
Tips on how to lose weight. Tips on how to lose weight How to get out of a diet

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The essence of the “10×10” diet is a sharp reduction in consumed carbohydrates (bread, cereals, potatoes, carrots, beets, sweets and much more - so beloved, but harmful) in your diet. It is quite difficult to quickly switch to such nutrition, but it is effective. So, if you urgently need to lose weight for some event or event, then this diet is perfect.

Like all protein diets, this one is aimed at burning accumulated fat. The fact is that due to the lack of “fuel” in the form of carbohydrates, the body switches to fats, which, in fact, is what we need. So, from the diet we remove flour products, sweeteners, sausages, fatty dairy products, cereals, marinades, nuts, starchy vegetables, legumes, fruits (the only exception is lemon and unsweetened berries). We leave lean types of meat (lean beef, veal, rabbit), poultry (turkey and chicken), fish, hard cheeses, kefir, cucumber, tomatoes (except cherry), cauliflower and white cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, radishes, spinach, celery, mushrooms, eggs (no more than two every two to three days or one protein per day). Olive oil is allowed for dressings, and tea and coffee without sugar and milk for drinks.

For the diet to work, you need to eat five times a day and drink as much clean water as possible (in fact, such recommendations will never harm anyone). All dishes should be cooked either steamed or grilled.

Sample diet for a week:


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Breakfast: one soft-boiled egg, fresh vegetable salad with 1 tsp. olive oil, green tea.
Snack: low-fat cheese (45 g) and a couple of lettuce leaves.
Dinner: two chicken breasts, vegetable salad and green tea or black coffee.
Afternoon snack:
Dinner: fish fillet (salmon, tuna, halibut), baked vegetables with herbs and grated cheese.


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Breakfast: an omelet of one or two eggs with tomatoes, natural yogurt with berries, green tea or coffee without sugar and milk.
Snack: a glass of kefir and a handful of berries (for example, lingonberries).
Dinner: fish (no more than 150 g) and stew of grilled vegetables.
Afternoon snack: tomato or cucumber and cheese (45 g).
Dinner: two grilled beef steaks, fresh vegetable salad, green tea.


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Breakfast: omelette of one or two eggs with tomatoes, herbs, cheese. Drinks include green tea or coffee.
Snack: natural yogurt with berries.
Dinner: vegetable puree soup (leeks, broccoli, tomatoes) and salmon fillet (150 g).
Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir and a handful of berries.
Dinner: any cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), steamed, turkey (150 g), coffee or green tea.


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Breakfast: natural yogurt with berries, one or two soft-boiled eggs, green tea and coffee.
Snack: grated cheese (45 g) and celery (100 g).
Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir and a handful of berries.
Dinner: two chicken breasts, zucchini pancakes, green tea or coffee.


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Snack: one chicken breast and Caesar salad (instead of the usual sauce - 1 tsp olive oil, lemon juice and spices).
Dinner: fish (150 g), fresh vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack: 3-4 diet rolls (wrap any finely chopped vegetables in lettuce leaves).


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Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (100 g) with berries, green tea or coffee.
Snack: one chicken breast and fresh vegetable salad.
Dinner: mushroom soup and fish fillet (150 g).
Afternoon snack: grated cheese (45 g) and celery (no more than 100 g).
Dinner: two beef steaks, asparagus (100 g) with grated cheese (45 g), green tea or coffee.

Text: Anna Praksina

A diet for 10 days is considered less strict in relation to express diets, usually designed for 3 and 5 or 7 days, since the load is distributed evenly over all days without much damage to the body. But at the same time, it is very effective - you can lose from 3 to 7 kg of excess weight. As a rule, a predominantly protein menu is selected for a 10-day diet...

What is the essence of the 10-day diet?

Protein products become the main product in the diet for 10 days, that is, in essence, the food takes on the form of a carbohydrate-free diet. Although formally this is not an entirely accurate statement - after all, products that contain carbohydrates are allowed on the menu, albeit in extremely small quantities - no more than 20 g per day. Meals in the diet for 10 days are fractional and frequent, but the amount of food consumed is not limited.

How does a protein diet for 10 days work? Here the mechanism of typical protein diets is launched, when, due to the lack of carbohydrate supply from the outside, the body begins to actively burn fat tissue in order to provide the body with energy. At the same time, the level of glucose in the blood is normalized, your overall health improves, and at the same time you do not feel drowsiness or constant hunger.

To properly follow a diet for 10 days, you need to drink a glass of still water (with lemon, if possible) on an empty stomach every day. Eliminate fried foods and focus on baking foods in the oven, grilled or steamed. And if you fry it, then only in olive oil. As a side dish for meat, add vegetables in a 2:1 ratio. and do not forget to drink 2 liters of still water every day (and sometimes it is also useful to carry out a water diet 1-2 months before starting the main diet for weight loss), but not during meals and not half an hour before and after it. The last meal should be no later than 20.00.

Sample diet menu for 10 days


  • 1st, 4th, 8th days: 1-2 boiled eggs, vegetable salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, Chinese cabbage, herbs and sprouted seeds with 1 tsp. olive oil, coffee or green tea without sugar and milk;
  • 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 9th and 10th days: omelet of 1-2 eggs with herbs and tomatoes, 50g low-fat cheese with 2 pieces of celery or yogurt with natural berries, coffee or green tea without sugar and milk;
  • 5th, 6th day: low-fat cottage cheese for years or a smoothie of cottage cheese and berries, coffee or green tea without sugar and milk.


  • 1st, 4th, 8th day: 50g low-fat cheese and 2 lettuce leaves;
  • 2nd, 3rd, 9th, 10th day: a glass of kefir and a handful of berries or yogurt with fresh berries;
  • Days 5, 6, 7: Caesar salad (with 1-2 chicken breasts) or chicken breast and vegetable salad Salsa.


  • 1st, 8th day: 2 grilled chicken breasts, vegetable salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, lettuce and sprouted seeds with 1 tsp. olive oil, coffee and green tea without sugar and milk;
  • 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 9th and 10th days: fish fillet (halibut, mackerel, salmon, tuna, flounder) and vegetable stew of broccoli, tomatoes, zucchini and leek or cream of tomato, leek, broccoli and herb soup or mushroom noodle soup in addition to fish;
  • Day 7: fish fillet and baked vegetables.

Afternoon snack:

  • 1st, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 10th day: a glass of kefir and a handful of any berries;
  • 2nd, 9th day: cucumber or tomato stuffed with grated cheese and herbs;
  • Day 5: 3-4 rolls with cucumber or fish;
  • 6th, 7th day: 50g low-fat cheese with 2 slices of celery.


  • 1st, 5th, 8th day: fish fillet (halibut, mackerel, tuna, salmon, flounder), baked vegetables (zucchini, tomatoes, cauliflower, eggplant, sprouted seeds);
  • 2nd, 9th day: 2 grilled beef steaks with a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, arugula, spinach and avocado with 1 tsp. olive oil, coffee or green tea without sugar and milk;
  • 3rd, 10th day: grilled pork fillet, any kind of steamed cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts) with 1 tsp olive oil, coffee or green tea without sugar and milk
  • Days 4, 6, 7: 2 chicken breasts, zucchini fritters or asparagus with grated steamed cheese or guacamole salad, coffee or green tea without sugar and milk.

At night on all days of the diet you need to drink a glass of kefir or low-fat milk.

The 10-day diet is rich in protein, so you lose weight not from muscles, but from fat deposits. The number of meals cannot be violated, but the amount of food eaten can be violated. You can stay on this diet for a maximum of 10 days; if you want to repeat the course, then take a break for 2-3 weeks. If you follow a diet for 10 days, you can lose from 5 to 10 kg, depending on your initial weight.

Of course, you can lose weight in 10 days not only on a protein diet. Although, as reviews show, it is one of the most effective. But in addition, you can pay attention to such low-calorie weight loss methods as: a vegetable diet (or even more locally - a cabbage diet), an oat diet and others. In addition, some special cocktails for weight loss - such as Energy Diet and kefir cocktail with ginger and cinnamon - can also help you lose extra pounds. The main condition for success is choosing a technique to your taste!

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Every girl dreams of an ideal figure. You can become slim and beautiful not only by doing physical exercises and gymnastics. Sometimes there is a need to lose excess weight in a short time. Unexpected events can push you to take this step, for example, the wedding of a close relative or a gift in the form of a trip abroad. Getting rid of fat deposits in a short period of time, for example, in 10 days of a diet, is realistic; a quick, correctly selected program will not cause harm to your health. It is important not only to take care of your figure, but also to maintain your weight.

How much weight can you lose in 10 days?

Maintain a healthy metabolism by following a diet. Limit your calorie intake and get enough exercise to expend energy. To ensure weight loss in 10 days, you must first assess your strength and general condition, since diets often include fasting days. Although it is difficult to limit yourself in nutrition, it is still possible.

Depending on your body weight, weight loss programs will help you lose from 5 to 10 kg. Do not exceed the number of calories received or the diet menu, and do not eat before bed. When trying to lose weight, don't give up on your goal. The diet is not suitable for those who have chronic diseases associated with the digestive system; talk to your doctor about this in advance.

How to lose weight in 10 days

Please note that over several weeks of diet and physical activity, the kilograms lost for each person will be different over the same period. The higher the initial weight, the faster fat deposits are burned. If the diet lasts more than ten days, then the normal functioning of the body will suffer, it will not get enough microelements and vitamins. To lose weight in 10 days, follow these tips:

  • Try to burn more calories than you consume.
  • Eat only low-calorie foods daily.
  • You will need five meals a day, divided into small portions.
  • Keep three hours between meals.

Diet for 10 days

Any method of rapid weight loss is a burden even for a hardy person. It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages because they whet the appetite and create poisoning. An effective diet for 10 days is based on reducing the energy value of food. If you lose weight incorrectly, you can disrupt the balance of hormones and the functioning of internal organs. The diet minus 10 kg in 10 days should be used no more than twice a year. If you've weighed your options and decided to lose weight, it's time to think about what diet you'll use.

Protein diet

The essence of the program is to eat protein-rich foods, while minimizing the presence of fats and carbohydrates in food. A protein diet for 10 days promotes short-term weight loss by burning fat and muscle mass. Weight loss occurs due to the long digestion of proteins; as a result, the body expends excess kilograms: it spends more energy than it receives.

It is necessary to remove sweets, legumes, cheeses, smoked foods, and alcohol from the diet. Please note that protein-rich foods affect the amount of sugar in the blood and cholesterol, and chronic diseases may worsen. Menu ingredients for a protein diet:

  • fermented milk;
  • eggs;
  • meat and fish (steamed / grilled);
  • mushrooms;
  • vegetables.

Cabbage diet

Cabbage is known as an affordable low-calorie vegetable. The tartronic acid contained in it prevents the transformation of carbohydrates into fats. The 10-day cabbage diet is known as an affordable weight loss program. It is necessary to reduce salt intake and avoid eating confectionery products. Replace sugar with honey. Bake or steam food.

A cup of tea or coffee is suitable for breakfast. Make coleslaw for lunch. Add a piece of beef or chicken breast. The meat should be cooked in a double boiler; please note that fatty foods should not be consumed. For dinner, make a casserole of white cabbage with cottage cheese and minced beef. It is recommended to drink a portion of one percent kefir approximately 2 hours before bedtime.

Buckwheat diet

You will definitely lose weight in 10 days by using not the usual cooked buckwheat, but steamed one. For 1 serving of cereal you will need 2-3 cups of boiling water. Do not add salt or oil. A 10-day buckwheat diet allows you to drink up to 1 liter of fermented milk drinks per day, and 2-3 green apples. Do not drink carbonated water, do not overuse tea and coffee. With this program, you can actually lose 10 kg in 10 days, because you lose a kilogram of excess weight every day.

Drinking diet

This weight loss program eliminates the chewing process; you will eat only liquid and mushy foods. You can lose one and a half kilograms of weight in a day. A drinking diet for 10 days has been found to be effective, but it is difficult to adhere to. The abundance of water in food satisfies hunger. When the digestion process is functioning well, metabolism is activated, so weight loss will be accelerated.

The diet includes vegetable and milk soups, fermented milk products, liquid cereals, broths, sugar-free juices, fruits and vegetables. The following products are suitable for breakfast: drinking yogurt, milk, cottage cheese, oatmeal. For lunch, eat broth, vegetable soup, borscht or beetroot soup. For dinner you should drink a portion of kefir. Do not use this program for more than 10 days.

Losing weight in 10 days, which today is a very real dream, and without the use of plastic surgery, poisonous medications that provoke nervous breakdowns and metabolic disorders, experts in the field of beauty and health call an express diet. It is worth noting that in 10 days a maximum of 10-12 kilograms will indeed be effective and noticeable if the obese patient has significant excess body weight. If you are slightly overweight, do not expect such an effect. After all, such a drastic weight loss will definitely have a negative impact on your health.

Often, according to the observations of many authoritative and practicing nutritionists, losing weight in 10 days is in demand by charming representatives of the fair sex, who during the winter period of endless holiday feasts have significantly increased their body weight and, on the eve of the sultry holiday season, dream of an ideal and sexy figure. Moreover, losing weight should be fast, high-quality, safe and even beneficial for the body, but not be like a harmful fast that inhibits all vital processes in the body. Although, of course, after acquiring the standard figure, there is a high probability of returning the previous kilograms so quickly.

To prevent the so-called “boomerang effect” in dietetics, any weight loss in 10 days puts forward a number of requirements.

First of all, it's worth minimize the consumption of sweets(chocolate, marmalade, confectionery and bakery products; ice cream and honey, as well as dried fruits are allowed) and give up fried, fatty foods, canned food and smoked foods, and also avoid fast food establishments and grocery stores selling semi-finished products. Secondly, increase the number of meals at the same time (but before 18.00) from the traditional 3 to 5, forgetting forever about light snacks like muffins, crackers, etc.; if hunger is unbearably tormenting, you can enjoy fruits and a handful of nuts (without salt, sugar, glaze, or spices).

Thirdly, it is worth memorizing and accustoming the body once and for all: Do not drink any liquid while eating(well, perhaps with the exception of alcohol) you can’t drink, because in this way the gastric juice is diluted, which helps slow down digestion, fermentation and rotting of products, which are transformed into fatty deposits. Losing weight in 10 days is really possible if you drink still mineral water 15 minutes before each meal or half an hour after eating (carbonated water provokes swelling and cellulite deposits). The daily fluid intake is 1.5-2 liters, it is advisable to give preference to purified water, green tea without sugar, unsweetened dried fruit compotes and fresh vegetable and fruit juices, as well as fermented milk drinks.

Therefore, fourthly, it is useful to fill the refrigerator with vegetables, fruits and berries generous in valuable vitamins, amino acids and minerals (primarily famous fat burners grapefruit and pineapple, as well as cucumbers, cabbage of various types, tomatoes, beets, carrots, herbs, legumes) and, of course, low-fat fermented milk products (whey, kefir, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt). Of course, high-quality weight loss in 10 days is unthinkable without cereals - lean porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, corn, barley, rice), crispbread, whole grain rye bread.

Fifthly, professional and restorative weight loss in just 10 days requires moderate and feasible physical activity for a losing weight patient, say, in the form of fitness (aerobics, yoga, Pilates, callanetics, dancing), regular exercise in the gym, as well as long walks with pets or children, morning exercises (and then a contrast shower) and evening jogging (then relaxing bath, anti-cellulite wraps and massage, periodic swimming, working in the dacha, etc. Activity and sports should become over time the right way of life and healthy habits.

Another great habit can be kefir-buckwheat fasting day, whose simple and accessible menu won’t get boring in 10 days. Of course, it is not recommended to sit on buckwheat for all 10 days. This emergency weight loss (kefir-buckwheat express mono-diet) requires consuming only 1 glass of lean buckwheat per day, which in its original form is poured with boiling water overnight in a ratio of 1:2, and 1 liter of low-fat kefir4 last meal - 6 hours before bedtime. This weight loss is very tough, but the results will be amazing!

A more gentle weight loss in 10 days, but by 5 kilograms, is offered by this diet. Every day you need to drink 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir. On one day you can only eat 5 boiled potatoes in their jackets. And on days 2 and 3, losing weight in 10 days allows you to eat 10 g of lean boiled meat (chicken, veal or beef). But day 4 will become a fish day: you are allowed to try 100 g of low-fat steamed fish. According to weight loss in 10 days, days 5 and 8 will be generous with fruits and vegetables (except bananas, melon, grapes). This diet makes days 6 and 7 the hardest, not allowing the person losing weight to eat anything at all, only drink kefir and still mineral water. The next day, that is, day 9, will add porridge (to the taste of losing weight) and a boiled egg to the menu with kefir. The last 10 day of victory over your own complexes will combine cereals, fruits and boiled meat in minimal quantities.

Another weight loss of 6 kilograms in 10 days is also very effective, which requires the first three days to eat only lean boiled brown rice (100 g each for breakfast, lunch and dinner). The second three days will delight those losing weight with boiled chicken, free of fat (100 g each). From days 7 to 9 you need to consume only apples (1 kg is the daily norm). Well, on day 10 you can combine boiled meat, vegetables and fruits.

Thus, losing weight in 10 days is quite realistic and absolutely accessible to anyone who has willpower and a passionate desire to improve themselves.

10 days. If you can get rid of the guy in this time, you can get rid of a couple of extra pounds. But how can you actually lose weight and not just one kilo? This dress will not stretch on its own. It's time to get serious about this issue - we'll cover everything you need to know, from calorie intake and workouts to mind tricks that will make you eat less. 240 hours and... go!


Part 1

Make a 10-day plan

    Define your goals. What weight are we talking about? 1.5 kg? 4.5 kg? It's safe to lose 0.5-1 kg per week, but in the first week you can lose a lot more (mostly water), so we won't discourage you. Simply determine how much weight you want to lose over the next 240 hours.

    • Let's say you want to lose 2.5 kg over the next 10 days. This is 0.5 kg in 2 days. Since 0.5 kg contains 3500 calories, you need to burn 1750 calories every day. And you?
  1. Determine your needs. We will proceed from the example of 2.5 kg. You need to create a deficit of 1,750 calories to lose 250 grams per day. This is a very dramatic weight loss, but we will still try. Here's how to find out how to deal with it:

    • Find out how many calories you need to eat to lose weight. You will find out your BMI and the number of calories you can consume daily.
    • Once you know the daily amount, subtract 1750 from that number. This will be the number you need to work with. And of course, the more you exercise, the more calories you can consume.
  2. Keep a food diary. You're serious, aren't you? So grab a notepad or download an app (there are dozens of them online). When you come face to face with what you're eating, it's much easier to spot where you went wrong. And see your progress! You can also find motivation to lose weight in many apps.

    • In this diary you will count calories and write them down. So, if you worked hard today, you can relax a little tomorrow. Or vice versa.
  3. Determine your training schedule. If you wanted to change your lifestyle forever, it would be ridiculous to come up with a schedule. But since we're only talking about a week and a half, let's do it. This way you can take a closer look at your weekly schedule, choose a time and start training. Because you know that you have time and opportunity!

    • Set a goal to exercise every day. An hour is great, but you can train for 30 minutes. If you have to break them up into sets, that's okay! And if you “don’t have time,” find it. There is always time for health.
  4. Throw out all trash from your home. You have a plan. You are motivated. Now you just need to set yourself up for success. It sounds a little harsh and seems like it will hurt your pocket, but walk through the kitchen "right now." Throw out all the junk and packaged food you don't need. If you are serious about losing weight in 10 days, this is a sacrifice you will make. This is the only way to cope with temptation.

    • Yes, easier said than done. The family will most likely be angry, right? Let's come to a compromise: ask everyone who lives with you to hide food from you or put it somewhere where you won't find it. And don't let them tell you where it is!

    Part 2

    New lifestyle for 10 days
    1. find out How need to eat. Let's get straight to the important stuff. We only have 10 days, so it's time to start eating right. And you thought you were eating right all this time! Nope. Mom wasn't thinking about losing weight when she taught you this. Here's how to eat if you dream of a thin waist:

      Consider alternating calories. Recent research has shown that introducing high calorie days into your eating plan can help you lose weight. more weight. Yes. It's crazy, isn't it? The reason is that while you restrict your body, your metabolism slows down and your body begins to store nutrients more actively. On a high-calorie day, your body can breathe in metaphorical fresh air, allowing you to relax and shed stored fat and rev up your metabolism. So during these 10 days, allow yourself to eat a little more 1 or 2 days.

      • A variant of caloric alternation is carbohydrate alternation. If you mostly eat non-starchy vegetables and protein (ie some carbs), you can help yourself by setting aside a carb day. Your body prefers to burn them rather than fat or protein, so introducing them into your diet will do the same thing - speed up the processes in your body, which will speed up the weight loss process.
    2. Get rid of stress. It's also worth thinking about your stress level. It turns out that high levels of stress mean high levels of cortisol, which means you'll want to eat more. When you're stressed, you eat to numb your emotions, sleep less, and become inattentive. So relax! Your waistline needs it.

      • Where to start? With meditation or yoga. Yoga also burns calories, so you'll be killing two birds with one stone. Or take 15 minutes to sit and feel the spirit of Zen. It's been too long since you've taken time for "you"!
    3. Sleep. More science! It turns out that those who sleep more weigh less. And this makes sense - you feel good, your body functions normally, and you have less time to eat! So find 8 or more hours. You will feel much better.

      Be careful with extreme diets. Let's be honest: if you spend the next few days on lemonade and hot sauce, you'll lose a lot of weight. But after a week you will feel terrible, and all the weight will return as soon as you start eating. It upsets your metabolism, and if you're looking for a long-term solution, this isn't it. But if you want to fit into a dress? Well, maybe. Just be careful. And don’t tell your mom that we advised you.

      • You can find information about extreme diets at wikiHow. Whether you want to drink only maple syrup, eat kale, sit in a sauna for days, or do a colon cleanse, you can find all the information you need (and what you don't want to know).

    Part 3

    Diet for 10 days
    1. Remember one word - water. This is exactly what will help you perform a miracle. When you start drinking more water, many wonderful things happen. Here is a list of reasons that will convince you to always carry a water bottle with you:

      • It saturates you. The more you drink, the less you want to eat.
      • You are still consuming something. The more often you drink, the less often you consume everything else.
      • It cleanses your body of toxins (meaning you go to the toilet more often).
      • It improves the condition of hair, skin and
      • Provides your muscles and organs with moisture and also improves their health.
    2. Choose green. This traffic light metaphor will help you. If you want to lose weight and do it quickly, then the easiest way is to stock up on green vegetables. Yes, all vegetables are “healthy,” but some are better than others—and those are the green ones. They have what is called "low energy density" - they are low in calories, but quickly fill you up, and also contain many vitamins and minerals.

      • All leafy vegetables are excellent helpers in your business. Collard greens, Swiss chard, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, lettuce and so on. You can eat handful after handful and still not reach your calorie limit.
    3. Stick to white. Not on red, on white. If the product is white, then most likely it is a refined or processed carbohydrate. This means that it contains no fiber and also has no nutrients. So the consumption of white rice, wheat bread and even starchy, white potatoes should be minimized or completely avoided during these 10 days.

      • Just for reference, your body needs carbohydrates. They are found in vegetables and whole grains - these are the healthiest carbohydrates. But they must be complex and unrefined; you should beware of processed carbohydrates and those containing sugar.
        • You've heard of the Atkins diet (no carbs). It can be effective for 10 days. It's like all crash diets - you can do it for 10 days and it will probably work, but once you stop, be prepared for the consequences. So go on a no-carb diet if you can stick to it, but be aware of the possible side effects.
    4. Eat lean protein. Your diet should consist of at least 10% protein. If you want to lose weight, then it's better increase this percentage. It helps you build muscle and satisfies your hunger, all of which leads to weight loss. So eat fish, white meat, soy products and beans.

      Learn more about healthy fats. Your body needs them! Don't cut them out of your diet completely - just focus on good- These are unsaturated fats. They are found in avocados, olive oil, nuts, fatty fish such as salmon or cod, and low-fat dairy products. In fact, having these healthy fats in your diet (in moderation, of course) can help lower your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease.

      Limit your sodium intake. Sodium not only constricts blood vessels, which causes your heart to beat faster, but it also helps store water, which causes bloating. So if you"re not doing it for your heart"s health, do it for your pants size!

      Stop eating at night. This is not a matter of science, but of psychology: people tend to consume the most harmful food at night. So if you vow that you won't eat after 8pm, your nightly raids on the fridge will stop. And when you stay up late and are starving, drink a glass of water. It's difficult, but it's worth it.

      • This is the most difficult thing. Your friends go to cafes and restaurants, drink alcohol, eat snacks, and you just want to keep them company. Think about two things: you you can go if you can resist the temptation. But it's also only 10 days. You can stand anything for 10 days, right?

    Part 4

    Training plan for 10 days
    1. Do some cardio And strength training. The facts are: Cardio burns calories faster than weight lifting. Nevertheless, a combination of these workouts will help you burn even more. There is nothing better for your body than working all your muscles in different ways. And cardio and strength training will help you with this. So make time for them!

      • These ten days you should do cardio almost every day. Strength training is carried out every other day. If you want to do them more often, make sure you work different muscle groups because your body needs to recover from the workout.
    2. Try interval training. Cardio is good, but recent research has shown that interval training is even more effective. They are much faster and more convenient! Instead of jogging for 30 minutes, you should run at full speed for 30 seconds, alternating this with 15-20 seconds of walking. Why? So you'll burn more calories and increase your heart rate - calories will be burned after training.

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