
Sea rose jam. Rosehip jam: recipes Rosehip jam with lemon recipe

Even in ancient times, wild rose, or as it was also called, was considered a product that bestows youth, beauty, health, and also protects love. It is interesting that some peoples still consider these fruits to be a sacred symbol. This attention is due to the fact that rosehip has a huge number of beneficial properties. Unfortunately, this berry is seasonal, so it is impossible to find it fresh in winter. However, most of the vitamins and microelements can be preserved if rosehip jam is prepared correctly.

Even in ancient times, wild rose, or as it was also called, was considered a product that bestows youth, beauty, and health.

Rosehip is a healthy fruit that has a beneficial effect on almost every area of ​​the human body.

It has the following beneficial properties:

  • effectively fights vitamin deficiency due to the content of vitamins PP, B, C, K, E, as well as copper, zinc, selenium and potassium;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens weakened immunity;
  • promotes active recovery of the body after serious illnesses;
  • normalizes blood pressure, strengthens vascular walls and heart muscle;
  • removes bad cholesterol and toxic substances from the body;
  • fights liver pathologies, removes stones from the gallbladder, helps with kidney failure;
  • has a choleretic effect, which helps normalize digestive function and increase appetite;
  • It is characterized by diuretic properties, so rosehip fights pathologies of the urinary system.

All of the listed benefits of the product can be preserved for the winter period only if the berries are prepared correctly. The recipes below can help with this.

Rosehip jam with seeds (video)

Rosehip jam: a classic recipe for preparing for the winter

The traditional recipe for cooking rosehip dessert is that it does not use additional fruit and berry ingredients. It allows you to preserve the taste of the fruit and its beneficial properties as much as possible.

Required ingredients:

  • 1.5 kilos of rose hips;
  • 4.5 glasses of water;
  • 1.5 kilos of granulated sugar.

The traditional recipe for cooking rosehip dessert is that it does not use additional fruit and berry ingredients

How to cook:

  1. The berries are rinsed, sorted, and cleaned of lint and stalks. Each berry is cut into 2 parts and freed from seeds. The rose hips are blanched for 2 minutes and then dried in a colander.
  2. In a clean bowl, syrup is boiled from the broth left after boiling the berries and sugar.
  3. The dried fruits are dipped into the burning syrup, the delicacy is cooked until all the halves sink to the bottom of the bowl.
  4. Then the rosehip halves are distributed into a sterile container, and the syrup is boiled for another 25 minutes.
  5. The blanks are filled with boiling syrup filling and closed with a key for preservation.

You should not turn such a workpiece over, as thick jam may stick to the lid. It’s better to just wrap it in a blanket and leave it to cool for 1.5 days.

Rosehip jam: a treat with apples

You can reduce the astringency of rose hips by mixing it with apples. This ingredient will add a slight sourness and a pleasant subtle sweetness to the delicacy.

Jam is prepared from the following products:

  • 1 kilo of rose hips;
  • 0.5 kilos of apples;
  • 0.4 kilos of sugar.

You can reduce the astringency of rosehip by mixing it with apples.

How to prepare:

  1. Rose hips are sorted, cleaned of debris and seeds, and rinsed.
  2. The apples are rinsed and cut into slices. In this case, all seeds and core should be removed.
  3. All fruits are ground to a puree and then mixed with granulated sugar.
  4. The puree is brought to a boil and cooked for 20 minutes.
  5. The hot jam is transferred to a sterile container and closed with a key for preservation.

Jam prepared using this method will not only be an excellent delicacy that replaces sweets, but also an ingredient for fillings for baked goods.

Rosehip jam with cranberries

A real vitamin bomb, which helps to overcome vitamin deficiency and colds in winter as quickly and effectively as possible, is prepared from rose hips and cranberries.

To prepare it you need:

  • 0.75 kilos of rose hips, pitted;
  • 0.3 kilos of cranberries;
  • 1.3 kilos of sugar;
  • 0.65 liters of drinking still water.

A real vitamin bomb that helps overcome vitamin deficiency as quickly and effectively as possible

How to cook:

  1. The berries are sorted and rinsed under cold running water. Rose hips are cleaned of twigs, lint and seeds.
  2. The fruits are washed again, the berries are blanched for 2 minutes.
  3. The broth is strained into another bowl, mixed with granulated sugar and heated until its granules are completely dissolved.
  4. The boiling syrup filling is poured into a bowl of berries. The mass is kneaded and cooked until all the berries settle to the bottom.
  5. The syrup is decanted again, the hot berry mass is placed in a sterile container.
  6. The syrup filling is brought to a boil and filtered.
  7. The transparent filling boils for another 2 minutes and is poured into the filled jar.
  8. The jam is sealed and cooled in an insulated state.

This jam is an excellent ingredient for complementing porridges, making sauces for desserts and baked apples.

Method for making rosehip jam with seeds

Extracting seeds from rose hips is quite difficult and time-consuming, so many housewives prefer to cook dessert with the seeds.

  • 1800 grams of sugar;
  • 1500 grams of rose hips;
  • 150 milliliters of lemon juice.

Extracting seeds from rose hips is quite difficult and time-consuming, so many housewives prefer to cook dessert with the seeds

How the workpiece is cooked:

  1. The fruits are rinsed, cleaned, and scalded.
  2. In a bowl, prepare syrup from granulated sugar and water.
  3. The berries are immersed in boiling homogeneous syrup, everything is mixed and simmered for 5 minutes.
  4. The bowl is removed from the burner and left for 1 day.
  5. Then the syrup is drained, boiled for 15 minutes, poured into a container with rose hips and kept for another 1 day.
  6. The syrup is boiled again, mixed with lemon juice and cooked for 3 minutes.
  7. Berries are placed in a boiling pot, the mixture is brought to a boil and sealed in a sterile container.

Jam prepared according to this recipe allows you to prepare rose hips for the winter, which taste similar to marmalade or candy.

Five minutes of rose hips

You can save a lot of time when cooking rosehip jam by using a five-minute recipe for this delicacy.

During the cooking process you need:

  • 3 cups rose hips;
  • 1.5 cups sugar;
  • ¼ mill of water.

How to prepare for the winter:

  1. Rose hips are cleaned of all debris, stalks, seeds, rinsed and dried.
  2. The fruits are filled with water and cooked in three steps for 5 minutes. In this case, you should stir the future delicacy and skim off the resulting foam.
  3. The boiled fruits are sprinkled with sugar and ¼ cup of water is poured in.
  4. The mixture is brought to a boil and simmered for 5 minutes.
  5. The bowl is removed from the burner, covered with a lid and left for 8 hours.
  6. Then the treat is brought to a boil again and distributed into a sterilized container. The containers are immediately rolled up and cooled in a blanket-insulated state.

The product should be stored in a cool, dark place or in the refrigerator. If desired, you can add a cinnamon stick to the jam during cooking, which will add spice to the dessert.

Rose hip wine (video)

The presented methods for preparing jam allow you to prepare a delicious, slightly tart delicacy that will help keep the body in good shape, as well as fight cardiovascular pathologies and colds. It is worth considering that under the influence of heat treatment, the beneficial substances in rose hips are destroyed, so you should not cook the delicacy for longer than the time stated in the recipes.

Rose hips are a valuable source of vitamin C. Tea, infusion, syrup and, of course, jam are prepared from its berries. In the autumn-winter period, rosehip preservation is especially useful, because vitamin C strengthens the body's defense mechanisms, preventing colds.


How to make rosehip jam?

To prepare healing rosehip jam, you will need elastic fruits with moist pulp. It is important to choose berries without plaque, with intact skins and check them for ripeness: overripe rose hips are dry and empty inside. Such fruits have few vitamins and are not suitable for making jam.

  1. Preparing the fruit is a rather painstaking process: each berry needs to be cut in half and the seeds removed, which is not so easy to do.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the peeled berries several times, removing any remaining seeds.
  3. To soften the skin, pour boiling water over the fruit and simmer for 3 minutes. Drain in a colander and rinse with cold water.
  4. Bring water to a boil and dissolve sugar in it.
  5. Add rose hips to the resulting syrup and cook over high heat for 10 minutes.
  6. Skim off the resulting foam, turn off the heat and leave the jam to steep for 6 hours.
  7. After the specified time has passed, return the jam to the stove and cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes, until the desired thickness.
  8. Pour the finished jam into a warm sterilized jar and roll up the lid. Leave to cool upside down, wrapped in a towel.

Rosehip jam (five minutes)

Rosehip jam

Very tasty, vitamin-rich, medicinal jam made from wild or garden rose hips. Preparations with rose hips are good for colds and vitamin deficiency.

Cleaning rose hips, of course, takes a long time, but the result is worth it!

Proportions for rosehip jam

in volume measures (glasses, cups, bowls):

peeled rose hips – sugar: 2:1

That is, for 2 cups of rosehip you need 1 cup of sugar.

The berries are soft and juicy))) Very tasty!

Making jam

peel the rose hips

  1. Cut off the tail of clean, dried fruits and tear off the stalk, cut the rose hips in half and scoop out the seeds with a small spoon.
  2. Rinse the cleaned rose hips again (to wash away any remaining fluff) and dry a little. You can immerse it in a large bowl of water directly in a colander and then take it out and let the water drain;

Garden rose hips

make rosehip jam

in 3 steps for 5 minutes, stirring and skimming

  1. Cover the prepared rose hips with sugar, add a little water (proportions: 1 glass of water for 8-10 cups of peeled fruit). Add a little by eye;
  2. Bring the jam to a boil, stirring vigorously and skimming off the foam, cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and leave to infuse in syrup at room temperature;
  3. after 6-10 hours, boil again according to the same principle;
  4. after the next 6-10 hours - the third, final cooking. After it, pack the finished jam into sterilized jars and close with boiled, clean lids.
  5. store in the dark and cold: cellar, basement, refrigerator.

This is matsoni yogurt topped with delicious rosehip jam! Very nice for breakfast or afternoon snack!

Features of preparing rosehip jam and taste

Probably every child remembers how, when sick, he drank a spoonful of thick and dark rosehip syrup - so aromatic and sweet, like candy. And my mother poured it from a small bottle bought at the pharmacy.
And I remember.

And now I have several jars of tasty and healthy jam for the winter, which can be opened in the most severe cold.

How to clean rose hips

Peeling rose hips is a little tedious; you get tired not so much of the monotonous process as of the thin, tickling seeds, from which it is very convenient to free the berries with a small coffee spoon or a small teaspoon. Therefore, you need to periodically wash your hands, spoon and knife. And then wash yourself thoroughly and shake (or rinse) your clothes. So as not to itch later.))) For the same reasons, we rinse the rose hips after cleaning.

Do you see the prickly dots on the red? These are the seeds that make their way out through the fruits. So they want to continue their family))

Rosehip is a very beautiful berry. It's bright red on the outside and bright orange on the inside! Joyful and delicious! Its leathery shell (which we eat) is similar to hawthorn and ripe feijoa at the same time.

Other wild rose preparations

You can preserve rose hips not only by boiling jam for five minutes, but also by preparing regular jam, which is cooked in one batch for about 40 minutes (it is ready when a drop of syrup that falls on the saucer does not spread).

If you want to store rosehip jam at room temperature, double the amount of sugar.

Any kind of lid can be used – both iron and plastic.

Tips on lids and other issues of preparing rose hips for the winter can be found in the recipe for hawthorn jam. The berries (fruits) are similar and can be preserved using the same recipes.

Rosehip jam is tasty, sour, not very sweet. And you can collect very tasty orange foam from it!

Drying rose hips

Girls (and boys), if you are completely tired (and let’s be honest, tired!) of cleaning rose hips, God bless you, lay out the paper in a shaded (or dark) ventilated place and dry it. It is better to dry rose hips on clean paper - if you put it on newspapers, we risk later reading last year's news on its dried barrels.))

Very ripe, soft, softened rose hips, which you did not dare to put in jam, also go into drying. Just not moldy, of course.

Today we will prepare an incredibly tasty, medicinal, vitamin-rich and healthy rosehip jam for the winter.

I can imagine your surprise, because we are used to making ordinary tea from its fruits, but very few people probably know how to make rosehip jam.

Therefore, let's correct this omission and learn how to prepare a delicious and healing dessert that is good for vitamin deficiency, colds, and loss of strength.

Health benefits of rose hips

The ancient Slavs considered the wild rose or wild rose a symbol of youth, health, beauty and love. Even in the modern world, many peoples consider this wonderful plant sacred because of its healing qualities.

Our caring grandmothers brewed delicious, aromatic tea from rose hips and served it to the whole family on cold winter evenings. The plant begins to flower in May, and the fruits ripen by September or October.

Let's dwell a little on the benefits of rose hips for human health.

  • Rosehip contains trace elements: copper, potassium, selenium, zinc, vitamins B, PP, E, K, and also a lot of vitamin C. It is twice as much as in black currants, and three times as much as in lemon. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for vitamin deficiency, especially in autumn, winter and early spring;
  • Rosehip has good anti-inflammatory properties, helps strengthen a weakened body and immunity;
  • Restores strength after serious illnesses and operations;
  • Rose hips are used for anemia and its various types;
  • The healing plant will lower blood pressure, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the heart;
  • Reduces dangerous levels of cholesterol in the blood and cleanses the body of harmful toxins;
  • Rosehip helps with liver diseases, gallstones and kidney failure;
  • It is a choleretic agent, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and improves appetite;
  • Recommended for diseases of the urinary system, it has a good diuretic effect.

Rose hips are contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • Gastritis with high acidity;
  • Tendency to thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • Disease of the lining of the heart - endocarditis.

It is important to remember that after drinking rose hip decoction or tea, be sure to rinse your mouth with warm water to prevent tooth enamel from being destroyed.

How to collect and dry rose hips?

The best place to collect rose hips is a forest or country house; try to avoid collecting fruits near highways and roads. The collection time began in September - October, before the first frost, even small frosts will destroy all the beneficial properties of the fruit.

It is best to dry rose hips on clean paper in the shade; you can also use an oven or dryer for this purpose at a temperature of 90 degrees. Be sure to ensure that the fruits do not burn. The finished dried berries will be yellow or reddish-brown in color, hard and wrinkled.

How to store rose hips?

Store it in closed tin or glass jars; canvas bags are suitable for this purpose. Dried rose hips can be stored for up to two years.

How to brew rose hips?

A healing, aromatic decoction or infusion of rose hips is an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system for colds, bronchial diseases, ARVI, influenza, improves blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, helps with inflammatory processes of the liver and chronic hepatitis. The decoction is recommended for expectant mothers and children to drink.

Rosehip infusion in a thermos

Grind the rose hips in a mortar or coffee grinder (but not to dust). Take the crushed fruits and pour boiling water in a thermos. Proportions: one tablespoon of rose hips per glass of water. Let it sit for 12 hours.

Strain the finished infusion. You should drink half a glass two or three times a day.

You can add a little lemon or cranberry to the infusion. After cooling a little, you can add a teaspoon of natural honey.

Rose hip decoction

We take all proportions as in the first recipe. Pour the crushed rose hips with water and bring to a boil. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Remove from the stove, leave for two hours, strain. Drink the decoction as in the first recipe.

Rosehip jam for the winter

You can make a vitamin dessert from fresh fruits, which is good for colds and vitamin deficiencies. Now I will tell you how to make rosehip jam.

Ingredients for cooking:

Peeled rose hips and sugar, the proportions are 2: 1. For two glasses of peeled fruits, take one glass of sugar.

We increase the indicated amount of ingredients depending on how much jam you want to get.

Preparing rose hips:

  1. First we need to clean the rose hips. To do this, wash and dry the fruit, and then cut off the tail, tear off the stalk, cut the berry in half and remove the seeds with a small spoon. From one kilogram of collected rose hips, we will get half a kilo of peeled berries.
  2. We rinse the peeled rose hips well with water, preferably several times, to wash off all the fibers and seeds. We change the water to clean water every time. You can immerse it in a bowl of water in a colander, then remove it and let the water drain.
  3. After washing, pour boiling water over the rose hips, put on the fire and boil for five minutes, then collect the berries in a colander and rinse again with cold water. This is necessary so that the skin becomes soft; if you immediately add sugar and water, the skin of the fruit will be hard.

Making jam:

Cook the rosehip jam in three batches of five minutes each, stir while cooking and skim off any foam that forms.

  1. Sprinkle the prepared and peeled berries with sugar and add a little water. For 10 cups of peeled rose hips, take 1 cup of water. Stir and set to cook on the stove.
  2. Bring to a boil, stir vigorously and skim off the foam. Cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Then remove from the stove, cover with a lid and leave to infuse in the syrup for 7 hours, then boil again for 5 minutes, stirring.
  4. Remove from heat, leave again for 7 hours, and then the final third stage of cooking for 5 minutes.
  5. Place the finished jam into sterilized jars and cover with boiled, clean lids. Store in a cool and dark place in the basement, cellar or refrigerator.

Helpful Tips:

You can cook rosehip jam in one step, like regular jam; the cooking time in this case will be about 40 minutes. It will be ready when a drop of syrup that falls on the saucer does not spread.

If you store the jam at room temperature, then the amount of sugar should be doubled.

Rose hip marmalade


  • Fresh rose hips - 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar - 600 grams.


  1. Clean the berries as described above in the jam recipe.
  2. Wash the peeled rose hips well several times with clean water, cook until soft and rub through a sieve.
  3. Combine the mashed puree with sugar and cook over low heat, stirring constantly until the mass becomes thick.
  4. Pour the finished rosehip marmalade into sterilized jars while hot and roll up with sterile lids. Store in the refrigerator.

Live rosehip marmalade

Another good recipe for preparing a healthy delicacy for the winter; in this version, all vitamins are preserved, since heat treatment is not used.


  • Fresh ripe rose hips - 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kilograms.


  1. We grind the peeled and well-washed rose hips in a meat grinder.
  2. Add sugar to the resulting puree and stir well until it is completely dissolved. Store the resulting live marmalade in tightly closed jars in the refrigerator.

Take one tablespoon per day, this is especially useful in winter and spring, when you get enough vitamins.

Rose hip syrup

The healthy rosehip syrup that you buy at the pharmacy can be prepared at home yourself.

I study various latest research and methods of the world's leading experts in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

I am a big fan of Ayurveda, Eastern and Tibetan medicine, I apply many of its principles in my life and describe them in my articles.

I love and study herbal medicine, and also use medicinal plants in my life. I cook tasty, healthy, beautiful and fast food, which I write about on my website.

All my life I've been learning something. Completed courses: Alternative medicine. Modern cosmetology. Secrets of modern kitchen. Fitness and health.

Rosehip jam inherits the unique healing properties of its main ingredient. Among the people, the name “forest healer” has been assigned to rose hips. Among plants, rose hips have the highest vitamin activity; this miracle berry contains more vitamin C than black currants and lemons. Rosehip is used for vitamin deficiency and to improve immunity. It is a good diuretic and choleretic agent, and also inhibits the development of atherosclerosis, because due to its mineral composition, it helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduces the level of bad cholesterol.

However, jam from this miracle berry can be used not only for medicinal purposes (for example, for colds), but also as an interesting dessert with which you can surprise guests. The jam has a pleasant taste and tart aroma of summer. Housewives are usually afraid that it takes a long time to clean and cook rose hips, but in this case the labor invested will pay off with an incomparable result. There are many ways to make jam. Here are the most interesting recipes.

This double jam can be a real salvation from winter vitamin deficiency. With a spoonful of jam we get not only a boost of vitamin C, which is contained in both components, but also minerals that apples are rich in: iron, potassium and magnesium. In addition, the jam is prepared very quickly and looks incredibly beautiful.


  • Peeled rose hips – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg.
  • Apples – 600 gr.
  • Water – 500 gr.

Cooking process

  1. Thoroughly clean the rose hips: remove the stems, leaves and seeds, remove the cores of the apples, then wash both ingredients.
  2. Apples need to be cut into thin slices or small cubes, here the housewife can show her imagination. Rose hips can also be cut if they are large-fruited.
  3. In a saucepan, make a syrup from water and sugar: after boiling, the mixture must be constantly stirred so that the sugar dissolves evenly, the syrup needs to be cooked for another 2 - 3 minutes and the foam must be removed.
  4. Place peeled rose hips into the syrup and cook for 5 minutes after boiling.
  5. Add apple slices to the resulting substance, and when the mixture boils, cook over low heat for another 10 minutes.
  6. The jam is ready, it needs to be placed in sterilized jars and closed with lids.

Rosehip jam with orange in the “Orange Sun” multicooker

Such jam will require a minimum of effort from the housewife, since it can be prepared even from dry berries without prior soaking. Plus, you don't need to monitor the cooking process. Added to the beneficial properties of rose hips are the vitamins and minerals that orange contains: for example, retinol, thiamine, potassium, sodium and others.


  • Rosehip - 800 gr.
  • Sugar – 2 cups
  • Orange – 2 cups

Proportions may change if fresh fruits are used for jam

Cooking process

  1. Rinse the rose hips, clean them of leaves, stalks and other debris, then place them in a multicooker bowl and add sugar.
  2. At the same time, remove the seeds from the orange and grind the orange slices with peel in a blender.
  3. Add water and chopped orange to the bowl and set the “Stew” mode for 1.5 hours.
  4. After some time, you can mash the softened berries with a wooden masher, or remove the seeds before starting cooking (if the rose hips are fresh).
  5. Roll the finished jam into sterile jars.

Rosehip jam with cranberries “Fire berries”

Thanks to this intricate recipe, you can get very bright and healthy jam. The result is worth the effort. The jam contains not only a double portion of vitamin C, but also vitamins B, PP, E, A, K, which cranberries are rich in. Jam will help not only with colds, but also with cystitis, a frequent unpleasant companion to cold weather, since cranberries have a diuretic effect.


  • Peeled rose hips – 750 gr.
  • Cranberries – 350 gr.
  • Sugar – 1350 gr.
  • Water – 700 ml.

Cooking process

  1. Sort through the rose hips and cranberries; unspoiled berries are needed for jam.
  2. Remove small debris from the cranberries and rinse well under running water.
  3. Remove the stem from rose hips, remove seeds and fibers by cutting the berries in half or using a hairpin to remove the contents from whole berries; rinse, removing debris.
  4. Heat the water and cook the rose hips and cranberries in it for 2 - 3 minutes.
  5. Strain the broth, add sugar to the broth and achieve complete dissolution over low heat.
  6. Pour the boiling sugar syrup over the rose hips and cranberries.
  7. Keep on fire until all the berries sink to the bottom.
  8. Decant the syrup.
  9. Place rose hips and cranberries into sterile jars.
  10. Heat the syrup, filter through cheesecloth, and let it boil again.
  11. Pour the syrup into the berries placed in the jars.
  12. Roll up after cooling.

If after cooking you have a sufficient amount of cranberries left, then we advise you to prepare them at home, which is very easy to prepare and will not take much of your personal time.

Rosehip jam “Healthy marmalade”

In winter, this fragrant jam will give the body a boost of energy and vitamins. Despite the fact that making jam is more difficult than making preserves, because... you need to grind the berries, it has a lot of advantages - it doesn’t spread, it’s more convenient to spread it on a bun and put it in pies, and, of course, children love it more, it’s like rosehip marmalade.


  • Fresh ripe rose hips 600 gr.
  • Sugar – 200 gr.
  • Water – 1 glass (about 300 g.)

Cooking process

  1. Sort through the berries, removing stems and leaves, and rinse well.
  2. Cut the berries and remove all the seeds.
  3. Place the berries on the bottom of an enamel pan and cook until boiling.
  4. Strain through a sieve, then rub the berries through a sieve.
  5. Pour granulated sugar into the resulting puree and add a glass of water.
  6. Cook for 20 - 30 minutes over low heat, stirring continuously.
  7. Check the readiness of the jam - take a little jam on a spoon, drop it on a saucer, let it cool, turn the saucer over, if the jam does not flow, then it is ready.
  8. Place into jars and roll up.

It can replenish the lack of vitamins in winter and protect against colds; it is very simple and quick to prepare.

Rosehip jam with seeds “Berry Vitamin”

This delicious jam is an excellent way to prevent vitamin deficiency, since whole berries retain the most beneficial substances. The housewife will like that she doesn’t have to waste time extracting seeds from the rose hips. You should not skimp on sugar for this recipe, as the seeds affect the sweetness of the taste. In addition, the seeds contain vitamin E.


  • Ripe fresh rose hips - 2 kg.
  • Sugar – 1.2 kg.
  • Freshly squeezed juice from one lemon (optional - to add sourness and to improve preservative properties).

Cooking process

  1. Sort through the rose hips, remove rotten fruits to avoid further fermentation.
  2. Remove the stems and leaves, rinse the berries thoroughly.
  3. Dissolve sugar in boiling water, cook the syrup over medium heat, constantly stirring the contents of the saucepan.
  4. Pour the rose hips into the syrup and move the saucepan to the stove over low heat; you cannot pour the rose hips into the syrup, which is boiling, because it is necessary to preserve more useful substances.
  5. Cook for approximately 45 minutes.
  6. Separate the rose hips and place them in an enamel pan.
  7. Boil the remaining syrup for three minutes, then let it cool for five minutes and strain through cheesecloth onto the fruit.
  8. Mix the berries and syrup and divide into equal portions into sterilized jars, seal the jars with lids, and choose a cool place for storage.

We also bring to your attention, various recipes for which we have prepared for you.

Rose hip jam with lemon “Red and yellow”

This is a very aromatic jam with a sweet and sour taste. It combines the beneficial properties of rosehip and citrus, which contains vitamins C, D, PP, B, carotene and much more. The jam should be quite thick, so it can be easily spread on a bun or placed in a pie.


  • Peeled rose hips - approximately 3 cups
  • Lemon – 50 gr.
  • Sugar – 550 gr.
  • Water – 200 ml.

Cooking process

  1. Select good berries.
  2. Remove stems, leaves and fibers.
  3. Cut in half and remove the seeds.
  4. Rinse thoroughly.
  5. Bring the water to a boil.
  6. Add rose hips and cook for 10 minutes.
  7. Wash the lemon, grate the zest, and cut the pulp into pieces.
  8. Add lemon and zest to rose hips.
  9. Puree the mixture using an immersion blender.
  10. Add sugar and stir while heating until the sugar dissolves.
  11. Boil, stirring, for 15 minutes.
  12. Roll into sterilized jars or cover with parchment.
  13. For storage, store in a cool place.

Rose hip petal jam “Flower Symphony”

Jam made from rose hip petals has a delicate color and a wonderful smell; you can simply enjoy it while drinking tea or add it to baked goods or soak a cake. In addition, the petals contain almost all the beneficial elements found in berries.

Rosehip petals should be collected in the morning or after rain, gently plucking one at a time in order to preserve the ovaries and not damage the autumn harvest.


  • Rosehip petals – 200 – 300 gr. (to prepare 1 liter of jam)
  • Sugar – 300 + 300 gr.
  • Water – 300 ml.

Cooking process

  1. Rinse the petals in running water, removing dust and pollen.
  2. Sort through the petals and separate the tips with which they were attached to the inflorescence - this labor-intensive part of the work will help get rid of bitterness.
  3. The finished petals must be scalded with boiling water.
  4. Cover the petals with sugar 1:1 and place in the refrigerator for four hours
  5. Pour water into an enamel pan and add sugar 1:1 (300 + 300), heat the water, stir until the sugar is completely dissolved
  6. Grind the petals in a blender, pour some of the syrup into them, bring the mixture to a boil
  7. As soon as the jam begins to boil, remove it from the stove and cool so that the jam does not lose its unique color and aroma
  8. Pour into sterilized jars and roll up

There are many options for jam, but there are several universal secrets that will make jam of higher quality and healthier:

For jam, it is better to take large, fleshy berries. The seeds can be removed by cutting the berry in half, or using the rounded end of a hairpin on top - then the berries remain intact. For recipes with seeds, it is better to use small rose hips; moreover, they contain more vitamins.

After the rose hips are cleaned, you need to wash them, changing the water several times to thoroughly wash off all the seeds.

Before using in jam, rose hips are usually blanched (boiled) for a couple of minutes, then drained in a colander and washed with cold water - this is necessary so that the skin of the berries softens. The blanching water is used for sugar syrup.

You should always cook the rose hips over low heat so that they are soft and do not shrink dramatically.

Rosehip jam is very rich in vitamins, minerals and acids, so when using it you need to know when to stop, especially if you have a history of allergies or gastritis, an ulcer with high acidity.

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