
Charlotte recipe from Aunt Sveta. Charlotte recipe from Aunt Sveta Charlotte from Aunt Sveta

To the question: A delicious charlotte recipe, preferably in a hurry) asked by the author Viable the best answer is 3 apples and one medium carrot - grated
+ 2 eggs
+ 1 cup sugar sand
+2 cups pancake flour
+100 gr. any nuts (chopped)
+1 st. spoon of cocoa
Mix everything, or better yet, beat it in a mixer...
Pour the mixture onto a preheated frying pan, pre-greased with oil and sprinkled with flour (to prevent it from burning) and close with a lid.
Place in the oven for 30-40 minutes... and that’s it, take it out, cut it and eat it!
These include carrots, apples, cabbage, even zucchini...
And with any additions -
nuts, candied fruits, cocoa, dried apricots, raisins, figs...
EXPERIMENT and you will like it))

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: A delicious charlotte recipe, preferably in a hurry)

Answer from spread[guru]
KEFIR APPLES EGGS SUGAR SODA MIX EVERYTHING AND BAKE (until the consistency of thick sour cream)

Answer from Lyubov Timoshenko[guru]
"Charlotte from Aunt Sveta"
Chicken egg - 7 pcs
Sugar - 2 cups.
Ghee (or margarine) - 0.5 cup.
Wheat flour (+ for sprinkling) - 2 cups.
Recipe "Charlotte from Aunt Sveta"
Beat the eggs with sugar into a very strong foam. When my eggs are very large, I take not 7, as required by the recipe, but 5 pieces.
Add butter to the egg-sugar mixture and beat again.
Carefully add the sifted flour and mix.
Peel apples from seed pods and cut into slices. To ensure that the apples are evenly distributed in the dough and do not settle to the bottom, lightly sprinkle them with flour. Shake off excess flour from apples.
Pour some of the dough into the greased pan, pour in the apples, and fill them with the remaining dough.
Bake at moderate temperature 160-180 degrees. It bakes for about 40-50 minutes.

Answer from Flush[guru]
3 eggs, 1 cup sugar (beat until smooth) 1 cup flour (I like pancake flour), beat everything again and pour into the mold over the chopped apples

Answer from Yulenka[guru]
a glass of sugar + a glass of flour + 4 eggs 200 grams of butter and of course apples))

Answer from Ekaterina Zakrevskaya[guru]
Cut the apples into slices approx. 1 cm. Place on a greased plant. oil the baking sheet slightly gripping each other, all the slices are turned in one direction. Pour in: beat 3 eggs (you don’t need to beat them) with a glass of sugar, a glass of flour, I add a little cinnamon.
Place in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes, check for doneness by piercing it with a toothpick to ensure it is dry. Take it out, turn it over, when it cools down, sprinkle with powdered sugar...

Answer from Sveta Krasilnikova[guru]
1 - 1.5 cups of sour cream, 1/2 cup of sugar, 2 eggs, 1 cup of flour, a pinch of salt, a pinch of baking soda, dissolve in sour cream. A little cinnamon, vanilla. Apples (pears, plums...)
Chop the apples and sprinkle with cinnamon.
For the dough, mix sugar, flour, eggs, sour cream and soda, add salt and vanilla. The consistency of the dough should be like thick sour cream.
Pour 1/2 of the dough into the mold, then pour in the apples, smooth, and pour in the remaining dough. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180-200 degrees

Answer from Galina[guru]
6 eggs (medium), 2 cups sugar + 2 cups flour. beat the eggs (set aside a little in a glass), add sugar and beat again until the consistency of thick sour cream, add flour and beat again. pour the whole mass onto a baking sheet pre-greased with oil and sprinkled with semolina, pour a large number of diced apples into the dough and drown.... I put as many apples as I can fit, brush the egg on top. into a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes, check with a toothpick. if the apples are sour, it turns out to be a very tasty mix with sweet dough, my husband really likes it when there are a lot of apples. Good luck

Answer from Olyuska[guru]
eggs - 3 pcs. ; sugar - 250g; flour - 300g; pears - 500-600g
Grind the eggs with sugar until creamy. The mass should become homogeneous, light yellow, without visible sugar crystals.
Add all the flour and stir quickly.
Wash the pears, cut off the peel and cut into quarters. Cut out the seed pod. Cut the pears into cubes and sprinkle with flour.
Grease a baking dish with butter and dust with flour. Place pear slices on the bottom of the mold.
Now you can lay the dough on top of the pears: it is quite thick and does not spread easily, so you will have to level the top of the charlotte with a wide knife and spatula. Place the pie in an oven preheated to 190C for 40 minutes. Charlotte with pears is ready.

Answer from Irina Vedeneeva(Burlutskaya)[guru]
Apple charlotte
200 g sugar
5 eggs
200 g flour
2-3 apples
vanilla sugar to taste
Beat the eggs well with sugar. Add flour, beat everything well. Peel the apples, remove the core, cut into small slices. Grease the baking dish with oil. Pour some dough into the bottom of the mold. Place half of the apples on the dough (apples can be sprinkled with cinnamon). Pour half of the remaining batter onto the apples. Place the remaining apples on the dough. Pour the remaining batter over the apples. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 40-60 minutes (depending on the shape).

Not everyone perceives September 1 as a holiday, but most families still gather around the table to celebrate the beginning of a new school year for their children. The rush of the first day of school often makes it difficult to devote enough time to baking, but it doesn't have to be. Here's a pie you can make the day before with just a little time.

Apple charlotte with caramel

6-8 servings

Our grandmothers made charlotte from stale bread stuffed with apples, but now charlotte is better known to us as a quick apple pie made from sponge dough. I offer you another delicious and simple version of charlotte - with biscuit cookies. After standing in the refrigerator overnight, this cake hardens, becomes dense and cuts perfectly. The perfect addition is butterscotch caramel sauce.


  • 2 yolks
  • 3 squirrels
  • 50 g sugar
  • 40 g flour
  • 20 g starch
  • 1 tsp. without a hill of cinnamon
  • cinnamon sugar for sprinkling


  • 5 apples (not small)
  • handful of cranberries
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. l. apple vodka or Calvados

Syrup for soaking biscuits:

  • 25 g sugar (heaped tablespoon)
  • 150 ml milk

For the toffee, optional:

  • 200 ml heavy cream 22-35% fat
  • 100 g sugar
  • 25 g butter

Charlotte mold with a diameter of up to 20 cm (preferably 16-18 cm)

Line a baking tray with baking paper

Preheat oven to 200°C

  1. For biscuits(bake in advance) beat the yolks with half the sugar into a light cream. Beat the egg whites until stiff, add sugar and beat until the mixture becomes thick and shiny. Mix the whites, yolks, sift flour, starch and cinnamon onto them. Stir. The dough is ready.
  2. Transfer the dough into a pastry bag (you can use a regular bag, cutting off the tip), place sticks about 10-12 cm long on a baking sheet. Sprinkle the dough with powdered sugar and cinnamon twice. (Tip: place all the sticks at once, even if they don’t fit on the baking sheet - just on a sheet of baking paper.) Bake at 200°C for 12 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes and remove from paper. Cool.

Instead of baking biscuits, you can buy ready-made Savoyardi sticks or similar cookies.

  1. For syrup Melt the sugar with a spoonful of water in a frying pan and bring it to brown. Pour in a little boiling water, stir and add milk. Cool.
  2. For filling Simmer the cranberries until tender. Peel the apples and place on a baking sheet or plate. Sprinkle with sugar, pour over apple vodka or Calvados. Bake in the microwave oven for 10 minutes at maximum power. (In a conventional oven this will take about 40-50 minutes.) The apples should be almost completely soft.
  3. Assembly. Grease the mold with oil. Line the pan with biscuits (bottom and sides), very quickly dipping them into the syrup.
  4. Trim the biscuits so that they are flush with the edge of the pan, and mix the remaining pieces with the apples. Place apples in the pan, occasionally adding poached cranberries.
  5. Place the last layer of biscuits and cover the pan with film. Refrigerate overnight or longer. Turn the finished charlotte onto a plate.
  6. For the toffee Place all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook until the mixture turns brown and thickens. Place a drop of toffee on a saucer: the finished toffee should hold its shape and not be sticky. Pour it over the pie.

Author Irina Chadeeva culinary blogger-pastry chef, author of dozens of books and hundreds of recipes


I made charlotte together with my daughter. But we added a little cinnamon and cooked it in a slow cooker. It turned out just super tasty and fast.

mmm... so delicious. When I have time, I’ll try to bake such beauty))

Pie recipe - charlotte without apples. Charlotte dough, melon filling and plums. It turns out that charlotte comes not only with apples. What to bake for September 1st? Charlotte with apples: recipe from Chadeika. Why does the charlotte “fall off”?

What to bake for September 1st? Charlotte with apples: recipe from Chadeika. Pie recipe - charlotte without apples. Charlotte dough, melon filling and plums. Recipe for pie with caramel apples. How to make tarte tatin.

Charlotte with apples: recipe from Chadeika. Apple charlotte with caramel. 6–8 servings. Our grandmothers made charlotte from stale bread stuffed with apples, but now charlotte is better known to us as a quick apple pie made from sponge dough. What's my mistake?

What to bake for September 1st? Charlotte with apples: recipe from Chadeika. 1637 about charlotte. Tell me the recipe, I understand that it was given often, but But it seemed to me that the question was about charlotte specifically, and not about apple pie.

Charlotte with apples: recipe from Chadeika. Bakery. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection. This topic was created to discuss the article What to bake for September 1?

What to bake for September 1st? Charlotte with apples: recipe from Chadeika. For the toffee, place all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook until the mixture turns brown and thickens. I made it like a charlotte in shape, but with cake dough (100 g butter, 2 eggs, sour cream + soda...

Is charlotte or apple pie also suitable for you? Pour 5 tbsp onto a baking sheet Dough: 2 eggs + 1.4 sugar + 0.5 tsp. salt - beat. Add grated with 2 tbsp. flour 1.4 packs So, we made a biscuit mixture for it, as I wrote earlier (only 2 times the eggs...

I don’t understand such “charms” of a multicooker: (Charlotte (apple pie) is also made from biscuit dough. So I got up in the morning, made the dough for charlotte in 3 minutes, poured it into a mold and put it in the oven, while it was baking in there I took a shower, got dressed, put on makeup and charlotte is ready..

I have been making simplified biscuit dough for a long time) beat 4 egg whites, gradually adding a glass of sugar. I make the dough like this: beat 3 eggs with a glass of sugar, add a glass of sour cream or kefir into which I previously put 1/2 teaspoon of soda (put the soda in a larger bowl...

Why does the charlotte “fall off”? The problem is: the charlotte rises perfectly in the oven. BUT you take a lot of apples, the whole dough is in apples. There is nothing to fall off because of the number of apples. With and without sour cream, you get 2 different types of pie - sour cream and sponge cake.

I prefer to fill the apples with biscuit dough, and sprinkle the greased bottom of the mold with crumbs from anniversary cookies. Dough: 4 eggs. Separate the yolks from the whites. Add another egg to the container with the yolks, beat, gradually adding half a glass of sugar (better...

My charlotte is a sponge cake with apples, in childhood it was called the pie “inside out” because it was laid out on a plate in this way. Charlotte is not a pie with apples, it is a QUICK pie with apples with dough similar to a sponge cake. I think this recipe is from...

Pie with apples, not charlotte. Bakery. Cooking. Cooking recipes, help and tips for I want to bake something with apples (and cranberries), but not charlotte. something richer (I made it like a charlotte in shape, but with cake dough (100 g butter, 2 eggs, sour cream...

Charlotte with apples: recipe from Chadeika. Apple charlotte with caramel. 6–8 servings. Our grandmothers made charlotte from stale bread stuffed with apples, but now charlotte is better known to us as a quick apple pie made from sponge dough.

Charlotte with apples: recipe from Chadeika. Recipe of the day: apple pie. Pancake dough and aromatic filling. If you are tired of charlotte and ordinary apple pies, try baking salty pancake flour in modern Russian recipe collections

Charlotte. Teach you how to cook! Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection. What to bake for September 1st? Charlotte with apples: recipe from Chadeika.

Urgently! Charlotte.. Baking. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menu and reception I bake charlotte with orange juice. She was so wow, she even came up so cute somehow, I was afraid she would be a 2 cm pancake.

charlotte???. Bakery. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and advice on preparing dishes, holiday menus and entertaining guests, food selection. Section: Baking (dough in green charlotte). charlotte???

I beat the sponge cake with 6 eggs and one and a half cups of sugar with a mixer until white and thick, so that there are long lasting waves throughout the mass. Then in half a glass of flour I pour a tablespoon of starch, a teaspoon of baking powder, a little vanilla, a pinch of salt.

Section: (Charlotte with apples - share the recipe, preferably simple and without any special frills). What to bake for September 1st? Charlotte with apples: recipe from Chadeika. For the toffee, place all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook until the mixture turns brown and...



Yes, there are 9 pages of recipes for all kinds of “Charlottes” on the site. It was for this reason that I didn’t post my recipe for a long time. But recently I read on one of the forums on our site an opinion that sometimes good recipes are not posted precisely because many similar recipes have already been posted, and users simply do not dare to post another clone. Although, often in vain, because it is quite possible that their recipe is very good. The only thing I can say in favor of this recipe is that everyone who tries this option no longer tries to look for any other. This was the case in our family when we once tried this charlotte at Aunt Sveta’s, for which we thank her very much. There is no baking soda or other fluffing agents in the recipe, just flour, eggs, sugar and butter. The ratio of ingredients is just perfect. It always turns out airy, tall, and incredibly tasty. It can be easily stored for several days and does not lose its taste, so we like to make it on the road. I am sure that this charlotte will become not only my favorite.

Ingredients for “Charlotte from Aunt Sveta”:

  • Chicken egg - 7 pcs
  • Sugar - 2 cups.
  • Ghee (or margarine + a little for greasing the mold) - 0.5 cups.
  • Wheat flour / Flour (2 cups for the dough + a little for sprinkling) - 2 cups.
  • Apple (to taste)

Recipe for “Charlotte from Aunt Sveta”:

Beat the eggs with sugar into a very strong foam. When my eggs are very large, I take not 7, as required by the recipe, but 5 pieces.

Add butter to the egg-sugar mixture and beat again.

Carefully add the sifted flour and mix.

Peel apples from seed pods and cut into slices. To ensure that the apples are evenly distributed in the dough and do not settle to the bottom, lightly sprinkle them with flour. Shake off excess flour from apples.

Pour some of the dough into the greased pan, pour in the apples, and fill them with the remaining dough.

Place the pan in a preheated oven. Bake at moderate temperature 160-180 degrees. It bakes for about 40-50 minutes. It may take longer depending on the oven.

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Charlotte recipe from Aunt Sveta

You can add almonds, hazelnuts or walnuts to the dough, but it seems to me that pecans go well with ginger. If you don't have cream cheese for the frosting, serve the pie with whipped cream.

Caramel made from white granulated sugar is better than from brown sugar. And don't keep it on the fire for too long - it should reduce by half, but remain golden-orange in color. Such a pie

If you are cooking for adults, soak the raisins in rum or cognac. This pie can also be baked from puff pastry.

If you like to experiment and try different baked goods for a holiday like Easter, this can even replace Easter cakes. The only thing is that these rolls need to be laid quite tightly so that

Pie “Caramel Charlotte”

The brown sugar made the pie incredibly flavorful! Help yourself!

Chicken eggs have gained great popularity in our lives when the time for cooking has been reduced to a minimum. There is nothing simpler than an omelet or scrambled eggs, which can be prepared in a few minutes, and thanks to the beneficial properties of chicken eggs, such breakfasts are considered nutritious and very filling - at least, you can calmly live until lunch without thinking about food.

Salt is called sodium chloride; this substance looks like small white crystals.

There are several types of baking powder, for example, based on soda and citric acid. Many people use food-grade ammonium, or ammonium carbonate; in cooking, it is used in the making of cookies, bread, muffins, etc.

The beneficial properties of apples are known to everyone - apples are an excellent source of iron and fiber, necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of apples in folk medicine is also very common, as these fruits normalize blood pressure, strengthen bone tissue, refresh the face and prolong youth.

Recipe for charlotte pie with apples - a simple recipe

In fact, our usual It might seem like such a small detail, and charlotte pie with apples, the recipe of which generally does not leave much room for tests. A simple and tasty recipe for charlotte with apples. Well, that’s all for me, bake apple pies, Homemade charlotte and surprise everyone with an interesting presentation and unexpected flavors. There are thousands of charlotte recipes. This one of the simplest apple pie recipes will certainly interest lovers of unusual homemade baked goods. Apple pie with milk: recipes ElenaLadypain. Of course, this is a charlotte pie with apples. The simplest pie recipe is prepared quickly and tasty, from four main ingredients - eggs, sugar, flour and apples. Why do many people like this pie? It’s because the ingredients that go into baking can be found in any home and at any time. Many dishes have been invented with this fruit, but charlotte with apples remains popular. If the stick is dry and the crust is browned, the charlotte with apples is ready! Delicious charlotte with apples and cottage cheese. Charlotte with apples is an easy-to-make pie. A favorite delicacy from childhood is one of the simplest, fastest and most popular desserts. Cake cream made from sour cream and sugar. Please tell me what is our most popular and favorite recipe for apple pie? Well, of course, Charlotte! This is not only the most popular, but also the simplest pie recipe you can come up with. Charlotte with apples - a recipe for delicious and simple charlotte in the oven and slow cooker. The charlotte recipe is so simple that even children can do it. Both charlottes turn out simply magnificent, I recommend it. Today we are preparing a recipe for charlotte with apples that is beloved by many, it is a very simple and, most importantly, very tasty recipe! I wish everyone a bon appetit! Charlotte with apples in the oven - a classic recipe. The classic charlotte recipe includes apples, but you can use other fruits instead. How to make charlotte from apples in a slow cooker. Charlotte is a simple and popular apple pie made from sponge dough.

recipe for a delicious and simple charlotte in the oven. Check the readiness of the pie with a match or toothpick. There is a certain class in it, and serving this pastry to the table, proudly calling it charlotte, is extremely pleasant. Which allow you to turn a simple pie into a unique dish that will be the real pride of the housewife. Charlotte with apples in the oven is simple and delicious. Charlotte with apples is the fastest and most delicious pie. Recipe for charlotte with apples in the oven. Both of these pies will be apple pies.

Here we have the “wrong” fluffy, delicious charlotte with apples. And in Russia, over time, this pie turned into a biscuit pie with apples. Lush, tender and simply melting in your mouth charlotte is impossible not to like! This recipe is a basic baking option. Beat eggs with granulated sugar thoroughly, add flour. Home Recipes Baking Seven simple and tasty recipes for charlotte with apples. In such a situation, a “speedy” apple pie can help out. It can be prepared for the arrival of guests, when time is running out, or simply learn more about charlotte with apples. Airy pastries with pieces of fruit in the dough are prepared quickly, tasty and aromatic. A classic quick recipe for charlotte with apples on eggs. Charlotte is a universal pie. Now that I myself have become a mother, I try to pamper my family with homemade baked goods more often. Pie with canned apricots. And anyone can make charlotte with apples - it’s so simple and quick! And what an aroma will spread throughout the house! This simple apple pie tastes amazing! Charlotte with apples - recipe Apple pie Charlotte is a simple and delicious pastry, a frequent guest on our table. Charlotte - from the shores of Foggy Albion to the streets of Paris. A very simple recipe for cottage cheese and apple pie, suitable for baking apple charlotte in a slow cooker and in a conventional oven. Charlotte recipes are similar to each other, but each of them has a special secret, which makes the baked goods completely different in taste. My mother used the simplest recipe for charlotte with apples, according to which the pie always turned out unusually tender and airy. The simplest apple pie recipe that always works, with step-by-step photos. A simple recipe for charlotte with apples with step-by-step photos. 96 recipes found. Simple biscuit dough and apples are the most popular apple pie recipe. Charlotte is an apple pie for every day. Traditional charlotte recipe. Be sure to try making Charlotte apple pie with kefir, the result will not disappoint you. How to cook classic charlotte with apples. There are many recipes for this fragrant pastry. The simplest dessert recipe, charlotte with apples, a recipe for all occasions. Charlotte with apples in the oven is one of the simplest, yet most delicious and beloved homemade pies by many housewives. Classic charlotte with apples is one of the most popular pies. Charlotte with apples with sour cream is a simple recipe. The preparation is quite simple, so even a child can handle it. How to make apple pie Charlotte at home, a simple and delicious recipe with photos step by step. 09/26/201709/26/2017 admin 8 comments pies, charlotte. Apple pie detailed recipe for making apple pie. Recipe for a simple charlotte with sour cream with step-by-step photos: -1 Delicious pie with apples made from dough with sour cream (easier to prepare than charlotte). The most classic recipe for charlotte is a sponge cake made from eggs, sugar, flour with apple filling. The traditional recipe for making this pie is rightfully considered the most delicious.2 Comment(s) to the article “Recipe for charlotte with apple: 6 simple recipes for making fluffy charlotte.” This is the simplest classic apple pie recipe. Charlotte with apples on kefir is a “delicious” recipe, which, moreover, is easy to implement. A simple recipe for charlotte pie with apples is the leader among all recipes for easy and quick baking for tea. In this description of charlotte there will be two recipes, one recipe for the correct charlotte, the second for the wrong one. Charlotte with apples in the oven - step-by-step recipes with photos, simple and tasty. So if you don’t understand how to make charlotte with apples, we hasten to please you: everything is painfully simple. Despite the fact that the charlotte recipe is very simple, this pie will bring no less pleasure than the most complex dessert! Charlotte with apples, cooked in the oven. Charlotte with apples is a favorite dessert from childhood. Charlotte with apples is the fastest and most delicious pie. We will need a charlotte recipe so simple that even children can do it. The sweet and sour taste of this pie is loved by many people. Charlotte from Aunt Sveta. Simple charlotte with apples. This pie is not only loved, but adored by everyone. It's delicious, it's simple, it's quick, and our step-by-step photo recipe will help you with this). In order to get a tasty and fluffy charlotte, use these tips: The best variety of apples for this pie is Antonovka. And many additional options to diversify this dessert will make it indispensable in your recipe collection. An airy recipe for Charlotte with apples. Charlotte with apples and dried fruits, you will lick your fingers. But I wondered why “Charlotte” and not just “Apple Pie”. Charlotte with apples in the oven - 6 simple and delicious recipesprostoi-recept.ru/ sharlotka-s-ya-v-duxovke.htmlGood afternoon, friends! Charlotte with apples cooked in the oven is the most delicious autumn dessert for tea. Classic charlotte with apples is a simple apple pie that you can get right the first time, even if you are just a novice cook. Charlotte with apples. Most housewives prepare this wonderful delicacy, as it is easy to prepare and does not require much time. There are a huge number of recipes and methods for preparing this pastry, in common people, a pie, this is a lush, kefir-based recipe without eggs and of course with different fruits. What do you think even the most novice cook can cook? The answer is simple. In my family, they not only love this pie, but adore it. Below I will give you a classic simple recipe for charlotte with apples, based on it you can fantasize as your heart desires. Simple charlotte with apples. Light and easy to prepare sponge cake Every housewife has her own secret on how to prepare charlotte with apples. The most inexperienced housewives and even children can prepare it. Sugar. Particularly in demand were various baked goods with apples and honey, pies. Apple charlotte made from shortcrust pastry with meringue and walnuts. Despite the fact that the charlotte recipe is very simple, this pie will bring no less pleasure than the most complex dessert! Bakery. A simple step-by-step recipe for a pie that tastes better than classic charlotte... Charlotte with apples. This apple pie always turns out delicious. As a rule, for a pie weighing 500-600 g (medium size) take 4 eggs, a glass of flour and sugar, 3 apples. How to cook a fluffy charlotte with apples in the oven. Popular recipes. The kids will really like it! A simple recipe for your favorite apple pie! Charlotte. Quick charlotte with apples in the oven: a simple and quick recipe. Ready dish. Zucchini pie. Below is the recipe for the classic charlotte. Believe me, your friends will be satisfied with this treat. Recipes for the fluffiest charlotte in the oven. Apple pie in the oven. How to cook “Simple apple charlotte”. Curd charlotte with apples in a slow cooker - video. Buns - it's easy! Cheesecake in a slow cooker. Different peoples have recipes for a simple pie filled with apples. 1. A simple recipe for a pie in a slow cooker. In any cookbook you will find a variety of recipes for making pie, both from shortcrust pastry and biscuit dough, prepared with yeast or kefir, but by far the simplest recipe is charlotte with apples. Even a novice cook can prepare charlotte. Similar recipes: Grated apple pie. Therefore, when asked, what will you bake in August-September? Apple charlotte cooked in the oven is not a standard apple pie at all. Ingredients: four eggs Baking. Every housewife, every cook has her own recipes for charlotte with apples in the oven and her own little secrets of preparing it. Do you want to make a delicious and inexpensive pie? Easily. Chicken egg. Decorating an IKEA stool in the “French Chocolate” style Friends, today I want to tell you how to decorate a similar stool, table, bedside table or chest of drawers with Vernen materials. 🙂 Which subject is up to you to decide! I decorated the popular IKEA Frost stool model, very […] Milk rice porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker: a dish for the whole family Recipe for pumpkin porridge with rice and milk in a slow cooker You will need: 300-350 gr. peeled pumpkin 1.5 multi cups round rice 3 multi glasses milk 2 multi glasses water 3-4 tbsp. sugar bag [...] Curd cookies - 9 very tasty recipes for children Curd cookies are an unusual combination of cottage cheese and baked goods, which can be varied with various additives. Classic cottage cheese cookies The simplest dessert recipe, which is prepared without the use of additional […]

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