is growing inside you, which is constantly evolving and needs useful substances;
  • perforce long walks in the fresh air, sign up into the Yoga section for pregnant women or pool - physical activity make you spend energy, it means that it will be necessary to replenish it. In addition, sports will help to get out of a sluggish and thoughtful state and take away the opportunity to fall into depression;
  • indulge yourself with new things of bright colors - purchases bring joy, and red, orange and other warm shades stimulate appetite;
  • before each welcome, we have a beautifully serve the table, think over the menu to the smallest detail, go to the dinner with light makeup and completely dressed - these tricks will create the impression of the holiday and help return interest in food;
  • constantly rotate in the circle of friends or the same future moms as you. Joint hiking in the clinic, in the park, to the store or cafe will make you eat at least for the company;
  • early eat at the same time - the body has a mode and at the appointed hour it will involuntarily ask for a portion of the food;
  • we go for the products yourself - do not shift this duty on her husband, mom or mother-in-law. Often finding among the appetizing smells, especially in confectionery, the desire to eat. More often baked cinnamon buns, prepare dishes using ginger, cumin, acute pepper - these spices stimulate salivation;
  • take a complex of vitamins for pregnant women - it will be an excellent help for a weakened organism and will help him absorb more nutrients;
  • drink herbal infusions, only first agree their components with a doctor. You can also take beer yeast to a vitamin B;
  • in the diet should dominate the products with high protein and green vegetables.

Whatever the reasons for a bad appetite during pregnancy, do not leave this symptom without attention.

Alarm signs: when a doctor's help is required

So that the process of losing appetite has not come far, it is necessary to immediately warn about it of his attending gynecologist. While toxicosis torments you - the lack of feeling of hunger is quite normal. But if you have chronic gastric or kidney diseases - consultation with a physician is simply necessary. There is no self-medication, and you should not wait for the problem to disappear by itself.

The most serious reason for the treatment of medical help is an abnormal weight loss. If this process is observed on the second trimester, the future mommy needs to be as soon as possible to pass urine and blood analysis, to pass an ultrasound and listen to the doctor.

Remember that you can independently diagnoses and prescribe yourself treatment during pregnancy. Trust Doctors - they will help you give birth to a healthy baby.

I am pregnant - all about pregnancy, childbirth and children (0.0013 sec.)

The feeling of hunger in the early deadline pursues many mummies. On the one hand, it is logical, because the little life is growing inside, which needs forces. On the other hand, mommy also gets tired of sometimes just a beast appetite, which pursues her day and night. What to do, so that hunger during pregnancy in the early time has not led to problems in the later? It is worth finding out the reasons for its appearance.

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Causes of elevated appetite

Immediately it is worth noting that it is impossible to let the problem on samotep. After all, extra kilograms are a direct path to varicose veins, pain in the back, a major fruit, respectively, complex fees and other things. The reasons provoking a constant feeling of hunger, doctors call the following:

Cause Why is this happening
Hormonal perestroika in the body Basically, it is thanks to this factor that Mom wants to eat a lot and often, and also those products that before pregnancy would hardly have combined with each other.
Psychological installation Thoughtful grandmothers, mothers and friends are told a young girl that now she should eat for two. And under the action of such provocateurs, she begins to "pamper" with snacks, without fearing to gain extra pounds. Gynecologists confirm the fact that the mother needs more calories than before pregnancy, because the body developing inside it requires nutrients for growth and development. However, the dose should be increased only by 300 kal, and not on a couple of extra kilograms.
Depression This condition is usually characterized by a shortage of such an important substance as serotonin or hormone joy. Being in an depressed state (especially with the "spontaneous" pregnancy, with problems with the future dad and at work), mommy is trying to replace the missing emotions. Many women noticed the same behavior in their usual life when any sadness would like to eat something delicious or just chew something so as not to be so nervous.

The fact that there is a strong feeling of hunger during early pregnancy is not a problem in itself. This is the normal response of the body.

However, if you do not take a timely action in a timely manner, it will be very difficult to return to a normal form and not suffer from "side effects" of overeating.

It is worth noting that some girls were so frivolously treated their appetite, absorbing everything without parsing and restrictions that they managed to gain up to 40 - 50 kilograms by the end of pregnancy. And so that this does not happen, it is necessary to follow some rules for the normalization of the power mode.

Watch on the video about the features of the pregnant woman's nutrition:

Pathologies that provoke an increase in appetite

Not always the reasons for regular trips to the refrigerator are so cloudless. Such diseases may also encourage a constant desire:

  • diabetes;
  • ulcer of stomach, gastritis;
  • hyperthyroidism.

If the future mammy knows that she has problems in these areas, it must be informed about it to inform his gynecologist.

Ideally, before conception, you need to care yourself and treat the existing diseases. But pregnancy can be unplanned, as well as in chronic forms, it is not always possible to foresee. To exclude probable pathologies, the doctor will suggest to pass tests, and after the treatment will be corrected and tells about the rules of nutrition.

Basic power rules Young mother

In order not to turn to the end of pregnancy in a small elephant, it is worth complying with uncomplicated nutritional guidance:

  • If there is a constant hunger in the early periods of pregnancy, unrelated with diseases, you can thicken it with the help of useful products (dried fruits, gallery or cereal cookies, muesley).
  • You can eat often, as I want, only to introduce restrictions on the size of the portions. For example, no more than three or five spoons or a portion, a fist size. And so that it was psychologically easier, for the snack it is worth taking plates for desserts. On them, small portions will not look so sad, as on large plates.
  • Grain bread will bring less calories than white. You can also eat loaf.
  • In the eternal, the lady often forget about the most simple - about water. Not always the future mother really wants to eat, it can torment her thirst. To reduce the amount of food consumed, as well as avoid dehydration, it is recommended to observe the water mode and drink one gland of the liquid before eating.
  • Sour products - provocateurs feeling hunger. They annoy the walls of the stomach than and provoke the desire to eat anything else.
  • Fruits - best friends. They will not only raise the body with useful vitamins and microelements, which is so important for mom and child, but also help fill the stomach with fiber, which is a small-calorie.
  • Meat will help to remain a second time. Yes, one fruit or porridge is difficult to nourish. The natural protein, which is contained in meat, allows you to rather feel the feeling of saturation and no longer approach the refrigerator. However, it is worth remembering that against the background of the same unstable hormonal background, other problems with the gastrointestinal tract may occur. Therefore, meat products are better to use in boiled and steam form.
  • Dairy products, cheeses will help to saturate the body by calcium. Due to this, in the future it will be possible to avoid the problems of hair fragility, nails, crumbling teeth. Solid cheese is an ideal product for snack.
  • The speed of absorption of food is also of great importance. Scientists have long proved that only calm, measuring food will help to improve without moving. After all, the feeling of saturation comes in 20 minutes from the beginning of meals. Therefore, there are lovers on the go or in 5 minutes it is worth reconsidering their habits. To extend the process, you can make it real art: to beautifully serve the table, cut figures from unloved fruits, look out the window and admire views.

And some nutritionists advise there are bare in front of the mirror. Usually such a spectacle is beaten by the desire to overeat even with an ideal figure.

  • Bananas, mango, fish and legumes - products saturated with tryptophan. They are recommended to eat before bed to relax and not interrupt the night snacks.
  • I feel bad - I'll go. This motto of many women, not only in the "interesting" position. However, the habit also should be refused. Of course, the future mammy upsets and causes an excessive storm of emotions. A lot of factors for which she would not pay attention without accelerant hormones, but it is necessary to keep himself in their hands.
  • Hunger - a symptom of boredom. Quite often, in early terms, various unforeseen pathologies arise up to the threat of a breakdown. To avoid the loss of a child, doctors put mom in the hospital. And there is absolutely nothing to do, except to drink teas with delicious cookie Or sweets, carefully brought by relatives and husband.

A sedentary lifestyle will further contribute to the weight set. It is better to find another occupation (books, magazines, embroidery and other), and also do not forget about hiking with well-being. After all, the pregnancy itself is not a disease, light physical exertion, provided that good well-being will be beneficial.

Do not forget that the doctors have long developed recommendations for the optimal weight gain. So, girls who were too thin to pregnancy can score 12 - 18 kg. For those who have a normal weight, it is recommended not to overlap the bar with indicators 11 - 16 kg. For the full girls, the optimal will be added from 7 to 11 kg, and for those who fall into the category "with obesity", you will have to meet at 5 - 9 kg. Proper nutrition Allows you to keep yourself in normal weight and control the appetite without prejudice to yourself.

What to eat undesirable

There is a certain list of products that doctors are not recommended and absolutely healthy people who are not in the "interesting" position. As for the mammies, they are not at all for them. These include:

  • smoked, especially from the store;
  • pickles that delay fluid in the body and lead to edema;
  • marinades, seasonings;
  • sharp sauces, especially if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fast food products;
  • carbonated drinks, strong and coffee;
  • crackers, chips and other sizes with a large number of chemical additives and salts;
  • confectionery, baking, which will very quickly show their presence in the body by postponement on the sides.

TO useful products Sea delicacies and citrus fruits can be attributed. However, during pregnancy, it is worth to approach extremely carefully, since it is possible to provoke allergies, even if it was not observed before that time.

The feeling of permanent hunger is often quite a normal phenomenon in the early stages. Mommies noted that it passes to 10 - 12 weeks. If you eat and choose products for snacks, problems with an excessive kilogram set will be avoided. And compliance with the recommendations of the doctor will experience the happy nine months of waiting without incident, having prepared their own body to light birth.

When pregnancy comes, many women are rapidly gaining weight due to an increase in the volume of food consumed. However, there are also women who no appetite during pregnancy. This happens not so rarely.

Many future mothers notice the lack of feeling of hunger on the first trimester of pregnancy. Some are forced to literally push the food. Why is there no appetite and is it worth worrying because of this?

Causes of lack of appetite in pregnant women

There may be a wide variety of reasons what weight falls during pregnancy. In the body of a woman during the toasting of the fetus, reactions to any psychological and physical changes are especially acute.

Toxicosis during pregnancy is the most obvious cause of a bad appetite. Many women almost immediately leave any piece of food that they eat. However, the body very much needs nutrients. Therefore, we should take liquid food (juices, dairy cereals, soups, etc.), as it is easier to keep it in the stomach and digest.

It may not be an appetite in future mothers who have a deficiency of folic acid or iron. Therefore, replenish it by consulting with the doctor.

During pregnancy, a rapid surge of hormones occurs, which can suppress appetite, reduce the function of digestion. Hormone progesterone, reaching a high level, stops a feeling of hunger.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, constipation occurs often due to the fact that the uterus begins to press the intestine. This fact may be the cause of bad digestion, which means that there is a bad appetite. And on the third trimester of pregnancy, the grew up the fetus is even more squeezing the stomach, so the future mother eats smaller portions or does not want to eat at all.

There is also a psychological factor affecting appetite, for example, an depressed mood, stress or depression.

Many women have chronic diseases during pregnancy (liver disease, kidney, intestinal disorders), because of which the appetite is lost.

Ways to raise appetite in pregnant women

You must remember the future kid and that he needs nutrients. Therefore, make attempts still annoying a feeling of hunger.

If you have lost your appetite because of any disease, it is necessary to take care of his treatment under the guidance of doctors.

Most often, the lack of appetite in the future mother wears a psychological or temporary character, so you can go for some cunning tricks.

If you increase your physical activity, you will spend more energy, and therefore, most likely, you want to fill it with food. So walk longer in the fresh air, sign up in the pool or on yoga for pregnant women.

As you know, joy stimulates appetite. And what brings the woman joy? Of course, buying, so please yourself with new things of bright colors.

Many appetite appetite when they see a beautifully served table. Sit down to dinner, apply makeup, think over the menu to the smallest detail. All these tricks will give a sense of the holiday, and your interest will be back to food.

Organize joint walks, hiking to the clinic, shops and cafes with the same future mammies. It will stimulate you to eat for the company. The desire to eat may arise from the reception of herbal infusions or beer yeast. However, the reception of any herbs, vitamins or drugs do not start without a consultation with the doctor. It is impossible to leave with such a symptom as the absence of appetite.

Signs of pregnancy, appetite

Like other early signs of pregnancy, the appetite is not an accurate and unconditional signal of the fact that you will soon become mom. However, the violation of the appetite is very often occurring, and can occur with very early deadlines.

Perhaps 3 options for changing appetite in early pregnancy:

An increase in appetite as a sign of pregnancy is found in many women, and may be present even without other symptoms of early toxicosis. Usually the problem arises from the earliest time, literally from 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors bind it to the implantation of the embryo and the reaction of the parent organism, both on the high level of chorionic gonadotropin and the invasion of the trophoblast porce.

Usually, reduced appetite is accompanied by a burden for certain products, selectivity in food. You can feel sharp attacks of nausea from the smell of piercing meat, and at the same time literally escaping salica from the fragrance of pickled cucumbers. Your baby dictates you what he needs now. There is almost always to one degree or another. This desire is something unusual, they begin to like such combinations of products that before and in the head would not be combined. As a sign of pregnancy, it is rare, and is usually accompanied by heartburn, often nausea and vomiting.

How to cope with violations of appetite?

First, it is necessary to tune in to the fact that it is temporary and will pass. It really passes by itself by 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, you can eat normally, and start gaining weight.

Secondly, try to eat often and gradually. Something can cause appetite, and you are taking a lot at a time - and then vomiting is possible. If there are often small portions of chances to safely keep food becomes more.

Thirdly, do not oppose your desires. What you would not want to - eat it, now is not time for diets or restrictions. Exclude only really dangerous, for example, alcohol containing products. If you suddenly wanted strawberries or pineapples, do not deny yourself.

If you are tormented by nausea and vomiting, avoid cooking yourself, the first time you eat, without getting out of bed, and do not allow your stomach empty, we carry something that you can eat, for example, cookies or tanning.

Sign of pregnancy, appetite: What changes occur

The planning family is always looking and trepidated, when early signs of pregnancy appear. Appetite enters into their number, so today on po-needeam.ru you will learn how and why it changes. Disruption of appetite is a fairly common phenomenon during pregnancy. We broke it into 4 categories:

- decrease in appetite; - increase the appetite; - Perversion of appetite.

The decline in appetite as a sign of pregnancy arises due to the adaptation of the female organism to the changes arising. He, as it were, adapts to the presence of a new life in the uterus, so that in the future it is uninterrupted to maintain its growth and development. Progesterone, female hormone, affects the thickening of the endometrium layer, which is necessary for implantation of the embryo and a comfortable stay of the fetus. For this, its level in the body of a pregnant woman is rising, but not without a side effect - the work of the digestive system is checked. This can lead to a decrease in appetite in the early period of pregnancy.

Another culprit of the decline in appetite during pregnancy is stress, which is accompanied by fatigue and racing of mood.

The loss of appetite during pregnancy is associated with fear of gaining weight, toxicosis or constipation. If weight is a psychological problem, then nausea, vomiting and constipation are already physiological. Some women have nausea not only in the morning, but also during the day, in the evening and even at night. Almost all food odors cause disgust. In such cases, pregnant women prefer to starve what to do is impossible.

Constipation in the early period of pregnancy - the phenomenon is not rare. Because of the difficulties with defecation, pregnant can intentionally refuse food.

An increase in appetite as a sign of pregnancy occurs due to the fact that a growing organism requires a lot of nutrients. So begins pregnant to actively eat for two, completely forgetting that we should keep weight under control.

The perversion of the appetite is to combine the incompatible products (for example, there is bread with jam and eat it all this with salt cucumber) or in a big desire to eat something exotic. It is often found to one degree or another.

What to do when impaired appetite?

- make sure that the food is not only delicious, but also contained something useful; - Do not make yourself breakfast; - Drink small portions, but often; - Do not prepare the food yourself, ask someone; - Avoid hard-referred products; - Do not forget about rest and avoid stress; - watch your weight, but without fanaticism; - Avoid products with a sharp odor; - Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration; - To relieve nausea, suck the acidic lollipops; - To prevent constipation Eat products rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables).

Like the remaining signs of pregnancy, appetite is not considered an absolute confirmation of pregnancy. But his violation takes place to be during the tooling of the child. Maurina Obster Gynecologist Marina Slavina

Attention! No medical services are carried out by the site administration. All materials are only informational. The same applies to the advisory section. No online advice will never replace full-time medical care, which is only in specialized medical institutions. Self-treatment can bring irreparable harm! For any diseases and ailments, contact the clinic to the doctor!

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No appetite during pregnancy: who is to blame and what to do?

We are accustomed to hearing that the future motley must eat for two. But in very many cases, a woman in an interesting position is not able to really eat for itself one: the absence and loss of appetite during pregnancy - the phenomenon is frequent and not the most pleasant. Why is it going on, whether it is necessary to worry much because of this and, most importantly, what to do?

Appetite and trimesters

First trimester

The lack of appetite during pregnancy, as a rule, falls on this period. Causes of the loss of appetite in the first trimester of pregnancy

1. It is during this period that the first "famous" signs of an interesting situation appear, such as morning nausea, vomiting, dizziness. Lack of appetite during early pregnancy without any additional problems with digestion is a rarity. Such ailments reduce appetite, and there is nothing surprising: who wants to eat if it turns inside out! Although most often nausea is called the morning, in fact it can appear at any time of the day. Everyone has a different organism, and therefore each woman has the initial weeks of an interesting position can pass in different ways. It may be that nausea is still going on in the afternoon or even worried in the evening. It is noticeable that this phenomenon is most often found in women who are in the womb of twins and those who are waiting for their first child.

In turn, the cause of nausea, vomiting and other alerts are hormonal changes occurring in the feminine body. In particular, the guilt for the fact that at the beginning of pregnancy there is no appetite or the appetite is bad, the elevated level of hormone hCG. In addition, the appearance of nausea may be due to genetically. It often happens that the mother of a pregnant woman also passed through a similar test, and the nausea was very intense and painful.

2. Why still have no appetite in the first trimester? This also affects the slower work of the gastrointestinal tract, which, in turn, is the result of a high level of progesterone and water delay in the body.

3. Test stress. For example, the future mother can worry about the health of the child, because the first trimester is often crucial for the further development of the fetus.

Second and third trimester

It would seem that the first trimester, and with it - toxicosis and the problems with the appetite behind. But it was not there! And in the second, and in the third trimesters, women complain that the appetite died during pregnancy. Why?

1. The culprit is usually all the same nausea, which may not stop all 9 months or even appear closer to childbirth. It can be felt at different times of the day, often - when a woman is hungry or when it eats too much.

2. Loss of appetite during pregnancy in the second trimester can be provoked and added sensitivity to smells, which disgusted future mom from food.

3. If the absence of appetite is manifested in the late, "solid" periods of pregnancy, the cause, as a rule, is the pressure on the stomach of an increasingly increasing uterus.

4. In connection with such a problem as a bad appetite during pregnancy, it is worth a few words to say about anemia. It is found at each fifth of the future mother. As a rule, it appears after 20 weeks of pregnancy, when the fruit is growing intensively and should get everything that is needed for normal growth, even at the expense of the mother's body. During this period, a pregnant woman increases blood volume and increases the need for the hardware, necessary for the construction of red blood cells. Therefore, it is not surprising that the reserves of this element are quickly depleted. A small iron deficit does not show itself alarming signals. But when it clearly begins to miss and decreases the amount of red blood cells, the future mother feels fatigue, becomes drowned, and even long sleep does not help. There appears shortness of breath and heartbeat. The signs of this state include loss of appetite. If iron deficit confirms the blood test, it's time to be achieved. There is no reason for panic: the correct diet in combination with the corresponding drugs can work wonders! So, if appetite disappeared in the later weeks, it makes sense to look at the problem from this point of view.

Thus, if instead of a wolf appetite, problems arise with intake of food or nausea - this is in most cases the normal reaction of the body. A similar problem is relevant for more than half of pregnant women.

Wish to eat gone - leave everything as is?

Intrusive love for food leads to a paradoxical situation: instead there is more than before conception, a woman eats less. She is anxiously on the scales and sees that the arrow does not move forward or - which is even worse - it is five back. However, appetite in the early periods of pregnancy, more precisely, his absence should not cause special concern about the future mother. In the first trimester, the child in the womb is still so small that for food it is quite enough as much as his mother, and the need for calorieness does not change. If the pregnancy of its diet was reasonable and balanced, then it is suitable and baby.

Subsequent trimesters require an increase in energy incoming about 300-400 kcal per day. A short-term reduction in the mother's appetite is not dangerous for the fetus. The problem arises when it ignores food for a long time. Remember that you eat during pregnancy not for two, but for two. Therefore, even if the woman complains that there is no appetite during pregnancy, it should force ourselves, despite the resistance of the body. Exit - there is less, but more often, about 7 times a day at equal intervals. Feed, and as fully as possible, still it is necessary, since otherwise the child may experience a lack of nutrients and be born with a low mass body.

Fortunately, the problem of the lack of a good appetite in a proper approach in 90% of cases does not have any negative impact on a developing child. The only minus is the poor health of a woman who will pass with time, at the same time after 9 months. And yet, if the complete lack of desire lasts longer than a few days, and vomiting joins it, then you need to inform the doctor as soon as possible.

Attention! On average, the so-called indomitable vomiting occurs once per thousand pregnancies. It can be really dangerous for the future mother, and for a child. If for a long time a woman tears, it not only does not gain weight, but also loses water and many valuable minerals. Long-term vomiting lead to dehydration, damage to the liver and even interruption of pregnancy. It may well be that in the end it will be necessary to hospitalize and intravenous injection of water, glucose and electrolytes.

Disapted appetite during pregnancy: what can be done?

You can deal with any prematurity of pregnancy, including the lack of appetite or nausea, themselves. This does not mean self-appointment of drugs, especially those anti-luxurious, which can have a negative impact on the child's health. Both medicines and accepted vitamins must be approved by the doctor leading you.

Problems with food and nausea (and therefore, the loss of appetite is pregnant) can be mitigated by changing the habits of food and lifestyle. Here are some tips:

  • It is better to eat smaller portions, but more often - thanks to this nausea will decrease.
  • It is not necessary to eat heavy, difficult to digest food, instead it is more correct to be content with easier dishes.
  • The first snack (for example, several crackers) eat in bed (it's best to get up to the rise).
  • Drink as much as possible (especially during the heat or if you tear) to prevent the body's dehydration. Choose cool drinks. Desserts from the refrigerator (for example, sorbets, jelly) helps to fight nausea, and hot fluids and dishes can be aggravated.
  • Fast relief brings ginger or sucking a piece of lemon.
  • It is worth trying to change your plan for the day if possible: to rest as much as possible, avoid stressful situations that exacerbate nausea. Many women claim to help walks and fresh air. It is worth doing what you have a soul - thereby we awaken positive thinking to life, and it can work wonders.
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Loss of appetite during pregnancy - is it worth worrying

Premenhenev, many women fear that they will now begin to eat everything and rapid weight. But, as it turns out, the opposite situation happens. Loss of appetite during pregnancy is not so rare, as you might think.

Half of future mothers celebrate that on the first trimester, the feeling of hunger almost never makes itself felt. On the one hand, it pleases, and on the other, it may be a serious problem, especially if you are literally forcibly pouring into myself. So what caused the absence of appetite during pregnancy and is it worth worrying about this?

Causes of poor appetite during pregnancy

The body of the woman during the toasting of the fetus is particularly acute reacts to physiological and psychological changes. Therefore, it can manifest themselves as an increased and bad appetite during pregnancy, and the reasons may be the most diverse:

  1. The first and most obvious reason - toxicosis. Naturally, what is there food, if any piece almost immediately leaves back. But the need for nutrients still remains, so attempt to take at least liquid food - soups, dairy cereals, juices and water. So you will be better to digest and keep food in the stomach;
  2. Almost every second future motley suffers from folic acid deficiency - Vitamin B9, vital to any female body. This factor can explain why no appetite during pregnancy. Also pregnant, suffering from the lack of feeling of hunger, it is necessary to take iron;
  3. Stormy splash hormone It is capable of suppressing appetite, for reducing the function of digestion, often it is possible to "thank" a high level of hormone of progesterone, which stops a feeling of hunger;
  4. On the second trimester, the uterus begins to put pressure on the intestines, because of what they occur constipation. This can cause bad digestion and, as a result, the lack of appetite;
  5. If the future mammy refuses food on the third trimester, then most likely, does not feel hunger due to compressed gastric gastric;
  6. The reason that the appetite died during pregnancy can also be stress, Depressed mood or depression in a woman. So the psychological factor also cannot be discounted;
  7. Considering that during pregnancy chronic diseases They have an exacerbate property, among the causes of the loss of appetite, intestinal disorders can be called, as well as diseases of the kidneys and liver.

As you can see, the causes of lack of hunger can cause a wide variety of factors, so it is necessary to regularly observe the doctor to cope with the problem in time.

Methods of increasing appetite in pregnant women

No matter how pleased in the initial stages, the lack of appetite during pregnancy, it is necessary to remember that now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the life of the future kid. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically perform attempts to annoy the feeling of hunger, because, even without needing in the taste sensations, the body is experiencing the need for nutrients and vitamins.

If the loss of appetite during pregnancy is due to any diseases - they must be treated under the guidance of physicians. But, for the most part, the lack of hunger in future mothers wears a temporary or psychological character, therefore the methods of combating them more come to cunning tricks:

  • first of all, when you are not tormented by nausea, tell yourself that the small life is growing inside you, which is constantly evolving and needs useful substances;
  • perforce long walks in the fresh air, sign up into the Yoga section for pregnant women or pool - physical activity make you spend energy, it means that it will be necessary to replenish it. In addition, sports will help to get out of a sluggish and thoughtful state and take away the opportunity to fall into depression;
  • indulge yourself with new things of bright colors - purchases bring joy, and red, orange and other warm shades stimulate appetite;
  • before each welcome, we have a beautifully serve the table, think over the menu to the smallest detail, go to the dinner with light makeup and completely dressed - these tricks will create the impression of the holiday and help return interest in food;
  • constantly rotate in the circle of friends or the same future moms as you. Joint hiking in the clinic, in the park, to the store or cafe will make you eat at least for the company;
  • early eat at the same time - the body has a mode and at the appointed hour it will involuntarily ask for a portion of the food;
  • we go for the products yourself - do not shift this duty on her husband, mom or mother-in-law. Often finding among the appetizing smells, especially in confectionery, the desire to eat. More often baked cinnamon buns, prepare dishes using ginger, cumin, acute pepper - these spices stimulate salivation;
  • take a complex of vitamins for pregnant women - it will be an excellent help for a weakened organism and will help him absorb more nutrients;
  • drink herbal infusions, only first agree their components with a doctor. You can also take beer yeast to a vitamin B;
  • in the diet should dominate the products with high protein and green vegetables.

Whatever the reasons for a bad appetite during pregnancy, do not leave this symptom without attention.

Alarm signs: when a doctor's help is required

So that the process of losing appetite has not come far, it is necessary to immediately warn about it of his attending gynecologist. While toxicosis torments you - the lack of feeling of hunger is quite normal. But if you have chronic gastric or kidney diseases - consultation with a physician is simply necessary. There is no self-medication, and you should not wait for the problem to disappear by itself.

The most serious reason for the treatment of medical help is an abnormal weight loss. If this process is observed on the second trimester, the future mommy needs to be as soon as possible to pass urine and blood analysis, to pass an ultrasound and listen to the doctor.

Remember that you can independently diagnoses and prescribe yourself treatment during pregnancy. Trust Doctors - they will help you give birth to a healthy baby.

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