
From what the child is restless and wakes up. Causes of restless sleep at the kid. Does the child need a pillow for sleep

Why does a child sleep badly at night and what to do to normalize his sleep? Detailed explanations of the reasons for bad sleep for each age and practical recommendations To help parents.

Future parents are not always ready for the fact that newborns have completely different sleep phases other than adults. The big exceptions are kids who fall asleep in the evening and sleep without awakening all night until the morning.

In the overwhelming majority, young mothers face that their kids are very often waking up, which madly wipes their parents. But you do not need to worry that such a dream negatively affects the child. Frequent wakes for many children - norm. Take patience - this time you just need to wait.

Why the newborn sleeps badly at night

  • The dream of any person consists of two cycles - fast and slow. Adult man almost all night is in a deep, slow dream. Fast sleep is characterized by shudding, constant rolls from the sides on the side - at this time of the person it is easy to wake
  • The sleep of babies goes precisely in a rapid cycle and extremely rare - in slow. Therefore, all moms should understand that frequent wakes of the child are not bad sleep, it is normal development nervous system Little man.
    If you still have concerns that something is wrong with your child, then the most faithful method is to contact a neurologist
  • Only an experienced doctor can establish a problem (if it is), and prescribe medicines. But immediately it is worth noting - the availability of valid problems is rare. For each age, the baby exists its own features affecting sleep

Causes of bad sleep in children up to 6 months

  • At the reception at the neurologist you will definitely ask how many hours a day is sleeping baby? There is a generally accepted rate at 18 o'clock, but permissible and 14. Doctors in Russia converge in the opinion that the norm is 16 hours. It is worth noting that the conversation is not only about a nighthood, but also about all day
  • If your child sleeps less - this is the reason for anxiety, because his body does not rest, which can negatively affect the general development and well-being
  • Some kids up to 6 months wake up a little, and then more often. It happens the situation and vice versa, when it is until the six months of the kids are constantly waking up

What is it connected with?

The kid is hot / cold - the optimal temperature in the child's room is considered 19-22 degrees
The baby was hungry - kids on breast feeding eats more often than on artificial
The child is not shy and he wakes up itself to the unconscious movements of the hands and legs.
Colics in the tummy - as a general rule pass by 3 months
Nasal Breath - infectious diseases, discharge from the nose, air dryness, anatomical features
The narrowness of nasal passages - passes with age, but sometimes surgery is needed
The lack of vitamin D3 is especially felt in winter, add the drug with vitamin D to the diet
The feeling of anxiety - the kid has not yet learned to perceive the world as adults, so the closing of the eyes can be associated with anxiety, just be near

Causes of bad sleep in children 7-9 months

  • At this age, children begin to actively know the world around and learn to crawl to get to the subject of interest. Also, the skill of seats without support is being developed. All this can even at night to give an unconscious impulse into the brain when the child in a dream tries to sit down. Your task is to lay and calmly over-excited child
  • Due to the increased daily activity, the baby may not have food, as it is constantly distracted. And at night, it tries to catch up the missed, constantly waking up. Analyze whether the child eats enough during the day
  • At this time, acquaintance with new products continues, so mommies must strictly monitor the body's response
  • Bad sleep may indicate the disorder of the digestive system or the occurrence of an allergic reaction that does not sleep
  • Another reason for bad sleep at 7-9 months is painful teething. You should not wait for the pain itself, help the baby. Purchase a special gel for a teething, which will remove the soreness of sensations, and the parents will give to sleep

Reasons for bad sleep in children 10-12 months

  • During this period, the child appears even more burden on the body, because he learns to get up and walk. It is also important to monitor the diet and not allow no malnutrition. Activity rises, emotions overwhelm from their own achievements - it is important to strictly observe the day of the day
  • Also, in 10-12 months, the lack of calcium in the body can be felt, and it is precisely this causes bad sleep. It is not necessary to immediately run in the laboratory - take a safe drug in the pharmacy and apply according to the specified instruction. During the week, sleep is normalized. By the way, calcium is needed and when absorbed vitamin D3
  • Another option to improve the night's sleep is to cut the daytime. Closer to the year, the child can sleep only 2 times during the day. It is now that the child is beginning to dream of dreams, and as well as adults, he can see something terrible, why wakes up

Poor sleep in a child before the year Komarovsky

According to Dr. Komarovsky - a healthy dream of a child is a healthy dream of all family members. And only parents can help to sleep for a long time and qualitatively, paying enough time to the walk, organization of food, cleaning of premises, humidity.

Komarovsky recommends complying with only 10 rules that will necessarily help normalize the sleep of a child:

1. Understand what is most important for the kid loving parents and a healthy furnishings in the family, so it is important to put priorities correctly
2. Strictly observe sleep mode and do not retreat from the selected time.
3. Decide where and with whom the baby will sleep: in the bed in the bedroom of the parents, in the crib in the children's room or in the same bed with parents
4. Reduce the day dream of a child if he loves too much to sleep
5. Try to unoccupies in the penultimate feeding and then the child before bedtime is good and satisfying
6. Actively spend time during the day, and in the evening calmly play, read books
7. Adhere to the air temperature in the baby's bedroom 18-20 degrees, and humidity - 50-70%
8. Make a massage or gymnastics until the evening bathing, then bathe the baby in cool water in a large bath, after which the heat is died, fed and put sleep
9. Refer seriously to the mattress - it should be smooth and dense. Bed linen - from natural fabrics. Up to two years - no pillows
10. Use quality diaper

Why is the breast child sleeps at night and often wakes up?

There are many reasons why the breast child is restless and does not allow to sleep with the whole family. Basically, all reasons are reduced to the physiological features of the development of a small organism and many of them are already described in the article.

In order to eliminate serious pathologies, you should consult with a neurologist and pediatrician. However, do not try to find the reason where it is not. If all doctors reported the normal development of the baby, then calm down and take patience.

Why did the kid become more likely to wake up at night?

It happens that the baby slept more or less normal and suddenly began to wake up much more often. With what it can be connected? Consider several reasons:
Availability of disease, infection
Stomach ache
Increased excitability during the day
Too much impressions during the day
Violated sleep mode
Introduced a new product in the diet

Also should not be excluded that the poor mood at Mom affected the sleep of the child.

Why does the child often wake up at night and crying?

Night crying is the norm and do not need to give it great importance. Crying is the only way to call mom. Perhaps the baby is hungry or simply requires communication.
By the way, the children who sleep along with her mother are crying while waking up much less than those that sleep in a separate bed. This is due to the fact that the child knows that it is enough just to get to move like a mother pay attention to him. Over time, such children cry less.

Why is the child sleeping restless and turns much?

  • If the newborn sleeps badly and turns a lot - try it simply, you may be interfered with my hands and he wakes up himself
  • For older children, such night behavior is often due to the fact that it worries abdominal pain or teething
  • However, it is better to seek help to a neurologist and, if necessary, begin to give sedatives

The child sleeps badly and shudders in a dream

Shudders for children up to year are normal behavior in a dream. This may occur for several reasons:

Overexcitation during the day
Transition to sleep from one phase to another
Uncontrollable hands and legs
More often shuddered in the first months of life, and gradually pass as the child grown

Swaddling is especially important in the first months, because the kid involuntarily moves with handles and legs, which is why he can hit himself, scratch. Even if you treat mommies applied only modern methodsIt is not recommended to refuse night swearing. Sometimes even kids up to a year or a half years need to swaded, but not completely, but only hands
Bed next to the child some time after falling asleep. If the kid shudders and wakes up - intend, spoil the song, calm
Do not create stressful situations for a child - an excessive number of guests, too long active games, long journeys. In a word - do not overload the nervous system, do not overwork
Strictly follow the day mode and create a special procedure before bedtime, repeating every night. Whatever happens - do not retreat from the rule

What should I do if the child began to sleep badly at night?

Try to analyze and understand what caused sleep disorders. If it turned out to reveal the reason, then it needs to be eliminated. Consider several situations that can help you:

Perhaps earlier you slept with the baby, and now we decided to lay it on the night in a separate bed. When the child is just afraid to sleep alone, return to the same mode and wait a little more
Starting from 4 months of the baby can be tormented by teething teeth - purchase a special gel for teeth, but apply strictly according to the instructions
Todders up to 3 months are tormented from colic, try to help: take a remedy in the pharmacy, make a dill driver, attach a warm diaper to the tummy, and if you feed your breast - Analyze your diet and eliminate the bow, legumes, cabbage and other products that can cause colic At the kid
If in the summer I slept well, and in the fall, in the fall I often wake up, then try adding a drug with vitamin D possible, it is not enough for the body.
Do you have a strict setting mode to sleep? For example: Walk, dinner, swimming, muffling light and sleep. Perhaps the usual procedure is broken? Children react sharply to such changes.
How does a child feel? Is there a discharge from the nose, cough, high temperature? Kids sleep restless when they are sick. Consult the pediatrician at the first signs, and it will appoint treatment
Analyze the diet of the child, does it eat enough during the day or is trying to replenish at night? Since 6 months old kids actively know the world around, start crawling and distracted while eating, so come up with your procedure so that he eats its norm
Perhaps the child is overwhelmed during the day. Try in the evening baths to add soothing herbs, and reduce increased activity during the day. Dosage emotional impressions and visits to guests
Are you all right in your family? Are there frequent conflicts and quarrels? What is the emotional state of mom? Come with the child as calmly as possible and even more so do not swear with it. Children feel the state of mom

Child 1.5 years sleeps badly at night

  • For a child of 1.5 years, high activity in the daytime, however, try to limit it wisely in the evening.
  • Immediately before bedtime, you need to walk well and for a long time. If during the day not to give the child to come down, in the evening it will be overflowing forces, and at night - bad sleep
  • You must not forget that the child also sees dreams, so if he woke up - calm down, intend and put back to sleep
  • In 1.5, the kid constantly pulls everything in the mouth, so it is possible to infection with helminths. If at home in preventive purposes you need to wash toys and the floor, then in the street the infection occurs most often in the sandbox
  • The active life of worms in the body of the child occurs at night, which prevents him from sleeping
  • At this age, many children sleep only once a day, so it is advisable to adhere to such a regime

Causes of poor sleep in a child 2-4 years

  • For two years, children are already calm all night, and in the afternoon one dream is saved. However, it happens that during this period the child begins to sleep badly
  • Diagnosing the cause is already much easier, as the child can already explain himself that it bothers it: the belly hurts, head, or something dreamed. For this age, poor sleep can only be in case of explicit discomfort and any pain should be treated seriously, as they can report serious diseases. It does not pass
  • Often, sleep disorders at this age are associated with nervous exciteration or overwork. If sleep disorders continue for several days, you should contact a doctor

Causes of bad sleep in a child 5-7 years

  • At this age, child sleep looks like an adult - a deeper, less surface, fast sleep. In 5 years, talking about the overaffect of emotions or incorrect mode is incorrect
  • Of course, the children are dreaming and nightmares are not excluded, which is why you can wake up, but if it happens every night, then you should be worried. Only a competent neurologist will help
  • Perhaps the dream has become more disturbing due to the fact that the child moved to his room and now he is forced to sleep alone. It is important every night to spend a calm ritual of reading fairy tales, singing songs. Mom can lie with the child until he falls asleep. A little patience and kid will get used to independence

Glycine with a bad dream in a child

  • Despite the fact that glycine is an ordinary amino acid, to self-appoint him to his child is not needed. Only a neurologist can say, he needs or not in your case. Speaking of dosages, doctors recommend to use children up to three years - 0.5 tablets, and after three - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day
  • Glycine has a cumulative effect, so it is necessary to take it. However, acting only when resorption under the tongue, so for kids is not always effective
  • The instructions do not write, but many mothers observe their children after the use of glycine reverse action - excessive activity and over-use. Each kid is individual
  • Children of any age need careful of parents. If bad sleep for infant is the norm, then in 4 years - can signal the presence of a serious disease. Treat everything wisely and listen to yourself. Contact doctors if you feel the need

Video: How to improve baby sleep and sleep? - Dr. Komarovsky

Serious violations, restless and disturbing sleep in a small child depend on certain factors. For certain night rest disorders, physical exertion, diet, psychological factors or reception of certain drugs are influenced. The reason can be a neurological impairment of the psyche, which is often typical of infants. Actual role is played by age, health condition. It is worth carefully reviewing possible sources of restless dreams at a month old child, also - children older than a year, after which it is possible to determine the true cause of the ailment.

Restless sleep in infants

The appearance of a small crumbage in the house changes the rhythm and lifestyle of all family members. Caring for baby can not only be pleasant, but also cause negative emotions, such as excitement, nervousness, experience. Many parents frighten a restless and fasten sleep in a child for 1 month, especially if he is accompanied by sobs.
A restless interval sleep in a child of 2 months is big excitement, because the period of adaptation is behind, and the night rest did not normally normal. High-quality vacation at night is an important part of the qualitative restoration of the body. His drawback can cause serious consequences in an infant. Restless dreams kid can cause neuralgic disorders, provoke diseases inside the body.
The reasons for restless dreams in infants are as follows:

  • adaptation to the outside world;
  • unstable emotional background can provoke a restless disturbing sleep in a small child for 5 months, as well as children younger age;
  • loud sounds;
  • dry or too wet air can be a source of anxiety during night rest and restless dreams in a child of 4 months;
  • meteo-dependence;
  • the teething of the first teeth often provoke anxiety in a dream at the kid of 6 months;
  • psychological barriers;
  • emotional protest to something;
  • stool violations;
  • cold illness;
  • restless and disturbing sleep in children of 7 months can be caused by the lack of attention from parents;
  • frequent urination, flowing diapers.

Child 1-1.5 years sleeps badly at night

The basic cause of anxiety in children of this age is in a bad and poor-quality holiday in day, frequent whims, extreme excitability, poor kid mood. Also, to break the regime at such ages can nuances with diapers, because when this object of hygiene is wet or uncomfortable, the baby will not be able to fall asleep. Also, affect can:

  • lack of fresh air;
  • unstable temperature in the room;
  • possible diseases of the internal organs;
  • experienced mental injury or stress;
  • neurological deviations.

If a possible source in the form of stupid air was detected and eliminated, you can forget about alarming dreams. If the cause of violation was more complex factors, night rest is not normalized for a long time, it is worth contacting a specialist.
Did you know? Infants can see dreams still in a pregnant womb - from 27 weeks. Dreams can be due to the special genetic memory of crumbs - the experience of previous generations. It is not known whether the dreams of the fetus are influenced or not.

Causes of poor sleep in a child 2-4 years

Anxious falling asleep, restless and fastened sleep in a small child 2 years old can be provoked by the same factors as a yearful crumbs, especially emergency nervous excitability. Also, difficulties with falling asleep and restless dream of a child at the age of 3 may be caused by cold or nightmares. Unpleasant dreams often provoke anxiety during rest. Restless dreams in a child at 4 years old can be very informed real nightmares, based on emotions experienced during the daytime. If the crumb of this age often sees nightmares, it is worth contacting the psychologist to avoid neurological, mental problems, as well as to eliminate the cause of nightmarish dreams.

Causes of bad sleep in a child 5-7 years

Anxiety during night rest can still be caused by a disease or complications in the body, neurological or mental pathology. Restless dreams in a small child of 6 years can be accompanied by conversations in a dream, somnambulism. There are no discontinuities with night enuresis, which often provoke failure good night In the kid of 8 years, as well as young children. As a rule, before nine years, such a problem passes. If a night Eninur Long, it is worth consulting a doctor.

Symptoms of restless sleep

Certain and basic symptoms will help to quickly identify problems with a fall asleep at the kid and correct the situation. These include:

  1. grinds teeth, interval breathing and rapid heartbeat;
  2. enapers due to unrest, stress;
  3. shuddered during dreams;
  4. psychomotor excitations;
  5. crying, nightmares;
  6. breath disorders.

Main mistakes of parents

The main mistake of parents is to ignore a similar problem. If you do not struggle with violations, the baby may be subject to developing serious agers, physiological, as well as mental nature. No less solid errors are night crossing, later falling asleep, lack of mode.

Psychological mistakes include quarrels at the kid, clarifying relationships, mother depression, aggression.

Also, the disorders can affect:

  • crossing;
  • changing of the living place;
  • stress;
  • problems with peers or parents aged 5-8 years.

When should you consult a doctor

It is worth resorting to the help and consultation of the pediatrician, if the symptoms of disorders with night rest and fall asleep constantly. In particular, when nightmares are accompanied by hysteries, a constant cold of the baby.

You need to turn to a neuropathologist with possible violations of speech, as well as - crumb development disorders. Also, if a little is sick with flu or cut, it is worth contacting the pediatrician.

Ways to normalize sleep

Without the help of a doctor, parents can take the following steps to normalize the kid's mode. First of all, it is worth creating a favorable setting - silence, a comfortable bed, peace, feeding mode. It will help the crumb faster to fall asleep and normalize your mode. It is necessary to monitor the situation in the room, the freshness of the air, the feeding mode according to the age of the kid. It is equally important to wean a one-year-old child from night feeding, eliminate possible Icot. Also, no need to forget about the competent recreation mode.

Support for comfortable microclimate

A favorable microclimate inside the room is very important for high-quality flood. It will help prevent violations of a similar nature and many ailments. It is worth it to air the room, compulsory wet cleaning and purity in the room of the crumbs. It is necessary to pay attention to the frequent change of bed linen on clean. The temperature is equally important - it should be not too cold, but not very hot. It is important to select natural bedding, as well as - high-quality clothes for recreation.

Creating waste rituals to sleep

The creation of special rituals will be able to defeat a restless dream of a child at night and simplify falling asleep. Such habits include:

  • collecting toys;
  • dressing in pajamas;
  • tale at night;
  • tea drinking;
  • singing songs or verse;
  • teeth cleaning;
  • drink milk;
  • view cartoon.

Did you know? Falling asleep in bed parents can adversely affect the rest at night. One year old should be accustomed to his crib, independence. This will help you save the baby from falling asleep problems in the future and stress from separation with parents in a dream.

Compliance with the regime

From age of 1.5 years, it is necessary to instill the right mode of sleep and wake. Such a regime will help parents to normalize the rest of the baby, during the day, in the evening. The correct sleep mode, depending on the age of the baby, is favorably affected by falling asleep, the work of the brain, the correct alternation of the recreation phases. A similar habit will help simplify falling asleep in the future, to instill basic rest. In this pace, the baby will be able to get rid of fatigue, lethargy and reluctance to play or perform minimal movements, because the lack of recreation directly affects the state of the baby.

Such simple advice Will help parents quickly identify possible recreation disturbances at night, determine the cause, as well as improve the quality of falling asleep, organize a normal, calm night rest. With prolonged symptoms of concern during a night rest, it will be worthwhile to see a doctor - a pediatrician or a neuropathologist.

List of references:

  • Giedd JN, Rapoport JL; Rapoport (September 2010). "STRUCTURAL MRI OF PEDIATRIC BRAIN DEVELOPMENT: What Have We We Learned and Where Are We Going?". Neuron
  • Poulin-Dubois D, Brooker I, Chow V; Brooker; Chow (2009). "The Developmental Origins of Naïve Psychology In Infancy." Advances in Child Development and Behavior. Advances in Child Development and Behavior.
  • STILES J, JERNIGAN TL; Jernigan (2010). "The Basics of Brain Development". Neurpsychology Review

The main duties of the baby are to eat well and sleep sweetly.

After all, in the "Hugs of Morphey", children are not just resting, they grow, strengthen the immune system and handle a huge amount of information obtained during the day.

But there are situations where the child is restless and much turns around and this magical process is violated for a variety of reasons. Then the baby himself, and parents who are looking for a way to help him suffer.

In the life of the child there are several stages when problems arise with sleep.

First stage - Week after birth. At this age, the baby worries new unfamiliar sensations. He is often undernourished due to the fact that Mom has not yet worked. Therefore, the crumb often wakes up and requires food. In addition, before the first emptying of the intestine they can disturb the pain in the tummy. For the week, these first difficulties end: the intestinal work is being established, milk arrives at the mother - the dream becomes more calm and long.

Second phase - Age from three to six months. This is the time when most children begins and. Elevated gas formation delivers strong discomfort to the child. Also at this age, the first teeth are beginning to cut, causing the baby strong pain. These unpleasant sensations are exacerbated at night, so there can be no speech about a calm strong sleep.

Third stage Starts. The child appears the first children's fears. It begins to be afraid of darkness, negative heroes of fairy tales and imaginary monsters. And also - meets such a feeling as. Kroch jealous mom and dad to all in a row and often worried. All these fears are caused by nightmares that will often be a child among the night.

  1. Fast sleep is the surface and active phase, at this time the person moves, smiles, sees dreams and processes the knowledge gained in the day. In this phase, even insignificant discomfort or external stimulus can wake a person.
  2. Slow sleep deep and calm, the body rests and grows, immunity is strengthened.

In infants, the fast phase takes up to 50% of the total sleep time. Therefore, they are quite often waking up.

The main reasons for restless sleep

Disrupt a sensitive child's sleep can anything.

Its quality depends:

  • from well-being;
  • lifestyle;
  • age features;
  • temperament;
  • the settings in which sleeps;
  • global changes in life.

In fact, the causes of restless sleep is much more. They are divided into three groups:

  1. physical;
  2. psycho-emotional;
  3. pathological.

Physical reasons

The most common natural problems associated with the peculiarities of the human body or annoying external factors are:

  • The moro effect (the natural reaction of the baby on the fright - he shudders, throws the handles and reveals his palms, and if the baby sleeps without a diaper, he will wake up from each such shudder).
  • Feeling hunger or thirst.
  • Wet diaper.
  • Cutting teeth, colic.
  • Uncomfortable posture.
  • Uncomfortable clothes.
  • Ripening of reflexes - in periods of mastering new skills (roll over to the tummy, etc.) Kroch can catch them up even in a dream, waking up from its own movements.
  • External factors - too high or low temperature indoors, insufficient air humidity, bright light, loud sounds.

Psycho-emotional reasons

Psycho-emotional reasons are the conditions causing emotional overload - positive or negative:

  • Features of temperament.
  • Overexcitation, stress.
  • Violation of the day of the day (excess or lack of sleep during the day).
  • Insufficient activity during the time of wakefulness.
  • Age features (temporary predominance of the surface sleep phase).
  • Lack of mom's next.

Pathological problems causing sleep disorders

Pathological problems include various diseases that affect well-being:

  • increased temperature;
  • pain in the ear caused by otitis;
  • difficulty breathing during routine;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • itching during and other ailments are able to deprive sleep of a small man.

The pain in teething and colic to this group do not belong, as they are natural for a small child.

How to fight

The first and easiest step towards a healthy child of a child is the creation of comfortable conditions for him and eliminating the physical reasons for restless sleep.

It is necessary to approach the selection of a bed, mattress, bed linen. Wallpaper and textiles are better to choose bright calm colors, as bright shades are tired.

In the children's room there should be a temperature of 18-20 ° C and humidity in the area of \u200b\u200b60%, the room must be regularly ventilated. Newborn can frighten full silence, older children are also easier to fall asleep under the short monotonous melodies, so during a "quiet hour" you can include recording of the sounds of nature: rain, the noise of the sea, the singing of birds and others.

Before bedtime, the crumb should be fed and disguised. His dinner is recommended no later than one and a half hours before the "abundance". Abundant drink before bed it is undesirable. The newborn is better sleeping in diapers, for the kids older, you need to choose a comfortable pajamas that does not constrain movements. After falling asleep, it is necessary to ensure peace, protect from loud sounds and bright light. Try not to wake if the baby slept the feeding time: extra half an hour of sleep, even on an empty stomach, will not harm, but the child will be wanted and in a good mood.

In the first months of the life of the baby, only learns to sleep, so often during the active phase of sleep opens his eyes, starts to hone.

It is not necessary at first signs of awakening to rush to the child, you need to give him the opportunity to calm down and dive again into sleep.

During night feedings, nothing should disturb the baby or attract his attention. If, waking up among the night, he will see the familiar picture - his room, night light, a favorite toy - then quickly and easily fall again.

The decision of psycho-emotional problems will require more effort. First of all, you need to take care of the observance of the day. It can be formed, starting from the age of one and a half months, because at this time a small person already draws attention to the difference between the day and night. And even at the short time, when a two-month baby is awake, you can emphasize this difference. Night feedings and dressing need to be carried out in silence, not talking to a crumb, with night light.

In the afternoon you can play with him, entertain songs and sweatshops, during day rest, do not donate the room so that the difference from the one that the child sees is noticeable at night. With the same purpose, some children's sleep consultants are advised by the day to put the baby elsewhere. The mode must be strictly observed: first, gradually the child gets used to fall asleep at the same time, and secondly, the children feel much more confident and calmer when the day goes as a scenario familiar to them.

In each family, there should be a strict rule: wish to each other good night only in a good mood.

Man - and adult, and small - must fall asleep in a relaxed, calm state.

Therefore, all offenses and quarrels must be solved and forgotten long before sleep. Otherwise, the experiences will disturb the little impressionable person all night.

Joyful shocks can play the same joke. Good news, new clothes, a visit of a beloved relative and other joyful events are better to transfer at earlier time.

It is very important for a child to observe a certain familiar ritual before bedtime. Reading fairy tales, singing lullaby, discussion of events of the day or another evening tradition will help calm down and tune in to rest. When choosing such a ritual, you need to take into account the temperament of the baby: someone can burn and a short lullaby, and someone needs a whole hour to fall asleep.

For the same reason, it is not recommended to arrange noisy active games in the evening. The parent who puts the baby to sleep should be in a good calm mood. The child feels very well the experience of parents, and if mom or dad rushes or nervous, he involuntarily copies their behavior and then laying can stretch to hours.

If the baby interferes to fall asleep some fears or tormented nightmares, he either does not do without adults. It follows with all understanding and sympathy to treat the problem of the child. If he asks to stay with him for the night or hide from imaginary monsters under his blanket - it is impossible to shove out from him or laugh at his request.

And you can joke together and laugh at what scared the crumb.

But to ironize with regard to the cause of fear, and not on the child himself!

To prevent this problem, you should carefully select films and fairy tales, which looks and listening to the child. They must correspond to age.

Plots of news telling about natural disasters, catastrophes and crimes, children should not see.

If the reasons for sleep disorders lies in health problems, you need to quit all the forces on the treatment of the child and facilitate the symptoms that caused insomnia. Following recovery will follow and normalize sleep.

Health and well-being of a child depends on many factors. And the task of parents is to create all the conditions so that the baby is fed to eat, firmly slept, was healthy and cheerful. Only then can he regularly delight his close new achievements.

Video on the topic

Full sleep is of great importance for the restoration of forces and the growth of the kid. But often the child is restless, sleeps badly and independently normalize sleep does not work. Pediatricians, with sleep disorders, recommend medicines, but it is not necessary to hurry with it, you must first understand the reasons for night whims.

The child sleeps restlessly and turns a lot

Each mother came across a restless night bed. Someone has such a period, and someone does not know what steps to take to establish sleep.

Attentive observation of newborns will help identify the reasons why the child has become restless to sleep at night.

Why is the child restlessly sleeps at night?The reasons for restless night sleep, lie in the emotional and physical childhood of the child. During the disease, children are bothering pain, malaise and this, of course, prevents them from fully rest. More serious factors affecting sleep - emotional. Little can not cope with its experiences and they are reflected in dreams in nightmares, problems with falling asleep.

The child sleeps restlessly and a lot of Komarovsky video:

Strong emotions excite the nervous system, and a child can not relax. Therefore, parents must show care of their children and create a calm, friendly home atmosphere.

The child is restlessly sleeping at night reasons:

Features of age. Newborn sleep restlessly, because they were hungry, because before 1 year, children require night feeding. The feature of the sleeping babies is that their superficial sleep prevails, so the baby can swear, shudder.

Unfavourable conditions For night sleep:

  • uncomfortable mattress;
  • pillow;
  • too warm clothes; wet diaper;
  • the stool in the bedroom is not allowed to sleep well.

Failure to follow the day. Many parents laid a child to sleep when they are comfortable, regardless of the need of the kid. The child did not produce positive associations with sleep. Adults themselves create negative emotional situations: a cry, a handscript, in which the child sleeps badly at night - spins.

Features of temperament. Active, easily excitable children do not know how to calm down, relax. Bright daylight experiences are experienced at night and the active child is sleeping badly.

Insufficient activity during the day. A sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that the child does not get tired during the daytime. The uneasy energy causes difficulties with falling asleep and night bed.

Fears. From 1.5 years in children there are fears. It may be a fear of darkness, cartoon characters, loneliness. All experiences are reflected in dreams, which often become nightmares. The child turns around at night and sleeps badly, as the relationship with the surrounding world is transferred to sleep.

Teething. During this period, the children swell and scratch the gums, the temperature rises and it interferes with a full and calm sleep.

Disease. For bad well-being The newborn sleeps restlessly, crying. Colic, runny nose, otitis, flu, of course, interfere with the baby to sleep.

Serious diseases. Brain disease, disruption of the nervous system is accompanied by anxious and restless sleep, so the help of a doctor in such cases is necessary.

Important events in life. Change of residence, parental divorce, the appearance of brother or sisters adversely affect the night's sleep, the child sleeps badly - spins.

Restless sleep in infants Video:

The parents depends on how their baby will spend the night, so it is not necessary to ignore night whims and anxiety. During the measures taken, the child's dream will lead to normal.

What if the child is very restless sleeping at night?

As soon as an analysis of the causes of restless sleep, it is necessary to take measures and eliminate negative factors. In case of illness, without the help of the doctor, it is not necessary to do without the doctor, so it is necessary to go to the clinic urgently. When a child is very restless sleeping at night, parents can help him independently.

The child sleeps restlessly at night - what to do:

  • Compliance with the regime of the day. Putting in the same time will form a habit and set up a baby to sleep.
  • No need to observe the perfect silence when the baby is sleeping. Do our affairs, talk in a low voice, so the child will get used to sleep with outsiders and will not be afraid.
  • Make sure that before the night Sno Chado was fed, repaid and with dry pants. If everything is in order, it will not disturb anything.
  • The parents depends on what conditions the baby will sleep. It is necessary to prepare a bedroom: carry out wet cleaning, ventilate, remove extra things, turn on the night light. Bed linen and clothing only from natural materials.
  • Take a baby to fall asleep and sleep yourself. To the nipple, the launch of the baby gets used to the baby quickly, but then it will be difficult to teach it to fall asleep differently.
  • Make the pumping process is pleasant, spoil the lullaby, tell us a fairy tale, a good relaxing effect gives a light massage. Positive associations will facilitate falling asleep.
  • Do not allow overexcitation before bedtime. Stop the moving games, talk with a toddler with a calm tone, without a scream, turn off the TV 1 hour before laying into bed. Let the baby possesses, will play on board games, she listens to the fairy tale.
  • Come up and stick to the ritual of waste to sleep. The sequence of actions every day, teaching a child to fall on time and will prepare for falling asleep.
  • The correct actions of the mother at night are important. If the child sleeps badly, but it does not wake up, you just need to wake it up. If it still snapped, do not run to him and grab it in the hands, wait close to him, intend the handle, calm the quiet voice and the baby will fall asleep. If the baby was frightened, then you do not need to shout, but calmly sit near, hug and calm down.
  • Feed a child 1 hour before sleep, so he will have no problems with digestion.

Help mom, if a little child sleeps restlessly at night, can sleeping bag. In it, the baby will be warm and cozy, Mom will not worry that the baby revealed.

The baby may accidentally cover his head with a blanket, and with a sleeping bag this will not happen, it is safe. During feeding, the newborn does not need to get out of the bag, it will not freeze. Sleeping bags can be with or without sleeves, then the handles will be open, which is convenient for the warm season.

A diaper-cocoon will provide a child and mom a calm dream. Night sleep in the cocoon will not allow the baby to wave the handles and legs, he will not be afraid and wake up. Alone to get out of the diaper, the newborn will not be able, it will ensure heat and comfort. Diapers change in such a diaper very comfortable.

Breasts restlessly sleeping

Everyone knows that children grow in a dream, while restoring the forces, fill energy losses. When a child is sleeping, his body is fully developed and in the case of a shortage of a small person, a negative consequence may occur. Long sleep newborn children is a completely normal phenomenon and says that the child is developing correctly. However, a very common phenomenon is a breakdown of sleep in newborns. This, as a rule, happens, due to the occurrence of problems with the development of the infant body capable of rendering a negative impact on its health.

Why baby sleeps restless

Restless Son. big baby It may be associated with violations of its nutritional mode or other troubles. It can be some disease, violation of its living conditions.

The reasons for restless sleeping of an infant child include factors:

  1. Very often, anxiety during sleeping baby is caused by the reason that people's healers are called "subcutaneous bristle", another official name - Lanuga. So called small hairs, which covered the body of a newborn baby. When a child turns two weeks, the bristles fall out and normal bully hairs grow in their places. At this time, the baby's skin can be sealing that it becomes the cause of restless sleep.
  2. A child can sleep restlessly from the heat, while he sweats, his skin becomes red and dry the mucous membranes. You should open the window, drink the baby and moisturize the room.
  3. Anxiety of a child can be caused and cold. In this case, his skin acquires a blue shade, arms, legs and spin cold. The child should be warm and dress.
  4. Bad dream of a child can be triggered uncomfortable or dirty bedding and dirty clothes. The baby begins to shout and on his skin can be a trace from buttons or seam. It should be examined and replaced with his clothes.
  5. Loud parties do not contribute to strong sleep kid. Parents should determine that they are more important for them - their own fun or their child's health.
  6. Sleeping a baby can interfere with constipation. In this case, he is in vain and moves his legs, his stomach becomes hard, the chair is rare, and Cal hardens and acquires a dark tint. Before feeding the child should be held on the tummy, and to go to bed in the pose of a frog on the stomach. It is necessary to feed it only with special mixtures, to take the weak water. You can smear anus with children's cream and put special candles

What to do at night with a restless infant

Breasts have no clear distribution between sleep and active wakefulness. Nevertheless, over each month, its biological rhythms are increasingly becoming similar to our. In order for the infants at night, it should be concerned, measures should be taken to prevent discomfort and unpleasant sensations that he can start testing.

It is very important to make a timely replacement of the diaper, follow the condition of air humidity in the room and prevent the temperature increase in the children's room over 22 degrees Celsius and did not fall below 18 degrees on the same scale. In the event that the child becomes inconveniences during sleep, it will be possible to wake it up quite easily.

The child should set the normal daytime mode. Before the departure to the night Snu, the child should be at least four in a row of wakeful hours. If the child does not sleep during the daytime, it should be taken by some active business implied by physical activity, however, it should not be overwritten. Not getting any exercise, the baby will sleep badly at night.

The child should be tuned to fall asleep on their own, for which it needs to be laid in the crib and do not wear in his arms, ransight. Hands accustomed to hands have difficulty with independent falling asleep. The child should learn to sleep in his room.

Breasts restless during feeding

Breastfeeding is a big science and very often happens that it takes not quite smoothly. When feeding the child can be anxiety, cry and capricious. Despite the fact that a child and mother are endowed with nature defined reflexes, they need a certain experience in order for feeding to go smoothly and calmly. A special meaning when feeding has the posture in which it is produced. It often happens that the restless behavior of a breast child is explained by disorders when feeding.

Causes of worrying Breasts during feeding

Throughout the first few weeks after the birth of a child, he and mom gradually get used to each other and her mother is unclear in the behavior of her baby. It often does not understand, for what reason the child shows anxiety during feeding and does not eat. There may be many explanations, which will be discussed below.

  1. The first thing that can come to the head of nursing mom is a lack of her breast milk. The greatest complexity is the fact that very often the mother does not know how much milk gets her child, how much milk he needs and how much he has it at all. In order to find answers to all these simple questions, you should take a few simple actions:
  • first of all, trace how the child copes the need and make the right conclusions. If after six days mom gets six wet diapers, consequently, the milk is enough a child;
  • absolutely normal feeding often. During the first few weeks of the life of the baby, he needs from eight to twelve breastfeeding throughout the day. At the beginning, most likely, my mother will need to constantly keep the child in his arms, because a few hours he will ask to eat constantly, then fall asleep for several hours. After it learns to effectively suck, the amount of feedings will begin to decrease;
  • it is necessary to constantly track the weight of the child. After two weeks, the kid must restore its original weight, after which for three months to gain at least 200 grams during the week.

In the event that mom continues to challenge the shortage of milk from her, it makes sense to contact a lactation specialist in order to get all the necessary advice and tips on the increase in the amount of milk in a woman if it is necessary.

  1. The child can behave any restless when swelling the breast from a mother who can take place throughout the first few weeks after childbirth. To reduce swelling, you should see some milk and the chest will be softer, after which the child will easily take it. A lot of milk is not worth it, as it can cause it to work out. To reduce the edema and painful sensations, cold compresses should be applied to the chest.
  2. If the mother has flat nipples, the child can also be concerned when feeding. To eliminate the phenomenon, you should wear special overlays between feedings. Pulling nipples contributes to the inclusion of breastsos before applying the child to the chest. At the same time, a milk stream is included, which contributes to the fact that the child will stop crying and starts.
  3. In addition, the child can worry because of his irregular position on his chest. The baby and his mother can be inconvenient because it turns out to be a small pressure on the chest, as a result of which the milk flow is disruption. If the child is very nervous, it is best to apply the position of feeding, in which the child is placed on the side of the mother and applied to the nearest chest or applied to the chest horizontally. In these positions it is convenient to follow the position of the baby's head. Thus, it turns out a good guy to the chest and hold it in this position. He is pressed with his nose and chin in the mother's breast and starts to suck better if his mother holds it tight.
  4. Almost all children have various forms of expression of gastroofic reflux. This name is a state characterized by incompletely forming a sphincter, which causes insufficient overlapping of the entrance to the stomach. As a result, a partial return of a piece of milk with gastric juice in the esophagus, which causes the emergence of heartburn occurs. Impressions are quite unpleasant, to eliminate the breast child, the vertical position of its body should be maintained.

The occurrence of reflux during feeding is possible. It can be avoided if you maintain a child in a vertical position and take breaks during feeding. With the growth of the child, the strengthening of its muscles and the manifestations of reflux are gradually going to no. If you have a violation of the feeding regime of the baby because of the occurrence of reflux, you should consult a doctor, due to the seriousness of the situation.

  1. It is possible to develop on the nipples of the mother of yeast infection - thrush. At the same time, the nipples acquire a brightly red shade and begin to itch, after the end of the process of breast feeding in them, there is an unpleasant burning sensation. In this case, when feeding the child may be somewhat more restless than usual. If the thrush occurs, a woman should consult a doctor to pass a special course of treatment. Its necessity is explained by the fact that the infection has fungal origin and can be dangerous for both the mother's organism and for her child.

Anxiety of a newborn baby can be explained by a number of reasons. Below are some of them.

  1. Almost all newborn children suffer from meteorism. When nutrition, the child is launched by the reflex selection of gases necessary to eliminate its livelihoods from the body. Their quick release prevents the emergence of constipation.

To pass the breast milk through the digestive system of the baby, it takes quite a bit of time, since the maternal milk is easily digested. With sucking breasts, the child often can be heard of very characteristic sounds. Despite the fact that gases are observed with almost all children, some carry them better than others. Its influence on the process imposes the time of day in which feeding occurs, and the meteorism is most clearly manifested at the end of the day. The child may not want to let go of the mother breast, which only strengthens the meteorism. As the baby develops, the problem retreats.

  1. At the very beginning of the feeding process, Mother Milk has a high sugar content - lactose. This is the so-called "front" milk produced in the first quarter of an hour of breast feeding. If you continue to feed the child with the same breast, it produces "rear" milk. It neutralizes the lactose due to enrichment of fats, due to the decrease in the level of formation of gases. The meteorism can increase due to lactose oversupply from a large number of incoming front milk.

If the baby has not yet learned how to suck her chest well, he can begin to press the maternal milk. At the same time, he can throw the chest and start nervous and scream. In this case, mom should be very pressing on the chest, to send a milk stream, after which it is re-attached to her baby. It is possible to grind milk before feeding, in order to make sure to stop his release before the child takes the chest. Breasts should be fed from the position under the arm. When the kid grow a little, he will be able to independently control the reflex of milk emission, being in any position when feeding.

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