
What are the benefits of acai berries? Acai berries - beneficial properties, reviews and contraindications Acai extract in cosmetology

There are a lot of different rumors and opinions about acai berries in the world regarding their benefits, unique composition and interesting origin. In the world, this product is called “magic” or “Amazon milk” - the Brazilians themselves call it that way.

Its taste is comparable to some berries growing in our country (blueberries, blackberries), but its taste has interesting properties. So, what is it, what beneficial properties does the berry extract have and in what form is it used? We will provide answers to the questions in this article.

In appearance, acai berries resemble large blueberries, as well as grapes, only they have a larger seed. The fruits grow on palm trees near the Amazon River in Brazil. As for the beneficial characteristics and harm that this product carries, it can be confidently noted that the study of the fruit and its properties has not yet been completed, so specific data has so far been left without much attention.


This berry received an interesting name - “wonder of the world” from countless admirers who noticed it more than 20 years ago and since then have literally fallen in love with the extraordinary taste and pronounced aroma. Once upon a time it was open to scientific study, the search for useful properties and constructive criticism. This happened when doctors conducting research on tropical vegetation near the Amazon River showed interest in the way of life of the aborigines. They were cheerful, cheerful and cheerful. This was attributed precisely to the properties of the amazing berries.

Later, a group of scientists noted that local residents were consuming a plant substance of unknown origin, and in large quantities. The aborigines themselves call it “Asai”.

The results of subsequent research were astonishing. In 2004, acai berries were included in the list of foods recommended by experts.


The berries have deservedly gained popularity; their extract can be found in various medicinal and cosmetic preparations. They have excellent properties and, acting as antioxidants, top all the lists, providing people with excellent health and an irresistible appearance.

There are several times more useful substances in such fruits than in proven healthy products, for example:

  • in blueberries the amount of antioxidants is 2-3 times lower than in acai berries;
  • in grapes – 30 times;
  • in cranberries - as much as 4 times.

There is no need to argue about the beneficial properties of this plant; they are simply obvious. The berries contain countless vitamins, minerals, microelements and nutrients that have proven their effect many times. Again, these amounts are quite large, several times higher than the content of nutrients in traditional products.

The content of healthy fats in fruits is much higher than in fresh milk. They contain more protein than a chicken egg. Due to the impressive carbohydrate content, berries act as the main source of energy. This is a particularly valuable quality of this plant. After all, what are carbohydrates? This is a remedy that serves to enrich the body's cells with essential nutrients. Now we can draw a clear conclusion about why the natives in Brazil did not grow old or get tired.

Berries and excess weight

Our compatriots and not only them use acai berries for weight loss. Their extract is taken in a variety of ways. Usually - inside. It helps speed up metabolism and remove toxic substances from the body, cholesterol, which create additional fat cells.

The numerous beneficial properties of these fruits contribute to the fact that the berries are accepted everywhere and can be used by girls and women who want to lose extra pounds in absolutely any form: as tea, an active food additive, as a herbal cocktail, which not only helps burn fat, but also replaces a whole meal.

Other plant features

The beneficial properties remain without a doubt; they have been proven more than once by both scientists and nature itself. Berry extract, if consumed widely, gives a person a lot. This:

  • Slowing down the aging process of cells and the body.
  • Immune activation.
  • Protection against the inflammatory process.
  • Destruction of cancer cells.
  • Prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques.
  • Reducing the risk of arrhythmia, high blood pressure, heart disease.
  • Removal of toxins.
  • Energy.
  • Help in dealing with stressful situations.
  • Normalization of sleep.

In addition, berry extract has a beneficial effect on brain function and memory, as it has excellent properties aimed at stimulating activity. Oil made from the plant can significantly improve potency and make men's health stronger. Berry extract is widely used in cosmetic products - expensive and budget creams, foams, mousses and facial serums are made on its basis.

Thus, the beneficial properties remain high and help eliminate various diseases, effectively preventing others.

Possible harm

In addition to the benefits, it is necessary to take into account the possible harmful properties of the berries. You should not abuse them, since the product contains a high content of protein that forms amino acids. They can have a harmful effect on the nervous system. Due to the excess carbohydrates, the extract may cause an increase in blood glucose levels. This can lead to further fat deposits.

However, by regularly and competently consuming the extract of these berries, you will save yourself from numerous problems and will certainly appreciate their properties and characteristics.

Acai (Acai, Asai) - emphasis on the last letter “and” - is a unique product, without which all modern people all over the world who lead a healthy and sporty lifestyle cannot imagine their diet. The acai berry grows in the Amazon jungle and is the main source of nutrition for the Amazonian people, who call the acai palm the “Tree of Life”! With its discovery, the path to perfectly glowing skin, healthy hair and a snow-white smile has become shorter than a 24-hour flight across the ocean to Brazil, the homeland of this miracle berry. Its uniqueness lies in the balanced amount of beneficial nutrients in a volume that is extremely rare in any other plant product on Earth. Acai has a rich berry-chocolate flavor and contains more antioxidants than blueberries and pomegranate combined, healthy Omega acids, proteins and fiber. The first full scientific study of the acai berry was completed in 2004, when scientists unanimously recognized the Amazonian berry as a true health treasure, making the acai berry a sensation in the global nutritional food market. Thanks to a unique complex of microelements, the acai berry has become a real superfood that has no competitors in terms of beneficial effects on the human body.

And if you already know how to masterfully imagine the benefits of a couple of “therapeutic” glasses of red wine, do yoga before sunrise and have time to lie down in shavasana before sunset, get ready to expand your horizons by 360°: a new way has been found to stay alert and look as luxurious as the catwalk goddesses. The trend for the healthy idea of ​​eating acai can be called a real retro innovation! This is a 100% natural product with unique properties and rich culture and traditions, which organically fits into the daily life of energetic, positive and active people - that is you! A-sa-i. When you say this word, it is as if you are chanting the name. Consider this to be the case. You call on your personal God of Youth, Beauty and Health. And now all the beneficial properties of acai are available to you here and now, thanks to our close-knit team of professionals who are opening for you the world of asailosophy, the philosophy of beauty and health!

From August to December, clusters of 700-900 cherry-sized fruits grow and ripen on the acai palm. Locals weave belts from the fibers of smaller palm trees and use them to make loops for the feet. Pressing his feet firmly against the trunk, the person holds onto the trunk with his hands and climbs along it, as if on a rope. This is how he gets to the top. Having cut down the bunch, he carefully, so as not to damage the fruits, throws them onto the awning.

Acai berries are similar in size and color to grapes, but unlike grapes, acai pulp makes up only 20% of the fruit. The remaining 80% is a very strong stone, from which local residents make beads and other jewelry. From the tent, the berries are moved into large baskets, which are immediately sent to the factory for further processing. Once the filled baskets have been weighed and passed quality control, the berries are placed on a conveyor belt where they are checked again before being placed in water to more easily separate the pulp from the stone. At the same time, samples are taken from each batch for laboratory tests to obtain accurate nutritional and microbiological data on the product. The acai pulp is then separated from the pit and immediately pasteurized in accordance with all sanitary standards, after which the fun begins. Next, acai awaits two processing methods to prepare the product for storage and transportation. The first method is freezing. It is quite common, but has a number of disadvantages, since stabilizers and preservatives are often used to preserve the product in this form, and when defrosting, the berry pulp gets into the water, which negatively affects its properties.

Another method is an innovative one, which is called the “sublimation method”. Technologically, it begins with deep freezing, which is then replaced by the so-called lyophilization - in special vacuum dryers, moisture is frozen out, which is why the product, without losing its natural taste, becomes almost weightless, and its humidity does not exceed 8%. According to nutritionists, freeze-dried foods are ideally absorbed by the body.

After processing, acai pulp is sent to all corners of the globe, where it is used as an essential ingredient in a wide range of products - from juices and smoothies to cosmetics. By the way, “Asailosofi” uses acai in sublimated form, and it’s not even about the obvious competitive advantages of this method. It's just important for us to offer you the best.

Acai is called the miracle berry. And it’s no coincidence! Acai contains all the benefits of the Mediterranean and French diets, contains even more antioxidants than red wine, and its Omega and essential fatty acids are similar in composition to the most valuable olive oil. "Asailosophy" is a product that your body cannot do without!


Laboratory studies prove that acai is an inexhaustible source of antioxidants, the amount of which the miracle berry surpasses all other edible fruits on Earth! Antioxidants help the body cope with the adverse effects of the environment, making not only your well-being, but also your skin healthy. The “Anti-age” effect is one of the main beneficial properties of acai. The berry contains a large amount of active antioxidants that neutralize the effects of free radicals in the upper layers of the skin. Due to their high concentration, regular consumption of acai as a supplement to a nutritious diet provides the skin with no less anti-aging effect than regular use of expensive cosmetics.


Anthocyanins are natural pigments responsible for the pink and dark blue color of various fruits, vegetables and flowers, and also prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. They have anticancer, antibacterial and antiviral effects. Acai contains 33 times more anthocyanins than red grapes and much more than red wine!

Omega acids

Acai pulp is saturated with essential fatty acids and Omega acids - the main assistant in the transport and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D and K in our body. According to laboratory studies, the proportion of unsaturated fat in acai is similar to the proportion of fatty acids in olive oil, the consumption of which is known to significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in Mediterranean residents.


Vitamin C is involved in collagen synthesis and has an anti-inflammatory effect. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin A is necessary for cell regeneration, improves the quality of newly formed tissue, stimulates collagen synthesis, participates in redox processes, is used in the treatment of almost all skin diseases, and supplies it with nutrients. Vitamin E has a powerful moisturizing effect on the skin. It participates in the formation of collagen fibers and heals damaged tissue. Doctors and dermatologists prescribe this vitamin to get rid of scars and age spots. It also increases blood circulation, which has a great effect on turgor and a pleasant complexion. B vitamins are involved in all cellular processes, stimulate metabolism in the skin, and protect it from the consequences of poor ecology.


Protein, the amount of which in the pulp of the berry is equal to that in cow's milk (acai is sometimes called the “milk of the Amazon”).


Soluble fiber (pectin) absorbs bile acids and cholesterol and prevents their penetration into the blood.


Cyanidin prevents the development of obesity and diabetes. Recent clinical studies point to cyanidin as an important role in future anti-cancer therapy.

9 Health Benefits of Acai

Anti-age effect.

The army of antioxidants contained in acai neutralizes free radicals and thus prevents premature aging of the body.

Detox and strengthen the immune system.

Acai helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood (up to 15% when consumed regularly), cleanses the body of toxins, strengthens the immune system, and has a preventive effect against infectious diseases, especially during mass viral epidemics.

Normalization of vital processes.

A large amount of antioxidants, fiber, enzymes and essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (which make up 30 to 50% of the berry pulp) controls blood pressure levels, normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and ensures the efficient functioning of the digestive system (lowers stomach acidity).

Improved metabolism.

Thanks to its low glycemic index, which affects blood sugar levels, it normalizes metabolism in the body and, as a supplement to the daily diet, helps to lose excess weight.

Fitness effect.

Acai promotes muscle regeneration after training; when consumed before training, it increases endurance and has a general tonic effect. A large acai bowl on the eve of important competitions is part of the mandatory diet of Brazilian football players and jiu-jitsu wrestlers.

Healthy skin.

Anthocyanins (plant pigments) reduce the destruction of skin cells and counteract the aging process. Fatty acids nourish and heal the skin. Phytosterols regulate the lipid activity of the upper layers of the skin and stimulate the regeneration of skin cells.


Anthocyanins strengthen vision and fight eye diseases such as glaucoma and macular degeneration. Blueberry jam, also rich in anthocyanins, is included in the mandatory diet of British pilots as it develops night vision. In Japan, anthocyanins are recommended for everyone who works on computers for a long time.

Sexual health.

Following the inhabitants of the Amazon, acai is called the “Amazonian Viagra”. The unique balanced composition of nutrients of the berry, which helps to increase the energy and endurance of the body, also improves its sexual functions.

Healthy sleep and relaxation.

One serving of the cocktail before bed, thanks to the high content of serotonin and dopamine in acai, ensures healthy, restful and deep sleep.

Healthy berry

Acai berry is the healthiest berry on earth! Such a volume of useful substances contained in one berry is extremely rare in any other product:

Name of minerals and vitamins Amount of minerals and vitamins per 100 g. ASAI Unit
Carbohydrates 36,6 gr.
Proteins 3,8 gr.
Vitamin B1 360 mg.
Vitamin B2 10 mg.
Vitamin B3 0,4 mg.
Vitamin C 9 mg.
Lipids 12,2 gr.
Calcium 118 mg.
Phosphorus 0,5 mg.
Iron 11,8

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) fights viruses, bacteria and other pathogens, improves visual acuity, and reduces the amount of carcinogens in the body.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is the most important vitamin after “C”, it is indispensable for the normal functioning of the nervous system, helps burn sugar and calories, it is believed that 0.5 mg is required for every 1000 calories. vitamin B1.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is a vitamin not only of health but also of beauty, “skin vitamin”. Makes skin young, elastic, smooth, healthy. Helps burn sugar, helps the entire nervous system and endocrine glands function.

Vitamin B3 is for the human brain what calcium is for bones. Promotes brain activity, improves memory, concentration, and improves sleep.

Vitamin E, an antioxidant also known as the "vitamin of youth", prevents aging, supports the immune system and increases the body's endurance.

Proteins are the main building material for our muscles. Improve metabolism, help maintain vitality.

Lipids are used by the body as the main source of energy and form an important nutritional reserve in living cells.

Potassium normalizes the acid-base balance and water balance of the body. Promotes mental clarity by improving oxygen supply to the brain and lowers blood pressure.

Calcium is a vital element required for the formation of the skeletal system in childhood and maintaining bone strength in adults.

Phosphorus is part of proteins, bone tissue and other important organic compounds. Muscle and mental activity are associated with it.

Magnesium is the element that controls the body’s energy, participates in the transmission of nerve signals, and helps adapt to cold.

Zinc is indispensable in the prevention of viral diseases; it is involved in the synthesis of various anabolic hormones in the body, including insulin, testosterone and growth hormone.

Antioxidant No. 1

Acai is nature's #1 antioxidant! Acai's antioxidant content is what truly sets this berry apart from other fruits and berries in the world. This amazing berry has twice the antioxidants of blueberries, considered one of the best antioxidants, 10 times more than grapes and 33 times more than most red wines. In terms of its antioxidant properties, according to science, it currently ranks first among all vegetation.

What are antioxidants? Why are they so important? As people age, they begin to suffer from illness and constant pain. This is due to free radicals that enter the human body along with food, which contains residues of herbicides, pesticides, preservatives and other nutrients that are added to improve the appearance and taste of food products. All these substances are nothing more than toxins that poison the human body. Toxins enter our body not only with food through the intestines. They are also found in the environment and enter our body through the respiratory system. Free radicals can also occur in our bodies under stress. They create a chain reaction that causes damage to the internal cells of the human body. These damaged cells can be the start of heart disease and cancer. By the way, uncontrolled internal biological processes, during which oxygen is consumed, which is necessary for digestion, blood circulation, and the nervous system, can also contribute to the formation of free radicals.

Scientists believe that from 1% to 3% of the body's daily oxygen consumption goes to the formation of free radicals, in addition to the fact that they also enter our body from the environment.

Please note that the harmful effects of all radicals do not appear immediately - they begin to act over time.

The oxidizing effect of radicals leads to DNA damage or cell death. As a result of the action of free radicals, cells are damaged or change their structure, which leads to inflammatory processes, which especially negatively affect older people who have dysfunction of the immune system.

Advances in nutrition are proving that it is possible to slow down the aging process and the effects of disease at the cellular level by eating foods rich in antioxidants that can destroy free radicals. On the other hand, accelerated aging is the result of eating foods that promote inflammatory processes. This type of food includes foods containing saturated or trans fatty acids, large amounts of sugar, starch, the presence of which in the human body affects the increase in insulin levels, as well as the acceleration of the aging process, accompanied by diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, asthma , cataracts, abdominal inflammation, diabetes, high cholesterol, nervous diseases, Parkinson's disease, respiratory system dysfunction, arthritis and others. To fight all of the above diseases, the formation of which is promoted by free radicals, it is necessary to help the body. To stop the oxidative processes of free radicals, it is necessary to introduce a large amount of antioxidants into the body. Well-known antioxidants are vitamins C and E, beta-carotene. Herbal supplements necessary for health include liporene, grape seed extract, green tea, grapes, cranberries, and garlic. But the Brazilian berry from the Amazon jungle has the highest level of antioxidants.

tell friends

Acai berries are the dark purple fruit of the Euterpe oleracea palm tree, native to Central and South America. They are collected twice a year, but storage and transportation are difficult. This berry, a bit like a grape, with large seeds, spoils quickly, so it comes to us in the form of food additives.

The fruits of the acai palm are valued primarily for their antioxidant and dietary properties. They are rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins, which form a strong shield against free radicals and diseases caused by these molecules, such as cancer and heart disease.

As for the use of acai berries for weight loss, serious scientific research has not been conducted on this topic and, perhaps, the loud statements of dietary supplement manufacturers are just a cunning advertising ploy.

100 g of fruit contains 247 calories. In addition to antioxidants, acai is rich in fiber, vitamins A, C, D, K, E and group B, microelements (calcium, manganese, potassium, copper, zinc and iron).

Other health benefits in acai berries include monounsaturated fats, fatty acids, amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates.

Why are they useful?

Tribes living along the Amazon discovered the beneficial properties of acai berries centuries ago. Local residents use this generous gift of nature to treat ulcers and diarrhea, microbial infections and bleeding.

The extract from the seeds is used to fight fever, and the powder from the roots of the palm tree is taken for menstrual cramps and liver problems.

But, since not all of our readers believe in the power of traditional medicine, let us turn to the properties confirmed by official medicine.

For the cardiovascular system

The high concentration of antioxidants makes this product effective in protecting the heart from damage, lowering cholesterol levels and improving blood circulation. To combat vascular plaques, acai berries have a special weapon: oleic and linoleic acids (they reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and increase “good”), as well as beta-sitosterol.

By the way, heart-healthy beta-sitosterol is also present in some other plant-based foods: avocado, garlic, etc.

Antitumor properties

High levels of vitamin C and plant antioxidants suggest strong anti-cancer properties of acai fruit.

According to a study conducted by Florida scientists and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, acai berries cause cancer cells to self-destruct in 86% of cases.

Anthocyanins for good vision

Being a good source of vitamin C and anthocyanins, American palm fruit helps prevent glaucoma, night blindness and macular degeneration.

For retinopathy with subsequent vision loss (a common complication in patients with diabetes), acai berries will also be useful and can slow down this process.

Sweet dreams

Sexual attraction

Residents of South America believe that the fruits of this palm tree increase libido, which is why they are often called “tropical Viagra.” Scientific studies confirm that acai berries have aphrodisiac properties and increase sexual stamina.

Doctors suggest that the secret of the properties just announced lies in the ability of these fruits to activate brain activity and influence the level of sex hormones in the body.

My light, mirror

What there is definitely no point in doubting is the unsurpassed cosmetic properties of acai berries, since today almost every third manufacturer of skin care products uses them in their creams and lotions.

When using berry extract externally, you will receive excellent skin immunity, smooth and clean skin without rashes, protection against the premature appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

And regular consumption of these tropical berries will make your skin healthier and more radiant.

In addition to the beneficial properties already listed, acai berries strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the digestive tract (relieve constipation and bloating), prevent the development of diabetes, activate the brain and nervous system, speed up metabolism, fill the body with energy, increase the body's endurance and prevent aging ahead of time.

For conception and pregnancy

Worried about the health of your reproductive system? Acai berries normalize hormone levels in the body and speed up metabolism, preventing excess weight from settling in your body. But the absence of fat deposits is a very important point for normal ovulation.

When it comes to nutrition for pregnant women, acai berries can also come in handy. Their natural compounds will be equally beneficial for both the expectant mother and her baby. And plant antioxidants will protect the embryo from mutations.

Side effects

Among the properties of these berries, there is one that for some may seem more beneficial than harmful. We are talking about reducing appetite - the dream of every chubby girl. But let's not forget that there are also those who are trying to gain weight. Acai berries are contraindicated for them.

Some acai palm fruits cause allergies, so you should start getting acquainted with this exotic product with small portions, checking the body's reaction.

Following the euphoria that gripped the public about it, it was the turn of acai. Today you can easily find a variety of forms on sale: tinctures, powders, capsules, etc. And since many of the beneficial properties of acai berries are confirmed by science, it is likely that some of these supplements will help you improve your health. But don't expect miracles and don't believe in the existence of a magic pill.

Acai, or acai, is considered one of the cosmetic components of the future: many developers in the beauty industry today are creating innovative formulas based on extracts from this plant. Acai berries, or rather their derivatives, will soon be found in many cosmeceutical and cosmetic products. In the meantime, acai oil and powder from the peel of these berries have been quite successful in helping to cope with many aesthetic problems - they are used in the development of a wide variety of cosmetic products.

Synonyms: Acai oil, Euterpe Oleracea Fruit Extract, Euterpe Oleracea Fruit Oil, Acai Pulp Oil, Acai scrub, Acai powder extract, Acai seed scrub. Patented formulas: Extrapone® Acai, Jarxotic™ AC2-EX, Neo Actipone® Acai, SMA Acai Oil, Lucas Meyer Acai Berry, BioNatural® Acai Powder 4:1, Guaraná + Açaí scrub Discontinued, Jarxotic™ AC-NS Açaí Naturescrub™, Açai Butter - Certified Organic, Jarxotic™ AC-NS Açaí Naturescrub™.

The effect of acai oil (acai) in cosmetics

Acai has become known as a berry that must be consumed for overall health of the body and as an ingredient in anti-aging dietary supplements. However, these Brazilian berries are increasingly called the “fountain of youth”: they contain such a high amount of various antioxidants, amino acids and vitamins that they can act as an effective anti-aging agent when used externally, that is, as part of cosmetics.

Acai berries contain essential fatty acids and valuable polyphenols, so oil based on them acts in cosmetics as a powerful anti-aging antioxidant, astringent and at the same time as an emollient. When mixed with triglycerides, acai oil is converted into a butter: in this form, it helps improve the texture (“smoothing”) of the skin and has soothing properties. However, phytosterols (beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol), hormone-like substances, are responsible for the most pronounced rejuvenating effect of acai oil - they regulate metabolism at the cellular level, normalize the balance and activity of lipids in the outer layer of the epidermis, thereby helping to restore the biological functions of the skin and increasing stability of cell membranes. Acai oil also contains ferulic acid, epicatechin, and benzoic acid.

Acai fruit extract contains high levels of anthocyanins, flavonoids and resveratrol and acts as an antioxidant that helps fight the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, acai extract helps improve skin elasticity. It contains small concentrations of catechin, gallic, protocatechuic and ellagic acids.

While acai extract or oil rejuvenates, provides nourishment and exhibits pronounced moisturizing properties, powder based on the peel of these berries provides gentle, safe exfoliation. Acting as an exfoliating agent, this natural plant-based scrub improves blood circulation and physically stimulates the skin's surface to restructure. A scrub based on acai powder removes dead skin cells, rejuvenates the skin and removes dirt from the pores, while having a gentle effect and low abrasiveness.

Who is indicated for acai oil (acai)

Because acai oil or extract...

  • softens, moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • promotes skin regeneration, restores its elasticity;
  • astringent effect;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • cleanses the skin of toxins;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • increases skin turgor/elasticity,

...it helps to cope with a variety of cosmetic problems. Acai oil rejuvenates and protects the skin, the extract alleviates the symptoms of diseases such as acne, rosacea, and allergic skin manifestations. These components are excellent for caring for mature skin susceptible to age-related changes, as well as sensitive, dry, dehydrated, damaged skin.

Who is contraindicated for acai oil (acai)

Acai berry oil, their extract and powder are non-toxic (the plant itself is edible), does not irritate the skin and has no contraindications. A strict contraindication is an individual hypersensitivity reaction.

Cosmetics containing acai oil (acai)

Acai berry oil is already found in many cosmetic lines. First of all, acai oil is used in the composition of a variety of anti-aging products. Berry extract is added to anti-aging poppies and creams, after-sun products, creams and body lotions. Acai berry powder is used in shower gels; it is also contained in solid and liquid soaps, hygiene products and massage products. According to European Union Regulation, the recommended working concentration of this acai extract in finished cosmetic products is 2%, the oil and powder content varies.

Sources of acai oil (acai)

Acai is an exotic Euterpe oleracea palm whose fruits are small dark blueberry-like berries, 1 to 1.5 cm in diameter. Euterpe oleracea is native to northern Brazil, but the palm is tolerant of cool average temperatures as well as differences in day and night temperatures.

These trees have graceful thin trunks and reach a height of 25, sometimes 30 meters. They grow in large “groves” (from 4 to 25 trees in one place). There are two varieties of palm trees, red (more often) and white (less often). The color of the berries is dark purple, almost black when fully ripe (in the red variety), or dark green (in the white variety). Acai berries have an unusual taste, reminiscent of raspberries or blackberries with a hint of nut. Main supplying countries: Brazil, Peru, Belize, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, as well as Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Guiana, USA.

From the fruits of the Euterpe oleracea plant, that is, the famous acai berries themselves, three products are obtained that are later used in the production of cosmetics: berry extract, oil and acai fruit peel powder. They are typically produced using minimal amounts of solvents and toxic chemicals.

Syn.: euterpe, euterpe.

Acai berries, due to their unique medicinal properties, are especially popular in the world. Euterpe or "asaizeiro" is a tropical palm tree, the fruits of which are the famous acai. They are used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking and other industries.

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In medicine

Acai berries are a universal remedy for the prevention and treatment of many common diseases. In addition to berries, local residents use the bark, leaves and wood of the Euterpa palm. It is not for nothing that the aborigines call asaizeiro the “tree of life”, the elixir of health and longevity. Acai fruits are used to treat viral diseases and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Acai berry extracts are used to produce some pharmaceuticals. Regular consumption of euterpa fruits can significantly increase the body's defenses, strengthen memory, and improve the general condition of the body. The fruits of the famous palm tree slow down age-related changes, fading of facial skin, give it a silky and healthy appearance, improve the functionality of the whole body, and are a natural inexhaustible source of energy.

Contraindications and side effects

Individual intolerance to berries is possible. Excessive consumption of euterpe fruits can cause problems with the functioning of the heart, kidneys, liver, and disrupt the acid-base balance. Uncontrolled consumption of berries can negatively affect blood glucose levels, increasing its amount, and lead to obesity.

In cooking

Acai berries take pride of place in Brazilian cuisine. They are used to make wine, juice, liqueurs, delicious sauces and desserts. In the north of the country, palm fruits are often consumed with shrimp or salted fish. In the south of Brazil, a traditional dessert based on acai and granola (a mixture of ground oats, honey, nuts and rice) is especially revered. Berries are added to yoghurts, baked goods, and salads. The juice and acai fruits themselves are the main ingredients of a berry smoothie.

In cosmetology

Acai berry juice is successfully used in cosmetology. This is an excellent natural moisturizer, used for the skin of the face, body and hair as an important component of masks, balms, and creams. Acai oil is made from the seeds of the Euterpa fruit, but is rarely found commercially. At home, the oil is prepared by infusing acai berries in olive oil. This oil perfectly cares for the skin, rejuvenates it, moisturizes it, and removes fine wrinkles. Acai oil is used for various skin ailments: eczema, dermatitis, furunculosis, acne.

At home

Brazilians use asaizeiro leaves to cover their houses. Baskets, hats, brooms, and zinc are made from the bark. Palm wood is suitable for building houses.


Euterpe or Euterpe (lat. Euterpe), or Acai (port. açai, açaizeiro), or Cabbage palm is a genus of tropical palms, whose habitat is South and Central America.

Botanical description

Representatives of the genus are tall, tree-like plants (up to 30 meters or more) with smooth and thin trunks. The leaves are a rich green hue, slightly pinnate. The flowers are white, collected in racemes. The fruit is a round, dark purple, almost black, single-seeded juicy berry. What makes the palm tree particularly decorative is its fruits, which resemble huge bunches of grapes. The berries are edible, tart in taste, slightly reminiscent of chokeberry, a little blueberry with a hint of chocolate and nuts. Each bunch bears up to 5 kilograms of small, round fruits. Euterpe produces two crops per year. From one young palm tree you can collect up to 8 kg of fruits, which are of particular value on the market in Brazilian agriculture.


They grow in marshy and coastal areas, near the Amazon delta (South and Central America). The northern border of the range of the palm genus is Belize, the southern - Brazil and Peru.

Procurement of raw materials

Acai fruits are consumed fresh. Juices and alcoholic drinks are prepared from them. Berries are preserved using common harvesting methods: drying and freezing. Dry under direct sun exposure. The shelf life of dried berries is no more than 2 years. Berries that are used 2-3 hours after being picked lose most of their beneficial properties. Therefore, it is better to make juices, extracts and decoctions from acai immediately after harvesting the fruits.

Chemical composition

The composition of acai berries is unique because they contain about 3,000 different active minerals and vitamins. The fruits contain a large amount of omega fatty acids, proteins, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and iron. There are vitamins E, A, C, B1, B2, B3, K, a large percentage of antioxidant substances, carotenoids, flavonoids, tocopherols, fiber, plant steroids. Acai berries have twice as many antioxidants as blueberries, 10 times more than grapes, and 33 times more than red wine.

Pharmacological properties

The era of popularity of acai fruits began in 2004, when a book on nutrition by the American Nicholas Perricone was published. The scientist gave the fruits of this palm tree first place in the list of products necessary for the health and longevity of people. As a result of many studies of the natives of the Amazon tropics, it was revealed that the secret of their longevity and absolute health lies in the daily consumption of acai fruits. People live to a ripe old age, yet they are distinguished by their sound mind and efficiency. The researchers were also surprised by the fact that local residents do not suffer from the burning sun, and ultraviolet radiation does not provoke the development of cancer.

Dr. Schaus scientifically substantiated the usefulness of the fruits of the tropical acai palm tree, studied its unique composition, in which he counted approximately three thousand useful substances for the normal functioning of the human body. The acai berry is recognized as the leader in the amount of antioxidants and other active substances among famous food products, leaving garlic, pomegranate, cranberries and blueberries far behind. Antioxidants can prevent oxidative processes in the cells of the human body, leading to DNA damage and rapid aging. Tropical palm berries contain approximately 3,000 different vital minerals and vitamins.

The beneficial properties of acai berries (“Brazilian miracle”) have not been fully studied. Researchers are convinced that the existence of acai fruit provides a unique opportunity to use this natural gift in the fight against cancer. Acai contains cyanidin, a special substance that can destroy cancer cells without having any negative effects on healthy cells. The fruits of the euterpa palm slow down age-related changes in the skin, provide silky and healthy-looking skin, and are considered a natural source of energy.

The unique composition of the fruit contains 2 times more natural antioxidant substances than blueberries. Acai berries prevent oxidation processes associated with the formation of free radicals. The latter are the cause of the following diseases: Alzheimer's disease, asthma, diseases of the nervous system, cataracts, dysfunction of the respiratory system, diabetes, arthritis, Parkinson's disease.

Euterpa palm berries are very high in calories and rich in minerals and vitamins. Therefore, Monavi juices, consisting of acai fruits, are present in the diet of many world-famous athletes, and have also been used for weight loss. It has been proven that the active components of acai juice develop muscle mass and help cope with high physical activity. As a result, subcutaneous fat is spent on the necessary energy, thereby relieving a person of unnecessary kilograms. Berries suppress hunger and reduce appetite.

Acai berries have unique properties. Their effectiveness has been proven in the treatment of serious diseases against which pharmaceutical drugs were powerless. The fruits have a delicate taste and delicate aroma, but are not suitable for transportation. Of course, the medicinal properties of fresh berries cannot be compared with acai berry extract in medical preparations, the effectiveness of which is several times lower than the fresh product.

Historical reference

Initially, the area where the berries were grown was the Amazon region in the north of the country, but later acai palms were cultivated in other areas of Brazil. Today, 85% of all acai is harvested in the state of Pará, where palm growing is an entire branch of agriculture.

Legend has it that a great tragedy happened in one Indian tribe: people were dying of hunger, and the leader ordered that every newborn be sacrificed. But the time came and the daughter of a tribal leader named Iasa gave birth. After the murder of her baby, Iasa desperately prayed to the god of the tribe that the leader would choose a different method of sacrifice to the gods. One night a woman heard a child crying. She left the house and saw her daughter under the spreading branches of a palm tree. Approaching the baby, Iasa could not take her to her: the baby disappeared like a shadow. In the morning, the Indians found Iasa dead near a tree that had long clusters of small dark berries. The tribe was saved, and the tree itself was named after the unfortunate woman. The name acai stuck - “iasa”, but read from right to left.

Acai berries have many popular names: gold of the Amazon, elixir of life and health, Amazon Viagra, pearls of Brazil, miracle berries of Brazil.

Use in folk medicine

Locals use acai berries for many ailments. Palm fruits are recommended for use for diabetes, obesity, heart and vascular diseases, and joint pain. Berry juice is effective against colds and flu, as it contains a high level of ascorbic acid in its composition. Acai improves blood circulation and also serves as an excellent preventive measure for iron deficiency anemia. The fruits are rich in fiber, which means they can improve the functioning of the digestive tract and are successfully used for constipation.

Acai berries are the basis of anti-aging masks for face and body. This is an indispensable product for hair: activating its growth, giving a healthy shine, eliminating fragility. Berries cleanse the body of bad cholesterol, unnecessary toxins and waste, and free radicals. Acai fruits help restore male sexual health if consumed fresh regularly.


1. Euterpe // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.

2. Imkhanitskaya N.N. Palms / Rep. ed. A. L. Takhtadzhyan. - L.: Nauka, 1985. - 243 p. — 2350 copies.

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