
What can you learn from a cat? What can you learn from a starling?

The month of March is almost over outside, and you still haven’t got a fluffy shaggy dog, the symbol of this spring month? Get a mustachioed purr immediately! After all, this charming and infinitely gentle creature will not only delight you, give you peace and comfort in your home, but will also teach you several very useful life lessons.

You're probably surprised?! How can a cat teach something? But, really, maybe...

First of all, a charming fluffy ball will teach you to love the people close to you. And you will love them not for some merits or super abilities, but simply because they are yours!

At first glance, a defenseless and vulnerable creature, a cat, always achieves its goals. He will teach you this too by his clear example. If a cat wants to sharpen its claws on your favorite sofa, believe me, he will definitely do it, regardless of whether you approve of it or not.

Cats, cats and even the smallest kittens have a huge kind heart. They, like no one else, can sincerely sympathize, empathize and feel sorry. The cat will be sad if you are sad. If you are not feeling well, the fluffy shaggy will always be there because he is worried about you.

The cat will definitely teach you sincerity and openness, and will show you how great it is to demonstrate your sincere emotions. After all, when a cat is bored, he quickly runs to meet you with his tail raised, if he is hungry, he will loudly demand his food, and if you offend him, he will definitely hide and will not show himself.

And cats are the real optimists! There really is a lot to learn from them!

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Starlings have a long, strong, straight beak with a slightly flattened tip, a straight short tail, the apex of which reaches the lower coverts, and sharp wings in which the first flight feather is shortened and the second is longer than the others. A representative of starlings can be the well-known common starling, which lives throughout Europe. Common starling in breeding plumage, black with purple and green sheen and white speckles. By autumn, the white speckles become larger and more frequent. Young starlings are brown-gray in color, with a whitish spotted chest.

Lifestyle They nest in hollows. They feed mainly on terrestrial mollusks and large insects (caterpillars and grasshoppers). It also consumes grapes, cherries, sweet cherries and the fruits of other fruit trees. Where there are few orchards and vineyards, the starling is of great benefit by exterminating orthoptera and insect larvae. Starlings, as you know, willingly settle in “birdhouses” specially arranged for them, no matter whether the birdhouses are placed among fields, or near housing, or even on the roofs of houses, around which there is enough space not occupied by buildings, where starlings could find food for themselves . In captivity, the starling soon gets used to plant food. His characteristic feature is the rare ability to imitate, without any training, all kinds of sounds. Therefore, the starling easily learns individual words and simple motives.

For two weeks, both partners alternately incubate a clutch of 4-6 eggs, and then together take care of the eternally hungry offspring, which greet with loud cries each arrival of the parents with food: insects and their larvae, mollusks and worms. Grown-up, hungry chicks, begging for food, with open beaks stick out strongly from the tray, risking falling out. At the age of three weeks they fly out of the nest for the first time.

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Outline of a new home for the starling

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Bees are tireless workers who never tire. They constantly work, collecting nectar from flowers, which contains all the power of plants. To collect one drop of nectar, an insect needs to pollinate a thousand flowers and travel many kilometers. During this period, other bees make honey from nectar, converting sucrose into simple carbohydrates, which the human body absorbs without residue.


If we choose a quality that a person could adopt from bees, it would be a high degree of self-organization within the team. Each individual bee knows perfectly well what and at what time it needs to do. Moreover, she is very worried if reasons arise that make it difficult or impossible to complete her work. So all we can do is envy these little creatures, and not only can we, but we must learn!


Each individual insect is capable of performing any work in the bee community. Therefore, at different periods of its short life, the bee performs only the function that is intended for it and is most needed in a given period of time. If reasons arise that disrupt the normal rhythm of the family, for example, such as unfavorable weather or incorrect actions of the beekeeper, then she immediately reacts to this by stopping collecting nectar. in this case, the insect proceeds to feeding young individuals, preparing them for swarming.

Caring for others

The bee does not collect nectar for itself. In the period of time it takes for the hive bees to process it and make it suitable for food, the worker herself will already have time to die. In summer, a nectar-collecting bee lives only 30 days, and it takes almost two months for honey to ripen.

When there is not enough food in the hive, the insects divide it equally among themselves. They take the greatest care of the uterus, because it is the continuator of the family. Any bee will give her the last drop of honey, even if she is destined to die of hunger. However, if there is a lot of honey in the hive, not a single individual will ever eat too much; all the excess will be stored in reserve. We can definitely learn from this quality.


A bee family's entire life is organized on the principles of harmony. Their structures, products, and dexterity are admirable. These insects have earned human respect for their collective intelligence. Numerous mysteries of the bee family, even in our time, have not yet been fully solved. Scientists and beekeepers still have a lot to understand about the life of insects.

Unique memory

After wintering, the bees fly around the hive in order to remember its location on the ground. To do this, they use various landmarks located on the ground, the location of the hive and the entrance, relative to the sun, and other details that are insignificant for humans. When a bee goes looking for nectar, it also has to remember the entire multi-kilometer route using landmarks in order to return home. It is not possible for a person to remember as many different details as a little worker with her tiny brain remembers.

Instant solution to math problems

Bees solve the most difficult mathematical problems faster than computers - this is the conclusion made by British scientists. They found that insects always find the shortest path between flowers, while expending a minimum amount of effort. This task is very important for managing the operation of the Internet, the production of microcircuits, and when calculating the urban transport network and cargo transportation routes. Computers solve these problems by performing long and complex calculations. And bees only need a few moments to solve these problems.

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Video “The Amazing World of Bees”

The beekeeper's story about the mysterious life of a bee family and its enormous benefits for humans will not leave you indifferent. Watch the video now!

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