
Eastern horoscope for the year of the rat. Judgment year for the Bulls. How one of the seven image signs is calculated

The “patron” of 2016 according to the Eastern calendar will be the smart and unpredictable Monkey. She will be quite generous towards people born in the year of the smart and cunning Rat. But before they can enjoy their triumph, they will have to overcome some difficulties along the way.

Success and great achievements in the personal and professional sphere await the Rat in 2016 if she is able to show strength of character, determination and perseverance in a timely manner. Perhaps somewhere you will have to show your teeth. But don't be too straightforward. You will have to learn flexibility in relationships with other people, regardless of their status.

The next year will be a time of exposure and exposure of those who previously evoked only positive emotions among representatives of this sign. But Rats will be able to get rid of deceitful and hypocritical people in their lives. The invaluable experience gained in 2016 will allow us to avoid making similar mistakes in the future.

Love and relationships

In terms of love relationships, 2016 promises to be very successful. For unmarried people, it promises not only the acquisition of personal happiness, but also good material support in the person of a spouse. It is possible that even confirmed bachelors-Rats will become a target for the arrows of the insidious Cupid.

Strong feelings and ardent passions will engulf people born in the year of the Rat. Even the most skeptical people will do rash things, make romantic gifts and surround their chosen one with incredible care. The relationship with your partner will be very harmonious. It is recommended to spend more time together, and in the second half of the year go on vacation to exotic islands.

In 2016, nothing foretells separation and troubles in the Rats’ personal lives. Single people will finally find their happiness, and married people will only strengthen their relationships. It is very important in 2016 to learn to find a certain balance between career and love, so that there is enough time for everything.


People born in the year of the Rat will experience minor health problems. There is definitely no need to fear serious problems. But workaholics should take a little break from work and pay attention to the state of their body. You need to get more rest, eat well and lead a healthy lifestyle.

You can do meditation, yoga, active physical exercise. Even regular gymnastics or morning jogging will be enough to keep the body in good shape. If you give yourself timely rest from everyday activities, you don’t have to worry about serious health problems.

Work and Career

Job prospects will definitely appear, but serious competition may prevent Rats from fulfilling their plans for career growth. It’s not worth committing rash acts and taking risks, which is not typical for such people. Cautious Rats will double-check all points of the contract several times before signing.

Hard work and using the skills you have acquired will help you achieve your goal and move up the career ladder. Success in any endeavor is guaranteed for Rats. You can take on new tasks that previously seemed unattainable, and use your natural intelligence and composure to solve them correctly.

Unemployed people who are Rats according to the Eastern horoscope will have to find a good job. But for this it is recommended to be active in the first half of 2016. Natural caution will not allow you to choose a dubious employment option and will lead you where you should go.


There is no need to worry about the amount of money in the Year of the Monkey. The financial flow will be practically inexhaustible. But even this will require some effort. Rats should save a certain amount of money every month to feel financially secure. This is a great year to increase existing capital.

Detailed characteristics of the Rat sign

Position in the Chinese horoscope 1
Chinese name 大鼠
Direction North
The coming year of the offensive 2020
Month symbol of the Rat December
Best season Winter
Correspondence to the Western horoscope Sagittarius
lucky color Black, red, white
lucky gem Pomegranate
Favorite plant Violet, lily
Lucky numbers 1, 11, 12
Predominant time of birth From 11:00 to 12.59
Element Water
Start Yang (male)
Most Compatible Signs Rat, Dragon, Monkey, Ox
Most incompatible signs Goat (Sheep), Horse
Famous people under the sign of the Rat Marlon Brando, Hugh Grant, Gwyneth Paltrow, Daryl Hannah, William Shakespeare, George Washington

Five Wizards in the Year of the Monkey
(vector neighbors: Snake and Rat)

In 2016, Monkeys, we will meet the following five wizard signs: the Monkey itself, its karmic owner - the Snake, the owner of this owner - the Goat. And servants: for the Monkey - Rat, and for her - Horse. The most important miracles await the Monkey, and those who are closest in the vector chain to the birthday boy: the Snake and the Rat.

What needs to be said in general about the coming time? And then: they jumped and galloped!

Now the Monkey will teach everyone how to jump and do antics. For this purpose, the symbolism of the structural horoscope uses analogues from living nature, suggesting optimal behavior. This means: if you want to pick a larger and sweeter fruit, learn from the monkeys.

And one more thing: this is the time of prophetic dreams. Now we are waiting for events whose shadows will later creep into reality. Keep an eye on things like this...

Where to start? From a birthday boy, as from a newborn? With Monkeys?

Monkeys only have a personal year. And the birth of their cycle took place a long time ago; now they are already at the third step of their career. Yes, of course, this year is magical for them too. But if you look deeper into symbolic reality, the magic of a personal year is determined not so much by the title sign as by its vector neighbors. I'll tell you about this later.

In the meantime, I’ll start with the main character, with the one who, having gone through the next cycle, receiving karmic kicks and bumps, will be reborn for a renewed life.

From the Rat, of course.

YEAR OF THE MONKEY (2016) for the RAT

For Rats, the Year of the Monkey is karmic according to the structural horoscope. For a fatal sign, this even sounds somewhat homely. So what – karma? So, another pocket... You can’t escape it, like two deaths... or one? We put on clean clothes and calmly go to the bottom... after all, in order to emerge, you must first dive? The High Court, by the way, is not a fraer, it won’t eat the Rat...

Besides, there will be a new cycle soon. Hooray! Hooray!

And in general, is it worth twitching under the fire of karma? Your vector master is especially strong right now, so it might be worth waiting it out. Repentance and mercy pacify...

And, by the way, if it weren’t for the magic of karma, then for the Rat the Year of the Monkey would be “on the board”, presentational... Eh, if only they could dream, wander about distant shores, lagoons with precious pearls - it’s time... they would show , how they know how to manage treasures... Well, nothing: they will emerge, and they will have glaze and glamor.

  • Gaudi begins to build the Sagrada Familia (1884) - it’s a pity he didn’t have time to finish...
  • Antoine Saint-Exupéry flies away (1944) - it’s a pity he didn’t return...
  • Yuri Luzhkov, after the resignation of Gabriel Popov, becomes the mayor of Moscow (1992)... - is there anyone who regrets that he did not stay?
  • Nikolai Lobachevsky began the book “Imaginary Geometry”. Humanity has opened its eyes: instead of a straightforward perception of the universe, they have learned to accept abstract and detached truths that do not fit into everyday life. This Rat, under his karma, taught us to expand our horizons and move away from banality.
  • Volkov, Nikolai Nikolaevich (senior), March 10 (23), 1900, Rat-King, in 1956 in the film “Old Man Hottabych” works miracles without regret, and most importantly, shows the pioneer Volka the immensity of the world. Does it look like Lobachevsky?

Let's remember

But recently everything was so good with the Rats... at least, tolerable. In the year of the Snake there were no Monkeys, they hid. Oh, what freedom there was! Wherever you want: forward and forward! Even get married, or even get into business...

Or, right after it, the Year of the Horse (2014)... Luck poured out of all the basements! Permissiveness grinned with temptations.

Do you remember? A! Now those who didn’t grab too much then will have a chance to do without “game over”.

Will any of the Rats remember with a kind word the Year of the GOAT (2015)? Not all? But you should NOT have strained yourself! You were warned... according to the structural horoscope. By chance - do you know the word? This is how it was necessary to swim on the rainbow waves of the beloved “Rat Optimism”...

By the way, Rats who marked career changes in the year of the Rooster (2017) can make good money. It’s just that everyone is destined to look for commercial solutions (if they know how and love to make money). This is why Rats are frequent favorites among businessmen.

It’s clear how this happens: the Rat has just hatched from the karmic, has just begun the cycle, and then suddenly! and hand over currency trump cards...

We discuss the Rat on the forum:


The second hero exposed by magic is the Snake.

Not only will the year of their magical lawlessness begin. So also the newly reborn - they just shed their karmic skin and began a career in time. The pure magic of a newborn mayhem.

The turning point for the Snake was the year of the Goat (2015) - which literally just... The countdown of the Snake cycle begins, according to the structural horoscope, precisely with the Monkey (2016).

First year of the cycle.. Wow! the road is long! But karma was dark... And here, right away - a successful dashing springboard of permissiveness. Let's go crazy right now!

This is the combination of years for the Snake - the anti-karmic year (i.e., the year of the Monkey) comes immediately after the karmic one (the Goat). This arrangement makes the Snake fundamentally the fastest sign in the structural horoscope. In fact, the Snakes have no time to run away, they immediately need to jump!

The main thing is not to kick... :(

And there’s no time to sway, let’s get straight to work! Damn... who would teach me how to jump from a standstill to a gallop?

Is it possible to throw yourself from the seventh floor and soar through the air? Afanasy Fet (Dragon) believed that the lyricist is obliged to believe in this. Try to perform a miracle in your antikarmic, too, but without jumping from floors. Since when did Snakes listen to Dragons? Why be so gullible?

And the year of the Monkey is also the year of prophetic dreams, the time to lay down a perspective for the entire 12-year cycle. And even more... Well, Snakes, come on, master the prophetic mystical horizons... It’s easy for you! Even if the year were not anti-karmic, it would still feel easy.


  • Caesar becomes dictator (49 BC) - i.e. went to the ladies.
  • Lincoln is elected President of the United States (1860) - and so is he.
  • The Nobel Prize in Medicine goes to Ilya Mechnikov (1908) - well, in general, almost Caesar.
  • Gogol writes “The Inspector General” (1836) - at least as a play, at least as Khlestakov - but as a queen! And right away!
  • Martin Luther King was assassinated (1968) - damn! It's gone!
  • Khitruk is making “Film, film, film...” - this is how you have to break into the hands of the cunning!

Let's remember

Let's remember how and what happened with the Snakes recently.

The personal year is 2013. Almost like yesterday... Snakes are in the spotlight, but success was creeping in the distance. The owner, that is, the Goat, also tried to snatch something...

In the Year of the Horse (2014), did you try to finish something? Yes, I agree, it was difficult.

And now, finally, the year of the GOAT (2015) is ending. A change of fate awaited the Serpent. Whichever of them did not die from fear and panic will begin a new life.

Who hasn't noticed karma? It’s a pity... when then should we start from scratch? It's sad, brothers...

By the way, soon it will be the Year of the Rooster (2017). Well, who wants to grow a money tree? Plant your money and say: crible, crable, boom! Hurry up and prepare for important business initiatives.

In short, everyone finds that horoscope in which different things are predicted for him and does not believe bad horoscopes for himself :) A defensive reaction of the psyche. They sent me a horoscope, where the Oxen, based on their year of birth, definitely will not survive next year... a karmic year. What if I have accumulated positive karma? And the court will be in my favor?!
“The year of judgment for the Bulls, the most intense in the entire 12-year cycle.
A karmic year is coming. Those who managed to obtain some immunity in the form of switching spheres of activity from the work business sphere to the home - union sphere, will undoubtedly have an easier time living the coming year. Whereas time and events in business will offer difficult, sometimes insoluble tasks, which will be extremely difficult to cope with even with outside help. Therefore, it is advisable for Oxen to reduce activity to complete zero in all areas of activity (social, business), and seek support and support exclusively among family and friends. Any irresponsible adventures are doomed to failure. Not an easy year. Test of strength. The best position to avoid possible problems in the business and social sphere: choose the neutrality of an outside observer. Health is vulnerable, depression is common, time forces an internal inventory and rewards for actions committed (or not committed in time) by the Oxen over the past 12 years. Time support 1 out of 12, minimal!"
The most interesting thing is that my boyfriend is also a BULL: (We will get stuck in a destructive relationship together, what else is left?
“The risk of being unhappy in love, getting stuck in unhealthy relationships with a huge need for Love, it’s difficult to make the right impression, the inability to fall in love with yourself in 2018 – Goats, Dragons, Bulls!”
Well, what should two Bulls do? We will be unhappily in love with each other and it will be extremely difficult to make the necessary impression on each other... In general, it is better to have the second half of another year of birth, then he is sausage, then I am easier to bear.
source: http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/pretty_woman/post427583853/?aid_refresh=yes
Thank you Ira Bino.
I’m removing the forecast under the cut, otherwise the site was unavailable:
"First, the Love Formula for 2018 Year of the Dog.

They will radiate Love, they will be able to easily make people fall in love with themselves, while remaining sane, because in 2018 they do not need Love, but they will constantly be surrounded by admirers and admirers - Dogs, Roosters, Tigers, Cats, Snakes!

The risk of being unhappy in love, getting stuck in unhealthy relationships with a huge need for Love, it is difficult to make the right impression, the inability to fall in love with yourself in 2018 - Goats, Dragons, Bulls!

In general, the year 2018 has prepared for us:

The Rooster (successfully) and the Bull (difficulty) will synchronize with the current time and current events in the business sphere.

Star year for the Roosters, the best year in the 12-year cycle, in which they receive maximum support! Roosters who are active in business relationships and in the business sphere will deservedly receive a long-awaited reward and, subject to safety rules and prudence, will be able to make the most of their success. In 2018, temporary tactical retreats are also possible, depending little on the efforts made. But still, attentiveness and prudence will guarantee success. Time support 12 out of 12 possible!

The year of judgment for the Bulls is the most intense in the entire 12-year cycle.
A karmic year is coming. Those who managed to obtain some immunity in the form of switching spheres of activity from the work business sphere to the home - union sphere, will undoubtedly have an easier time living the coming year. Whereas time and events in business will offer difficult, sometimes insoluble tasks, which will be extremely difficult to cope with even with outside help. Therefore, it is advisable for Oxen to reduce activity to complete zero in all areas of activity (social, business), and seek support and support exclusively among family and friends. Any irresponsible adventures are doomed to failure. Not an easy year. Test of strength. The best position to avoid possible problems in the business and social sphere: choose the neutrality of an outside observer. Health is vulnerable, depression is common, time forces an internal inventory and rewards for actions committed (or not committed in time) by the Oxen over the past 12 years. Time support 1 out of 12, minimal!

Tigers and Cats will have constant efforts in fulfilling business karma in 2018, successful creative work.
For these signs, 2018 is the most successful application of individual forces in the sphere of external activities. These are work and business relationships, new contracts, major purchases, important acquaintances. But not social projects - politics, show business, sports - successes in this area are possible, but, unfortunately, they will be temporary and short-lived.

A free year for the Tiger.
Tigers can act quickly and decisively. Career growth will be taken for granted.
Changing a career or place of work (who needs it) will be easy, without losses, (of course, subject to full support from family and allies), with new acquisitions in the professional sense. This is a year of permissiveness and risky projects. You can and should take risks in order to achieve success in your chosen field of activity. The karmic two-year period 2016-2017 ends, the time of luck and the fulfillment of the most daring, long-standing plans and desires begins, everything falls into your hands, act! Time support 11 out of 12!

Free year for the Cat.
It is important for Cats who caught luck last year and are leading their careers in the coming 2018 to be disciplined and learn to strictly follow previously set goals and objectives, while not allowing doubts about success. Only hard work and patience will lead to success in implementing current tasks and long-term plans. It's a calm year for cats. Time support 10 out of 12!

External objective observation of events.
The area of ​​application is social, politics, big business (at the level of international corporations), show business for the Dog and the Snake.
Name year for the Dog.
The dictates of the times are to try to quickly close the doors on what was left behind last year. What has already become obsolete and unnecessary to you is gone. In the new 2018, everything is new, everything is different. Feel free to demonstrate the ideas you accumulated over the past year, show yourself and your abilities. You can and should be a trendsetter, while boldly dictating your terms in any of your endeavors; people will listen to you and give you honors. At the same time, responsibility for decisions made increases. Decisive success in negotiations in resolving controversial issues. The authority of the Dog as a mediator (arbitration) in 2018 is indisputable. Time support 9 out of 12!

Presentation year for the Snake.
A real opportunity to achieve success in politics and show business. Reasonable risk will take you to the pinnacle of success.
Be sure to make yourself known and, without false modesty, demonstrate to everyone your business qualities and social abilities. Be sure that when elected from among candidates on a competitive basis, under all equal conditions, you will be preferred. Help everyone and don’t be afraid of difficulties, you have enough strength for everything! Time support 8 out of 12!

External subjective observation of events.
The scope of application is reactive, short-term activity that requires quick reactions in rapidly changing situations in the social sphere - politics, sports. The Rat and the Boar will be involved here.

An easy year for the Rat after difficult 2015, 2016, 2017.
Maintain equanimity and calm in any emerging and rapidly changing situations.
It is possible to allow some personal intervention in current events, but with minimal effort and with the obligatory accurate calculation of the consequences. Spontaneous actions and adventures are absolutely unacceptable.
Try not to dramatize situations, do not fuss and treat everything with indifference. At the same time, follow the dictates of the times. Time support 7 out of 12!

2018 was an easy year for Boar too; Boars in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 also suffered.
In the business sphere, the most favorable application of forces is aimed at implementing decisions already made.
New ideas, new plans and new beginnings are possible. Trust yourself and rely only on your own strengths. The year 2018 will be calm, but under one condition - your personal participation in current events should be kept to a minimum. Don’t tell anyone about your plans, then there will be fewer difficulties in implementing them. Time support is 6 out of 12, and that’s quite enough!

Constant effort to fulfill allied duties.
The scope of application is alliance relationships, home, family for the Horse and Monkey.

The Shadow Year of the Horse is not much different from last year's actions in the field of social and business relations. No particular difficulties are expected in these areas, but at the same time, it is advisable to be moderately active or completely disconnect from participation in public life. It is beneficial to devote your attention to improving union relations. Efforts aimed at strengthening the family will be successful, bringing not only joy and satisfaction. Time support is insufficient; anything below 5 is not enough. 5 out of 12.

Shadow and for the Monkey - unlike last year 2017, it is advisable to curtail activities in society and all social programs. In the new year, the dictates of the times are distance from all socially significant public affairs.
It is advisable to only maintain business relationships, but one cannot count on success.
The coming year is useful for strengthening family relationships and personal alliances. Devote your free time to caring for and raising the younger generation. Switching your attention to managing household and household affairs will be beneficial for you and your allies. 4 out of 12.

Reactive actions that are not related to current external events, but are related to alliance relationships.
Scope of application – Beginning, building and developing alliance relations. Also, karmic time tests the strength of the 2018 Dragon and Goat in all ways. Hardships, a decline in energy, the health of yourself and your loved ones, and loved ones in general will require a lot of attention from you - Bulls, Dragons and Goats! Many of you have been feeling the pressure of time since August-September 2017, in 2018 the tension will only increase.. Time has removed its Protection from you.

A difficult year for the Dragon. Freedom, combined with strict discipline in business and social spheres of activity in 2017, is now being replaced by new preferences that lie in the field of solving the most difficult problems presented by the new time. Innovators will be successful. This means that taking risks can lead to personal professional success. And he will be noticed. But prepare yourself for the fact that innovation will not be rewarded. Do not deliberately take risks, only where there is no other choice! In other cases, it is better not to highlight. All efforts may be in vain, a blank wall that cannot be broken through. It is advisable for Dragons to pay their attention not to business relationships - failures are possible here - but to the area where they will have real, not imaginary, successes. This is an alliance relationship. Raising children, housekeeping, helping the elderly, as well as developing and strengthening alliance relationships. Dragons are entering the third year of Karma - 2018, 2019, 2020, time will hit the weakest points, so without bravado and arrogance, take care of yourself! Only 3 out of 12!

2018 is a tough year for the Goat too.
Organize your personal affairs. A favorable time for creating alliances. In business relationships, the Year of the Dog is a time to analyze the current situation. Own performance is at a very low level. It is better to observe and analyze than to try to innovate and change the status quo. Innovation is doomed to failure. This is the time to break old outdated business and personal ties. At the same time, it is possible to terminate previous dependencies. The minimum time support is 2 out of 12 possible.

Minimum losses to everyone and Happiness in the New Year 2018!”

The arrival of 2016 can have a very serious impact on the character of the Rat, as he will begin to change, and not for the better. The cold calculation and self-confidence that characterize people of this sign will remain this year, but they will also be supplemented by such character traits as commercialism and arrogance, which will be noted with dissatisfaction by the relatives and friends of the Rats. This year promises to be specific and not very easy, especially for people who have a hot temper, like the Rat.

They will constantly provoke the people around them into conflict, establishing their own laws and rules, for which they, of course, will have to answer. Relatives and partners of the Rats will have to be patient in order to cope with such a person. Warming in relations with others will begin to appear only towards the end of the year.

Health of the Rat in 2016

Rats are recommended to love themselves in the year 2016. In this case, self-love means the following: give yourself rest, try not to overload the body, take vitamins. It’s good to change the situation, go on vacation to the sea or, conversely, to the mountains. Any option that will give you the opportunity to relax and indulge in relaxation will suit you. In this case, Rats will certainly look good and this will help them strive energetically to the heights of success.

Rat's career in 2016

People born under the sign of the Rat in 2016 will not allow themselves to relax, the site predicts. Having gained a good pace in 2015, they have every chance to continue their offensive movement, and in order to succeed, they cannot become slack, but need to hold everything in their hands with authority, not particularly relax and try to control everything personally. This will be very difficult and will require great mental strength from the Rat, but in the end it will pay off and help elevate the Rats above others. At the same time, it is precisely wounded ambition that can become a plus for such a person who will be ready to stay awake at night and limit himself in rest, just to prove to others how successful he has become. In 2016, you should be careful and show cunning, and the Rat lacks these qualities.

Finances of the Rat in 2016

The horoscope for 2016 predicts an optimistic forecast for Rats in this area. They will work very hard and earn good money at the same time. In addition, the family budget will also receive bonuses, possible lottery winnings, as well as other unexpected (probably very significant) funds. True, the Rats will have to spend a lot. However, they will do it with great pleasure. Spending is possible in a variety of ways - from buying pleasant little things for loved ones to changing the interior.

Rat relationships in 2016

Rats in 2016 will not complain about the lack of attention from the opposite sex. Those who are still in search of their soul mate will have every chance of finding it. Married Rats will be able to demonstrate remarkable temperament, and some will even manage to acquire a fan (or admirer). Those Rats for whom this happens should be guided by prudence. In this case, they will be able to save their family and not deny themselves new sensations and impressions.

The advent of the new year 2016 will make many representatives of the Rat sign think that it is time for them to come out of the shadows and take a brighter and more active position. It is quite possible that the individuals of this sign of the Chinese horoscope will decide to show who is in charge in their family, or they will try to show their independence at work, in front of management. The stars only advise these people not to be rude and categorical, but to act softly and delicately, since otherwise there is a risk of breaking relationships with people who live with you under the same roof or provide you with the opportunity to work and earn money. This time is not suitable for long rest and complete relaxation; it is important to always be on the alert, ready for any changes.

Love horoscope for 2016 Rat

Horoscope for 2016 The Rat responsibly declares this period a time of change and development in relations between Rats and the people around them. From the beginning of the year, these individuals will want something more from their partner, and therefore Rats in love can propose to their chosen ones, firmly deciding to start a family. Astrologers warn such people that a marriage proposal should be made after March and before October, since in the remaining time there will be practically no chance of a favorable response. Family Rats will live a fairly productive year together with their partners; they will charge their loved ones with energy, push them to develop, and in the middle of the year they may decide to have a child. The best time to conceive is June, July and September 2016.

Career for 2016 Year of the Rat

From the first months of the year, the career plans of individuals of the Rat sign will be inflated, or even seem unrealistic to many. However, in fact, you just have to make an effort, and the most incredible events will take on real features. The Fire Monkey, who is the mistress of this period, will endow all Rats with the desire for a higher goal and the highest rewards. This is the only way to achieve success, the main thing is to believe in yourself and your strengths. By the way, in the middle of the year you should be extremely careful in choosing friends, since a new person who enters the lives of these individuals may turn out to be a spy and a traitor, only waiting for the hour to stab them in the back. Rats must constantly turn on their caution and incredible instincts so as not to get into trouble.

Finances for 2016 Rat

Knowing how representatives of the Rat sign relate to money, it is difficult to expect that even under the influence of the careless Fire Monkey these individuals will betray themselves. Rather, on the contrary, we should expect that representatives of this sign of the Chinese horoscope will become even more clear on the issue of spending and saving. An influx of funds should be expected only at the end of the year, while the very beginning of this period and the summer months will completely call into question the state of finances. During these troubled periods, you need to be wary of fines, unplanned purchases and expenses, as well as encounters with scammers. Imprudence and excessive gullibility of individuals of the Rat sign can play a cruel joke on these people.

Health for 2016 Rat

Horoscope for 2016 The Rat warns these people that exhausting work should always be followed by proper rest. Do not overestimate your strength, especially when working under the scorching sun or in a stuffy room. This year, many Rats will feel unwell and may even lose consciousness if they do not give themselves time to rest. Poor nutrition can also make adjustments to the life of Rats. It is quite possible that these people will develop a calcium deficiency, which will lead to problems with the inert system, or perhaps the body will not have enough potassium, which will negatively affect the heart. In any case, it’s worth thinking about good nutrition from the beginning of the year.

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