
Year of the Pig: characteristics of a woman. Horoscope zodiac signs by year, eastern animal calendar Yellow Earth Pig

1995 passed under the auspices of the Wooden Pig. This sign of the eastern horoscope has the ability to win the sympathy of people. He simply attracts people thanks to his charisma and diplomacy, because it is extremely important for him to create good and relaxed relationships with everyone. In this article we will consider all the characteristics of people born under the auspices of the Pig.

General information

According to the eastern calendar, all people born between January 31, 1995 and February 18, 1996 belong to the Wood Pig sign. In many countries, the pig is not particularly popular; comparison with this animal is not considered a compliment. However, in China this is what they call a rich person, without at all trying to offend him, because this animal symbolizes wealth, fertility and male sexuality.

In Chinese, the word for "pig" sounds similar to the word for "happiness", and the character for "pig" is part of the character for "family". In the Celestial Empire there is even such a saying: “A pig will come into the house, and happiness will be in abundance.”

It is believed that this animal is very good-natured, but in unfavorable conditions the pig can demonstrate a truly ferocious temperament. In Feng Shui symbolism, it represents the driving force for achieving wealth. It is no coincidence that a piggy bank of exactly this shape was invented in the Celestial Empire 1.5 thousand years ago. In China, pigs are traditionally given as gifts during the holidays with wishes of wealth and happiness.

Basic characteristics of people

People born in 1995 can rightfully be called good-natured, sociable, friendly, always ready to help. The Wooden Pig, with all the ease of communication, is able to convince his interlocutor that he is right and insist on his point of view. She sees helping others as a source of moral satisfaction, so she does it with pleasure and sometimes to her own detriment.

The Wood Pig can head a charitable organization that will successfully work for the benefit of people.

The Pig can not only make valuable contacts for himself, but also bring together other necessary people, thus creating favorable conditions for the implementation of ambitious projects. Due to the inexhaustible faith in people, this sign is sometimes promiscuous in relationships, it can fall under the influence of bad company. True, most often the element of Wood gives his nature moral stability and honesty, so this person does not like crime.


The positive and good-natured Pig man is liked by others, so he is always surrounded by people. An excellent manipulator knows how to convey an instruction in such a way that it is perceived as a request. This allows you to maintain good relationships with people and at the same time get the desired actions from them. Such talent is given to him by nature, but he does not seek to use it for selfish purposes.

Because of its openness and gullibility, the Pig can get into trouble and become a victim of a more calculating person.

As a rule, men born in the year of the Wood Pig know how to gallantly communicate with ladies and are endowed with external attractiveness, so they easily acquire fans. In the family, the Pig man manifests himself as a loving husband and father. Despite his penchant for polygamy, he strives to become the ideal gentleman for every woman so that she can enjoy the relationship. He’s just a very amorous person who sometimes simply cannot resist women’s charms.


Thanks to activity, sociability and loyalty in friendship with a Wood Pig woman, you want to communicate again and again. She has enough energy to work hard and achieve her goals. The Pig's organizational and communication skills allow her to plan her time in such a way as to get everything done: get work done and communicate with loved ones.

Due to her sociability, she is always surrounded by men and often continues to be friends even with her failed suitors. However, this lady does not make a decision so easily, because love is important to her in a relationship. If she is not there, then with all the prosperity of the groom, sooner or later she will leave him for someone with whom she will have strong feelings.

In marriage, the Pig demonstrates its best qualities: care, affection, thriftiness, hospitality.

Description of astrological signs of the zodiac

If you want to know more about the Wood Pig, then consider the zodiac sign and gender of the person. Here are the main characteristics of people according to their belonging to the Eastern and Western horoscopes.


  • Aries. He has an iron will, but moves towards his goal without conflict or offending anyone. Honest, energetic and friendly. She loves her job and her friends. She would prefer to be left alone than to endure a cheating husband.
  • Calf. Despite all the strength of character, he can “lose his ground under his feet” in the event of defeats and failures. He devotes himself completely to work, and sometimes manages to relax in cheerful companies, where he quickly makes friends. In marriage she shows herself versatility; she is capable of giving her beloved a lot of emotions and becoming his devoted friend. He does not make excessive demands on his spouse, but he will not forgive betrayal.
  • Twins. To say that she is easy-going is an understatement. This Pig tends to easily change his place of work or residence; under the influence of momentary desires, he can even leave the country and go in search of new adventures. Such people are usually called eccentric and illogical, but in friendship they are very loyal and are always ready to lend a shoulder. In love relationships, the Gemini Pig is not constancy. Having an image of an ideal family in her head, she often does not strive to bring this dream closer to fruition.
  • Cancer. Feelings rule these women, and their mood can change several times a day. They are often shy and closed, so they do not dare to tell someone that they dream of a strong, reliable partner with whom they can create a strong family. They are kind and affectionate, but touchy and capable of getting upset in response to their companion’s claims. It is easier for them to achieve success and stability at work than in personal relationships.
  • A lion. It is easy for such extraordinary personalities to attract the attention of fans. This is facilitated by both their pretty appearance and character, energetic and versatile. If a man puts her before a choice between him and her career, she will choose the second, since self-realization and material independence are very important to her. In the case when the husband does not give ultimatums, but does not cope well with the role of breadwinner, the Pig-Lioness readily takes on this role.
  • Virgo. This is a harmonious astrological combination that gives a woman external beauty, energy, efficiency and patience. A clean housewife, a caring mother and a responsible employee - all this can be said about her. He knows how to restrain his emotions, which is very popular with men who do not like capricious and scandalous women.
  • Scales. They strive to restore harmony and balance where they have been violated; these “doves of peace” rush to the aid of the parties to the conflict in order to reconcile the parties. At the same time, it is sometimes difficult to understand what they really think about a person. In their work, they know how to make informed decisions, can realize their rich intellectual potential and demonstrate their best side. Men like the refined taste of Libra Pigs and their ability to flirt. This woman dreams of meeting an ideal companion with whom she can create a wonderful family, and is in no hurry to get married.
  • Scorpion. Unrestrained in emotions, touchy and jealous Scorpio women demand equality in the family. They love to go to parties, buy expensive things and spend money. At the same time, their charisma makes a powerful impression on members of the opposite sex. If a spouse stumbles in a relationship, then he will have to periodically listen to unflattering words addressed to him for the rest of his life.
  • Sagittarius. Having extraordinary abilities to build a successful career, the Sagittarius Pig, if necessary, will prefer to devote himself to his family. She wants to see a strong partner next to her, who will be her protector and support. Her nobility and kindness do not allow her to take revenge. Sagittarians are very emotional; they are happy to share the impressions that excite them not only with loved ones, but also with unfamiliar people. They love to travel, communicate and be always on the move.
  • Capricorn. On the outside, she tends to look cold and distant, but at the same time she has a rich inner world. The Capricorn woman, born in the year of the Pig, will always come to the aid of those in need, unless this goes against the interests of her family. This caring wife and mother surrounds her household with comfort. She does not like to show off her successes to everyone, because she understands that happiness and success love silence.
  • Aquarius. They are so sociable that they can chat with anyone. At the same time, they do not tend to get their interlocutor to take the desired side. They just like to interact with people. They are hardworking at work, but first of all they strive to realize themselves in the family.
  • Fish. Gentle and modest ladies born under the signs of the Pig and Pisces make wonderful wives. They do not try to dominate and do not strive to become careerists. They see their purpose in caring for their husband and children. If the interests of the family require a move, they will readily agree to it. For the sake of loved ones, they are able to change their usual role and get involved in battle.


  • Aries. He is a little like a child, he is also able to enjoy little things, he loves to discover everything new and unknown. Moreover, in the right situation, this person will easily pull himself together and show everyone what he is capable of. An easy-going man does not let his chosen one get bored, as he is always ready to arrange an unusual date for her, make her laugh and engage her in interesting activities. In marriage he strives for leadership and does not allow his wife to infringe on his pride. He does not accept betrayal, so he will not be able to forgive the traitor.
  • Calf. He knows how to hide a bad mood and always remains the life of the party. He is responsible and hardworking at work, and polite and gallant in his interactions with women. The only drawback of this bright, cheerful nature can be called pathological jealousy.
  • Twins. It is impossible to get bored with this guy; he is an adventurer and experimenter by nature. Since his lifestyle involves a lot of acquaintances and a quick change of scenery, he is in no hurry to quickly walk down the aisle. In order not to be branded a traitor, he strives to get married as late as possible, and until then enjoy the company of different women.
  • Cancer. Women can be both attracted and repelled by his mystery, which is unusual for other Pigs. In fact, he is not keeping any secrets and is not plotting anything, it’s just that this person does not tend to actively share his emotions with others. In any case, having married, he turns into an exemplary spouse, ready to sacrifice gatherings with friends for a quiet family evening with his wife and children.
  • A lion. The recognition of others is very important to him. In an effort to win the woman he likes, Leo-Pig will make every effort. If his chosen one is not embarrassed by this man’s slightly pompous behavior, but, on the contrary, seems impressive, then she will be able to build a successful alliance with him. Leo very ardently guards his territory, since it often seems to him that someone is encroaching on his woman or the fruits of his labors.
  • Virgo. Pedantic and disciplined, he prefers actions to empty words. With external coldness, passions can rage in his soul, but only his chosen one will know about them. He chooses his partner thoroughly, since his list of requirements for an ideal woman is long. Having found his ideal, he will marry and make every effort to create comfort in his family.
  • Scales. Career takes first place in life for him. He is ready to go for years to the coveted leadership position, doing the necessary work step by step. Since he does not show such zeal in personal matters, the leading role in the family may pass to his wife, so she must have sufficient organizational skills. Being deceived by a woman is very hard for her.
  • Scorpion. Restless Scorpio Pigs constantly come up with new plans and willingly invite others to participate in them. They happily listen to compliments, even if it is obvious flattery, but they immediately suppress critical statements. Scorpio's possessive feelings can spoil the family idyll.
  • Sagittarius. An open and generous man born under the auspices of these signs attracts women. These sympathetic people can suffer from the self-interest of others, as they always strive to help. A woman will be able to keep this traveler and adventurer only if she has a strong feeling on the part of the Sagittarius guy.
  • Capricorn. Reason prevails over his feelings, especially when it comes to work and finances. In the family, the representative of this astrological combination is gentle and caring. He listens to the requests of his wife and children, and is ready to make many sacrifices for them.
  • Aquarius. This guy loves to court women passionately and beautifully, but does not accept pressure to make a decision. He loves to argue and will stand his ground, even if he doubts the correctness of these conclusions. Only attention and patience can keep this man, since when faced with a reciprocal aggressive attitude from a woman, he can simply leave her.
  • Fish. A kind, sympathetic and non-conflict person. In the family, he is not able to refuse the request of his wife or child. Only extreme situations can force him to show toughness or aggression. At work, such a person is valued for his fairness and his instructions are followed.

Profession and career

Wood Pigs do not seek wealth, as their needs are quite modest. These are good workers who achieve a lot with their work and high communication skills, the ability to make compromises and at the same time gently defend their point of view. As an employee, the Wooden Pig is good; she completes assigned tasks clearly and on time.

She does not need power as such, and if the Pig took a leadership position, then she did it with her own labor, and not with the help of intrigue.

Colleagues love the Pig not only for her high professional qualities, but also for her good nature and cheerful disposition. It is easy and interesting to work with such a person; he will always come to the rescue or help with practical advice.

Love and relationships

The sensuality and romanticism of Pigs makes them excellent partners in relationships. The understanding that they are overcome by love does not come immediately, but once convinced that this has happened, the Pig will dissolve in the romance and become an ideal partner. Its disadvantage can be called increased jealousy.

Having suffered from deception, the trusting Pig breaks off the relationship and after some time begins a new one, believing that this time her romance will definitely be happy.

When this person manages to find an ideal companion, he marries with pleasure and approaches family tasks with all responsibility. Thanks to their ability to speak and listen, Wood Pigs not only get along with children, but also become their friends.

Astrologers warn that the first half of the Wood Pig’s life is usually easy and successful., but the second one may not be so cloudless.

Thanks to his modesty and ability to solve problems on his own, the Pig still finds the strength to overcome all difficulties and maintain optimism and love for life.


Consider the compatibility of the Wooden Pig with other representatives of the Chinese calendar.

  • Rat. A good union, since in it the partners will complement each other. A marriage in which the Pig is a woman will be especially successful.
  • Bull. They are quite similar to each other, but this does not make their tandem any better. They rarely make strong couples.
  • Tiger. The Pig inspires and encourages the Tiger, while she herself can remain on the sidelines. As a result, a reliable relationship develops between them, which has every chance of lasting as long as possible.
  • Rabbit. They value and respect each other and easily find a common language. It is easy for them to come to an agreement and create a reliable family.
  • The Dragon. They easily find common ground. The seething emotions of the Dragon are slightly smoothed out by the wise, but also very sociable Pig.
  • Snake. The Pig is not very close to the position of the Snake, so it is unlikely to strive to conquer it. If there is a great desire on the part of the Snake, the union can take place.
  • Horse. The difference in temperament prevents them from having a successful marriage. It will be much easier for them to get along in friendship and business.
  • Goat. The eccentric but very attractive Goat will be balanced by the wise Pig. They will get in each other what they lack.
  • Monkey. This couple can build a reliable relationship based on mutual respect. They are comfortable being together, so such a union can be called successful.
  • Rooster. The case when opposites attract each other and irreconcilable contradictions do not arise between partners. The main thing is to correctly distribute roles in this family.
  • Dog. Both partners are kind and generous. At the same time, the Dog’s tendency towards pessimism is compensated by the Pig’s cheerfulness.
  • Pig. A happy marriage between two Pigs is quite possible, because double joy will reign in their family. They get along well with their “clones”, so the union is doomed to success.

So, if you have a Wooden Pig in your circle, then you are in luck. This cheerful optimist will become your faithful friend, surround you with care and always cheer you up. The main thing is not to take advantage of the excessive gullibility of these positive and cheerful natures, because they deserve to receive love and care in return.

You can learn more about men and women born in the year of the Pig from the video below.

According to the Chinese horoscope, people born in 1995 are under the protection of the Pig. This year is also called the year of the Green Wood Pig or Wood Boar. According to the Eastern calendar, it begins on January 31, 1995 and ends on February 18, 1996. According to the zodiac horoscope, they correspond to the sign Scorpio. The Pig rewards people of this year with calmness, peacefulness, friendliness and courage.

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    general characteristics

    The ruling planet of the Wood Pig is Jupiter. It brings people born this year material and spiritual well-being, honor and respect from others.

    Other animal symbols and talismans are presented in the table.

    People born this year can be called peacemakers; they have the ability to empathize with their interlocutor and extinguish any conflicts.

    Positive traits:

    • fearlessness;
    • devotion;
    • courage;
    • artlessness;
    • determination.

    Negative character traits:

    • stubbornness;
    • inability to refuse;
    • excessive softness;
    • gullibility and naivety.

    Features of people born in the year of the Pig

    These people love to take on overwhelming burdens and try to solve impossible problems. Due to the fact that they do not know how to refuse, they are often used for selfish purposes by representatives of other signs. As soon as Pig learns to say the word “no,” his life will change for the better.

    Although the Pig has few friends, he is ready to make any sacrifice for each of them. These people do not know how to lie at all; any attempts to distort the truth are immediately visible to others.

    Pigs can successfully realize themselves in such areas as charity, social activities, and politics.


    Representatives of the fair sex, under the patronage of the Wooden Pig, attract men with their sophistication and sophistication, as well as extraordinary charm. From a young age they are surrounded by gentlemen, but they are in no hurry to choose a partner for family life. They are quite friendly, know how to take care of relationships, and support a loved one in any endeavor.

    This year's girls make excellent housewives; their home is always clean and comfortable, their husband and children are fed, and have clean and ironed clothes. The Pig will experience the betrayal of her spouse very painfully, but will never cheat on him in order to take revenge.


    Due to the fact that men of this year are reasonable and calm, people are drawn to them. They know how to win over their interlocutor and are attentive to others. In the life of a young man born in 1995, work occupies one of the main places. He loves and knows how to earn money because he wants to live in luxury. To achieve material well-being, he will give all his strength. The boar cannot be called lazy.

    Guys enjoy the attention of women, but rarely start families at a young age. It is important for Pig to organize a place where he can bring his beloved. He will not count on his parents’ help in terms of housing, but will prefer to postpone marriage until he resolves this issue on his own.

    Zodiac horoscope

    The constellation under which Pig men and women were born leaves its mark on their character and behavior.


    Characteristics of Pig women according to the zodiac horoscope.

    Features and characteristics of men born in the year of the Wooden Pig.

    Zodiac sign Character traits
    AriesAries men know how, like children, to enjoy every little thing in life. They are friendly and friendly with others, live according to the dictates of their hearts and follow their feelings. But in extreme situations they are able to demonstrate iron will and resourcefulness. This contradictory combination makes representatives of this sign almost ideal partners in both love and friendship. A man knows how to care for women, does it romantically, beautifully and extraordinary. It's easy and fun to be with him, he won't let his companion get bored for a minute. However, in family relationships, the guy will not tolerate matriarchy, his opinion should be the main thing for household members, he cannot stand criticism. He will perceive his wife’s betrayal painfully and will never be able to forgive the traitor, as he is too proud
    TaurusA guy with this combination of horoscopes is the life of the party, an optimist and a cheerful fellow. He knows how to gain the trust of his interlocutor from the first minutes of acquaintance. He always struggles with negative emotions that arise and does not like to show a bad mood in public. In building a career, he is hardworking, focused on success and almost always achieves his plans. He is gentle and delicate with women; a lady will never hear a rude or vulgar comment from this man. However, behind this gentleman lies an owner and a great jealous person who does not like it when other men are around his wife, even if they are just work colleagues
    TwinsThis guy knows how to intrigue and conquer women. He is an extreme sportsman and an adventurer, with whom a lady will not be bored even on a desert island. This man is not afraid of changes in his life and is ready for the most dangerous adventures. He loves fun and meeting new people. Since he is not deprived of female attention, he takes a long time to choose a life partner. As a rule, he enters into family relationships in adulthood, trying to prolong the period when he can flirt with any lady without fear. When accepting a marriage proposal from this man, the girl must be ready to come to terms with his explosive and energetic character. A calm family life with such a guy cannot be called, but he will do everything possible to provide his wife and children with the best
    CancerRepresentatives of this combination attract ladies with their mystery and secrecy. From the outside it may seem that they are keeping some terrible secret. In fact, these are quite kind and gentle people, they just don’t trust others too much, which is why they seem unapproachable. A woman who agrees to become the wife of Pig-Cancer will find in him a loving and caring husband who will never exchange a quiet family evening for gatherings with friends. He will always find time to work with the children and help his wife with the housework
    a lionFor this ambitious guy there are no unsolvable tasks. He will confidently overcome any obstacles in his path and will not lose optimism and confidence in his own exclusivity. His pride is greatly gratified by a high position and recognition in society. He courtes the lady of his heart with restrained nobility and royal manners. He will always come to her aid and will not refuse a request. He will never skimp on gifts for his companion; he loves to pamper and surprise his chosen one. However, in family life, his temperament makes him a suspicious and jealous owner, who sees competitors everywhere
    VirgoAmong Virgo-Pig's friends there will be no people who spend their time idly. He is punctual, responsible and serious. The guy would rather do one thing than say a lot of empty words. A frivolous and flirtatious lady has no chance of attracting and interesting such a man; he makes quite high demands on his future wife. Despite some external coldness, he is a temperamental and passionate partner. The lady who manages to win his heart will receive a faithful and devoted life partner. He will give all his strength to provide for his wife and children and make their life as comfortable as possible.
    ScalesNext to these guys you feel peace and confidence in the future, they inspire trust. They have many talents, but spend all their energy on achieving a high position in society and building a career. They have enough stubbornness and determination to achieve what they want. A man of this combination will eventually achieve the leadership position, even if it takes a lot of time. A persistent and decisive lady can conquer him, since he is somewhat passive in personal matters. He needs a reliable girl who can remain faithful to him. These people experience betrayal very painfully.
    ScorpionA quiet and calm life is not suitable for these men; they are active and emotional. They have too much energy to lead a slow existence and spend evenings at home. They have a lot of ideas in their heads that they love to impose on others. Scorpio-Pig is a born leader and boss, and he is not afraid to take responsibility for what is happening in the team. He cannot stand criticism of himself and suppresses all attempts to challenge his decision. Men of this sign love to listen to pleasant words addressed to them and are susceptible to flattery. During the period of courtship, he is a gallant and generous gentleman, but in family life he is jealous and possessive.
    SagittariusThese are energetic guys who really love everything new and unknown, travel a lot and love to make new acquaintances. The guy of this sign knows how to win the hearts of even the most demanding beauties thanks to his generosity, openness and gallantry. However, this does not mean that his woman will have a calm life; only a deep feeling can keep this energetic man in place. They will not refuse requests for help and because of this they often experience disappointment in people who use them for selfish purposes.
    CapricornCapricorn men will never give up on their goals. Despite some gentleness, they are guided in life by reason, and not by feelings. At work, he is a disciplined employee, and subsequently a strict boss, and in the family circle he is an easy-going and non-conflict person. His wife and children can influence him, because he does not know how to refuse his loved ones. Capricorn-Pigs are very attached to their family and try to make sure that their family does not need anything
    AquariusGuys of these signs attract the fairer sex with their kindness and generosity. They are reliable and you can rely on them in difficult situations. However, they do not like pressure and will always defend their point of view, although they are not completely sure that they are right. You can influence such a guy only with an attentive attitude, but threats and blackmail can lead to a break in relations
    FishThe gentle and kind Pig-Pisces does not tolerate quarrels. He tries to find ways to solve problems and reconcile the warring parties, using all possibilities and forces for this. Readily responds to requests for help and can sacrifice his own interests for the sake of others. Such a boss is loved and respected by his subordinates; his opinion is the ultimate truth for them. But in the family circle, close people can mercilessly exploit the gentleness and kindness of this man. It is extremely rare that this guy is able to show aggression and toughness; as a rule, this only happens in difficult situations


    Boars, Dogs, Rabbits (Cats) can count on a happy marriage with representatives of the year of the Wooden Pig.

    Eastern horoscope sign Compatibility
    BoarRepresentatives of the same signs have every chance of building a harmonious and happy union. Both know how to turn a blind eye to their partner’s minor misdeeds and forgive imperfections of character. The problem may be in raising children. While parents argue about this, children can grow up. Sexually, the signs are ideally compatible
    DogIf the partners manage to adapt to the characteristics of the companion’s character, the union will be long and happy. Their relationship is built on mutual respect and shared values. They know how to maintain a favorable microclimate in the family, which for both will become the main meaning in life
    RoosterBoth partners value order and comfort, which cannot be disturbed by any outside interference. In order to build a relationship, the Pig will have to ignore the eternal jokes of the Rooster, and he, in turn, will not put pressure on the Pig
    MonkeyRepresentatives of these signs are quite strong and decisive individuals. Their union will be harmonious if there is mutual benefit and the partners’ ability to make concessions
    GoatA happy marriage will be possible only if the Pig does not think of imprisoning the freedom-loving Goat in a golden cage. Both signs do not like conflicts, so they will try to solve all problems peacefully
    HorseDifficulties in this couple may arise due to the fact that the Horse likes to walk alone. The faithful family man Pig will find it difficult to tolerate such behavior, and if the Horse does not limit his desire for freedom, the union may fall apart
    SnakeThe simple-minded and open-minded Pig is very often disappointed by the behavior of his partner, who is not used to playing fair and often uses his partner for selfish purposes. These people are more likely to be friends than a married couple
    The DragonThis union will be more favorable for the Dragon than for the Pig. The dragon will turn Pig's head so much that he will give all of himself to his partner. The Dragon will allow himself to be loved, but he himself will not have particularly warm feelings for the Pig.
    Rabbit (Cat)The most successful union of all possible. Partners will not only treat each other with respect, but also help their other half get rid of shortcomings. Both will value the relationship and do everything possible not to ruin it
    TigerThe compatibility of these signs is average, and their union can be called happy if the partners truly love each other. Otherwise, misunderstandings and disagreements are possible.
    BullConflict may arise due to different approaches of partners to planning the family budget. The Ox will strive to save money, but the Pig is not used to denying himself pleasures and comfort
    RatThis couple is more likely to make passionate lovers than a strong married couple. The Rat will be greatly annoyed by the Pig’s inability to spend common money

    The compatibility horoscope is influenced not only by the zodiac sign and the year in which people who want to build a relationship were born. The main factor for success will be the sincere feeling and desire of partners to change for the sake of their loved one.

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1996 are under the patronage of the Wooden Boar (Pig). The symbol of the Woody Pig is considered beauty, elegance and harmony, and the zodiac sign Scorpio is the talisman.

Representatives of this sign are very friendly and sociable, they easily make new friends and have a calm and kind character.

It is quite fun and interesting to be with such people, they are sincere and cheerful, cannot stand conflicts and are very friendly towards others.

Description of the Wooden Boar sign

The Pig is in 12th place and completes the cycle of represented signs. Therefore, it is believed to have all the positive and negative qualities of the previous animals. There is a belief that the Boar carries within itself not only wealth, good luck and prosperity, but also need, disasters, and losses that have accumulated over the previous years of the reign of other animals.

Characteristics of those born in 1995

People born in the year of the Pig kind, polite, honest, attentive and very tactful. They can be true friends, they will never betray their friends and family, and if they need help, they will always be the first to provide it. Pigs fearless, stubborn, courageous and can, without hesitation, stand up for those they truly love and respect.

Representatives of this sign are initially wary of strangers, but with mutual sympathy they begin to treat the person with all their hearts, making him their comrade. Therefore, there are many dishonest people around Pigs who use their gullibility and kindness for selfish purposes.

Pigs are by nature very soft, defenseless and naive. They can be quickly and easily offended, which is why many consider Boars to be helpless, although this is far from the case. In fact, this sign has solid, strong character, and if someone tries to hurt his pride or offend people close to him, he can very cruelly punish the unbridled impudent man.

Enough smart and very kind. They do not like quarrels, scandals, showdowns and try to prevent this. Representatives of this symbol are very responsible, always keep their word and never forget about their duties, which they perform conscientiously and honestly. Tree Boars are simple-minded and usually achieve their goals in a direct way. It can take a very long time to make any decisions, but once they have decided, they do everything possible to achieve what they want.

With all the positive qualities of the Pig, it is quite sloppy and lazy, can often follow their weaknesses. Changeable moods are also considered a negative trait of their character. If the Pig is not in a good mood, or his affairs are not going according to plan, he can withdraw into himself and not let anyone in until he finds solutions to his problems.

Such people love to surround themselves with beautiful and luxurious things, this could be expensive clothing, household items or electrical equipment. Pigs are quite wasteful, they can acquire a lot of unnecessary things, but they will never spend their last money on their own whim and will not allow their family to need anything.

Tree Boars - from childhood very independent and courageous individuals, know how to live and value their freedom very much. They are always full of energy and determination to face any life situations. Representatives of this symbol always know what they want, never set themselves unsolvable tasks, and therefore almost always achieve their plans.

Profession and business qualities

Pigs do not chase big money, as they are quite unpretentious and are mostly content with what they have. For Pig, work is not the most important thing in life, although they cannot be called lazy either. Thanks to their inherent responsibility, communication skills, and leadership abilities, these people are able to easily move up the career ladder.

Representatives of the woody element can make wonderful scientists, musicians, doctors, lawyers, managers, politicians, writers. They always perform their work competently, efficiently and on time.

Such people never strive for power, and if they become bosses, they never use their position for personal interests.

Pigs will always help their colleagues if they turn to them for help, and they also know how to create a friendly atmosphere in the work team, even while in a leadership position.

Love and family

Representatives of the sign are romantics, so love is very important in their lives. Tree Boars are very sensual, gentle, caring, they can make excellent life partners, despite the fact that they are quite jealous.

It can be difficult for Pigs to fall in love, as they need time to convince themselves that their feelings are serious. But when this happens, they will be ready to completely dissolve in their loved one and forgive him for many of his shortcomings, especially with mutual sympathy. Therefore, it often happens that partners use Pig lovers for their own purposes, taking advantage of their naivety and kindness. But if he finds out about this, he can end all relationships and after some time he will be ready to open his heart to new feelings.

In family life, the Pig is quite sensitive to the other half and the rest of the family, loves them very much, tries to bring comfort and harmony into everyday life.

These people make wonderful fathers or mothers who will be happy to participate in the lives of their children and always help them. Often representatives of the sign become very close people to children and grandchildren, who trust them even with their innermost dreams and desires.

The first half of life for Tree Boars can be quite successful and calm. They will have a good job and will always be able to provide for themselves financially without making much effort. In the next stage of life, Pigs may face numerous problems in personal and family relationships. But they will definitely find a way out of difficult situations themselves, since they are quite modest and are not used to resorting to outside help.

Compatibility of the Pig with other signs

Despite the fact that representatives of the wood element are very devoted to their family and friends, in love relationships they can easily get carried away and just as quickly break off their ties for the sake of a new object of passion, being in constant search. Which animal according to the eastern calendar is most suitable for love and friendship for Pig people born in 1995? Let's look at this:

  1. Rat. If in a marriage the Pig is in charge, and the Rat becomes completely subordinate to it, then peace, tranquility and material well-being will always reign in their home. Signs can be friends; they are united by a common love for fun parties and noisy events. Business cooperation may not work out, since the Pig knows how to make money, and the Rat will deceive him.
  2. Bull. Both symbols are very sympathetic to each other, they are united by common moral values, only the Ox can be content with little, and the Pig strives for wealth and extravagance. This may cause mutual disagreements, but if they come to a compromise, the relationship can last quite a long time. Friendly relationships are possible between the signs only if they meet infrequently. Working together is very promising, since the Ox can usefully use the energy and abilities of the Pig for a common cause.
  3. Tiger. A wonderful relationship will develop between the Pig and the Tiger; they are quite suitable for each other for family life. Friendship can also exist here; it will be based on honesty and mutual understanding. Business cooperation will not be successful because these signs have different approaches to work.
  4. Rabbit. If the Rabbit agrees to live with the Pig, then such an alliance will be quite strong, there will be mutual respect, love and prosperity. Signs can be friends, only without going out together, since the Pig’s behavior in society can embarrass the gentle Rabbit. Engaging in a common business will give a good result, because the Pig is very lucky, and the Rabbit is fast and dexterous, so such partners are able to achieve great heights together.
  5. The Dragon. Here the relationship is doomed to failure, despite the fact that the Pig will try with all his might to serve and please his partner. The dragon, due to its nature, will simply be unable to appreciate this, and this will begin to offend her. The signs are suitable for each other as friends, they will have a wonderful relationship based on honesty and trust. Working together is possible, the prospects here are very good.
  6. Snake. The union is undesirable for the Pig, since it completely falls under the subordination of the Snake, and this can be a difficult test for it. Friendship is also unlikely here. They should not start business relationships either, because the Pig does not need the wise advice of the Snake and will always be able to earn money himself, and she will only interfere with him.
  7. Horse. Nothing good will come of this relationship; there will always be mutual misunderstanding, irritation, and resentment. The Horse loves himself first of all, and the Pig will find it difficult to come to terms with this. There can be no friendship between these signs either. And they will not be able to work together, because they will never be able to come to a common agreement.
  8. Goat. An excellent union, complete mutual understanding, love and harmony will always reign here. The signs complement each other perfectly and can live many happy years together. Their friendships can be very strong; these people are interested in communicating with each other and spending time together. Business cooperation can also be very promising, since when working together they complement each other perfectly.
  9. Monkey. Signs can create a family; such a union will be strong and happy. Monkey and Pig can be good friends; their friendship will always contain respect and humor. They can try to work together; such cooperation can be beneficial for both.
  10. Rooster. The family union will be very strong provided that the Pig provides the Rooster with a decent standard of living in material terms. Friendly relations are unlikely, because the Rooster is too bright and shocking a personality for the Pig. Business cooperation will not be successful, since the Pig will not be able to take the Rooster seriously.
  11. Dog. The relationship between the signs is quite good; such a marriage will bring happiness and peace to both partners. Their friendship is very strong. The Dog and the Pig will always be devoted to each other. The signs are not suitable for working together, so it is not advisable for them to work together.
  12. Pig. An alliance can be very good provided that one of the partners agrees to give in to the other. In this case, your life together will be strong and happy. Friendly relationships are long-lasting and strong, based on similar interests and life values. Business cooperation is very promising, since representatives of this sign are quite lucky and will be able to gradually get rich by working together.

Best compatibility with signs such as.

How important is it to have such information today? Let's try to talk about this in more detail.

Section 1. 1995 is the year of which animal according to the horoscope? Relevance of the issue

Do we need to know about this? What does this do and how can it be useful? In general, according to a recent social survey, not every person follows the eastern calendar. Therefore, you can only find out which animal’s year 1995 is from those who were lucky enough to be born in this time period or have relatives of Dragons, Tigers, Rabbits or any other representatives of this mysterious old theory. Why?

Yes, because in such a year a person usually receives or gives a lot of symbolic gifts, supposedly guaranteeing future luck and powerful energy potential.

Section 2. General description of the year

In general, purely theoretically, according to the Chinese calendar, the solar year is divided into twelve earthly branches, which correspond to 12 star signs.

In search of an answer to the question “1995 - what year according to the eastern calendar” we learn that the pig was considered the patronizing creature of this time period.

The pig belongs to the twelfth earthly branch, Hai (Refuge). It is associated with water, characterized by strong yin properties - calmness and reflection, and personifies peace, kindness, generosity, honesty, patience and at the same time passion, laziness, apathy, pessimism and snobbery.

Section 3. Main events of 1995. So is there a pattern?

On March 1, Vlad Listyev (famous television journalist, icon of Russian television) was killed. This murder shocked the entire Russian society. To date, this case has not been solved. According to the most convincing version, it is assumed that Listyev’s murder is connected with his television activities, or more precisely, with multimillion-dollar profits for advertising time on air.

On April 1, Public Russian Television (ORT), organized on January 25, began broadcasting. At first, Ostankino was broadcast on Channel One, but by the end of 1994 it could not withstand the competition with NTV, and it was replaced by the ORT television channel. The main shareholder of the channel was B. Berezovsky, who in September 2000 sold his 49% stake in the ORT television channel. In 2002, ORT was reorganized into Channel One.

On May 28, an earthquake with a magnitude greater than 7 occurred on Sakhalin Island in the village of Neftegorsk. As a result of the earthquake, the village was completely destroyed, 2 thousand people died.

On December 14 in Paris, Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia signed the Dayton Agreement to end the civil war that has lasted since 1992 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

On December 17, elections to the Municipal Duma of the second convocation took place. They were carried out according to a mixed system: one half of the deputies were distributed between parties that received more than 5% of the votes on federal lists, the second half were elected in majoritarian districts. 43 parties and electoral associations took part in the elections. Only the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, Our Home is Russia, and Yabloko passed.

We understand that the year has been busy and difficult. There is no point in even arguing about this.

Section 4. 1995 - whose year: the impact of date of birth on a person’s character traits

People born in the year of the Pig are excellent business partners, as they are obligatory and responsible. However, for such dedication, they demand the same from their colleagues and business partners.

We have already found the answer to the question “1995 is the year of which animal” and we know that the symbol was a pig.

Try to remember which of your loved ones was born in the Year of the Pig. According to astronomers, pigs are loyal friends, ready to support you in any situation. They do not tolerate criticism or advice regarding their business activities, so if you want to remain friends with them, you should not impose your opinion on them.

Representatives of the Year of the Pig prefer a bird in the hand to a pie in the sky. They will not take unnecessary risks, but will systematically and methodically move towards their goal. These people are very hardworking and diligent in doing their work. They try not to participate in intrigues, trying to displace their colleagues in order to take a higher position.

In terms of love, not everything is so smooth for them because of their gullibility and naivety. In relation to their chosen one, they are open, zealous and romantic. If they are lucky, they will meet their love the first time, otherwise they will inevitably experience love disappointment. From such a situation, they are able to draw conclusions and begin looking for a new partner. They give their chosen one complete freedom, but in return they demand the same. With them you can build a strong and long-term alliance.

Section 5. What the coming year 2014 will bring

The year of the greenish Horse will be quite successful for representatives of the Year of the Pig, since traits such as prudence and caution will help them achieve success and remain at the top. In order not to be left behind the train, Pigs will need to show determination and the ability to achieve their goals.

This year will be successful not only for entrepreneurs, but also for people in creative professions. If you suddenly decide to change your job, then most likely you will find it more exciting and profitable. Don’t be afraid of apparent difficulties and possible failures; newcomers are always subject to more stringent requirements, and they will need to earn authority in their new place of work.

There will be peace and tranquility in family life. For many Pigs, this year will be marked by events such as a wedding or the birth of a child. In the struggle for the material well-being of their loved ones, Pigs may begin to show scrupulousness in counting money and even greed. Don't forget that you only live once, and you need money to spend it.

In the year of the greenish Horse, lonely Pigs will find their soul mates. Remember that the Horse loves active and purposeful people. If you sit at home and look at the opposite sex from the window, then the dream of finding family happiness will remain a dream. Decisive and courageous Pigs will definitely meet a person to whom they will give their care and tenderness.

Section 6. Famous people born in the year of the Pig

1995 is the year of which animal, we have already learned, however, it is perhaps too early to talk about the outstanding achievements of people born in this particular year, and therefore we will try to trace the pattern of the abilities of the representatives of this symbol.

Born in the Year of the Pig were Fyodor Tyutchev, Oliver Cromwell, Woody Allen, Emma Thompson, Elton John, Samuel Marshak, Alfred Hitchcock, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Spielberg, Wolfgang Mozart, Henry Kissinger, Mark Bernes, Anatoly Lunacharsky, Konstantin Chernenko, Glenn Close, Henry Ford, Carl Jung, Ernest Hemingway, Ronald Reagan, Michael Parkinson. They are all outstanding and talented individuals, so those born in 1995 also have the potential of geniuses.

Year of the Green Wooden Boar

Element: Wood

Green color

The ability to please people and conquer them with your charm are your main characteristics. You don’t need to do anything to achieve your goals: a lot comes into your hands and contributes to your luck, both in business and in love.

You are able to achieve a lot in your life without much effort, even what others achieve through hard work. But don't relax: in some situations you will have to show personal effort or fight against difficulties and obstacles. Therefore, persevere if necessary and try to spare the feelings of others, especially those you truly love.

Character traits

  • Strong;
  • Decisive;
  • Inflexible.

Distinctive features

Tall, thin build, beautiful eyes, small hands and feet.

Suitable areas of activity

  • Scientist;
  • Researcher;
  • Writer.

Eastern calendar compatibility table

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Neutral type of relationship

Such people will be able to create harmonious and strong relationships. But achieving harmony is possible only with mutual understanding, otherwise relationships are very easy to destroy. Be considerate of each other and everything will be fine.

Constant friction in relationships

Partners tend to play with each other and get on each other's nerves. The duration of a relationship depends only on the mutual desire to be together.


Partners will be happy together, but at the same time they will constantly move forward. If this sounds like you, then you have every chance of creating a wonderful and strong relationship.

Complete harmony

One of the most beautiful combinations. The family relationships of these people will be harmonious, happy, and calm to the envy of others.

Open confrontation

Such people will constantly conflict, even if they do not want to spoil the relationship. It is very difficult for partners to understand each other and not provoke conflicts.

Conflict combination

Partners will have to overcome many obstacles and show a lot of patience to maintain peace. For the relationship to be long-lasting and useful, both you and your partner need to put in a lot of effort, constantly adapting to each other.


Ups and downs will constantly alternate, as will quarrels and periods of reconciliation. If you can get through difficult periods, the relationship will become harmonious and you can build a happy future.

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