
Is it possible to add protein to porridge? Protein oatmeal - recipe with photo.

The main source of complex (slow) carbohydrates for bodybuilding athletes is porridge. The most valuable are rice and buckwheat, which contain protein, fats, carbohydrates and minerals. Long-term consumption of cereals made from these cereals on a regular basis ceases to bring pleasure, so some variety needs to be introduced into the diet. To this end, you need to consider which cereals are best to include in your menu.

The taste of this dish is familiar to everyone since childhood. Adults are also not against eating semolina, but, unfortunately, not everyone can cook porridge correctly. With buckwheat everything is much simpler. It is filled with water, put on fire and removed after 30 minutes. Semolina porridge requires constant monitoring during the cooking process. To prevent the milk from running away, constantly adjust the heat. In addition, the semolina itself must be stirred constantly. This process frightens many, but already the second or third time everything starts to work out without any problems, and over time it becomes automatic.

The main advantage of semolina is its high protein content. There is not very much protein in the cereal itself, but due to the fact that it is cooked in milk, the finished porridge is enriched with this element. It is best to eat semolina for breakfast, which allows you to make up for the lack of carbohydrates in the morning, and also not worry about excess fat accumulation, since during the day sugar and its derivatives begin to be spent as energy, and not stored in the fat depot. Therefore, you can safely sweeten the porridge even with jam. If you eat semolina unsweetened, it will not be very tasty.

Another dish that allows you to diversify your daily diet and take a little break from rice with buckwheat. Some bodybuilders consume oatmeal along with buckwheat and rice. There are about 12 g of protein per 100 g of this cereal. Along with protein, oatmeal is rich in plant-based fiber, which suppresses appetite. It is recommended to be used on diets and during the drying period.

From oatmeal you can prepare not only regular porridge, but also many other dishes. The cookies are very tasty. They are much healthier than various store-bought sweets. In addition, a variety of protein shakes are prepared based on cereals.

It is not very popular among bodybuilders, since few people can prepare a truly tasty dish. If you choose the right recipe, it will become one of your favorites. Barley contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin B, which is part of the cereal, is involved in protein synthesis and the process of blood formation, which is a definite plus for those involved in bodybuilding. Pearl barley stimulates the production of collagen, a substance that maintains healthy bone tissue.

The dish contains much more protein than other cereals. One hundred grams of this cereal contains at least 21 grams of protein. In addition, peas are rich in antioxidants and potassium. The disadvantage of cereal is that it promotes increased gas formation, which results in not only an unpleasant odor, but also worse absorption of nutrients. However, if it does not complicate life for others, this porridge can and should be eaten, because it completely covers the daily requirement for protein.

Surely, since childhood, you have heard about the importance of the first meal of the day and how healthy oatmeal is! It not only helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol, but also helps normalize digestion (since it contains fiber), saturates well and provides a boost of energy for the whole morning!

On the other hand, in addition to the undoubted health benefits, freshly prepared oatmeal can be an excellent and tasty start to the day. Oatmeal itself has a neutral taste, so you can prepare many different dishes based on it, you just have to use your imagination!

Try making porridge according to one of the recipes below, and you will find out which combination of products you like best. Enjoy a new taste of oatmeal before, after, or just in the morning before work.

Vanilla oatmeal with protein and orange zest.

The classic combination of vanilla and orange tartness will make you take a fresh look at your usual breakfast. Don't let your taste buds get bored, this porridge will feel like dessert both before and after your workout!


  • ¼ cup oatmeal
  • ¼ cup vanilla
  • 1 tablespoon orange zest
  • 1 teaspoon vanillin
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein ice cream

Cooking method:

2. Remove the porridge from the heat and let cool before adding the remaining ingredients. Add whey protein after the porridge has cooled, otherwise it will curdle.

3. Top with a scoop of protein ice cream (you can buy ready-made or make your own from protein).

Oatmeal with almonds and dates.

When you have little time, but you can’t do without a nutritious breakfast, then this recipe is what you need! This is ideal for a cold autumn morning, when the body requires something warm and tasty to wake up.


  • ¼ cup oatmeal
  • ½ coconut or almond milk
  • ¼ cup vanilla
  • ¼ cup ground almonds
  • ¼ chopped dates
  • 1 teaspoon maple syrup (optional, but delicious with it!)

Cooking method:

1. In a non-stick pan, bring the milk with oatmeal and almonds to a boil, simmer for 3-5 minutes until the porridge is cooked.

2. Remove the porridge from the heat and let it cool, add the chopped dates and maple syrup.

Protein oatmeal withCravings.

This recipe will become your favorite! This is not just porridge - it is a real gourmet dessert.


  • ¼ cup oatmeal
  • ½ milk
  • ¼ cup vanilla
  • 1 candy crumbled into several pieces

Cooking method:

1. In a non-stick pan, bring the milk and oatmeal to a boil, simmer for 3-5 minutes until the porridge is cooked.

2. Remove the porridge from the heat and let it cool before adding the whey protein, otherwise it will curdle.

3. Crumble some Cravings candy over the top and when the peanut butter filling starts to melt, you're ready to eat :)

This is the fastest and most delicious oatmeal recipe!

oatmeal with protein rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin A - 26.7%, vitamin B1 - 21.8%, vitamin C - 28.1%, vitamin E - 79.2%, manganese - 25.5%

Benefits of oatmeal with protein

  • Vitamin A responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • Vitamin B1 is part of the most important enzymes of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, providing the body with energy and plastic substances, as well as the metabolism of branched amino acids. A lack of this vitamin leads to serious disorders of the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
  • Vitamin C participates in redox reactions, the functioning of the immune system, and promotes the absorption of iron. Deficiency leads to loose and bleeding gums, nosebleeds due to increased permeability and fragility of blood capillaries.
  • Vitamin E has antioxidant properties, is necessary for the functioning of the gonads and heart muscle, and is a universal stabilizer of cell membranes. With vitamin E deficiency, hemolysis of erythrocytes and neurological disorders are observed.
  • Manganese participates in the formation of bone and connective tissue, is part of enzymes involved in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, catecholamines; necessary for the synthesis of cholesterol and nucleotides. Insufficient consumption is accompanied by slower growth, disturbances in the reproductive system, increased fragility of bone tissue, and disturbances in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
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You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

Hello! Review dedicated to protein instant porridge "Oatmeal with strawberries". In general, I love all kinds of products with the presence protein in the composition. Of course, having seen a certain line of instant porridge from the brand “Bionova”, which was unfamiliar to me, I turned my attention in their direction. On the shelf, in the organic food section, was waiting for me 3 flavor options:

This was the first time I saw this brand of cereal, and for the first try, I decided to opt for strawberries For me personally, the choice is justified by “You can’t spoil porridge with butter.” In my case - strawberries

And so, picking up a bag of porridge, I paid attention to the brand!

Bionova products are absolute balance and harmony. Clean energy and benefits. Everything is as nature intended. BIONOVA® is a delicious way to confess your love to yourself.

And so, upon returning home, I studied the history of the origin of this brand in more detail. Overall, it inspires confidence!

Natural protein oatmeal Bionova® with strawberries without added sugar, contains 18% protein, slow (correct) carbohydrates and dietary fiber, including inulin, so it gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, filling the body with energy and maintaining amino acid balance over a long period of time. .

Based on the preface, you can find out - porridge does not contain sugar. Of course, this is a pleasant criterion for me! The protein content in the composition is also pleasing - 18%. Overall, I received an impressive amount of trust!

▪️ Country of origin: Russia 🇷🇺

▪️ Price: I bought a bag of porridge, at a price 45 rub.

🍓 Appearance and packaging design:

And so, I bought porridge in portioned version. The bag has a very prestigious design, evoking the idea of ​​decent quality of the product. On the front side of the package, you can see various inscriptions, which inform us about the contents of the bag. The letter designations are very tempting! Paying attention to them, we can conclude - The product is organic! Overall, nice design! The shades combine perfectly with each other. This compact package contains 40 g dry oatmeal. Porridge enriched with milk protein, this is noticeable during use. Product does not contain sugar❗️

🍓 On back side of the bag, You can find out more detailed information about the product: method of preparation, composition, KBJU.




🍓 In turn, I am very interested to know compound this porridge!

oat flakes, milk protein concentrate (Switzerland), oat bran, organic agave nectar powder, chicory dietary fiber - inulin (Belgium), freeze-dried strawberries, salt, natural flavor. Contains naturally occurring sugars.

To be honest, I didn’t have any negative thoughts about the ingredients in the porridge. Contains: oat bran, which has a beneficial effect on the digestion process. Sugar indeed absent, Yes, and this is noticeable during the meal. I think it acts as a sugar substitute polysaccharide of natural origin - inulin. Generally - excellent composition! I have no complaints!

🍓 Energy value:

Per serving (40 g) - 140 kcal/580 kJ

🍓 Nutritional information per 40 g serving:

B: 7.5 g

F: 2.0 g

U: 22.0 g

Dietary fiber: 3.0 g, including inulin - 1.0 g (40%*)

🍓 Appearance of dry oatmeal:

And so, the bag is easy to open, without the use of cutting objects. Initially, dry cereals, have a pronounced aroma strawberries I don’t know why, but I have an association with strawberry bubblegum. In the dry version, the flakes have slightly chemical smell. Of course, after preparation, this smell disappears. When dry, oat flakes look very nice. Smooth flakes, finely ground enough. In the contents of the bag, you can see dry white powder, and - a small amount of dried strawberries.Overall, decent view, various pieces of debris (cleaning) - not detected❗️

🍓 Appearance of finished oatmeal:

According to the specified preparation method, It is recommended to brew the porridge for 2-3 minutes. I added water, during the cooking process. In general, I love thick, The consistency is like porridge. That's why I decided increase the cooking time yourself. It took me to cook 7 minutes. After waiting for a certain time, I discovered a “frozen” porridge, reminiscent in color dairy version of the product. The porridge looked delicious, I got the consistency that was for me perfect!

🍓 Cereals steamed perfectly. Of course, there were not a particularly generous amount of strawberries, but nevertheless, they took place and looked very appetizing. By consistency, I got a thickened porridge. This is exactly the result I wanted to get using for cooking water. The manufacturer announced the availability milk protein concentrate in the composition. Yes, the porridge really acquired a certain milky color and taste!

🍓 Taste qualities of oatmeal:

The porridge has a very pleasant consistency. Enough tender, which is definitely a plus for me. I felt a distant taste of protein, but I would not say that it felt bright and intrusive. Feels great while eating strawberry taste. The berries add some sweetness to the porridge. The porridge is pleasant, creamy, but absolutely not sweet. No matter how much I wanted to taste the sweet taste, alas, it was in vain. Rather, in this case, the porridge has a neutral taste rather than sweet. Of course I wasn't particularly impressed slight bitterness, present in the taste of the product. Generally - Delicious oatmeal, with a slight taste of protein. Creamy and tender. General taste - more neutral, with a dominant note of bitterness. The taste of high-quality oatmeal, but this product is clearly not for those with a sweet tooth❗️

I think I'll try other flavors (blueberry, oatmeal and flaxseed). In general, I have a true sweet tooth, the product did not give me an incredible impression. Quite high quality, but overpriced. My rating is ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ stars. I'm taking off ⭐️ a star for the presence of bitterness in the taste of the porridge. I recommend this product to people who support proper nutrition ❗️

Thank you very much for your attention

Looking for the best and most affordable way to boot up after an intense gym workout? Try this quick and delicious lazy oatmeal recipe.

You worked very hard. You got up before the sun, it has already set, and you are still working. But still, despite all this, you somehow find time to work out in the gym several times a week.

Whether it's CrossFit, crazy circuit training, or a good old-fashioned deadlift, you'll need the right pre- and post-workout food in each case.

However, with all the difficulties and tasks that exist every day, the last thing on your mind is preparing a ton of food, washing a mountain of dirty dishes and cleaning up after yourself. Sounds familiar?

Well, if you're tired of it, then here's a recipe for you - simple, quick and nutritious.

Step 1: Assemble all components

Here's what you'll need:

  • Oatmeal: Any option will do: instant, refined or whole grain. Each type is good in its own way. Just make sure to give the whole grain oatmeal enough time to soak.
  • Whey Protein: It is advisable to choose one that is not enriched with glycine, taurine and/or creatine monohydrate.
  • Cocoa powder: It will perfectly complement the taste of chocolate protein powder and give your body antioxidant protection thanks to flavonoids.
  • Fruits: fresh or fresh frozen - both options are suitable.
  • Greek yogurt: find the real thing, no fructose or additives.
  • Coconut oil: Medium chain triglycerides are fatty acids that are especially good for mood.
  • Peanut or almond butter: If you have never tried almond oil, be sure to opt for it and order a couple of jars.
  • Flax or chia seeds.
  • Cinnamon: Is there anything better than cinnamon? Not to mention, it helps regulate insulin sensitivity.

You're probably thinking, "Wow, that's too many calories!" Don't use them right away. Go with what works best for you, what you enjoy, and what meets your calorie needs.

Step 2: Mix all dry ingredients

At this stage, you will need a convenient sealable container: this will make mixing easier. Add the following ingredients: oatmeal, whey protein, cocoa powder, cinnamon, flax or chia seeds.

Step 3: Add Liquid Ingredients and Water

So now it's time to add your coconut oil, peanut butter and/or Greek yogurt - it depends on what kind of mix you want (more on this in the Tips and Tricks section below).

You may not get the consistency you like the first time. But in the end you will find your ideal.

Step 4: Leave in the refrigerator overnight

This is where the magic happens:) When the mixture is ready, simply close the container, mix well and place it against the side of the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. During this time, the oatmeal will absorb water, and its texture will become tender and soft.

That, perhaps, is the whole simple but very useful recipe.

If you want a thicker texture:

  • Less water.
  • Chia or flax seeds.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Protein supplement with thickener: xanthan gum, gur gum.
  • Greek yogurt.
  • Secret: keep the mixture longer and it will become very thick.

If you want a thinner mixture:

  • More water.
  • Neutral protein without thickeners.
  • Don't let the mixture sit too long, which will cause the flakes to become tough.

"What is the optimal proportion of oatmeal and protein complex?"

We won't get into the serious topic of post-workout nutrition, but take my word for it - a 1:1 scoop of whey protein per cup of oatmeal will do the trick. However, this will depend on your overall macronutrient needs and your daily protein intake.

EXAMPLE: You consume just over 4,000 calories per day to support an active lifestyle and achieve your fitness goals. In this case, recovery will require about 1200-1400 calories, they will support anabolism. To make overnight oatmeal, you will need:

  • 2 cups oatmeal
  • 1.5 scoops of whey protein
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil or 2 tablespoons flaxseeds
  • 0.5 cup Greek yogurt (then add less whey protein)
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 2 handfuls frozen or fresh fruit
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • 1 cup granola (roasted whole grains).

Eat a portion of this oatmeal once or twice a day, and you will get serious, and most importantly useful, nutrition for your muscles. This is something you can enjoy at breakfast, lunch, dinner and after your workout. Play with components, proportions - the number is endless.

Your dish may not look fancy. But believe me, you're missing out until you try super-popular oatmeal in a jar.

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