
Nutrition for a one and a half year old child. Diet of a child from one to three years: what and how many times to feed the child Lunch for a child at 1 year old

Perhaps there are no words in the Russian language to express the degree of pride and joy that parents feel when their baby turns one year old. A new stage in the baby’s life begins, his habits, behavior and, of course, the menu change. Today we will talk about the correct diet for a one-year-old baby and expanding his diet.

Diet changes

The baby continues to eat “bruised” food, but it is no longer a problem for him to cope with small pieces of vegetables or carefully chopped meat. Now it is no longer necessary to cook porridge from ground cereals; your baby can be offered thoroughly boiled oatmeal, rice or buckwheat without prior grinding. Wheat, corn porridge or millet will not be superfluous in the diet.

Most likely, your baby has already grown a decent set of teeth - their number can reach 10 by the age of 1 year. Periodically offer him steamed cutlets - not only from meat, but also from fish, meatballs, stewed vegetables are also good for him. The bread is mostly black, and as a treat you can treat your baby with cookies or crackers. By the age of one, most babies eat four to five times a day.

What to feed a 1 year old baby

There are several rules that should be followed when creating a menu for a one-year-old baby:

  • Breakfast - mainly porridge, 2-3 times a week - cottage cheese. As a drink, you can offer tea, preferably herbal, for children, fruit juice or compote.
  • Dinner. Appetizer - a little vegetable salad. It can be boiled carrots or beets, green peas (in summer), broccoli. The first course is soup, meat or vegetable, sometimes borscht, one option is light fish soup. The second course is vegetables with a meat side dish. Dessert - fruit compote, crackers or cookies.
  • Afternoon snack. A light dish that provides your child with energy until dinner.
  • Dinner is the same as the morning meal.

Don't forget to offer your baby something to drink not only after meals, but also between meals. In order not to interrupt your appetite before feeding, give your baby plain water. It is especially important to provide your child with enough fluids during the summer.

Should I give up breastfeeding?

Of course, by this time most babies find themselves without breast milk. But if your baby has not yet been weaned from the breast, do not rush; if possible, give him the opportunity to suckle before bedtime. It has been proven that the antibodies present in breast milk not only help improve immunity, but also prevent the development of staphylococcus - it is its bacteria that subsequently cause caries.

If your baby still eats formula at night, now is the time to get rid of this habit. Residues of milk on the teeth contribute to the formation of an acidic environment, which has a negative effect on the enamel - increasing the likelihood of caries. This recommendation in no way applies to breastfeeding.

Calorie nutrition

In the period from 1 year to one and a half years, the baby needs to receive about 1300 kcal daily. The daily volume of food is 1000–1250 ml. Most of the products are for lunch - approximately 1/3, 1/4 each - breakfast and dinner, the rest is an afternoon snack. Experts recommend planning the menu in such a way that proteins and fats of animal origin predominate in the food (70 and 13%, respectively).

An important point is the restriction of meat products due to religious or other considerations. Even if parents adhere to fasting, they should not accustom their baby to it - his body is not yet ready for this and needs a full range of useful substances. They are needed for the development and formation of internal organs.

Fruits and vegetables in a baby's diet

The time has come to expand the list of allowed fruits, supplementing the diet with kiwi crumbs, sea buckthorn, blackberries, and blueberries. And one more surprise for the baby - now he can try citrus fruits little by little. It is better to start with a tiny portion - to monitor the reaction of the digestive system to a new product. If a child is prone to allergies, it is better to refrain from such experiments.

As before, berries with hard or dense skins must be peeled. Fruits such as kiwi or apricots can be offered to the baby in small slices. You still shouldn’t give your baby grapes, as they promote fermentation processes, and besides, they don’t contain as many vitamins as other fruits and berries.

A child can consume no more than 250 g of fruit per day - including those added to porridge, yogurt or cottage cheese. In addition, the baby should be given juices - up to 100 ml. Now they can be not only filtered, but also with pulp.

Menu for the week

We present to your attention the menu for the week. Use it as a base.


  • Breakfast. Rice porridge with omelette and cheese. Fruit puree. Dried fruits compote.
  • Dinner. Spinach salad. Pumpkin puree soup. Vegetable puree with meatballs. A piece of rye bread. Apple-carrot juice.
  • Afternoon snack. Curd pudding with cookies. Cherry jelly.
  • Dinner. Mashed potatoes with liver pate. Warm milk. Rusk.
  • Before bed - a portion of breast milk or kefir (every evening).
  • Breakfast. Oatmeal with prunes. Tea with milk. Bread with a thin layer of butter.
  • Dinner. Boiled carrot salad. Borscht with chicken fillet, seasoned with sour cream. Meat pudding with vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, carrots and potatoes). Rye bread. Fresh fruit compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Yogurt with fruit filling. Cookie. Apricot juice.
  • Dinner. Pasta casserole. Rabbit soufflé. Tea with cookies.
  • Breakfast. Corn porridge with milk. Tea and a sandwich with grated cheese.
  • Dinner. Pumpkin salad with apple. Soup with veal meatballs and vegetables. Rice with fish cutlet. Peach juice. Bread.
  • Afternoon snack. Baked apple with cottage cheese (you can add cinnamon). Warm milk with cookies.
  • Dinner. Mashed potatoes with cutlet. Tea with crackers.
  • Breakfast. Wheat porridge with milk and wild berries. Bread and butter and herbal tea.
  • Dinner. Chinese cabbage salad with apple and lemon juice. Broccoli soup with meatballs. Vegetable puree with meat pudding. Fruit compote. Bread.
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese with fresh fruit. Cookie. Raspberry jelly.
  • Dinner. Stuffed cabbage rolls with rice and meat filling (without frying). Vitamin drink made from rose hips. Rusk.
  • Breakfast. Boiled carrot salad. Buckwheat porridge with milk. Apple juice. Cookie.
  • Dinner. Pumpkin puree soup. Chicken meatballs with rice porridge and gravy. Kefir. Bread.
  • Afternoon snack. Yogurt with apricots or peach. Apple and carrot puree. Rusk.
  • Dinner. Mashed potatoes with stewed fish. Tea with a sandwich.
  • Breakfast. Cottage cheese and apple pudding. Apricot juice with cookies.
  • Dinner. Beetroot salad. Rice soup puree with vegetables. Veal cutlets with vegetable puree. Bread.
  • Afternoon snack. Omelette. Kefir with cookies.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat porridge with liver pate. Tea with crackers.


  • Breakfast. Mashed potatoes with stew (mash thoroughly) and gravy. Cabbage salad with carrots. Apple juice with cookies.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup made from broccoli, cauliflower, spinach and carrots. Curd pudding with fruit. Tea with sandwich (grated cheese).
  • Afternoon snack. Yogurt with gingerbread. Dried fruits compote.
  • Dinner. Pancakes with jam. Tea with cookies.

Porridge. Cook until the grains are completely cooked. This applies to porridges both with milk and water. Season with butter - 2-4 g. It is advisable to mix vegetable purees with a blender so that they turn into a uniform mass. In the summer, be sure to add fresh herbs - parsley, dill, cilantro.

Soups It’s better to cook it daily, if that doesn’t work, once every two days. It is advisable to add the products one at a time, taking care that they are not overcooked during the cooking process. Recommended sequence:

  • Place the meat first and fill it with water. After boiling, it must be drained, then filled with fresh water and put back on the fire.
  • Carrots, celery, parsley root and onion. It does not need to be crushed, since most children do not treat it with much love. Place the whole onion in the pan. This category of products is added 20 minutes after the broth boils again.
  • The next batch is potatoes and cereals. They are added approximately half an hour after the start of cooking.
  • Add vegetables ten minutes after potatoes and cereals.
  • Tomatoes, sauerkraut and cucumbers should be added at the end of cooking, since if they are added earlier, they slow down the cooking of the potatoes (they do not boil soft).
  • Throw in the greens after turning off the heat - they will steep for 5-10 minutes.

This is a universal recipe for preparing all types of soups. By the way, it is recommended to salt them 30 minutes before the end of cooking.

A serving of salad for a one-year-old child- about 25 g. Of course, you will not weigh it every time. Approximately this is 1–1.5 tablespoons. Mostly give your baby boiled vegetables: beets, carrots, pumpkin. Cabbage - mainly fresh, be sure to crush it well so that it releases juice and becomes soft.

Juices. It is better to give them freshly squeezed. Now that the baby has grown up, you can give him mixes. The most popular option is apple-carrot. You can also mix wild berries, or add some kiwi or other fruits.

Preparation fresh fruit compotes- Do not overcook them under any circumstances, as this will destroy the vitamins. Bring to a boil, turn off, and leave to steep. Give your kids rosehip infusion regularly. By itself, it is not very tasty, but in the company of dried fruits, the child will like it much more.

The above menu is designed for a healthy baby aged 1 year. If your child suffers from allergies or chronic diseases, consult your pediatrician about nutrition.

Compose 1 year old child's menu costs including food adult family members. Of course, many foods are not yet allowed for babies, but the need to separately grind all the ingredients disappears. But do not forget that the baby has developed his own taste in food, so he likes some dishes more, and vice versa.

  1. Feeding mode in 12 months is maintained according to the same rules. You should feed 4-5 times a day at intervals of 3-4 hours. However, after waking up, breastfeeding with milk is no longer always required. This applies to both infants and toddlers.artificial feeding.Therefore, the day begins with breakfast. After lunch and before dinner, an afternoon snack should be introduced. It is better to leave milk and kefir overnight.
  2. Reducing breastfeeding does not always happen quickly. Sometimes, on demand, you have to give milk early in the day and after meals. However, this is completely normal.Formula-fed babies can also ask for formula milk between meals.
  3. Into the diet child includes vegetables, cereals, fruits, dairy products , meat, fish and oils. Alternating dishes on the menu for every day allows you to supply the child’s body with both proteins and fats. It is better to stew, bake and boil food using steam or water.
  4. At 12 months It is permissible to begin introducing the baby to seasonings. Of course, we are not talking about too hot spices like pepper and garlic. And, of course, they are not useful for the child products , generously sprinkled with prepared seasoning mixtures. Dried herbs like these usually contain harmful flavorings. Add natural cinnamon, coriander, and cumin little by little to your food.
  5. Drinking fluids between meals remains important. It is sometimes allowed to drink unsweetened tea and natural herbal infusions. Many parents don't know How many What does your baby need to drink per day? It is better to fill a 300 ml bottle in the morning and offer it to your child periodically.
  6. Lunch is considered the most high-calorie meal for a baby. Then dinner, breakfast and afternoon tea. In total, a baby can eat about 1 kg of food per day, not including liquids. About 360 g is consumed for both lunch and dinner, about 260 g are consumed for breakfast, and 220 g for an afternoon snack.
  7. The norm for cottage cheese at this age is 50 grams per day, from the age of one - the same amount, because by that time other fermented milk products will be added to the diet.

Diet preparation

Above you will find a table with approximate menu designed for babies 12 months . It is important to follow it, but the degree of activity of your baby and the characteristics of his body are much more important. However, you can still make up rough plan to feed child correctly and usefully.

  • Breakfast is served at 8:00. Porridge is ideal as a first course. IN 12 months you can cook porridge and without and with gluten. The last type of dishes includes semolina, oatmeal and wheat porridge

How many should the portion be? The usual volume is 150-200 ml. It will be better if you add 5 g of butter to the porridge. The taste can be improved by adding chopped fruits , but usually fruit puree is served separately for breakfast.

A good addition to the right diet Half the yolk will serve. Instead of porridge You can serve a steam omelet, but keep in mind: the daily norm is no more than 2 eggs. This kind of breakfast should not be done more than 3 times a day. a week . With an omelette, it is useful to offer a sandwich with butter; choose white bread. Drinks allowed juice, tea.

  • At 12:00 it is time for lunch. A one-year-old baby is allowed to start eating with a vegetable salad. Now it's worth feeding himgrated or finely chopped cucumbers and tomatoes. It is better to season the dish with vegetable oil and sour cream.

The best option for lunch soups is milk soup with pasta (no more than once every week) and vegetables. At 12 months They begin to give cabbage soup and borscht in small portions. Another important element of lunch is vegetable puree.

What products is it acceptable to use? Radishes, beans, beets, and turnips are allowed. Potatoes in large quantities are not recommended for children due to starch.

Souffles, mashed potatoes and meatballs made from boiled meat or fish are suitable as main dishes.How much is needed baby fish products ? The daily norm is 30 g, but if you make such dishes only a couple of times a a week , a serving can be 80 g. As a drink - children's juice, jelly, compote.

  • At 16:00 the baby needs an afternoon snack. Here it is better to take the favorite of most parents cottage cheese . Feed It’s easier for a one-year-old baby with his first teeth, so it’s time to make new dishes - cottage cheese with sour cream, milk soufflés. A little later, when almost all the teeth have erupted, once everyweek allowed pancakes with curd . Please note, for childrenYou can feed your baby cottage cheese without any special preparation., and the usual one - only after heat treatment. It is also useful to make fruit puree, juice, and add low-fat cookies for an afternoon snack.
  • Dinner is served at 20:00. Nutrition in the evening it usually consists of a combination of vegetables with meat or cereals, that is, grate, for example, pumpkin, carrots into porridge, add vegetable stew to the meat puree, or add to the soufflé. Enter with caution diet only vegetables of bright colors, since allergies to orange and red fruits are most common. Don't forget about fruits and juices, they are written about in the next part of the article.
  • 24:00 is still allowed feed breastfeed before bedtime. Whenartificial feedingOffer him a fermented milk drink.


The child is already allowed to eat fruit, preferably for dinner, as described above. We recommend serving fruit puree and juice for dessert. Even exotic ones fruits at 12 months it is acceptable, but not more than 100 g of puree per day. The safest -kiwi, sometimes oranges and berries such as gooseberries, fresh raspberries and ripe cherries.

When making a fruit salad, choose seasonal fruits. They should also be put in pancakes and cheesecakes when the baby’s teeth are cutting through.


  1. Cakes, chocolates, and pastries are prohibited for the baby as dessert. Marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, and fructose jam are much better suited.
  2. The best meats in diet crumbs - rabbit, turkey, chicken. A child with an allergy to cow protein should avoid beef and veal. Low-fat fish without bones are allowed, such as pollock and cod.
  3. Since milk is 12 months is no longer considered a staple food, it is acceptable to exclude milk from diet fully. But in this case, you should increase the dose of kefir to 150 ml per day. Yolk is now allowed There is whole, not half. Bread feed should be no more than 2 times a day.

Recipes to note

Delicious dumplings

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and cherries are perfect for a weekend breakfast or afternoon snack. Combine 3 tbsp. l. sugar with a chicken egg, add a pack of dry cottage cheese and mix thoroughly. Add 5 tbsp portionwise. l. flour. You will get a thick dough from which you need to make several flat cakes. Sprinkle a little sugar in the center of each and place a frozen cherry with the pit removed. Roll into round balls and place in a steamer for 20 minutes.

Simple salad

New vegetables introduced into the diet make excellent salads. Boil half a beet, peel and chop into cubes. Cut a piece of apple, first cutting off the peel. Mix the ingredients and season with a drop of vegetable oil.

Fish with tomatoes

Incredibly tasty and simple dishes are prepared from fish. Boil the white fillet by steaming or in the usual way. Cut a third of the onion and simmer in water with half of the grated carrot. Remove the bones from the fish and chop. First place the fillet in the bowl, then the vegetable mixture. Place peeled tomato slices on top.

Let's sum it up

  1. Nutrition at 12 months it is divided into 5 meals at intervals of 3-4 hours. In the morning, you can no longer feed your baby milk without his request. Night feeding with formula or breastfeeding is still possible.
  2. New fruits and vegetables appear in the diet. They are administered in small portions to avoid allergies. Include dishes seasoned with fresh spices little by little. Sausages and heavy desserts should be included in children's meals food is not allowed.
  3. Particular attention is paid to drinks. There should be plenty of liquid between meals; it is better to choose water and unsweetened tea. It is also recommended to continue giving kefir.
  • In the diet a one-year-old baby should still not contain mushrooms, nuts, sausage, caviar and canned food.
  • Feed The child always needs to be fed at the same time in order for a healthy reflex to develop. Nutrition snacking should not be encouraged.
  • Every time after finishing a meal, the baby should drink a couple of sips of boiled water, thus protecting the first teeth from unwanted plaque.
  • Products usefresh. You should not make a dish for two days at once. Cook in small portions.
  • Monitor your child’s hygiene and teach them to wash their hands before eating.

You can plan the daily menu of a 1-year-old child taking into account the foods that adult family members eat. Gradually transferring the baby to the common table, it is necessary to thoroughly think through the balanced and nutritious nutrition of the baby. The health and development of the toddler directly depends on the correct diet.

Features of feeding

At the age of 12 months, the digestive system is able to assimilate new food; the mouth already has a number of teeth ready to actively chew it. While not all products can be included in children’s diets, the need to grind all the ingredients is gradually disappearing. It should be remembered that children of this age are already developing their own taste preferences. They learn to choose for themselves which foods they like and which ones to refuse.

If your baby is still breastfed, you should not deprive him of the nutrients found in breast milk. The feeding process provides the baby with a sense of security and a close connection with a loved one. An evening portion of mother's milk will help the baby fall asleep faster. Weaning should be done in stages, reducing the number of sessions to morning and evening, with a gradual complete cessation of breastfeeding.

A child's diet at 1 year old remains almost unchanged. You should stick to 4-5 meals a day - every 3-4 hours. During this time, the little one will have time to get hungry. Feeding 5–6 times a day is also allowed, taking into account breastfeeding. Depending on the baby's appetite, the mother will decide how many times a day to give him food. It is important not to violate the established regime for the proper functioning of the digestive system. You should gradually stop feeding at night.


Morning awakening is accompanied by a gradual transition from breast milk or formula to a full breakfast. Porridge remains the main product in the diet. In addition to the usual oatmeal, buckwheat and rice porridge, you can offer corn or wheat porridge, which are no less healthy.

If necessary, milk porridges can be replaced with those cooked in water. You can also use vegetable broth.

The serving size for a one-year-old child is from 150 to 200 ml. Add 5 g of butter to the porridge. You can add chopped fruit to the plate, or separately prepared fruit puree will do. Boiled yolk will complement your morning diet. Porridge can be replaced with steamed omelette. For a sandwich with butter, you should choose wheat bread: products made from rye flour can provoke fermentation processes in the intestines.

The diet for a 1 year old child includes up to 3 chicken eggs per week. When calculating the norm, you should remember that eggs are also present in soufflés and are added to cutlets and cheesecakes. For drinks, you can offer juice or tea.


You can start your lunch with salads made from fresh or boiled vegetables and leafy greens, seasoned with sour cream or sunflower oil. Soups or broths are prepared from lean sirloin meat. Vegetables, cereals and pasta are used to season soups. A one-year-old child can be given puree soup made from vegetables, cabbage soup or borscht, milk soup, as well as soup with meat or fish meatballs.

What should I cook for my child for the second meal? You can make a meat casserole. As a second course, meatballs, cutlets or zrazy are prepared using fish or meat. Vegetable puree is suitable as a side dish. Dishes made from veal and chicken liver will help diversify the menu. These valuable products make delicious puddings and healthy pates. You can finish your lunch with juice, jelly, compote of fresh fruits and berries or dried fruits.

Afternoon snack

After a nap, you can have cottage cheese with sour cream or yogurt, cottage cheese, casseroles or milk soufflé for an afternoon snack. To obtain a sufficient amount of phosphorus and calcium, you will need 70 g of cottage cheese per day. Children will also be happy to eat puree made from fresh fruit or drink juice.


The baby's dinner consists of vegetables with the addition of cereals or some meat. This can be pumpkin or carrot puree added to porridge, or vegetable stew with meat. Complement dinner with berries or fruits. Drinks: juice or tea.

Before going to bed, it is useful for the baby to drink kefir or yogurt. The daily intake of fermented milk drink is 200 ml. For a baby who is still breastfed, breast milk will be sufficient.

About fish and meat

When purchasing fish for a one-year-old baby, you should pay attention to low-fat varieties. Pollock, cod or greenling fillets are suitable. Pieces of fish are boiled, all the bones are carefully selected and chopped. A child needs from 40 to 80 g of fish dishes per week, prepared in the form of soufflés or cutlets.

Meat is required to be included in the daily diet in the amount of 60–80 g. When purchasing, it is recommended to choose rabbit or poultry meat. Veal and lean beef are suitable. Pate or puree soup is prepared from thoroughly cooked meat. The minced meat will be used for steamed meatballs, zrazy, meatballs and casseroles. It is allowed to include chicken or calf liver, as well as tongue and heart, into the monthly diet.

About vegetables and fruits

Salads and purees from vegetables and fruits must be present in children's menus to provide the body with vitamins and microelements and improve the functioning of the digestive system. During seasonal times, it is preferable to eat fresh produce grown in your region. Vegetables with a high fiber content must be thoroughly boiled to avoid colic in the intestines and bloating in the child.

To prepare vegetable salads use:

  • boiled potatoes;
  • green pea;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • boiled beets;
  • boiled pumpkin;
  • raw or boiled carrots;
  • stewed zucchini;
  • cucumbers

Fruit salad for a baby consists of chopped apples or pears. Bananas, peaches or apricots can be cut into slices. Freshly picked berries are added to porridges, salads and fruit purees.

Pay attention to a number of tips that pediatricians give to young parents.

  1. It is recommended to introduce unfamiliar components into the diet gradually, observing the body’s reaction to the products.
  2. Vegetables and fruits of bright colors can cause an allergic reaction, so offer them to your baby with caution.
  3. It is recommended to serve meat dishes for lunch so that they have time to be absorbed by the body during the day.
  4. Hard cheese can be added to dishes in small quantities - for example, sprinkle cheese on casseroles or serve it with pasta.
  5. The nutritional value of pasta is not very high, so they can appear in the diet of a 12-month-old child no more than 1 or 2 times a week.
  6. It is recommended to add a little salt to the dishes, but if possible it is better to do without salt.
  7. Sugar in the daily diet should not exceed the norm of 30–40 g; it is preferable to replace it with fructose.
  8. Cookies, marshmallows, marmalade and jam are allowed as confectionery products.
  9. Proper drinking regime is necessary for the health of the child. Your baby can only be given clean bottled or boiled water in the amount he wishes.
  10. You can feed your child only freshly prepared food.

Features of nutrition of young children

When compiling a menu for a 1-year-old child, it is necessary to take into account certain standards. To feed a toddler, you will need 1200–1250 ml of food daily. It is necessary to alternate meals throughout the week to provide the child's body with the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The largest amount of calories comes at lunch, the smallest at breakfast and dinner, and the smallest at afternoon snack.

Products are distributed so that every day the child receives about 35% for lunch, about 25% for breakfast and dinner, and about 15% for an afternoon snack of the total daily amount of food.

Culinary processing of dishes is carried out by stewing, baking and boiling in water or steaming. From semi-liquid foods, the child gradually switches to pureed ones, then to crushed ones, and at the same time learns to chew food with a dense consistency. To develop chewing skills, it is recommended to offer pieces of fruits and vegetables. For some babies, 2 or 3 months is enough to begin to cope with such foods on their own. In children who are 1 year and 6 months old, due to the increase in the number of teeth, there is more opportunity to absorb coarser foods.

How to create a menu?

When creating a menu for a 1-year-old child, you should focus not only on the recommendations of specialists. It is necessary to take into account the preferences of the baby himself. After waking up in the morning, you can offer him breast milk or formula. Before bed - any fermented milk product or mother's milk. The volume of servings for breakfast, lunch and dinner should be calculated taking into account morning and evening feedings.

We offer you several sample menu options for a one-year-old baby with recipes.

Menu No. 1

Menu No. 2

Menu No. 3

What to feed a one-year-old baby: recipes

Turkey meatballs

  1. Pass 300 g of turkey fillet through a meat grinder.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. Soak rice in water and add to minced meat.
  3. Add chopped onion.
  4. Lightly salt it.
  5. Steam balls formed from minced meat for 20 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole

  1. Beat 2 eggs with 2 tbsp. l. sugar and a packet of vanillin.
  2. Mix with 2 tbsp. l. semolina and 500 g cottage cheese
  3. Grease a baking dish with butter.
  4. Pour in the curd mass and bake for half an hour at 170 degrees.

Milk pudding

  1. Cook semolina porridge from 50 g of cereal, 150 ml of milk and 150 ml of water.
  2. Mix with 10 g butter and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  3. Beat in the egg.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  6. Place the dough and bake for 20 minutes at 175 degrees.

There is no need to rush to transfer the baby to the common table. It is much more useful to create an individual feeding regimen. It is important to follow all nutritional recommendations so that the child grows and develops in accordance with his age.

At 1 year and 3 months (15 months), the child develops his own food preferences. During this period, it is important to accustom your baby to healthy and varied dishes in the diet. Diet, food quality, culinary processing and a smooth transition from pureed to solid food remain important.

Let's start with those that should appear on the children's table every day.

Milk and its derivatives

Source of animal protein, vitamins and.

Total volume of breast milk or adapted formula, kefir, yogurt and other dairy products: 500 ml per day.

  • Breastfeeding is not canceled. Mom can feed the baby 1-2 times a day early in the morning and at night. As the needs of the child's body change, the quantity and quality of breast milk change. Therefore, the child is not in danger of overeating.
  • Adapted mixture Allow only one feeding, which can be replaced with 200 ml of kefir or fermented milk mixture before bedtime.
  • Cottage cheese (the daily value does not exceed 50 g) is offered in its pure form or used to prepare steamed cheesecakes, puddings, and soufflés.
  • or yogurt give up to 200 ml per day. Choose products with live lactic acid bacteria and the mark "for baby food".


Sources of slow carbohydrates, B vitamins and minerals.

Gluten-containing representatives appear in the diet: wheat, oatmeal, millet porridge with milk or water (≈200 g).

For children with poor weight gain, you can also cook semolina porridge 1-2 times a week, but without fanaticism: it contains phytins, which impede the absorption of calcium and vitamin D.


Meat products are rich in proteins and amino acids, B vitamins, and iron.

Lean pork, domestic chicken, rabbit, beef and veal are on the menu 4-5 times a week, 80 g per serving in the form of cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, soufflé.


Suppliers of vegetable protein, vitamins, fiber and minerals.

Used for preparing fresh salads, stewing, and added to soups.

Total amount per day: 200 g.

A 15-month-old child needs 100 g per day from a fruit and berry basket.


Dietary protein product, source of essential amino acids and vitamins.

Only chicken and after heat treatment are allowed on the children's menu.

Standard: ½ chicken egg (white and yolk) or a whole quail egg. It is allowed to give every other day, increasing the amount by 2 times.


Provides the growing body with vitamins A, E, D and valuable fatty acids.

The share of vegetable oil is a quarter of the total amount or 5–6 g per day, butter - 15 g.


In the children's diet, the leader is easily digestible white bread made from wholemeal flour (40 g per day). Up to 20 g of rye bread is also allowed.


Children's bottled water is offered unboiled. From other sources (well, water supply, borehole) requires boiling.

The child’s body itself regulates the need for water depending on the temperature and physical activity. Therefore, it must be given on demand.

Compotes, juices, fruit drinks

Prepared from fruits and berries typical of the place where you live, without adding sugar.

Fruits frozen for future use are also suitable for compotes.

Products that are given irregularly


A good option is a spoonful of homemade jam for cottage cheese, cheesecakes or porridge.

Please note! Acceptable: 35 g per day, taking into account its content in other products (milk, cereals, fruits, vegetables, etc.).


Can be harmful: it causes fluid retention and increases the load on the kidneys.

About not wanting

Appetite in childhood is not constant and decreases for various reasons:

  • inactivity;
  • high-calorie snacks;
  • malaise;
  • reluctance to eat what is offered.

Refusal to eat is not a reason to force feed your baby.

Children's doctor Komarovsky advises:

  • leave the child the right to choose;
  • temporarily replace what you don’t like with something of equal calorie content, but from other products (for example, porridge with pasta or mashed potatoes);
  • do not repeat during the day and, if possible, a week;
  • observe rituals: wash hands, arrange plates, tie a napkin;
  • offer delicious and beautifully presented dishes.

Binge eating

Another problem in baby food after a year, although it is less common.

Typically, overeating is associated with parents' attempts to get the child to eat more.

  • overweight;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • disruptions in the digestive system;
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • decreased immunity.


Experts believe that indiscriminate snacking is a reason for skipping main meals.

But it is sometimes difficult for a physically active child to take a break of 4 hours - he needs a snack to replenish energy costs.

What to do:

  1. To eliminate the feeling of hunger, give a few pieces of fruits, vegetables, a slice of cheese or 1-2 children's cookies with kefir.
  2. Reinforce the fidget 1.5 hours before the main meal.
  3. If your baby wants to eat 30–40 minutes earlier than the established schedule, meet him halfway.

It is important to learn to understand whether the child really wants to eat or is thirsty. The suggested water and unsweetened compote can be a quick solution to the problem.

Breast milk

Mother's milk after one year:

  • provides 95% vitamin C;
  • helps in digestion of food;
  • provides immune protection against infections.

Principles of Cooking

By the age of 1 year and 3 months, a child’s digestive system can already easily cope with many foods, provided they are properly prepared and processed.

The priority is steaming in a double boiler or multicooker. An acceptable option is boiling, an acceptable option is stewing.

Vegetables for fresh salads are grated and cut into small pieces before heat treatment. In stews and first courses, they can be slightly mashed with a fork.

The meat is passed through a meat grinder for steamed meatballs, cutlets, meatballs, and soufflés. Boil for pates, then grind in a blender, cut into small pieces for stewing.

For fish fillets, boiling, stewing, and baking in foil are suitable. It is also used to make minced meat for meatballs and cutlets.

Eggs are prepared only hard-boiled, in a fat-free form with the addition of milk, and are used for minced fish and meat, cheesecakes and casseroles, followed by heat treatment.

It is preferable to have porridges of uniform consistency, well boiled. Buyable: Age appropriate soluble industrial production or quick-cooking in flakes.

Butter and vegetable oil added to food at the end of cooking, without exposing it to high temperatures.

Fresh fruits are peeled, cut into small pieces or offered to the baby in a nibbler as a safer option.

To prepare milk porridges, you can use adapted mixtures. Whole cow's milk remains banned for up to 3 years due to the high risk of allergies to milk protein.

  • choose only fresh and environmentally friendly products;
  • cook food immediately before serving;
  • Do not give your fidget too hot or cold.

Making a menu

Porridge or vegetable dishes200 g
Curd, fish, meat or egg dish50 g
Tea100 ml
A fresh vegetable salad30 g
First50 g
Second (meat or fish)70 g
Side dish (vegetable or cereal)70 g
Compote or juice100 ml
Afternoon snack
Kefir or yogurt150 ml
Cookies, crackers or biscuits15 g
Fresh fruit or fruit puree100 g
Meat with vegetables, vegetable, cereal or cottage cheese dish180 g
Kefir or yogurt100 ml

After the child turns one year old, we can gradually switch to four feedings a day. This means: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. Between breakfast and lunch, you can give your child one of the fruit juices or an apple.

Thus, your child switches to the so-called adult diet.

The main meal is at usual times: at 8.00, at 12.00, at 18.00. Between these receptions there is an additional reception. Variations are possible (taking into account the daily routine that you have chosen).
From one to one and a half years, the child’s daily food volume should be 1000-1200 ml. And from one and a half to three years - up to 1400 ml. Of course, the indicated volumes should not be maintained too strictly, since much depends on the type of food and its nutritional value.

Diet for a child from one year to 3 years

You can offer your child the following diet:

8.00 (breakfast) - 150 g of milk, bun; instead of a bun, you can give black bread with butter or white bread with jam (with honey); vitamin preparation (D);
10.00 (second breakfast) - fruit or vegetable puree or half a glass of juice (apple, tomato, orange); if the appetite does not suffer, you can give the child bread and butter;
12.00 (lunch) - first course: soup (liquid) - vegetable or meat or broth - 60-100 ml; second course: if there was meat soup or broth, give the second course without meat - porridge, pudding, potatoes, noodles with cottage cheese, etc.; if the soup was vegetarian, the second course could be meat or fish with a side dish of vegetables or cereals; total serving volume - 150-200 g; compote, tea or jelly - from 100 to 150 ml;
15.00 (afternoon snack) - milk or kefir - 150-200 ml;
18.00 (dinner) - salad, porridge, pudding, cottage cheese; curdled milk, cheese, bread and butter, maybe small slices of ham,
milk, etc. (total from 250 to 350 g); compote tea or jelly (60-80 g).

You can try another diet (note that meal times are slightly different):
8.00 (breakfast) - vegetable puree or one of the milk porridges, meat or fish dish - only 250-260 g; milk or weak coffee drink - 120-150 ml;
12.00 (lunch) - vegetable salad - 40-50 g; vegetable soup or meat broth - 60-100 ml; meat or fish dish with side dish (vegetable puree, porridge) - total volume 150-200 g; fruit juice - 120-150 g;
16.00 (afternoon snack) - milk or kefir - 150-200 ml; bun, or shortbread, or cookies - 20-40 g; fresh fruits - 120-150 g;
20.00 (dinner) - porridge or some vegetable dish - 150-200 g; milk or kefir - 120-150 ml; fruit -50-70 g.

The meat from which you prepare dishes for your baby must certainly be fresh. Also, do not leave dishes to be stored until the next day. Even if they are in the refrigerator, the nutritional value of the food decreases over time.
It is not recommended to give your baby products such as sausages, sausages, and wieners, since they are prepared from meat that can hardly be called high-grade.

Avoid giving your child smoked foods. They almost certainly contain pepper and other additives. This is harmful for the child. In addition, a baby’s taste sensitivity is much richer than an adult’s. Products with a lot of spices can spoil (dull) your child’s taste.

If you include fish in your diet, be very careful about small bones.

After one and a half years, you can give your child vegetables, not pureed, but chopped. First, you should cut it smaller; over time and large. The child must learn to chew. It is useful to put stress on the teeth. Such food (not pureed) is also useful for the gastrointestinal tract: lumps of unchewed food irritate the intestines and stimulate its rapid emptying.
The child's diet should contain sufficient fiber-rich foods. How is fiber useful?.. It is not digested and serves as a basis for the formation of feces. When there is a lot of fiber in the intestines, it is easier for it to have bowel movements. Fiber is found in large quantities in legumes, vegetables and fruits, and bread.

It is better not to give peas, beans, beans in unmash form to small children. After three years - give carefully.

Milk and dairy products are one of the most important sources of building material for a child, so there should be sufficient quantities of them in the diet. A child, unlike an adult, needs building material not only to restore worn-out cells in tissues, but also to grow new ones. In addition to protein, milk and dairy products contain many mineral salts, as well as important vitamins such as A and B.

Only fresh milk should be given to your child. It must be boiled before use. The amount of milk a baby needs per day is 700-750 ml.

By the end of the second year, some portions of milk (for example, for breakfast or dinner) can be replaced with dairy products: yogurt, sour milk, cottage cheese, cheese. Cottage cheese contains a lot of proteins and fats, so cottage cheese is especially valuable. Not all cheeses are suitable - spicy cheeses are excluded. Children love curd cheeses very much.
A very valuable product is butter. The oil contains important vitamins such as A and D.

When a child turns two years old, he can eat any fruit. While the child is small, fruits are rubbed through a grater; over time, he receives fruits cut into small slices. And only by the age of three can you give him whole fruit.
It is preferable to use raw fruits - they contain significantly more vitamins. In addition to vitamins, fruits contain very healthy fruit sugar and mineral salts. Don't get carried away with citrus fruits; Although they are healthy and contain a lot of vitamin C, they can cause an allergic reaction. In general, some authors believe that when it comes to vegetables and fruits, you should focus on those that grow in your area. They are the most harmonious for you and will not cause such allergic reactions as many exotic fruits.

Some fruits and berries should be given with caution - little by little. For example, pears in large quantities can cause stomach upset; plums are somewhat weak; Apples cause increased gas formation...
If it’s not the season and there is a shortage of fruits, they can be successfully replaced with raw vegetables. Carrots are very healthy and children love them.

In addition to vitamins, mineral salts, fiber, vegetables and fruits contain sugar. The child’s body needs it as a source of energy. But this is not the sugar that is in your sugar bowl; in general, it is not recommended to artificially sweeten food for a child under 3 years old, or even more. This will ensure good digestion and healthy teeth. Sweets with sugar and chocolate are also not recommended; replace them with dried fruits and honey.

To salt or not to salt food for a child?

The child eats salted food with greater appetite than unleavened food. This is explained not only by the taste of food; with a salt content of about 10%, the most effective breakdown of food by saliva occurs, digestion and appetite improve. Vegetables and meat have just the right salt content, and if you steam them, there is no need to add salt. If you boil meat or vegetables in water, you need to add salt - a child’s pinch of salt per 100 ml.

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