
Monastery hut pie with cherries recipe. Cake “Monastery Hut” with sour cream. Video recipe for monastery hut cake

Cake “Monastery Hut” with cherries is one of the most delicious and beautiful desserts. The cake is very reminiscent of a hut in shape, and it is assembled in its likeness. Not from wood, but from delicious, freshly baked, crispy logs. Each such “log” is sealed with a juicy sweet and sour cherry, and the frame is lubricated not with cement, but with the most delicate sour cream with a slight aroma of vanilla. The top of the cake is sprinkled with grated chocolate, which goes perfectly with the cherry and complements the whole composition.

Yes, preparing this cake is quite troublesome and not every housewife succeeds at it the first time. Therefore, today I want to tell you all the secrets and nuances that, firstly, will make the cake work! Secondly, it will turn out very beautiful and presentable. And thirdly, it will turn out divinely tasty, tender, light and not cloyingly sweet. Well, are you ready to get started? Then let's go!


for test:

  • 400 g flour;
  • 200 g butter 82%;
  • 200 g sour cream with a mass fraction of fat 20%;

for sour cream:

  • 600 g sour cream with a mass fraction of fat 20%;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • 2 pinches of vanillin or 5-6 drops of vanilla extract;

For filling:

  • 900 g cherries with pits;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. cold water;
  • 2 tbsp. without a hill of starch;
  • 1 tsp Amaretto liqueur, or 0.5 tsp. cognac (optional).

for decorating the cake:

  • 100 g of your favorite chocolate.

Recipe for “Monastery Hut” cake with cherries and sour cream

Before starting cooking, remove the butter from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature. Important! Do not leave the butter near the switched on stove, it should not melt.

1. Let's start with cherries. Any cherry is suitable as a filling: fresh, frozen, from compote and in the form of jam. But there is one “but”. If the cherries are very juicy, the tubes may spread out during baking and all the juice will flow out. If the cherries are completely without juice, the tubes will turn out a little dry. Next, I will give a photo of a recipe with fresh cherries; frozen berries and compote are prepared using this principle. There is no need to pre-prepare cherries from jam, except that you can additionally drain a few tablespoons of juice to soak the cakes and if the jam is thick, then add a little boiled water to this juice.

Cooking cherries in our own juice. We wash and sort fresh berries well. Frozen cherries can be slightly thawed in cold water. So, if the cherries have pits, take them out. A regular pin or hairpin will help you cope with this task, if there is no special device, as in the photo. At the place where the cutting is attached to the berry, use a rounded pin or hairpin to pry up the seed and take it out. Place the prepared cherries in a saucepan.

2. Add 0.5 cups of cold water and 1 cup of sugar. I used very juicy and ripe cherries. Adjust the amount of sugar in the filling to taste; unripe cherries may require more sugar.

3. Place the pan on medium heat and let the contents boil. In order for the berries to remain intact, the cherries in their own juice need to be mixed as little as possible and subjected to heat treatment as little as possible. As soon as it boils, turn off the heat.

4. In the remaining cold water (half a glass), dilute 2 tbsp. starch.

5. Slowly pour the water and starch into the pan and immediately stir so that the starch is evenly distributed throughout the cherry mass. If you add starch to boiling juice, it may form lumps. Then turn on medium heat and cook the cherries until the juice begins to thicken, that is, about a minute after boiling.

6. Thanks to starch, liquid cherry juice will become jelly-like in consistency, and the cake filling will remain juicy and moist. At the same time, the cherries must not be overcooked so that they do not spread.

7. Place a colander in a saucepan and tip the cherries into it. Leave for a while to drain excess liquid. We will use some of the juice to soak the dough tubes. From the remaining juice you can cook cherry jelly. If you do not plan to give the cake to children, then for flavor you can add a teaspoon of amaretto or 0.5 tsp to the cooled cherries. cognac

8. We are preparing the dough for the log tubes from which our hut will be built. Pour the flour into a deep bowl and place the softened butter in it.

9. Grind the butter and flour into crumbs using a fork.

10. Add sour cream to the crumbs gradually, about one tablespoon at a time, continuing to mash the mixture with a fork.

11. When all the sour cream is in the dough, we begin to knead it with our hands until the dough comes together in one lump and begins to lag well behind the walls of the dish. Shortbread dough turns out very soft, tender, elastic. But it will still be a little wet and sticky - that’s okay, after refrigeration the dough will become as it should be. Do not rush to add flour - it will only beat the dough and the logs from it will turn out to be very tough and hard. The ideal proportions for the dough are 2 parts flour, 1 part butter and 1 part sour cream.

12. Roll the dough into a bun, then flatten it with the palm of your hand, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. The dough will set a little, harden, and can be easily rolled out.

13. While the dough is in the refrigerator and the cherries are still cooling, you can cut out a rectangle 21 cm long and 8 cm wide from A4 size paper (landscape sheet). You can already turn on the oven at 200 °C so that it warms up well. When the dough has cooled in the refrigerator, take it out and quickly roll it out to about 7 mm thick. If you leave it for a long time, at room temperature the dough will begin to separate and will have to be sent back to the refrigerator. The dough is quite oily and does not stick to a smooth surface, but if you want to be on the safe side, you can lightly dust the surface with flour.

There is another option for making straws. Divide the dough into 10 equal parts and roll them into balls. And then roll out each ball into a rectangle of the desired size. Decide for yourself which is more convenient.

14. Cut out identical rectangles, collect the remaining dough into a ball and put it in the refrigerator. We'll return to them later, when we form the logs from the cut out rectangles.

15. Carefully transfer the dough to a baking sheet covered with parchment. In the center of the rectangles we place the cherries with jelly one to one, retreating 1 cm from the top and bottom edges of the rectangle. Be careful not to pour any juice onto the edges of the dough, otherwise they will be difficult to form.

16. Carefully and tightly mold the ends of the dough so that there is still a little free space inside.

17. Turn the finished logs seam side down so that during baking they do not separate along the seam and the filling does not leak out of them. We lay them out at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Try to do everything quickly while the dough holds its shape well and sticks together. Due to the fact that the dough contains butter, in a hot kitchen with the oven running, the dough can quickly lose its shape and begin to separate. There should be 10 logs in total.

18. When all the logs are ready, pierce them on top with a fork as in the photo. The tines of a fork should completely pierce the layer of dough so that the tubes do not swell from the steam generated inside during baking and do not separate along the seam below.

19. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes. The sticks should be well browned on top.

20. Transfer them to a flat surface and cool completely. Important! If the logs are even a little warm, the sour cream may flow and the whole cake will melt.

21. Prepare sour cream. For it, take 600 ml of low-fat, but as thick as possible sour cream and 100 g of powdered sugar. Add a few drops of vanilla extract or a couple of small pinches of vanillin. It is not recommended to use sugar for cream, since it does not dissolve well in the sour cream mass and the grains will creak on the teeth. With powder the cream turns out very smooth. Many people recommend pre-weighing the sour cream for the cream in the refrigerator so that excess liquid in the form of whey drips off and the cream becomes dense. As for me, cream made from weighed sour cream is not suitable for this particular cake, since it weighs down the already rich dessert with tubes of fatty shortcrust pastry. But just the opposite, thanks to the whey remaining in the sour cream, the tubes are better soaked, and the cake becomes moister and lighter, with an unobtrusive and non-greasy cream.

22. Beat the cream with a mixer until smooth.

23. Grease the serving plate with our culinary cement-sour cream so that the hut logs stick to it and don’t move anywhere.

24. Lay out 4 tubes tightly next to each other. I emphasize: they must cool completely! Lubricate the top of the logs well with the juice that drained from the cherries in step 7.

25. Grease with sour cream.

26. And thus we lay out our “Monastery Hut”, greasing each layer of tubes with cherry juice and sour cream. We lay out one less tube. That is, now there are 3 logs.

27. And now 2 logs.

28. Lay out the last log and coat the entire hut with sour cream. If it turns out to be liquid and does not adhere well, you can coat the cake in 2-3 approaches, keeping the cake in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. But this is just a last resort; ideally, the cake turns out beautiful the first time.

29. Grate your favorite chocolate and sprinkle it on the monastery hut. Let the cake rest in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours. This is exactly how long it takes for the crispy shortbread pastry tubes to soak in the cream and juice and become soft and tender.

30. The sour cream will thicken, giving all the moisture to the sand tubes. Cutting the finished soaked cake is a pleasure!

The “Monastery Hut” cake with cherries is ready. I hope this recipe with step-by-step photos will help you prepare the most delicious and beautiful cherry cake! Bon appetit!

Delicate, fragrant, with sourness... It's perfect!

The cherry cake Monastyrskaya Izba is so beautiful, so tender and fragrant that it is simply impossible not to love it. Once you look at the photo, you immediately want to cook (eat) it. I offer a proven recipe for the Monastic Hut, as well as little secrets on how to make the dough correctly so that the tubes with cherries are well soaked and the cherries themselves do not leak out, and how to make sour cream so that it holds its shape and does not spread.


  • dough for cherry rolls:
  • 200 gr. butter
  • 2.5 cups flour
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 tsp. soda + 1 tsp. vinegar
  • 5 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • cake filling:
  • 700-800 gr. canned pitted cherries or 1 kg. fresh cherries
  • sour cream:
  • 1 liter of sour cream 25% fat
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 200 gr. butter

    Since the filling and cream for this cake should be prepared in advance, and only then proceed to making the dough, I will start the recipe with a description of how to prepare the cherry filling and how to make thick sour cream, and then I will move on to the dough recipe, baking and assembling the cake itself.

    Canned cherry cake filling

  1. The best filling for a monastery hut is cherry jam. It is this kind of cherry, boiled in its own juice, that retains the intense cherry flavor and at the same time does not flow out of the tubes during baking.
  2. Therefore, if there is cherry jam, then we use it. Carefully drain all the liquid; remove any seeds, if any. Cherry compote will also work, but the cherry flavor will be less intense and the cake will not be as fragrant.
  3. Cake filling made from fresh or frozen cherries

  4. We choose ripe cherries, burgundy in color, with a sweet and sour taste. Bright red cherries, as a rule, are not ripe, and therefore too sour and not suitable for cake.
  5. So, first of all, we remove the seeds using a safety pin or a special device. Cover fresh pitted cherries with sugar in a 1:1 ratio.
  6. Leave the cherries for a couple of hours to release the juice. Then put the cherries and sugar on low heat. Stirring gently, bring to a boil. Boil the cherries for 5 minutes in their own juice, then remove from the heat. Essentially, we prepared five-minute cherry jam.
  7. We take out the cherries with a slotted spoon and put them on a plate so that they cool faster. Such cherries will be quite sweet, rich in taste, and will release quite a bit of juice during baking. We use the remaining cherry juice for compote.
  8. Sour cream for Monastyrskaya Izba cake

  9. If ordinary sour cream is suitable for Honey cake or any other cake, then for the Monastic Hut you need a thick cream that does not spread and holds its shape well. This cream is prepared as follows.
  10. Take a liter of full-fat sour cream, the ideal option is homemade sour cream. If you only have store-bought sour cream, choose fresh sour cream with a fat content of at least 25%. Place the sour cream on cheesecloth folded several times. We tie the ends of the gauze with a knot, and hang the knot itself over a container where the whey will drain.
  11. For these purposes, it is convenient to use a saucepan and a wooden spatula. We hang the bundle by the handle of the spatula, and attach the spatula itself so that the whey drips into the pan. We put this whole structure in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, or overnight.
  12. When the whey drains (sometimes it drains down to a glass of whey), put the sour cream in a container. Having lost some of the liquid, sour cream becomes thick and more like cream cheese.
  13. We begin to beat this thick sour cream with a mixer at medium speed. Then add powdered sugar in small portions. If there is no powder, then first grind regular sugar in a blender or coffee grinder, and only then prepare sour cream for the cake.
  14. When the powdered sugar dissolves, add softened butter to the sour cream. Add oil in portions.
  15. Increase the speed of the mixer and beat the cream until it becomes homogeneous in consistency. There is no need to beat for too long. Let's taste the cream. If desired, you can add a tablespoon of lemon juice so that a pleasant sourness appears and the cream is not cloyingly sweet.
  16. We hide the sour cream in the refrigerator so that it cools properly and becomes thicker.
  17. Dough for Monastic Hut cake

  18. For the Monastic hut we prepare sour cream and shortbread dough. This dough is crumbly and soft at the same time. There is nothing complicated in its preparation, but you need to know a couple of simple secrets.
  19. So, put the butter out of the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up. We taste the oil with our finger; if the finger easily leaves a dent, it means that the oil has reached the consistency we need.
  20. Measure out two and a half cups of flour. We use a glass with a volume of 250 ml, fill it with a small slide. Sift the flour.
  21. Pour the flour onto a flat surface (cutting board or large plate), add softened butter. Using a knife, we begin to chop the butter, mixing flour and butter in the same way.
  22. When the pieces of butter are small enough, use your fingertips to lightly rub the butter into the flour. As a result, we will get this kind of butter-flour crumb. There is no need to grind until the oil is completely dissolved; on the contrary, we need these inclusions of oil so that the dough turns out tiny and a little like puff pastry.
  23. Then you can continue preparing the dough on a cutting board or use a convenient container.
  24. Place a teaspoon of vanilla sugar or vanilla on the tip of a knife into the dough.
  25. Add 5 tablespoons of sugar.
  26. We extinguish soda with vinegar.
  27. Mix all the ingredients, and then add sour cream in small portions.
  28. First, with a spoon, and then with your hands, quickly, so that the butter does not have time to melt, knead the dough. As a result, we will get this soft, but very sticky dough, which at the same time holds its shape quite well.
  29. There is no need to add additional flour to make the dough “better”. Excess flour will make the dough denser, and instead of tiny tubes, the tubes may turn out to be oaky.
  30. The next step is to cool the dough well. The oil contained in it will freeze, making this dough easy and comfortable to work with. So, put the dough on food-grade plastic, make a flat cake out of it to cool it better, wrap it in plastic and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  31. When the dough has cooled well, remove it from the refrigerator. Divide into three or four parts. You will immediately notice how easy it is to work with this shortcrust pastry; it rolls out perfectly and does not stick to the table. By the way, so that the whole dough does not heat up, we first work with one piece, and keep the rest in the refrigerator and take it out as needed.
  32. So, roll out each part of the dough into a layer approximately 3-4 mm thick. Then, using a paper stencil, we cut out rectangles 20 cm long and 7 cm wide. If the cherry is small, then make the stencil a little narrower.
  33. We need to cut out 15 rectangles. If it turns out less, then we collect the dough scraps, roll the dough into a layer again and cut out the missing rectangles.
  34. Place cherries along the rectangle.
  35. Then we carefully pinch the dough on top to make a tube like this with cherries inside. The dough should not fit too tightly to the cherry, otherwise the cherry will break the tube during baking. We also pinch the edges of the tube tightly so that the filling does not escape.
  36. We place the tubes on a baking sheet with the seam up, even if the seam fails and bursts, the filling will still remain inside. We place the tubes at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other. We pierce the tubes themselves along the entire length with a toothpick. This is done so that during baking the hot cherry steam can escape freely and does not break the tube.
  37. Place the baking sheet with cherry tubes in a well-heated oven. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 180°C. Shortbread dough prepares very quickly, so we keep an eye on our tubes. As soon as the tubes are browned on top and bottom, take them out immediately; there is no need to fry until brown.
  38. Since only 7-8 tubes fit on one baking sheet, we bake the tubes in two batches or use two baking sheets. Cool the finished tubes on a wire rack.
  39. Assembling the Monastic Hut cake

  40. When the cherry tubes have cooled completely, you can start assembling our cake. You cannot fold the cake from warm tubes, otherwise the sour cream will heat up and flow.
  41. So, we take a flat dish large enough to fit the whole Monastery hut, which looks more like a very tasty castle. Spread a thin layer of cream on the very bottom, and then place five cherry tubes. We try to fold the cake carefully))) Cover the tubes with a layer of cream.
  42. Place a second layer of four tubes and apply a layer of cream. We form the third layer of three cherry tubes, grease with cream.
  43. We place the fourth layer of two tubes, and the last, fifth layer, which consists of only one cherry tube.
  44. We coat our hut on all sides with sour cream. Here you will have to try a little to make the walls of the Monastery Hut more or less even. For these purposes it is convenient to use a long knife. To make the cream easier to distribute over the surface, heat the knife in hot water, wipe it dry, and then level it.
  45. To ensure that the tubes are properly soaked in the cream, leave the cake in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.
  46. Immediately after preparing the cake or immediately before serving, we decorate the Monastic Hut. In this case, grated dark chocolate was used, which harmonizes perfectly with cherries and buttercream, as well as candied cherries and mint sprigs. That's all, our delicious “Monastery Hut” cake is ready, you can invite guests! By the way, if you like pies with fruit fillings, then I advise you to try the most delicate

I don’t know why, but initially the Monastery Izba cake did not impress me either with its composition or appearance. That's why I never tried to cook it. Only now I understand how completely wrong I was - despite the minimum range of available products and ease of preparation, the Monastic Izba cake surprised me with its taste and delicate texture.

Just imagine soft and juicy dough, which initially turns out crispy and crumbly, sweet sour cream with the aroma of vanilla and the sourness of cherries. This homemade cake has just the perfect combination of flavors and aromas! The dessert turns out to be moderately sweet, so supporters of a minimal amount of sugar will definitely appreciate it.

The Monastery Izba cake goes perfectly with a cup of tea. By the way, despite its rather modest appearance, this dessert will take its rightful place even on the holiday table. And how delighted your guests and your family will be when they taste this delicacy, prepared with love!





Cooking step by step:

The recipe for the Monastic Izba cake includes simple and quite affordable ingredients: pitted cherries, premium wheat flour, sour cream, powdered sugar, butter, salt and vanillin. To decorate the finished dessert, you can use coconut flakes (I really like this option) or chocolate (melted or chopped). In addition, you can pour chocolate glaze over the cake - this is a matter of taste.

First, let's prepare the dough for the Monastic Hut cake. You can do it by hand or use a food processor if you have one. Sift 400 grams of wheat flour (I have the highest grade, but I think it will work out great with the first grade), add half a teaspoon of salt and cold butter, cut into pieces.

If you make the dough by hand, simply rub everything into buttery crumbs. In a food processor (attachment is a metal knife), such crumbs will be ready in 10-15 seconds. Then add sour cream (I use 20% fat, but you can use any).

We combine everything to make a homogeneous, very soft, tender and slightly sticky dough. It is better not to add more flour than to beat the dough, otherwise it will be tough later. We’d better dust the table a little with flour later when we cut the dough.

Divide the dough into 3 equal parts and wrap each in cling film or a bag. Press the dough with your palm so that the workpiece takes a flatter shape - this will cool the dough faster. Place the preparations in the freezer for 15-20 minutes or in the refrigerator for 1 hour. We need the butter to harden again and the dough to become more pliable.

Now you can turn on the oven to warm up at 190 degrees. When the dough has cooled, lightly sprinkle the work surface with flour and take out the first piece, lifting it out of the film.

We also sprinkle the surface of the dough with a little wheat flour and, using a rolling pin, roll out the cake into a thin layer, no more than 2-3 millimeters thick. The length of the layer corresponds to the length of the dish on which you will later assemble the Monastic Hut cake. Mine is approximately 30x40 centimeters. If it doesn’t work out evenly, you can trim the layer with a knife, apply the trimmings to those places where there is not enough dough, and roll with a rolling pin.

Now place a pitted cherry tightly on one edge of each strip of dough. You can use both fresh and frozen berries. I took frozen ones - where are the fresh ones from in the winter...

Now tightly roll the dough with the filling into rolls and carefully pinch the seams and edges. The main thing is to thoroughly strain the juice from the cherries so that the dough does not stick.

Place the filled dough rolls onto a baking tray lined with baking paper, seam side down. The more carefully and accurately you fasten the seams, the less likely it is that the tubes will crack during baking and cherry juice will leak out of them.

Bake the cherry tubes for about 20-25 minutes at 190 degrees in a medium-high oven. While the first batch of dough is being prepared, we repeat the same with the remaining two layers of dough and berries. It's much easier to roll out and bake in batches. If the tubes crack during baking and the berries release juice, it’s okay - this is normal.

In the meantime, prepare sour cream for the Monastyrskaya Izba cake. Everything is as simple as that: combine sour cream (use thicker so that the cream is not very liquid), powdered sugar and a pinch of vanilla. You can use a teaspoon of vanilla sugar instead of vanillin or do without this aromatic additive altogether if you don’t like it.

Beat everything with a whisk or mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved. The sour cream is ready - I told you it couldn’t be easier to make.

Cake Recipes

I will tell you how to make the Monastic Hut cake with cherries, supplementing the story with step-by-step photos and a video recipe. A monastic hut can be made from puff pastry

2 hours

290 kcal

4.72/5 (18)

Kitchen appliances and utensils: mixer, colander, rolling pin, baking paper, cling film.

Winter Cherry, Roof, Iceberg, Hut, Hill, Honeycomb, Pyramid, Forester's Hut, Katyusha, Watchtower, and in Moldova it is called the Gugutsa Cap - all these are names of the same cake, which is known to us as the Monastic Hut. It combines perfectly sour filling and sweet cream. I don’t know what kind of monastery came up with this delicious recipe. On the culinary pages of the Internet you can find a lot of options for preparing it step by step. This cherry pie got its name because it resembles a log house. I will tell you how to make a Monastic Hut cake with cherries and sour cream, adding step-by-step photos and a video recipe to the story.

Recipe for the Monastery Hut cake with cherries

We will need the following set of products:

Now I’ll tell you how to make dough for a cake with cherries and sour cream. Monastic Izba

Preparing the dough

Required Products:

  • sour cream – 200 gr;
  • butter – 250 gr;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • flour – 450 grams.

We take butter or margarine out of the refrigerator only before starting cooking!

They are prepared from the same dough. During this time, we will prepare the cream for the Monastyrskaya Izba cake.

Preparing the cream

For the cream you will need:

  • sour cream – 700 gr;
  • sugar – 250 gr.

If the sour cream turned out to be liquid, it is possible thicken without using thickeners. To do this, you just need to fold the gauze several times and pour sour cream on it. Tie all the edges together and hang over a container for at least an hour. The result is a mass similar to cream.

Sour cream should be taken from fat content not less 25%.
Take a mixer and mix sugar and sour cream no more than 5-7 minutes.

You can add a little vanilla. The cream will become not only tastier, but also more aromatic.

To make sour cream cream faster and easier, sugar can be replaced with powdered sugar. You just need to take into account that you need to take half as much powder as sugar.

Separately about cherries

In the same way, prepared cherries are used to prepare, as well as “Drunk Cherry Cake.”

Preparation of straws

To do this you need:

  • cherry – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 100 gr.

Assembling and decorating the Monastic Hut cake

All we have to do is put together a simple cake with the interesting name Monastic Hut and figure out how to decorate it beautifully. Collecting the cake need to immediately in the bowl, on which it will then be served.

At the bottom of a pre-prepared dish apply a little cream according to the approximate size of the future hut.

We put five logs and spread them well with cream. Further four plus cream, three plus cream, two plus cream and put the last log on top. Cover the entire cake with cream.

The final touch depends on your imagination. You can sprinkle chocolate, candied fruits or nuts on top. You can melt chocolate and draw beautiful patterns with it.

If you don’t know how to make the Monastic Hut cake with cherries, Larisa, for whom this is her favorite cake, shared the recipe with photos for you. Who knows, she knows a lot about baking.

Today’s recipe is not just a list of practical tips for preparing the next routine baked goods. It's much more than that. Perhaps this is a kind of revelation, and maybe even a declaration of love.

I have always been partial to the log hut cake with cherries - since childhood, it has beckoned me and attracted me with its simple shape in the form of a cheerful and mischievous triangular hut. But I ate it then, just like everything else I did in my carefree childhood years, somehow playfully.

I truly appreciated this truly royal dessert for me already when I was a student - my friend’s parents gave their daughter a cake for her birthday. It was love, as they say, at first bite.

We lived then in an ordinary dorm with a shared kitchen and one gas stove for the entire floor. Whether anyone had used an oven in that kitchen before me, I don’t know, but at that time I was the first in all five ovens – I really wanted to repeat that masterpiece...

I remember that I could hardly wait until Sunday to rush to the telegraph office - after all, I needed to call my mother so that she could dictate the recipe for the cake.

More than 15 years have passed since then. During this time I baked the monastic hut more than two dozen times and I will tell you that each time I love this cake more and more.

Of course, there are some secrets acquired with experience, but the basis for me always remains the recipe dictated once by my mother and written down in such a child’s handwriting in a student’s notebook at the Kharkov telegraph office.

I will be happy to share it with you. Necessary ingredients for making Izba cake with cherries, a recipe from my childhood


To knead the shortbread dough we will need:

  • 200 g butter at room temperature
  • 550 g sifted flour
  • 200 sour cream
  • 0.5 tsp soda (slaked with vinegar)
  • 70 g sugar
  • 1 egg
  • a pinch of salt

For the most delicate sour cream you need to take:

  • 800 g sour cream (I don’t recommend using too fatty)
  • 200 g powdered sugar
  • 1 package vanilla sugar

For the cherry filling you need to prepare:

  • 1 kg cherries (I used frozen)
  • 100 g sugar

For decoration:

  • 100 g dark chocolate
  • 30 ml cream
  • 1 tbsp. white coconut flakes
  • fresh mint leaves
  • several cocktail cherries

Monastery hut cake recipe with cherries

  1. Since I used frozen berries for the filling, first of all, they need to be taken out of the freezer for gradual defrosting.
  2. In the meantime, you can start testing. At the first stage, we combine a glass of sour cream with soda dissolved in vinegar and mix thoroughly.
  3. In the bowl of a blender, combine the softened butter with sugar, egg and salt - transform everything into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Then add a mixture of sour cream and soda.
  5. Mix.
  6. All that remains is to add the flour - we do this gradually until the mixture is completely mixed. The dough is quite soft and does not stick to your hands at all - you need to wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes - an hour.
  7. By this time, the cherry should have already thawed - carefully remove the pit from it and squeeze out the juice as much as possible. Then mix with sugar, put again in a colander and strain the cherry juice again.
  8. It's time to return to the dough - it needs to be divided into 15 equal parts, from which we will then form tubes for our “hut”.
  9. We roll out each piece of dough into a long and narrow “tongue” (the width is about 7 cm and the length is about 25 cm).
  10. Now we place a cherry in the center of each such preparation - the thicker we place the berries, the tastier the cake will be.
  11. Now we simply pinch the edges of the dough and form such tubes - “building” material for our “hut”. We will have 15 of them. Now we simply cover a large, wide baking sheet with a parchment sheet and lay out our preparations, leaving some margin between them. Place the baking sheet in the oven - the tubes will bake for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
  12. The tubes need to be cooled as much as possible, and in the meantime prepare the cream.
  13. Everything is very simple here - combine sour cream with vanilla sugar and powder.
  14. Then beat until smooth.
  15. The cream is ready, the tubes have cooled down - we can already “build” our “hut”. First, we decide on the plate-dish on which our cake will be placed, and thoroughly grease it with cream. Place 5 shortbread tubes with cherry filling on top. This will be the first “floor”.
  16. We generously grease it with cream, and lay out the next “floor” on top, but this time from 4 tubes. So we coat each layer with cream, and reduce the number of tubes with each “floor” of the cake - 3, 2 and 1. Once again, coat the cake thoroughly with cream (there will definitely be enough of it!) and put it in a cold place to soak for at least 10 hours.
  17. After this, we decorate the cake as desired - I decorated my “hut” with chocolate melted with cream and sprinkled with coconut shavings.
  18. When serving, I added a little fresh mint and a couple of cocktail cherries for added beauty.

If you have never made this incredibly delicious cake, I strongly recommend that you take this slightly desperate step and please your family with this royal dessert.

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