
Horoscope what kind of dragon are you? Types of dragon according to the eastern horoscope. Chinese horoscope about people born in the year of the Dragon

  • From 02/16/1904 to 02/03/1905 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Dragon;
  • From 02/03/1916 to 01/22/1917 - Year of the Fire (Red) Dragon;
  • From 01/23/1928 to 02/09/1929 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Dragon;
  • From 02/08/1940 to 01/26/1941 - Year of the Metal (White) Dragon;
  • From 01/27/1952 to 02/13/1953 - Year of the Water (Black) Dragon;
  • From 02/13/1964 to 02/01/1965 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Dragon;
  • From 01/31/1976 to 02/17/1977 - Year of the Fire (Red) Dragon;
  • From 02/17/1988 to 02/05/1989 - Year of the Earth (Yellow) Dragon;
  • From 02/05/2000 to 01/23/2001 - Year of the Metal (White) Dragon;
  • From 01/23/2012 to 02/09/2013 - Year of the Water (Black) Dragon;
  • From 02/10/2024 to 01/28/2025 - Year of the Wooden (Blue) Dragon.

The corresponding zodiac sign is Leo.

Character Strengths

For a person born in the Year of the Dragon according to the Chinese calendar, nothing is impossible. Having set himself a specific goal, he will do everything to achieve it, and no obstacles will become an obstacle for him. The dragon is not used to trifles. Everything he strives for must be the best, or at least unusual. This person loves a beautiful life, and provides himself and his loved ones with a decent level of income.

The dragon is responsive. There is no need to ask him for help at all - if someone from his environment needs support, he will notice it and help out in a timely manner. The dragon does not make false promises for the sake of the beauty of the moment, but acts.

The Dragon's characteristics include such a quality as honesty. He does not like to lie, mislead, or appear to be someone he is not. All the actions and intentions of the Dragon are visible in full view, and he is not capable of meanness or double play even during a competitive struggle or for the sake of profit.

Character Weaknesses

The Dragon is not the most tactful sign of the eastern horoscope. He does not consider it necessary to hide his opinion or refrain from commenting even where necessary. Close people value him for the positive qualities of his nature, which clearly outweigh him, but superficial communication with the Dragon often does not work out. Those who know him superficially often perceive him as a rude and aggressive person.

The Dragon is emotional and prone to outbursts of anger. Even if he is completely wrong, his actions are supported by a sense of justice, and at these moments he is inclined to be cruel. At such moments, he acts on the principle “they cut down the forest and the chips fly,” as a result of which those who have nothing to do with it often suffer. The hardest thing for a Dragon is to keep his emotions under control, which is why his reputation and relationships with people often suffer.

In love

A person born in the year of the Dragon knows how to love and enjoy the company of a loved one, but he certainly won’t do anything crazy for the sake of love. He is also not capable of making great sacrifices for the sake of his chosen one. The dragon is practical. He thinks soberly, and if communication is for some reason impossible or difficult, he will prefer to step aside. Representatives of this sign are much less likely than other people to get into love triangles. Relationships that initially do not work out are seen by the Dragon as unpromising.

A representative of this sign is flattered by the attention of the opposite sex, but he likes to conquer much more than to give in to obsessive admirers. Anything that comes too easy very quickly ceases to interest him. The dragon likes to charm the chosen one with beauty, manners, care or beautiful deeds, but if there is no reciprocal interest, he will stop in time.

The dragon values ​​his freedom, and it is very good if his loved one understands this. There is no point in controlling the Dragon, asking him unnecessary questions or being jealous with or without reason. If he sets out to keep something secret, he will find a way to do it. Any suspicions can only infuriate the Dragon and provoke a break in relations.

In career

The Dragon treats work not only as a source of income. He tries to choose an exciting activity related to communication or movement. Monotony and boredom are unbearable for him, as are working conditions limited by strict boundaries.

The dragon is an excellent leader. He has organizational skills, knows how to explain things in clear language, and demands high-quality work from his subordinates. At the same time, he is no less demanding of himself. This man loves power and strives for it, but does not go over his head. If he applies for a promotion due to someone’s dismissal, he will act openly. It is worth considering that he will do this only if the competitor fails to cope with his responsibilities or in some way crosses the path of the Dragon himself. He does not offend people undeservedly.

The Dragon tends to change interests. If in his youth he did one thing and was quite happy, then it is likely that in adulthood he will change his occupation to the opposite. If this happens, then the reason is not material gain, but the search for a true calling.

Dragon Man

A man born in the year of the Dragon matures early and becomes independent. From a very young age, he strives for financial independence and freedom of action, and does not allow anyone to make decisions for him. He goes his own way and often does not live up to his parents' expectations. Over the years, the correctness of his choice becomes obvious, but at the beginning his undertakings may seem dubious or unrealistic.

The Dragon man's youth is full of bright events, and first of all this concerns his personal life. This guy is smart and charming. Girls like him, but his unions rarely last. A representative of this sign tends to get carried away, but he evaluates each of his friends superficially. If in reality she turns out to be different from what he thought, the Dragon man will go on to seek his happiness.

He expects bright emotions from family life. A boring life and a wife who has looked the same for ten years will not suit him. The Dragon man needs a loving and passionate wife, changes in the interior, regular communication with friends, but above all he needs freedom. If he is lucky enough to meet a wise woman who will not look for traces of her mistress, but will try to maintain her husband’s interest, the marriage promises to be strong and happy.

Dragon Woman

Like a man born under this sign, the Dragon woman shows early signs of independence. She decides for herself who to communicate with, where to study, what to do and what profession to choose. If her boyfriend doesn’t suit her parents, it’s easier for her to quarrel with them than to break up with her boyfriend.

The Dragon woman is charming, so she easily makes the necessary acquaintances. She is usually united by common interests and mutual benefit with her friends, but her social circle can hardly be called stable. Her interests and outlook on life do not stand still, and accordingly, her environment changes.

In relationships with men, the Dragon woman behaves boldly and often becomes the initiator of first meetings. Even if she is very attracted to a member of the opposite sex, he should interest her not so much from a romantic point of view. The Dragon is a practical and far-sighted sign of the eastern horoscope. This woman does not need a hopeless union.

An ideal husband for her could be a man with a similar type of temperament. If he is active and not afraid of change, this couple will not be bored. The Dragon woman is an active and cheerful person, and most of all she is oppressed by stagnation and monotony.


  • Chinese name for Dragon: Moon
  • Fifth sign Chinese Zodiac
  • Time of day under the control of the Dragon: 7:00 - 9:00
  • Corresponding Western Zodiac sign: Scales
  • Element: Tree
  • Polarity: Positive

Positive traits:
Dragons are strong, smart and ambitious, have a vivid imagination and impeccable taste. They are characterized by honesty and justice.

Negative qualities:
Sometimes Dragons can be impatient and impulsive, sarcastic and selfish, and also too demanding.

Main features of the Dragon:
You are lucky that you were born in the Year of the Dragon. Many Chinese would really like to be born this year, as the Dragon represents happiness and good luck, good health and high position. Since ancient times, the Dragon has been a symbol of the Chinese emperors, the Sons of Heaven. So you are the lucky one.

You are dignified and cheerful, waves of self-esteem emanating from you. It goes without saying that you are smart, quick to notice and quickly use all the opportunities presented to you to benefit your business. Whatever you undertake, you do majestically and practically infallibly. One way or another, sometimes your words and actions show causticity and arrogance. You are demanding of yourself, and strive to achieve the heights of perfection in any endeavor.

You are extremely serious in all your endeavors and cannot tolerate nonsense. To get the job done properly, you are ready to do anything. Directness and uncompromising views - most often you choose exactly this method of work, which makes you less flexible than you should be. On the other hand, sometimes you can be immensely naive, but if a person has lost your trust, then he has lost it for a long time.

Your sophistication and attractiveness cannot be ignored, so you will not lack attention from others. You like to shine on stage, find answers to difficult questions, solve various problems and generally be in the thick of intense events.

To achieve your goal, you know how to work a lot and hard. Sometimes it even seems like your source of energy is inexhaustible. At the same time, you tend to live for today, so it is difficult for you to decide on the sequence of actions. Having to wait makes you angry; you can’t just sit and watch nothing happen around you.

You respect yourself and firmly believe in your strength. This attitude often leads you to make mistakes, but then quickly correct everything. Happiness and luck are your constant companions, and you rarely suffer for any reason. Personally, you can sometimes be quite aggressive. Unbending willpower and a passionate desire to reach the top simply doom you to success.

Doubts about your own rightness never visit you, so you easily reject wise advice from the outside. You like complete independence and like to show people your strengths. Without a doubt, you will have to spend a relatively long time to find your life partner. There will be no shortage of admirers, for the majestic and bright Dragon attracts a huge number of people. The best match for you as a Dragon will be people born in the years of the Snake, Rat, Monkey and Rooster. With people born in the years of the Horse, Goat, Ox and Pig, everything, in general, will also be fine. But try with all your might to avoid marriage with a person who was born in the years of the Dog and the Tiger: over time, you will notice so many differences between you that maintaining a relationship will become simply unbearable.

The Dragon Woman is distinguished by responsibility, intelligence and a steely will, and other men may envy her energy. You take any task seriously, and easily cope with both household chores and your main job. You know how to work a lot - no matter at home or outside the home - and you have no problems with the distribution of work

You have many hobbies. You are a keen exerciser and enjoy being outdoors. But you are especially drawn to nature, in particular to water. Since the Dragon is a flying creature, many famous pilots were born in the Year of the Dragon. You love adventure, unexplored places attract you like a magnet. Everywhere and in everything, success literally comes into your hands. All you have to do is use your capabilities. Thanks to your optimistic attitude towards life, you will make many friends and will always be the center of attention. People will often find you to be their source of inspiration. In other words, you are an exceptionally lucky person, and many amazing adventures await you ahead.

You are charming, optimistic and enterprising, but most often you play your game by making unreasonably high demands on other people and do not tolerate any objections. People around you consider you too stubborn, and you can be very difficult to work with.

Dragon - animal years according to the eastern calendar: Dragon year of birth – 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024.

Year of birth from 01/27/1952 - 02/13/1953 (element of the year - water, color black)
Year of birth from 02/13/1964 - 02/01/1965 (element of the year - wood, color blue)
Year of birth from 01/31/1976 - 02/17/1977 (element of the year - fire, color red)
Year of birth from 02/17/1988 - 02/05/1989 (element of the year - earth, color yellow)
Year of birth from 02/05/2000 - 01/23/2001 (element of the year - metal, color white)
Year of birth from 01/23/2012 - 02/09/2013 (element of the year - water, color black)

Characteristics of the Year Dragon

The Dragon- the fifth sign in the eastern calendar. The dragon is simply bursting with health, vitality and activity. Open and honest, he is incapable of pettiness, hypocrisy, or slander. Even basic diplomacy is beyond his reach - he always cuts through the truth. He is not as naive as the good Pig, but still very trusting, and he can always be deceived. The dragon is overly sensitive and often worries about trifles. He is very meticulous, always strives for perfection, and therefore is very demanding of both himself and others. Requires a lot, but brings much more.

The dragon is irritable, but no matter how he expresses his opinion, it is worth listening to him, as he gives good advice. His energy is limitless. Proud, multi-talented, intelligent, strong-willed, hardy, generous - this is not a complete list of his qualities. Throughout his life, the Dragon does not need anything. Can succeed in any business. He will always achieve his goal.

The dragon is often loved, but he himself rarely loves. Love disappointment or grief will not befall him. He himself may well become the cause of someone’s drama and despair. Women of this sign are successful with men.

Dragons rarely marry at a young age, and often remain single. They feel happier when alone.
He can connect his life with the Rat, since she is able to withstand everything, even his indifference. The same can be said about the union of the Dragon and the Snake. The Rooster finds a common language with the Dragon, happily picking up the crumbs of his success. The Monkey will complement the Dragon - both in love and in business. She will enrich him with her cunning, and the Dragon will enrich her with her power. They need each other, but only the Monkey realizes this, and the Dragon does not. But he should be careful: the Monkey might make fun of him.

The Dragon man is attracted to the beauty of the Snake woman - she can become the subject of his pride. An alliance with the Tiger is contraindicated for the Dragon - they will be too restless together. But most of all, the Dragon should avoid the Dog. Being a pessimist and a realist, she simply will not believe in him.

In the first phase of life, the Dragon usually has slight difficulties because he demands too much from his loved ones. In the second, the cause of problems may be his artistic temperament. The Dragon has a difficult character and suffers from dissatisfaction. But in the last phase of his life he will be happy as he will get everything he wants. The Dragon sign brings good luck, wealth, harmony and longevity.

But every medal has its downside: if you get the impression that the Dragon has an easy fate, then keep in mind that this is just an illusion.

Dragon and zodiac sign

Aries: Super-Dragon. Makes his way with his eyes closed. Sure.
Taurus: Sweet Dragon. He will be a calm Dragon and a family man.
Gemini: Multicolor Dragon. It will sparkle with lights.
Cancer: Head in the clouds.
Leo: Excessive Dragon. Virgo: Exact Dragon. The only one of the Dragons that is not a chimera.
Libra: Disappointing Dragon. Don't trust him, his appearance is deceiving.
Scorpio: Spiny Dragon, whoever touches it will get burned.
Sagittarius: A very calm Dragon. Count on him, he's too calm.
Capricorn: Modest Dragon, very noticeable for a Dragon.
Aquarius: Clairvoyant Dragon; like all Dragons, he is prone to self-criticism.
Pisces: Super Dragon. Great wisdom can go far.

A person born in the year of the Dragon is an amazingly bright, strong and attractive personality. Thanks to his energy, imagination and unconventional view of the world, wherever he is, it is difficult for him to remain unnoticed: most often, the Dragon immediately finds himself in the center of attention or in the thick of things. It is usually not difficult to recognize a Dragon: he knows how to carry himself very well and, when talking about anything, he looks confident and enthusiastic. He has a good sense of humor, a lot of jokes and the most incredible stories, and most often the expression “life of the party” suits him perfectly.

The Dragon's curiosity usually knows no bounds; he can have many different hobbies and interests, from collecting labels to traveling to exotic countries. It happens that he suddenly gets excited about some new thing, and after a little time also unexpectedly loses interest in it. Any narrow boundaries, be it a habitual hobby or a permanent job, are too boring for him, he can’t wait to move forward to learn as much new things as possible.

His breadth of interests, sharp mind and creativity, combined with confidence and inner strength, make the Dragon a fascinating conversationalist and a surprisingly charismatic person who finds it difficult to refuse a request. Those around him are unconsciously drawn to him and easily fall under his charm, which opens many doors for him that are inaccessible to others. Because of this, the Dragon is often considered lucky and the darling of Fate, since many things happen to him as if “by themselves,” without noticeable effort.

In many ways this is true, but the Dragon himself never uses people to his advantage. He is sincere in his likes and dislikes, does not make secret plans, and most often does not even know how to derive practical benefit from his successes. He simply lives a full, rich, vibrant life, knowing that lost opportunities and money spent will soon be replaced by new ones. However, being a strong personality, the Dragon knows how to not only calmly accept the gifts of fate, but also courageously endure difficulties and failures.

Despite all the power of his charm, the Dragon’s relationships with others usually do not go very smoothly. Often he becomes the object of envy, deception and secret intrigues, and his sincerity and gullibility often prevent him from understanding this in time. In addition, the Dragon can be too straightforward and unrestrained, and is capable of provoking many conflicts around itself. However, despite the tense relationships in the team, the Dragon can make an excellent career in almost any of the fields he chooses.

Curious and brave, wise and charming, the Dragon knows how to live a full life. His potential knows no bounds, and if he is able to direct his powerful energy in one single direction, he will be able to realize any, even the most fantastic dreams.

Find out what kind of people are born in the year of the Dragon - the sign will tell you a lot!

Dragon's lucky colors: red and gold - calms, normalizes blood pressure and awakens dormant talents.

Dragon: lucky talisman stone- amethyst. Awakens intuition and reveals the secrets of this and other worlds, protects against vicious addictions.

Dragon lucky numbers: 5

Who suits the Dragon, the best signs for the Dragon: Rat, Monkey, Rooster, Tiger, Snake

Who is not suitable for the Dragon, the worst signs for the Dragon: Goat, Rabbit, Dog

Which zodiac sign does the Dragon correspond to?

The ancient Chinese believed that those born in the Year of the Dragon were lucky. Where do these fantastic creatures live? Between heaven and earth, boldly sailing across wide open spaces. They are not designed to sit on a chain, guard the yard, or sit on a pole in a chicken coop.

From an early age, such people consider themselves special, and the reaction of the environment often confirms them in this thought. If a person was born in the year of the Dragon, the sign gives them great attractiveness and charisma. Its representatives have a special gift, strength, fantastic imagination and intelligence. They love to change and improve this world. They are ahead of many in vitality and versatility of talent. The gods grant them longevity, often bestowing them with fame and wealth in their mature years.

The best trait of the Dragon sign, according to the eastern horoscope, is considered to be humanism, and the worst trait is selfishness. They are able to selflessly and unselfishly do a lot for others, they are the ones who are looking for a cure for cancer, acting as a missionary in a leper colony and a political speaker who is fighting with all his might for a more just world. If they sincerely believe in what they are doing, then day and night, and even in extreme conditions, they will realize their dreams.

According to the Chinese horoscope, Dragons set a very high bar for themselves, and then note with sincere surprise that others are not able to keep up with them. Disappointed, they disappear without saying a word. It happens that, while saving the world, representatives of the Dragon sign forget about those who really love them, because dragon egoism and vanity have become the talk of the town.

Impulsive nature, optimism and leadership abilities help to achieve success faster and easier than representatives of other signs. However, the Dragon, hung with orders and other awards, like a Christmas tree, is a picture from the category of fantasy. A Dragon sign person can be compared to a solo long-distance runner. He independently goes to more and more new heights, often even to the detriment of stability - material and emotional.

Male Dragons often avoid the wedding ceremony like hell. And women get a slight shiver at the sight of kitchen utensils and a vacuum cleaner. Only a partner who allows them freedom and the full realization of their dreams can warm and win their heart. According to the eastern horoscope, Dragons by their nature are not faithful lovers, but they cannot be called overwhelmed by a thirst for new conquests. It’s just that after the partner, whom the Dragon has almost prayed for until now, reveals weaknesses and shortcomings, his feelings quickly cool down. Then he begins to look for his ideal somewhere else. Nevertheless, as family members, Dragons glorify their family with great enthusiasm, take care of the honor and safety of loved ones, sometimes even at the cost of the greatest sacrifices.

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