
Application for inclusion in the vacation schedule form. Application for leave and inclusion in the leave schedule. The employee chooses the vacation time

Based on Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employers regularly approve a plan for the future rest of employees and approve it no later than 2 weeks before the end of the current year. For example, the vacation schedule for 2019 (excel can be downloaded for free below) should have appeared in the organization no later than December 15, 2017, and the vacation schedule for 2019 in Excel must be approved before December 17, 2018. This slight postponement is due to the fact that December 15 falls on a Saturday, a day off. Therefore, the deadline can be postponed to the next working day, the Ministry of Labor clarifies in Letter No. 14-2/OOG-9399 dated December 8, 2017.

The company has the right to develop its own sample template and approve the vacation schedule based on this document. But its details must necessarily coincide with those included in the unified form T-7 vacation schedule, the form of which is approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of January 5, 2004 No. 1.

Template vacation schedule for 2019 (form)

Unified form T-7 vacation schedule: sample filling

Filling out and working with this document can be divided into several stages. Here is an example of filling out a vacation schedule for 2019. The proposed option is relevant for drawing up the T-7 form for a future period in paper form and will help, if you need to know how to draw up, fill out and approve the vacation schedule for 2019 in 1C. The filling rules are similar.

Note that in some companies the first thing they do is issue an order approving the vacation schedule for 2019. Organizations develop a sample of such a document independently. But we do not consider it in the article, since it is not a mandatory order.

Stage one. Filling

1. The name of the structural unit is entered in the first column.

2. In the second - the name of the position of a person from this unit, according to.

3. Full name is entered in the third column. persons from the specified unit holding this position.

4. In the fourth column we write down the personnel number of the person - it can be viewed either in or in.

5. In the fifth column we enter the total number of days of rest that the employee is entitled to for the time worked. If an employee did not use any rest days in previous periods, here they are all summed up - you will get this smart vacation schedule for 2019 in Excel (you can download the form for free at the beginning of the article).

6. In the sixth column we enter information about the planned vacation dates.

Stage two. Coordination (if there is a trade union)

Stage six. Leaving on vacation

After the vacation schedule (form T-7 free download 2019) is approved, rest in accordance with this plan is mandatory for everyone. It is impossible to cancel this document. The next steps are:

3. The employee gets acquainted with the order and signs it.

4. Column 7 contains the vacation dates from the order.

5. In the employee’s personal card (form T-2) in section VIII, information about the dates of rest is entered in accordance with the order.

Stage seven. Transfer of vacation

Despite the simplicity of working with the T-7 form, life makes its own adjustments. For example, you can prepare and download an excel vacation schedule for 2019, taking into account holidays approved at the federal and regional levels. In addition, it must be taken into account that sometimes an employee needs to reschedule a planned vacation depending on the circumstances. In this case, the operating algorithm is as follows:

1. The employee writes a free form application in advance.

2. The employee’s application is approved by the immediate superior (in this case it will be the head of the enterprise).

The manager makes the appropriate decision. When making changes to the T-7 form, it is necessary to remember that they are all made in the same manner by which the form was approved (order or visa of the manager).

3. The person responsible for working with T-7 enters the necessary information in columns 8, 9 and 10. The information is taken either from the employee’s application or from the order to amend the vacation schedule.

If, by agreement of the parties, it was decided between the employee and the employer that the former will not go on vacation in 2019, he writes an application to postpone his vacation, the application is agreed upon, columns 8, 9 and 10 are filled out in the schedule, column 7 is not filled out.

Haven't made your vacation schedule yet? Start working on the document on time to meet the deadline. Find out about 4 new rules in 2019 and download a sample form.

In the article:

Download this useful document:

Vacation schedule for 2019: who draws up and when

The vacation schedule is a mandatory document that is drawn up annually. It prescribes how company employees will rest in the next calendar year. Both employees and the employer are required to comply with the document. The latter needs to draw up a document with clearly stated dates.

A vacation schedule is needed to:

  1. Provide notice in advance, pay vacation pay and fulfill all other obligations towards the vacationer.
  2. Find a replacement for a specialist who is going on vacation in a timely manner.
  3. Prevent employees from accumulating unused vacation days - the company could be fined for this.
  4. Distribute vacation days among work groups, teams and departments so that no department is idle due to the simultaneous absence of several employees.

Drawing up the vacation schedule for 2019 is entrusted to the personnel officer. You can take as a basis the unified form No. T-7 , approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 of January 5, 2004. You can also develop your own document form for 2019, having it approved by order. The document is certified by the signature of the head of the personnel department and submitted to the director of the company for approval.

Attention! The State Transport Inspectorate controls the deadlines for document approval for 2019 and strictly monitors their compliance. The deadline is December 17, which in 2018 is Monday. You can play it safe and approve the 2019 document on December 14 (Fri) or December 15 (Sat). Consider the length of the work week in your organization.

Information that should be in the sample:

  1. Employer details.
  2. Information about the employee: structural unit, position or profession, personnel number, last name, first name and patronymic.
  3. Vacation start dates.
  4. Number of calendar days of vacation.
  5. Details of the transfer and notes indicating the reason for the transfer.

2. Resolve the issue of granting vacations for previous years

Now, unused vacations are in any case retained by the employee and do not expire, regardless of how long ago he received the right to them. This decision was made by the Constitutional Court. Considering the number of accrued vacation days the employee has, decide whether to include them in the new vacation schedule.

Compilation procedure for 2019: step-by-step algorithm

Step 1. Find out what employees want

Who to include in the new schedule

Enter all full-time employees, including external and internal part-time employees, into the document template for 2019. You may not include in the general list women on maternity leave who do not plan to return to work in the next calendar year. But for those whose maternity leave ends next year, pay it in immediately.

Newcomers who get a job in the company after the document is approved are granted leave for the first year based on applications, and not on a schedule.

Check if there are beneficiaries in the team. They have the right to leave at any convenient time in accordance with the Labor Code.

Which employees are entitled to take unscheduled leave?

A document base


An employee whose wife is on maternity leave

A copy of the certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth

Part 4 art. 123 TK

An employee before or immediately after maternity leave

Certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth

Articles 122, 260 Labor Code

Workers under 18 years of age

Articles 122, 267 Labor Code

Employees who adopted a child under three months of age

Birth certificate

Article 122 Labor Code


Certificate from main place of work

Article 286 Labor Code

Employees of the Far North and equivalent territories, if accompanying a child who enters an educational institution in another area

Birth certificate

Article 322 Labor Code

If the company is large, authorize line managers to draw up preliminary draft schedules for each department, and then combine them into a consolidated vacation schedule in Excel (you can download a standard template online).

Attention! Since October 2018, a new article 262.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation came into force, granting employees with three or more children under the age of 12 the right to take annual paid leave at any convenient time.

Taking into account the opinions of employees will help to avoid grievances and conflicts when drawing up a vacation schedule. It is advisable to entrust the heads of departments with collecting the wishes of subordinates. They will take into account the interchangeability of employees and seasonal workload. If the organization is small, then a personnel employee can collect the wishes of all employees.

Advice from the editors of the magazine "Personnel Business"

Discuss leave dates with employees in advance or request information in writing. For example, have department and work group heads create preliminary schedules and then consolidate them into one document. What you need for this, read the article:

Step 2: Create preliminary schedules

Often it is simply not possible to take into account the wishes of all employees. In this case, we leave only the wishes of the preferential categories unchanged. We give the rest the opportunity to independently agree on their vacation time.

Many workers want to go on vacation in the summer. To ensure this, you can plan vacations in parts. In this case, the employee will be indicated in the vacation schedule in two lines. Please note:

  1. You will need written confirmation that the employee agrees to splitting the vacation into parts.
  2. One part of the vacation must be 14 or more calendar days.

If employees cannot reach an agreement, then department heads can schedule them a vacation at a time that is convenient for the organization. By the way, some months can be made “closed for vacations” altogether. The employer has the right to do this if, due to the nature of production, the absence of an employee during this period may adversely affect the normal course of work of the organization.

Step 3: Check preliminary schedules

Heads of departments submit pre-compiled schedules to the personnel department for verification. The personnel officer will check whether the leave begins earlier than the period for which it is granted.

The working year for which leave is granted is from 06/10/2018 to 06/09/2019. Vacation for this period must be planned no earlier than June 11, 2019.

Of course, it's very early. The employee will receive leave in advance after working only 1 day in a given working year. But the law does not prohibit this. Although such situations should not be allowed. After all, if an employee decides to quit immediately after a vacation, then it will be difficult to make deductions for unworked vacation days.

Step. 4. Draw up a draft vacation schedule

A project is a document that has been drawn up, but not yet signed or approved. You can draw up a vacation schedule using the unified T-7 form, or you can develop your own form. A sample completed schedule is below.

Experts from System Personnel have developed a new automated HR tool - . It will help you plan vacations taking into account holidays and see who needs to be notified about the start of the vacation in the near future.

Step 5. Agree and approve the vacation schedule

The vacation schedule must be agreed upon with the trade union, but only if there is one in the company. The trade union committee must review the draft document within 5 working days. If you don’t get a reasoned opinion, you assert it without consent.

The vacation schedule must be approved 2 weeks before the start of the next calendar year. December 17 (in 2018 this is Monday) is the latest date for approval of the schedule.

  1. The vacation schedule can be approved by the head of the organization. To do this, he puts the date and his signature in the upper right corner of the document.
  2. The vacation schedule can be approved if you issue an order on the main activities of the company and include in it the item “Approve the vacation schedule for 2019.” The vacation schedule itself will be an appendix to the order.

Attention! The law does not indicate how the vacation schedule must be approved. The manager does this at his own discretion.

Experts advise approving the document using the first method. Firstly, the unified T-7 form provides for approval by the head personally. Secondly, the storage period for the vacation schedule is very short - only one year from the date of expiration, and it is inappropriate to approve such documents with orders that are stored permanently.

The law does not require putting the organization's seal on the chart. This document is for internal use only.

Step 6. Familiarize employees with the vacation schedule

The Labor Code does not directly provide that employees need to be familiarized with the vacation schedule against receipt. Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation only says that it is necessary to notify the employee of the start of vacation 2 weeks before it starts. But Rostrud (letter dated 08/01/2012 No. PG/5883-6-1) believes that the vacation schedule is a local act of the organization, therefore the employer is obliged to familiarize employees with it under signature.

Expert answer from Sistema Personnel

Is it necessary to inform employees about the vacation schedule?
Narrated by Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department of the Russian Ministry of Health

The law does not provide a clear answer to this question. Currently there are two opposing positions on this issue.

Position one. Form T-7 does not provide a column for the employee’s signature. In addition, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not establish such an obligation.

Position two. There is an opinion that...

To avoid mistakes, use smart vacation schedule for 2019 - a ready-made table with four tabs. All you have to do is enter employee data into Excel and download it.

The editors of the magazine “Personnel Affairs” have prepared. From it you will learn how to use the vacation schedule in practice: enable macros, transfer data, use the “Scheduler” function. Coordinate the finished document with the trade union (if any) and approve it in the manner prescribed by local standards.

Use a “smart” document in Excel format to meet the legal deadlines and avoid mistakes when working on the document. The table is accompanied by a ready-made template for printing - unified form No. T-7 with all the necessary details. When drawing up the document, try to take into account the wishes of the employees and respect the rights of parents with many children and other beneficiaries who are allowed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to take leave at any convenient time.

The vacation schedule is a document mandatory for both the employer and the employee. It is approved no later than two weeks before the start of the year for which this schedule is drawn up (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), i.e. no later than December 17. The vacation schedule for 2019 had to be approved no later than December 17, 2018.

Vacation schedule: how to draw it up correctly

Some accountants are wondering: how to create a vacation schedule? In fact, the preparation of this document should not cause any particular difficulties. But when drawing up a vacation schedule, you need to take into account some nuances.

Vacation schedule: registration rules and changes

When preparing a vacation schedule for the next calendar year, it first makes sense to agree on the vacation time of those employees who are entitled to it at a time convenient for them.

  • husbands whose wives are on maternity leave (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • part-timers. The fact is that this category of workers must be granted leave at the same time as leave at their main place of work (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • minor workers (Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • honorary donors of Russia (clause 1, clause 1, article 23 of the Federal Law of July 20, 2012 N 125-FZ);
  • spouses of military personnel planning a vacation at the same time as their spouse (Clause 11, Article 11 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 N 76-FZ);
  • Chernobyl victims (clause 5 of article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 N 1244-1).

It is better to collect statements from such employees in which they indicate their wishes regarding vacation dates. These statements will confirm that you have indeed provided these employees with leave at a time convenient for them. But it is worth keeping in mind that the employee may subsequently change his mind and change the desired vacation time. In this case, it also makes sense to obtain a corresponding statement from the employee.

What to include in your vacation schedule

Our table will help you understand how the vacation schedule is drawn up and what is reflected in it:

What to show in graphics A comment
A list of employees The schedule reflects absolutely all employees with whom an employment contract has been concluded.
Number of vacation days The number of vacation days that a particular employee is entitled to claim is indicated. It is best to indicate all vacation days due to the employee. To do this, sum up the days (days for the year for which the vacation schedule is drawn up, and days not taken off for previous years) and days allotted to the employee in accordance with the law and/or on the basis of a collective agreement/local regulation (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Estimated start date of vacation Here you can reflect either a specific date or simply the month in which the employee will go on vacation. However, if only the month is specified, the employee will then need to write a vacation application indicating a specific date. If the date is indicated in the vacation schedule initially, and the employee goes on vacation strictly according to the schedule, then such a statement will not have to be written.
By the way, if only a month of vacation is noted in your schedule, then we recommend that you stipulate in the local regulatory act (LNA) that the employee must submit an application for vacation indicating a specific start date no later than two weeks before going on vacation. Firstly, this is necessary so that the employer has time to notify the employee about the upcoming vacation (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And, secondly, so that the accounting department has time to calculate and pay vacation pay in a timely manner (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Possibility of dividing vacation into parts The schedule can be supplemented with a corresponding column in which employees will sign, giving their consent to leave in parts. It is important to remember that at least one part of the vacation must be at least 14 calendar days (Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Vacation schedule:

The employer has the right to develop its own form of vacation schedule. This form must be attached as an annex to the accounting policy. Or you can use the unified form T-7 “Vacation Schedule” (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 N 1).

Vacation schedule: form

If you still decide not to develop your own vacation schedule form, then you can download the unified vacation schedule form.

Order on vacation schedule: sample

It is not necessary to issue an order to approve the vacation schedule as a separate document. After all, the signature of the head of the organization/individual entrepreneur, approving the vacation schedule for the next year, is placed on the schedule itself.

True, an employer can issue, for example, an order obliging department heads to collect and submit data on vacations of employees subordinate to them in order to prepare a unified vacation schedule.

Order on drawing up a vacation schedule: sample

This order can be issued as follows:

LLC "Sunny Bunny"Order No. 93on scheduling annual vacations

Moscow 11/19/2018

To prepare and approve the vacation schedule for 2019

I order:

1. Heads of departments no later than 12/07/2018 should submit in writing to the head of the HR department K.I. Elizarova. information for drawing up a vacation schedule for 2019.

When preparing information, you must consider:

- wishes of employees who have the right to leave at a time convenient for them;

- wishes of employees regarding the division of annual basic paid leave into parts, one of which in accordance with Art. 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation must be at least 14 calendar days;

- vacation period for part-time workers at their main place of work.

2. Head of the HR Department K.I. Elizarova prepare a paid vacation schedule and submit it for approval no later than December 12, 2018.

3. Head of the HR Department K.I. Elizarova bring this Order to the following persons:

- chief accountant Kustodieva A.V.;

- Head of the Sales Department Egorov V.T.;

- Head of the Procurement Department Trunov N.N.

4. Entrust control over the execution of the Order to the head of the HR department, K.I. Elizarova.

General Director Solnyshkov V.S.

The following have been familiarized with the Order:

Head of HR Department______________K.I. Elizarova

Chief accountant ___________________ A.V. Kustodieva

Head of Sales Department_____________ V.T. Egorova

Head of Purchasing Department_____________N.N. Trunov

Persons familiarized with such an order, in addition to their signature, must indicate the date of familiarization.

Approval of the vacation schedule

The vacation schedule is approved by the head of the organization or individual entrepreneur. Moreover, if there is a trade union, the employer must take its opinion into account when approving the vacation schedule for the next year (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

After the vacation schedule is approved by the manager, employees must be familiarized with this schedule. Otherwise, this document will not be binding for them (Articles 22, 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is better to familiarize employees with the vacation schedule against signature. To do this, the schedule can be supplemented with the column “I have read the schedule (date, signature).”

Sample vacation schedule for 2019

When preparing your vacation schedule, you can use ours.

Making changes to the vacation schedule

An employer cannot predict all possible personnel movements a year in advance. For example, dismissal of employees, postponement of vacation or recall from it. Therefore, making various changes to the vacation schedule is inevitable.

Where are changes reflected in the vacation schedule?

To reflect changes, columns 7-10 of the unified vacation schedule form (form T-7) are used:

  • Column 7 reflects the actual date the employee went on vacation;
  • Column 8 indicates the document on the basis of which the planned start date of the vacation was postponed. Such a document, for example, can be an employee’s application with a request to postpone vacation, endorsed by the manager (Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • in column 9 you need to indicate the expected date of vacation. For example, if an employee decides to postpone his vacation to the period when his wife is on maternity leave;
  • Column 10 reflects various notes.

By the way, it makes sense to supplement the vacation schedule with the column “I have read the changes,” in which employees will sign after making adjustments to this document. In addition, it is better to register the deadline for submitting an application to postpone the vacation in the LNA. Again, so that the accounting department can calculate and pay vacation pay to the employee on time.

Making additions to the vacation schedule

It happens that after the vacation schedule for the next year has been approved, new employees are hired. What to do with the schedule in this situation? The Labor Code does not oblige the employer to make any additions to the already approved vacation schedule. Those. Newly hired employees may be granted leave only on the basis of their application.

True, no one forbids supplementing the approved vacation schedule with information about vacations for new employees. This can be done by approving an additional vacation schedule containing information about the planned start date of vacation for new employees only.

How long should you keep your vacation schedule?

You need to store this document for a year (clause 693 of the List, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 N 558)

Responsibility for the lack of a vacation schedule

The absence of a vacation schedule threatens the employer with a fine in the amount (Part 1 of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • from 30,000 rub. up to 50,000 rub. for the organization itself, from 1000 rubles. up to 5000 rub. - for its officials;
  • from 1000 rub. up to 5000 rub. for individual entrepreneurs.

Vacation on the timesheet

The specific vacation code in the working time sheet (form No. T-12 or form No. T-13, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1) is indicated depending on the type of vacation:

Type of vacation Letter code Numeric code
Annual basic paid leave FROM 09
Annual additional paid leave OD 10
Unpaid leave granted to an employee with the permission of the employer BEFORE 16
Leave without pay, which the employer is obliged to provide to the employee upon his application by virtue of law OZ 17
Additional annual leave without pay (for example, provided for by a collective agreement) DB 18
Maternity leave/adoption leave R 14
Parental leave until the child reaches the age of three coolant 15
Paid study leave U 11
Unpaid study leave UD 13

The time sheet is marked with either an alphabetic or a numeric code - you do not need to indicate both codes.

Vacation on the time sheet: sample

Let's look at an example of how vacation is reflected in a timesheet.

Example. Worker Petrova E.F. annual basic paid leave was provided for 7 calendar days from April 8, 2019. On page 2 of the timesheet in form T-12 for the first half of the month*, the entries for this employee will look like this:

1 2 3 5 6 48
Number in order Last name, initials, position (specialty, profession) Personnel Number Notes on attendance and absence from work by day of the month
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Total worked for the first half of the month
1 Petrova Elena Fedorovna, accountant 054 I I I I I IN IN FROM FROM FROM FROM FROM FROM FROM I
8 8 8 8 8 8

The nuances of reflecting vacation in the time sheet

Speaking about indicating vacation days on the time sheet, it is important to note that:

  • non-working holidays falling during the vacation period are marked with the letter code “B” or the digital code “26”. After all, such days are not included in the number of calendar days of vacation (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • If an employee falls ill while on vacation, corrections may have to be made to the time sheet. For example, in a situation where an employee did not extend his vacation for sick days, but decided.

The vacation schedule is designed to provide annual vacations to the company's employees. At the same time, according to Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2, the vacation schedule approved by the employer is mandatory both for each employee and for the employer himself.

Important: scheduling is mandatory for all legal entities, regardless of the size of the organization’s staff. If such a document is not available at the enterprise, then this is an administrative violation with penalties.

Below you can download a free vacation schedule template in Excel and an example of filling it out.

Is it possible to divide the vacation period into parts?

Each employee has the right to divide his vacation into two equal parts, each of which must be at least 14 days. In this situation, some difficulties arise with filling out the T-7 form, since it does not require such actions. However, the problem of how to fill out the schedule if the annual vacation is divided into parts is still resolved.

Some HR specialists use additional lines or add another column for the employee’s visa. Other employees use the additional one that comes with the schedule.

How to reflect last year correctly?

If, due to production needs or other reasons, in the current year it was not possible to take all the days that the employee is entitled to, then such a balance is called unused vacation. For subordinates, forgetful managers or workaholics, unused vacation days tend to accumulate and increase.

How to correctly make an entry in Form T-7? It might look like this: “Calendar days and start date – 14 for 2014 from 09/05/2016, 28 for 2015 from 09/29/2016, 28 for 2016 from 11/28/2016.”

Is it possible to specify only the month?

In most cases, HR officers indicate only the month of employees’ expected vacation. However, no one forbids specifying specific dates. It all depends on how the HR department and company management work.

Is it allowed to fill out upon the start of the vacation?

This is not possible, since Art. 123 states that the schedule is drawn up at any enterprise no later than 14 days before the start of the next year.

Which employees should be included in the document?

The following types of vacation must be included in the schedule:

  1. annual basic paid;
  2. annual additional paid;
  3. not used by the employee in the current year and carried over to the next year.

A rest priority plan is drawn up for all workers:

  • employed at their main place of work;
  • for persons combining work activities (part-time workers).

Citizens who work under a civil contract are not included in the schedule, since they are not entitled to annual paid leave.

Also the plan does not include administrative leaves (without pay), maternity and child care leave.

Do I need to flash it?

No, you do not need to flash the schedule, since it is an informational document and you often need to refer to it.

Duration of main rest time

The duration of the annual basic paid leave, as a rule, is 28 calendar days (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Duration of annual basic paid leave

Annual basic paid leave is provided to employees for 28 calendar days.

Annual basic paid leave of more than 28 calendar days (extended basic leave) is provided to employees in accordance with this Code and other federal laws.

Filling procedure

The work of filling out the table begins with the HR employee entering information in the first six columns. The following instructions should be taken into account:

  • Column 2– employee position specified in the staffing table.
  • Column 4– indication of personnel numbers; if none are assigned, then the column is skipped.
  • Columns 7-9– the HR specialist fills in handwritten text, noting that employees are going on vacation. After the employees return, the corresponding notes are made in column 7.
  • Column 8– indicates the document that serves as the basis for transferring the vacation.

The starting date for them is entered in column No. 6, and if it is subject to changes, then they are entered in columns 8-9.

The manager has the right to add additional column 11 to the form, in which each worker must sign, confirming his awareness. Along the way, you can create notifications that are used as attachments, as well as make certain changes regarding the date of leave based on the employee’s application.

Approval procedure

The order of provision of rest to workers is always approved only by the company manager. The document is endorsed by the head of the HR department and the director of the company. Trade union representatives may take part in the process of forming vacation schedules.

Is there a stamp?

There is no need to affix a seal, unless the employer’s internal rules establish a different procedure. The vacation schedule is an internal document of the enterprise. Therefore, there is no need to put a stamp on it.

The seal of the organization, as a general rule, is an additional confirmation of the authority of the person who signed the document for external contractors. There are no stamp details on the unified form of schedule No. T-7, which was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

If the employer uses an independently developed schedule form, then, if desired, he can provide printing details on it and fill it out.

Common mistakes and ways to avoid them

To correctly draw up a vacation schedule, you need to know the norms of existing legislation. and remember that:

  1. The boss and deputy cannot go on vacation at the same time.
  2. The department must retain such a number of employees as can support its normal functioning.
  3. Specialists of the same profile cannot take a vacation at the same time.
  4. The vacation accumulated over several years should not be summed up; it is better to break it into several parts.
  5. There is no need to assign the responsibilities of an employee on vacation to someone who has the right to go on vacation out of turn.
  6. The distribution of vacation days must be formed in such a way that the work process and the workers do not suffer.

Employee familiarization

Since the vacation schedule does not always reflect the wishes of employees, it is advisable to familiarize all employees with its approved version. To do this, you can provide a special column in the form of the vacation schedule (“I am familiar with the vacation dates”), or draw up a familiarization sheet.

The employer is obliged to notify each worker of the start date of the holiday under a personal signature. no later than two weeks (Part 3 of Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To do this, you can include an additional column in the schedule form (“Notified about the start date of the vacation”). Other options for notifying workers are also possible, for example, statements, a familiarization visa on a vacation order (). The employer independently determines the most appropriate method of notifying employees about leave.

So, we looked at how to work with the annual leave schedule. To summarize, we note that this is a mandatory document that must be formed in every company with the formation of a legal entity. The document is approved and signed by the head of the organization.

A vacation priority plan is drawn up 14 days before the start of the new calendar year. Changes are made in individual cases (subject to the employee’s application and other documents). To clearly and correctly reflect information, the unified T-7 form is used, but a free-form option is also allowed.

Video on the topic

Watch a video about drawing up a vacation schedule using the T-7 form:

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There is just over a month left to draw up and approve a vacation schedule. We will tell you in the article how to prepare it correctly and what points should be taken into account.
According to paragraph 5 of Article 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, every citizen working under an employment contract is guaranteed annual paid leave. The order of granting vacations to employees of one organization is determined by the vacation schedule (Part 1 of Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


In many organizations, there is no vacation schedule; employees go on vacation in agreement with the manager. This practice violates the rights of the employee, since he is deprived of the opportunity to plan his rest time and organize it in the most effective way. Sometimes an employee cannot take advantage of the guaranteed right to rest during the calendar year at all.

Responsibility for the lack of a vacation schedule

Drawing up a vacation schedule is prescribed by the Labor Code (Parts 1 and 2 of Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The vacation schedule is one of those documents that is primarily checked by employees of the Rostrudinspektsiya. If the organization does not have one, the employer may be fined from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles for non-compliance with labor laws. or suspend the company’s activities for up to 90 days (Clause 1, Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Why does an employer need a vacation schedule?

Drawing up a vacation schedule not only ensures the right of employees to annual rest, but also provides a number of advantages to the employer.

Firstly, if vacation is provided according to the schedule, this allows you to arrange it in advance and prepare for the payment of vacation pay. They are issued no less than three days before the start of the vacation (Part 9 of Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Secondly, the employer, if necessary, will have time to find a replacement for the employee going on vacation.

Thirdly, the schedule allows you to control the timeliness of granting vacations to employees. Subject to its compliance, hundreds of mines will not accumulate vacation leave.


Before making a vacation schedule, you need to consider:
— provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation on vacations;
— the specifics of the organization’s activities (for example, the presence of harmful or dangerous working conditions that give the right to additional leave, the distribution of full-time employees among departments, the possibility of interchangeability, plans for the development (winding down) of production);
- wishes of employees.

Right to vacation

The duration of annual paid leave is 28 calendar days (Part 1 of Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). An employee’s right to use it arises after six months of continuous work with one employer (Part 2 of Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


Engineer N.A. Gaikin began work on April 23, 2008. From what day does he have the right to take his first vacation?

SOLUTION. N.A. will have the right to vacation for the first year of work. Gaikin October 23, 2008.

The vacation schedule is drawn up for the next calendar year (from January 1 to December 31), taking into account when the working year of each employee began. Vacation for the second and subsequent years of work can be granted at any time in accordance with the sequence established by the schedule (Part 4 of Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


Engineer N.A. Gaikin, who started work on April 23, 2008, did not take advantage of the right to go on vacation in 2008. In the vacation schedule for 2009, three vacation periods are planned for this employee:
- from January 12, 2009 - 28 calendar days for 2008;
- from March 16, 2009 - 14 calendar days for 2009;
- from August 31, 2009 - 14 calendar days for 2009.

Is your vacation schedule correct?

SOLUTION. It is incorrect to provide leave for a working year that has not yet begun (it begins on April 23, 2009), since it is granted for a worked, so-called working year, and not a calendar year.

The first leave from January 12, 2009 will be legally granted for the period from April 23, 2008 to April 22, 2009.

The second vacation for 14 calendar days from March 16, 2009 was planned illegally, since the period for which it is granted (the second working year from April 23, 2009 to April 22, 2010) has not yet occurred by the time the vacation begins. The employee will not have the right to vacation for the second working year.

Vacation from August 31 for 14 calendar days is planned legally, since in accordance with labor legislation, vacation for the second and subsequent years of work can be provided at any time during this working year.

It is necessary to make changes to the vacation schedule and move the start date of the second vacation period to a later time (after April 23, 2009).

Vacation experience

According to Part 1 of Article 121 of the Labor Code, the length of service that gives the right to annual paid leave includes:
— actual work time;
— the time when the employee did not actually work, but he retained his place of work (position);
—time of forced absenteeism in case of illegal dismissal or suspension from work and subsequent reinstatement in the previous organization;
— the period of suspension from work of an employee who has not passed a mandatory medical examination (examination) through no fault of his own;
— the time of leave provided at the request of the employee without saving wages, not exceeding 14 calendar days during the working year.

Please note: the previous version of Article 121 of the Labor Code stated that vacation time at one’s own expense is not included in the length of service if its total duration exceeds 14 calendar days during the working year. Experts interpreted this differently. Some believed that if the total number of days off taken by an employee at his own expense exceeded 14 days, they are not completely taken into account when calculating length of service. Others insisted that only days starting with the 15th should be excluded. In the new edition, this ambiguity has been eliminated: it is now clearly stated that the length of service does not include vacations at one’s own expense exceeding 14 days.

The length of service that gives the right to annual paid leave does not include time (Part 2 of Article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):
— employee’s absence from work without good reason;
— maternity leave until the child reaches the legal age.

The length of service that gives the right to annual additional paid leave for work with harmful (dangerous) working conditions includes only the time actually worked in the appropriate conditions (Part 3 of Article 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The vacation period affects the end of the next working year. If an employee, for example, took a long vacation at his own expense, the end of the working year will shift by a number of calendar days exceeding 14.

If the last day of the working year is postponed to a later date, the number of calendar days of annual paid leave for which the employee can claim changes. If the vacation period is not interrupted, then at the end of the working year the employee will be able to take 28 calendar days off. Otherwise, he is entitled to fewer vacation days. How to calculate them? There is no special technique for this. In practice, two options are used.

First option. First you need to determine the number of full months that are included in the vacation period for a certain working year. For each of them, the employee is entitled to 2.33 days of vacation (28 calendar days: 12 months). The difficulty arises when calculating the vacation days that an employee is entitled to for a month of the working year that is not fully worked. In this case, you can use another calculation method.

Second option. It makes it possible to more accurately calculate the number of vacation days to which an employee is entitled at a given time. The calculation is based not on calendar months, but on calendar days. The number of calendar days falling on the time worked during the working year is determined. A fully worked working year has 365 (366) calendar days. During this time, the employee is entitled to 28 calendar days of vacation. If there were periods in the working year that were excluded from the vacation period, then the employee has the right to a fewer number of calendar days of vacation. For example, 326 calendar days out of 365 possible, falling within the time worked in the working year, give the right to 25 calendar days from start-up (28 calendar days: 365 calendar days x 326 calendar days). Let's look at an example.


K.S. Bublikov started working at Slasti LLC on May 2, 2007. In June 2008, he was on unpaid leave for 20 calendar days.

From May 2, 2009, the employee plans to go on vacation. It is necessary to determine how many calendar days of vacation the employee is entitled to as of May 1, 2009 inclusive, if he used the vacation in full for the first working year.

SOLUTION. The employee's first working year ended on May 1, 2008. During this period, he used his annual paid leave in full.

Now we need to find out when the second working year will end. If K.S. Bublikov did not take unpaid leave in 2008; the second working year would have ended on May 1, 2009. But in this situation, the working year will shift by six calendar days (20 calendar days - 14 calendar days). That is, 14 calendar days of vacation at your own expense are not excluded from the length of service. Thus, for the period from May 2, 2008 to May 1, 2009, the employee’s vacation period will be 359 calendar days. days (365 calendar days - 6 calendar days).

For one calendar day falling within the hours worked in the second working year, the employee earned 0.0767 days of vacation (28 calendar days: 365 calendar days). Therefore, for 359 calendar days, the employee is entitled to 27.54 calendar days of vacation (359 calendar days x 0.0767 days). In fact, an employee can be given 27 calendar days of vacation, since he has not yet earned 0.46 days (1 day - 0.54 days) by the specified date.

Vacation duration increases

The duration of the vacation planned for the next calendar year depends not only on the date the corresponding right arose and the vacation period. The number of calendar days of vacation not used by the employee for the previous period should be added to the calculated duration of annual paid leave.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that some employees have the right to additional paid leave (Articles 116-119, 173-176 and 350 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). According to Part 2 of Article 120 of the Labor Code, when calculating the total duration of annual paid leave, additional paid leaves are summed up with the annual main paid leave. This means that the launch schedule indicates the total duration of paid leave.


For some employees, the employer is obliged to provide vacation at any time convenient for them (even before six months have passed from the start of work for this employer). The list of such persons is given in the table on page 1, page 2.


As a rule, workers want to relax in the summer or early autumn. But when drawing up a vacation schedule, the employer must not only take into account the wishes of the employees, but also ensure the continuous operation of the organization. For this reason, the manager has the right to evenly distribute the start-up of the organization’s employees throughout the year. He may establish that during each month no more than 8.33% of the staff can be on vacation (100%: 12 months), or apply a different basis for distributing the start time of vacations. It makes sense to establish a certain order of vacations among employees of related professions (positions) of one division, for example, among store salespeople, department specialists, workers of the same specialty in a separate workshop (site).

We take into account the wishes of employees

In some cases, when preparing a schedule, the employer has the opportunity to take into account the wishes of employees regarding vacation planning.

The form in which employees can express their wishes regarding the start date of vacation, dividing it into parts and transferring it is not established by law, so the personnel service resolves this issue independently. You can ask the employee to write a statement indicating the expected start date of the vacation in any form. This is convenient when the number of employees in an organization is small (up to 20 people) (see sample application).

The employee's immediate supervisor must affix his or her visa to the application.

In an organization with a large number of employees, it is more convenient to draw up a vacation planning sheet for each department. It should provide free columns in which employees can express their wishes (see sample statement).


The schedule is drawn up according to the unified form No. T-7, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

Information on the time of distribution of vacations of employees of all structural divisions for the calendar year is reflected in the schedule by month in accordance with the Instructions for the application and completion of forms of primary accounting documentation for the accounting of labor and its payment, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

The vacation schedule must be approved no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year (Part 1 of Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, the schedule for 2009 is no later than December 17, 2008.

The schedule is signed by the heads of the personnel service and structural divisions and approved by the head of the organization or an authorized person.

If the organization has a trade union body, the schedule must be coordinated with it (Part 1 of Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The procedure for taking into account the opinion of the elected body of employees is established in Article 372 of the Labor Code.

The shelf life of the schedule is one year (Article 356, Section 8 of the List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating storage periods, approved by the Federal Archive of October 6, 2000).

What types of vacations are reflected in the schedule

Additional annual paid leave. In addition to the main annual leave, the schedule reflects additional annual paid leave.

Please note: additional leaves without pay are not reflected in the schedule. The categories of persons entitled to such leave are listed in Article 263 of the Labor Code.

Vacations not taken. Vacations that were not used by employees during the current year, including those transferred to the next year, are also taken into account when drawing up the schedule.

Leave granted to external part-time workers. The Labor Code does not mention the possibility of taking such vacations into account in the schedule. But if an external part-time employee reports the start date of vacation at the main job, then the personnel department will take this into account when drawing up the schedule, and the employer will be able to decide when to grant vacation to other employees.

Fill out form No. T-7

At the vacation planning stage, the HR employee fills out only columns 1-6 of form No. T-7.

The names of positions in column 2 are indicated in accordance with the staffing table. If the organization does not assign personnel numbers to employees, column 4 is not filled in.

Columns 7, 8 and 9 are filled in by hand as workers go on vacation. In column 7, notes are made after the actual end of the vacation. Column 8 indicates the document on the basis of which the leave is transferred (personal statement of the employee, order from the manager to postpone the leave due to production needs, etc.).

See an example of filling out a vacation schedule.

Please note: the vacation schedule must reflect the vacation time of all employees without exception, including those who have the right to vacation at any time convenient for them. The start date of vacation for such employees is indicated in column 6 of the schedule, and its change is recorded in columns 8 and 9.


The employer is obliged to notify the employee about this against signature no later than two weeks before the start of the vacation (Part 3 of Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). So that the employee can plan his vacation in advance, the approved vacation schedule can also be brought to his attention in one of the following ways.

Make additions to form No. T-7. To inform employees about the start of vacation, the vacation schedule can be supplemented with column 11, in which employees will mark that the start date from the start is known to them.

See sample order to amend the Vacation Schedule form.

Create a notice. You can also inform employees about the start date of annual paid leave using a notice (familiarization sheet) drawn up in any form. Such a notification will be an attachment to the vacation schedule (see sample notification).


According to Part 2 of Article 123 of the Labor Code, the approved start-up schedule is mandatory for execution by both the employer and employees. However, by agreement of the parties, the start date of the vacation may be changed.

Each change must be reflected in the corresponding columns of form No. T-7. Changes are made with the permission of the person who approved the schedule or a person authorized by him.

Changing the start date of vacation at the employee’s initiative

Changing the date. If an employee is not satisfied with the vacation time set in the schedule, he can ask the employer to change it. In this case, the employee must write a statement in any form. If the manager agrees to postpone the vacation, he puts his resolution on the application. See sample application for postponing vacation at the employee’s initiative.

Breaking your vacation into parts. Sometimes an employee does not want to use all 28 calendar days of vacation, but prefers to split the vacation into parts.

In this case, the employee must also write a statement in any form, on the basis of which the necessary changes are made to the vacation schedule.

We issue an order. Based on the employee’s application, the head of the organization issues an order either to amend the vacation schedule or to amend the order to grant the employee the next annual paid leave.

The order must indicate:
—on what basis is leave postponed (at the employee’s request, due to his illness, etc.);
- How long will it be postponed?

Please note: in some cases, the manager’s order to postpone or extend vacation is not necessary. These include (Part 1 of Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):
—temporary disability of the employee that occurred during vacation;
— performance by an employee of state duties during vacation, if the law provides for exemption from work for this.

We are making changes to the schedule. To reflect the transfer of vacations in the current calendar year, columns 8-9 are used in form No. T-7.

The details of the manager’s order to change the start date of vacation are indicated in column 8 “Grounds for transferring vacation” of the schedule.

Column 10 “Note” is filled out by the HR employee if:
— this year the employee was not provided with leave (Part 3 of Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
— the employee was recalled from vacation and part of it is transferred to the next year (Part 2 of Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
— the employee’s vacation was extended (Part 1 of Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In this case, in column 10, the HR employee indicates the grounds for recall from leave, its transfer or extension.

Changing the vacation schedule at the initiative of the employer

The order of granting vacations can also be changed at the initiative of the employer if, for example, an employee going on vacation in the current working year may adversely affect the work of the organization (Part 3 of Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For an employer’s actions to change the schedule to be legal, he must:
—obtain written consent from employees (Part 2 of Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (see sample application for employee consent to postpone vacation);

— issue an order or instruction to postpone vacations (see sample order).

Please note: the employer is obliged to provide the employee with the unused part of the vacation at any time convenient for him during the current working year or add it to the vacation for the next working year (Part 2 of Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Now let’s look at an example of filling out a vacation schedule for 2009.


Pastoral LLC employs nine people. When planning vacations for 2009, a HR specialist found out the following:
— none of the organization’s employees has the right to additional leave;
— there are no employees in the company who have the right to leave at any time convenient for them;
— due to production needs, chief accountant E.A. Ovechkina was on vacation for only 14 calendar days in 2008;
— General Director I.V. Pastukhov and telephone sales department manager E.L. Krolikov decided to split their annual leave into parts, so their names are included in the schedule twice.

During 2009:
—marketer A.N. Gorny fell ill during his vacation; on the basis of a sick leave, his vacation was extended by five days;
—Head of Customer Service Department I.R. Baranov wrote an application to postpone leave for family reasons;
— forwarder V.O. Ruchev was recalled from vacation due to production needs.

There is no elected trade union body at Pastoral LLC, so the line reflecting its opinion is not filled in. Additional column 11 was not included in the schedule. What should the vacation schedule look like at the end of 2009?

SOLUTION. Let's look at how to fill out the vacation schedule throughout the year. Please note that employees became familiar with the start date of vacations by signing the notice. The HR employee attached this document to the schedule. The vacation schedule for Pastoral LLC employees is shown in the table.

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