
Mixed meat okroshka. Mixed meat okroshka: step by step with photos Technology for preparing mixed meat okroshka

The composition of products for preparing “meat okroshka” is presented in Table 2.

Table 2.

Product Name

Bookmark norm for 1 serving, g


Bread kvass

Green onion

Fresh cucumbers

Table mustard

Dill (greens)

Sour cream for holidays

Cooking technology: The beef is boiled, cooled and cut into small cubes. Green onions are chopped. Fresh cucumbers are cut into small cubes. The whites of hard-boiled eggs are finely chopped, and the yolks are ground with some sour cream, mustard, salt and sugar and diluted with kvass. Add onions and chopped products to the prepared mixture and mix everything.

« Broth with meatballs"

The composition of products for preparing broth with meatballs is presented in Table 3.

Table 3.


Edible bones (beef, except vertebrates)

Beef (cutlet mass) for pulling

Egg for guy

Parsley (root)

Celery (root)

Bulb onions




Cooking technology:

Preparation of the broth - The cooked bones are placed in a cauldron, poured with cold water and brought to a boil over high heat. When the broth boils, remove the foam from the surface so that during further cooking it does not break up into small flakes and does not deteriorate the appearance of the broth. After this, the broth is boiled at low boil with the lid closed. During cooking, excess fat is periodically skimmed off as it emulsifies and breaks down to form free fatty acids, which gives the broth a cloudy and greasy taste.

The duration of cooking beef bone broth is 3.5-4 hours, pork and lamb broth is 2-3 hours. Longer cooking worsens the taste and aroma of the broth. 30-40 minutes before the end of cooking, add lightly baked roots and onions; for flavoring, add stems of spicy vegetables tied in a bundle. The finished broth is filtered. (p 59)

Carrot - sorted by size, washed, peeled, rinsed, cut. (from 12)

Meatballs - the meat is cut into pieces, passed through a meat grinder, combined with finely chopped cheese, onions, raw eggs, ground pepper, salt, water is added and everything is mixed well, then cut into portions in the form of balls of 7 - 10 g. (p 71)

Preparing the guy - To prepare the “pull”, combine raw egg whites with a small amount of cold broth or water, mix well, add salt and finely chopped onions. “Guy” can be prepared from pike or pike perch caviar. Caviar is ground with a small amount of water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, finely chopped onion and salt are added, diluted with cold water 4-5 times and mixed. (p 122)

Clarifying the broth - the strained broth is heated to 50-60C, a “draw” is introduced, stirred well, lightly baked roots and onions are added and cooked to a boil. Then remove the foam and fat from the surface, reduce the heat and cook over low heat for 1.0 - 1.5 hours. The broth is considered ready when the meat sinks to the bottom and the broth becomes transparent. The finished broth is allowed to settle, the fat is removed from the surface, filtered through a napkin and brought to a boil. To lighten, you can use a “pull” made from carrots and egg whites. To do this, raw, peeled carrots are grated, combined with lightly beaten egg whites and mixed thoroughly. Meatballs- cook in broth or salted water for 5-6 minutes. Store the finished meatballs in the broth in a water bath (bain-marie). Release the meatballs with broth and scalded parsley leaves.

Add the prepared “pull” to the broth, cooled to 70C, stir, add baked carrots, parsley and onions, cover the pot with a lid and bring to a boil. After boiling, remove fat and foam from the surface of the broth and cook the broth over low heat for 30 minutes. Then the broth is infused for 30 minutes, the fat is removed from the surface, after which the broth is filtered and brought to a boil. (p 122)

In the hot summer, okroshka is especially popular. It is prepared not only from vegetables, but also with the addition of meat products. How to prepare mixed meat okroshka, read the step-by-step recipe with photos. Video recipe.

Mixed meat okroshka is similar to mixed meat hodgepodge. It has a rich taste and a lot of meat products. Therefore, cold soup is especially satisfying. In this case, the recipe can be classified as “in a hurry.” The main thing is to boil and cool the necessary products in advance. For meat eaters, mixed meat okroshka is the best summer dish! If you want to prepare okroshka in a new way, then you will like this method.

This recipe uses two types of sausages: milk sausage and ham. But this range of products can be increased by adding boiled chicken, pork, sausage with salts, etc. This recipe for cold soup is prepared with mineral water, but it is also made with whey, kefir, various vegetable decoctions and special okroshka kvass, which is less sweet than kvass and concentrates sold in stores. All ingredients for the dish are finely chopped to the same size so that the dish looks beautiful. On a hot summer day, okroshka is served cold. But it’s especially nice to cook okroshka in winter and feel the taste of summer!

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 52 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 6-7
  • Preparation time - 30 minutes for cutting food, plus time for boiling and cooling eggs and potatoes


  • Potatoes - 4-5 pcs.
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp.
  • Cucumbers - 3-4 pcs.
  • Mineral water - 3.5 l
  • Green onions - a large bunch
  • Ham - 250 g
  • Parsley - a large bunch
  • Milk sausage - 250 g
  • Eggs - 5-6 pcs.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Dill - a large bunch
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp.
  • Sour cream - 500 ml

Step-by-step preparation of mixed meat okroshka, recipe with photo:

1. Cut the ham into cubes with sides about 0.6-0.8 cm.

2. Remove the packaging film from the milk sausage and cut into pieces like ham.

3. Peel hard-boiled eggs and cut them like meat products. To boil eggs, place them in a pan of cold water, add salt and cook after boiling for 8 minutes. Then immerse them in ice water, which you measure several times. You will find a detailed step-by-step recipe on how to boil hard-boiled eggs on the website.

4. Peel boiled potatoes in their jackets and cut into pieces like eggs.

5. Wash the cucumbers, dry with a paper towel, cut off the ends and cut into cubes, like all other products.

6. Wash the green onions, dry and finely chop.

7. Wash the parsley, dry it and finely chop it.

8. Wash the dill, dry it and finely chop it.

9. Place all ingredients in a large saucepan.


10. Add sour cream and mustard to the pan.

Cut boiled beef, ham, tongue, and peeled fresh cucumbers into small cubes; Finely chop the green onions and mash them in a plate with a spoon, adding a little salt; This will make the onion soft. Chop the whites of hard-boiled eggs, grind the yolks in a saucepan, add sour cream, a little mustard, sugar, salt, mix thoroughly and dilute with kvass. After this, put the prepared products into the pan. When serving, sprinkle the okroshka with finely chopped dill.

For 1 liter of bread kvass - 250 g of prepared meat products, 2 fresh cucumbers, 75 g of green onions, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of sugar.

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Mixed meat okroshka

Recipe for meat okroshka Cut boiled beef, ham, tongue, and peeled fresh cucumbers into small cubes; Finely chop the green onions and mash them in a plate with a spoon, adding a little salt; This will make the onion soft. Chop the whites of hard-boiled eggs, grind the yolks in a saucepan, add sour cream, a little mustard, sugar, salt, mix thoroughly and dilute with kvass. After this, put the prepared products into the pan. When serving, sprinkle the okroshka with finely chopped dill. For 1 liter of bread kvass - 250 g of prepared meat products, 2 fresh cucumbers, 75 g of green onions, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup of sour cream and 1 teaspoon...

Okroshka is a cold, refreshing soup seasoned with kvass, the main component of which is vegetable mass (fresh cucumber, radish, boiled potatoes, herbs). Fish or cold boiled meat can be added to vegetables in a 1:1 ratio. If okroshka is based on vegetables, without meat and fish additives, we get vegetable okroshka. If fish is added to the vegetables, the okroshka will be called fish. And if we add meat products to vegetables, we have meat okroshka.
For a long time, meat okroshka was made not with meat specially purchased for it, but with what was left over from other meat dishes: this is mainly boiled meat, cut from the bones, and it is also more tender and soft. In the old days, black grouse, turkey, and pig meat, that is, lean meat, were added to Russian okroshka.
Fish okroshka is prepared from pike perch and tench, since the meat of this fish contains few bones, it is sweet and neutral. Of the sea fish, only cod is suitable for okroshka - it is low-fat and the most neutral in taste, combining well with vegetables and kvass.
If you want to prepare a good, tasty okroshka as a result, you need to choose the right base for it (usually kvass) and season it with spices.
I propose to prepare mixed meat okroshka today. In hot weather it will become an indispensable refreshing dish. By the way, you can add edible ice to this soup, which can be easily prepared at home - in the freezer.
So, let's begin!

Number of servings: 2
Calories: Medium calorie

To prepare mixed meat okroshka, you will need:

chicken fillet – 100 g
boiled sausage – 50 g
bread kvass – 0.5 l
green onions – 2 pcs.
egg – 1 pc.
cucumber – 1 pc.
sour cream – 4 tbsp.
sugar – 0.5 tsp.
salt - to taste
mustard - to taste
for submission:

How to prepare mixed meat okroshka:

1. Let's prepare the products.

For meat products, I used chicken fillet and boiled sausage, but you can use any other meat. Cut everything into small cubes.

2. We also cut fresh cucumbers into small cubes.

3. Finely chop the green onions

put in a plate, add a little salt and mash with a fork. The onion will become soft.

4. Boil the eggs hard, cool in cold water and peel them. Separate the whites from the yolks, finely chop the whites.

Place the yolks in a deep plate and mash

and add sugar, salt, a little mustard and sour cream to them.

Mix well and dilute with kvass.

5. Next, add chopped chicken with sausage, cucumbers and green onions to the plate. Mix.

  1. And so, first we need to boil all the meat products, if necessary. Let's cut them into small pieces. The amount of meat ingredients can be any.
  2. Wash the cucumbers in clean water and set the eggs to boil. Then, peel the cucumbers and remove the shells from the eggs. We need to cut both of them (except the yolk) into small cubes.
  3. Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and add salt to it. Mash them with a spoon so that the onions release their juice and place them in a common saucepan for hodgepodge.
  4. Take the yolk and finely mash it with a fork with sour cream, salt and mustard. We will also send it to a common vessel.
  5. As a result, we take all our crushed ingredients and put them in a saucepan and add kvass. Mix everything thoroughly.
  6. Before serving, chop the dill and add it to the plate itself.

This simple recipe can be served even if you are just in a good mood. Your family will be delighted with it and will give you generous compliments. And now, you will be the main cook in the house. Especially when it comes to summer dishes!

Mixed meat okroshka is prepared from any meat products. And it doesn't have to be raw meat. It can be sausages, sausages, ham - whatever you like.

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