
Miller's dream book handkerchief. Magic of numbers Dream handkerchief

A handkerchief you see in a dream promises you a love interest, as well as the emergence of unforeseen circumstances.

Lost a scarf - your plan will not come true, but not through your fault.

A torn scarf symbolizes violent quarrels with a loved one. A dirty handkerchief is a warning against promiscuity in choosing friends.

If you dreamed of a stack of clean handkerchiefs, then you will show yourself worthily in a difficult test, which will later turn into great success for you.

A colored handkerchief dreams of risky, even dubious, affairs. You shouldn’t be afraid of this: you will be able to arrange them in the best possible way.

A silk handkerchief promises harmony in relationships with people, which you will achieve thanks to your sincerity and goodwill.

If a woman dreams that she is waving a handkerchief at someone or sees others doing it, then she is in for a fun but dangerous journey.

Interpretation of dreams from

A clean handkerchief is wealth.

Dirty - a sad event, a loss.

1 handkerchief Magic dream book

To see a dream about you had a handkerchief - devotion.

What does a handkerchief mean in a dream - deception in premonitions. Crying and wiping yourself with a handkerchief is a quick resolution to the conflict. Having a lot of small beautiful handkerchiefs means numerous fleeting romances. A dirty handkerchief is a defamed name. Tying a knot on a handkerchief means an important dispute. Silk, satin scarf - to be in love.

1 handkerchief Dream interpretation for a bitch

Letter, news.

Holding it in your hands is a love adventure.

Drop it - someone will ruin your plans.

A clean scarf means decent and reasonable behavior will bring good luck.

A dirty, torn scarf means you should choose your friends more carefully.

A white silk or cambric scarf - your kindness and warmth attract people.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 handkerchief Dream Interpretation of Lovers

A dream in which you see a handkerchief foreshadows a love interest. Perhaps you will gain a new fan.

If the scarf is torn, a quarrel with your loved one awaits you.

A dirty handkerchief means that you are not too picky in your choice of fans. Perhaps your chosen one is unworthy of you.

Silk handkerchief - dreams of a harmonious relationship with your lover. A woman who dreams that she is waving a handkerchief will go on a fun trip, where she will meet a new lover, which will cause condemnation from others.

1 handkerchief Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Handkerchief dream meaning:

Love interest; disease. A torn scarf means quarrels.

1 Handkerchief according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a handkerchief, the dream promises you a love interest, as well as the emergence of unforeseen circumstances in your life.

Losing it is a sign that, through no fault of yours, what you planned will not come true.

Torn - to violent quarrels with a loved one.

Dirty - a warning against promiscuity in choosing friends.

A stack of clean handkerchiefs foretells that you will prove yourself worthily in a difficult test, which will later turn into great success for you.

Colored handkerchiefs are a sign that you will undertake some risky, even dubious business, but will be able to arrange it in the best possible way, avoiding condemnation and your own mental torment.

A silk handkerchief promises you harmony in relationships with people, which you will achieve with your kindness and sincerity.

If a woman dreams that she waves a handkerchief at someone or sees others doing it, the dream foretells her a fun, but dangerous journey, from which she will return from which she will cause universal condemnation.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 handkerchief Modern dream book

Seeing a handkerchief in a dream is a prediction of flirting and casual frivolous connections.

Losing a handkerchief means a broken engagement, which will happen through your fault.

A torn handkerchief - dreams of a serious quarrel between lovers. After such a quarrel, reconciliation is hardly possible.

Seeing a dirty handkerchief means that your reputation will be tarnished by connections that discredit you.

If you dreamed of a stack of clean white handkerchiefs, you will not succumb to the flattering persuasion of unprincipled evil schemers and your family life will be illuminated with love and happiness.

Seeing colored handkerchiefs in a dream means that you will arrange your frivolous affairs so skillfully and inventively that you will be able to avoid publicity and shame.

If you dream of silk handkerchiefs, your generous and magnetic soul will be a source of joy for other people, which will bring happiness to you too.

For a young woman to have a dream in which she waves a handkerchief or sees others doing it, means that she will soon make a mysterious and pleasant journey, or she will skillfully avoid shame by going in search of imaginary pleasures.

1 handkerchief Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

A handkerchief in a dream means:

pure - devotion and fidelity to a loved one; dirty - deception and treason.

1 handkerchief Gypsy dream book

If a girl dreams of a handkerchief, it means:

If in a dream your loved one gives you a handkerchief, this is a symbol of fidelity.

Picking up a handkerchief dropped by someone means taking on someone’s troubles.

Blowing your nose into a handkerchief means news of an illness in your family.

1 handkerchief Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Foreshadows a verbal altercation.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 handkerchief Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why does a woman dream about a handkerchief:

Devotion to a loved one.

1 handkerchief Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Seeing a handkerchief in a dream means:

You see a handkerchief in a dream - you will have a new love interest; every new love is a new way of life for you. It’s as if you’ve lost your handkerchief - you won’t be able to do what you planned; what is prepared will not happen. You have a dirty handkerchief in a dream - among your new friends there are unworthy people; you may not suspect it, but they will not hesitate to show their bad qualities; the sooner this happens, the better for you. You have a holey handkerchief in a dream - you will soon have a big fight with your loved one. You have a delicate cambric handkerchief - you are a very sociable person; everyone has a good opinion of you; everyone enjoys doing business with you; your well-being largely depends on your goodwill and calmness. You have a colorful handkerchief - you will take a risk, and it will pay off.

1 handkerchief Dream book alphabetically

A handkerchief in a dream is interpreted in the dream book as:

A dream about a handkerchief foreshadows a disconcerting act that you will commit in a state of cheerful intoxication. A dark scarf - to complicate relationships with people who sincerely love you; light - you will receive a pleasant and unexpected surprise.

A torn handkerchief means inconstancy in love, a dirty one means betrayal of friends, a crumpled one means worries over trifles.

Washing a handkerchief in a dream means a difficult test awaits, from which you will emerge with honor; ironing is a risky undertaking that will turn into unexpected success.

Losing a handkerchief means you will be depressed by your children’s bad behavior and unsatisfactory studies; finding it means family joy and well-being. Dressing a wound with a scarf or covering your head means income.

1 handkerchief Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

A handkerchief in a dream means:

A dream in which something was done with a handkerchief foreshadows a new love interest. Losing a handkerchief means your feeling will soon cool down.

Imagine washing and ironing a handkerchief; it becomes perfectly clean and fresh.

1 handkerchief Dream book of the 20th century

Handkerchief dream meaning:

A clean, beautiful handkerchief: portends a surge of emotions associated with people close to you.

It is possible that your feelings will make you cry, but if the scarf is clean, then these will be light tears.

Dirty: a sign of severe grievances and deep disappointments.

A torn handkerchief: portends a serious quarrel with a loved one.

Crumpled: suggests that behind the mask of gaiety and frivolity there may be a sensitive and vulnerable soul.

1 Handkerchief according to Rommel's Dream Book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a handkerchief:

A clean handkerchief symbolizes devotion in friendship, fidelity in love.

Dirty - infidelity of friends, betrayal of loved ones.

A torn scarf means big quarrels.

Losing a handkerchief means failing to accomplish something you have planned.

A stack of clean handkerchiefs is a test that you will pass with dignity.

Colored scarves are risk-related matters that you can successfully handle.

A silk handkerchief is a sign of harmony with the people around you.

Waving a handkerchief means going on a trip that, according to society, is not entirely decent (if a woman is dreaming) and dangerous.

Giving or passing on a handkerchief means separation.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 handkerchief Dream book for girls

What a handkerchief might mean in a dream:

If you see a handkerchief in a dream, a romantic meeting awaits you.

A torn handkerchief means a quarrel.

A dirty handkerchief means infidelity of friends.

A colored handkerchief is some kind of dubious enterprise, but with a successful outcome.

handkerchief Slavic dream book

Why does a woman dream of a handkerchief:

Losing a handkerchief means being beaten

A handkerchief you see in a dream promises you a love interest, as well as the emergence of unforeseen circumstances.

Lost a scarf - your plan will not come true, but not through your fault.

A torn scarf symbolizes violent quarrels with a loved one. A dirty handkerchief is a warning against promiscuity in choosing friends.

If you dreamed of a stack of clean handkerchiefs, then you will show yourself worthily in a difficult test, which will later turn into great success for you.

A colored handkerchief dreams of risky, even dubious, affairs. You shouldn’t be afraid of this: you will be able to arrange them in the best possible way.

A silk handkerchief promises harmony in relationships with people, which you will achieve thanks to your sincerity and goodwill.

If a woman dreams that she is waving a handkerchief at someone or sees others doing it, then she is in for a fun but dangerous journey.

Interpretation of dreams from

Handkerchief in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita:

Handkerchief - devotion to a loved one

Interpretation in Miller's Dream Book Sleep Handkerchief:

  • If you dream of a handkerchief, the dream promises you a love interest, as well as the emergence of unforeseen circumstances in your life.
  • A silk handkerchief promises you harmony in relationships with people, which you will achieve with your goodwill and sincerity.
  • If woman If she dreams that she waves a handkerchief at someone or sees others doing it, then the dream foretells her a fun, but dangerous journey, upon returning from which she will cause universal condemnation.
  • Losing it is a sign that, through no fault of yours, what you planned will not come true.
  • Colored handkerchiefs are a sign that you will undertake some risky, even dubious business, but will be able to arrange it in the best possible way, avoiding condemnation and your own mental torment.
  • A stack of clean handkerchiefs foretells that you will prove yourself worthily in a difficult test, which will subsequently turn out to be great success for you.
  • A torn scarf means violent quarrels with your loved one. A dirty handkerchief is a warning against promiscuity in choosing friends.
  • Why do you dream about a handkerchief? Family dream book?

  • If you dreamed of a stack of clean handkerchiefs, then you will show yourself worthily in a difficult test, which will later turn into great success for you.
  • A torn scarf symbolizes violent quarrels with a loved one. A dirty handkerchief is a warning against promiscuity in choosing friends.
  • Lost a scarf - your plan will not come true, but not through your fault.
  • A colored handkerchief dreams of risky, even dubious matters. You shouldn’t be afraid of this: you will be able to arrange them in the best possible way.
  • A silk handkerchief promises harmony in relationships with people, which you will achieve thanks to your sincerity and goodwill.
  • A handkerchief you see in a dream promises you a love interest, as well as the emergence of unforeseen circumstances.
  • If woman If she dreams that she waves a handkerchief at someone or sees others doing it, then she has a fun, but dangerous journey ahead of her.
  • IN Gypsy dream book if you dream of a Handkerchief:

  • If in a dream your loved one gives you a handkerchief, this is a symbol of fidelity. Picking up a handkerchief dropped by someone means taking on someone’s troubles. Blowing your nose into a handkerchief means news of an illness in your family.
  • If you dream about a Handkerchief? IN Schiller's Dream Book:

  • pure - devotion and fidelity to a loved one; dirty - deception and treason.
  • Interpretation of the dream Handkerchief in Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong:

  • Do you see the handkerchief? - Foretells a verbal altercation, a quarrel.
  • Why do you dream about a handkerchief?

    Miller's Dream Book

    If you dream of a handkerchief, the dream promises you a love interest, as well as the emergence of unforeseen circumstances in your life.

    Losing it is a sign that, through no fault of yours, what you planned will not come true.

    Torn - to violent quarrels with a loved one.

    Dirty - a warning against promiscuity in choosing friends.

    A stack of clean handkerchiefs foretells that you will prove yourself worthily in a difficult test, which will later turn into great success for you.

    Colored handkerchiefs are a sign that you will undertake some risky, even dubious business, but will be able to arrange it in the best possible way, avoiding condemnation and your own mental torment.

    A silk handkerchief promises you harmony in relationships with people, which you will achieve with your kindness and sincerity.

    If a woman dreams that she waves a handkerchief at someone or sees others doing it, the dream foretells her a fun, but dangerous journey, from which she will return from which she will cause universal condemnation.

    Why do you dream about a handkerchief?

    Family dream book

    A handkerchief seen in a dream promises you a love interest, as well as the emergence of unforeseen circumstances.

    Lost a scarf - your plan will not come true, but not through your fault.

    A torn scarf - dreams of violent quarrels with a loved one.

    A dirty handkerchief is a warning against promiscuity in choosing friends.

    If you dreamed of a stack of clean handkerchiefs, then you will show yourself worthily in a difficult test, which will later turn into great success for you.

    A colored handkerchief - dreams of risky, even dubious matters. You shouldn’t be afraid of this: you will be able to arrange them in the best possible way.

    A silk handkerchief promises harmony in relationships with people, which you will achieve thanks to your sincerity and goodwill.

    If a woman dreams that she is waving a handkerchief at someone or sees others doing it, she is in for a fun but dangerous journey.

    Why do you dream about a handkerchief?

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    A clean, beautiful handkerchief portends a surge of emotions associated with people close to you. It is possible that your feelings will make you cry, but if the scarf is clean, then these will be light tears.

    Dirty is a sign of severe grievances and deep disappointments.

    A torn handkerchief portends a serious quarrel with a loved one.

    Crumpled - suggests that behind the mask of gaiety and frivolity there may be a sensitive and vulnerable soul.

    Why do you dream about a handkerchief?

    Dream Interpretation from A to Z

    A dream about a handkerchief foretells a disconcerting act that you will commit in a state of cheerful intoxication. A dark scarf - to complicate relationships with people who sincerely love you; light - you will receive a pleasant and unexpected surprise.

    A torn handkerchief means inconstancy in love, a dirty one means betrayal of friends, a crumpled one means worries over trifles.

    Washing a handkerchief in a dream means a difficult test awaits, from which you will emerge with honor; ironing is a risky undertaking that will turn into unexpected success.

    Losing a handkerchief means you will be depressed by your children’s bad behavior and unsatisfactory studies; finding it means family joy and well-being. Dressing a wound with a scarf or covering your head means income.

    Why do you dream about a handkerchief?

    Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    A handkerchief is devotion to a loved one.

    Why do you dream about a handkerchief?

    Modern dream book

    Seeing a handkerchief in a dream is a prediction of flirting and casual frivolous connections.

    Losing a handkerchief means a broken engagement, which will happen through your fault.

    A torn handkerchief - dreams of a serious quarrel between lovers. After such a quarrel, reconciliation is hardly possible.

    Seeing a dirty handkerchief means that your reputation will be tarnished by connections that discredit you.

    If you dreamed of a stack of clean white handkerchiefs, you will not succumb to the flattering persuasion of unprincipled evil schemers and your family life will be illuminated with love and happiness.

    Seeing colored handkerchiefs in a dream means that you will arrange your frivolous affairs so skillfully and inventively that you will be able to avoid publicity and shame.

    If you dream of silk handkerchiefs, your generous and magnetic soul will be a source of joy for other people, which will bring happiness to you too.

    For a young woman to have a dream in which she waves a handkerchief or sees others doing it, means that she will soon make a mysterious and pleasant journey, or she will skillfully avoid shame by going in search of imaginary pleasures.

    Why do you dream about a handkerchief?

    Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

    pure - devotion and fidelity to a loved one; dirty - deception and treason.

    Why do you dream about a handkerchief?

    Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

    Handkerchief - You see a handkerchief in a dream - you will have a new love interest; every new love is a new way of life for you. It’s as if you’ve lost your handkerchief - you won’t be able to do what you planned; what is prepared will not happen. You have a dirty handkerchief in a dream - among your new friends there are unworthy people; you may not suspect it, but they will not hesitate to show their bad qualities; the sooner this happens, the better for you. You have a holey handkerchief in a dream - you will soon have a big fight with your loved one. You have a delicate cambric handkerchief - you are a very sociable person; everyone has a good opinion of you; everyone enjoys doing business with you; your well-being largely depends on your goodwill and calmness. You have a colorful handkerchief - you will take a risk, and it will pay off.

    Why do you dream about a handkerchief?

    Noble dream book by N. Grishina

    A clean handkerchief is wealth.

    Dirty - a sad event, a loss.

    Why do you dream about a handkerchief?

    Dream book of healer Akulina

    You dreamed of a Handkerchief - Love Interest. Imagine washing and ironing a handkerchief; it becomes perfectly clean and fresh.

    Why do you dream about a handkerchief?

    Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

    Handkerchief - Handkerchief. - Foreshadows a squabble. Do you see the handkerchief? - Foreshadows a verbal quarrel.

    Why do you dream about a handkerchief?

    Magic dream book

    To see a dream about you had a handkerchief - devotion.

    What does a handkerchief mean in a dream - deception in premonitions. Crying and wiping yourself with a handkerchief is a quick resolution to the conflict. Having a lot of small beautiful handkerchiefs means numerous fleeting romances. A dirty handkerchief is a defamed name. Tying a knot on a handkerchief means an important dispute. Silk, satin scarf - to be in love.

    Why do you dream about a handkerchief?

    Housewife's Dream Interpretation

    Handkerchief - love interest; disease. A torn scarf means quarrels.

    Why do you dream about a handkerchief?

    Dream book of lovers

    A dream in which you see a handkerchief foreshadows a love interest. Perhaps you will gain a new fan.

    If the scarf is torn, a quarrel with your loved one awaits you.

    A dirty handkerchief means that you are not too picky in your choice of fans. Perhaps your chosen one is unworthy of you.

    Silk handkerchief - dreams of a harmonious relationship with your lover. A woman who dreams that she is waving a handkerchief will go on a fun trip, where she will meet a new lover, which will cause condemnation from others.

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