
The ascendant is in Leo for a woman's appearance. How does the ascendant in Scorpio manifest in a woman? stage: determination of the Ascendant Sign

A person's appearance is determined by the astrological sign that rises on the eastern horizon (at the moment of sunrise) at the moment of his birth. This zodiac sign is called the Ascendant and it largely determines a person’s appearance, his image, his first reaction and how people around him see him.

Consider the ascending signs of the zodiac:

1. Rising sign ARIES (Mars type)

The images of typical Martians are best represented by ancient statues. Remember the ancient Greek warriors and the huntress Diana in a short tunic: a dry, thin body, with a lean figure. The gait is fast and agile. The face and neck are usually elongated. Wide eyebrows. The eyes are piercing, round or almond-shaped, protruding. A winning look, looking straight into the eyes of the interlocutor, looking at him point-blank, without blinking. The pointed oval shape and sharp facial features leave the impression of energy. The nose is sharp, straight (often with a hump), the nostrils are sharply defined. The mouth is large, the upper lip is larger, the lower lip is pursed. There is a fold between the eyebrows, i.e. line of concentration and tension. The chin is clear, firm, with a dimple. The complexion is pinkish. The forehead is low, heavy brow ridges. The ears are small. Their hair is often curly, coarse, and they generally like short haircuts. The weak spot is the head.

A person with Aries rising, choleric, has a strong handshake. Prefers to talk mainly about his own topic. When speaking, he gestures and chops phrases out of the blue; sits tight. Loves bright colors of clothes. The weak spot is the head.

Such people easily become angry, love to compete and provoke a clash. Martians are generally not inclined to be overweight if their life is full of sports. By the way, they prefer sprinting and power matches, boxing. If there is little physical activity, then they can become denser and even “elastically” gain weight.

Loves bright colors of clothes.

2. Rising TAURUS (Venus type)

Rising Taurus are people with a strong physique, a powerful neck, and a tendency to be overweight. They have a large forehead, nose, lips, cheeks, mouth, and massive chin. The face is round, usually full with prominent cheekbones. Dark complexion, swelling of the cheeks in childhood, “bulky apple.” The eyes are at the same level, but close-set, dreamy, with long eyelashes, looking down. The eyebrows are thick, often fused at the bridge of the nose. The mouth is small, the upper lip is rather dry, and the lower lip is very well developed. Large convex forehead. The hair is usually beautiful and easy to style.

They exude strength and confidence. A soft smile. Although this type of people is prone to being overweight, and this plumpness is pleasant, with a milky skin tone and a full neck, their facial features are always soft and somewhat subtly reminiscent of a calf.

In any case, Venus always gives good skin, hair and a harmonious physique. And even if not every representative of the Venus type is distinguished by beauty, thanks to the magic of Venus itself, it is always pleasant to look at a person of this type.

3. Rising sign GEMINI (Mercury type)

Gemini rising sign has a fairly tall but well-built body. Ruddy face. Long arms. Eyes with a very quick and penetrating gaze. In conversation they usually gesture, chuckle and grin. Their eyes are unusual, they resemble two beams of electric light. Sloping and narrow shoulders. Geminis walk quickly, easily, sometimes with a bouncing gait. The chin is either of a specific protruding wedge-shaped shape, or, conversely, very small and barely defined. The face is elongated into an oval due to elongated cheeks. The nose is straight and elongated. The mouth is small and dry. The teeth are smallish. Hair is rarely thick. The forehead is high and straight. Eyebrows angled upward. Often the look is sly and cunning. The corners of the eyes are especially noticeably upturned. A sanguine person has a light and agile body, a tendency towards thinness. They often look younger than their age. They love sports clothing.

Basically, Mercurians, at any age, seem younger than their years. As the saying goes, “a little dog is always a puppy.” Indeed, they are distinguished by their mobility. They do not have great physical strength, but they know how to recover quickly, and they never get tired of communication and movement. In their entire appearance one can feel contact and lightness. Sometimes it’s fussiness.

But all Mercurians, without exception, love communication, fresh news, have a good sense of humor and are generally non-conflict people.

4. Rising CANCER (Moon type)

People with CANCER ascendant often have large eyes and a soft gaze. Mystery. The face is oval, the facial features are soft. The corners of the eyes are downcast. The eye color is iridescent depending on the light. The tip of the nose is turned up. The forehead is small, convex and forms a wavy line together with the nose. The mouth is small, the lips are swollen. The chin is small and rounded. The hair is thick and curly.

This type of people has very white and delicate skin. She is not prone to tanning and seems to be always a little damp, but she is forever young - like a baby. Often above average height, they tend to be overweight and have early gray hair. Remember the languid and plump naked “Venuses” from the paintings of the old masters! They are characterized by a general roundness of lines and laziness of movements - they seem to be “drawn” and “creeping”. The face expresses a certain sleepiness, passivity, daydreaming, soft emotionality, as well as shyness, but often a soft, attractive magnetism shines in their eyes. A wandering smile, soft hair, laziness as a way of life. Sometimes a clumsy or heavy gait. Round face, full cheeks, tendency towards a double chin. Often light eyes, but always a trusting and mysterious look, disarming with its naivety. Even in men of the lunar type, something feminine or childish can be seen. Such people are often capricious and seem weak, but this is an illusion: it is the “lunar” type who is best able to adapt to any conditions and survive at any cost.

5. LEO Rising (Sun type)

A person with LEO ascendant has a well-built figure, broad shoulders and a large head. Oval, ruddy face. Large round eyes, as if glowing from within. The mouth is straight with a developed lower lip. The nose is often hump or one line with the forehead (Roman profile). The forehead is not high, the nostrils are clearly defined. Wide chest, average height. Often the upper body is more powerful than the lower body. Hair is curly and a lot of attention is paid to it. Often there is something resembling a halo or mane on the head. There is harmony in all appearance: straight back, raised head, playfully attracts attention, doing it softly and elegantly. The person is quite handsome, with a “zest”.

The main thing is that people of the Sun always radiate self-confidence. They have a patronizing and regal manner. Gestures are free, but uninhibited.

A sunny woman is usually quite attractive in appearance and often prefers red hair. Such women adore long hair and carefully care for it. They are quite vain and easily susceptible to male flattery; they love beautiful gifts and generous men. Such women also love bright clothes and jewelry, especially gold. They want to look like queens, but here everything depends on upbringing and taste - from true elegance to the “Christmas tree”.

A sunny man will position himself as the type called “macho”. At best, he will be distinguished by nobility and generosity, at worst, by excessive selfishness. They often go bald early, and the shape of the bald spot is rounded, as if the forehead rises higher and higher.

However, the best representatives of the solar type are still truly optimistic, bright and strong personalities, not indifferent to the misfortune of others.

6. Rising sign VIRGO (Mercury type)

A person with VIRGO rising sign has a slender and well-built body. Pleasant, round face. High voice. The face is pretty. Take careful care of your appearance. The nose is tight. The mouth is small. The cheeks are elongated and due to them the face lengthens. The eyes are small and set close. The eyebrows are not so thick (possibly man-made). Usually curly hair. Men often wear long hair, a ponytail, or a mustache. Long neck, long arms and fingers. They are thin, and if they gain weight, it is mainly in the pelvis and hips. Food is an area of ​​interest. They collect recipes and take care of their health, trying to eat right.

Virgos are distinguished by their dark complexion and darker hair color than Gemini Mercurys, they love smooth, “sleek” hairstyles, and even in appearance they are calmer and more careful. Virgo has regular facial features, a straight nose, and a healthy complexion. And unlike Gemini, in the gaze of Virgos there is always a certain selectivity, immobility and aristocracy.

7. Rising sign LIBRA (VENUS type)

A person with LIBRA ascendant has a well-built, elegant figure. A beautiful oval face with a pleasant expression, all features are regular, full cheeks with dimples, beautifully shaped lips. In youth, the complexion is beautiful, rosy. The eyes are usually blue, with long eyelashes. The hair is soft and long, rarely thick. This sign gives more beauty than any other. Often doll-like face type. The chin is rounded. Beautiful hands with long fingers. But in adulthood they can gain weight.

Libras, unlike Taurus, are more slender and petite. They have a certain touch of coquetry and charm. Libras are always subtly attractive, graceful and elegant. Their most characteristic features are an illuminating smile, and on their faces they often have seductive moles-“spots” and cute dimples on their cheeks.

Venus always gives good skin, hair and a harmonious physique to its representatives. And even if not every representative of the Venus type is distinguished by beauty, thanks to Venus, it is always pleasant to look at a person of this type.

8. SCORPIO Rising (Pluto type)

A person with SCORPIO ascendant has a strong, short and strong body. Wide face, dark in color. Curly hair galore. Thick neck and legs, rough and hairy body. Often irregularly shaped feet. The nose is often not snub-nosed, but rather hooked. The main feature of these people is their drilling, piercing gaze. They always seem to have a constant grin on their face, as if they are mocking everything and everyone or are up to something. Sarcasticity is felt in the gaze and in general in the facial expression. There are two categories of “Scorpio” appearance: a mocking expression on the face or, conversely, gloom in the face. Mouth with red lips, lower jaw quite powerful. Hair is unruly and coarse. Not prone to being overweight.

Such people have a strong character and love excitement. Secretive by nature, they have a love of studying everything mysterious. They are steadfast in their opinions, irritable, do not like to obey anyone, and are very decisive.

9. SAGITTARIUS Rising (Jupiter type)

A person with SAGITTARIUS ascendant has a well-formed figure. Pleasant, open facial expression, elongated or oval. Brown hair grows from the temples. Clear clean look. The face is honey-colored or tanned, looking straight into the face of the interlocutor. Eyebrows are sculpted and thick. The eyes are affectionate, protective, welcoming. The nose is widened. The forehead is open, emphasizing. Excesses in the skin: additional folds on the cheeks and chin, developed hips (possibly over time). Chin: men often have a beard, women often have a mole. A good-natured smile. Thick hair, women love ponytail hairstyle. Tendency for belly growth. In conversation there is flexibility, but perhaps in a condescending manner (the image of Socrates).

The appearance of a Jupiterian is always expressive: at a minimum, it is tall, innate imposing and authoritative manners. This is often a tall and large-built person. He slouches slightly, but still has a slender figure. Such a person is suited to the role of a leader from birth; he is immediately noticed by others. Sometimes - not for their own merits, but for their talent to be in the right place at the right time and look like an “eagle”.

Although these people are characterized by decency and breadth of nature, it is always more important for them not to “be” good, but to “be known” as such in public opinion and in the eyes of their superiors. They are characterized by strong physical and mental health, an athletic build, and broad gestures. The face is wide, fleshy, and there is a certain redundancy in the features. These people, if not beautiful, are certainly impressive, and most importantly, they are always lucky!

10. CAPRICORN Rising (Saturn type)

A person with a CAPRICORN rising sign has a lean physique and short stature. A small, long and thin face, narrowed towards the bottom with a heavy chin. Unhealthy complexion. Narrow chest, thinness. Thin and short neck. Weak knees, tendency to bend. Legs with convex knees. The eyebrows are thick, often fused, with a sharp bend (house). The nose is large with sharp contours, widened downwards. The gaze is downward, critical, attentive, appraising. The mouth is small, the lips are often pursed, so that the chin is tense, and the corners of the mouth are downturned. Has a wide bridge of the nose, a large distance between the nose and lip. Wrinkles appear early, especially on the bridge of the nose. There is often a tendency to stoop. Hair is usually straight and dark; both men and women have short ones, but sometimes women wear topknots and elaborate updos. Clothing in strict models, classic type of clothing, no frills. Both men and women love jackets and ties.

This is a person who is suitable for the role of a fair and demanding examiner or an official obsessed with order and rules. It shows rigor, restraint of expression, and sometimes excessive accuracy; neatness and some formality in clothing are inherent - remember, “a man in a case.” Men often go bald in two bald patches that look like the letter "M". In general, with all the correctness of the physique, bones, cartilage, and veins are somehow more noticeable on them. This type of people may seem ascetic, but they are real careerists, persistent and patient. Saturians from a young age seem older than their years, but over the years they look younger and younger than their peers and generally live a long time.

11. AQUARIUS Rising (Uranus type)

A person with the ascending sign of AQUARIUS has asymmetrical appearance. Eyes, often with some kind of strangeness: they may be slightly squinting, have an unusual shape or different colors. The figure is elongated, directed upward. Strong, strong, healthy body. The face is tender, clear and clean, rather pale. Often brown eyes. The tip of the nose is thickened. Hair is frizzy; both men and women prefer medium hair length; women tend to wear their hair down. The face is lively, often changing expression. Excess nervous energy prevents him from gaining weight.

Outwardly, people with Aquarius rising often stand out from the crowd. They like to often change their style, experiment with images, clothes and hairstyles. He does not welcome the desire to always be in trend; he chooses clothes intuitively, sometimes without even knowing where he will wear them and what to combine them with. If something catches your eye, you will definitely buy it. Often, representatives of Uranus dress in such a way that they shock the people around them with their appearance. They always try to stand out from the crowd, emphasize their individuality and inner world.

They are characterized by freedom in manners and unpredictability in behavior; they love to “tease” public opinion. This greatly hinders their careers, despite the fact that they are often much more intelligent, energetic and inventive than their colleagues. These people are always extraordinary and democratic, their motto is “freedom and revolution.” They say they are in a hurry to live and grow up early, but always “not completely.”

12. Rising sign PISCES (Neptune Type)

A person with the rising sign of PISCES is soft in appearance. Short figure, twisted or stooped. The appearance of a sickly figure. The head is tilted forward. The face is usually round, giving the impression of childishness, the facial features are soft. The eyebrows are thin, doll-like. The complexion is pale. The nose is snub-nosed, or at least its tip is turned up. Wide noses are common, especially at the bottom (duck noses). The forehead is small and convex. The mouth is small, the lips are swollen, sometimes in a bow shape. The chin is small, round, sometimes with a dimple. The hair is thick and curly, uneven in color. The face speaks of dreaminess. The body is round in shape, with a tendency to be overweight (sometimes there are thin figures with limply drooping shoulders and sunken chests). The legs and feet are small, and the toes are often short and plump. The clothes are romantic, the gait is smooth and even. The voice is soporific, phlegmatic.

Neptunians are always identified by the “floating” look and inspired face of the poet. Usually they have beautiful bulging eyes of sea shades - somewhat elusively similar to fish - which reflect “universal sadness” and love for all things, gullibility and selflessness. Their eyes reveal everything they think and feel. Pisces find it very difficult to hide their emotions. Facial features are pleasant, sweet, soft. Average height, slightly stocky build.

Their movements are smooth, their voice is quiet and pleasant, their physique is similar to that of the Moon - the same tendency to be overweight, and this can also apply to Neptunian men. These people do not live entirely in “this” world: they see prophetic dreams, feel the moods and hidden thoughts of other people. They are often deeply religious or involved in humanitarian and charitable programs. The external side of life is not so important for them - in their hairstyle and clothing, they often adhere to a very free style, which others define as “artistic disorder.”

People with Pisces rising love unusual clothes that reflect their inner world. When choosing outfits, they do not think about fashion trends; comfort, uniqueness and originality are much more important to them.

Ascendant in Scorpio, men and women have always attracted increased attention from not only astrology lovers, but also astrologers themselves. For me, as the owner of 1st house in Scorpio, this is both pleasant and not. And why? The specificity of the Scorpio sign is to blame for this.

I know a lot about these people, but among mine clients there are very few of them. Where do I get so much information from then? The fact is that the Ascendant in Scorpio is often found among my colleagues! Those. astrologers. Holders of Asc in Scorpio rarely attend consultations. They already know everything about themselves

The house in which Scorpio is located is the house in which we delve a lot. Often the theme of this house in the natal chart is well studied by us. For example, my friend has the 9th house in Scorpio - she not only knows English, she even mumbles it in her sleep! And the most interesting thing is that she continues to study it all deeper and deeper. The 9th house is the area of ​​everything foreign.

Another example. Clients who have the 5th house in Scorpio often come to me for consultation. They know everything about their children! Area of ​​expertise: children.

What is 1st house? This is our personality and it turns out that in Scorpio gives a person who knows everything about himself, about his character, about his life path! He doesn't need other people's opinions. He has studied himself and studies himself inside and out. And they are very, very reluctant when someone else wants to know about them. For those who are not in the know, I have a step-by-step guide in which I talk in detail about the Ascendant, planets in the first house, aspects, houses and that's not all!

Scorpio Rising is a detective. He loves to unravel the secrets of other people, thereby understanding something for himself. When they climb into him soul, he immediately tenses up. This tension is most often written on the face. You can even put it this way - they are jealous of themselves. Will someone know more about them than he does? This is unacceptable :)

Let me remind you that the Ascendant shows how we come into contact with a stranger for the first time. There are many myths about ascendant Scorpios. Yes, these people often play a policy: I’ll figure you out first, then I’ll talk to you. There are some nuances. A man who has none personal planet- Mars, Venus, Mercury are not in the water and earth elements, and will behave a little differently. They will talk and talk so much that you won’t even think that they have an Ascendant in Scorpio. They look at you only for a few seconds, it’s almost unnoticeable. Why is that? The fact is that the elements of fire and air are extroverts by nature. They are activity and conversation oriented. Water and earth signs, on the contrary, are introverts. And their priority is to listen rather than talk. This is why such differences occur in the 1st house in Scorpio of people with different elements in the natal chart.

Once I came across a book by Ryzhov, which says that the Ascendant is in Scorpio in a woman suggests bow legs. I think that the book smacks of personal hostility, because none of my clients (I often rectify them), acquaintances, girlfriends, relatives have absolutely no hint of crooked legs. I would even say that this position can be considered a sign of slender legs.

In appearance, a woman with an Ascendant in Scorpio may look like a cute kitten. And there is nothing supernatural about this. In many books, articles, and forums there is often information that these girls have a witchcraft, if not devilish appearance. I want to completely agree with this, of course. This is very flattering. But the facts don't allow it. I came across women with a witchy appearance and there really was an Ascendant in Scorpio. They also had Venus in the 8th house and a frequent companion of the 1st house in Scorpio - Pluto. In this version, I played out this statement well several times. They also often talk about the magnetism of such people and sexual attractiveness. There is something in this, but the power of magnetism and sexual attractiveness will be especially manifested with Venus in Scorpio, in aspect with Pluto, its connection with the 8th house. The Ascendant in Scorpio itself does not give this. One can say about them “there are devils in still waters.” Separately, I want to say about the figure. Quite a beautiful figure with smooth curves. This is not an hourglass, but no less beautiful figure, without protruding bones. The only owners of the 1st house in Scorpio with protruding bones will be people whose cosmograms have the most fire and air and (few) not a single planet in water. They are really very skinny.

Ascendant in Scorpio for a man

The Ascendant in Scorpio in a man usually manifests itself in the absence of a belly. Unlike women, in any element. Men often meet oriental type: dark eyes or eyes give such an impression, increased hairiness, I have had cases when I saw very young guys with a beard. Regarding attractiveness, including sexual attraction, I will say that such a phenomenon will be produced by the Ascendant in Scorpio in men together with Pluto in the 1st house, especially with Pluto as the genius of birth.

Both a man and a woman with an Ascendant in Scorpio will be united by their appearance. The appearance of the Ascendant in Scorpio suggests beautiful eyes or even a memorable look. You will associate with them precisely with the eyes or gaze of the owners of the 1st house in Scorpio. And another curious one fact. All Scorpio Ascs have a scar on their face. But the beauty is that Scorpio is a secretive sign and, if a person with an Ascendant in Scorpio does not show you this scar himself, then you will not see it. By the way, I also have it, but if I don’t show it, then no one in the photo, even if they try desperately, will see anything.

A few more words about gait. They sneak up like a ghost! It's like they're wearing slippers. You can't hear them at all. And if possible, a child with an Ascendant in Scorpio will always choose the desk that is at the very end of the class. It is advisable that no one sits with him. This will be intensified if, in addition to the 1st house in Scorpio, there is some kind of personal planet in this sign. Over the years they become more social and later the child will choose one ally and will sit with him until the last class.

By the way, the owner of Asc in Scorpio rarely posts his real photos on social networks. Most often, he will simply post some image with a hidden meaning. It may not be clear to you and other people. People with an Ascendant in Scorpio who post their own photos will have some kind of personal planet in fire or Sagittarius included in the 1st house. All the other guys very secretive, they can even create a page for themselves in order to find out any information. In this case, personal data will be hidden as much as possible. The institute, hometown or country may be indicated. And we can stop there. Many people either take a pseudonym or change something in their name.

P.S. All the photos are mine, but I would really like to include other clawed cats with the Ascendant in Scorpio, but I’m afraid that this will be the pinnacle of my career and you won’t get any more articles from me :)

There is also a class on the profession that people who want success should attend.

Astrologer Polina Sergeevna

The Pisces Ascendant is one of my favorites. I really love working with these clients, even though I don’t have many of them. Naturally, when compared with others. This is due to the fact that Pisces rises quickly in our latitudes, so such a person is somewhat of a rarity. Even now I’m typing an article so easily that it’s probably only possible with Pisces. This sign among everyone is very captivating and, which for me is simply wonderful, is imperceptible. That’s why the article really resonates with me. It’s like water: easy and relaxed. Also, many Ascendant Pisces relate to the world.

I like Ascendant Pisces because they behave modestly at the first meeting. Therefore, if such a person appears with me, then I feel comfortable. Maybe this is a question. But many astrologers do not want to be friends with, because the sign of Scorpio is meticulous, information has to be extracted with pincers. With Pisces the situation is somewhat different.

First impression

From communication experience, I will say that Pisces are usually poorly remembered. The same one is remembered, but Pisces is not. This is not very convenient for teachers, since they need to remember the names and faces of students. And in every group there is a person who is practically inaudible, invisible. Most likely, he either has Pisces on the Ascendant, or, or the ruler is somehow connected with Neptune, the 12th house.

When communicating with these clients, the only difficulty I have is that they always leave something unsaid. But I wouldn't say that they do it intentionally. Here, it seems to me, we need to blame our head in the clouds. Therefore, it is unlikely that this person deliberately hid something unless other indicators indicate this.

Such people have a sliding gait; they do not enter the door, but quickly climb in. Often I see that the Ascendant in the sign of Pisces likes to lean against the door and thus enter unnoticed.

No matter how much I watch, I have never seen Asc in Pisces noisily enter a room. What the Ascendant in Pisces has in common with the 1st house in Scorpio is that, if possible, they do not greet anyone if there is some kind of group like a school class. Pisces feel great in the company of friends, but when there are strangers in the room, they behave differently.

Ascendant in Pisces for a woman

Perhaps this is one of the few Ascs that differ significantly between men and women. Girls with 1 house in Pisces in the horoscope are dreamy, sometimes depressed. But most often this is an impression; in reality they are slightly different.

Outwardly, women with such an Ascendant cannot be said to be beautiful, but pretty. Usually the appearance of a woman with Asc in Pisces is not repulsive. Here, of course, other indicators are also important, for example, a planet in the 1st house. For example, Saturn in the 1st house can no longer give softness to the sign of Pisces.

Many women with this position have an eternal search for themselves in their character. I called this a character trait, because for Pisces this does not happen periodically, but constantly. But, no matter how strange it may be, it gives them their own charm and charm.

1st house in Pisces for a man

Often the Ascendant in Pisces in men makes them photogenic. Although I can’t call these men handsome. Ascendant Pisces' hobbies often include computer games and mysticism. Many men are interested in astrology, the most famous among them is astrologer Konstantin Daragan.

Unfortunately, these men are very naive and can easily fall under bad influence. I’ll tell you that when I examined the natal charts of people suffering from addiction to various intoxicating substances, I saw there the Asc in Pisces.

The Ascendant or rising sign is the zodiac symbol of the first house of the horoscope. This is the constellation that is on the eastern horizon at the time of birth.

Ascendant in Leo

This is one of the most striking signs. People with an ascendant in Leo radiate a special energy and magnetism that attracts the attention of others. Sometimes this happens because they are too noisy. In other cases, it is associated with a regal demeanor that attracts interest from others. These people pay a lot of attention to their appearance, especially their hair.

Pride and display of strength are inherent in this rising sign. This arrangement gives a sunny and cheerful disposition. The first house and the ascendant determine the focus on the personal “I”. The thirst for admiration from the people around them makes Leo strive to become the center of everyone's attention. They have a very strong thirst for justice, which makes them fight for the rights of the disadvantaged. Such people direct much attention to self-realization and creative development. They can provide help in difficult situations, and in return they only require respect. The Ascendant in Leo makes people sociable and sociable.

They also tend to make rash decisions, and are often biased in their assessment of themselves and those around them. However, they have patience, and their idealism helps them stay out of trouble.

Such people often have the habit of overestimating their strengths. This stems from a natural enthusiasm and optimism about any new endeavor.
Regardless of their age, people who have a Leo ascendant are children at heart. They seem cheerful, kind, generous and childishly naive.

Famous people with a Leo ascendant: George W. Bush, Robert Downey Jr., Justin Timberlake, Muhammad Ali, Donald Trump, Elton John and Marilyn Monroe.

Men with Leo ascendant

The Ascendant in Leo causes a man's need to be the center of attention. If his appearance does not allow him to charm everyone around him, then he will use his speaking skills and connections to get noticed. In a relationship, he needs a woman who will be a less bright personality. She should be calm and unnoticeable. Under no circumstances will he allow his partner to outshine him. Leo, as a rule, has excellent taste and expects the same from his chosen one. He likes to pretend that money is no problem, that he has a lot of it, but this is usually not the case.

Ascendant in Leo for a woman

Such a woman wants to be the center of attention, especially when there are a lot of people around. She believes she is the best and exudes confidence and sexiness. Despite this, she is not always as confident as she portrays. She is looking for an independent man who will love her for her determination and self-centeredness.

Her spiritual development and spontaneity come to the fore in relationships in which she craves the admiration of her partner. The lioness is in love most of the time and loves to tease her chosen one. If she feels a lack of attention, she can easily find another partner, and it won’t take her much time. The Lioness has true feminine magnetism. Such a woman will not be able to respect a man who will become her slave. She must find a healthy balance of independence and intimacy with a chosen one who will be on an equal footing with her.

Aquarius with Ascendant in Leo

Aquarius and Leo occupy opposite positions in the zodiac wheel. With this combination of the Sun and the ascendant of signs, a person is constantly trying to find a balance between Aquarius' desire to free himself from social conditioning and Leo's desire to defend his creative individualism. Under any circumstances, he tries to be optimistic and relies on luck, accepting the challenges of fate.

Thanks to the ascendant in Leo, Aquarius pays quite a lot of attention to how he looks in the eyes of other people. In this way he will often be able to gain the admiration and respect of society. However, this need for recognition and admiration is fundamentally contrary to the concepts of Aquarius. He is deeply attached to his independence and is completely indifferent to the opinions of other people, so he often gets a reputation as an eccentric person.

Aquarius confuses those around him with his contradictory nature. The Leo Ascendant is certainly captivating and colorful, but it is too different from the Aquarius sun sign.

Honesty, consistency in ideas and actions, along with courage and generosity - this is what unites these two signs. This allows you to maintain balance between Leo and Aquarius. This combination of the Sun and the rising sign gives people irresistibility and extraordinary charm.

Leo - appearance

When it comes to appearance, there is no one more beautiful than a man or woman with a Leo ascendant. The appearance of representatives of these signs is always like that of a lion.

As a rule, such people are of average height and quite broad-shouldered. They have a well-formed muscular system and large, wide bones. The torso is well developed.

Leo always takes care of his mane; hair plays an important role in the appearance of such people. They can be wavy or straight, but must be soft and smooth. Hair color ranges from dark brown to blond, although red-haired people with an ascendant in Leo are also known. A man with this sign has a fairly pronounced tendency to go bald. Their heads are mostly round in shape and their eyes are large, brown or green. Leo's complexion is usually fair with a slight blush.

Leo man

The Ascendant in Leo in a man gives strong facial features: a wide forehead, rather large and large pronounced cheekbones.

They are harmonious, quite tall, long legs. The muscles are moderately or strongly expressed. The general appearance always creates the impression of nobility and pride. The clothes are often yellow and orange (Leo's favorite colors), but in any case they are of high quality.

If you were praised by the Ascendant in Virgo, it means that you really did everything wonderfully. For Asc in Virgo is not able to flatter. But criticism is always welcome!


As a rule, people with a Virgo Ascendant look younger than their age. The body type is basically that of a teenager. There may be a slightly elongated face, especially in men. There is no such thing as a full face; for example, the Ascendant in Libra may have a tendency or a double chin, which is not very noticeable. For Virgo, according to my observations, this is not the norm. By the way, “is not the norm” is a typical Devian expression :)

As a rule, the cusp of the 1st house in Virgo is not prone to obesity. Hair is naturally closer to ash brown. There is one interesting feature of the cusp of the first house in the sign of Virgo - each of them tried on glasses at least once. This makes them seem smarter.

Ascendant Virgos take care of their appearance, keep their clothes and shoes clean, but pay even more attention to the appearance of others. If you see any deviations, turn off the light. There was a wave of criticism. You can't hide anything from them.

Character. View of the world

They have a critical view of the world. They look at people from a position of criticism and scrutiny. First, they analyze the surrounding situation, and then make a decision. They look at the world with a sober, realistic look. They are constantly dissatisfied with something. But ascendant Virgos are big pedants and prefer to come to meetings on time. They get angry when others are late. When meeting people, men rarely extend their hand first. Women don't start conversations. They need to fiddle with something in their hands or move their fingers during a conversation to calm their nervous system.

They will knock and wipe their feet before entering. They enter the new room slowly. They immediately evaluate the cleanliness of an apartment or building and pay attention to every little detail. It is more unpleasant for them than others to be in dirty buildings, with friends and acquaintances who have forgotten about cleanliness. The bathroom should shine. Asc in Virgo reacts very sharply to various smells. Therefore, do not pour a bottle of perfume on yourself if Virgo Ascendant is nearby. She may have allergies :)

People with this position in the natal chart are shy and reserved. They rarely become the leader and center of the crowd, as does

Virgo Ascendants are obsessed with cleanliness, but that doesn't mean they clean the house all the time. They may be a mess. But a person with 1 house in Virgo always knows where he has every thing. They have one habit - they constantly wash their hands. Cleanliness is the key to health.

But from communication experience, I will say that they are just as squeamish as . When I sat down on a bench with several owners of such an Ascendant at once, I noticed that both of them first shook off the dirt from the bench, and then, after making sure that everything was clean, they sat down. For the Ascendant in Virgo this is very significant.

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