
Name day for Natalia. Natalia's name day: angel day according to the church calendar and the meaning of the name. History of the name and its meaning

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Natalya is a female name of Latin origin, which means native. The girl is growing up to be a cheerful person. She is active, loves to study and is a great inventor. She is very sociable, loves to receive guests and travel. A girl with this name is able to protect not only herself, but also an offended neighbor. Due to the fact that the girl is a “fighter for justice” and is capable of sincere empathy, very often Natalya is the soul of the party.

Character of the birthday girl

Ever since school, Natalya has been showing her narcissism and really needs praise. For her, every good mark is like a small achievement. The girl tries to attend most of the different clubs. She likes to dance. The bearers of this name often become despondent. They are very touchy, so when communicating with Natalya you need to choose your words very carefully so as not to hurt the girl.

In her family life, Natalya devotes herself completely to raising her children. In a relationship with her husband, even if she is wrong, she will not apologize. Even as an adult, she retains her vulnerability. She is impressionable and charming. She perceives any failure in life or insult as an insult.

Despite the fact that the girl has a lot of difficulties in her life, both at work and in the family, from the outside she still looks like a cheerful and happy person.

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DayAngel of Natalia according to the Orthodox calendar

Not many people know what date Natalia’s Angel Day is celebrated. It should be noted that there is more than one such date throughout the year. As a rule, there are several of them. But this does not mean that you need to celebrate all the dates of the saint’s memory. You need to celebrate the date that is closest to your birthday. When Natalia's Angel Day is celebrated is presented in the table below.

Natalia's name day according to the church calendar:

May the Lord protect you!

On the eve of Natalia's name day and Angel's Day, the question arises, which gift to choose? After all, this holiday is not celebrated as a traditional birthday. Therefore, the gift must be special.

It is better to choose a thing of a religious nature, since the name day is a tribute to the memory of the holy great martyrs. You can buy a suitable gift from the church or make it yourself.

The most famous and popular female name in our country is Natalya. From Latin it means native, birth, Christmas. An interesting fact: in Byzantium in ancient times only boys were called this way.

As for our country, only the female version of the name has taken root in our country. In our article we will tell you in detail how Natalia celebrates Angel Day and, in general, the historical significance of this name.

General information about the name Natalya

Derivatives of the name Natalya in Orthodoxy

This name has a huge number of different sayings. For example, Nata, Natalie, Natalka, Tasha, Natka, Natalya, Natella, Nati, Natalina.

IMPORTANT! Previously, it was allowed to record only the official version of the name on the birth certificate, but now there are no such rules. You can easily write down any option you like.

Natalia - angel day and name day according to the church calendar

Every year, on September 8th, Natalia's name day is celebrated. This day was chosen to honor the great holy martyr Natalia of Nicomedia. Let's talk more about this woman below.

History of the name and meaning of name day

During the reign of Emperor Maximian (311), during the period of persecution of Christians, this story happened. A simple girl Natalya from Nicodemus of Bithynia married a judicial official, Adrian. He dealt with the affairs of Christians who were imprisoned and arrested. The young man admired the courage and courage of the people who appeared before the court. Their strength of spirit and faith amazed and made them think about worldly values. Once, unable to bear it, he asked Christians: what reward will they receive from God for their suffering?

And in response from the martyrs he heard: This reward cannot be expressed in language or comprehended with the mind. Such a sincere answer opened Adrian’s eyes to faith and Christ, and he immediately took the side of the Christians. And the young judge was arrested with other peasants for preaching the faith and thrown into a damp, cold prison. Having learned about the arrest of her husband, Natalya strongly supported his faith and tried to help him.

Adrian was humiliated and tortured, forced to renounce his faith, but this was impossible. And they did everything they could to force Christians and the young judge to change their religion. One of the terrible tortures was the process of beating off the hands and feet on an anvil with an iron hammer. This was done so that the Christian, seeing the pain of his comrade, would renounce his faith.

Fearing for her husband’s steadfast faith, Natalya asked him to be executed first; she even helped hold his hand on the anvil. After brutal torture, all the bodies had to be burned, but this did not happen due to a sudden storm. The natural disaster claimed the lives of hundreds of people, including the executioners. Natalya managed to take cover and took with her her husband’s hand, which she had kept for many years.

Many times the emperor's servants proposed marriage to her. But her perseverance and loyalty to her husband were amazing. From constant harassment, she fled to Byzantium. And on the very first night she saw her lover in a dream, where he told her about the imminent union and her imminent death. And so it happened. Exhausted by mental suffering, Natalya died near her husband’s tomb in Byzantium. Christians brought his remains here. According to the old church calendar, name days are celebrated on the day when this event occurred, i.e. August, 26th. Natalya, for all the trials, devotion to faith and suffering endured, was canonized.

How many name days does Natalia have a year?

Natalia can celebrate her Angel Day not only in September. The Orthodox calendar indicates 4 more days, these are the dates: January 11, March 22-31 and September 14. Determine which day suits you by the approximate date of your birth.

Character of the name

Girls named Natalya

These are calm, gentle individuals with a strong-willed character. As a small child, Natalia does not know fatigue, she is constantly on the move, energetic, cheerful and lively. The character is more eccentric than obedient. They are neat in their studies, but not excellent students. They actively participate in the life of the class and school. Women and girls with this name are responsive and devoted in nature. You can rely on them in everything, they will not judge or betray.

ATTENTION! You shouldn’t sharply criticize Natalya, she doesn’t like it. In general, he takes any comments sharply and with hostility. It is better to point out her mistakes indirectly rather than directly.

In friendship there is no more reliable comrade than Natalie

But at the same time she is very vulnerable. If you offend her, she may not talk for a long time or will completely erase this person from her life.
In terms of work, Natasha is doing well. Any work she takes on can be rated as an A plus. She is responsible, attentive, sociable and moderately self-critical.

What congratulations to prepare on Natalia’s angel day and what to give?

If your close friend is having an angel day soon, you can organize surprise party, and make a gift with your own hands.

So, for a cute souvenir you can choose box in scrapbooking style. To do this you will need:

You can find a detailed master class on creating a jewelry box on the Internet. Today, many creative workshops offer their services for creating such boxes. All you have to do is choose the right one.

If you don’t want to waste time creating a masterpiece or are not sure of a positive outcome, you can order a box in an online store and they will deliver it straight to your home. In any case, a hand-saddled gift is considered exclusive and is valued much higher than a factory item.

In our article, we tried to reveal the meaning of the name, its history and how the day of the angel Natalia occurs according to the Orthodox calendar. From what was described above, we can conclude that Natalya will grow up to be wonderful housewives, mothers and wives. And generally a great person with a pure soul.

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It is worth distinguishing between the concepts of “name day” and “angel’s day”. From the point of view of Orthodoxy, name days are the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor the child was named. Angel Day is a date that you can find out from your godparents and remember this important day every year. According to the church calendar, Natalia’s name day falls on February 8, March 22, March 31, September 8, January 14 and 11. But the people most loved Natalia’s name day on September 8th.

Meaning and origin of the name

The name Natalia comes from Latin and means “native”. The most famous patroness of bearers of this name, who is remembered at the beginning of September, is the Holy Martyr Natalia, who was the wife of the Holy Martyr Adrian. It was she who was the main support for her husband in his struggle for the right to be a Christian, helping him to be firm in his faith. After suffering in the name of faith, Adrian died. Natalya died in Byzantium, at the grave of her husband, in the 4th century.

Natalia's name day

Natalia's name day, September 8, is the day the oat harvest begins in many regions. Therefore, it is also called Natalia fescue. On this day, there is a custom to cook jelly from oats and bake pancakes from it. In general, this is the height of harvesting work. In addition, September has traditionally been considered a wedding period, so many newlyweds choose Natalia’s day in September for their wedding. Natalia's name days fall on different dates: they occur in winter, spring, and autumn. Only the summer name day for Natalya was not provided for by either the church or the customs.

Natalia's main character traits

The bearer of this beautiful name is usually naturally intelligent and savvy. In addition, Natalya has natural cunning. There are no hopeless situations for her. Natalya is always very determined, she will never give up on her goal, or give up halfway. There is fun in her character, which, however, does not prevent her from being lyrical and feminine. Natalya chooses her husband herself, and at the same time she so skillfully bewitches the chosen one that he does not have time to come to his senses before he ends up at the wedding ceremony. But, despite this, he later turns out to be simply happy to have such a wonderful wife. Men are interested in Natalya; she is so smart that she always allows her husband to feel like the head of the family. Although in reality Natalya makes all the important decisions herself, she simply knows how to arrange and present everything correctly. In a family where the wife is Natalya, children are usually born without problems. Rarely is it one child, usually two or three. Natalya is faithful to her husband and will be an excellent mother for her children. They will treat her with respect but, at the same time, trust her, perceive her as a friend. Children, and later grandchildren, love Natalya very much; they feel at ease and comfortable with her.

As for her professional activities, Natalya very rarely does physical labor; she is absolutely uninterested in it, and she’s not particularly good at it. She likes mental activity and will make an excellent teacher or doctor.

One of Natalia’s main character traits is excessive impressionability. Despite this, she knows how to remain charming and use this quality for her own purposes. Often you should not make comments to her, she is very worried and offended. She will forgive insults, but will not forget. Natalya is used to keeping all her difficulties to herself, without exposing the problems to everyone.

Natalya cannot be denied high morality. She sincerely rejoices not only in her own, but also in others’ victories and successes. Natalya is a wonderful friend, she will always help in difficult life situations. She is quite vain, loves and appreciates when she is praised and her successes are noticed.

Please accept congratulations: Name day of Natalia, Natasha.



Natalia - Latin natalis - dear, Christmas, natural.
Natalia's name day according to the church calendar:
September 8: Natalia Nicomedia, mc.. [wife of martyr. Hadrian of Nicomedia]

The zodiac sign corresponding to the name is Virgo.
Patronizing planet - Mercury.
Talisman-stone, mineral, metal - bloodstone.
Talisman color - scarlet.
Plant talisman - valerian, azalea.
The animal mascot is a swimming beetle.
The most successful day is Wednesday.
Predisposition to such traits as energy, heightened self-esteem, strong will, logical thinking.
Natalia's name day is January 11, March 22, March 31, September 8, September 14.

Nature has rewarded you
Intelligence, talent, beauty.
Gave a unique character,
Showered with motherly kindness!

Having gathered all this together in you,
I decided to tell my parents
That they need a daughter
Without a doubt, I can call her Natalya.

“This name will bring her good luck,
All sorrows will be dispelled like fog,
And keep it to boot
Like a personalized, reliable talisman.”

If a girl is given the name Natalya, then she will grow up to be a hardworking, very persistent, purposeful person, whom no job will force her to give up. The owner of this name is simply not able to be cunning, cunning, or skillfully avoid some unpleasant situations for her through resourcefulness, fraud, etc. She has very developed self-esteem, and high self-esteem must be constantly fueled by the praise of others. She needs them like air, and it will be better if not only restrained and laconic compliments are addressed to her, but also enthusiastic speeches. However, even a pleasant word said by someone in passing, a little praise gives Natalya strength and energy, and helps maintain self-esteem at a high level. Natasha dreams of being a leader and makes great efforts to earn the recognition of others. If she is not in the spotlight, if the owner of the name Natalya is forgotten, this is of great importance even for her physical well-being, not to mention her morale.

By nature, Natalya has a variety of talents. The exact sciences and humanities are given to her without any problems; She enjoys drawing and mastering musical instruments. She is not without aptitude for business, although she is unlikely to achieve great success in trade. Owners of such a name cannot tolerate any criticism, even if it is completely fair and completely harmless. The memory of the wrongs caused remains in her heart forever, but she does not harbor thoughts of taking revenge on anyone. Sometimes she gives the impression of a frivolous person, but this is deceptive. All her decisions and actions are based on sober, pragmatic calculations, logical judgments and calculated several steps ahead. Natalya is a very strong-willed and resilient person. These qualities, combined with a reluctance to reveal her mistakes to others, push Natalya to complete any task, even if she understands that she was initially going in the wrong direction, or if she has completely lost interest. A woman never makes a tragedy out of her defeats and everyday troubles and treats them quite calmly.

Having gotten married, Natasha actually becomes the head of the family; the most important decisions in family life are entrusted to her. However, officially this status belongs to her husband, whom she publicly positions as the leader in their couple. This wise woman manages to establish good relationships with her husband’s parents. Nevertheless, they and the rest of the household should never forget about Natalya’s intolerance to critical remarks. The owner of this name is a smart, economical housewife who keeps the house in proper order.

Currently, the tradition of celebrating not only a person’s birthday, but also his name day is being revived. You need to know that these dates do not always coincide. And the owners of some names get the opportunity to celebrate this special day several times throughout the year. For example, Natalia’s name day is recorded in the Orthodox calendar five times. What is this connected with? Is the memory of people numbered among the saints so important for modern people?

Name day calendar

A holiday associated with a person’s name most often has nothing to do with his date of birth. This day is dedicated to a memorable event in the life of a saint. The calendar lists the names of those whom the church honors with special respect. Special literature contains a description of their deeds committed during their lifetime.

Specific dates and places where important events took place are indicated.
This largely explains the fact that name day can be celebrated not once, but several times throughout the year. Each specific date is associated with the names of different saints. Natalia's name day in the Orthodox Church is celebrated on January 11, March 22 and 31, September 8 and 14. Catholics also have a saint with this name, and her day is also celebrated by believers.

Natalia's name day and the holy new martyrs

The day of veneration of the new martyrs Natalia Vasilievna Vasilyeva, Natalia Tikhonovna Siluyanova, Natalia Ivanovna Sundukova and other saints with this name was established by the church in the 90s of the last century. All events related to the lives of these women are tragic.

In the thirties of the 20th century, Siluyanova, Sundukova and nine other women faced a great test. On a fabricated case, they were arrested by the NKVD and sentenced to serve their sentences in a colony. The women were accused of anti-Soviet propaganda, the desire to show people the real essence of Bolshevik power, and refusal to do work in the camp. The convicts themselves never admitted their guilt, but did not deny that they were deeply religious people.

In the dungeons, persecution became especially cruel. In January 1942, a group of women were shot. The place of their execution and burial has not yet been established. Similar circumstances of death are described in the biography of Natalia Vasilyeva.

Every year, since 2002, on January 11, in memory of Christian women who did not want to renounce the Orthodox faith, the church and all parishioners celebrate Natalia’s name day. Martyrdom, accepted as faith, is the main condition for canonizing Christians.

According to the Orthodox calendar, Natalia’s name day is celebrated not only in January, but also in March. Saints Natalia Vasilievna Baklanova and Natalia Lukyanovna Sivakova are commemorated on these days. Their fate is in many ways similar to the fate of thousands of women during the Soviet era. The only difference is that they were strong in spirit and did not renounce their involvement in Christianity. It was this circumstance that served as the reason for the cruel sentence handed down by NKVD investigators.

Execution was replaced by hard labor in the camps. Prisoners rarely withstood the difficult living conditions. Such was the fate of these two women who accepted martyrdom.

According to the Orthodox calendar, Natalia’s name day is celebrated by all believers in September. On the days of their remembrance, a prayer service is read. Facts from the lives of saints deserve to be remembered forever. The lives of Natalia Fedorovna Kopytina, Natalia Semyonovna Karikh, Natalia Nikolaevna Ulyanova, Natalia Skopinskaya (Kozlova) can be called a real feat. These simple Russian women possessed such strength of spirit that the most cruel tortures, torment and the threat of physical violence could not break.

Natalia Nicomedia

The eighth of September is a date that all owners of the name Natalya know. Orthodox people have been celebrating their name day on this day for several centuries. The celebration is associated with the name of the holy martyr Natalia of Nicomedia. She was the wife of the martyr Hadrian. In difficult times, the woman managed to support her husband, and he did not renounce his accepted faith.

Holiday Traditions

According to church custom, Natalia’s name day is usually celebrated by attending services and reading prayers in memory of the martyrs. The people also have rituals that are performed on name days. If the holiday falls in the fall, then this is the height of the harvest. On this day, jelly is boiled from the new harvest of oats and pancakes are baked.

A wedding played on a name day foretells a long and happy family life for the newlyweds.

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