
Grid for the school lesson schedule. Lesson schedule template to fill out in Word. Monthly schedule template in Excel

No matter how convenient a school diary is, it is always more comfortable to have a lesson schedule in front of your eyes. It can be hung above the table so that the child, in case of questions, looks up and reads all the necessary information.

The easiest way is to buy or download ready-made schedule of lessons. Template to fill out in Word It will also help you make your own original schedule, which can be edited or updated every year.

What should a lesson schedule include?

The lesson schedule is a table that indicates the days of the week and the corresponding academic subjects. If you wish, you can add a bell schedule and the last name, first name and patronymic of the teacher, and even the daily routine or extracurricular activities. Any student can create a school schedule on their own.

You can easily create a lesson schedule yourself in Word, and then print it out and attach it to your desktop. However, not everyone has a color printer, and constantly seeing a black and white table in front of you with the names of lessons is a torment for a child. What elements can be added to the school schedule, and what opportunities does Word offer?

Tips for creating a lesson schedule

  • If there is color printing, then you can change the color of the text, for example, mark literature lessons in one color, mathematics in another, etc.
  • The title “Lesson Schedule” can be highlighted in a large and beautiful font. To do this, when working with Word, click on the “Insert” tab, go to the “WordArt” section and select the template you like.
  • Using the same “Insert” tab, you can go to the “Shapes” section and select any element you like from there. The emoticons, stars, hearts, etc. offered by the program developers will make the lesson schedule more lively and vibrant.

If you do not want to create a school schedule yourself, we suggest you download ready-made templates to fill out. Bright, beautiful, with interesting illustrations - they can be downloaded, filled out and printed. This could be a schedule with cartoon characters for younger students or a template with a simpler design for older children or students.

Good day! In this article you will learn how to correctly create a lesson schedule template that can be filled out on a computer.

Let me first note the advantages of the school (university) schedule. It helps organize the activities of people (not only schoolchildren, but also older groups of people), visualize and structure all objects in a convenient, understandable, and most importantly simple form.

This document has been widely used in the educational field: schedule sheets located in a prominent place come to the rescue so as not to forget anything, to be more responsible and organized. It has remained relevant for many years to solve problems with lack of proper concentration, lack of time, and forgetfulness.

A proper schedule prevents you from being idle! And the satisfaction from the number of tasks you complete in a day is an incomparable feeling.

You can download lesson schedule templates for free using the button below.

If a person is just starting to follow a schedule, it is important to encourage him and not be too strict when something doesn’t work out. The organizational moment is the most difficult in the life of any person, be it a new job or the first classes at school/institute.

Let's move on to the essence of the article, consider the criteria taken into account when drawing up the layout. Required components of this stencil:

  1. Clear structuring by days of the week.
  2. Sufficient number of lines and space to fill.
  3. Clear, non-small font (for ease of use by primary school students).

Desirable nuances:

  1. Beautiful design.
  2. Availability of a bell schedule (end - beginning of lesson).
  3. A column “For notes” or a place for stickers on which you can write notes (this means a schedule that is subsequently printed by the person personally).
  4. Decorations to choose from.
  5. Make a small pocket for small things (of course, if you plan to place the schedule on the wall, hang it, etc.).

Select the criteria you need and get to work!

If the layout of a student’s chart is prepared individually (for your child or made to order), then first discuss the desired design, or better yet, choose a specific picture together with the interested person.

This way you can avoid unnecessary claims against you.

Also go through the points from “Desirable nuances”.

The template can be made in various graphic editors, the most popular of which are: Adobe Photoshop, Movavi Photo Editor and others. There are many articles on the Internet about tools for this kind of operation. Choose which one you like, depending on the taste and color...

Important points

As you begin creating, don't forget a few key points:

  • Do not work on one layer under any circumstances, create them in sufficient quantity.
  • Make sure that the text is positioned so that it is visible (this makes it easier to understand and eliminates the need to put a lot of effort into reading).
  • It is better to pay attention to the contrast of the background and text: it is better not to use combinations of green and yellow.
  • Choose light pastel colors without distracting from the essence of the layout.
  • Save intermediate stages periodically - no one is immune from an accidental power outage and program freezing, and starting all the work over again is not a pleasant thing.
  • Avoid too many details that distract the student.
  • Try highlighting the names of the days of the week and formatting the text to make it stand out.
  • When working in a graphic editor, take breaks of 10-15 minutes, moving away from the schedule, and then look at it again. You'll probably see some flaws that weren't noticed before.

Before starting work on the layout, I advise you to look through the color palettes - write the names of the colors in the search bar and evaluate them in your opinion - this will speed up the design and scheduling process. Go over the selected image with an eyedropper, capturing the color for the text.

For inspiration and new ideas, go online if necessary. Additionally, if you wish, download the fonts you like, adding some zest and charm, which is approved by the majority of customers.

In conclusion, I want to say that time is a limited and non-renewable resource, and therefore, first of all, take care and do not overload your children with a large number of electives and additional activities, no matter how wonderful they may seem. A standardized schedule and a measured, feasible load on the child are the key to success.

Instill time management skills from childhood, and it will be much easier in adulthood. Carefully calculate the amount of time spent on each item on your to-do list or schedule, because often we underestimate this or that task, and as a result, we do not have time to complete what is planned for the day.

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Schedule is an important part of our life. With the help of schedules, we not only manage our time, but also reduce stress, evaluate our progress in completing work, and prepare ourselves for unexpected events.

It doesn't matter whether you're creating a to-do list or planning an event. No matter what you do, a schedule will help you stay on track and ensure you don't lose sight of anything.

A template is the easiest way to create a schedule. This article will walk you through the best daily, weekly, and monthly schedule templates in Excel, as well as step-by-step instructions for finding the templates that suit your needs and customizing them.

You'll also learn how to use a schedule template in Smartsheet, a spreadsheet-based work management tool that lets you create schedules faster than Excel while offering more formatting options and collaboration options.

In this article

Download a daily, weekly or monthly schedule template in Excel

There are a variety of schedule templates available in Excel, including monthly, weekly, and note-based schedules. These templates come with formatting already included, so all you have to do is add your details to them.

So how do you know which of the available schedule templates is the easiest to use? We have already reviewed the existing templates and found the best daily, weekly and monthly schedule templates in Excel.

Which schedule template should I use?

So, the schedule that suits you has been selected. This could be a daily, weekly or monthly schedule. Now you need to define the structure, duration type (Monday-Friday or Saturday-Sunday), configure access and printing parameters. All of these factors need to be taken into account, so choosing which template to use may not be that easy.

When looking for a suitable template, pay attention to the following:

1. Time period or duration of the schedule.

First of all, you need to determine what kind of schedule you need: daily, weekly or monthly. The daily schedule is the only template that contains duration in hours (in 30 minute intervals), the weekly schedule duration is broken down into morning, afternoon and evening, while the monthly template contains a minimal level of detail - duration is measured in days .

Choosing the right template for the type depends on the events, tasks, and projects that you will need to track with a schedule. For example, if you need to structure your task list or meetings, daily schedules are best. If you need to track longer tasks or recurring events, you need a template that covers a larger time period.

2. Who will use this schedule?

Think about who will have access to your schedule? Will this be a document just for you, where you track personal tasks? Or is it a schedule of chores and tasks that you plan to print out and stick on your kitchen refrigerator or email to your family members? Or will it be a document that you use at work and that your colleagues and freelancers can use and edit?

If you plan to share a document with more than one person, we recommend finding an online version of this template to make it easier for you to share, collaborate, and edit the document in real time. If this will be your personal document, make sure you find a template with the customization options and printing capabilities that best suit your needs.

3. What events and projects need to be tracked?

You can choose the level of detail for the length of your schedule, but you should also determine what details you need to add to your template and the number of elements you want the template to display.

To get an idea of ​​how complex and detailed your events or projects will be, write down on a piece of paper several events that you plan to add to your schedule. Include all the details you want to mark on the schedule (task title, details, person responsible for completion, due date, location, contact information, etc.). This exercise will help you understand how much space you have in your schedule. If only a high level of detail is enough, you can use a monthly schedule. If you're tracking multiple tasks every day, you might want to consider using a daily schedule template.

Weekly schedule template in Excel

The weekly schedule template in Excel breaks each day down into morning, afternoon, and evening, so you can customize the amount of space you need for each part.

  • School/university schedule: the class schedule is a high level view of all your classes. You can quickly populate your schedule with subject details, such as subject name, room number, and class times, to better manage your time throughout the week.
  • Homework schedule: Organize your household to-do list. To do this, print out a weekly schedule template, fill it with daily tasks, such as vacuuming, mopping, dusting, and then assign a family member to be responsible for each task.
  • Worker shift schedule: With the help of an employee shift schedule, you will always be sure that employees go to work on the correct schedule. Assign working hours for each employee and determine their workplace or position (manager, cashier, technical support, receptionist). You can even add a weekly hours worked column for each employee.
  • Travel route: With a weekly travel itinerary, you'll never miss a plane, train or bus. Track departure and arrival locations, flight numbers, airport locations, hotel reservations and more. All important data will be in one place, and you will not be late for anything.
  • Project Schedule: Coordinate tasks, deliverables, deadlines, assignees, and other project elements using a project schedule. Be sure that your project will be completed on time and manage the allocation of resources.

Daily schedule template in Excel

The daily schedule template usually covers Saturday and Sunday as well and includes duration in hours at 30-minute intervals. This type of schedule offers the most granular view, allowing you to keep track of even the smallest tasks throughout the day.

Main uses:

  • Personal appointment/meeting planner: Manage all your daily face-to-face appointments and meetings. You can print out your daily schedule and carry it with you so that it is always at hand.
  • Task List Scheduler: Instead of writing down all your tasks on a never-ending list, break them down and distribute them by day of the week so you know exactly what needs to be done every day. Assign tasks to different times of the day and cross off those already completed.
  • Baby feeding schedule: Record your baby's exact feeding times throughout the day to help you stick to a proper schedule. You can also track the duration of feedings and add the total number of feedings per day.

Monthly schedule template in Excel

The monthly schedule template offers a very detailed breakdown of the entire month. Each of the 12 months in 2016 has a separate tab in the Excel file.

Main uses:

  • Seasonal maintenance: remind yourself that it’s time to change the filters or oil in your car, prepare your house or summer cottage for winter, replace the batteries in fire detectors, etc. using a seasonal service schedule. Add all the tracking items at the beginning of the year and hang the schedule in your garage or on your refrigerator.
  • Monthly menu planner: Plan your meals for the whole month using the menu planner. Write down your ideas for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner for each day of the month, print this schedule and use it as a shopping list the next time you go to the store.
  • Schedule of events: Use your monthly activity schedule to coordinate dozens of scheduled events and tasks. Add due dates and assignees to make sure you stay on schedule.

How to Personalize Your Template in Excel

Customizing your daily, weekly, or monthly schedule settings in Excel is easy. You can choose a color code for certain elements, such as doctor's appointments or birthdays, or change the font type and size. You can also add a logo to your calendar if you use it while working with clients.

1. Font formatting

  1. To change the font size of headings, select all headings. On the Home tab, you can select the font type and size.
  2. To format date or time markers, select an entire column or all date fields. On the Home tab, you can change the font type and size.

2.Color change

You can change the font or background color of your schedule. Using a color code can be useful to highlight certain activities or tasks.

  1. To change the background color of an entire row, click on the paint bucket icon and then select a fill color.
  2. To select a color code for an event, place the task or meeting information in the date field. Then select the text, click on the paint bucket icon and select the appropriate fill color.

3. Adding an image

Personalize your schedule by adding images, such as your company logo.

  1. On the Insert tab, select Illustrations. Upload the image you want to use.
  1. The image will be added to your table, after which you can move it to the desired location.

If you want to add a logo or image to the top of the schedule, you may need to first add space to place that element.

  1. Right-click on the first row of the entire table and select “Insert”.
  1. Select Insert Row.
  1. Repeat these steps to add the required number of rows.
  2. To make the background for new lines white, select the new lines, click on the paint bucket icon and select white.
  3. To remove marking lines above the title line, select the title line, click the Borders icon, and select the No Border option.

You now have extra empty space at the top to place your image.

Schedule Templates: Printable or Online Available

In addition to choosing the best schedule template for your tasks, you will need to decide what printing and online sharing capabilities the template will have.

Many people print out their schedules and then hang them on the wall or refrigerator. When it comes to to-do list planners or personal meetings, many people keep them in their wallet or purse for ease of access and use.

Having a schedule printed out and accessible to everyone can be helpful, but in general, a paper calendar is more likely to make your life more chaotic and disorganized. If you forget or lose your calendar, you'll have to start all over again. If someone wants to edit or add information to the calendar, you won't know who made the changes unless you can recognize that person's handwriting. And finally, space in such a calendar is always limited, it will quickly fill up and will look untidy, with a lot of changes and additions.

If you need guaranteed access to your schedule at any time of the day, choose a cloud-based collaboration solution. You need to be able to view and edit your schedule on your smartphone or computer at any time.

Plus, by moving your schedule to the cloud, you can save a lot of paper. If you plan to share this calendar with other people, an online tool will help you communicate and make changes more effectively. You'll be able to see what's been edited and choose the level of permissions you grant, assigning viewer, editor, or administrator rights to users.

Finally, many online tools offer collaboration features that let you add discussions, set reminders or notifications, switch from regular view to Gantt or calendar view, and attach attachments.

Create simple, collaborative schedules in Smartsheet

Smartsheet is a spreadsheet-based work management tool that offers powerful collaboration and communication features. Smartsheet has dozens of built-in templates, as well as sharing features, so it's ideal for simple task scheduling to more complex project schedules. Customizing the templates is easy: just right-click a column to rename the header, or double-click any cell to add the information you want. You can also change colors, fonts, or switch between Gantt, calendar, or grid views.

Below are 14 schedule templates in Smartsheet:

Weekly Schedule Templates in Smartsheet

These weekly schedule templates cover all 7 days of the week, Monday to Sunday. Many templates use hierarchies to organize information, containing child rows that you can collapse or expand to hide or show the dates or tasks you need.

All of these templates highlight Smartsheet's collaboration features. For example, in your weekly class schedule, you can choose a color code for your classes so you can quickly visualize your weekly schedule. In the lunch planner template, you can add links to your favorite recipes for quick access, and in the weekly house cleaning schedule, you can assign chores to specific people, so the whole family has something to do.

The school's educational regime must correspond to the functional capabilities of students. The volume, content and organization of the educational process must ensure such a state of the body in which fatigue would completely disappear during the rest period.

The main criteria for assessing lessons in terms of students' functional abilities are difficulty and tediousness. Fatigue is characterized by a change in performance, and the difficulty of the subject is characterized by the level of performance, that is, the degree of mastery of educational material. Therefore, both factors need to be considered equally while scheduling.

When creating a lesson schedule, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • performance (characteristics of work, i.e. the quality and quantity of acquired knowledge or actions at a certain time) depends on the age of a person, his individual biorhythm, time of day, day of the week, time of year, etc.;
  • the degree of fatigue depends on social, psychological, biological reasons.

To reduce student and teacher fatigue in one day, proper distribution of lessons during productive and unproductive hours and days is necessary.

Subjects that require a lot of time to prepare at home should not be grouped together on the same day of the school schedule. During the most unproductive hours (from 11.30 to 14.30), lessons should be structured from a health-preserving perspective, which implies a valeological approach to organizing a lesson, a choice of forms, methods, and techniques of the lesson, changing the types of activities of students and the types of teaching of the teacher (every 5–7 minutes).

When drawing up a schedule, you can use the scales of difficulty of academic subjects developed by I.G. Sivkov (for primary school) and employees of the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents M.I. Stepanova, I.E. Alexandrova, A.S. Sedova (for students in grades 5–9)
Using the data from the tables above, you can assess whether the lesson schedule for any class is drawn up correctly.

The schedule is drawn up correctly if:

  • the school has a unified schedule of classes in the first and second half of the day (for students and teachers);
  • the highest number of points per day based on the sum of all subjects is for grades 8–11 – on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; for grades 1–7 – on Tuesday and Thursday (Wednesday is a slightly lighter day);
  • During the school day, “difficult” and “easy” lessons alternate;
  • lessons of one subject alternate with lessons of another subject, and are not doubled (exception is modular teaching technology);
  • basic subjects for younger schoolchildren are taught in 2–3 lessons, and for middle and older children – in 2–4 lessons;
  • The names of academic subjects in the schedule and curriculum are the same.

The schedule is drawn up incorrectly if:

  • the highest number of points per day occurs on the extreme days of the week or when it is the same on all days of the week;
  • “difficult” lessons are doubled;
  • “difficult” lessons are scheduled consecutively;
  • “difficult” lessons in the schedule in the first or last lesson;
  • the number of home preparations is equal to the number of lessons.

For optimal load distribution, the following are not allowed:

  • zero lessons;
  • breaks lasting 5 minutes;
  • double lessons in grades 1–5, exceeding 8 points on the difficulty scale, if lesson planning does not include practical or laboratory work in the second hour;
  • grouping items that require a lot of home preparation into one day;
  • discrepancy in the schedule of the first and second half of the day;
  • discrepancy between the names of academic subjects in the schedule grid and the school curriculum.

Thus, when creating a class schedule, you need to consider:

  • distribution of teaching load by day of the week;
  • distribution of the teaching load for each day separately;
  • alternating subjects of different types of activities;
  • compliance with hygienic requirements for the lesson schedule.

To do this, the schedule is analyzed and an analytical report is drawn up based on the results.

  1. The total load at the beginning and end of the week should be the least (according to the ranking scale of difficulty).
  2. Tests should be carried out in 2–4 lessons in the middle of the school week.
  3. The main teaching load during the day in high and middle grades should fall on lessons 2–4.
  4. It is not recommended to schedule two-hour lessons on Monday and Friday.
  5. In elementary school, it is unacceptable to conduct double lessons on the same subject. In this case, the degree of fatigue of children increases 7 times.
  6. In the 5th grade, double lessons in one subject are permissible only in exceptional cases and subject to their alternation with easier lessons (or lessons).
  7. In middle and high schools, double lessons against the backdrop of modular technology for constructing the educational process, on the contrary, help preserve the health of students.
  8. Lessons that require a lot of mental effort (mathematics, Russian, physics, chemistry) are recommended to be taught first or second. Lessons on art, the surrounding world, artistic work should be conducted after a dynamic pause (third lesson), and lessons with a predominance of the motor component (rhythm, physical education) should be carried out last.
  9. Classes in the second half of the day should be held no earlier than 45 minutes after the end of the last lesson of the first half of the day.
  10. When arranging lessons during one school day, you should take into account the predominant activities of students in this lesson (reading, viewing, writing, active motor activity, practical work, listening, speaking, etc.) and try to alternate them.
  11. The daily amount of home preparation should be less than the number of lessons in the schedule.
  12. It is not allowed to conduct zero lessons!
  13. Subjects that require a lot of time for home preparation (history, algebra) should not be grouped on one day of the school schedule.
  14. It should be remembered that when drawing up a lesson schedule, you need to take into account the number of hours allocated by the basic curriculum for completing

School workloads must necessarily correspond to the level of functional capabilities of children. This means that the educational process must be organized (in terms of time, volume and content) in such a way that during the rest period the child’s body recovers and fatigue disappears.

Example and sample

The main criteria for assessing lessons for analyzing school workload are difficulty and tediousness. The difficulty of the lessons represents the degree of mastery of the material, and tediousness represents the change in the student’s performance. Both of these factors must be taken into account when creating lesson schedules. In addition, when drawing up the schedule, the performance and degree of fatigue of students are taken into account.

To reduce fatigue, the lesson schedule should take into account productive and unproductive days of the week and hours. For example, from 11-30 to 14-30, during the most unproductive hours, classes should involve a change in the form of the lesson, the type of teaching and, if possible, a change in the type of activity of the students. It is very important to distribute lessons that require extensive home preparation on different days of the week.

When drawing up a schedule, it is recommended to use special scales to assess the difficulty of academic subjects, with the help of which you can assess the correctness of the schedule for any class (for primary grades, such scales were developed by I.G. Sivkov, for students in grades 5-9 - Research Institute of Health and Human Health).

According to the above scales, the schedule is considered to be drawn up correctly if:

  • During the day there is an alternation of difficult and easy lessons;
  • a single schedule has been drawn up for both halves of the working day;
  • the highest number of daily points occurs on days of the week such as Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday;
  • the most difficult classes are carried out in 2-4 lessons (2-3 for primary school students);
  • Academic subjects are named the same in the curriculum and in the timetable.

In the case of “double” difficult lessons or when they are on the schedule in a row, in the first or last lesson, in the case when the number of homework corresponds to the number of lessons, the schedule is drawn up incorrectly.

  • presence of zero lessons;
  • discrepancies between the first and second half of the day;
  • breaks between lessons lasting 5 minutes;
  • the presence of “double” difficult lessons in grades 1-5 (with the exception of laboratory or practical work in the second hour).

In accordance with the above, the following general recommendations for the distribution of lessons can be given:

  • The lowest load according to the scale should occur at the end of the week.
  • Tests should be carried out in the middle of the week in 2-4 lessons.
  • On Monday and Friday, having “double” difficult lessons is unacceptable.
  • The main teaching load in the schedule should be distributed over 2-4 lessons.
  • In elementary school, “double” lessons are unacceptable, and in grade 5 they are acceptable only in some special cases.
  • Classes in the second half of the day must begin no earlier than 45 minutes after the end of classes in the first half of the day.
  • It is advisable to alternate activities during the day (for example, lessons that require mental stress should be placed first, then lessons on art, work and the environment, and physical education and rhythm lessons should be held last).
  • It is necessary to take into account the number of hours for completing homework according to the curriculum and ensure that the number of preparations is less than the number of lessons.
  • Conducting zero lessons is not allowed.

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