
The dried dill omen crumbled. Folk signs to spill sugar, other products or objects. Sachet from witchcraft

Flowers donated in pots will not grow unless a symbolic ransom is given for them.

We have already talked about the reason for at least symbolic payment for a gift, especially a living one (whether it is a cat, a bird or a plant): for a gift there must be a return; Since you can forget about paying a gift for an inexpensive item, it is better to “buy it back” right away. On a mystical level, one can accept this version: a plant simply left in someone else’s house considers itself a stranger here, and if it was bought, it understands that it has a new owner.

It is a sin to eat apples before the Apple Savior.

The belief originated on a mystical level: until the Savior, those whose children have died should not eat apples, so that they will get apples in the next world (meaning the spiritual substance of the fruits preserved on the tree). But this was forgotten over time, and only a ban remained for everyone. It is based on the fact that in villages until August (that is, before the Savior) not all apples have time to ripen; Children, having eaten green apples, then suffer from indigestion. To avoid temptation, they are told about this prohibition.

If an indoor flower blooms in winter, previously blooming in summer, it means death in the family.

This belief is widespread not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. Moreover, this applies not only to indoor plants, but also to those that will not bloom in the yard in time (especially fruit trees). The reason can be sought on a symbolic level: to bloom in the middle of winter means to die soon. There is also a more benign belief: a flower that blooms at the wrong time is a sign of news that was not expected.

Don't sleep near henbane - you won't wake up.

Eating henbane or inhaling the scent of its flowers for a long time leads to hallucinations, temporary mental disorder and rash actions. They say: “He’s acting like he’s eaten too much henbane.” If you inhale its scent for a long time, you can actually die.

Stolen flowers and other plants take root better than purchased or gifted ones.

This is a completely everyday sign, leaving aside both ethics and mysticism. Stolen ones take root better than purchased ones, because they are planted in the ground faster before they have time to catch them. In addition, the roots of a plant purchased or received as a gift may dry out, but a stolen one may just come out of the ground and return to the ground.

Scattering peas means tears.

The belief is based on the external similarity of a tear and a pea. But there is a more legendary explanation: when the human race was punished with hunger for sins, in order to save people, the Mother of God cried and her tears became peas.

These peas only happened when the night before was starry.

A very simple relationship: the desire for there to be as many peas as there are stars in the sky.

I’ll cheat someone else’s troubles, but I won’t apply them to my own.

This refers to the widespread fortune telling on beans, which are attributed mystical, supernatural properties. They don’t just use beans to tell fortunes, but they try to prevent trouble, spread it “in different directions,” and destroy it.

Rowan cannot be chopped, especially near the house. If you cut it down, it means you will soon die or there will be a dead person in the house.

If you have a toothache, you need to take a rowan rod, chop it into quarters and put it on the sore tooth. But rowan berries cannot be eaten for several years after this.

There are many signs and beliefs associated with rowan - both because of the red color of the berries, similar to blood, and because its fruits are used in home medicine. In particular, rowan kvass is both a laxative and an anti-inflammatory agent; it is given at high temperatures as an antipyretic, etc. A bountiful harvest of berries on the mountain ash foreshadows a long, cold winter. Some researchers believe that in this way nature itself provides food for the birds for the winter. To cut down a nurse rowan tree, especially near your own home, means depriving yourself of natural medicine for the winter and leaving the birds without food. The ban on berries after using a rowan twig is an “apology” to the tree for the harm caused.

If you see a lilac flower with five petals, eat it. This is fortunate, good luck.

It is believed that happiness is as rare as a flower with five petals. Therefore, having become its full owner (by eating it), a person secures his luck. By the way, you can compare this with the discovery of a “chicken god” - a stone with a hole in the middle - on the sea coast. The finder is considered lucky and must make a wish that will surely come true.

If the snow has melted and mold has appeared in this place - to mushrooms.

We are talking not just about the harvest of mushrooms, but about the abundance of mushrooms in this particular marked place. Mold that appears from under the snow indicates mycelium (aka mycelium) - the thinnest branched and intertwined threads that form the vegetative body of mushrooms.

The garden blooms late - to the death of the owner.

The explanation is the same as for winter or untimely flowering of plants: untimely flowering threatens death - and this is symbolically transferred to the owner. The obvious overuse of such signs in the collective consciousness of the people is evidence of their difficult life over many centuries.

Whoever plants a willow tree near his house with his own hands prepares a spade for himself.

It means that this person will die when it is possible to hew a shovel out of the willow he planted. The belief is one of the gentle ones: the willow grows for a long time, and by that time you can really die of old age. Unlike the young willow, which symbolizes health and fertility, the old willow was widely considered “cursed” because it produces neither fruit nor shade. The proverb “fell in love like the devil with an old willow tree” confirms the negative attitude. Such a tree, especially a hollow one, was known as a refuge of evil spirits. One explanation may lie in the now forgotten legend about the nails with which Jesus was crucified: they were not iron, but made of willow.

A large rowan harvest means a long and frosty winter. Rowan in the forest is productive - by rainy autumn, if not - by dry autumn.

The sign is time-tested and records the regulating functions of nature. As already mentioned, before a long frosty winter, rowan bears more fruit than usual, because without its berries the birds will not be able to survive until spring. The question is how nature maintains this pattern. But the sign itself is correct, as is the second one given here.

A birch tree planted next to the house scares away evil and protects from lightning.

Any tall tree protects from lightning, since it serves as a natural lightning rod (lightning catcher). That is why in a field during a thunderstorm you cannot hide from the rain under a tree: being the only towering object, it will first of all become a victim of lightning. As for the birch tree’s ability to ward off evil, this is due to its white color and legends. The birch tree once sheltered the Mother of God and Jesus from the weather, and another time it hid Holy Friday in its branches from evil spirits, which is why it enjoys the patronage of all three. One of the explanations may lie in the legend that on Trinity Sunday the souls of deceased relatives move into birch branches and continue to help the survivors.

If you give a patient like Maxim birch sap to drink, he will recover.

Day of Maxim and Jason (Jason) - April 28 of the old style - May 11 of the new. On this day they usually begin to collect birch sap. The juice from the upper part of the trunk is considered the most healing. The extraction of sap was accompanied by magical rituals and was strictly regulated so as not to damage the tree. The meaning of the sign is that it is on this day - “on Maxim” - that birch sap has the greatest healing properties.

If you set off on a journey with an elder staff, you will not be afraid of either evil people or wild animals.

This attitude towards elderberry has been recorded by researchers not only in Russia, but also in England, Germany, Scotland and other countries. This is based on its healing properties and beneficial smell. An infusion of elderberry flowers cures fever. They carry a branch of elderberry with them against the evil eye. Naturally, these features are transferred to the staff, which can also physically protect the traveler.

Mushrooms growing on the wall means wealth.

We are, of course, talking about the external, not the internal wall of the house. The meaning of the belief has been rather forgotten, and now few people can reveal its true origin. Many people say that the basis is quantity: they say, there will be wealth like mushrooms. Or that it will appear on its own, like mushrooms appear.

You can’t cut down a century-old spruce - it will lead to trouble.

People believe that an old, centuries-old spruce tree is the home of a goblin. If you cut it down, the goblin will begin to take revenge in all ways available to him, including arson. And he will certainly lead him off the road in the forest, where he is the master.

A man addicted to cannabis may remain childless.

Previously, this was simply a sign based on experience, on observations. Now, knowing about the narcotic properties of hemp and its effect on the body, one can be convinced of the correctness of the long-standing popular observation: indeed, the use of hemp (meaning very frequent) reduces potency.

If you fumigate a gun with thorn grass, it becomes accurate.

Of course, a gun by itself, without a hunter, cannot be accurate or not accurate. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that we are talking about the effect of thorn smoke not on the gun, but on the hunter’s vision.

If you want good flax to come out, sow it naked.

The belief was born in pre-Christian times, when nature was spiritualized and deified; The Slavs believed that any plant thinks and feels the same way as a person. By exposing themselves, they wanted to deceive flax - so that he would think: I need to deform him, otherwise the man has nothing to wear! After all, flax served as the main fabric for clothing: all the everyday clothing of Russian peasants was made from coarse linen, and festive clothing was made from finely crafted and decorated linen.

The linden tree in the garden has dried up - for worse.

The explanation here is the same as in the case of rowan and other plants that are a natural pharmacy. Linden cures colds and other diseases, provides honey collection, in the old days it was also used for shoes (bast shoes made from linden bast) and served as raw material for wooden crafts. Losing a linden tree in your garden is really bad news.

If you tie an onion around the animal's neck during a death, it will not become infected.

A completely logical and correct observation, since onions (like garlic) have medicinal properties. This was consolidated in the minds of the people with, for example, a proverb: whoever eats onions, God will deliver him from torment. The recommendation has also been preserved: eat raw onions with bread, salt and kvass - to be healthy and have a bright face.

He who loves almonds loves his wife.

This observation can be applied to any nuts (including hazelnuts and walnuts). All of them are recommended as food for men, because... have a positive effect on the sexual function of the body. There are a great many recipes, both ancient and modern. In addition, nuts are very filling, and vegetarians successfully replace meat with them (as well as beans).

Finding overpowering grass and carrying it with you means gaining talent and goodness.

Odolen-grass is the popular name for water lilies. It was endowed with special properties because it was used in medicine, serving as an antidote and a remedy for toothache. Over time, based on its name, it was credited with the ability to overcome not only pain, but also evil people, sorcerers, and all sorts of misfortunes.

In order to protect newlyweds from damage, pieces of alder bark are placed in their pockets.

Alder became a magical talisman because of the red color of the bark, which is associated with blood. Like everything bright, the red bark attracts the eye and, accordingly, protects against the evil eye. Even if the bark is hidden in a pocket, a person has confidence that he will not be jinxed.

Whoever carries a double nut with him will be rich.

The belief is based on the quantitative principle and the belief that an empty nut means hunger, and a full one means prosperity. Moreover, it is a double nut.

You can get rid of a vampire either by piercing his chest with an aspen stake, or by burning him on an aspen fire.

The roots of the belief lie in the relationship to the aspen as the tree on which Judas hanged himself. It is believed that if this tree could cope with the one who betrayed Jesus, then it will certainly cope with the ghoul. The ghoul that possessed a man was blamed for the suicide of this unfortunate man.

You can cure a patient of fever by hiding his hair and nails in an aspen stump.

In order for a child to outgrow his illness, his hair and nails must be hidden in the trunk of an aspen tree at the level of the child’s height. When the aspen grows, it will carry away the disease.

If a sick person sits on a fresh aspen stump, then the stump will take away his illness.

If a child has insomnia, you should put a sprig of aspen in his cradle.

The basis of these and many other beliefs is the attitude towards aspen as a talisman. At the same time, it was forbidden to plant it near the house, to heat the stove with wood unnecessarily (although it was noticed that the smoke of this firewood destroys the soot in the stove) and to use it in construction.

Petunia herb protects against drunken drinking.

Indeed, this plant, often found in gardens, has the property of neutralizing the effects of alcohol. The recipe is simple: before drinking alcohol, mix a spoonful of olive oil with two tablespoons of crushed petunia and take it orally.

If you apply the grass gap to the lock, it will immediately open or fly apart.

The tear-grass breaks iron, steel, gold, and silver. If you throw it into the forge, the blacksmith will not be able to work.

These and many other beliefs associated with the legendary tear-grass do not yet have clear foundations. The leaves of this mysterious herb are believed to be shaped like crosses. Like the fern, the gap-grass blooms only on the night of Ivan Kupala. It blooms for a very short time - during this time it is only possible to read “Our Father”, “Virgin Mary” and “I Believe”.

If a straw sticks to a chicken's tail, it means it's dead.

This sign is more a consequence than a harbinger. From a mystical point of view, it can be based on the fact that a chicken laying eggs symbolizes the continuation of life, and straw - something outdated, dead. But if we proceed from the custom of throwing the straw on which the deceased was washed into remote places, and the chicken habit of wandering around everywhere and raking everything, then the real reason for the connection between this straw and the deceased will become clear.

Whoever eats the dream grass will sleep all winter and be able to predict the future.

There are many herbs that have a pronounced hypnotic effect. These include: datura, adonis, atropa belladonna, pulsatilla patens, viscaria vulgaris, popularly known as sleep-dream, dog cherries, blue anemone, dream grass, samson grass, etc. In other words, sleep-grass is a collective name. As for its characteristics of endowing with a prophetic gift, we must talk about a mild narcotic state into which a person falls. And, as you know, some dreams are prophetic.

Keeping dried shamrock in the house is a sign of prosperity.

It seems that keeping any dried herb in the house that is used in folk medicine, be it St. John's wort, yarrow, mint or chamomile, is a sign of well-being, if by that we mean health.

If you cut a radish or radish with a knife not from the top, but from the root, then there will be no belching.

Indeed, this is how the fibers of this plant are arranged. By the way, folk pranks using another plant are based on this feature: if a hot pepper is cut crosswise, then its bitterness is obvious, but if the same fruit is cut lengthwise, then you can safely eat it, feeling sweetness instead of bitterness.

If you boil turnips and wash the boils with the remaining water, they will soon disappear.

Observation based on the experience of traditional medicine. This remedy is included in some herbalists. Turnip decoction probably contains substances that help healing.

Spilling rye by accident means good luck.

The belief is based on the same principle as showering newlyweds with grain: grain is a symbol of fertility and life.

The herb clue brings the husband back to his wife, and the wife to her husband.

It is possible that this herb indeed has such a feature. A conspiracy has been preserved that must be pronounced when preparing a drink from the evidence-grass for someone who has fallen out of love: “As you, grass, bowed your head to the ground, so he (she) would bow his head to me and be with me heart and soul to the grave!" Herbalists report that this grass is red-cherry in color, the flowers are yellow, and the leaves have paws.

Whoever carries dry hops with him is saved from damage.

Hops is one of the natural amulets due to the fact that it is used both in medicine and in the manufacture of food products (for example, beer). Consequently, the idea of ​​fun and health is associated with it.

If there is a fight in the house, the flowers die.

An old and certainly true observation. Many people have noticed that in some houses flowers grow luxuriantly, but in others they do not take root. The matter may be either in quarrels or in the character, in the biofield of the owner. Some types of flowers even react to sharp sounds.

The flowers in the house have wilted - a sign of renewal.

Quite natural, since you will have to buy or breed new ones. The sign is aimed at consolation, which, unfortunately, is not very common in the beliefs and signs of our people.

Whoever eats Chernobyl with food does not have to be afraid of either sorcerers or snake bites.

If you hang a Chernobyl in your house, then evil spirits will not appear there.

Whoever puts a Chernobyl wreath on his head before Ivan Kupala Day will experience relief from headaches and eye pain.

Chernobyl (aka Chernobyl, also known as alarm plant, artemisia vulgaris) is a species of large wormwood. Its root is given for epilepsy. Like many plants with a pungent odor, this herb serves as a talisman: it either scares away or causes dominant attention, leaving no energy for the envious person to cast an evil eye.

If you take thistle with you on the road, it will protect you from temptations.

A decoction of thistle stems is good to rub on your sides and back when you have a cold.

Thistle protects the house from witches and people from damage.

Thistle, also known by the names: murat, sow thistle, thistle, turnip (cirsium and carduus species), is a prickly weed. Repellent properties are attributed to it because of its thorns. It is believed that anything piercing (needles, pins), pointed at an evil person, deprives him of the ability to cause damage, since his gaze stumbles upon a sharp one.

Even the evil spirits are afraid of those who eat garlic.

If crushed boiled garlic is applied to abscesses, they will soon go away.

If you are bitten by a snake, you should smear the area with garlic fried in wood oil.

Whoever eats bread with garlic will not get sick.

Eat baked garlic on an empty stomach and your voice will be clear.

If a fever strikes, you need to infuse vodka with garlic and drink a little after the attacks.

There are a lot of signs and beliefs associated with garlic. This plant is equally revered by the Slavs, the Egyptians, the British, the Germans, the Persians, the Turks, the Greeks, and many other peoples. The reason is that garlic is a natural pharmacy, a storehouse of vitamins. Nowadays, as often as in the old days, garlic is used in the fight against colds. As for garlic’s ability to repel evil spirits, protect against the evil eye and damage, this ability is attributed to it due to its persistent pungent odor, which distracts “evil spirits” and the evil spirits themselves. Since ancient times, garlic has been treated as a precious product, and this has cemented its mystical cult.

14.03.2017 17:56

What could a fragrant herb like dill mean in a dream?

“100 Worlds” will help you figure it out by providing interpretations of modern dream books.

See dill in a dream

It is believed that dill in a dream predicts surprise in reality. Something unexpected will happen in your life soon. Let the changes be pleasant!

In addition, there is an opinion that dill in a dream encourages you to stock up in real life. It may happen that in the near future you will be short of something, and therefore it is better to stock up, as they say, “for a rainy day.” However, in any case, your need will be short-lived - you will not face serious difficulties.

If in a dream you clearly smelled dill, dream books predict joy for you. Apparently, this pleasant smell will bring you good news about a pleasant person. You will soon learn something good about someone close to you.

Cooking in a dream using dill

Maybe you dreamed that you were cutting dill that you needed for cooking, for example, or a salad? No matter what you cook, such a dream about dill encourages you to change your views on solving problems. Apparently, when trying to solve an existing complexity, you try to consider its elements one by one. In general, this approach is rational, but this is not the case now. Dream books say that a dream about how you cut dill encourages you not to “cut” the problem, but to solve it entirely and immediately.

And if in a dream you added already chopped dill to some dish, then such a dream is believed to advise you to pay attention to your sex life. Apparently, your intimate relationships have become monotonous and ordinary, and therefore it may happen that you lose interest in them. Just as you seasoned a dish with dill in a dream, “add seasoning” to your relationship in reality - and then your intimate life will cause you a new wave of emotions.

Anastasia Cherkasova, women's site "100 Worlds"

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Growing, beneficial properties and recipes for using dill

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Dill is an aromatic plant with a straight stem, growing no higher than 120 cm. The stem of dill, thin and branched, is dark green. The leaves of the plant are ovoid, depending on their location they have different shapes. For example, the lower leaves are long, located on wide petioles. The leaves located at the top of the stem are sessile and vaginal. Dill flowers are collected in large umbrellas. Dill seeds come in ovoid and oval shapes.

This herb blooms from June to July. The plant is cultivated throughout Russia. Dill can also be found growing wild.
Growing dill
Dill is a cold-resistant crop, so its seeds will germinate even at low temperatures. The plant loves light and fertile soil. If you want to constantly have green dill, then prepare seeds of varieties of different early ripening varieties. Early varieties of dill are sown before winter. The soil for this is prepared in October: beds are formed and fertilizers are applied. Seeds are sown in prepared furrows and covered with soil. If frost sets in, make mulch.

In spring, dill seeds can be sown in the first days. The seeds are planted 2 cm deep, and the soil is compacted on top. When 3 leaves appear on the seedlings, you can thin out the plants. In order for seedlings to appear faster, it is necessary to constantly water the soil. In moist soil, seedlings will appear 14 days after sowing the seeds. The rapid emergence of seedlings is facilitated by soaking the seeds in damp gauze. Weeds appear before the plant sprouts, and they must be removed immediately, as they will not allow the dill to grow and develop.

There is another way, thanks to which the plant will sprout in 10 days. To do this, you need to fill the seeds with water and keep them in water for three days, changing the water daily. After this, you need to dry the seeds and sow them in the soil.

Caring for dill is easy. It is enough just to regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds, and water if necessary.

Dill responds well to fertilizing with potash and phosphorus fertilizers. The plant should not be over-watered, but lack of moisture will have a bad effect on it.

Useful properties of dill
Dill has vasodilating, laxative, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. In addition, this plant is used as a good sedative and hypnotic. Dill improves appetite, strengthens the immune system and normalizes the functioning of the mammary glands. Decoction and infusion of dill have choleretic and soothing properties. An infusion prepared from the leaves of the plant helps relieve inflammation and redness of the eyes. Dill is an excellent stimulant of gastric juice.

Dill lowers blood pressure, improves heart function, and relieves headaches. An infusion of the herb relaxes the intestines and can increase diuresis. Newborns who have tummy problems are recommended to take dill water.

Dill oil
Dill oil is indicated for shock and nervousness, as it has a calming effect. Dill essential oil has bactericidal and sedative properties. Dill oil is recommended for hiccups and poor appetite; it improves digestion. Women with menstrual irregularities are also recommended to use dill oil.

Dill oil is used for abdominal pain, itchy skin, gout, constipation, nervousness and other ailments. It helps in the treatment of wounds that do not heal for a long time, and also improves lactation in nursing mothers.

Application of dill

Traditional medicine uses dill in the form of tea, decoction, infusion of roots and leaves. Dill preparations are used to improve appetite, intestinal diseases, liver diseases and abdominal pain. Dill is recommended for pyelonephritis, gastritis and diseases of the respiratory system. Dill infusion is used for hypertension and purulent wounds.

Dill for newborns. Take 1 tablespoon of dill seeds and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Cover the container with a lid and leave to brew for a quarter of an hour. After filtering the finished water, give it to the child 1 teaspoon 5 times a day. The same decoction can treat diseases of the urinary system and inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Dill for bloating. Take 2 tablespoons of dill seeds and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave the mixture to sit for 2 hours in a closed container. After straining the infusion, take it a tablespoon three times a day 20–30 minutes before meals.

Dill for cystitis. To prepare this decoction, you need to take three tablespoons of dill herb, chop it and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Place the composition in a water bath for 20 minutes. After removing from heat, leave the broth to steep for 45 minutes. Take this medicine three times a day, 70 ml.

Dill for worms. Take 1 tablespoon of seeds and pour a glass of milk over them. Place on the fire for 5 minutes, then remove and cool for half an hour. Take the remedy warm for worms.

Contraindications to the use of dill
There are no contraindications to the use of dill. People who have high stomach acidity should use dill preparations with caution.

DILL - giving love

The popular name for this herb is narcissus. However, this is a rare case when the popular name is far from hitting. This plant does not do

narcissism, and dill’s love extends not only to itself. Dill generously gives us its wonderful qualities in gastronomy, cosmetology, and it also has magical properties. Dill protects us from evil forces and helps in love.

Amulets from evil forces and troubles

If you put dried dill in an ordinary cloth bag, the bag automatically turns into your protector.

Tied heads of dill also serve as protection against evil forces. They, and like the dried dill itself, should be stored in a cloth bag.

Our grandparents still remember how such bags were tied to cradles in order to ward off misfortunes from small children.

By the way, if you don’t really like the smell of this plant, you can add incense. This will not affect his magical power.

Witch cure

Now you can buy anything in our specialized stores, so if you are afraid of witches, know that dill can help in this matter too. All you need is a “Witch Ball” for this. They are still produced, although they are in short supply.

However, you can make this ball yourself. A substitute can be any silver-plated glass spherical decoration for a tree during a bonfire.

Fill this ball with tiny pieces of natural rope and dill seeds. After filling the ball with this mixture, hang the amulet in the house, or simply place it in front of the window. The ball will protect your home, reflecting evil energy.

But in order for the protection to be effective, the ball must be kept clean, wiping off dust.

There are other methods of protection. Today it is common to use “sachets” for herbal mixtures. This is a small fabric pillow.

Sachet from witchcraft

Ingredients for the mixture: 1 part peony root, 1 part dill seed, 1 part flax seed.

You can carry it with you or hang it above the doors or windows of your home (apartment).

The fabric for the sachet should be white.

Sasha "Gemini"

Ingredients for the mixture: 1 part dill seeds, 3 parts lavender, 2 parts gum mastic, 2 parts mint, 2 parts cloves (spice), 1 part anise.

You need to carry it with you. The mixture is designed to enhance the positive aspects.

Ritual of cleansing

For the ritual you will need a tablespoon of dried dill, a tablespoon of ginger and a few drops of fir essential oil.

All ingredients must be placed in a metal bowl and mixed. Set the mixture on fire. You will have to walk around your house, literally every corner of it, when the mixture starts to smoke. You can’t skip some space under the pretext that it’s inconvenient to squeeze in there. Perhaps this is where evil forces hid. After this procedure, place white or gold (or yellow) candles around the perimeters of all rooms, be sure to include the corners.

Light all the candles counterclockwise in sequence and do not extinguish. Let them burn to the end! Evil forces will never settle in your home again!

But the good deeds of dill are not limited to delivering us from evil forces!

Note to men

If you put a handful of dill seeds in your bathing water, you will be guaranteed the attention of the woman you are interested in!

Recipe for dill love potion (note to women)

Plant dill seeds in the ground with the words: “From the earth to the grass, from the grass to me.”

After the dill is ripe, it must be picked on Friday with the words:

“Just as this bush will no longer grow, so (say the name of your loved one) grow to me with all your soul and body for centuries.”

When the dill grows, use it for those dishes that you are going to feed your loved one. A simple and effective love spell!

Love potion for seduction and seduction

Ingredients: 7 dill grains, 7 anise grains, 1 apple seed, 1 red rose petal, a pinch of rosemary, a pinch of vanilla. Mix everything and infuse with red wine.

Of course, there are situations when they simply don’t pay attention to you. If it's your colleague, maybe he's just passionate about his work? Try to distract him! There are thousands of ways to do this, one of which is known to everyone - become sexy!

Love potion to increase attractiveness and sexuality

Ingredients: 9 dill seeds, 9 anise seeds, a pinch of rosemary.

Prepare a regular decoction and drink before a date.

Or, if you consider yourself quite sexy, try the following remedy.

Attention Powder

Ingredients: dry dill - 2 parts, marjoram - 1 part, catnip - 1 part, vanilla - 2 parts. Scatter it discreetly in the room where your man is!

When preparing dishes, a person uses a lot of products and items, the scattering of which is quite simple - spices, sugar, cereals. However, not everyone knows that in addition to the obvious cleaning of the table or floor, such a nuisance can lead to a quarrel or, conversely, become a harbinger of happiness. Folk signs help explain the meaning of these symbols.


Symbolizes the sweet life. Newlyweds are often sprinkled not only with rice, but also with sugar, wishing them well-being.

A randomly spilled product can have several meanings:

  • If there is a hole in the purchased bag and sugar constantly spills out, the family will experience prosperity, improved financial condition, and a permanent income.
  • Scattering sugar in the kitchen means improving relationships and quick reconciliation.
  • A bag of granulated sugar cracks or breaks right in your hands - be prepared to receive a large income (a bag of money).
  • Sugar, scattered in a slide, symbolizes the receipt of an unexpected one-time profit, for example, receiving an inheritance, winning the lottery, or paying a bonus.
  • An unmarried girl scattered it - to the appearance of a admirer. If at the same time sugar spills out on the floor, a love date is approaching.
  • Sugar scattered by one of the spouses promises a renewal of their feelings, improved relationships, and a long and happy family life.
  • A piece of refined sugar crumbles before it is bitten or brought to the cup - you should expect a lucrative deal or a salary increase. It is also fortunate if the dropped piece hits the table and breaks into many pieces.
  • To attract love into your life, you need to draw a heart on the crumbled granulated sugar with your left hand, or lay it out from cubes of refined sugar. For the omen to come true, you do not need to remove the sweetness immediately, but wait a few minutes. Then the collected sugar should be taken outside and poured onto the ground, and not thrown into the sewer or trash can, so as not to lose your luck.


Scattered salt foreshadows a quarrel soon. To avoid conflict, you need to throw a pinch of sugar on top of it, thus appeasing the situation. You can also neutralize or soften the effect of the sign by drawing a cross on the spilled product with your finger.

You should collect salt not with your hand, but with a napkin or a broom, then these items must be rinsed under running water, repeating the words: “Salt - salt, pain - pain, me - none.”

Read in more detail why people have developed a negative attitude towards spilled salt and what this event portends


The general interpretation of the sign is negative; scattered pepper entails conflicts:

  • Ground black pepper - to quarrels and lack of mutual understanding. Scatter in the morning - the disagreement will be small and short-lived, in the evening - there will be a scandal with mutual insults and reproaches.
  • Ground red pepper - the conflict will be related to paperwork or money issues. For a girl, this may mean a split in her relationship with her boyfriend.
  • Black peppercorns mean serious financial problems.
  • Sprinkle pepper on the table - a disagreement will occur at the level of dialogue, on the floor - negotiations alone will not be enough to resolve the dispute.
  • If the product was spilled in a public place, then conflicts with colleagues are expected; while at a party, disagreements should be expected with people who are not related to family and friends.

To avoid trouble, 3 pinches of ground pepper should be thrown with your right hand over your left shoulder, repeating: “Where there is pepper, there will be trouble,” then thoroughly wash the place where it spilled. If peppercorns are scattered, you need to collect them until they are single, wrap them in paper and burn them.

Bay leaf

The plant symbolizes victory and success. If such a leaf lands on a plate, you should wait for your wish to come true. There are many rituals with bay leaves that help enhance personal attractiveness, attract money and fame.

However, scattering it means attracting losses into your life. To minimize them and turn them into success, the plant should be carefully collected, crushed into powder and take a bath with it, or at least wash your face.


Scattered baking soda promises trouble in the near future. And the more substance spilled out, the more serious the problems expected. To soften the effect of the sign, you need to remove the soda without touching it with your bare hands. It is advisable to use a damp cloth, which should then be rinsed under running water or thrown away.


Any cereal is a symbol of wealth and success in life; scattering it means losing something important in life, work, relationships. The interpretation of signs differs slightly depending on the product.


This cereal crop symbolizes wealth and financial well-being. It has long been customary to sprinkle rice on newlyweds - for prosperity in the family and a happy, prosperous life.

However, in Asian countries, where rice is a sacred product, spilling it is perceived differently:

  • Scattering rice means trouble, waste and poverty, the onset of a dark streak in life.
  • Turning over a plate of rice of a person sitting next to him means humiliating him, causing an insult.

  • In the East, deliberately scattering rice is also considered an impermissible action, symbolizing disdain for luck, which can cause you to lose it.


Buckwheat is associated with family well-being, especially financial well-being. Sometimes it was specially scattered in the house for the New Year to attract prosperity and abundance. Along with wheat, the newlyweds were sprinkled with buckwheat at the wedding, wishing them a quick birth of children.

Unintentionally scattered culture can mean the following:

  • Unexpected expenses. To minimize waste, scattered grains must be collected by hand, washed and used, or given to the birds. According to popular belief, if you sweep away buckwheat with a broom or rag, you will have to spend much more money.
  • If a bag of buckwheat breaks and the grain spills in a public place or on the road, you should expect the appearance of people in uniform who will force you to pay debts - alimony, taxes, fines. If the package is torn in your bag, the expenses will be small.
  • Scatter it on the doorstep - they will soon come to ask for a loan, and the reason will be such that they will not be able to refuse. To avoid this, you should collect the cereal and put it under the rug, and remove it only the next day.
  • Upsetting a plate of cooked buckwheat means another housewife will appear in the kitchen. This could be a mother, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law or a rival - a woman who creates competition.


Semolina attracts money and is associated with profit - you can carry it in your wallet to attract banknotes, or sprinkle it along the path from the nearest bank to your home.

However, accidentally scattering semolina means conflicts or loss of funds. To prevent this from happening, the grain is collected and given to the birds, mentally wishing for peace and well-being.


Spilling this product means inviting a quarrel. To prevent trouble, the cereal should be carefully collected, taken out into the yard and given to the birds, saying: “As much millet as you need, so much good for me.”

Legumes (peas, beans, lentils)

These crops are widely used in rituals: during a wedding, the bride is sprinkled with peas - the number of future children is judged by the number of peas stuck in the folds of her dress; at funerals, peas are scattered in the corners and pies are baked with them - so that the soul of the deceased does not remain hungry. They tell fortunes about beans and lentils.

However, accidentally spilling beans means tears. To prevent troubles from happening, you need to collect every single pea with your hands and feed them to the birds.


Since ancient times, flour has been considered one of the most important products, a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Scattering it means bringing hunger on your family. However, if earlier the omen was interpreted literally, and there was actually nothing to feed the family, now scattered flour only foretells that a careless person will soon experience a feeling of hunger - for example, due to being late for lunch, being late at work.

Scattering products made from flour, including pasta, cookies, crackers, is a sign of impending financial losses.

Coffee or tea

Signs about coffee are quite young, and are based on the high cost of the product. It is believed that coffee represents prosperity, and spilling it means disaster:

  • Scattering coffee beans or ground coffee on the table means conflict with household members.
  • The product spilled onto the floor - you should expect a series of serious problems or a break in a love relationship.
  • Scattering dry tea leaves (tea leaves) is an unpleasant surprise, and you can also find yourself in an awkward situation.


Symbolize financial well-being. If matches accidentally spill out of the box, you need to collect them one by one, holding them by the stem, and not by the brimstone head, and say: “By a penny, by a ruble, I am collecting wealth in the house.” This way you can avoid money leakage and attract wealth to your home.

Toothpicks or needles

There are many superstitions about these sharp objects. Scattering them leads to the emergence of minor conflicts, the duration of which depends on the number of dropped objects. If you step on a fallen needle or toothpick, you should expect a quarrel with loved ones. To avoid it, the object must be broken in two and thrown away - this way you can turn the tide of events by changing it from negative to positive.


Money signs help you attract wealth into your life and avoid poverty. The newlyweds are showered with coins and placed under the threshold or foundation of a new house.

Accidentally scattering coins means that large monetary expenses are expected in the near future, the nature of which can be anything from the purchase of real estate to theft. Scattered change should be collected with your right hand and exchanged for larger bills or given to the poor; it is advisable not to hide them in a wallet or piggy bank. You can leave 1 coin on the ground, make a wish and leave. If, when you turn around, you see that the coin has been picked up, your wish will come true.


It happens that when replanting plants, soil accidentally spills out of the bag or pets dig it out of a flower pot. Signs associated with earth are alarming in nature and are associated with conflicts in the family, illness or death of someone close. Sometimes earth found at the threshold of a house or near the front door of an apartment means that someone is trying to inflict an energy blow on you (spoil you).

Scattered soil must be swept into a bag with newspaper, without touching it with bare hands, and thrown away or burned along with cleaning materials. The place where it lay must be thoroughly washed.

Washing powder

Accidentally spilling washing or cleaning detergent is an unkind sign indicating an approaching quarrel. To avoid conflict, the powder should be carefully collected with a damp cloth, then rinsed under running water.

We love signs and beliefs - since ancient times they have helped us to better understand life and destiny, avoid troubles, and prepare for happy changes.

Many everyday actions and incidents, according to signs, do not just happen, but mean or portend something. Some superstitions are widespread and known to everyone.

For example, everyone knows that spilled salt means a quarrel, and it is known what ritual measures are needed to prevent conflict. But not only salt can wake up, but also cereal, coffee, sugar... Does this also lead to quarrels, or does it mean nothing at all?

Superstitions, in fact, are associated with a huge number of things. You don’t have to believe in them, or you can take it moderately seriously and try to understand what the sign of spilling rice or other cereals, sugar or coffee means, what it promises and what to do to prevent trouble.

Beliefs say that each substance that awakens means something individual and special. This could be, for example:

  • Sugar.
  • Salt.
  • Coffee.
  • Pepper.
  • Millet.

For some reason, these bulk products are especially popular in superstitions, and there are a lot of signs associated with them. What they say is not difficult to find out.

Carelessness or fate?

You can say that the coffee woke up from sloppiness, or you can find a secret, hidden meaning in this. No one says that signs are one hundred percent reliable, however, they do not appear out of nowhere without a reason, and every sign - including the sprinkling of salt, sugar or pepper - promises something.

1. The most famous sign - spilled salt - promises a quarrel. In fact, this belief has a history. Our ancestors once valued salt very highly; it was a scarce and extremely expensive product.

Naturally, if someone scattered this jewel on the table, then a quarrel would occur - and so a belief arose that is still valid today. It is believed that you can avoid conflict by throwing a couple of pinches over your left shoulder.

2. There are also good signs! For example, scattering sugar on the table or floor is, as has been believed since ancient times, a very auspicious sign. Firstly, such an accident foreshadows wealth, a happy “sweet” life. The more white sweetness scattered, the better - so don’t scold the careless culprit, but on the contrary, rejoice!

Secondly, for young people, spilled sugar portends love. For a young girl it can promise a happy marriage.

3. Spilled coffee portends unnecessary waste in the family. Here it is also believed that the scale of waste depends on the amount of spilled coffee - if a little powder or a few beans spilled onto the table, then it’s okay, but the more, the greater the losses.

Here we can add one thing - you shouldn’t blame your own extravagance on an innocent drink. Try to be smarter. Let this sign remind you that you should spend money wisely, live within your means and think in advance about how to distribute your finances.

4. Rice is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. It is not for nothing that this particular grain is scattered in front of the newlyweds during the wedding celebration, believing that this ritual will certainly bring harmony, happiness and stable income to the new family.

Accidentally spilling rice is a bad omen; it promises waste and poverty. The Chinese, the main admirers of rice, generally have very serious signs associated with it - they are terrified of accidentally knocking over a bowl of rice, so as not to bring trouble to their family.

It is believed that in order to neutralize the bad effect of a sign, you should take scattered rice and throw it into a bird feeder. This ritual action will supposedly “appease” fate, and it will not present a person with unpleasant surprises.

5. Scattered pepper - no matter red or black, peas or ground - just like salt, promises conflicts. Moreover, it is believed that if the pepper spilled on the table, the quarrel will be verbal - just a squabble. If pepper is spilled on the floor, more serious conflict situations are possible.

There is a counteraction - to avoid trouble and maintain peace, the scattered pepper should be sprinkled directly on top with a small amount of regular sugar, and only then removed. Besides this, you should just try to be kinder to your household and not start quarrels.

6. According to ancient beliefs, scattered millet foretells wealth. There is no need to do anything here - just believe in the sign, because good signs are made to be believed in!

Your faith will certainly attract pleasant events and good changes into life. And don’t forget to thank the Universe, then there will only be more pleasant reasons for gratitude!

To believe in signs or not to believe and ignore - everyone decides for themselves. It is worth respecting them simply because they are hundreds of years old - they pass from one generation to the next, and retain their mysterious power. Everything is good in moderation! Remember this and try to believe in the best. Author: Vasilina Serova

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