
Words skit collective farm life. The script for the mini-play “Village gatherings. Extras - song “My Motherland”

Every day Russia celebrates a wide variety of holidays and events. Village Day is no exception, and here the organizer will come to the aid of funny skits about gossips that will help make the holiday fun for the guests. We bring to your attention a theatrical story from everyday life, when two neighbors living in the village, and also gossips, met. You probably have countless reasons to celebrate something with your friends living in a town or village. But not every holiday of 2019 remains in your memory. And that's not right. It shouldn’t be like this, and a rural holiday needs to be organized so that funny scenes based on a rural motif are deposited in the brains of those who see them forever, maybe even so that the text that you will see below is passed on from generation to generation. But before that, let’s allow ourselves a little “lyricism”.

We want to show you how to make a festive event when two artists perform as two neighbors truly successful on our official website Anonado .ru. It doesn’t matter whether you are the organizer of the holiday, act as a humorous artist at the celebrations, or are invited as a guest. We will show you and teach you how to make every event in the countryside unforgettable. Enjoy reading and remember, there is always something to celebrate, but not just the way the organizer wants. It is necessary to celebrate holidays, such as Village Day, so that each guest gets a good impression of the fun of others. And it's not that simple. And not only at a village party in the company of fellow villagers, but even if you are invited to a private party in a big city, you must know how to have fun and have fun.

Do you want to throw a fun party for village residents for the 2019 holiday or celebrate Village Day with your fellow villagers? Then, please, for you the text of a funny sketch called “Two Godmothers” for use at a festive humorous event, which with it will become an unforgettable event, because jokes about the village in short form are your strong point for this topic, almost on a par with ditties. There is something cool about village life that can be shown and told and read in the text, especially when two women of respectable age meet who live in the same village and are also neighbors in houses nearby.

Cool short skit Two gossips: text

Two neighbors meet, one of them is dressed according to the squeaky fashion, and the second is in a work sweatshirt.

1 - Oh, godmother, I haven’t seen you for a hundred days! (The fashionista begins speaking)

2 - So it’s you? By God I don’t know why you dressed so differently from us? Like a scarecrow!

1- This is your godfather’s conversation because of your deep lack of education - you need to watch TV. Then they wouldn’t call me this, a scarecrow.

2 - And what the eyes see is what I grind. This is who I am - truth and face. Even hang you in the garden and chase away the crows.

1 - What are you talking about? And I'm dressed in the latest fashion. In Paris, everyone dresses like this. In! Modern! (according to the script of a funny scene, he walks through it, wagging his pelvis).

2 - That’s what I said, that the red monkey is from Paris! (Addresses the audience) Modernism is, perhaps, in their language, in French - a muzzle! And even painted. And where are you in our village, wobbling around like that? And in my heels.

1 - You, gossip, think I’m a complete fool? Why would I climb ditches?

2 - Can you find a good road somewhere in our village? How is it in your Paris?

1 - But if you want to know, I’m not going anywhere at all!

2 - So why dress up in everything French? For your information, I can wag my butt even without your modernism. (According to the script of a funny scene, he demonstrates how he can move his pelvis.) In the garden, with a shovel!

1 - Ugh, you fool, gossip, may God forgive you. What do I need a shovel for?

2 - Gossip, you are as dense as a fish in the Village Pond! I’d rather stand under the club in the evening and spit some sunflower seeds. Let people look at my beauty, and not at your dirty sweatshirt.

1 - Gossip, although I respect you, but who the hell can see you in the dark?

2 - Actually, I forgot, after all, there are lanterns everywhere. And what, no one has yet twisted their necks? So long?

1 - You, gossip, blurt out something like that with your stupid tongue! Also one light bulb for the whole village!

2 - Say that! And she’s on the collective farm. Shines better than your Paris!

1 - I also thought, why are there so many of them?

2 - Here! And I know - so that the pigs can see the trough.

1 - You, gossip, have confused me, I can’t understand anything, why should pigs look at the trough?

2 - Yes, we found something to ask! You'd better take an interest in the pig's life! Pigs can see their food better in the light!

1 - They'll see better.

2 - Will they eat?

1 - They'll eat it!

2 - Will they get better?

1 - They will get better.

2 - Will they be cut later?

2 - And only then, when people start walking and having fun on those cracklings, they will be able to see you near that lantern!

1 - Why do they need to go for a walk?

2 - You’re sitting in front of the TV, but you don’t really know anything!

2 - After all, today is the day of the agricultural worker! (In this comic scene, there are many greeting options, and for the village day and for the agricultural holiday, you need to prepare the appropriate ones, but we do not consider this in this text.)

1 - With which we congratulate you all!

2 - We wish you joy and health!

1 - Pocket full of money!

2 - Now clap - we are so good! (they speak together in the skit)

The funny skit about life in the countryside for a holiday on a holiday has ended, but the village bustle of the neighbors continues its humorous life.

Countryside themed party for Village Day 2019 with a fun factor

The principle of a theme party in a village is quite simple: the host tells his guests funny incidents from village life, and each guest then thinks about how he dresses in order to not match the story or his behavior. Depending on the funny story, sometimes showing off the right accessory is enough to make the viewer laugh. Additionally, the owner of the place where the event is held decides on the degree of complexity of the concert, and how to organize it, and at what point in the program to show a funny skit in honor of the Village Day 2019 holiday, and decides on the specific decoration of the place where the village party will be held. You will see that the more effort you put in, the longer you will remember this theme party. And we, in turn, have already helped you as much as we could and recommend a funny sketch, Two Godmothers, which ironizes a story about rural life with funny characters and tells a funny situation when two neighbors meet.

Choosing the right script theme for the holiday

Unlike a festival or any carnival, a humorous, themed party in the village can be celebrated throughout 2019 and in fact on every occasion and on any occasion, in honor of any event. Even such a celebration as a wedding can be celebrated under the motto “Godmothers at a wedding are no worse than pimps” and at the solemn moment show a funny scene about them, which, we are sure, will plunge everyone present into shock. That is, it is important to choose the right topic of conversation for humor!

The range of rural entertainment and entertainment on holidays varies, for example, from a simple party in a village club with tea drinking, at which each guest must drink at least 7 mugs of tea, to entire themed evenings with the participation of the chairman and his family, who, using his power, decides all issues related to the clothing of the artists and determines the place for the performance. Russian show business artists may be invited and the text of their songs with their repertoire will be useful for use by villagers, especially if written on soft paper.

When for the festive Village Day in the year 2019 you need funny scenes on a village theme, in which neighbors and even gossips have met and know each other well, because they live in the same village and are distant relatives, it is proposed to hold a themed evening with guests in folklore costumes. A chosen humorous motto and the right clothes make it easier for those who come to the holiday to communicate with each other, and the fun turns out to be extremely excellent. This often leads to a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere, when two gossips actually have a funny conversation without fantastic inventions, thereby demonstrating that village life is in full swing and makes each such party feel the festive atmosphere of fellow villagers with their ears and heels. And, of course, the last but not least important factor is the main plus for any rural holiday - funny competitions, which often put guests in bizarre situations, which they then talk about for a long time in a humorous manner, and even start rumors and gossip, assessing past incidents, etched in memory in noisy and fun

Sotova Natalya Alekseevna
Script for the mini-play “Village Gatherings”

Denis: Russia, Russia, dear lands,

Russian people have lived here for a long time.

They glorify their native expanses,

Razdolnye Russian songs are sung.

Damir: All our ancestors are in Rus',

To pass the time,

Collected gatherings,

Play and chat.

People take a look

And show yourself

Lead round dances,

Sing awkward songs,

Funny nursery rhymes and fables to tell,

Make clever riddles.

Denis: Would you like to wear these attend gatherings, and see everything with your own eyes? Well then close your eyes and count to 5.

Damir: We found ourselves in Russian wooden hut. And here is the owner and hostess. Every house is run by a master and a mistress.

(The housewife is busy at the stove, the daughter is embroidering)

Mistress: To run a house, don’t shake your head, everything needs to be stored. Shark, Shark, why aren’t you sewing from tulle?

Daughter (Nastya Samstrelova): Yes, I’m mother, I’ll still spank you.

Mistress: If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh.

Daughter: I know, mother, I know. Seven times measure cut once!

Master: Living at home - you have to worry about everything (Weaves bast shoes, teaches son Fedyushka)

Damir: The parents are hardworking - and the children in this house are not lazy.

Son: Dad, darling, let’s play rhymes with you.

Master: What are rhymes?

Son: And you have to say it this way so that it makes sense. So tell me, what was your father's name?

Master: My dad’s name was Kuzma.

Son: Here I will take your Kuzma by the beard!

Master: Why are you going to grab my dad by the beard?

Son: Dad, this is a joke. They say that to rhyme. What was your grandfather's name?

Master: Ivan

Son: Your grandfather Ivan

I put the cat in my pocket.

The cat cries and sobs -

Your grandfather is scolding.

Master: Why would my grandfather put a cat in his pocket? (angrily)

Why are you cleaning up such trifles?

Son: So this is for rhyme, darling.

Master: I’ll tell you the rhyme myself! What is your name?

Son: Fedya

Master: If you are Fedya, then you caught a bear in the forest.

Climb the bear and get off my bench!

Mistress: He will swear at you and quarrel, it’s better to guess the riddle.

Not sown, not plowed, not winnowed, not milked, moistened with water, pressed down with a stone, hidden for the winter. (Takes out pickles)

Daughter: And I know the riddle.

Philip came with a hundred lime trees on him. He is small and short, ran around the town, snuggled into a corner (broom)

There's a knock on the door. The neighbor runs out.

Neighbor: Did you hear? Have you heard about the fire? Oh, what happened!

Mistress: Oh, neighbor, don’t rush, rest, tell us everything.

Neighbor: The water in Ivan’s yard caught fire.

The whole village put out the fire, but the fire was not extinguished,

Grandfather Thomas came, graying his beard,

He drove the people into the barn and put out the fire alone.

How Thomas put out the fire, he did not say about it.

You can only hear it from the side, he muffled it with his beard!

Master: Oh, you can’t keep up with your tongue barefoot.

Mistress: You can’t listen to all the speeches! Stay, neighbor, we will have guests today.

Neighbor: Today it's a walk, tomorrow it's a walk, you'll be shirtless (sits on the bench).

There is a knock, noise outside the door

Mistress: Good guests are always on time!

Daughter (looks out the door): Ah, tara, tara-ra-ra! The girls are coming from the yard!

The girls come in, bow and in unison: Peace to your home!

Olesya Molkova: We came to sing songs. Yes, dance, and show yourself.

Katya Chukhmanova: Hostess, what are you going to let us do today?

Mistress: I’ll give the red young ladies a white ribbon to embroider.

Hands out the embroidery hoop, a song sounds “I walk with the vine”

Damir: The girls are sitting, embroidering, amusing themselves with songs, every craftswoman is working, not being lazy.

Denis: Make way, honest people, don’t dust the path, good fellows are coming - for a little walk.

They joke and sit down (Sasha, Stas, Bogdan, Vanya)

Bogdan: The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand.

Sasha: It’s young and green – I’m told to take a walk.

Stas: Hey, white girls, where did you get white?

Girls: Yesterday we milked the cows and washed ourselves with milk.

Mistress: Well, the time has come - put things aside.

Business before pleasure!

Vania: Eh, let’s take spoons in our hands and play around a little.

Spoon game

Damir: We don’t write, we don’t read,

And we hum ditties.

Come visit us

We will also dance for you!

Ditties: (Stas, Kolya, Sasha)

1. Wider, spread out the street,

The boys and I are going

And funny ditties

Let's sing from the heart now.

2. Listen, girls,

We will sing awkward things.

A pig grazes on an oak tree,

A bear is steaming in a sauna

3. If there were no water,

There wouldn't be a mug

If there were no girls,

Who should we sing ditties to?

4. Play more fun

balalaika – three strings,

Sing along if you can

Don't be shy, dancers.

5. Oh, I danced with three legs,

I lost my boots

Looked back

My boots are lying there.

6. We sang ditties to you

More than half an evening.

We'll go, and you sit

You have nothing to do.

Denis: The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.

Master: Everything that is in the oven is all swords on the table!

Mistress: I’m walking, walking, walking, carrying a samovar in my hands, singing a joke.

Here's tea, tea, tea... Meet the hostess as a guest! Answer with a joke!

Daughter: Drinking tea makes life pleasant!

Neighbor: If you drink some tea, you will forget about melancholy!

Father: If you don’t drink tea, what is your strength? I drank tea and was completely weakened!

Son: Tea doesn't make you ill.

Mistress: How Marfusha cooked and baked 92 pancakes and 53 pies for Peter. That's a lot of pies! Enough for all eaters!

Master: Amuse our hostess,

Eat pancakes and pies.

Neighbor: We are not proud people - there is no bread - give us some pies!

Mistress: Well, enough of your chatter, it’s time to start dancing.

(Olesya M., Katya, Angelina, Stas, Kolya, Denis)

Damir: Well, dear guests, it’s time to know the honor. It's time for the master and hostess to rest.

1 guest: Table "Thank you, m" puts on makeup,

Thank you, master and hostess.

2nd guest: Your pies are good, your hearts are friendly.

3rd guest: Thank you, this house, let's go to another.

Song “We were in the round dance”(everyone sings with + or a cappella)

Denis: That's the end of jokes, jokes,

Damir: And whoever was here and listened to us - well done!

Publications on the topic:

Entertainment scenario “Village get-togethers” The stage is brightly decorated. In the background there is a stove and bright colorful toy figures: all kinds of nesting dolls and ducks, as well as the sun.

Script for the play “Beetroot Trouble” Author's development “Beetroot Trouble” Preliminary work: Listening to a fairy tale. Discussion with children about images of fairy-tale characters.

Topic “Village gatherings” Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge acquired in classes in an entertaining game form. Activation and enrichment of educational.

Summary of entertainment in the senior group “Village gatherings. Folklore" Program pedagogical tasks: to introduce oral folk art - nursery rhymes, songs, fables, counting rhymes; let you feel.

Scenario of the holiday “Village Day” prepared by the head of the club, Valentina Aleksandrovna Bondarchuk. MKUK "CDTs Lokhovsky SP" club in the village of Zhmurova. It is suitable for a holiday in a town, village or farmstead. Competitions with various nominations in a serious and comic form can be edited to suit the residents of your area.

Grand opening of the holiday “Village Day”

Decor: Before entering the village there is a sign with an arrow and the inscription: “ Village anniversary - .... years" The central street is decorated with colorful flags. The square in front of the buildings of the House of Culture and the village administration is decorated with balloons, flags, and ropes with multi-colored ribbons are stretched between the pillars. On the building of the House of Culture there is a banner: “I love you, my village.” Near the village administration building there is a 4 x 4 meter stage. The stage is decorated with balloons and flowers.

The beginning of the descent


Presenter 1

Presenter 2

Before the start of the holiday there is trade. Buffoons and clowns amuse children and adults.

At 11:30 Gathering of amateur art participants

At 11:35 the school team arrives

At 11:40 we meet the centenarians of the village, kindergartens “Bell”, “Solnyshko”,

At 11:45 the postal service team from the nursing home arrives

Folk music is playing. The music stops.

12.00 – Boys with bells scatter in different directions of the village, inviting everyone to the beginning of the performance.

The bells are ringing.

How can I not love this land? My friend! What could be sweeter
Priceless native land? The sun seems brighter there
There the golden spring is more joyful, the summer breeze is cooler,
The flowers are more fragrant, the hills are greener there, the stream sounds sweeter there,
There the nightingale sings more sonorously...

While the words sound, the choreographic teamgoes up on stage.

Number: Choreographic team, "Russian dance"

At the end of the number, the girls come out and unwrap the towel. “Happy holiday!”

The participants of the number leave.

The phonogram of the music “Wide is my native country” sounds

The hosts of the celebration take the stage.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dears…..!
Good afternoon, dear guests of our village!

We welcome you to our land!
In a cozy, nice and friendly village!
The fields and hillocks here are covered in glory.
There is no more beautiful side in the world than ours.

Presenter 2: To my native land, beloved village,
To you fellow countrymen, guests, friends, neighbors
DEDICATED to our holiday!

The presenters leave.

Number: Vocal group “….”,song "Blossom, my land."

The presenters come out

Presenter 1: The gentle wind whispers
Tender words,
From fragrant flowers
My head is spinning.

And the sun is shining
Somehow it's more fun
Because today
Holiday in the village.

Presenter 2: Branches on birch trees
They started dancing
The birds are singing loudly
They entertain us.

They don't swim, they dance
Clouds above
Because today
Holiday in the village.

Presenter 1: The villagers are cheerful,
Joyful faces
Gathered for the holiday
Sing and have fun.

A long-awaited guest
The holiday has come to us,
So it will be fun
Will be good!

The presenters leave

Number: Vocal group "..." -song "Indian Summer"

The presenters come out

Presenter 2: Nature gave us a sunny day today, and your faces also shine like the sun. Today we have a holiday: ... the anniversary of our beautiful ..... And although this day is not marked on the calendar, we will mark it in red in the chronicle of our history.

Presenter 1: Among the forests and fields, in a place where a quiet river flows, the first settlers once built several huts. Much water has passed under the bridge since then.

Presenter 2: Year after year the settlement was built and expanded; working people came here from all over Rus'. And no longer a small settlement appeared, but a large and beautiful village, inhabited by nice and hardworking people.

Presenter 1: Dear fellow villagers, for greetings and congratulations, we invite the head of the settlement to the stage......

The presenters leave

Chapter speech

Number: song “On the Mountain is Viburnum.”

The presenters come out.

Presenter 1: And now we ask everyone to go to our House of Culture to continue the holiday.

Russian folk music sounds. The presenters leave.


Theatrical performance script


  • Peasant
  • Guest 1
  • Guest 2.

Before the start of the holiday, songs about the native land are heard in the hall.

In the foyer: photo exhibition: “village: events, people”, exhibition of all craftsmen of the village, voting for “Best Estate” is taking place.

Everyone is invited to the hall. Guests enter the hall. Slowly the lights in the hall go out.

A spotlight illuminates an old peasant and his grandson sitting on a bench, leafing through an old book (chronicle).

A screen opens and slides are shown: “A brief historical background on the history of the formation of the settlement.”

The soundtrack of the music “Dedication to the Earth” plays.

Peasant: village name- free village

Dear land, forever dear to me,
And the blossoming of apple trees and lilacs,
And the fields lie before me.

Light birches and aspens,
Bird chirping and crows
From the sad villages of Russia
People came to this region for happiness.

Started to live in a new place,
Saving every copper penny,
The gloomy trees were uprooted,
So that the rye can turn green here.

Slides are shown: “Our village in ...”

Peasant: Broad, you are a Siberian land!
All the fields and endless meadows
All the forests and majestic mountains,
The rivers are full, rushing into the distance.

Siberia is good, our mother,
The air is drinkable,
The sky is immense at a glance.
And among this enchanting beauty
There is no heart dearer than you,

How can I not love this land?!
My friend! What could be sweeter
Priceless native land?
The sun seems brighter there
The golden spring is more joyful there,
Cooler than the summer breeze,
The flowers are more fragrant, the hills are greener there,
There the flow sounds sweeter,
There the nightingale sings more sonorously...

Slides are shown: “………..”.

The soundtrack of the music “How my dear mother saw me off…” plays.


1. My granny told me
How her family joined the collective farm.

2. How strangers showed up to us,
In fear, adults and children prayed.

3. All the kids were shedding tears on their knees:
“You, God, save us from the collective farm!”

4. Dad and mom scared them about the collective farm,
They promised to send the disobedient ones to the collective farm.


1. These are the times that used to be,
We still haven’t forgotten them, baby.

2.And now the collective farm is afraid of you,
It was completely overgrown with debts and fell apart.

3. Strangers have come to us again,
And we profited from our hard work.

4.Isn’t it time for the young to wake up?
It’s a sin for you to be offended by your fate.

The more we value the past
And we find beauty in the old,
At least we belong to something new.

Russia is the mother! Praise be to you!
Over the centuries you have seen quite a lot,
Whenever you could speak,
You could tell me a lot.

Our village celebrates its anniversary,
There are many worthy people in the village.
Machine operator, builder and carpenter,
Milkmaid, teacher, sales worker.

Everyone is in their own place of work
Together we forge the glory of the village.
Wheat is heading in wide fields,
And the river stretches in our area.

The taiga approaches along the right bank,
Everyone will live and work here forever!

When finished, the screen goes dark. The light comes on.

The peasant and grandson leave

Number: Vocal group “….”

Song: “My village”

A peasant comes out

A phonogram of Russian folk music sounds behind the scenes: the song “Vasilis”

Peasant: The wind makes a cheerful noise,
There are honest people walking there,
The holiday is celebrated cheerfully.

(Guests in Russian folk costumes appear on stage.)

Number: choreographic group "....."

Welcoming guests with bread and salt.

Peasant: Oh, you, guests - gentlemen,
How long did it take to travel, where?
Okay, overseas, or worse
And what is the miracle in the world?

Guest 1: What should I tell you in response?
We've traveled all over the world -
Life is not bad there everywhere
What a miracle in the world!

Guest 2: Where the forest is noisy,
The village is so worth it
Surrounded by a channel
Free, wide.

Guest 1: ...... the village is called,
Good people live there,
And the girls are naughty
Relatives sing about places.

Really, the songs are good
How do they sing? From the heart!

The guests and the peasant leave.

Number: Song: "Well"

Number: Vocal group “…..”. Song: "All Year"

The guests come out, the peasant

Peasant: Tell me the truth,
What else have you seen?

Guest 2: 33 heroes,
So as not to waste time,
All the wheat was quickly removed
And again the fields were plowed.

Peasant: Fields, you are mine, fields!
Gray and golden.
How much effort people put into
So that they are beautiful and clean.

And on a warm night at dawn
Along the path, descending into the furrow,
Touching the warm lumps with my palm,
We went to rest in between.

And there are still peasant farms operating in our village.

The guests are leaving.

Peasant: And now the solemn moment has come - rewarding the best workers.

Based on the results of the cleaning work

Please come on stage:




The peasant leaves

Number: Vocal group "..." Song: "Mowing"

The guests, the peasant, come out.

Guest 1: And in that village -
There is a forest with him,
Good for people and animals
Clean air on the edges.

Peasant: After all, you are a Man!
You are strong, smart and brave!
Make your native land more beautiful,
Put your soul and heart into it,
So that you can leave it as a souvenir for your grandchildren!

Guest 2: And people live - just great!
They play on spoons
And folk songs are sung,
If you ask, they will dance “The Lady.”
Whoever you want will be stuck in your belt.

The guests and the peasant leave.

Number: Ditties.

Number: kindergarten, number: Dance "Mostok".

The guests come out, the peasant

Peasant: There are a lot of good people in the world.
Each of them leaves its mark,
Each of them shines like a bright beacon.
Everyone has many victories in life.

For the good, for the holy
Each of them lives in this world,
Good people of our native village!
From my fellow countrymen I bow and honor you.

We ask you to come on stage: …………..

The guests and the peasant leave.

Number: Song "If you are kind"

The guests come out, the peasant

Guest 1: And we also saw this:
There are elderly people who are young at heart,
How many paths and roads they have seen!
They loved dearly and raised children,
And they lived in hope: there would be less worry.

Long-livers of the village:

The guests and the peasant leave.

Number: Song: “Stoves and benches”

Number: Song "Zavalinka"

The guests come out, the peasant

Guest 2: There is a dynasty in the village:
All the talents in that family -
Be it a quartet or a duet
They will sing to us about this and that.

Poems are read
don't forget about dancing.
And, perhaps, they are not lazy
Perform all day!

Presenter 2: The most creative family: ...

Presenter 1: And now the solemn moment - the award ceremony!

Presenter 2: Please come on stage: .....

(giving a gift)

The guests and the peasant leave.

Number: poem "Quiet Village"

Slides are shown: Photos of the village “My Native Village”

A soundtrack of bells sounds.

The presenters and guests come out.

Guest 2: The joyful wedding broke out:
And love shines again
The aroma flows through the bouquet.

Dear ones, congratulations,
And we wish not to grow old.
So that happiness does not melt,
To make the voice ring.

And what tests
They won’t come - we want to live
Just like a first date
Which is not to be forgotten!

May love always keep
Continue to see you, dear ones,
And lucky star
It shines like for the first time!

Presenter 1: We invite the family to the stage....


Awards: (flowers, tableware sets)

Presenter 2: We still have an important event today - a wedding at .....

Guest 1: We invite the bride and groom to the stage:

The audience stands up and showers the bride and groom with grain.

Meeting the newlyweds with bread and salt.

Parting words to the young from the golden anniversaries.

Peasant: Love and happiness taste
Known, but not to many.
And may God grant you such talent - to love...
And you have a life-long road ahead,

And the ocean of love, in which you can still swim and swim.
Stay on course!
May your sail be scarlet
Is it made of silk, is it made of linen,
Will not become dilapidated in years to come,
And love will not taste like a bottom anchor.

Presentation of a gift (flowers, set of dishes)

The guests and the peasant leave.

Number: Song "The World Is Not Simple"

The guests come out, the peasant

Guest 1: And in one family a son was born,
Hope and support,
At least he will become like this
Not at all soon.

Guest 2: Well, for now it’s lying there
He's in a small crib
But time will pass
And everything will be fine.

Presenter 1: We congratulate the family on the birth of their son...

Presentation of a gift (in the hall) - diapers, ...

The guests and the peasant leave.

Number: kindergarten. Dance "Valenki"

The guests come out, the peasant

The phonogram of words from the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino” sounds.

- Who's there?

“It was me, postman Pechkin, who brought the magazine “Murzilka.”

Guest 1: There is also a postman in that village.
His calling is this modest, inconspicuous work.
He is a welcome guest in every home,
Everyone is looking forward to it.

Guest 2: He is neat on time and soon
He's in a hurry to deliver all the mail.
We wish him all the best,
Good luck, bon voyage.

Guest 1: Postcards and letters, newspapers, magazines –
The mail bag holds quite a bit.

Peasant: And in the rain and in the cold,
In any weather
The postmen are in a hurry
Deliver to the people.

  • According to the results of “Postman of the Year”, this title was awarded to...

We invite the postman to the stage: ...

And now the solemn moment - the award ceremony!

(giving a gift - ....)

The guests and the peasant leave.

Number: Vocal group “…….” Song: “I am a village”

The guests come out, the peasant

Guest 1: This is the village!
Everything is with him.
There is also a temple in the village.
And also a tower
And the gardens. That's it!

Summing up “Best Estate”

Best family estate: ….

Peasant: Please come on stage

(giving a gift - ...)

Guest 1: I'll be honest, I'm glad
Won't die......
If the younger generation
He does the job with skill.

The guests and the peasant leave.

Number:acrobatic performances

Number: dance club. "Dance with Hats"

Number: vocal group. Song "Big Round Dance"

The guests come out, the peasant

Guest 1: Everything they knew was told
And now it’s time to go -
New ones are waiting for us
And, of course, friends!

Guest 2: What can I wish you?
There's nothing better
Those words that were spoken by the poet.

"In the depths of Siberian ores
Keep your proud patience,
Your sorrowful work will not be wasted
And I think about high aspiration.”

Peasant: We, like all of you, are Russians!
We do not live for the glory of the crown.
You and I are true peasants
And we will be until the end!

We speak, and you, accepting,
Remember these words forever:
Love the house!
Love the earth!
Keep the memory forever!

Yes, I sat down a lot in this world.
And ask anyone now
More expensive than ours......
There is no village in all of Rus'!

Number: the song “About my native village” performed by all participants in the performance.

At the end of the holiday, games and competitions are held on the street.

Mass celebration.

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Meet: Kindergarten No. 267 in Izhevsk
I would like to present to you a story about an interesting kindergarten in the city of Izhevsk, well known to our post...

"My little village"

Holiday scenario

MCOU Zubkovskaya secondary school

The script was prepared by Art. counselor V.A. Krasnikova

All guests arriving for the holiday are greeted in the corridor by girls with a loaf of bread and kvass.

    They sing to the melody “Oh, you canopy, my canopy”.

Oh, you are dear guests,

Please accept our greetings!

What a surprise meeting!

How many winters and how many years!

We welcome our guests,

We are glad to have you with us.

We welcome you with bread and salt,

And in addition - Russian kvass.

1 girl: Have a bite of bread and salt,

Dear guests.

1 guy: Without bread there is no happiness,

Without bread there is no strength!

But you will be happy

If you tasted the bread.

(Handing the loaf to the guests)

Everyone sings: Kvass is fruity, bready, sweet...

Be famous throughout Rus'!

And today come to us for a holiday

We brought it to you.

Girl 2: Try the best of drinks!

People have been drinking it for a long time...

Guy 2: And it’s not without reason that they say –

Kvass is always most needed!

(A guy treats guests to kvass).

Everyone sings: Gather all your friends

Stop them sitting in the corner!

Hurry up to our holiday,

Come and visit, friend!

The stage is decorated like a suburb. Village landscapes are projected onto the screen. A fence with clay pots, near the fence there are benches covered with homemade rugs. Gzhel and Khokhloma fabric falls along the wings.

Slowly, leisurely, girls and women come onto the stage and sit down on benches, and boys stand behind the fence. At this time, the readers approach the microphones (read against the background of music):

Reader 1: The trees got lost in the fog,

The sun rises to its zenith.

And on the red hill there is a village

Stands in the middle of Russia

Reader 2: Here on the benches the grandfathers playfully

They remember their life.

Here he dives into the river from a cliff

My rural childhood.

Reader 3: From the fire of cockscombs

The dawn lights up in the distance,

The smell of rain is dizzying,

The smell of hay and warm earth.

Reader 4: I don’t need another land.

I grew up here, my destiny is here.

For me in the gems of rainbows

Bread is earing in the sun.

Reader 5: Gold is pouring under the blue sky.

The fields are endless, like the seas.

For me you are warmer than bread

My dear village.

2) Song"Come to our village » - 5th grade

The Master and Mistress come out.

Him: Hello!

She: Hello!

Together: Hello!

He: Hello, dear friends, dear guests!

She: We welcome you to our village!

He: We have a lot of guests today, and what guests!

She: Honorary!

He: We are glad to have guests, we are waiting for guests!

She: Please feel free to enter our house.

3) (Everyone sings to the tune of “In the Forge...”)

At school, at school with us - 2 times

Guests are invited, welcome – 2 times

You came to visit us, well done - 2 times

Zubkovtsy, Zubkovtsy here – 2 times

So get up, Zubkovites are here - 2 times

(etc. through the villages. When the names of the villages are sung, delegations from these villages in the hall rise from their seats and greet everyone)

Ulyanovsk residents, Ulyanovsk residents here – 2 times

Ulyanovsk residents are also here - 2 times

Station people here – 2 times

And the station people are also here, also here - 2 times

Guys: You came to us - 2 times

You came to visit us, well done! - 2 times

He: Feel free to come into our house,

Joy in your soul or sorrow,

You won't be superfluous at the table,

You won't be superfluous in the conversation.

She: We’ll just take a song from you!

Sing it as it turns out, as it turns out.

We recognize the heart by song

We will be able to see your people.

He: Sing, my friend, and let the song be yours

Will meet with my quiet song.

Let them be like good friends

Let's move on the road together.

She: The song flaps its slow wing,

Her words made us friends forever.

And, with my eyes half closed, I sing,

The song that you and I composed.

4) (The song is being performed "Home country")

against the background of music

She: Village...Our small Motherland. The one from childhood... And it comes to mind with flowering gardens, crystal springs, the aroma of berries, the smell of freshly cut grass, the chirping of grasshoppers, the sounds of either a spring drop, or a howling blizzard and a bizarre frosty pattern on the glass, or the rustle of fallen leaves underfoot... This is everything is dear, close, bright... And suddenly my heart will pinch, tears will come to my eyes...

He: Sometimes life develops in such a way that villages disappear from the face of the earth, that it is impossible to help the village and there is no one to save it. Villages in Rus' have stood for centuries. They were protected, they fought for them, they lived in them, they loved them, they gave birth to children...

She: And they left in complete silence, as if they had offended us. Only springs remain protected by giant poplars and rows of bird cherry, rowan, and birch trees that once grew near houses. And the pain of loss becomes even stronger.

He: With every village that disappears, part of the spirituality, culture, morality of the people, their mercy is lost, the historical image of the Motherland changes!

She: All over Russia, villages were disappearing - the weight of history cannot be overcome; once upon a time, villages, our closest neighbors, also disappeared.

He: Let's remember the name of each lost village... And if there are people from it in the hall, respond...

She: Razumovka

He: Borisovka

She: Mikhailovka

He: Novotroitsk

He: You see, many villages no longer respond to our call.

She: And in some places there are still people who have not forgotten their past.

(Read with music in the background.)

He: They are tearing down my father’s house,

It's like they're destroying your soul.

All the past is scrapped

Saying goodbye to the past.

She: Say goodbye to yourself

After all, for so many years I have been obedient

Like a small cathedral

He protected our souls!

He: We lived in it all our lives,

They knew trouble and joy.

engulfed in flames

My memories.

She: What a pity it happened

To live until such a day...

Father doesn't hide his tears

The word got stuck in my throat...

Him: And home for the last time

He looks at everyone blindly.

Either he feels sorry for us,

Is he crying about the past ( Andrey Dementyev)

5) Song “Village” by T.Yu.Parfenov

Him: On the site of yesterday’s village

Only clumps of trees stand.

And they look the most homely

But this is what torments my eyes...

She: In such lonely anxiety

And they stand so patiently

It's like everyone is waiting by the road,

What a hut to go back.

He: Before it’s too late, we must listen to the voices of the past. There are still people who have not forgotten the past and are ready to tell us what happened.

She: Students talk about their home village, Zubkovo station

(scene before the film)


There is a village off to the side.

Few people remember it

when, where, why and how long ago

Have people come here?


Who was the first settler here?

What's his name? Who was he?

I really want to know, at least a little,

How he lived, worked, loved...


By choice or unwillingly

The road led him

To the wide expanses of the Urals,

To the origins of your native village?

(He and she come out) (______________________________________________________________)

HE: Oh, what a beauty! A nice, kind village will be here! It’s not for nothing that I came here.

SHE: Lord God! And where has this difficult time taken us?

HE: Well, it's good all around! This is where we’ll settle! There are benefits. First things first – location, visibility in all directions. We'll dig a dugout.

SHE: Oh, let's go without bread!

HE: It's okay, we'll live. There is game in the forest. And the meadows?! There is a place for the cattle to fatten up their meat and fat. It’s as if this place was created for us.

SHE: OK! They do not seek good from good. Let's put on a booth. But let’s make a notch on this tree: ________ year.

HE: Oh my God! Woman! Only you’re kind of weird and you’re not dressed like us! Where are you from?

VED 1: Yes, this is where I come from. I was born and raised in these parts, only I am from 2013. More than ______ years separate us from each other. But your village is worth it! Wouldn't you like to look into the future? In 2013? See: have your descendants been able to preserve and increase your goodness? Has your name remained in the memory of those who live after you?

HE: Something is scary, but I really want to take a look!

VED 1: Well then listen and watch!

(screening of the film “My Native Village”)

Ved.1. There are such places in vast Russia,

What you won’t find on big maps.

In a special way, the sky there seems blue,

The cherries there have a special smell.

This is the place where you were born

Often called a province.

Only there is no more beautiful land -

He will always be the only one for us!

Ved.2. I love you at any time of the year

My native Russian village.

And on a warm day, in any bad weather

With you my soul is always light.

The familiar birch tree nods to me,

And I answered her “Hello!” I say

How good I feel, how simple it is in Russian

Live in my bright, gentle land.

Ved.1. May today's holiday give you joy, laughter, smiles, and good mood! And we give you our song!

6) Song “About the Motherland”

Ved. 2.

Let laughter and joy

With a sonorous song

They will pour over the village again,

Let the guests make us feel crowded,

Let happiness enter every home.

Let the old ladies smile

I heard an accordion outside the window.

Let the ditties be reborn.

We are already singing them.


We are proud of our village,

After all, we live in Zubkovo.

We are good enough to sing ditties.

We’ll sing them for you now.

I'm a laughing girl

I don't grieve about anything.

And with a cheerful ditty

I don't care about grief.

I'll stamp my heels

And I'll go dancing

And the ditties break on their own,

Why am I not Mordasova?

If you know ditties

Come join us for a circle.

We, cheerful friends,

We will be happy for our friends.

So that our people can live

With joyful faces,

We have revived ditties

Glorious traditions.

While we sing ditties,

So we will live long,

This means that the Russian spirit is still alive,

No one can break us.

We invite you to share

Our mood is lyrical,

We tried to instill in you

Patriotic spirit.

We sang our ditties,

We have to give up space

Once we have reached our goal,

We will write new ones.

Him: As long as I'm alive

I have no second home,

No second mother

And there is no second father.

And the native land is one.

And he will not become a stranger,

And warm me until my gray hairs

He will not get tired of his heart.

She: One village,

Growing up at difficult times

And I have the sky -

One above your head.

I'm used to believing them

And be responsible for them.

Who, when not them,

More love in the world.

He: Little water flows,

The village looks like the blue of the river.

And the whole village is like a mitten,

As old-timers sometimes joke.

She: Many years have flowed down the river,

People managed to become related by heart.

In the village, like fingers in a mitten,

They feel nice and warm from each other

He: Our guests, students of the Zubkovo secondary school, will tell a story about their native village of Zubkovo.

(Story, film screening)

She: How can you not love this region?

Where are you in the shaky crib

I saw the light of life,

Where I ran barefoot in the grass among the flowers,

Reached out to them with a smile,

Where you are warmed by warmth,

It grew like a beautiful flower.

He is with you in your dreams and with you in reality.

Changing, you grow with him day after day.

You admire its imperishable beauty,

He is your life, your love, your home.

She: My village people

Chopped with hail, ground in a mortar,

But, however, not weaker,

Not poorer than other people.

He: The village - here it is:

Not mansions at home,

And every home welcomes

Warmth and kindness.

He: People live together in the village of Ulyanovka. Whether it’s hardship or misfortune, or fun in the house - the whole village is right there.

Our guests from the Ulyanovsk secondary school will talk about their small homeland.

(Story, presentation)

She: And love for you, village,

We carried it year after year.

Not everyone will talk about love -

Everything is kept to oneself.

But a tear will sparkle when we meet,

My heart will tremble, loving everyone.

He: We hurry to our father’s house with hope,

When something is wrong in life,

They will welcome us here, kiss us,

They will never judge.

She: It is no coincidence that the one who left the village every now and then remembers his homeland with longing, feeling his guilt before it.

He: Whoever leaves here will not come back.

And the earth will forget that there was such a resident.

A blooming garden reaches into the sky,

And a guardian angel is circling above the cloud.

Song “Now I consider myself urban”

He: Eternal memory of the native land,

Oh, how poorly we once kept it!

In countless elaborations we wriggled

In the squabbles, the determined ones were buried.

She: The rustle of willows, and the drowsy rustle of rye,

Yes, the shining dome of midday blue...

My wooden childhood, tell me,

How do you live in modern Russia?

7) Dance"Ivushka"" - dance group "Ryabinushka"

(Against the background of music.)

She: The native land can do everything: feed you with its bread, give you drink from its springs, surprise you with its beauty. It’s a shame she can’t defend herself...

He: So let's do everything possible to preserve our land, so that the lights in the windows of our villages do not go out.

She: The music of everyday life, it is in every minute and all living things have their innermost secrets. And maybe it’s the still-unceasing voices of past times that are reaching out to us? Maybe they are breaking through the thickness of centuries with a silent, but still bright greeting, in fact life-giving.

Age-old rituals, customs, and holidays do not disappear among the people... They still bring spiritual stability, moral standards, and order to life.

Reader 1: As children, the winds carried us across the earth.

I listened to the forest and hugged the grass,

Not yet knowing that they call Russia

That blue world in which I live.

Reader 2: Russia began at the doorstep

And in my heart it continues

She was both a field and a road,

And a rainbow bowed over the village.

Reader 3: And it seemed to me that there was no limit to it...

And in the spring I saw in reality:

Under the sails of our white apple trees

Russia was sailing into the blue.

Reader 4: Russia poured into my heart like dawn.

Isn't that why my love

So inseparable from the slanting downpours,

With the spill of herbs and the smell of bread?


Where a person was born is where he fits in.
This is how our people interpret it.
Where you grew up, studied and worked,
Where the family has been and will continue.
Where the sun shines more welcomingly and brightly,
Where is the most gentle and warm rain in the world -
All this is called the small Motherland,
The one you can't live without.

All together: Don’t disappear, live, my village!!!

Awarding of participants

The final song “So be healthy!”

So be healthy

Live richly

How the villages lived

Once upon a time in Russia

Let our farms

Always thriving

Let the strength of the peasantry

They don't melt over the years.

And may it be with you

Good share

Good share

Wide field.

So be healthy

Live richly

How the villages lived

Once upon a time in Russia.


So be healthy

Live richly

How the villages lived

Once upon a time in Russia

Let our farms

Always thriving

Let the strength of the peasantry

They don't melt over the years.

And may it be with you

Good share

Good share

Wide field.

So be healthy

Live richly

How the villages lived

Once upon a time in Russia.

So be healthy

Live richly

How the villages lived

Once upon a time in Russia

Let our farms

Always thriving

Let the strength of the peasantry

They don't melt over the years.

And may it be with you

Good share

Good share

Wide field.

So be healthy

Live richly

How the villages lived

Once upon a time in Russia.

So be healthy

Live richly

How the villages lived

Once upon a time in Russia

Let our farms

Always thriving

Let the strength of the peasantry

They don't melt over the years.

And may it be with you

Good share

Good share

Wide field.

So be healthy

Live richly

How the villages lived

Once upon a time in Russia.

Despite the fact that the new century brings new technologies, traditions and musical preferences into our lives, our love for folk festivities and ancient Russian holidays (Greeting of Winter and others) remains unchanged. And even, on the contrary, there are more such holidays over the years and each locality has its own: Ax Festival, Blacksmith Day, Honey Spas, Festival of Folk Crafts, etc. and almost all of them are accompanied by fairs, master classes of various ancient crafts and crafts and, of course, concerts and performances of folk groups.

We offer our collection Funny scenes in folk style for Village Day and other holidays, which will be useful when drawing up programs for such holidays.

Scene in folk style "Regular bus"


Driver (he also plays the harmonica)

1st grandmother (with knapsacks),

2nd grandmother (with basket),

Man (with a knapsack).

Everyone is standing at the back of each other’s heads, with their faces turned towards the hall, huddled close to each other, as if there was a crush on the bus. There may be more participants - these are passengers in a tightly packed bus. The characters stand in the following sequence (from right to left): Driver, 1st grandmother, Man, 2nd grandmother. The melody played by the driver-harmonica player can be anything, something simple is best. Participants can sing or speak recitatively.

It's packed with people like herrings.
The people had a dispute in a crush,
We'll relay the conversation to you.

1st grandmother: Oh, why are you pushing me!
Do I look like a horse?!
I can't hold you anymore
And now I’m definitely going to fall.

2nd grandma: Stop it, women, damn it!
Be cultured people!
It's very difficult for me to travel -
I have milk in bottles.

Man: Well, squeezed, bitches, that's the problem!
Neither breathe nor spit anywhere.
What to do, mother goat!
I can’t bring eggs to the city like that!

1st grandmother: We all need to go anyway.
Everything must be resolved peacefully.

2nd grandma: Why did you shout: “Kar, yes kar!”
You better take care of your goods!

1st grandmother: Let me pick up my bag,
You'll feel like you're driving at home.
At least someone would give up their place (Looks around)
And I have no strength to stand anymore.

Man: It’s more comfortable to stand this way now,
Just check your bag -
You're probably bringing cucumbers,
See, you're pouring brine on my hand. (Licked his hand)

1st grandmother: Oh, sorry people, that's the problem!

The main thing is not to go anywhere (Dashes around).
I took the cat to the city,
He always has incontinence.

Man: What are you, an infection, your mother!
I'll strangle you in a minute, woman!

2nd grandma: Anything can happen, citizen.
The main thing is that they deliver, and there is gasoline.
Still, it would be much worse
If your balls were crushed.

1st grandmother: That's for sure, it's not me, iris, you're scolding.
Better save your eggs.

Driver: The regular bus runs into the distance,
It's packed with people like herrings.
If only it were the other way around -
Honest people would not laugh.

Folk song-game "The mother-in-law had seven sons-in-law"

(The skit is suitable for a program or any rural holiday)




Sons-in-law: Khomka, Pakhomka, Clementy, Dementiy, Zakharka, Makarka, Vanyushenka

(A young girl is chosen to play the role of mother-in-law).

Dear mother-in-law, you must invite seven sons-in-law to visit you. Choose from all those present, only look at the good ones, so you don’t regret it later.

We ask seven men to come forward who have already been in the role of son-in-law and those who are just about to become one.

The first son-in-law, Khomka, and the last, Vanyusha, may be folk theater artists. They should be familiarized with the role in advance; other participants will be guided by them. Each participant is given a sign with their name and a clue word on the back.

- At my mother-in-law's - on one side it is written “Mother-in-law”, and on the reverse words, which she needs to say during the game for the laughter of her sons-in-law and personally for her son-in-law Vanyushenka:

1. The mother-in-law had seven sons-in-law…….

And also Vanyushenka-darling, beloved son-in-law.

2 . The mother-in-law began to invite her sons-in-law to visit.

Vanya-darling, come quickly.


Vanyusha-darling - a pie with cabbage.

4. The mother-in-law began to see off her sons-in-law.

Vanya-darling - on the wild head.

- At Vanyushechka's written their own words:

1. It's me!

2. I'm coming.

3. Thank you!

4. Oh!

- U other sons-in-law words:

1. (Name) - son-in-law!

2. (Name) - coming!

3. (Name) - pie!

4. (Name) - in the neck!

All participants are explained the essence of the fun: The mother-in-law sings the first line, all the sons-in-law repeat it, then everyone takes a step forward, says a phrase, saying their name, and moves back. Then the mother-in-law says a personal phrase for Vanyushenka, who answers. Then the second line for everyone: mother-in-law, sons-in-law, separately for Vanya, etc.


Makarka is coming.

Mother-in-law: Vanya-darling, come quickly.

Vanyushechka: I'm coming.

Mother-in-law: The mother-in-law began to treat her sons-in-law with a pie

Sons-in-law(in chorus): The mother-in-law began to treat her sons-in-law with a pie

Homke pie.


Clementia Pie.




Mother-in-law: Vanyusha-darling - a pie with cabbage.

Vanyushechka: Thank you!

Mother-in-law: The mother-in-law began to see off her sons-in-law.

Sons-in-law(in chorus): The mother-in-law began to see off her sons-in-law.

Khomka - in the neck.

Punch in the neck.

Clementia - in the neck.

Dementia - in the neck

Zakharku - in the neck.

Makarka in the neck.

Mother-in-law: And son-in-law Vanyushenka - for his wild hair.

Vanyushechka: Oh!

Presenters: Thanks to all participants!

Musical scene-song "Darling, good!"

Song to the tune " There lived a gray goat with my grandmother "

Participants in the skit:

Marusya is a very tall girl (she stands on stilts or a stool, her sundress reaches the floor)

Vanyusha is a man, much shorter than Marusya.

Assistants - (can be of any gender, dressed in folk costumes, stand between them).

The essence of the fun: participants sing in turns, focusing on the last word in the line: Marusya, assistants, Vanyusha, assistants again, etc. (at the same time, they turn to the person they are addressing, extend their hands, gesticulating.)

Marusya: Darling, good one, why are you silent? / 2 times.

Assistants (to Vanya - in unison): Why are you, why are you, why are you silent? / 2 times.

Vania: I am not silent, I admire you /2 times.

Assistants (to Marya - in unison): What are you doing, what are you doing, let me take a look! / 2 times.

Marusya: My dear, my dear, why don’t you come? / 2 times.

Assistants (to Vanya - in unison): Why are you, why aren’t you coming? / 2 times.

Vania: I came, but you weren’t at home. / 2 times.

Assistants (to Marusa - in unison): What are you, what are you, where are you?! / 2 times.

Marusya: Dear Vanyusha, why don’t you kiss me? /2 times.

Assistants (to Vanya - in unison): Why are you, why aren’t you kissing? / 2 times.

Vania: I would kiss you, but you won’t be able to reach me! / 2 times.

Assistants (to Marya - in unison): What are you, what are you, such a bigot? / 2 times.

Marusya: We sang to you, and you listened to us.

Vania: We sang to you, but you didn’t clap.

Assistants (into the hall - in chorus): What are you, what are you, clap your hands / 2 times.

on Village Day "Three Sisters and a Vet"






In a certain kingdom, in our state, there lived, no, not a king, a man. And he had 3, no sons, daughters of marriageable age.

(The sisters each come out to their own piece of music)

The first Marfushechka-darling (comes out)

And the second Maryushka (comes out)

And the third Nastenka (comes out)

The sisters sing together (to the tune of “He’s going on leave...”):

Why in our village

Do all the girls have a stroke?

Because he came to us

Young veterinarian.

Thirty years old

And good-looking.

And with all this


Leading: Here are the sisters in the evening

We daydreamed under the window.

Marfusha: If only he took me as his wife,

If only we were newlyweds.

And the neighbors are all amazed

We'd go to the Maldives!

Or maybe, however

We would live in Monaco.

Marya: You got it wrong, sister.

Well, what a foreign country.

He's a veterinarian of everything.

Don't you want too much from him?

Over there to the neighboring village

If you brought it, consider yourself lucky.

Marfushka: Maybe he'll get rich

He can make money here.

I will help him

I know how to inspire.

There will be a brain, there will be a salary.

Marya: Well, yes, yes, hand me a shovel?

You will rake in the money.

Well, sister, you are dreaming.

You, Marfusha, are overheated,

I've seen enough TV series.

We don't have oligarchs

Where are the rich clients?

Pekingese are expensive

These are not found here.

There are cows and bulls here.

It's not easy to get rich here.

Marfushka: So, we'll look in the city.

We'll find someone there.

No matter what kind of layover,

But rich, cool.

Marya: And I don’t care about going abroad.

I sleep well at home.

Well, what if it were with someone,

In general, there would be no problem.

He would take me as his wife.

I would have given him an emergency situation.

From marital debt

I wouldn't run away anywhere.

And to the envy of all girlfriends

There would be a sexen revolution.

Nastenka: Where can you find such power?

You will drive your husband to the grave.

Now, if I became a wife,

I would protect him.

If he were well-groomed, well-fed,

Always trimmed and shaved.

I would love him so much

She fed me delicacies,

She was waiting for him from work

And I would blow away specks of dust.

Marya: From care from such

He would have run away to someone else.

If you overeat sweets,

Then you'll start to feel sick

It will taste salty.

Yes, what can I say to you?

From the wife should also

Smell like sex, not borscht.

Nastenka: I would give birth to his children.

I would have kept him with children.

Leading: Sisters didn't notice

That the good guy stood on the sidelines.

Without getting involved in this dispute,

Silently listened to the conversation.

Then I decided to go out to them

He joined the sisters' conversation.

Vet: Eh, girls are good.

I'm telling you from the heart.

All three of you in one

The ideal wife.

One would inspire me

One surrounded me with care,

And from the third night I spent.

It would be cool if I lived like this.

But I am not a sultan for a harem,

This is the problem we have.

So don't blame me

Still be brides.

Leading: The sisters thought about it.

Their faces became sad.

The only moral left to say is:

In everything, girls, you need to know when to stop.

Impromptu sketch "Don't make a mistake yourself"

Characters and lines:

Woman: “How much is manure?!”

Garden: “E-mine!”

Cultivator: “Pour gasoline!”

Watering machine:“Reduce the pressure!”

Turnip: "Oh, leave me alone!"

Son: “I’d like a beer!”

Daughter-in-law:“I’m just coming from the salon!”

Grandson: “We’ve had enough already!”

Granddaughter: “I want to go to Paris!”

Neighbour:"A real colonel!"

Shovel: “Eh-ma!”

The text reads Leading. The heroes he named say their lines. The material can be used on or at the anniversary of a woman who is interested in gardening. In this case, you need to add her name.


Once upon a time there was Woman. Like all real Russians Women, she loved holidays in Vegetable garden. He used to go into the “Everything for the Vegetable Garden” special store and look at Cultivator, on Watering machine and will think: “Yes, with such technology, what kind of equipment do I have? Turnip I was born!” And I decided Woman buy Cultivator And Watering machines y and plant Turnip. Cultivator cultivates the land Watering machine Vegetable garden waters. And grew up Turnip big, very big! I decided Turnip Woman put away. He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out. She called Woman Son Son of daughter-in-law. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. She called Grandson's daughter-in-law. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. Called Grandson Granddaughter. Granddaughter behind Grandson, Grandson behind Daughter-in-law, Daughter-in-law behind son, son behind Woman, Woman behind turnip... They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out. I was passing by at that time Neighbour With Shovel. Dug Neighbor Shovel and dug up turnip! Moral: rely on technology, but don’t make a mistake yourself!

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