
Pearl (stone) - properties, zodiac sign, meaning. Which sign suits pearls? Pearls: can an unmarried girl wear them or not? All about pearls - who can wear them

Pearl is the only precious stone in the world that is not mined from the earth.

Then how are pearls formed? It occurs in mollusk shells. This occurs when foreign particles enter the sink. This could be sand, small fauna, and so on. All this can injure the body of the mollusk. To prevent this from happening, it begins to secrete a special substance. It is called and translated as mother of pearls. This substance envelops the foreign body, smoothing out all sharp corners. This is how pearls are formed.

The longer it stays inside the shell, the larger its size will be, since the substance of the mollusk envelops it in layers, and it is released until the pearl leaves its home. This may happen when the diver retrieves it.

After this, the gemstone is delivered to the jewelers. They create jewelry from pearls, and even from photographs you can appreciate their beauty. Such products quickly sell out, not only due to their magnificence, but also due to the fact that pearls have healing and magical properties.

Pearls can be grown in a natural environment - this is a natural pearl, in an artificial environment - this is a cultured pearl, or created artificially - this is a synthetic stone.

In the traditional understanding of users, pearls are white, round-shaped gemstones. This is just one of the varieties of this gemstone. There are several other types of this stone. These include cultured, artificial, and natural pearls.

Types of pearls:

  • South Sea.
  • This type of pearl is the most expensive of all cultured stones. It has several color options - white, gold and silver. These pearls have the thickest layer of nacre compared to their counterparts. Due to this, the stone has a large size. This influences the high cost of the gem.

  • Ocean pearls.
  • These pearls grow in large mollusks that live in warm bays of the oceans. This species comes in white, silver, cream, pink and greenish-black tones.

  • Baroque pearls.
  • The name of this gem translated from French means irregular or bizarre. Its baroque stones were obtained thanks to their unusual oblong shape. Baroque pearls can be cultured or natural. It is grown in both fresh and sea water. Baroque pearls always have an affordable price. Therefore, it is always in demand among buyers. Jewelers pay great attention to Baroque pearls. Thanks to him, craftsmen can create jewelry that can be compared to works of art.

  • Mabe pearls.
  • This is a natural blister pearl. It has a hemispherical shape, which is formed due to the fact that the pearl appears and grows not inside the mollusk, but on the inner surface of the shell itself. These pearls are the largest in size compared to their natural counterparts. The color palette of this stone ranges from gray-silver to shiny black.

  • Tahitian pearls.
  • These are cultured black pearls and have a round shape. It is mined near the Polynesian islands in the South Pacific Ocean. These pearls are large and medium in size.

  • Mallorcan pearls.
  • Not all users know what Mallorca pearls are. These are pearls that are produced artificially in Spain at a factory located on the island of Mallorca. This is where the stone got its name from. Mallorcan pearls have almost the same properties and appearance as natural stones. Only a professional can distinguish it from real pearls.

  • Freshwater pearls.
  • Such pearls grow and develop in bodies of fresh water. It is small in size and round in shape. Pearl tones range from light silver to light yellowish. It can be natural or cultivated. These pearls are mined in China. It has an affordable price, because from 5 to 25 pearls can form in the shell of a river and lake mollusk.

  • Akoya pearls.
  • These are natural pearls that are formed in the shells of mollusks that live in sea water. It has a round shape and medium size. Typically these pearls are cultured. It can be cream, pink, white, silver and greenish-black.

How to distinguish artificial pearls from real ones

How to distinguish natural pearls from artificial ones? It’s no wonder that consumers often have this question. Nowadays, when many fakes have appeared on the market, anyone can encounter a counterfeit. Therefore, you need to know how to identify real pearls so as not to make a mistake with your choice. There are several ways to do this:

  1. You can run pearls over your teeth. Natural stone will creak, but artificial stone will not. This is one way to distinguish pearls from fakes, but not the most reliable, because in a jewelry store sellers will not allow you to determine the authenticity of a stone using this method.
  2. The next way to identify natural pearls is to rub the stones against each other. Natural pearls will cling to each other, artificial pearls will not.
  3. You can tell a fake from a real stone by its weight. Natural pearls have significant weight, artificial stone is light.
  4. You need to look at the surface of the stone. This is the most reliable way to distinguish real pearls from synthetic ones. Natural stone has an uneven surface, while fakes have a smooth surface.
  5. You need to drop the stone on a flat surface. The difference between real and artificial stone is that the former will bounce, the latter will not.
  6. The differences between artificial and natural stones also lie in the shade. It is necessary to hold the stone up to light. If it is real, then the shade will be a delicate blue. Artificial pearls have a pink or green glow.
  7. Cost is the easiest way to check whether a pearl is real or not. Natural and cultured stone cannot be cheap. If the jewelry is inexpensive, then the pearls are artificial.

Signs associated with pearls

There are many signs associated with pearls. In Ancient Rus', pearls were a good wedding gift. Grooms gave jewelry with this stone to their brides. Then there was a version that if you give pearls for a wedding, then everything will turn out well for the couple. Pearls are a symbol of pure and eternal love. If the groom gave it to the bride, then they were supposed to live a long and happy life.

In European countries, wedding ceremonies are performed with this stone. Pearls for a wedding are a symbol of a strong and happy family. During the wedding, it was customary to tie the newlyweds with a pearl thread. They should stay with her for a while. If the string of pearls broke, it meant that the marriage would not last long and there would be many tears during family life.

Nowadays it is believed that pearls should not be worn to a wedding. This is a bad omen. Wearing pearls to a wedding brings tears, but what would a wedding be without tears? But not all tears are bitter. Brides often cry with happiness.

Therefore, many of them do not believe in omens and are happy to wear pearls to a wedding, but now it is not customary for the bride to wear pearl jewelry. At a wedding they usually flaunt jewelry with rhinestones or. They decorate their outfits, veils, and so on with pearls.

There is no consensus on whether pearls can be given as a gift. According to one version, the recipient will experience tears and disappointment because of such a gift. If you accept it as a gift, it will mean that you are dooming yourself to misfortune.

Another version says that there is no better symbol of purity and sincerity than pearls. In earlier times, it was given to innocent, unmarried girls. In China, if a guy gives a girl pearls and she accepts them, then she thereby gives her consent to marry him.

Astrologers advise only strong-willed people to wear pearls. The stone will always protect such a person. He will make weak people absent-minded. Because of the stone they will also become angry and envious.

Astrologers are unanimous in one opinion - only a close person and only in a couple should give pearls. For example, a necklace should go with a bracelet. Jewelry with this stone should not be accepted from strangers, because it can bring troubles and misfortunes.

Healing and magical properties

Pearls have magical and healing properties. Its benefits have been known for a long time. It warns a person about an approaching illness. If it fades, this is a signal that it is time to see a doctor.

The benefit of stones is that it improves memory. Lithotherapists assure that it helps even with sclerosis. Pearls contain such power that can restore memory.

Pearls normalize the central nervous system when it is disturbed. It has a positive effect on a person’s psycho-emotional state.

Pearls benefit internal organs - kidneys and liver. It restores their functions. The stone will help not only with certain illnesses, but also generally regulate their work.

Lithotherapists advise wearing pearls if you have problems with blood pressure. At the same time, the stone helps with both hypertension and hypotension.

Tinctures and powder are made from natural stone. They are used to treat eye diseases. These compounds also stop bleeding. People learned about the hemostatic properties of the stone decades ago. Even modern lithotherapists do not deny them.

Esotericists attribute magical properties to real pearls. The naturalness of the stone is a guarantee that it has magic.

In different countries, the stone has its own meaning. In India, it is a symbol of material wealth. People in this country wore and still wear pearls to attract money.

Here are the meanings of the stone in Europe - long life, eternal youth and perfection.

In China, the magical properties of the stone develop kindness and mercy in a person. In this country they also think that pearls in a person himself can awaken magic and strengthen it.

The fact that pearls have magical properties is also known in Greece. There people think that the stone protects the family.

The magical powers of the stone are enough to protect your home from thieves. Pearls also relieve suffering due to unhappy love. It also protects from bad thoughts. Business people trust pearl jewelry. They protect them from unscrupulous partners and unprofitable contracts.

How to wear pearls - people ask this question for a reason. Jewelry with this stone is worn only in pairs. This applies to both married and single people. A single piece of jewelry can bring misfortune to a person. For example, if a married woman wore only beads without earrings and soon got divorced, then this may have happened because of pearls. Therefore, you should only wear jewelry with this stone in pairs.

Who suits pearls according to their zodiac sign?

Many years ago, an astrologer was able to determine which stone was suitable according to their zodiac sign. Based on this, many people choose talismans for themselves according to their horoscope. They also managed to find out which zodiac sign suits pearls.

Compatibility of pearls with zodiac sign. Table 1.

Pearls suit Cancers. The stone improves the mood of this zodiac sign. Pearls will make Cancer women more emotional and sensitive.

The stone is suitable for Taurus. It calms them down and helps normalize relationships with loved ones.

Pearls can suit such zodiac signs as Aquarius and Capricorn. Thanks to the stone, these zodiac signs will become calmer and more balanced.

For a single woman of the Libra sign, pearls will help her find a spouse.

Pearls are not suitable for Leos.

Pearls require special care. When chemicals and even sweat come into contact with it, it leads to peeling and loss of shine. Therefore, after use, it should be wiped dry with a soft cloth and stored separately from other jewelry. Under these conditions, the stone can last more than 150 years.

Pearl is the only mineral in the world that does not require processing. He is beautiful in his own right. That is why the stone is a favorite of many ladies, craftsmen, and jewelry connoisseurs.

They say that this mineral should be in the box of every self-respecting woman. Pearl jewelry always looks advantageous and relaxed. The main thing is to know one important detail: how to wear pearls correctly.

Who wears pearls?

This delicate mineral is unique in that it matches almost all outfits. A modest string of pearls quite often complements an evening dress or a business suit.

Jewelry made from this mineral is popular among ladies of any age. However, we often hear a pressing question: Is it possible to wear pearls when unmarried? girls ?

The fact is that in the old days there was a belief according to which young ladies without a partner were not allowed to wear a string of pearls. Now we can say that these are just relics of the past. On the contrary, one of the magical properties of the mineral is a successful marriage. It is believed that it is pearls that bring a girl new love if she is open to it. Therefore, single young ladies can not only wear this stone, but also need to.

Who is pearl suitable for?

Jewelry made from this beautiful mineral can be worn at any age and in any social status.

However, it is worth paying attention to some nuances:

  • Young ladies should not wear too many pearls. One thin thread will do.
  • But ladies of Balzac's age are advised to wear necklaces made from several strands of pearls or from large pearls.
  • Girls with dark or tanned skin should choose golden shades of the mineral.
  • Pink stone jewelry suits pale-faced ladies very well.
  • All women can afford snow-white and cream-colored products.

Pearls and zodiac signs

In astrology they believe that the stone has very great power and not everyone can withstand it. The mineral can be worn by purposeful and persistent people who are fanatically pursuing their goals. The stone is most suitable for representatives of the water element: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Gemini and Aquarius are also recommended a delightful mineral.

Which ones you can find out here.

Pearls and zodiac signs:

  • Cancer it helps to relax and find harmony.
  • Scorpios the mineral carries a charge of vigor and positive energy. Pearls suit them best.
  • the mineral protects against rash and impulsive actions. It helps to develop intuition and find love.
  • Aquarius The stone protects against gossip and ill-wishers. You can find out which ones to choose as a talisman here.
  • Gemini the mineral saves you from emotional storms, as well as depression and apathy.
  • The mineral is perfect T Yelets. It harmonizes wonderfully with their calm nature. Therefore, for those who are wondering: can Taurus wear pearls? The answer is, of course, yes.
  • For Libra women the mineral serves as an assistant in finding your happiness.
  • Black pearls help Sagittarius as planned, contributes to the speedy achievement of life goals. But, alas, they cannot wear white mineral. Which ones you will find out here.
  • Capricorns sea ​​pearls are shown. It will help calm the stubborn zodiac sign. You can find out which ones are suitable as a talisman here.
  • the mineral will protect from enemies and ill-wishers. However, if a person born under this sign has a weak character, then pearls are contraindicated for him. It can only make the situation worse.
  • and Leos The stone is not recommended. It is believed that these two signs are under too much sun protection, which contradicts the power of the water mineral. , you can find out here.

History of pearls

Records of the beautiful stone have been found since the time of the Roman Empire. At that time, jewelry with pearls was considered an unaffordable luxury. Only very wealthy people could afford them.

They say that Queen Cleopatra placed a pearl in a cup of wine before drinking it. Many considered this the secret recipe for her unfading beauty.

The Spanish conquerors, having conquered South America, saw temples decorated with products of unprecedented beauty. In fact, many sculptures and cathedral ceilings were framed with pearls.

Who discovered this beautiful mineral to the world remains a mystery to this day. George Frederick Koontz, an American expert in this field, suggests that The first pearl fishing was carried out by Indian tribes of fishermen. They stumbled upon the magnificent pearls when they opened the shells in search of food.

Types and colors

This magnificent mineral is so diverse in appearance and color that even a professional can get confused. Natural stone comes in a variety of different and bizarre shapes. Such as rice, drop, sphere, half-sphere, baroque, semi-baroque, button, beads. ABOUT , you can find out here.

The most famous varieties of pearls are divided into the following categories:

  • – obtained in aquatic conditions. It can be natural or cultivated. The dimensions of this mineral are from 4 to 7 mm, with a thick layer of mother-of-pearl. The colors of the mineral are silver and yellowish.
  • Baroque- This is a very small type of pearl of a peculiar shape. It is found in marine and freshwater, natural and cultivated. It is often used to create beads and bracelets. Baroque colors range from silver to reddish. More details about can be found here.
  • Tahiti- These are high-class cultured pearls. The sizes of its pearls are from 10 to 12 mm. The uniqueness of this product is in the color. Tahiti's shades range from silver-gray to black.
  • Akoya– round, cultured sea mineral from 5 to 9 mm. The palette of its shades includes white, cream, silver, pink and even greenish-black.
  • Ocean- This is a type of Akoya sea pearl, but with rather large pearls: from 9 to 14 mm. The colors of this mineral repeat the Akoya palette.
  • South Sea Pearls- This is the largest round mineral. He is called the "King of Pearls". The diameter of the pearls is from 10 to 22 mm. The colors of this product are varied, the pearlescent coating is thick, and the shine is unique.
  • Mabe – The largest type of natural pearl in the shape of a sphere. It is impossible to cultivate such a product, which is why it has a high price. The colors of this mineral vary from silver to black. The diameter of the pearls is from 8 to 20 mm.
  • Kasumi – it is grown on the lake of the same name in Japan. The uniqueness of this product lies in its unusual tints from golden to purple. The shape of the pearls itself is very unusual.
  • Mallorcan – These are artificial Spanish pearls. It is of quite high quality, various colors and shapes. The size of the pearls reaches 20 mm. Detailed article about here.

How and where are pearls mined?

As you know, the organic mineral has been extracted directly from water for many centuries. Sri Lanka, China, the USA, Russia, Ireland and even Iran are all countries where pearl deposits are located. The natural mineral was mined from the depths of the water by fishermen and hunters for many years.

However, for more than 100 years there has been another method of extracting stone - artificial cultivation. The founder of this process is a well-known Japanese company. Nowadays, there are a large number of special pearl farms in Japan.

In appearance, artificially grown stone is practically indistinguishable from the real thing. Its cost is cheaper than a natural product. And this is justified, because people, getting it from the depths of the water, risk their lives.

Medicinal properties

This wonderful mineral is also a wonderful healer. They say that pearls can cure various diseases and even stop new ones.

This mineral cures diseases such as:

  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Kidney and liver problems.
  • Hypertension, nervous disorders and weakness of the body.
  • Problems with gums.
  • Conjunctivitis.

They say that water with pearls infused in it, also has its own power. To do this, place several pearls in a glass of water and leave overnight. Experts say that such water has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects on the human body.

Magic properties

Pearls are surrounded by a lot of mystical secrets.

Moreover, each country has its own legend:

  • In China, the mineral is revered and considered a symbol of fertility.
  • In European countries they say that pearls bring longevity to their owner.
  • In India, it is a symbol of prosperity, improvement, and also marriage.
  • In Japan, they believe that pearls are a symbol of youth.
  • The Mongols claim that the mineral gives power to its owner.

They also say that only a person with a pure soul and thoughts can wear pearls. That’s why people used to define self-interest this way. If a string of pearls fades on a person, it means that his soul is not open. This man is hiding his dirty and base intentions. And vice versa, if pearls shine on someone, it means that its owner is healthy and his energy is pure.

Cultured pearls

One of the varieties of pearls is considered cultured. It is very similar to the natural mineral, however, there is a slight difference. Cultured pearls created in natural conditions, but with human participation. The process is possible in both fresh and sea water.

In order to obtain pearls in this way, it is necessary to insert an implant into the body of the oyster. This method is unique in that the result can be planned in advance. Scientists have developed a whole scheme, as a result of which we get the desired shape, size and even color of the pearl.

The time frame for creating such a masterpiece varies from 4 to 24 months. Depending on what result we want to get. Pearls that grow for up to 24 months are covered with a thick layer of nacre. To check whether the product has reached the required thickness and size, specialists use x-rays.

Products with pearls

Jewelry with pearls has always been considered an indicator of good taste. This magnificent mineral combines tenderness and luxury. The ideal combination that has won more than one heart is pearls and gold.

This is simply a stunning option for a ring. This type of jewelry is often given by young people to their brides. Therefore, to answer the burning question, on which finger to wear pearls? You can easily answer the nameless one.

Pearl beads are beautiful in themselves. They serve as an excellent addition to the outfits of fashionistas. However, for lovers of chic, there are many options for combining pearls with precious metals.

Black pearls are beautiful and frightening at the same time. Many people are afraid of the color of this mineral. Therefore, one of the rather popular questions is: is it possible to wear black pearls? In many countries it is believed that it is he who protects its owner from the evil eye, misfortunes and troubles. Therefore, it is a must to wear it. True, some are sure that he only protects women. But this doesn’t stop male fashionistas.

Stone care

Pearl is a rather finicky stone. Therefore, caring for it requires increased attention. But there is no need to fear.

  • After each wear, pearl products should be wiped to remove any remaining sweat, dust and cosmetics. To do this, use a clean soft cloth slightly moistened with filtered water.
  • You should not often wear pearls in direct sunlight. This can cause the product to quickly crack.
  • The thread on which the pearl necklace is strung must be changed every year.
  • You need to be very careful when cleaning mineral products at home. This can be done with shampoo, jewelry paste or olive oil.

Where can you buy pearls and how much do they cost?

You can purchase pearl products in specialized jewelry stores or online.

The cost of the mineral varies significantly, it depends on the type of pearl:

  • The price for 1 natural pearl varies from 1000 to 10,000 dollars .
  • The cost of 1 cultured pearl varies from 100 to 600 dollars .
  • Black cultured mineral will cost from 1000 dollars per piece .
  • Freshwater cultured pearls cost from 20 to 100 dollars for 1 pearl .

Mother-of-pearl balls inside mollusks have long attracted residents of coastal countries. For a long time, pearls were used as a bargaining chip, decoration and served as an expensive gift. To get it, stone catchers dived to great depths and, at the risk of their lives, lifted beautiful pearls from the bottom of the sea.

Mother of pearl stone is formed in bivalves of sea and river mollusks. This is a product of abnormal growth of the internal layer of the mollusk. A foreign body in the shell, a grain of sand, a piece of algae, or tiny living inhabitants of the bottom provokes the formation of pearls. The body of the mollusk cannot push out a foreign object and envelops it with the substance aragonite. A pearl consists of thousands of layers, which ultimately give the pearl its mother-of-pearl sheen.

The body of the mollusk cannot push out a foreign object and envelops it with the substance aragonite. A pearl consists of thousands of layers, which ultimately give the pearl its mother-of-pearl sheen. Experts distinguish about 120 shades of pearls. The most common is silver, the rarest is greenish-blue.

Magical properties of Pearls

Pearl stone has different properties. Throughout the centuries, it was believed that stone prolongs life and preserves beauty. In the Middle Ages, the groom's parents gave the bride a string of pearls on her wedding night, which was supposed to magically protect the woman from infidelity. The owner herself was allowed to wear it only on major holidays; such pearls were not passed on to descendants, since the grafted properties of the necklace could bring major troubles to the owner.

A stone in jewelry has the ability to give the owner the ability to come into contact with any person and benefit from it. Pearl does not like smug, proud and vain people and does not help them. Moreover, being owned by such a person, it combats such qualities and improves the character of the owner.

The healing properties of Pearls

The Chinese believed that pearls increased sexual energy, enhanced visual acuity and treated ear diseases. Indian healers used pearls to treat diabetes, heart disease, painful urination and insanity. In Japan, pearl powder is widely used to make drugs that treat nervous diseases. It is recommended for pregnant women to wear pearls, as they protect the fetus in the mother's womb. The stone has a healing effect on internal organs, treats kidney and liver diseases, and restores normal functioning of the intestines and stomach.

Talismans and amulets

According to legend, the magic of pearls lies in their ability to bring wealth and happiness. Some cultures, however, associate the stone with tears and loss of hope, but this is most likely due to its fragility. In most descriptions, the magical properties of pearls include protection from the evil eye, thieves and dishonest people, the ability to balance the rhythm of life and measure it with the lunar cycle. They say that pearls can appreciate a strong-willed and spiritually rich person, helping to attract good luck to him. Pearls are best worn by people with a strong character, stubborn, moving towards their chosen goal, and even fanatical in some way. It can plunge people with a weak character or those who are lonely into an even greater pool of bitterness and sadness, especially with black pearls. However, widows, widowers and divorcees may be advised to wear dark pearls as they help in finding a better half. In general, pearls are a mineral of the sea element and are patronized by the Moon.

Pearls in astrology

It is most suitable for the zodiac signs, and. For other signs, wearing a stone is allowed, but it will be useless. And he will protect the indicated signs from rash actions and rash actions. It is best for women to wear pearls on the middle and ring fingers of the right hand, and for men on the middle fingers of both hands.

Compatibility of pearls with zodiac signs

Pearls for

Pearls have many properties, but specifically for Aries, they will become a door into the soul of a loved one; they will become more attentive, patient, and insightful. Pearls will eliminate jealousy, which sometimes drives these representatives of the sign to fury, at such moments they are ready to sweep away everything in their path. Pearls will not let you sink into the river headlong when a new relationship arises; in general, pearls will calm down the negative qualities of Aries and will keep him peaceful. This stone will make Aries a homebody, but astrologers do not recommend wearing it at work; in this case, the unfavorable influence of the Moon is more often revealed and the representative of this sign becomes nervous.

Pearls for

Taurus can also wear jewelry with pearls; such people live down-to-earth lives, and pearls only support their balance, in harmony with their practical character. With a talisman, girls become more attentive to relatives and friends; pearls help them overcome a bad mood, which is no less important, because they like to take it out on their loved ones. Of course, no one wants to forever deprive themselves of the pleasure of wearing pearl jewelry, but for Taurus, interaction with the mineral should be minimal. It is advisable that they have less contact with it, and that the pearl itself is not on their skin. After interacting with him, representatives of this sign become anxious, unsure of themselves, achieving goals becomes impossible, which causes Taurus to become depressed.

Pearls for

During periods of stress, Geminis cannot cope with them on their own and restore their own health; on the contrary, they fall into complete powerlessness in front of the world and lock the doors. The reason for this is their instability, which, with the right direction, can turn into a positive character trait. Pearls help representatives of this sign to correctly direct their own emotions and receive only good things from them. Astrologers remember that Geminis are quite creative personalities; pearls help them finish what they start and prevent mood swings from affecting the material side of life. He drives away bad and envious people from representatives of this sign and prevents revenge from taking place against them. Specifically for women, it will help you choose the direction of your professional activity and choose the right solution to a controversial issue.

Pearls for

Pearls have a special relationship with Cancers; they make it clear when a malfunction occurs in the body. Wearing jewelry with it helps restore blood pressure, reduce fatigue and gain peace of mind. For women, this is a good talisman that can enhance the feminine principle and enhance love. Astrologers advise wearing a pearl talisman when you need to make the right decision. Overly emotional representatives of this sign become more sociable and restrained, this cannot but have a positive impact on relationships with others. This rule applies not only to family life, but also to friendship. Among other things, pearls will protect their wearer from lies, gossip and attacks from ill-wishers.

Pearls for

Leos belong to the category of signs that astrologers advise to wear pearl jewelry. They should pay special attention to the black stone, which can have a calming effect on an aggressive Leo. This fire sign with such a patron will become more reasonable, peaceful, reasonable, which will only have a positive impact on his life. If you wear the stone correctly, Leos can develop quite good partnerships with it; pearls will slightly pacify their temper and pride, and drown out outbursts of anger. Representatives of this sign always achieve success, this is one of the reasons why they need a protector who can establish a dense energy wall from ill-wishers. Pearls can be such an assistant, but astrologers advise not to over-gift jewelry if there is a strong connection between the talisman and the wearer.

Pearls for

Pearls also favor Virgos who belong to the air element. Pearls help ward off danger, especially if the work involves danger. But for representatives of the sign who cannot boast of strong characters, pearls may not be suitable; they can only aggravate this character trait. Representatives of this sign love to wear pearl jewelry; they need the energy that the stone possesses, but it can be difficult to distribute the energy. This stone of organic origin has two sides, like the planets whose energy it absorbs. Virgos need to be careful with pearls and not wear them all the time; if the life of a representative of this sign is monotonous, then the stone will not be of any use. It will be a good assistant for businessmen or those who constantly take risks.

Pearls for

Pearls endow Libra with their healing properties, preventing Libra from succumbing to any disease. Pearls heal from the inside, subsequently influencing Libra’s body as a whole. For Libra, pearls become an assistant in the fight against heart disease; it pacifies their pride and makes them feel good about other people. If the girl is not yet married, pearls will help find her other half. Astrologers especially advise girls of this sign to buy pearl jewelry. The mineral will carefully reveal their femininity, help demonstrate their talents to others, increase resistance to adverse circumstances, and help them find new strong feelings. Another plus of pearls and their “magic” in favor of Libra is independence.

Pearls for

Scorpios are known for their difficult character, just like pearls, which any woman wants to wear without thinking about the consequences. Representatives of this sign receive from a pearl talisman everything they need in everyday life, they cease to be so closed, suspiciousness goes away, and self-sufficiency and a sharp mind take leading positions. Scorpios can only wear black pearls, despite the fact that these representatives of the zodiac signs belong to the water sign, light-colored stones are not suitable for them. Thanks to black pearls, women of this sign can find their other half, receive joy and a charge of good mood.

Pearls for

Sagittarius belongs to the element of fire, so wearing pearls is contraindicated for them, but this rule does not apply to black, which is able to maintain balance in the life of representatives of the sign when they begin to have a bright streak in life. If we talk about Sagittarius, then pearls will be an excellent assistant for them in matters of the heart; it will help them find new relationships or take old ones to another level. In family life, you simply cannot do without such a talisman; the stone will remind its wearer of home and will help create coziness and a comfortable environment in the house for everyone living there. Astrologers do not advise buying pearls of any type; Sagittarius must personally choose which piece of jewelry is his, and he will feel it when he picks it up on an intuitive level.

Pearls for

The stubborn Capricorn finds peace when wearing pearls, he is able to look at the situation objectively, but the one that is mined from the sea is best for him. Astrologers advise representatives of this sign to wear pearls, especially if they are black. Such a mineral will help accumulate the necessary energy to move forward and relieve its wearer from indecision. Capricorn will become confident, his calmness will bring benefits in the material sphere, and stressful situations will cease to arise. Spiritual balance, loyalty, mutual understanding are not all that pearls can offer to their wearer.

Pearls for

Aquarians are very sociable people by nature, which is why pearls will be an ideal talisman for them. Pearls will be a good protection against betrayal and anger; they help to pacify such negative qualities in a person as pride and vanity. An Aquarius with such decoration will begin to make profitable and informed decisions for himself. The mineral has always been associated with the innocence of birth, so it was customary to give it to young girls whose chastity was protected by the stone, and at the same time it gave them high-quality protection from troubles and wrong decisions. Pearls help protect oneself from deceitful friends, friendship with whom could only bring harm to the wearer of the jewelry. Black Pearl in the form of decoration for women of this sign, it helps them fulfill the most incredible desires.

Pearls for

With pearls, everything will work out in the best way for Pisces. Representatives of this sign belong to the element of water and it would be strange that pearls had a negative effect on them. The mineral shares the same energy with Pisces, so astrologers say that pearls are the happiest talisman for them and should definitely be in their arsenal. All desires and merits of Pisces have clear boundaries and a “drawn” plan. Pisces are in harmony with themselves and all their qualities are strictly balanced with each other. Pearls make the life of Pisces calm and balanced, which is what a water sign needs - an easy, carefree flow. Pearls are especially suitable for Pisces; it manages to protect them from unhappy relationships, develop intuition, and teach them to use their rich imagination in a productive way.

Pearls - magical properties of the stone

Pearl is a unique mineral in its properties and origin, known to mankind since the beginning of time. It amazes not only with its beauty, but also with the amazing properties with which it is endowed.

The history of pearls goes back to ancient times - the first mentions of them are known from distant sources, more than 2 thousand years old. This is the first stone that our ancestors began to use to create jewelry and art objects, but even today it does not lose its relevance, being used in various spheres of human life.

Description and external signs

The name of the plant mineral comes from the Chinese word “zhen-zhu”, which means “pearl stone”.

In Rus' it was called “zenchug”, and then, in Peter’s times, its most common name was “pearl”, probably this name was formed by the metamorphosis of the German word “perlen” (in English “pearl”), which in turn was formed from the words "perlmutter" - mother of pearls.

Pearls are most often round in shape, sometimes there are specimens of bizarre, uneven, oval shapes, the rarest of which is the shape of a horn (or shark tooth), called abalone.


There are a great many varieties of pearls. In attempts to classify it by type and variety, scientists have identified more than 30 categories. Here are just a few of the species of greatest interest:


Souffle (French) - to inflate, inflate, fill, pump up.

Soufflé is a mineral mined artificially, but despite this, it does not lose its value. The soufflé stone acquired this name thanks to a scientist who knows first-hand about pearls - Jack Lynch, who invented this method of cultivating pearls, which consists of the following:

  • The already formed pearl is removed from the harvested oyster, and the bag in which it matured is released;
  • The oyster bag is filled with a special material, which, due to the increased liquid content, gradually swells, fills the bag and stretches it;
  • Meanwhile, the oyster, continuing to gradually secrete nacre, deposits it on the resulting bag, coloring and compacting it. This is how soufflé stones of fancy colors and shades are formed.

It is also interesting that, thanks to this unusual method of reproducing pearls, it is possible to obtain stones of a fairly large size, the cost of which depends directly on the quality and thickness of the layer of precious nacre.


Another name is bubble pearls. It is known for having a flattened shape, which is given to it due to the uneven attachment of the resulting mineral to the wall of the shell. Due to the uneven distribution, there is no glossy or pearlescent layer at the attachment site. That is why blisters are not so popular in jewelry and lose quite a lot in price, because in order to create a high-quality jewelry from such a stone, it will require preliminary processing, which significantly complicates the process of making jewelry.


The name “keshi” comes to us from the Japanese language, translated from which it means “grain”.

The method of formation of stones of this type, although it is artificial, is recognized as 100% organic. The shape of keshi resembles small oval grains of rice, which is why they got their name.

The mollusk, rejecting the artificially introduced core, produces a mineral consisting exclusively of a nacreous layer, in which there is no core. Despite the fact that mother of pearl is the most expensive part of pearl, such stones are not very popular and do not have a high cost. All this is due to the fact that often, in place of the grain rejected by the oyster, a new implant is immediately placed, without giving the mollusk the opportunity to finish working on the cache.


Expensive teardrop-shaped stones, mined by artificially breeding oyster shells using Japanese technology, which entered production and became very popular at the turn of the 90s of the last century.

They are characterized by an intense iridescent shine and a wide variety of color characteristics. In Japan, kasumi is an expensive pleasure, as a result of which cases of counterfeits have become frequent, when less expensive keshi are passed off as kasumi. It is not difficult to distinguish them from each other: kasumi can reach a size of 2 cm and be bright pink, yellow or blue, while keshi, in turn, cannot boast of a variety of colors and impressive size.


Mollusks called conch live on the Caribbean coasts. After removing its core from the shell, the mollusk dies, which makes it impossible to further use it as an artificial carrier of a new gem.

Externally, conk gems resemble small pebbles. Due to the fact that conch does not synthesize mother-of-pearl, gems do not have an iridescent shine, but this does not make them any less beautiful.

Color spectrum:

  • Olive;
  • Amber;
  • Pink;
  • Lilac;
  • Lilac.


The rarest and most difficult to obtain species. This type of pearl is formed in single-vave mollusks called abalone (otherwise known as abalone). The amazing and bizarre forms of minerals do not provide the opportunity to reproduce them artificially, which significantly increases the value of abalone.

Haliotis is a genus of mollusks that has existed for over 30 million years, characterized by a high degree of pearlescent iridescence in all colors of the spectrum. One clam can give birth to up to 130 abalone pearls

The shape of the resulting mineral resembles a shark tooth or horn in appearance, this is what makes abalone unique, different from other species.

Another unique feature of abalone is that the shells in which it is formed have a wide color range: they shimmer with almost all colors of the spectrum - from blue to yellow, from green to red, etc., probably precisely because of this, in the shells of abalone, pearls are born that are not inferior in beauty to their “cocoon”.

Primary colors characteristic of this species:

  • Orange;
  • Pink;
  • Blue;
  • Green;
  • Sandy;
  • Violet.


Japanese gemstone born from pinctada clams. In its homeland it is called akoya-kai, which means “flower ball” in Japanese. These perfectly rounded pearls are known throughout the world and are the favorites of all jewelers and designers.

Characteristic colors:

  • Snow-white - white;
  • Cream;
  • Pastel pink;
  • Greenish-silver.

Each piece of akoya-kai is of jewelry quality and does not require pre-processing or preparation for cutting. The high quality is also indicated by the AAA and AA class assigned to flower balls due to their impeccable quality.

Co hog

A very rare type of pearl, which is almost impossible to find (the probability of finding a cohog is estimated at an approximate proportion of 1: 1,000,000)

Cohog can be accidentally found on the coasts of the United States, where this type of shellfish is caught for food.

Non-pearlescent and seemingly unremarkable cohog nuggets are obtained from the shells of mollusks called venus marcenaria, and, unlike the rest of their counterparts, are completely matte.

The largest representative of the Ko Hog was discovered completely by accident when it was purchased by Alan Golash in an antique store for only $14. Today, jewelers cannot determine its real value, believing that it is priceless.

Color palette:

  • Grey;
  • Pinkish;
  • White;
  • Black;
  • Lilac (the rarest and most valuable).


This is not exactly the pearl that we are used to seeing when we hear the common name: it is not characterized by pearlescent luster and soft, pastel shades.

Melo-melo (or simply melo) gets its name from the large sea snail in which it is produced (melo melo). It is mined in Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia and, despite the fact that it is very rare, it can reach enormous sizes.

The largest melo-melo, called Sunrise Pearl, belonged to the Vietnamese emperor and weighed about 80 grams (400 carats)

Color palette:

  • Orange;
  • Yellow;
  • Red;
  • Brown.

Chalk cannot be removed artificially, and it fades when exposed to bright sunlight, so it is not of high value for jewelry. Most of all it is of interest to collectors.


The average name for pearl nuggets mined everywhere. Baroque or baroque pearls are the most common type of pearls, which can be characterized by various forms:

  • Pear-shaped;
  • A drop;
  • Oval;
  • Cylindrical;
  • Disk.

The most remarkable of all varieties of Baroque is considered to be paragon. Since ancient times, it has been endowed with magical qualities and used as a talisman, amulet or amulet.

Paragon (eng. Paragon) – otherwise called a “monster” stone, shaped like human faces, animal figures, bird wings, claws or fangs, etc.

Pearls can also be classified according to where they were mined. There are three categories:

Chemical composition

Chemical formula – CaCO3 (calcium carbonate).

By its nature, the formation of pearls is considered an anomaly. This is a new formation in the body of a mollusk, which is a complex of substances such as:

  • Calcium carbonate (aragonite, less often calcite) – CaCO3 – up to 92%;
  • Conchiolin (protein of organic origin) – up to 6%;
  • Water – up to 2.5%.

The process occurring in a mollusk shell is a long and painstaking metamorphosis. When tiny particles from outside get inside the shell of the shell, the mollusk starts the process of enveloping the core with conchiolin. The organic protein substance conchiolin forms a framework around the core, into the microscopic veins of the network structure of which tiny components of sparkling aragonite are deposited.

It takes at least 2 years to form one pearl up to 1 cm in size

Physical properties

  • Hardness: 3.5 - 4 on the Mohs scale;
  • Density: 2.7;
  • Luster: glassy, ​​pearlescent, metallic (black mineral);
  • Cleavage: no;
  • Transparency: opaque to translucent;
  • Multi-layering is inherent (core, middle layer, top pearlescent).

Production (field)

Nugget mining is carried out everywhere. Of course, Japan is considered to be the main deposit and homeland of pearls, where they harvest such unique representatives of this species as akoya, kohog and keshi and conch.

According to the color characteristics of mined minerals, the largest deposits are:

  • Mexico - red;
  • Australia - silver;
  • India, California, Bahamas - pink;
  • Japan - white;
  • Tahiti - gray;
  • Persian Gulf - brown, cream;
  • Panama - gold;
  • Sri Lanka - yellow.

In Russia, production is carried out on the territory of the Kola Peninsula, in the rivers of Karelia. In the Arkhangelsk region, mining was carried out in the White Sea between the 17th and 20th centuries.

And Germany, America and China produce mainly freshwater (river) species.

Artificial and cultured pearls

Unfortunately, today it is almost impossible to become the happy owner of a natural pearl or jewelry made from wild pearls. A law adopted throughout the planet in 1952 states that pearl fishing should be prohibited due to the fact that the search for the stone, which has been going on since the beginning of the 7th century, has led to large-scale destruction of huge populations of mollusks, threatening their complete extinction. After all, in order to find just one pearl, a diver had to open more than 10,000 empty shells! That is why the decision was made to ban the mining of the precious stone.

Nowadays, it is possible to purchase natural pearls formed on the seabed only at auctions and among owners of private collections. But not everything is so bad: the solution to the problem was the emergence of special “pearl farms”, engaged in the cultivation of stones using a special ancient technology of introducing a certain embryo into the shell, which later turned into a precious stone.

Today, pearl farms are the most popular and safest way to legally harvest pearls.

Scope and scope

The use of sea jewelry in various spheres of human life has been known since the 2nd millennium BC. The scope of the mineral is so vast that it is impossible to imagine entire centuries without it.

Zodiac sign

Determining the predisposition of pearls to a certain zodiac sign is not so easy! Many studies and searches have shown that most of the information is contradictory and not reliable enough. A detailed study was carried out by mathematics professor Yu.V. Kartafanov, based on whose works it can be determined that the nugget has the most beneficial effect on the following signs of the Zodiac:

  • Fish;
  • Aquarius.

Absolutely all varieties of sea and river minerals are suitable for owners of these signs. Such a neighborhood contributes not only to the establishment of personal relationships, the establishment of well-being in family and friendship, but also to career advancement, enrichment and health improvement.

Wearing pearls is contraindicated for the following signs:

  • Aries;
  • Virgos.


Medicinal properties

Wearing items with pearls not only brings health benefits to the owner: the mineral is able to warn the owner about an approaching illness. Having discovered any ailment in its owner, the stone may fade and even slightly change its color, as if indicating danger.

Its medicinal properties extend to people suffering from diseases such as:

  • Mental problems;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Problems with the central nervous system;
  • Memory losses;
  • Hypertension;
  • Pathologies of internal organs;
  • Diseases of the organs of vision, etc.

Egyptian queens considered the gem not only a beautiful decoration, but also a means of rejuvenation. There is a legend that Cleopatra herself dissolved one pearl in a glass of wine every day and drank it, considering this the main secret of her beauty and health.

Later, ancient shamans added powdered crystals to healing drinks. This infusion was used as a means of cleansing not only the body, but also the soul.

Magic properties

The magical qualities of this mineral vary; each culture and country gives it its own meaning:

  • In India - family and material well-being, wealth, prosperity;
  • In China - the power of fertility, family values, spirituality;
  • In Europe - beauty, youth, longevity;
  • In Greece - strengthening marriage bonds, finding love, reliability, stability.

It is believed that the use of crystals in magical rituals of various nations helps to get rid of mental torment, restore mental and psychological well-being, bestow longevity and fertility, protect against unkind people, damage, the evil eye, and bring order and tranquility to the home.


At all times, pearls do not lose their relevance. That is why its cultivation is a useful, thriving industry. Often, cultured specimens are used to create jewelry.
The value of a stone is determined in grains (0.25 carats = 1 grain).

The cost of the product directly depends on the quality of the nugget, its shape, weight, thickness of the mother-of-pearl layer and processing method (if one was necessary).

The most expensive samples to this day are perfectly round in shape and snow-white in color.

The most famous fashion houses around the globe are engaged in the creation of jewelry with various modifications of crystal.

You can find many original products of various modifications:

  • Brooches;
  • Necklaces;
  • Kokoshniks;
  • Bracelets;
  • Rings, rings;
  • Pendants;
  • Earrings;
  • Belts;
  • Tiaras, etc.

In Rus', since ancient times, pearls have been used as decoration for folk costumes, ceremonial and court dresses, wedding paraphernalia and even shoes. The presence of pearl inlays in household items symbolized wealth and prosperity.

In Tsarist Russia there was a certain dress code, which stipulated that high-ranking persons had certain jewelry, which they could wear at important events.

Natural or artificial?

To identify a cultured pearl and a natural one grown in the depths of the sea, an ordinary person needs to cut the stone in half (there will be no artificially introduced kernel in the center of a natural pearl): but it is not always possible to sacrifice expensive jewelry in an effort to get to the bottom of the truth. In this case, it is better to contact a professional who, using the latest technologies, will determine the authenticity of the nugget with 100% accuracy.

In the case of artificial stones, everything is much simpler; a fake is visible to the naked eye:

  • A natural mineral weighs more than an artificial one;
  • When dropped on a glass surface, fake stones will roll rather than bounce;
  • The imitation has a perfectly smooth surface, unlike the indescribable coating of the original.

Stone care

Like any organic product, pearls require special care. It is susceptible to environmental influences and is easily subject to change, such as:

  • Loss of shiny surface;
  • Abrasion;
  • Tarnish;
  • Delamination;
  • Dehydration.

In order to extend the life of a fragile nugget, it is necessary to follow the following rules:

  1. Avoid contact with liquids and solvents;
  2. Store in a cool and dark place, while avoiding too dry air;
  3. Avoid direct sunlight;
  4. Do not clean with abrasive sponges or towels.

Pearl is the oldest stone of organic origin, distinguished by amazing properties and incredible beauty!

Nature is capable of creating miracles, and one of them is pearls, a mineral of organic origin. The gem spends many years in the mollusk oyster, which covers the inconspicuous grain of sand layer by layer with mother-of-pearl before it appears before the human eye in all its glory.

Pearls can dazzle with their beauty and brilliance, which is why they are so popular in jewelry. The gem is also endowed with amazing energy, and the magical properties of pearls can work wonders.

Magic properties

At all times, various peoples of the world have attributed magical properties to pearls and endowed them with rich symbolism. In China, pearls were considered a symbol of wisdom; in India, the stone personified femininity and fertility.

The first Greeks and Romans associated pearls with the goddess of love Aphrodite (Venus in Roman mythology); according to legend, pearls were formed by drops of water that fell from her hair. The Persians believed that pearls were born where the rainbow met the earth.

Pearls symbolize wisdom, love, beauty

Pearls are endowed with feminine energy and symbolize beauty, perfection and continuation of life. The rich symbolism of pearls also reveals such images as the human soul hidden in a bodily shell, the highest wisdom, and purity.

“The chosen one wears rough clothes, but hides a precious stone in his chest.”

Lao Tzu

In different cultures, pearls were perceived in different ways: as a symbol of marriage, an image of heaven, a symbol of secret knowledge. Nowadays, few people attach such a complex symbolic meaning to stones, and most representatives of the fair sex value pearls for their beauty, sophistication and uniqueness, because in nature it is difficult to find two pearls of the same shape and identical color.

As a rule, when choosing jewelry or a souvenir with pearls, we do not think about the hidden properties of the stone and whether the pearls are capable of influencing its owner or mistress. In fact, jewelry with pearls is not suitable for everyone, so before you wear them, you should find out whether the stone corresponds to your zodiac sign.

Water Element

The element of Water is close to pearls in spirit, so the stone is, to one degree or another, suitable for people born under the sign of Cancer, Pisces and Sagittarius.

For Cancer

The gem calms Cancer, distracts at the moment when the owner is sad, taking him into the world of dreams and harmony. Pearls are able to help in understanding knowledge, so they will become indispensable for Cancers who have chosen teaching or psychology as their field.

At the same time, pearls can provoke depression. If your mood has deteriorated, then it is better to change the pearls to a more positive stone. Cancers should also remove pearl jewelry when they feel pressure from someone, but do not intend to resist it. Pearl is a very capricious stone, so it will definitely provoke a protest and can involve the owner in a conflict.

For Scorpio

Pearls help Scorpios to show their best qualities: a sharp mind, self-sufficient thinking. However, the energy of the sign is so strong that it most often suppresses the power of the stone, leading to conflict between it and the owner. As a result, pearls can push Scorpio to an extravagant act, or destroy the structure of the stone - and then he will begin to create obstacles in love, at work, and in everyday affairs. Therefore, astrologers recommend that Scorpios wear pearls occasionally, preferably black ones.

For Pisces

Pearl is considered a stone of the Pisces sign; it protects owners from rash actions, protects against the evil eye and acts as a talisman. For Pisces, the gem brings loyalty and love. The stone is able to bring its owner to reason, curb his anger, and bring harmony to his home.

It is very important for the relationship between pearls and Pisces that the stone constantly has contact with water - to do this, it is enough to sometimes dip it in water poured into a cup. Then the energy of the stone will serve the owner for the benefit for a very long time.

Pearls need periodic hydration, especially if they are owned by a Pisces.

Earth Element

For Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

Representatives of earth signs are not recommended to wear pearls. The stone can harm their health and cause discord in the family. If an earthly zodiac sign definitely wants to wear jewelry with pearls, then it is worth remembering that it is better to wear it for a short time.

For Taurus, pearls can increase anxiety and self-doubt. He will constantly distract the virgins from earthly affairs, remind them of the eternal, and force them to think about their destiny. Pearls add courage to Capricorns, but the stone can take them far, “loosening” Capricorn’s tongue so that they will then have to deal with the consequences for a long time.

Earth signs just need to hold pearls in their hands to recharge with its energy

Fire Release

Fire signs can wear pearls, but they are unlikely to. Passionate and less judgmental stones suit them. Although they can have a good relationship with pearls if they wear them correctly.

For Aries

The stone is able to endow the representatives of the sign with prudence and curb their furious, restless nature. Pearls will help Aries achieve balance in love and protect them from scenes of jealousy and fanaticism.

Aries should not wear pearls to work, since the stone does not tolerate everyday fuss and can make the owner irritable and intolerant.

For Leo

The gem is able to pacify the pride of Leo, muffle the temper, and also protect the owner from possible opponents.

You should not wear jewelry with a stone if its owner holds a leadership position or has an intolerant, domineering character. Pearls will immediately come into conflict with the owner and can deprive him of some of his energy.

It is better for fire zodiac signs to choose pearls framed in gold

For Sagittarius

Pearls of this zodiac sign can set a romantic mood, remind the owner of the comfort of home, and create an atmosphere of warmth. However, not all types of pearls are suitable for Sagittarius, so it will take some time to find “your” jewelry. Low-quality pearls can confuse the owner’s mood, cause negative emotions, and irritation for no obvious reason.

Element Air

Air signs can wear the gem, but with caution and for a short time. Their relationship may not be easy, since there is a contradiction between the energy of the stone and the energy of Air.

For Gemini

Pearl prefers people with strong convictions, conservative and confident in their choice. For Gemini who have made a decision, pearls will help strengthen their decision.

Moreover, the longer the representative of the sign wears pearls, the more the owner and the stone begin to conflict. The gem recognizes the weak traits of the owner’s unstable character and can “confuse” him and lead him to a false goal.

Only confident people should wear pearls

For Libra

Toward Libra, pearls show all their friendliness when the owner’s thoughts remain pure. The stone gives the sign self-confidence and develops a sense of beauty.

Pearls do not tolerate lies and cunning, so when the owner displays these qualities, the gem only aggravates the situation, adding to the owner such character traits as fear of telling the truth, the desire to live at the expense of others and narcissism.

For Aquarius

Aquarius pearls give the gift of foresight, help to unravel mysteries, and penetrate into the depths of the past. Prolonged wearing of pearls takes the owner away from reality, leading to isolation and indifference.

When not to wear it?

You should wear pearls not only based on the recommendations of the horoscope, but also taking into account the character of the person who wants to wear jewelry with a gem, although it is sometimes very difficult to evaluate your own character objectively.

The stone suits people with a strong spirit; it disorganizes weak-willed and weak people even more. Pearls can lead to depression, disappointment, and sometimes aggression. Therefore, weak-willed people who follow other people’s opinions should not wear pearls.

Black pearls should not be worn by young girls; it is a stone of depression and sadness that can provoke widowhood. And he helps divorced women and widows find a match.

Black pearl jewelry is considered widow's jewelry

Becoming the stone of a low, vile person, pearls are capable of revealing the unpleasant features of the owner. The stone quickly fades or even crumbles. A stone can lose its shine, color or transparency even after the death of its owner or separation from him, since it has the ability to become attached to one owner. That is why it is not customary to give pearl dyes if you yourself have worn them.

Pearls impart objectivity to convinced people, knock down arrogance and pride, as well as protect the owner from proud people, offenders and traitors.

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