
Protocol of interview with a candidate for a position. How to properly interview a candidate for a job. Personnel assessment methods

Before conducting an interview, it is necessary to select a competent person suitable for the role of interviewer. He must be aware of the specifics of the enterprise and the vacancy itself for which candidates are aimed, have the skills to construct a targeted conversation and be able to draw a correct and impartial conclusion.

The interviewer must be aware of the specifics of the enterprise and the vacancy.

In small enterprises, the hiring procedure is usually carried out by the managers themselves.

A sample job interview plan looks like this:

  • A brief outline of the purpose of the conversation.
  • Dialogue on general company topics.
  • Shifting attention to the position for which the person is applying.
  • Questions about qualifications and experience.
  • Answers to candidate questions.

Follow this interview procedure and the interview will be successful. If during the conversation a decision is made to refuse a candidate, you can correctly inform him about this, indicating the reasons.

Requirements for an effective interview

There are rules for organizing interviews. Let's start with what the interviewer must have:

  • List of all candidates and protocols for notes.
  • Job description (requirements for a potential employee).
  • Job descriptions.
  • Tentative interview plan.
  • List of questions.
  • Forms for recording applicants' answers.
  • Place set up for interviews.

A room in which no one and nothing distracts from the conversation will help to conduct an interview effectively. If candidates have to wait in line, comfortable chairs and water should be provided. Remember that not only the employer chooses the employee, but the employee also chooses the employer. It would be a shame to miss out on a good candidate because of a trifle.

A room in which no one and nothing distracts from the conversation will help to conduct an interview effectively.

According to psychologists, the interview will be more productive if the interviewer sits not at a desk, but, for example, on a sofa. This will create an atmosphere of relaxed communication and evaluate the candidate’s appearance, gestures, and facial expressions.

When describing the company, present it in a favorable light, but avoid unmotivated “golden mountains” if you are counting on long-term cooperation. Short breaks (5-7 minutes) between interviews with each candidate help to sort out thoughts, get ready to work with a new person and record information about the potential employee in a protocol, analyzing his answers and behavior.

If the interview is not conducted by the DPM (decision maker), the protocol should be filled out in as much detail as possible. Its format is not regulated: it can be prepared in advance or compiled at the discretion of the interviewer. The document must include the candidate’s personal data and past professional experience. However, the main purpose of the protocol is to compile an assessment of a potential employee. Therefore, the interviewer should record in it notes and important points of the interview that will help form the final opinion and make a decision: to hire or refuse.

If you are looking for an employee for a management position, do not conduct more than 5 interviews in one day. It's better to split the process over several days. Otherwise, by the evening the candidates will begin to look alike.

The list of interview questions depends on the specifics of the vacancy. They can affect both the personal and professional spheres of a person’s life. In general, this directly depends on what type or method of interviewing is optimal in your case. A little later we will look at the topic of questions for each specific situation.

Interview Techniques

There are different types of interviews with potential candidates that can be used by the interviewer.

  • British. The decision to hire is made based on a personal conversation. Questions about professional activities and personal life. Suitable for a wide range of positions, but as an introductory conversation and to obtain generalized data.
  • German. A package of accompanying documents (personal files from previous places, letters of recommendation, certificates, diplomas) has an advantage. Pedantic Germans usually carefully check the accuracy of information and pay attention to professional skills (personal qualities are less important). Ideal for “serious” positions: managers, medical workers, teachers.
  • American. Priority to creative, mental and psychological abilities. Forms - passing a test, an informal conversation, a company presentation with questions about how a potential employee would act in a given situation. This is how creative professions are hired: creative manager, designer.
  • Chinese. Focus on written examinations such as essays, tests. In China, they prefer erudite and intellectually developed employees. The method is suitable for recruiting specialists for positions related to intellectual work: engineer, publishing editor.

In modern personnel practice, one interview technique is rarely used. In addition, HR professionals create their own methods based on the ones described above.

To prevent bias towards the interviewee, in large companies there should be several interviewers (2-4 people) or a multi-stage selection should be used (for example, a personnel officer - a potential immediate supervisor - a department head).

Interview techniques

Any of the following methods can be used to hire new employees. But this does not mean that you need to choose the first one you like. For hiring for a specific profession, some will be suitable, while others will not.

For hiring for a specific profession, some methods are suitable, while others are not.


It is considered one of the most objective and universal methods for identifying a candidate’s suitability for a specific position. The purpose of the interview is to understand how competent the candidate is in his field.

Questions are asked on professional topics that must have a real basis. If they touch on the candidate's past experience in a similar position, this can tell a lot.

If the questions touch on the candidate's past experience in a similar position, this can reveal a lot.

For example, if a payroll accountant is hired, the following question may be asked: “How will you record the receipt of money from the current account to the company’s cash desk?” If we are talking about the position of a mechanic, the questions should be from the category of specific technical topics: “Have you worked with BMW cars before? What are the specifics of their repair?”

It is not advisable to trust such interviews to HR managers. We need someone who understands the topic and can assess the candidate’s competence.


The principle of the interview is revealed in the title itself. Suitable for employment in positions where you need to make an independent and quick decision on the situation: management positions, first responders.

Any situation for the position is projected, and the candidate is asked a specific question about how he will act. The number of situations is from five to ten. Based on the results, the employee’s compliance with the company’s operating principles is assessed.


Here a person is asked to evaluate the actions of other people or characters (films, literary works). The potential employee must analyze the situation and give it a personal or professional assessment. Used to recruit for management positions with a relaxed work environment.

Advantages of such an interview:

  • Low probability of “correct answers” ​​on the part of the respondent.
  • The applicant's expectations can be compared with the actual state of the company.
  • The ability to accurately assess a person’s creative and motivational potential.

Unlike the situational principle, some time may be given to think. It is acceptable to offer several options and analyze them to select the best one. Answers should be as complete and detailed as possible. Professional and personal questions alternate to avoid “adjusting” to the situation.

Projective questions allow you to assess personal and intellectual potential. Use this technique if the position requires it.


The interview is suitable for positions in which non-standard situations constantly arise that require endurance: sellers, show business workers, sales managers, hotline operators, managers, journalists.

Organized in an extremely tense atmosphere. The following methods are allowed:

  • The principle of “evil and good policeman”.
  • Cross-sectional surveys.
  • Non-standard questions on the profession with clarification of details (sometimes the interview lasts several hours).
  • Psychological pressure: deliberate infuriation, insensitive questions.

Stress interviews can be conducted with or without warning about their specific nature. In the second case, the “purity” of the experiment is higher, but there is a risk of non-standard situations (there are also fights).

It is difficult to assess the objectivity of such an interview. Often passing the test is not a consequence of a stable psyche, but of shyness or low self-esteem.

Interview results

At the end of the interview, you should summarize the results, i.e. prepare a report containing the following information:

  • Full name of the interviewee.
  • Job title.
  • Information about the interviewer.
  • Date and time of the interview.
  • General conclusions (person’s strengths/weaknesses, impressions of the candidate, motivation, recommendations).

The choice of interview methodology for each specific profession is unique, which means there are no “ideal” methods. Approach this issue carefully, because the wrong choice of a candidate results in direct losses for the company (unearned money, decreased product quality, destabilization of the team) and extra time spent on finding and training an employee.

First of all, it should be noted the main characteristics of a person who applies for any vacancy:

  • responsibility;
  • independence;
  • desire for leadership;
  • enterprise;
  • resistance to stressful situations;
  • organizational skills;
  • ability to plan.

For each interview characteristic come up with your own questions. We'll talk about this below.

How are you assessed at an interview?

We will offer basic questions as an example. So, how to check determination during an interview with a candidate:

  • can you overcome difficulties;
  • what will be your decision when obstacles arise: don’t pay attention, continue to act and achieve results, retreat;
  • can you withstand a large number of failures;
  • what do you need failed to achieve in life and what are the reasons.

Responsibility assessment:

  • Could you you take responsibility for defeats, problems and failures;
  • will you accept help from a stranger;
  • did you help anyone, when did it happen, how did it manifest itself;
  • did your work result influence the success of the company and its employees and how did it influence it.

Entrepreneurship Assessment:

  • can you come out out of a difficult situation as a winner;
  • will you take action in unfavorable situations;
  • what obstacles, difficulties, problems you had to face in your previous position and how you solved them;
  • How did you manage to get your previous job?

Assessing the candidate's independence:

  • when you earned your first salary;
  • where did you spend the money;
  • how long have you lived separately from your parents;
  • How long have you been living on your earnings?

Stress resistance assessment:

  • are you capable make a decision in a situation when there is a panicky lack of time, uncertainty appears, pressure is exerted;
  • what conditions should the company provide you for successful work;
  • Are there any conditions under which you can quit and give examples.

Assessment of the applicant's organizational skills:

  • how do you monitor your wards;
  • how do you distribute the responsibilities of workers;
  • what mistakes do you fine for, what achievements do you reward.

Grade tactical and strategic planning:

  • whether you can carry out several tasks at the same time;
  • how do you plan your day, time to work;
  • how many ways to solve a particular problem do you usually have;
  • can you describe what was planned a year ago, which was not achieved;
  • who is involved in drawing up your plans;
  • what do you know about time management?

Grade leadership qualities:

  • have you ever been appointed a prefect;
  • Do you have the ability to influence others?
  • what main qualities do employees value in you?
  • Do you value your boss and for what qualities;
  • three of your negative qualities that are noted by your colleagues.

How to check systematic thinking during an interview with a candidate:

  • Have there been any difficult situations in your life and how did you find a way out?
  • you acted intuitively;
  • did you have any options for solutions?
  • Have you thought about the reasons that caused this situation?

How to evaluate moral values employee at interview:

  • what do you think might motivate an employee to quit;
  • what motivates a person to work;
  • why it is worth firing an employee immediately;
  • What do you think, is lying justified, and in what cases?

Important: questions may vary. It all depends on the company and the position for which the applicant is applying.

Factors influencing the analysis

Each position involves characteristics without which the work cannot produce results. For example, candidates for the position of accountant are often assessed for accuracy; The sales manager has sociability and communication skills; from the manager - ability to think, etc.

So, what are the main factors used to evaluate a candidate applying for an ordinary position:

  1. Ability to express opinions and ideas only after guidance.
  2. Ability to communicate with clients for no more than 15 minutes.
  3. If a problem arises, fix it yourself.
  4. Ability to complete assignments on time.
  5. The need to gain support from management and colleagues.
  6. Discuss assigned tasks with management.

If the applicant selects from the above characteristics those that are correct from the company's point of view, then this is the ideal candidate for the vacancy.

Please note: When considering applicants for a position, you should also pay attention to age. If an applicant with extensive work experience is in the rank and file, then he probably lacks the desire to develop, and his ambitions are incompatible with real opportunities.

And what factors should be used to analyze during an interview of a candidate applying for the position of manager:

  1. Awareness the importance of their role in the development of the company.
  2. Adequate assessment of the degree of risk and importance of information.
  3. Willingness to communicate directly with clients and staff.
  4. The ability to get things done.
  5. The ability to take responsibility.
  6. Enterprise.
  7. The ability to timely find the causes and consequences of a problem and eliminate them.
  8. Ability to evaluate the quality of work.
  9. Efficiency and activity.
  10. Ability defuse the situation and establish contacts.
  11. The ability to admit failures and bounce back quickly.
  12. Tendency to make extraordinary decisions.
  13. Interested in everyone achieving success.

Important: when choosing a candidate for a managerial position, it is worth considering that a person who does not know how to make decisions, use power and build effective communications cannot apply for a vacancy.

How to evaluate a candidate during the interview process?

So, what are the main criteria by which a candidate is assessed during the interview process?


  • the applicant arrived for the interview a few minutes before the agreed time;
  • the candidate arrived long before the interview began;
  • the applicant was very late.

Appearance of the candidate cloth:

  • dressed neatly and cleanly;
  • dressed fashionably;
  • dressed sloppily.

Communication activity:

  • usual activity level;
  • lethargic, fairly low activity;
  • the candidate is concise, answers questions too briefly, does not support the conversation;
  • active, lively, asks questions, actively supports the conversation.

Legibility, intelligibility:

  • perceives questions quickly and immediately gives clear answers;
  • quite legible, intelligible;
  • asks again, does not immediately understand questions;
  • the candidate does not understand what he is being asked about, gives off-topic answers, low level of intelligibility.

Attention: each recruiter can create criteria for evaluating a candidate at his own discretion and depending on the interests of the company.

After the interview ends

After the interview is completed, a comparison is made between the personal characteristics of the applicant and the position for which he is applying. Then the results are summed up.

Non-standard methods

These methods are not designed for experienced applicants with work experience. It is better to use them on young candidates who do not have practical experience behind them.

Collective review and high standards

This characterization of the candidate after the interview is carried out with a group of applicants for one position. Instead of a standard survey, the recruiter offers various unexpected situations. Candidates must quickly navigate and offer suitable options.

Important: this method reveals the applicant’s ability to think quickly, make decisions, determine the degree of dexterity, and the ability to work in a team and independently.

Recruiters often test applicants using the “high bar” method. It is also used on experienced candidates. In this case, an excessive requirement is made and a clear picture of the personal characteristics and skills of applicants is drawn up.

Testing on the battlefield and speed of reaction

This technique is often used during the late selection period. The applicant is asked to occupy a workplace for a certain period of time. This is how his reaction and knowledge are tested.

The applicant is offered an out-of-the-ordinary situation. This technique is to determine the ability to make correct spontaneous decisions.

Interview protocol

The interview protocol is a document that constitutes an assessment of a candidate for a vacant position. The document must include general information, personal information and past professional experience of the candidate.

The protocol format is not regulated, that is, can be compiled by a recruiter depending on the company’s preferences. The document is created in advance and filled out in as much detail as possible.

During the entire interview, notes are taken in the protocol and the most significant moments are recorded. At the end of the interview, the recruiter makes a decision: to hire the candidate or him.

Filling example

FULL NAME. candidate: Kiseleva Ekaterina Andreevna

Applying for the vacancy: Sales Manager

Set interview start time: 9:00

Actual time of arrival of the candidate (if late, the reason for the delay should be noted): 8:30

First impression of the candidate: neat appearance, friendly

Psychological qualities that will help you successfully cope with job responsibilities and master new skills: determination, enterprise, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation, the ability to quickly make the right decisions

Psychological qualities incompatible with work in this position: none

Psychological qualities that allow you to achieve compatibility with colleagues associated with the future employee and corresponding to the corporate culture of the organization: sociability, sociability

Psychological qualities that are incompatible with working in the company: none

Compliance with additional requirements: compliant

Accept: accepted for position


Analysis of the entire interview

First of all, it is necessary to identify which characteristics of the candidate are most significant for the position. Based on the notes made in the protocol during the interview, the recruiter must analyze the situation. At the same time, it would be good to take into account your impressions of the conversation with the candidate.

As a result, you should choose one of the most suitable candidates and notify the “lucky” person of acceptance for the position orally or in writing.

It is very important for each company to choose a suitable applicant for a vacant position, because its success will directly depend on this. Therefore, you should take care in advance about how the applicant will be assessed, by what parameters, personal qualities, what questions should be asked during the interview process, as well as what little details to pay attention to.

Types of interviews and methods of constructing questions with examples. What is worth finding out and what to pay attention to? How to make inquiries, check reviews and recommendations? How to build a conversation with a candidate, as well as an analysis of the main mistakes when hiring.

Interview: basics

  1. The candidate must receive advance information (in writing or by telephone) regarding the date and time of the interview with clear directions on how to get there.
  2. The secretary must be notified of the visitor's name and time of visit in order to meet him and, if necessary, order a pass.
  3. Take the time to read the candidate's bio before the interview. This will help save time.
  4. Determine the questions you expect to ask. If you don't do this, the candidate may start interviewing you himself.
  5. Try to be in the appropriate mood. If you are tired or irritated, you will not be able to evaluate the candidate.
  6. Plan the conversation so that nothing distracts your attention (phone calls, visits from strangers, etc.).
  7. Don't show bias. The first impression is often dictated by prejudice and may turn out to be completely unfounded.
  8. Make sure the candidate knows who you are - your name and title.
  9. Immediately call the candidate by name and patronymic and do this more often.
  10. Smile! Be friendly: a frightened candidate will not be able to demonstrate his strengths to you.
  11. Treat the candidate the way you would want to be treated if your roles were reversed.
  12. Provide the candidate with information about the position, both its attractive aspects and its unpleasant ones. This includes requirements for the employee, length of the working day, working conditions, opportunities for promotion, etc.
  13. Speak slowly and clearly, giving the candidate enough time to process what is being said. In a situation where the candidate is experiencing a lot of nervous tension, it may be difficult for him to perceive you.
  14. Don't praise your company or the proposed position like you would in a bazaar.
  15. Don't make promises you can't keep. Don't exaggerate your promotion opportunities. If such opportunities are not available, a frustrated employee may become resentful of you, which will affect his or her performance.

One-on-one interview


  • It's easy to agree on a time and place that is convenient for both of you.
  • A casual conversation in an informal setting.
  • The candidate feels more relaxed, seeing only one interviewer, and is more likely to reveal his essence.
  • It is easier for the interviewer to control and steer the conversation in the right direction.


  • It may be an unreliable assessment method (for example, you have unconscious biases against certain types of people, which may affect your choice).
  • You may end up being a bad interviewer, unable to evaluate the right candidate.
  • You may be inexperienced and find it difficult to make a decision.

Group interview

In a small business, the group may consist of you, your immediate supervisor and, if the work is specialized, an expert in the field (to assess the candidate’s knowledge and experience).


  • A fairer and more accurate method of evaluation since all interviewers cannot be biased against one candidate.
  • Interviewers can share responsibility for the questions asked and selection decisions made.
  • This will make a stronger impression on the candidate.
  • It's easier to take notes about the candidate without disrupting the flow of the conversation.


  • The candidate may feel nervous in the presence of several people.
  • It can be difficult to get all the candidates and interviewers together.
  • Tensions can develop between interviewers if one tries to dominate the others.

Interviewing as an art

The ability to create a trusting atmosphere that will help the candidate overcome constraint and tension, choose the most appropriate form of interview in a given case, simulate situations that allow you to reveal different sides of the personality and assess the professional level of the candidate comes with practice.

  • Questions should be formulated clearly and clearly. The candidate should focus their attention and effort on answering your questions rather than deciphering the questions themselves. Use simple and understandable words. Do not ask several questions “in one go.” It is advisable to group the questions by topic, smoothly moving from one to another. Sometimes it is worth emphasizing this: “Now that we have clarified the issues related to your education, let’s talk about work experience.” Don't let the conversation stray from the course you set. If the interlocutor’s answer led away from the essence of the question, ask him again: “Sorry, I meant...”.
  • Make the candidate talk more than you do. Remember that you are interviewing him, not him interviewing you. A savvy candidate can make you talk in such a way that you will be left with the most favorable impression of him, even though you were listening to yourself.
  • Pay attention to the questions he asks you.
  • The “golden rule” of an interviewer: 20% of the time asking questions and 80% listening.
  • Experience the candidate with all your senses. Wordless contact is no less important than verbal contact. Pay attention to the candidate's facial expressions, gestures, postures, and eye expressions.
  • Often important information is provided by answers from areas quite distant from the immediate subject of conversation. For example, someone who enjoys hang gliding is essentially letting you know that they like to take risks. If he built the house himself, it means he is persistent and can do a lot himself.

Interview: constructing questions

A good interviewer, in order to extract the maximum amount of reliable information, uses a wide range of questions, varying in both content and form. What kind of questions are these?

  1. Questions that require detailed answers (such questions are preferable because they force the candidate to open up more, for example: “How well do you work under high pressure?”).
  2. Questions that require unambiguous answers (for example: “Are you ready to start working on Wednesday?” or when you clarify: “Have you worked at JSC Perspektiva for 2 years?”).
  3. Questions aimed at more realistically assessing the answers to the previous questions (“Have you ever had situations in which things didn’t work out so well?”).
  4. Questions that illustrate a story about a behavior style (“Tell me about a time you did…” or “Give an example of how…”).
  5. If something alarms you, then ask: “Have you had to behave this way in other cases?”
  6. To guide the conversation, you can use the ending "isn't it?" (for example: “Since we don’t have much time, I think we should move on to the next set of questions, don’t we?”).
  7. Mirror questions, when you repeat the candidate’s statement in interrogative form and pause (for example, if the candidate said that he is sociable, the mirror question is: “Are you sociable?..”).
  8. Questions that require a choice and justification for it (for example: “I would like to know what you would prefer if ...?”).
  9. A situation is proposed, and you ask the interlocutor’s opinion (for example: “It always seemed to me that the client should be served only after he has paid the bill, but what do you think?”).
  10. Leading questions (“We believe that the customer is always right, what do you think about this?”).
  11. A series of questions to focus on different aspects of the situation (for example: “Can you work under pressure?”, “Tell me about situations when you had to do this”, “Was it difficult to meet a deadline?”, “How did the critical situation arise?” situation?”, “Whose fault?”, “What did you do?”, etc.) By issuing the entire series of questions “in one clip,” you can check whether the candidate is able to quickly perceive information and make decisions under stress.
  12. Questions that develop the previous answer (“Tell me more about this”, “Give an example”, “This is interesting”, “What did this teach you?”).

Interview: what to find out

  • Why did the candidate leave his previous job? Have the terms of the contract been violated by the candidate?
  • The real reason he wants this job.
  • Is the candidate diligent or lazy?
  • Does the candidate have a quick reaction time?
  • Is the candidate open to new things or is he stubborn and dogmatic?
  • Is the candidate observant?
  • Is the candidate proactive or does he need to be given directions?
  • How meticulous is the candidate in his work (and slow in execution), or is he fast but careless?

Interview: what to pay attention to

  • The candidate has changed many jobs.
    More than one job per year is a negative signal. Preference should be given to someone who has worked in each place for at least 2–3 years.
  • Colorful descriptions of your own achievements.
    Try to structure the interview to ensure that these are not obvious exaggerations.
  • Vaguely worded job titles.
    Ask what the actual job responsibilities were at each job. You should not assume that a particular position at another company means the same thing as it does at yours. Remember that for some positions, previous experience is not necessary and may even be a disadvantage for the candidate if you intend to train him to perform according to your requirements.

Character traits

  • Is the person tactful, restrained, self-confident?
  • Is it easy to communicate with him?
  • Is he compatible with other employees in the group?
  • Does he like being alone or does he enjoy being in public?

Try to ask questions for which standard answers cannot be prepared. Pay attention to nervousness - in general cases this is not a big deal, but in other cases it can be extremely important. You should also find out what his ability to adapt is, since this is a very important character trait. Lack of psychological flexibility creates serious problems because it interferes with an employee's growth and development.

Appearance. You have every right to expect that a candidate will appear neat and well-groomed when he or she appears for an interview. This indicates his inherent sense of self-worth and suggests that his work will be characterized by the same accuracy.

If he shows up to an interview looking "unpresentable", you can bet he won't look any better when he shows up for work. However, just because he came to the interview well dressed does not mean that this is how he will always look at work.

Intelligence and education. Match the person to the location. If you place highly qualified people in lower-level positions, you will end up with a lot of dissatisfied employees and high turnover.

And vice versa: do not appoint unqualified people to positions where, despite all their best sides, none of them can cope with the responsibilities. You will only let them and yourself down. Book knowledge is rarely directly applicable at work, although it can instill in the candidate an illusory belief in his own capabilities. Common sense and a desire to learn are always more valuable than academic education.


In recent years, the main method of obtaining information from third parties has been making inquiries. It usually follows a survey. In the application form, the candidate is asked to indicate several people who know him closely who can confirm the information provided and further characterize him as an employee.

At the same time, the firm stipulates its right to independently collect information necessary to make hiring decisions. Sometimes information is requested about colleagues, friends, senior comrades, relatives, teachers who could characterize the person applying for work.

Two forms of collecting information predominate: a written request and establishing contact with a representative of the former employer by telephone. If an applicant is applying for a management position, HR services are interested in his leadership style, attitude to new things, ability to work with people, and attitude towards taking responsibility for decisions.

In terms of checking factual information, HR specialists are most often interested in the level of pay at the previous place of work and the amount of bonuses; the volume and quality of work performed, information about labor discipline and the number of working days missed (including due to illness), the employee’s health, reasons for dismissal.

If the applicant himself receives the review in his own hands for transmission at the place of request, compliance with the truth is not guaranteed: many people will not want to write their real opinion about the applicant, since the latter can read it. As a result, the authors of such letters either focus on the applicant's shortcomings or exaggerate his good qualities.

A special jury of the employer's organization, familiar with the specifics of the job, sets out these special requirements in order of importance. A request for a letter of recommendation is then sent, asking the former employer to evaluate the applicant. An additional check is also carried out by telephone (especially at the last place of work or education).

How to build a conversation with the candidate you have chosen

So, the selection process is complete. You have identified the candidate to whom you will offer the job. It’s good if you still have one or two candidates left who are also mostly satisfactory for you. Experience shows that it is not so rare that a candidate who has shown interest in your offer cannot be hired for one reason or another.

The message to the candidate that the company has chosen him is usually done over the phone. Don’t forget that if you are calling at work, it may be inconvenient for your interlocutor to discuss this issue at the moment. Be sure to start by asking if he has the time and is comfortable discussing this issue with you.

If you call and say that you offer him to take this position in your company, you will most likely hear a standard thank you and a request to postpone the decision for a while to think about the offer. The candidate may have a variety of reasons for this, for example, he may be waiting for a response from another company that seems more attractive to him. He may simply be selling himself out. But in any case, ending the conversation in such a way is not at all beneficial to you.

It is better to call and start by asking whether your interlocutor has retained interest in the position for which he contacted you - as a rule, this always follows a positive answer. Find out if he has any questions during this time. It may be advisable to postpone their discussion until a personal meeting and discuss it after the candidate has familiarized himself with the proposed contract.

Perhaps he will find answers to his questions in the text of the contract, or perhaps, on the contrary, new ones will appear. Now you can move on to your proposal. Thus, the conversation script itself will lead to an immediate solution that is convenient for you.

Having received verbal confirmation, it is advisable to give the candidate two copies of the contract. From the moment the candidate’s signed contract is returned to you, he is considered actually hired. But this does not exclude the need to complete the formalities for hiring an employee by issuing an order.

Since our mail is not yet reliable enough, instead of sending the contract by mail, which is usually recommended by foreign aids, it is more reasonable to organize a personal meeting or use a courier (if you have one).

If during the interview it was not possible to discuss or sufficiently clarify some issues, for example, about payment terms and other incentives, then this issue should be discussed further when concluding a contract.

Basic mistakes when hiring

  1. The qualities required for the job are not clearly defined.
  2. Repeated interviews with the same questions.
  3. False interpretation of the candidate's data. Hypothetical questions like “what would happen if...” lead astray from the right path. Managers “fall in love” with a person who knows how to tell a beautiful story. Interviewers become victims of psychological projection. They perceive in the actions of others motives that actually belong to themselves.
  4. Judgment influenced by biases. A manager who dislikes long hair, likes attractive women, or has his own opinion about the “typical engineer” may or may not be aware of his biases. But they color personal decisions to a greater or lesser extent.
  5. Halo effect. The strength or weakness of a signal about some qualities is often considered to be the strength or weakness of a signal about others. Eloquence does not indicate outstanding ability, just as its absence does not provide grounds for mistrust.
  6. Rash decisions. A manager can actually make a decision by glancing at an application, glancing at a candidate's face, or shaking his hand. The interview thus becomes a formality. Information that supports the initial assessment is absorbed, and data that contradicts it is eliminated.
  7. Excessive sensitivity to negative factors. Hypersensitivity to signs of negative characteristics.
  8. Excessively high confidence in the interview. Lack of trust in other methods of collecting information (for example, tests).
  9. Lack of selection system. A lot of time is wasted interviewing unqualified people. The lack of a system means that some data is controlled, others are not, some candidates are tested, others are not.
  10. Lack of decision making system. Managers too often compare their impressions spontaneously, without systematizing their conclusions.
  11. Big rush. The desire to fill the workplace without delay.
  12. Relative ratings instead of absolute ones. Decisions are often made in terms of the relative suitability of the candidates at hand rather than in terms of the true requirements of the candidate for the position. After interviewing several unsatisfactory candidates, the average one appears to be the best.

White salary This is the only legal form of remuneration. Many job seekers, when looking for work, are also faced with illegal types of payment: black and gray wages. In order to figure out whether the salary from a given employer is legal, you need to pay attention to the following signs.

Signs of a white salary:

  • The full salary amount is indicated in the documents upon hiring.
  • Bonuses and other incentive allowances are calculated by order.
  • Money is transferred to the card or issued through the cash register. Cash payment must be made according to one of the following documents: cash order, payroll or payroll. Documents must be signed by the manager, chief accountant or authorized person. Opposite the name of a specific employee should be the amount that is issued in person.
  • No additional amounts will be issued in envelopes.
  • The actual amount of income is reflected in the 2-NDFL certificate and in the pay slip.
  • All deductions are made from the entire amount of the employee’s income.

What is official wages?

Many people don't even think about the fact that they are receiving illegal income. They work without registration or receive part of their payment in envelopes, but do not understand that part of their income is hidden. For most employees, it does not matter that the amount of their actual income according to documents is less than their real earnings. Employees pay attention to ensuring that money arrives on time, without delays.

The official salary is calculated either according to the report card or according to the standards met. An employee should not register for a salary less than the minimum wage established by the state.

Salary structure

  • Salary. For the calculation of which, the actual time worked according to the time sheet, or the standards actually fulfilled, are taken into account.
  • Bonus (for length of service, qualifications, length of service, rank or others).
  • Additional payments for work on weekends, for night work, for replacing an absent employee and others.
  • Incentive payments, including bonuses.
  • The regional coefficient established in a specific region.

When an employee is on sick leave, he is paid temporary disability benefits. When on a business trip, business trips. And when you go on vacation, you are paid vacation pay.

Features of employment

When hiring an employee, a hiring order must be issued. An employment contract is another fundamental document that describes the position, working conditions, rest, and the amount of remuneration for the duties performed.

You need to familiarize yourself with the following internal documents of the organization:

  1. Collective agreement.
  2. Regulations on bonuses.
  3. Inner order rules.
  4. Job descriptions.
  5. Taxes and salaries.

You need to understand the difference between accrued and paid wages. The difference between them is the withheld personal income tax (personal income tax), trade union dues, alimony and other deductions under the writ of execution.

Additionally, the employer pays mandatory contributions to the following extra-budgetary funds from all accrued employee income:

  1. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR).
  2. Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF).
  3. Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (FSS).

Illegal types of wages

On the territory of the Russian Federation there is only one type of remuneration - official wages in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In common parlance, such earnings are called white wages. No other types of remuneration are legal; there are no legal concepts of black or gray wages.

Black salary

An employment contract is not concluded with the employee, no hiring order is made, and there is no documentation of the person in the organization. Such an employee receives his salary in cash in an envelope.

Obvious disadvantages of illegal sources of income:

  • Lack of legal protection for employees.
  • No tax transfers.
  • Inability to officially go on vacation, sick leave or maternity leave.

The employee does not have any length of service and does not make any contributions to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund, or the Social Insurance Fund. In case of illness or dismissal, the employer often does not make the required payments. When the time comes to receive your pension, payments will be minimal.

The only advantage of such a source is the higher amount of illegal income. This option is convenient for business areas with a regular turnover of cash, which later goes to pay earnings.

This method is also convenient for real estate organizations. Only a few people register with such companies, and the rest receive only a percentage of sales.

Gray salary

Partially the official salary is called gray. At the same time, employees are registered on the minimum wage. It is from this amount that the employer pays all taxes. Sometimes an employee is assigned to a position with a lower salary. The remainder is paid in an envelope.

This scheme allows the employer to reduce tax costs and allows for an increase in wages. However, sick leave, maternity leave, and vacation leave are, as a rule, calculated according to the minimum wage and their size is minimal. There is a high probability that after maternity leave the employer will offer to resign, and if you disagree, he will leave only the white part of the salary.

Another disadvantage of partially illegal earnings is that the employer regulates the amount in the envelope independently and can establish various fines and illegal deductions.

Scheme of illegal salaries disguised as dividends

Another way to pay salaries is through a scheme that includes a minimum salary and dividends. Each employee is given the opportunity to purchase shares of the organization, which he must sell upon dismissal.

These conditions are specified in the employment contract. A smaller part of the salary is processed and paid on time. The employee periodically receives most of the income in the form of dividends, which in fact make up the majority of his earnings.

Taxes are transferred only from the minimum wage. The frequency of dividends is not monthly, but quarterly. In this scheme, dividends are a good cover for illegal income. To identify this scheme, all employment contracts, minutes and documents of shareholder meetings, employee shares and the amount of payments are reconciled.

What does the employer risk?

Often, the employer is calm and confident that employees will not complain, since they will not be able to prove anything without official documents. However, illegal schemes are detected quite easily. To do this, an unscheduled inspection is carried out and the number of employees in the workplace and in the staffing table is simply compared.

Employee complaints to inspection bodies and witness testimony can help identify this scheme. Illegal payment of labor and tax evasion threatens the employer with heavy fines and even criminal liability.

Advantages and disadvantages of official earnings for an employee

  • The main advantage is the social security of the employee. If there is a violation of labor obligations, you can file a complaint with the regulatory authorities.
  • Registration of employees and payment of white wages is a sign of a stable organization.
  • Taxes are charged on all earnings. In the future, the amount of pension payments will be calculated from these taxes transferred to the Pension Fund.
  • Temporary disability benefits and vacation pay are calculated based on total earnings.
  • When you go on parental leave, it will be easier to return to your position while maintaining your salary, since the registration is official.
    You can confirm your income with a certificate; this is sometimes necessary to obtain a mortgage or loan.
  • The salary is fixed; the employer does not have the right to reduce it at will.
  • If an employee is dismissed, the employer must pay all due payments.
  • You can return part of your personal income tax from the budget using tax deductions. This is beneficial if you buy an apartment or house with a mortgage.

The disadvantages are not so obvious, but they still exist.

  • Official income is usually less than illegal income. Because the employer reduces part of its expenses by cutting salaries.
  • Most vacancies in private business are offered with illegal earnings, so it is more difficult to find a job with an official salary.
  • Alimony and debts under writs of execution are withheld from official earnings; illegal income is easier to hide. In this regard, when registering an employee, the full amount will be deducted from the salary.

Advantages and disadvantages of a white salary for an employer

  • The obvious disadvantage is the cost of taxes.
  • Complex accounting reporting.
  • Inability to fire an unsuitable employee, since according to the Labor Code this is difficult to do.

There are much fewer advantages for the employer:

  • No liability for illegal wages and tax evasion.
  • Good reputation and stability of the organization.
  • Accounting transparency.

How to check whether an employee’s payment is official?

If an employee has doubts about whether he has official income, this can be checked as follows. You need to register in your personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service and download the 2-NDFL certificate there. Organizations are required to submit these certificates annually by name. Having received a similar one in accounting, you can compare income by month.

Despite the obvious advantages of the white salary, most employers and employees settle on the gray version. When making such a choice, you need to weigh all the risks, since employees often lose more than they gain. It must be borne in mind that if the salary is illegal, the employer may delay its payment for an indefinite period, pay it not in full, or not pay it at all.

Write down key points and phrases, as well as your comments about the person's behavior. For each competency, it is necessary to collect at least 2-3 facts from the candidate’s experience. It is desirable that this be both positive and negative information. Evaluate the applicant only after the interview is completed. Don't give answers. Your interlocutor should not get the impression that there are right and wrong answers. Scheme for constructing an interview Stage 1. Introduction, establishing contact 1. Introduce yourself.2. Outline the purpose and procedure of the interview.3. Warn the candidate that you will be taking notes.4. Ask a general introductory question (for example, “Where have you worked before?”). Step 2: Interviewers who have a preference for a certain personality type select people who match them, regardless of their other characteristics.

We draw conclusions based on the results of the interview - good or bad


Conclusion Based on the results of the interview, the Commission consisting of: · Chairman – Dr. so-called prof. head of the department “Technology, organization and economics of construction”, · members of the commission: - Ph.D., Assoc. , Ph.D., Associate Professor Having conducted an interview with Vasily Alekseevich Kharitonov on the issue of admission to graduate school at the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University in the department of “Technology, organization and economics of construction”, I came to the following conclusion: 1. has a higher education in the specialty of construction and restoration of artificial structures on railways, received in Leningrad Higher Military School of Railway Troops and Military Communications in 1980. 2. Experience in construction exceeds 25 years. 3. Currently working at the Lengiproinzhproekt design institute as head of the PIC sector.

Sample conclusion based on the results of the interview

Experienced managers always prepare for conversations with applicants in advance;

  • they don't tell you when you can call and find out how the interview went.

See also Correctly filling out an application for payment of redundancy benefits for the second month Is it worth finding out on your own how the interview went? Is it worth calling the employer during the interview - this question worries applicants who are waiting for an answer to the desired vacancy. The answer is clear: it’s worth it, but only if you are really interested in this work.

It happens that even if a candidate does not suit the employer in some respects, he is still hired for a probationary period, thanks to his activity and perseverance.


After a job seeker posts his resume, he is invited to a personal meeting. But even after this, the question of how to understand how the interview went remains open.
It is worth saying that there are a number of signs that indicate that you don’t have to think about further job search. Knowing these characteristic features will allow you to remain calm and refuse to look at other vacancies.

  • Signs of a successful interview
  • Signs of a failed interview
  • Is it worth finding out on your own how the interview went?
  • How to try to improve the situation in case of an unsuccessful interview
  • Conclusion

Signs of a successful interview A successful interview is the dream of job seekers who strive to get a particular position.

Topic: interview methodology

  • Sociable.
  • Tolerates neuro-emotional stress well.
  • When involved in a conflict, he is determined to search for a mutually acceptable compromise and combines an orientation towards the interests of the cause with the desire to maintain good relations.
  • Has a high level of development of formal business communication skills.
  • Restrained, rational, trusts reason more than feelings.
  • Able to make decisions under time pressure, maintains performance in the face of interference.
  • Responsible and organized in completing assigned work.
  • Negative factors that may appear under unfavorable circumstances (possible risks)
  1. He is suspicious, inclined to speculate on neutral statements, suspecting disrespect for himself.

It is worth saying that this option is inferior to a telephone call. There is no guarantee that the recipient will receive your letter and respond.


Very often, emails go to spam and the employer simply does not see them. See also Rules for drawing up and a sample order for dismissal of employees due to staff reduction A letter to the employer after an interview - its example is similar to what you would say if you called on the phone.

The only difference is that at the end of the letter you must indicate your telephone number where the person can contact you. Important! When sending a letter, use the special button to indicate the importance.

This way, you will have a guarantee that the recipient will not miss it. If they don’t call you after the interview, try calling yourself. Then there is a high probability that you will be given an answer, and you will be able to plan your further actions.

Conclusions about the employee based on the interview results

SAMPLES OF DOCUMENTS Interview report » » 200 Interview with candidate I.I. Ivanov for the vacant position of head of the sales department Professional experience is extensive and fully corresponds to the proposed position (seven years of work in sales, five of them in management positions). The candidate is actively realized his opportunities for promotion.

Expressed need for career growth and success. Ambitious. An example of a conclusion based on the results of an interview. What are you particularly good at? Why do you think so?2.


Please describe the best manager or subordinate you have ever worked with.3. Please name your three main functions or responsibilities at your last place of work, the performance of which was used to evaluate the success of your activities.4.

Is honesty always the best policy?5.
If the interlocutor begins to go into detail, politely remind him that at this stage this information is not important to you yet. After completing the overview part, move on to the prepared behavioral questions. Tell the candidate that the further conversation will be more dynamic, and it is advisable that he answer in as much detail as possible. Important Do not try to form a final impression about the applicant at this stage. Write down your main findings so you can refer back to them later. Focus more on recent school and work experience that is most relevant and relevant to the position being considered. Don't ask too many questions about past events. Regional Manager Interview Conclusion If the candidate talks about what he liked or didn't like about his previous job, this will help you assess his motivation.
In the course of writing the work, the author found that the most effective methods of recruiting personnel in the conditions of LLC “Magazin No. 17” is the use of the Internet and recruitment agencies, since in the first case the cost per unit of labor amounted to 26 thousand rubles, and in the second only 6, 35 thousand rubles. Based on the calculations performed, the most ineffective recruitment method for a company is placing advertisements on the radio.

In this case, the cost per unit of labor amounted to 55.7 thousand rubles. As a result of the analysis of the current system of recruitment and personnel assessment in LLC “Magazin No. 17”, carried out in the second chapter, the author of the work noted the following shortcomings that impede the development of the company: 1.

The company does not have a recruitment manager; currently the deputy director is recruiting personnel together with the heads of departments, who are in need of a new employee. 2.
The basis of the system for selecting applicants for a vacant position is a one-stage interview. 3. The company does not conduct surveys or testing. 4. The practice of working with recommendations from previous places of work and the absence of security checks of applicants are not used as a selection criterion. 5. If we turn to the analysis of the qualitative composition of personnel, then, based on the educational level, we can conclude that the company has always been dominated by specialists with secondary specialized education, and their share in 2006 increased compared to 2005, while in the country as a whole there is a tendency to increase the share of those workers who have higher education. 6.

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