
What do Edgar Cayce's predictions say? Edgar Cayce's prophecies about Russia: myth or reality Edgar Cayce predictions read

In the first half of the 20th century, the American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce made a large number of predictions. The prophecies came true during the life of the mystic. His words were confirmed throughout the century. Many of Edgar Cayce's predictions concern the near future that our generation will face. Let's figure out what the famous predictor was talking about and whether we should believe his words.

Personality of the predictor

Edgar Cayce is a renowned mystic, medium, and self-proclaimed “healer.” The US citizen lived a long and eventful life - at the time of his death he was 67 years old. He was born in the second half of the 70s. XIX century, and died at the very beginning of 1945, a few months before the end of World War II.

Cayce performed his numerous “readings” in a state of trance, which is why he received the nickname “Sleeping Prophet.” Since childhood, the American clairvoyant has heard voices that told him the information he needed.

Edgar earned his authority during his lifetime by treating people. It all started with a case when Casey, having lost his voice, was able to establish the cause of his problems in a state of hypnosis. Later, Edgar streamlined the process of identifying diseases and indicating effective treatments for other people. Edgar gave out information in a state of trance. Soon people from all over the world began turning to the medium for advice. He gained fame.

During his lifetime, the medium treated people

The American clairvoyant is credited with accurately predicting earthquakes and revolutions. Many of the prophecies recorded in the verbatim responses came true.

Casey was very religious. He sincerely believed in God, which is why many of the medium’s prophecies often mention the Lord in his “readings.”

Fulfilled prophecies

The fame of the predictor Edgar Cayce was brought by “records” in which he predicted the onset of many significant events. Some of them occurred during the life of the “sleeping prophet.”

Casey's predictions that came true:

  • Great Depression in the USA;
  • US economic recovery in the 1930s;
  • Hitler's defeat in World War II;
  • the triumphal march of the USSR throughout Europe;
  • formation of a separate Jewish state;
  • the assassination of President Kennedy in the 1960s;
  • the collapse of the USSR with the formation of national republics;
  • China's gradual rise to a leading position in the world.

Not all of Cayce's prophecies came true. There were also numerous unfortunate statements about the future. Such prophecies include the following statements:

  • Hitler will unite Europe into a single democratic state;
  • in the civil war of the 1940s in China, pro-democracy supporters supported by the United States would win;
  • in the 1960s, Atlantis will rise again from the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Cayce's prediction about the appearance of Atlantis on the surface has not yet come true

But these mistakes of the “sleeping prophet” cannot be ignored. Many predictors interpret their visions and voices allegorically. By using the critical method to analyze Edgar's words, erroneous judgments no longer look like absolute failures.

Thus, the rise of Atlantis should not be interpreted directly. These words by Cayce implied the discovery of areas on the ocean floor on which the structures of an unknown ancient civilization were located. What we mean by discoveries is the uplifting of the earth. In 1968, such discoveries actually began to occur at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The ruins of an ancient flooded city were discovered. It is assumed that the settlement found may be part of Atlantis.

Hitler is also the person who pushed Europe towards unification. Nazism gave rise to the occupation of Europe by the Americans and Russians. To coordinate the activities of democracies in Europe, the EU was gradually formed - a single democratic state. Without Hitler and the Second World War he started, this would not have happened.

Future of the world

Many of the statements of the “sleeping prophet” relate to catastrophes that humanity will face in the next few tens, or at most hundreds, of years.

According to Casey, the following events await humanity and the planet:

  • the Savior will come to earth;
  • before the coming of the Savior, a series of disasters awaits that humanity has never had to face before - wars, earthquakes, famine, illnesses, faith in a person will weaken, love will disappear;
  • the harbinger of the coming of the Savior will be signals - the sun will darken, the earth will split in many places, a star will appear in the sky, which will show the way for believers to salvation;
  • before the end of the world and the coming of the Savior there will be a great sign in the sky, the sea will begin to rage, the Sun will disappear, the Moon and stars will cease to shine;
  • the coming will be marked by strong lightning that will strike from east to west, and the cross of Jesus will appear in the sky.

According to Casey, humanity is facing a global catastrophe

There are also prophecies by Edgar Cayce that concern natural disasters.

  1. Volcanoes will begin to erupt everywhere.
  2. All continents will change their shape. Many coastal areas will be flooded, and new lands will form in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
  3. A huge rift is forming in western North America. New York will be destroyed by war or earthquake, and later people will be able to rebuild it. Carolina, Georgia, Florida and a number of other US territories will also be destroyed. California will turn into an island, the Hawaiian Islands will go under water.
  4. Japan will plunge into the ocean.
  5. New land will emerge from the waters off the east coast of North America.
  6. The territories of Europe will change beyond recognition.
  7. There will be rapid melting of glaciers. Warming will lead to irreversible changes in Antarctica and the Arctic, the northern part of Greenland will go under water.
  8. The catastrophe will be accompanied by a shift of the magnetic poles, the tropical climate will be in cold and subtropical areas.

Today all these statements seem reasonable and normal. Similar consequences are actively discussed around the world. But during Edgar’s life such problems were not indicated even at the level of forecasts. The first manifestations of global warming were far away. They did not yet know about the displacement of magnetic poles. We didn’t even think about the accelerating melting of glaciers.

The prophet's predictions about future cataclysms are confirmed by scientific forecasts. In the 20th century, the processes of accelerating the displacement of the planet’s magnetic poles were launched. These movements activate seismic and tectonic processes. Tectonic plates will begin to actively move, which will be reflected on the surface of the earth in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and the emergence of land from the waters of the oceans.

Such processes will clearly manifest themselves in North America. The Yellowstone supervolcano will erupt. The explosion will lead to a split in the tectonic plate, which will pass through the United States.

The melting of glaciers, triggered by the combined effects of climate warming and pole shifts, will lead to a rise in global sea levels. Huge coastal areas of land will be flooded. The US and Europe will be hit hard.

A medium predicted the destruction of the United States

A feature of the prophecies of the American clairvoyant was the lack of indications of exact dates. It is not possible to construct a chronology of Edgar Cayce's predictions by dates.

He answered questions about the timing in vague categories:

  • this will happen in a period of forty years;
  • the phenomenon will be seen by the next generation, etc.

Natural disaster events will occur between 58 and 98 years. But Cayce did not specify a century in his prophecies. If this is the 20th century, the predictions did not come true. Maybe he was talking about the events of the 21st century?

Edgar pointed to the harbingers of the beginning of the planet's seismic activity: the first severe cataclysm in the South Sea, the submergence and emergence of land in the Mediterranean Sea (the area near Mount Etna). The American clairvoyant attributed the beginning of the processes of magnetic pole shift to the period of the first years of the 21st century.

The eruption of Mount Etna in 2019 is the beginning of seismic activity on the planet

According to researchers' calculations, the catastrophic processes described in Cayce's prophecies will begin at the turn of the century. But don’t expect an instant apocalypse. Everything will happen gradually, with increasing consequences. If you look at modern disasters and their dynamics, Cayce's prophecies about disasters are already coming true.

The “sleeping prophet” did not ignore the political future in his statements. He pointed out that people would be able to avoid World War III.

Edgar Cayce in his prophecies concerns the future of China:

  • the country is now in a state of quiet inaction;
  • awakening will soon come, China will “cut off its hair”;
  • The Celestial Empire will begin to think and act;
  • these lands will become the cradle of Christianity.

At the time of the clairvoyant’s life, China was inactive; it was not an active geopolitical player. But after the end of the civil war in the country and the victory of the communists, the Celestial Empire embarked on the path of radical modernization and the construction of a new superpower. Today China is the second economy in the world and the largest geopolitical player. The country began to act. The prophet accurately predicted the fate of the Celestial Empire. Only Cayce's statements about the cradle of Christianity are incomprehensible.

Predictions about Russia

In his “readings,” Edgar Cayce also touched on the fate of Russia. He said that freedom would come from Russia. It will not be communism or socialism, the Russians will create a new, fair system. People will live not for themselves, but for others.

The mission of the Slavs is to change the nature of relationships between peoples. The relationship will be devoid of selfishness and material passions. Everything will be based on love, trust and wisdom.

Western Siberia will become the center of the new civilization. Here people will find protection from all environmental and climatic disasters. Siberia will not be touched by disasters.

Russia is a great power. This concerns her religious and spiritual development. Russians and peoples close to them will gradually change the life of the planet for the better.

In his prophecies, Casey predicted a bright future for the Russians. There is a connection here with the religious ideas of Russians. Orthodoxy will play a special role in the future. A new world order will be built on its basis.

Russia will help survive all disasters. There is a grain of wisdom in this. The country is located in the center of Eurasia. Many areas rich in natural resources are not subject to floods, earthquakes and other disasters. This will allow maintaining favorable conditions for the subsequent restoration of the entire planet.

Casey is a 20th century clairvoyant. Casey's predictions for 2020 also affected Russia. The clairvoyant was able to predict the future of our country and the whole world.

Edgar Cayce's Predictions for 2020

Predictions that came true

Edgar Cayce is an American prophet who saw the future, author of a large number of articles. He gave answers to questions and helped treat patients, plunging into a trance. List of clairvoyant predictions that have come true:

  1. The prophet predicted the collapse of the USSR in 1944. His prophecies literally sounded like this: “Before the 20th century ends, the collapse of communism will come.” He foresaw the First and Second World Wars.
  2. He said that Hitler would not live long. In a state of hypnosis, he foresaw the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy and described the appearance of the killer.
  3. Edward Casey managed to name the exact date of the Battle of Kursk. He also predicted the Great Depression in the United States.
  4. Saw the Vietnam War and the global currency crisis. Foresaw the formation of Israel and India as independent states.
  5. He said that China would become a world leader, and then wartime would begin in this country, and indicated the exact date of this event. He spoke about democracy in China, which turned out to be a mistake.
  6. Knew that the Qumran scrolls would be found. These are manuscripts discovered in 1947 in the caves of Kamran - a major find that can help in the study of the history of Hebrew.

The medium told the world about the previously unknown Atlantis and the history of Ancient America. He claimed that there was an ancient vault containing household items. The items in the storage facility were also described by Casey:

  1. Decorations from the Temple of the Day.
  2. Surgical instruments.
  3. Stamps.
  4. Musical instruments.
  5. Medicines.
  6. Gold.
  7. Jewelry.
  8. Fabrics.
  9. Banners.

Casey foresaw that power would pass to a new ruler. This person will have intelligence, the ability to diplomacy and qualities that will lead the country to prosperity.

Reasons for Casey's popularity

The prophecies of the American clairvoyant Edgar are numerous. The predicted future was confirmed many times by contemporaries. The peculiarity of his forecasts was their precise description.

  1. Edgar saw in his dreams the eruption of Vesuvius in Italy, and within three months of the volcanic eruption there would be an earthquake in the United States. Most of California will be in a flood zone. The map of America will change.
  2. He helped businessmen make deals, and they ended successfully.
  3. Predicted the earthquake in Turkey in 2000. He cited the shift in the Earth's axis as the reason for this.
  4. The prophet often mentioned Russia in his teachings. He said that the consequences of the split of the Soviet Union would affect the whole world. He also said about Russia that it will revive the world.
  5. In 2010, Edgar Cayce predicted that the USSR would reunite. After this, Belarus, formerly part of the USSR, wanted unification. The Commonwealth of Independent States emerged.
  6. Two great oceans - the Atlantic and the Pacific - will change the outlines of the coasts. The coastline will become the bottom of the ocean. People will be displaced and life will change significantly.
  7. A clairvoyant predicted an earthquake in Japan.

Predictions for Russia for 2020

Edgar Cayce's predictions for 2020 regarding Russia were related to the fact that the country will have to overcome difficulties and become great. On February 8, 1932, he said that countries that are on good terms with Russia will live in abundance and without problems.

Edgar wrote that a revolution would happen. Russia will be what changes humanity's vision of the world. This will affect the policies of all countries. Society will focus on individual freedom.

The number of poor people will decrease in 2020. The times will not be easy. Russia will be a place where everyone will escape from natural disasters. According to his predictions, the Trans-Urals region will become the safest place to live. No catastrophe will reach here. This is explained by the fact that Russia has an advantageous geographical location, rich natural resources, and also by the fact that the people here are united.

Clairvoyant Edgar saw what would happen in Crimea. There will be a deterioration in relations with the United States. Problems will be resolved over time.

Prophecies for 2020 say that the climate will change. Southern crops will grow in Siberia and the Far East. Trees will replace palms. According to the forecast, Africa will become the northern continent.

Why was THIS prediction banned in Russia? Edgar Cayce's prophecies about Russia are driving you crazy


Edgar Cayce: predictions about the future of Russia and the USA. The prophet who gave an accurate prediction about Russia.


The American clairvoyant's predictions for 2020 say that America and Russia will improve relations. Russia will be the initiator. Many prophecies of the great seer came true and are coming true to this day.

Many prophets who are known throughout the world promise a huge number of disasters for the first half of this century. Their predictions come true selectively: some predicted cataclysms that never happened, while others guessed crises and conflicts that we can observe in the modern world.

One way or another, there is quite a lot of interest in predictions among people now.

One of the famous world prophets is Edgar Cayce. His paranormal abilities have long been recognized - the man had the gift of healing and clairvoyance.

Plunging into a hypnotic sleep, Cayce made predictions for the future, including predictions regarding world wars and economic crises.

Biography of Edgar Cayce

This predictor was born in America, Kentucky, in 1877. The personality of the prophet is shrouded in mystery - it is not known for certain at what age he acquired the gift of clairvoyance and after what incident. According to those who knew Casey from childhood, he was a little strange child and talked about meetings with the spirits of deceased relatives.

One version of the manifestation of the gift of healing and clairvoyance says that Edgar was able to predict the future after an injury received during a baseball match. Then he hit his spine hard, as a result of which he began to behave inappropriately. He said incoherent things and made faces.

Some time later, Casey developed a fever. The boy suffered from a high fever and asked his parents to give him a special compress. The parents decided to try it and the fever completely disappeared overnight. After this, Edgar Cayce began to be recognized as a healer.

According to another version, Edgar suffered from laryngitis as a child. This disease could not be completely cured, which is why the child lost his voice. They tried to bring him back in different ways and in the end they decided to turn to a hypnotherapist.

The doctor put Casey into a hypnotic sleep and his voice gradually returned. Once the boy was in this state with other patients of the doctor and began to voice the names of their diseases.

Subsequently, the healer often entered a hypnotic sleep in order to take advantage of his exceptional abilities. Often he began to prophesy while in this state. It was recorded because Casey himself could not remember anything after emerging from hypnotic sleep.

Edgar Cayce's predictions that came true

Why is the name of this prophet so popular and trusted by society? The fact is that Cayce predicted great events that took place in the 20th century:

  • the beginning of two world wars;
  • the fall of fascism and communism;

  • development of China;
  • rapid scientific progress;
  • The Great Depression.

Casey's Predictions for 2019

Like many other famous prophets, Edgar Cayce did not name the exact dates of this or that event. Therefore, it is impossible to reliably say when those predictions that have not yet happened in the world will come true.

First of all, the seer warned us about the threat of serious cataclysms. It is impossible to say exactly what will happen. Edgar talked about possible changes in the earth's crust. The cracks that will appear in it will cause serious changes throughout the world: some areas will rise from under the water column, and some, on the contrary, will sink to the bottom.

The hardest situation may be for the USA and Japan. Large areas of land in these states will be completely flooded. Cities like New York and San Francisco are at risk of disappearing from world maps forever. The northern countries of the European continent are also in danger. Flooding may also affect their lands. Edgar Cayce lists Greenland as one of the states that will suffer from flooding.

In parallel with these phenomena, climate changes will occur. According to the prophet’s forecasts, global warming awaits the Earth in the 21st century. In a number of countries, the temperate climate will change to tropical and people will have to get used to new conditions. Such changes will force residents of Europe and South America to leave their homes and seek refuge in lands where climatic conditions will remain milder.

All these natural disasters will lead to the fact that part of humanity will improve and form a new race. Its representatives will be stronger. They will also have highly developed abilities to regenerate the body.

Predictions for Russia

In his prophecies, Casey mentioned Russia more than once. Firstly, the seer argued that it was from this country that a new worldview would come to the world, on which the political system would be built in the future.

He clarified that we are not talking about communism, but about a fundamentally new system, which is based on personal freedom. The time when the rulers profited from the poor will end. But to achieve this, you will have to go through a difficult time.

Secondly, Edgar Cayce argued that Russian lands would become a refuge for many people after the cataclysms. The lands located beyond the Urals will not suffer as much from disasters, and therefore millions of people will find new housing there.

It is worth noting that other prophets voiced similar things. For example, Michel Nostradamus argued that after large-scale cataclysms, the massive development of Siberia would begin, which would later become the new center of humanity.

Video section

The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/

He could heal the sick and predict the future of the whole world. E. Casey knew in advance the time of the beginning of the Second World War, the victory of the USSR in it, named the date of the signing of surrender by the Germans, and even listed the cataclysms that would befall the earth in the 21st century. For example, the recent earthquake in Japan. Casey's predictions about Russia were banned in the USSR because they promised its collapse and predicted the collapse of communism.

How is this possible?

In 1877, the future healer and prophet was born. How could an ordinary boy develop such talent? Researchers, psychotherapists and medical doctors describe this state as the ability to reach a level of transnational consciousness in which a person is able to see cause-and-effect relationships. In this stay there is no past and future; the medium is in the present.

E. Casey himself called this state the universal mind. His prophecies throughout his life fit on fourteen thousand sheets. Among the records, researchers discovered the American soothsayer's predictions about Russia. Edgar Cayce gave her the role of savior of the world and humanity.

What contributed to this gift?

In information sources, information about the origin of Casey’s gift to foresee the future varies. There is evidence of a hereditary component. His mother heard voices all the time and acted according to their promptings. Edgar's grandfather knew how to move pieces of furniture with the power of his thoughts. The medium himself, being a schoolboy, could sleep on a textbook, and the next day tell all the material presented in it. At the age of thirteen, after suffering from laryngitis, Edgar was left without a voice. And supposedly a meeting with a local hypnotist turned his life upside down. He managed to fall into a trance, describe the reasons for his muteness and prescribe treatment for himself. Casey woke up already talking.

The exact details of what happened are unknown, but Russia is known over the years. And this arouses humanity’s interest in his person.

Events that took place

The first good mission of the American psychic was to heal the sick. He, going into the astral plane, described aloud the ailment tormenting a person and gave recommendations for eliminating it. Incredibly, sometimes these were entire recipe notes. Waking up, Edgar forgot what he was talking about, and he himself did not believe what was written by the stenographers (assistants) during the session. While conscious, he did not even know the names of the drugs he prescribed to patients.

Later, in addition to seeing hidden illnesses, he discovered the gift of prophesying the future of nations. Casey's first predictions about Russia concerned the collapse of the Union. Why do these events only apply to Russia? This question may arise from the reader. Because this state is the legal successor and successor of the USSR.

From what happened in history, he foresaw: earthquakes in Chile (1960), Antarctica (1988), Turkey (1990), Japan (2011); death of a woman's premiership in Great Britain; date and outcome of World War II. There were also Casey's predictions about Russia. He promised a crisis in the country after the collapse of the totalitarian regime, which the state would overcome in the future. And Edgar prophesied the Great American Depression and the fall of stock markets to his homeland.

Was there a connection with space?

In his notes, Edgar talked about a mysterious incident that happened to him. Allegedly, unknown people flew in on an object that was unrealistic for that time and took it into space. In an unknown space, he was told about extraordinary abilities and was told that he could teleport to anywhere in the world and broadcast about events that had or would happen in a specific place. From a scientific point of view, such a case seems absurd. Everyone knows that at that time humanity did not know about spaceship rockets, let alone UFOs.

Cayce claimed that, once in space above the planet, he saw the near future of the Earth. Only Casey's predictions about Russia in environmental terms were rosy. Edgar witnessed the most terrible events. He saw the consequences of the atomic attack on Hiroshima, volcanoes in Hawaii, the flooding of America, earthquakes and a radioactive disaster in the Land of the Rising Sun.

3000: Russians will become Martians

Edgar Cayce saw the end of the world and the coming of the Messiah before the coming apocalypse. Predictions about Russia promised her salvation and new religious development. It is this country that will become the revival of civilization, centered in the western part of Siberia. The climate on the planet will change due to a shift in the earth's axis, and many coastal states will disappear. Russia will accept on its territory those who will lose their native lands. And the peoples who will have friendly relations with Muscovy will begin to live better.

Casey foreshadowed China's dominant position in the world and friendship with Russia. He prophesied for these countries the joint colonization of the Moon and Mars, and that this process would be facilitated by the civilization of individual galaxies. In publications, the skeptical attitude of the authors can be seen on this matter. Who knows, maybe in a thousand years it will still be possible to expand the territory suitable for human life.

Heart of the world

“Natural disasters are designed to destroy those who have sinned,” this is how Edward Cayce interpreted the cause of all environmental troubles. Predictions about Russia concerned its saving role for all humanity. He said that the religious development of this country can give hope to the world.

“The unbelievers still have a chance for salvation, and they must take advantage of it. The goal of the entire earthly society will be the construction of a new Jerusalem. Only then will revival come.” The medium promised changes in the ideas of religious thought, which would be promoted by Russia. He believed that the principle of living in friendship with one's fellow man was rooted in this country. And thanks to this feature of the Russian people, Muscovy will give humanity hope for salvation and will become the heart of the world.

Casey's predictions about the future of Russia also applied to its leader. Edgar described him as a person with unique capabilities, such that no one else in the world has. And the intellect of the new leader will allow the country to experience fantastic technologies.

Agreement between the USA and Russia

In his prophecies, Cayce mentioned the relationship between the two superpowers. If only the seer knew then what kind of competition for dominance began between the above states after the Second World War! And after the annexation of Crimea and the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, the situation escalated to the limit.

However, E. Casey's predictions about Russia are connected with friendship with the American people. Perhaps the reason for such reconciliation will be the natural disasters that the clairvoyant predicted for his country. There is a possibility that the United States will resort to the help of its opponent. In 1934, information appeared about the split of the Earth in Western America, about the flooding of part of Japan, about changes in Antarctica and the Arctic. Later, in 1941, the prophet expanded the description of the disasters. He spoke about the cessation of the Carolinas, and the east coast of America. Safe areas will be southeastern Canada and Indiana.

The future belongs to the Russian people

Many may ask: “Why will Russia become a beacon of hope?” The Russian people have always had unity, friendship and spiritual development as a priority. Children are taught through fairy tales, proverbs and example to love and help their neighbors. In Western countries, relations between people are more mercantile. Everyone knows the broad Russian soul. Poets sang about it, and it remains unknown to other peoples. It is the Russians who are characterized by selfless friendship, generosity and submission to God. And Casey’s predictions about Russia were based on the religious aspect and the principle of mutual assistance inherent in the people.

As for Western Siberia as a center of civilizations, this is even a scientifically proven fact. The territory where this region is located is considered a safe place. There have not been and will not be seismic shifts, floods or tsunamis. Edgar described it as a place where clean energy is accumulated, capable of protecting the earth from energy and environmental disasters.


Cayce did not consider his prophecies to be true. He understood that it was impossible to completely predetermine the course of events, explaining this by the dependence of the future on the will of man and the entire population of planet Earth. “By living by the word of God, you can expect the best changes in life,” said Edward Cayce.

Predictions about Russia concerned its victory over the United States in terms of world domination. Due to the tilt of the earth's axis and impending disasters, Cayce singled out Russian soil, dubbing it the safest place. And Edgar put the religiosity and spirituality of the Slavic people at the forefront of the salvation of all non-believers who in the future will suffer from their position in life.

The scale of the legacy of the outstanding seer is impressive, and his predictions seem ridiculous to a sane person. But it is a fact that climate change is occurring in the world at the present time. The reversal of the Earth's poles is a prophecy that is coming true today.

Edgar Cayce predicted two world wars, naming the dates of their beginning and end, prophesied the economic crisis of 1929, describing in detail the catastrophic events on the stock exchanges, and saw the subsequent rise in 1933. He voiced the defeat of the Germans at the Kursk Bulge, the end of fascism and the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. A few months before his death, when the Red Army was marching victoriously across Europe, the soothsayer declared that the Soviet Union would collapse in the near future. “Before the 20th century ends, communism will collapse,” said Edgar Cayce. “The Communists will lose their power there.” He also said that Russia, freed from communism, would face a crisis from which it would emerge safely “thanks to friendship with the people, on whose banknotes it is written “We Trust in God.” “Hope will come to the world from this country,” the predictor said. - Not from the communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from free Russia! It will be years before this happens, but it is the religious development of Russia that will give the world hope." And then "those people who will be in close relations with Russia will begin to live better, gradually changing and ultimately finally establishing the conditions for the organization of life throughout the world ", noted the American prophet Edgar Cayce.

Just recently, many experts considered Casey’s forecast that in 2010 to be fantastic. The Soviet Union will be reborn. However, now, this prediction is gradually beginning to come true. The first candidate for unification, as is known, is Belarus. And then, Kyrgyzstan, Eastern Ukraine, Armenia and Kazakhstan may join Russia. And even Georgia, which stubbornly and unsuccessfully tries to live independently, perhaps, having survived the troubled times of Saakashvili’s rule, will take a step towards Russia. And how can one not remember Vanga’s prophecy that Russia “will again become a great empire”!

Edgar Cayce had other predictions. In particular, he prophesied the growth of China's political power, the increasing trend towards democracy and the adoption of Christian ideas there. “More and more adherents of the Christian faith will come into politics,” said Casey. “Yes, China will one day become the cradle of Christianity applied to the lives of people.... A long time will pass by human standards, but it is just one day in the heart of God. For tomorrow China will awaken."

Comment. Perhaps Christianity will become the leading religion in China(?), when in Russia it loses its position (but will probably remain) under the pressure of the revival of the original Russian Vedic faith? But this is also not obvious, maybe he did not mean Christianity, but the sankirtana movement of Lord Gauranga, which is the final stage, the essence of Christianity.

A third world war, according to Cayce's predictions, is not expected, but the Earth will be engulfed by something no less catastrophic - natural disasters. So, back in the 1930s, when no one really thought about climate change on the planet, a predictor predicted global warming. He also stated that the earth's axis would shift by 2001, followed by climate change: "Areas with cold or subtropical climates will become more tropical, and moss and ferns will grow there." - Casey said. - Los Angeles and San Francisco will be destroyed even before New York. The East Coast areas near New York, Connecticut and other areas, and perhaps New York itself, will virtually disappear from the face of the earth. However, another generation will live here. As for the southern parts of the Carolinas and Georgia, they will disappear completely. The waters of the Great Lakes will merge into the Gulf of Mexico... Volcanoes will awaken in Hawaii, and such a strong wave will roll that the southern coast of California will disappear under water in three months... Open waters will appear in the northern regions of Greenland, and new lands will appear in the Caribbean Sea. South America will shake from top to bottom, and in Antarctica, not far from Tierra del Fuego, the earth will rise from the bottom and a strait with raging waters will appear."

According to Cayce's forecast, climate and seismic disasters will affect the entire planet, causing it to change greatly. But Russia will suffer less than others and will lead a resurgent civilization, the center of which will be Western Siberia. True, the prophet was already mistaken with the timing: he scheduled all these misfortunes for the end of the 20th century, having guessed, in fact, only the process of global warming itself. But it is possible that Casey pointed out the trend accurately: for ten years now scientists have been scaring us with predictions that intensive melting of ice in Greenland and Antarctica could provoke violent tectonic activity on Earth and, as a result, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and floods.

Here Casey’s prophecy resembles Vanga’s prediction. “Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia,” she said in 1979. “She will sweep away everything from her path and will not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world.”

Edgar Cayce himself stated during his lifetime that he would be reborn again in 2100. in Nebraska and will personally verify the truth of his prophecies...

In the 40s, he began to talk about the sunken Atlantis and the changes in the world that occurred in connection with this. Atlantis, according to him, was located between the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea, apparently in the area of ​​​​the Bahamas. And sank between 15600 and 10000 BC. due to the frivolous handling of the Great Crystal by the Atlanteans. This caused explosions that triggered volcanic activity, causing Atlantis to collapse and sink. In the summer of 1968, fishermen saw underwater near Bimini (Bahamas) the outlines of symmetrically arranged stones of regular shape. Later, one of the expeditions found a paved road and the remains of marble columns in this place.

The Caseys cover the period from 1936 to 1998, from the first minor vibrations of the earth to the destruction of New York. He stated that the earth's axis would shift by 2001, followed by climate change.

The noted increase in volcanic activity and the increase in the number of earthquakes in the 60s already made skeptics think, who laughed at such assumptions. As if to indulge Case, Mount Etna erupted in 1964 and 1971 with greater than usual intensity, and on August 4, 1979, the eruption was the most significant ever. Residents of the nearby village of Fornazzo were evacuated, and the eastern Sicilian city of Catania was littered with ash, coals and stones, something that had never happened in 20 years. A terrible disaster could be observed in mainland Italy 46 miles to the northeast. The 1964 Alaska earthquake - the strongest ever recorded on the North American continent - caused oscillations in Antarctica. An earthquake in China killed more than 655,000 people in 1976, and in the same year more than 22,000 people died in Guatemala. In the 70s, earthquakes occurred all over the world, from Peru to Pakistan, from Yugoslavia to the Philippines. On August 6, 1979, the northern coastal zone of the California fault was rocked by the strongest earthquake in 68 years. On October 15, 1979, tremors rippled through the Imperial Valley, leaving many casualties and causing $10,000,000 worth of damage.

According to new documents discovered by the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE), Edgar Cayce predicted the appearance of a Fifth Root Race on Earth in 2004. This information was revealed in an interview Dr. Gregory Little gave with Mitch Battros on the television program Earth Changes. Dr. Little, who has published three books on the paranormal and has a PhD in psychology, is associate editor of the journal Alternate Perceptions and an Edgar Cayce scholar. Mitch points out that Case's prophecy is consistent with the Hopi prediction that "At this time we will enter the Fifth World."

In his interview, Dr. Little also spoke about the three Halls of Testimony. According to him, one of them is located under the right paw of the Sphinx at Giza. Another is in Pasadena, in the Bahamas, and the third is in Piedras Negras, in Guatemala. Home to several ancient Mayan pyramids and palaces, Piedras Negras is the birthplace of modern Mayan elder Carlos Barrios.

Dr. Little believes that the children of the Fifth Root Race will have:

More developed DNA with unique self-healing properties;

Higher level of vital energy;

Higher phosphorus content in the body.

Speaking about the last point, Dr. Little points out that the word "phosphorus" literally translated from Greek means "luminiferous" or "bringer of light."

Map of floods and territorial changes according to Edgar Cayce:

“Europe will change beyond recognition. Both polar regions will be exposed, and the earth's axis will shift. Shifts in the Arctic and Antarctic will lead to volcanic eruptions in the tropical zones of the planet. Greenland will disappear under water, the east coast of the United States will be destroyed. The cold climate of Europe and England will be replaced by a tropical one. San Francisco and Los Angeles are in ruins. The continental plate on which Russia is located will remain virtually untouched. The people living on it will survive the cataclysm, and they will have the good fortune to stand at the origins of a new civilization.”

Comment on the map:

You will notice that the map shows not only and not so much low-lying areas as flooded. In America, this is mainly the area above 200-500m above sea level, i.e. mountains.

Edgar Cayce connected the entry of humanity into a new era with the fate of Russia:

"The hope of the world, its revival, will come from Russia, and will have no connection with what is called communism today. It is in Russia that the true and great source of freedom will arise... It will be a completely different way of existence, based on the principle that will become the basis new philosophy". He saw Western Siberia as the center of a resurgent civilization, which would become a kind of Noah’s Ark for people who fearlessly opened themselves to evolution. “Yes, clean energy is already being accumulated in Western Siberia,” Casey predicted. “It will protect this land from the destructive effects of natural and energy disasters. Western Siberia will remain almost unharmed.”

Liberation from selfishness will come from the East

“The mission of the peoples of Slavic Russia is to radically change the essence of human relationships. Liberation from selfishness and gross material passions will come from the East. Relations between peoples will be restored on a new basis: trust and wisdom,” stated Edgar Cayce.

Most of E. Cayce's predictions were recorded verbatim by his secretary Gladys Davis. The assistant recorded everything Casey said, and he did not get off with general phrases - he gave specific answers to specific questions. The journal kept by the secretary contains the names and surnames of the people who contacted Casey, their ages, religious affiliations and addresses, as well as the content of the questions, the date of the hypnotic session, and everyone who was present at the session as witnesses is also listed.

A number of his prophecies, the most interesting, concern Russia: the end of the communist era, the establishment of friendly relations with the United States, the “new religious development of Russia,” which gives great hope to the world.

In relation to his own country, he predicted increasing racial and social strife, linking them to the deaths of two sitting presidents.

Many today are seriously studying Cayce's prophecies regarding earthly cataclysms and geological shifts expected from the 1930s to the first decade of the 21st century. Some of them have already begun to be implemented; these include a marked increase in volcanic activity since the 1960s, especially in Alaska, California and the Mediterranean; others may not yet have occurred within the specified time frame.

However, it must be said that Cayce himself did not consider the prophecies to be absolute truth, because this, in his opinion, would exclude free will and the power of prayer - he believed very deeply in their action. And he repeatedly emphasized that nothing can be completely predetermined, only possibility is predetermined.

Edgar Cayce's predictions: Russia has a special mission

They were silent about it in Russia for a long time due to the fact that the greatest prophet of the last century, Edgar Cayce (1877 - 1945), predicted to the minute the collapse of the Soviet Union, the liquidation of the CPSU as the leading party in the country of the Soviets and all the consequences associated with these changes as in Russia itself and throughout the world community.

That Russia has a special mission, Casey said more than once, in particular in the book “Memoirs” the prophet literally states the following: “The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and coarse material passions, restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom. Hope will come from Russia to the world - not from the communists, not from the Bolsheviks, but from free Russia! Years will pass before this happens, but it is the religious development of Russia that will give the world hope."

When the prophet was asked why he received such an incomprehensible gift, he always answered with the words of the Buddha: “Never ask why.”

This always strengthened and fueled the curious, who put forward many hypotheses, reduced to one, generalized: Casey’s ability to foresee, predict, read minds and do much more, contrary to all known laws of nature and common sense - a consequence of a head injury received in childhood during a game to baseball. This supposedly disrupted certain brain structures, expanding his thinking abilities immensely.

But is it really that simple? At one time, Soviet intelligence became aware of other circumstances surrounding the appearance of Casey’s unusual “gift,” which were subsequently confirmed by the prophet’s diary entries published by the writer Arthur Hull. In Hull's book "And Here Comes the Sound of Thoughts", the author quotes the seer's diaries dating back to the thirties of the twentieth century, and confronts everyone with an indisputable fact. It turns out that Casey became clairvoyant shortly after Kentucky “was hit by loud sounds of an absolutely mysterious nature, driving some citizens to horrific unbearable headaches and even suicide.”

Then an incredible event happened that turned Casey’s whole life upside down and the established ideas about the structure of the universe, the cosmos, man’s place in it, the existence of God and the soul as an integral part of the rational General Whole.

Edgar Cayce, on the eve of the new year 1902, got on board a huge sparkling spaceship-disk, where he was greeted by six exact living copies of Cayce. At first, these “doubles” of the future prophet demonstrated our beautiful peaceful Earth from different angles from space, and then this amazing and fabulous Time Machine, which turned out to be a spaceship, “carried away” or, more correctly, moved passengers to the second half of the 21st century, where before our eyes From a bird's eye view, Edgar saw a terrifying picture of a completely different Earth.

Casey saw the complete ruins of cities that shocked his imagination: the remains of Japan, Northern Europe, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London.

Like a diamond, Russia sparkled and shimmered with city lights, having escaped the catastrophe caused by a global military conflict so crushing that it set tectonic plates in dangerous motion.

All this preceded Edgar Cayce’s unique abilities to travel mentally or astrally through time, which he was endowed with by the highest beings of the Universe, and which became a common activity for him. More than once in the future, the Prophet had the opportunity to use a “personal” Time Machine and be transported in his astral body to various points in space-time events, both in the past and in the future, where he had to solve complex problems that required personal presence on the ground.

The archive of the clinic in Virginia Beach, within the walls of which Cayce prophesied and healed, contains 14 thousand sheets of his predictions. The latter refers to January 1, 1945. The Prophet, suffering from a pulmonary disease that is not tuberculosis or a malignant tumor, but which inevitably depletes the body, said that he would leave this world on January 5, which is what happened. A year later, a glass panel was mounted into the wall of the clinic's lobby, on which fragments of "Cayce's Future Scenario, compiled in 1928" were engraved.

In particular, he unmistakably named the year the Second World War began, the number of its victims, the year, month, the date of the founding of the State of Israel, the independence of India, the time and place of the assassination of US President John Kennedy. But perhaps most impressively, long before the ancient scrolls of the Qumran caves of Palestine were found, he detailed their contents, identical to the translations carried out by modern scholars.

He also said that towards the end of the 21st century, the Earth’s climate will change radically - bananas and mangoes will grow in the Far East and Siberia, the expanses of South Africa will be covered with solid ice, and the country of yellow-skinned people - China, colonizing together with the Americans - will become the ruler of the world and Russians the Moon, then Mars. This process will be completed in 3000, not without the help of civilizations of other galaxies.

People will live 800 years or more, and those who wish will live forever, provided that they join the coalition of time travelers. Casey drew the Kaolition emblem in white gouache on black cardboard. This is a translucent ball in which there are two people - a man and a woman. Could it be that the prophet himself traveled on such a Time Machine? Doesn't his journey continue to this day? They say in America, and this data is confirmed by intelligence from different countries, that Casey’s grave is empty because, “dying,” he suddenly disappeared, becoming an ethereal silvery haze.

There is something to think about for ordinary people who identify themselves with this mortal body: a bag of bones, liquid and stench, covered with skin, which they have been trying so vainly to satisfy since time immemorial, and finally, to ask themselves: Who are we? Where we came from and where we will “go”, leaving our body, which we are not.

Truly, everything is the will of the Lord, and His ways are inscrutable!

Clairvoyant Edgar Cayce about Russia

“Before the 20th century ends, the collapse of communism will occur in the USSR, but Russia, freed from communism, will face not progress, but a very difficult crisis, however, after 2010, the former USSR will be revived, but will be revived in a new form. Namely Russia will lead the revived civilization of the earth, and the center of this revival of the whole world will be Siberia.Through Russia, the hope of a lasting and just world will come to the rest of the world.

Every person will live for the sake of his neighbor, and this principle of life was born precisely in Russia, but many years will pass before it crystallizes, but it is Russia that will give this hope to the whole world. The new Leader of Russia will be unknown to anyone for many years, but one day he will unexpectedly come into power thanks to the power of his new completely unique technologies, which no one else will have to resist him. And then he will take all the supreme power of Russia into his own hands and no one will be able to resist him. Subsequently, he will become the Lord of the World, will become the Law, bringing light and prosperity to everything that exists on the planet...

His intellect will allow him to master all the technologies that the entire race of people have dreamed of throughout their existence, he will create unique new machines that will allow him and his comrades to become fantastically strong and powerful almost like Gods, and his intellect will allow him and his comrades to become practically immortal...

The rest of the people will call him, and even his descendants, who live for 600 years nothing less than Gods... He, his descendants, his associates will not lack anything - neither clean fresh water, nor food, nor in clothing, energy, or weapons, for the reliable protection of all these benefits, at a time when the rest of the world will be in chaos, poverty, hunger and even cannibalism.

God will be with him...He will revive the Religion of Monotheism and create a culture based on goodness and justice. He himself and his new race will create centers of a new culture and a new technological civilization all over the world... His home, and the home of his new race, will be in the south of Siberia..."

A comment:

Regarding the coming global war and natural disasters that will change the world. Casey's predictions available on the Internet are contradictory, often a free translation or suspected falsification.

“A third world war, according to Cayce’s predictions, is not expected, but the Earth will be engulfed by something no less catastrophic - natural disasters.” Although in other places they are (sort of) predicting a global war (?). Maybe it’s not his mission to directly report on the war; he urges people to concentrate on something else.

There won't be a war, but the Western world will somehow end up in complete shit(?). Although he can come to such a state without war, simply according to the laws of karma, for demonism, vulgar materialism under the guise of religion and the aggressiveness of blind materialistic aspirations. Global natural, social and other cataclysms there may be caused not by nuclear weapons, but more by a karmic reaction for attempts to use geophysical weapons or simply the use of weapons by demigods, according to karma. Otherwise, if such a total use of nuclear weapons had taken place, Russia would not have survived, and Western Siberia would not have remained “almost untouched.” On the other hand, if there is a global conflict, it will naturally not happen without Russia’s participation (for it has always been the main goal), maybe not on its territory.

Indeed, subtle weapons, being more powerful and uncontrollable, much more obviously kill their creator according to the law of karma, if their use is not sanctioned by God as part of the global progressive process of changes planned by Providence. The West may face a wave of karmic consequences for the use of HAARP and other developments of geoclimatic weapons.

However, there is also a scientific basis for the coming natural disasters in America, predicted by E. Casey.

New Atlantis

A threat looms over North America that will make the terrorist attack on the New York Mall on September 11, 2001 seem like childish prank. As Columbia University professor John Trades found out as a result of more than ten years of research, in 15 years the United States is facing a global tectonic catastrophe. From a similar natural phenomenon, according to the scientist, the legendary Atlantis, which was located opposite the Atlantic coast of America, perished. The thing is that from San Francisco to Los Angeles there is a boundary between the moving lithospheric plates - the Pacific and North American. Along the fault, colossal stress accumulates over the years from the mutual pressure of the plates. The release comes in the form of earthquakes, which more than one generation of Californians remembers. In the event of a tectonic catastrophe, the North American plate will shift under the Pacific plate and wipe out a quarter of America. The destruction will be completed by a monstrous wave rising 600-800 meters. It will not only wash away the coastal cities of the United States, but will also reach Europe. The scientist believes that even a slight impact on the earth’s crust in the area of ​​the San Andreas fault can provoke activation of the entire earth’s crust and cause a geological catastrophe. It was on this Achilles heel that Nikita Khrushchev planned to strike a crushing blow during the so-called Cuban Missile Crisis, when the United States demanded that Soviet missiles with nuclear warheads be removed from Cuba.

Less than half a century has passed since then, and now a new crisis has arisen, this time man-made. It is caused by vibrations generated by factories, giant traffic intersections, subways and expressways. They can become the levers that will derail not only the economy of an entire continent, but also the most technologically advanced civilization.

According to John Trades, in the event of a disaster, not all Americans are destined to die. Residents of rural areas, Indians living on reservations, as well as those who are in a hurry to leave the country have a chance to escape. Of course, it is possible to stop or at least slow down the already launched deadly mechanism. To do this, the main sources of vibration must be eliminated. However, then the state’s economy will be set back at least 200 years. And who will then exercise world domination?

To study the problem further, NASA plans to launch a satellite that will monitor the state of tectonic plates based on fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field.

People in the West are seriously ill and will soon completely lose their minds. The mode of passion will degenerate there into the mode of ignorance and they will be buried under a wave of reactions. There is no ethnic unity in America, so it is easy for it to fall apart if the ideology of the cult of consumption and the dollar is lost.

Why America will die.

Logically speaking, there will be no direct nuclear conflict in a global nuclear war because none of the major nuclear powers need this, not even the Zionist Jews. For the understanding that there will be no winners restrains even complete scoundrels. Moreover, the so-called The black aristocracy of the world now has other technologies for conquering the planet, bringing its population to complete enslavement, much more effective. For example, the creation of long-term but controlled chaos in certain territories, financial, information and electronic management of the world.

It feels like all this “effective” devilry will sooner or later lead the West to the implementation of karmic reactions and/or to the use of climate weapons by demigods. All the california, godless megacities of the West will have to fall into complete decline. Although in Russia too, because there are those, in the Western style, here too.

Overall, God is in control, so no matter who plans anything, everything will be as God intended. It is impossible to deceive Him; on the contrary, He rules not only over the laws of nature, but also over the minds of living beings.

Casey saw a Russia that had avoided catastrophe: “Like a diamond, Russia sparkled and shimmered with city lights, having avoided a catastrophe caused by a global military conflict so crushing that it set tectonic plates in dangerous motion. »

The picture of the future Casey saw, located in the ruins of the world and at the same time safe and sound, shimmering with the lights of the cities of Russia, is impressive. How can this be possible? Only through the protection of the Higher Powers, God. And also thanks to the spiritualization of the space of Russia and the consciousness of people, Russian super-weapons, a total barrier to air defense systems, such as those described on the forum page “Interview with the developer of psychotronic and plasma weapons”, which the West would not have had, at the same time destruction the Western world with climatic weapons of demigods and a wave of karmic reactions for sins. If we surrender to Krishna, even our unforgiven sins will be transferred, according to the laws of nature, to Western people, to the Western world, if it goes to war against Russia. This means that in order for this forecast to come true, all efforts are devoted to super-weapons and the rise of the spirituality of the people. Moreover, such super air defense systems would have to be secretly placed in the territory. West. Which would be quite possible if they are really as compact as they are described.

And it would also be necessary to somehow directly and indirectly squeeze out from the territory of the Russian Federation to the West as many undesirable people here as possible, who are causing chaos globally, creating lawlessness, provoking degradation and causing problems for others. And on the contrary, over the next 2 years, call to Russia and Siberia everyone who wants to escape from natural disasters and revolutions of white people from the West, from Europe and America.

Generally speaking, such a favorable development of events for Russia seems quite legitimate, because one way or another, in Russia today there are more pure in mind and heart, divine, natural people, and the very ancient spiritual atmosphere of the space of Russia-Rus is also favorable for the formation of civilization here Golden Age.

But this is all in case Casey really predicted such an outcome of events when Russia would not suffer from war and cataclysms at all, unlike the West. At least offhand, I couldn’t find anything about “shining with city lights,” the only surviving Russia and the New Leader of Russia, who came to power “thanks to the power of his new, completely unique technologies” on the English-language Internet. Which, in principle, is not surprising, even if he really made such predictions. Here’s just this text that is often repeated on different sites:

"I had been born again in 2100 AD in Nebraska. The sea apparently covered all of the western part of the country, as the city where I lived on the coast. The family name was a strange one. At an early age as a child I declared myself to be Edgar Cayce who had lived 200 years before. Scientists, men with long beads, little hair, and thick glasses, were called in to observe me. They decided to visit the places where I said I had been born, lived, and worked in Kentucky, Alabama, New York, Michigan, and Virginia. Taking me with them the group of scientists visited these places in a long, cigar-shaped metal flying ship which moved at a high speed. Water covered part of Alabama . Norfolk, Virginia, had become an immense seaport. New York had been destroyed either by war or an immense earthquake and was being rebuilt. Industries were scattered over the countryside. Most of the houses were built of glass. Many records of my work as Edgar Cayce were discovered and collected. The group returned to Nebraska, taking the records with them to study... These changes in the earth will come to pass, for the time and times and half times are at an end, and there begins those periods for the readjustments..."

But I found predictions allegedly belonging to Casey that in 1999. Saddam Hussein will attack Israel with nuclear weapons. The US will intervene and then the third world war will begin. China will supposedly be defeated by the forces of the Western Alliance led by the United States. And in 1999, a messiah named “Simeon” will appear in Israel and he will begin an era of peace on Earth.

Apparently, this is an obvious falsification (created for certain purposes, such as to justify the bombing of Iraq, etc.), because it contradicts other predictions of Casey. In particular, that it is the Russians and Russia who are destined to stand at the origins of a new civilization and race on Earth. Here we need to decide whether the Jewish Messiah will begin a new era of peace on Earth, or Russia and its new leader are destined to be so. There is no third. There are great doubts about the Jews as being capable of ushering in an era of peace. J.

Here is what Srila Prabhupada says about how Russia alone of all countries can be saved:

Who will be saved during the tribulation?

Prabhupada explains how the righteous are saved in times of distress: “There was an artificial famine in India. I asked all the devotees in detail whether they had any difficulties at that time. They told me no." Prabhupada says he did a statistical survey. This famine of 1942 was artificially created by the government. – “There was a strong earthquake in India, Bihar state. At that time, my godbrother was an auditor in the government. I asked him, and it turned out that only one of his houses survived the earthquake. The whole of Bihar was destroyed and there was only one devotee and his house remained. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY. ALL THESE DANGERS ARE NOT FOR THE DEVOTEES OF THE LORD.”

“The demons cannot destroy this planet without the permission of Krishna. Nothing happens without His permission. If Krishna wants to kill someone, no one can save him. And if Krishna wants to save someone, no one can kill him. For our part, we must be determined to carry out our mission, despite all opposition, demons, nuclear war and whatever. The entire universe will ultimately be destroyed by the will of Krishna. But devotional service is eternal. Devotional service is the only sure path that can save anyone from death.”

In Mayapur, in a conversation, Prabhupada said that even if there is a war, farmers - those who are engaged in agriculture - will survive. In every war, farmers are not attacked, that is the principle. This is Prabhupada's advice

"Modern civilization has achieved everything, but since it is devoid of God consciousness, it can be destroyed at any moment. And there are already signs... At any moment. Now this godless civilization, as soon as war is declared, America is ready to drop an atomic bomb, Russia ready... The first country to drop the atomic bomb will be victorious. No one will be the winner because they are both ready to drop. America will be destroyed and Russia will be destroyed. This is the state of affairs. You can engage in the progress of civilization, scientific research, development economy, but if it is ungodly, it will end at any moment. At any moment."

"These rascals are not resting. Therefore it is very difficult to preach Krsna consciousness. The whole world is burdened with the burden of these rascals and demons. An atom, an atomic bomb is waiting for them. Yes. This will be finished. All the demons will be destroyed."

"You maintain countless slaughterhouses, and when the reactions mature, there will be war, mass murder. The end. One atomic bomb and the end. You will be forced to suffer. Don't think: "Stupid animals, they cannot protest. Let's kill them and eat them." No. You too will be punished. Wait until your sinful reactions accumulate and the war will begin. America will drop the atomic bomb and Russia will be finished. Both will be finished. Continue to enjoy. It takes time. Like for example "When you become infected with a disease, it takes some time. It's not that once you're infected you immediately get sick. No. It takes a week or so."

Ramtha "The Last Waltz of the Tyrants"

Soon there will be no trace left of your stability and security. Chaos will reign in the world, and the usual flow of life will come to an end. Nature has declared war on people. The Grays are trying their best to maintain control over the situation, hoping to complete all their endeavors. Blessed is the one who is not afraid to tell people the truth, and there are more and more such people. People's consciousness is beginning to awaken. Soon this nation must rise up against those who are trying to enslave it, and the most significant message will come from the North.

How soon will these changes come? Your financial market is already unstable. It won't be long before it collapses completely...

I have been telling you for a long time about the need to prepare for the coming changes. I asked all those who were ready to listen to my words to take the issue of independence more seriously - in particular, to prepare more food and stock up on drinking water, but not purchased water, but from the ground. You had to stock up on food in such a way that there would be enough for you and the people close to you. The same went for clothing stocks.

Who will win this war? Supporters of light. It's predetermined. Nature is in harmony with the light. To survive the challenges ahead, you need to become self-sufficient. And for this you will need your own home, your own place. There is nothing wrong with living the simplest lifestyle. I would advise you - although you have the right to accept or reject my advice - to refuse the mark of the beast, the payment card. It has not yet fully entered into your everyday life. For now they are only trying to convince you how much more convenient it is to live with a card than without it. How long it will be going on? For people to accept the card as salvation, the monetary system around the world must collapse. You have four years left to ensure your independence, to manage your money wisely. According to the people who rule this world, four years is enough to realize their plans. A lot must change here during this time.

Andrey Lozhnikov. I tried to find Edgar Cayce’s statements about Russia on the Internet. I found only 4 (see below). Everything else is a free retelling or copying of information without a “reading” number or a link to the source.

Question. What should be the attitude of the so-called capitalist peoples towards Russia?

Answer. There is great hope for the World in the religious development of Russia. The people or group of peoples who are closest in relations with Russia will be able to live better during the period of gradual change and the final establishment of the rules governing the order of the world. (8 February 1932, 3976-10)

Q. What should be the attitude of so called capitalist nations toward Russia?

A. The greater hope of the world will come through Russia's religious development. The one nation or group which is closest in relationship with Russia may fare best during the gradual changes and the final settlement of conditions, as to the rule of the world (February 8, 1932) 3976-10

Q-6: What should be the attitude of so-called capitalist nations towards Russia?

A-6: On Russia's religious development will come the greatest hope of the world. When that one, or group, that is the closer in its relationships may fare

the better in the gradual changes and final settlement of conditions, as to the rule of the world.

Question. About the Russian situation?

Answer. As we have indicated before, new understanding is coming and will come to troubled people. Here, because of oppression, because of self-indulgence, other extremes will arise. Only when there is freedom of speech and respect for the dictates of conscience - until they appear, unrest will still persist. (24 June 1938, 3976-19)

Q5. About the Russian situation?

A-5. As we have indicated before, a new understanding has come and will come to a troubled people. Here, because of the yoke of oppression, because of self-indulgences, another extreme has arisen. Only when there is freedom of speech, and the right to worship according to the dictates of conscience-until these come about, turmoil will still be within. (June 24, 1938) 3976-19

A-5. As we have indicated, here a new understanding has and will come to troubled people. Here, because of the yoke of oppression, because of the selfindulgence, has arisen another extreme. Only when there is freedom of speech, the right to worship according to the dictates of the conscience, until these come about, still turmoils will be within.

From Russia will come hope for the world; this is not what is sometimes called communism, or Bolshevism, no; but freedom, freedom! Each person will live for his fellow man! This principle is born. It will take years for it to crystallize, but hope for the world will again come from Russia. Driven by what? Friendship with the people, on whose money it is written: “In God we trust.” (1944, 3976-29)

In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes terminated of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallised, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world." (Edgar Cayce, 1944, No. 3976-29)

Question. What will be the religious development of churches in the United States in the next 4 years?

Answer. This depends on the activity of too many individuals to be predicted at this time; change is coming, you can be sure - an evolution or revolution in ideas regarding religious thought. The basis for this for the whole world will ultimately come from Russia; not communism, no! But rather, what is the basis of the same thing is what Christ taught - his kind of communism! (29 November 1932, 452-6)

For changes are coming, this may be sure - an evolution, or revolution in the ideas of religious thought. The basis of it for the world will eventually come out of Russia; not communism, no! But rather that which is the basis of the same, as the Christ taught - His kind of communism! (Edgar Cayce, c. 1930, No. 452-6)

Indeed, what is important is the original translation of the predictions, close to the text, and not a free retelling.

Early in the 1930"S Edgar Cayce insisted in readings that solar power would ultimately be far more important to man than atomic power.

In the early 1930s, Edgar Cayce insisted that solar energy would eventually be much more important to humans than nuclear energy.

But this, as we now understand, will be something like “Star Batteries”, and not what is being produced now, because it does not cover production costs.

A prediction that Russia will emerge from the crisis of the late twentieth century thanks to friendship with America (with a people “on whose banknotes it is written “In God We Trust”). This can be regarded, on the one hand, as a falsification, and on the other, as an act of demigods, so that Casey’s authority would serve the good attitude of white (non-Jewish) America towards Russia and the Russians. I don’t know how important Western loans were for salvation

Russia, while in exchange for destroying the potential of the USSR, defeating America in the arms race were very important. For the easing of international tension and the arrival of Lord Chaitanya's movement in Russia, for changing the image of Russia, this period of “friendship” was of great importance.

About the New Leader of Russia, if Casey’s prediction about him really exists. Although Vanga also repeated more than once that: “A new man under the sign of the New Teaching will appear from Russia.” Maybe the author of the article simply confused and mentioned Vanga’s predictions in the text of Casey’s predictions? At the very least, V. Putin does not correspond to this description. He came to power not thanks to the possession of super technologies and not under the sign of a new teaching (?). And purely based on age, it’s not particularly suitable (although theoretically there is still a reserve for years). But he apparently has some important mission of his own.

I don’t know what about the new super technologies that suddenly appeared only with the New Leader, which no one else will have. Most likely, he will simply be able to synthesize and develop what has already appeared. And a lot of things have appeared, but so far everything is in a state of unsystematic chaos.

(Note: At least for now, the authors of the text from the site http://veda.siteedit.ru/page3 have not answered my question about its original source. The text from the site http://astrologica.ru/content-281.html as a whole has basic semantic correspondences with Cayce’s well-known texts, except for information about the New Leader.)

Let's hope that such a leader will appear, or has already appeared, but is not yet known.

Will the center of the new Russia still be in Siberia? Perhaps for the reason that in its (Russian) west it will not be so favorable to live climatically. Or maybe simply because in Siberia the situation with radiation pollution will be better, there will be no flooding of territories, a more favorable subtle energy background, a company of good people will be found due to migration, etc. Or because of the shift of the Earth’s magnetic poles, which is already happening according to scientists, with an ever-increasing speed, just towards Siberia.

Srila Prabhupada on technological development:

"By the grace of the illusory energy of God, we are now becoming more and more involved in dangerous activities in the present machine age. The machine age is the result of dangerous activities. When we give up spiritual culture, we become entangled in dangerous activities. No one can live even a moment inactively and so when the finer elements stop working, gross materialism absorbs the diabolical mind. As a result of this, we have entered the era of nuclear weapons created to destroy material civilization. According to the law of nature, nuclear weapons were produced to destroy the results of blind materialism.

Peaceful steps taken by different countries of the world under the false pretext of prohibiting the testing of dangerous weapons may be very pleasing to relatively weak countries, but these temporary peaceful steps will be useless according to the law of material nature. When dangerous weapons are produced, they must be used to destroy blind materialism according to the plan of Daivi Maya, the external energy of God. This problem can be solved when people are enlightened in their spiritual essence.

A soul-killing civilization is rapidly plunging into dangerous activities, inventing huge mechanisms. The illusory energy creates this atmosphere for blind materialism, and at the same time it prepares its destruction. Such opposing methods are called illusory energy. Thus, the energy of people is used to destroy what is produced using the same energy. This is like lighting a fire and pouring water on it at the same time, which is a sign of madness, or a waste of valuable human energy intended for spiritual culture.

Blind materialism does not bring permanent relief to the world. The method of spiritual planning is very clearly explained in the second chapter of Bhagavad-gita. This plan is called "Buddhi Yoga", and it is neither destroyed nor limited by time. Even the slightest progress on the path of "Buddhi Yoga" can save the one who follows it from many types of dangerous activities.

To save people from blind materialism, they should be trained in the art of "Buddhi Yoga", or transcendental loving service to the Personality of Godhead. "Buddhi Yoga" is another name for "Bhakti Yoga", devotional service."

"You cannot keep Lakshmi alone, without Narayana, it is impossible. Then you will end like Ravana. He wanted to keep Sita without Rama, so he and his whole family are finished. This is waiting in the wings. The whole world is waiting for this catastrophe. America "got the atomic bomb, and Russia got the atomic bomb. As soon as the next war breaks out, the whole world will be destroyed."

Probably people in Russia will be forced (they are already doing this) to develop such super-technologies under the control of the New Leader, since there will be no mantric civilization yet, but the Danavas will appear with their super-technologies (see the forum “Capture Center”), which can only be defended against by the technologies of an equal and higher level.

At the same time, despite criticism of “blind materialism,” Srila Prabhupada, judging by some of his other statements, was generally not against technology and science if they are used to serve God and His cause. Apparently understanding that it will not be possible to completely get away from technocracy right away. First, it is necessary to get rid of its rough forms and only then a gradual transition to mantra civilization. Although the path of involving technocracy in the service of God in itself is not easy, dangerous, i.e. on the verge of a foul. Not everyone can be involved effectively; there are certain frameworks for its development and use. Moreover, the “New Teaching” itself of technological and any other “blind material development” does not preach, on the contrary, only simple life in nature and sublime, spiritual thinking.

Therefore, if the New Leader has any super technologies, they will not harm nature, close to the creative technologies of the demigods, based on the spiritual awareness of the laws of nature, on devotion to God.

The concept of a new race is very interesting. And you can already get some idea of ​​what kind of race this will be if you practice bhakti yoga without fanaticism.

Regarding the prediction about China. The fact that China, the country of yellow-skins, will become the ruler of the world and, together with the Americans and Russians, will colonize the Moon and then Mars, to put it mildly, is not particularly believable. Because where will they put the inhabitants of the Moon even if they suddenly fly there? J People are no match for them in terms of material power. And China is now rapidly aging with the current birth rate limit of one child per family. In half a century, if they do not change this policy, no more than half of their current number will remain, as Vanga says by the way - “India is larger than China.” Not to mention that according to predictions (or false predictions) China will be defeated by the forces of the Western coalition. It seems that someone for some political purpose added such a prophecy about China as the ruler of the world, or simply wrote a gag out of envy of Casey. And he only said that China would accept Christianity (although it would be Christianity(?), rather Vedism) and thereby awaken. On the English-language Internet, nothing could be found offhand about Casey’s predictions about the joint colonization of the Moon by the Chinese, Americans and Russians. If they really exist, then perhaps Cayce predicted this under the influence of stereotypes existing in society and among ordinary scientists that these two planets are the easiest to reach.

And then “those peoples who will be in close relations with Russia will begin to live better.” Just so she doesn't have to take it upon herself to feed someone again. Casey, according to TV information, seems to have the idea that Russia will accept many nations into its territories. If the white peoples, Poles, Germans, who according to Casey lose their lands, then this is normal (the Poles are Slavs and they have beautiful women there), but living with the “southern” people on the same territory will not be a joy in any Golden Age. I personally don’t believe in correction, transformation, for example, of Caucasians, because by all accounts they are genetically programmed for some other things. Although to correct a significant number of Russian-born people, they have fallen to the level of animals and their needs too.

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