
Motivation and stimulation of teaching staff. Labor incentive system for employees of an educational institution Incentive system for personnel in an educational institution

All-Russian festival of pedagogical

creativity 2015-2016 academic year

Nomination: Organization and management of the educational process

Job title:

Employee labor incentive system

educational institution MBOU "Secondary School No. 20"

Place of execution: MBOU Secondary School 20, Angarsk




Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of labor incentives………………………....5

1.1 The concept and essence of incentives……………………………...….…5

1.2 Labor incentive system, concept, content …………………...….8

1.3 Types of incentives………………………………………………………14

1.3.1 Material and monetary incentives……………………………...15

1.3.2 Social incentives………………………………………………………17

1.3.3 Moral stimulation……………………………………. ………18

Conclusion on Chapter 1…………………………………………………………………...21

Chapter 2. Stimulating labor in an educational institution

MBOU "Secondary School No. 20" Angarsk …………………………………………….…...22

2.1 General characteristics of the MBOU organization“Secondary school No. 20” ………………….…...22

2.2 Labor incentive system in MBOU "Secondary School No. 20"................................23

2.3 Factors influencing employee satisfaction

MBOU "Secondary School No. 20" system of remuneration and incentives........................29

employees of the educational institution MBOU “Secondary School No. 20” …….………..30

Conclusion on Chapter 2…………………………………………………………………...32





One of the most difficult moments in both the theory and practice of management is the correct choice of methods for managing personnel of an enterprise. The path to effective management of a person lies through understanding his motivation. Only by knowing what motives underlie human activity can one develop an effective system of forms and methods of human management. To do this, you need to know how certain motives arise or are caused, how and in what ways they can be put into action, how people are motivated.

With all the breadth of methods with which you can motivate employees, the head of the institution must choose how to stimulate each employee to fulfill the main task - improving the quality of work. If this choice is made successfully, then the leader gets the opportunity to coordinate the efforts of many other people and jointly realize the potential capabilities of a group of people for the benefit of the prosperity of the institution and society as a whole.

Recognition of the significance and importance of teaching activities, public approval of its results are expressed in the form of encouragement. In professional activities, encouragement is one of the most important elements of labor discipline; it plays a large role in enhancing the activities of a teacher and is a set of measures of positive influence on the teacher, contributing to the development of moral and material incentives to work.

The relevance of the problem of motivating employees at the moment is one of the main ones, since a properly developed incentive system helps not only to increase the social, business and creative activity of employees, but also to lead to successful results of the institution’s activities and improve performance in general.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the incentive system for employees of an educational institution, using the example of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20” and to develop recommendations for its improvement.

Job objectives:

    Consider the theoretical basis for stimulating the work of employees of an educational institution, give a definition of stimulation;

    Define the concept and content of the incentive system;

    Explore types of incentives;

    Analyze the labor incentive system in MBOU “Secondary School No. 20”;

    Identify factors influencing satisfactionemployees of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20” with an incentive system;

The subject of the study is the process of stimulating the work of teaching staff.

The object of the study is the system for stimulating the efficiency and quality of work of employees of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20”.

Research methods used:

    theoretical analysis of literature on the topic;

    descriptive method;

    comparative method;


    questionnaire, survey;

    visual: analytical tables, diagrams, graphs.

Hypothesis – a detailed system for stimulating the efficiency and quality of labor will allow mobilizing the labor potential of employees of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20”.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of labor incentives

    1. The concept and essence of stimulation

Stimulating labor creates conditions for the employee to realize that he can work more productively, and for the emergence of a desire, which, in turn, gives rise to the need to work more productively, i.e. the employee’s emergence of motives for more efficient work and the implementation of this motive (motives) in the labor process.

Doronina I.V. in his work “Motivation and stimulation of personnel” , referring to a number of dictionaries on psychology, provides a number of definitions of stimulation. The most complete of them:

stimulation is the motivation that causes the activity of the body and determines its direction;

stimulation is a set of psychological reasons that explain human behavior, its beginning, direction and activity.

Thus, all the main aspects of an individual’s active life are associated with the term “stimulation”: thanks to certain motives, he organizes his behavior, performs work and other activities, experiences desires, strives for their fulfillment, etc.

Let us consider the concept of labor stimulation and its essence, taking into account Russian specifics. One of the leaders in domestic motivational management is E.A. Utkin. defines labor stimulation as a set of internal and external driving forces that encourage a person to work, setting the boundaries, forms, degree of intensity of activity, the level of effort, diligence, conscientiousness, perseverance and giving it direction, orientation towards achieving certain goals .

A similar definition of labor stimulation was given by the author of a large economic dictionary, A. N. Azriliyan, according to which labor stimulation is a set of internal incentives of an individual or group of people to activities aimed at achieving the goals of the organization .

Khromovskikh N.T. define labor stimulation as the employee’s desire to satisfy needs (i.e., obtain certain benefits) through work activity .

The formation of a labor incentive occurs if the subject of management has at his disposal the necessary set of goods that corresponds to the socially determined needs of a person; to obtain benefits, the employee’s personal labor efforts are required; labor activity allows the employee to obtain these benefits with lower material and moral costs than any other type of activity.

The simplest model of stimulating labor through needs is presented in Figure 1.1.

Need (lack of something)

Motivation, incentives



Result (goal)

Complete satisfaction

Partial satisfaction

Lack of satisfaction

Figure 1.1. A simplified model of stimulation through needs

The group of leading incentives that determine employee behavior is called the motivational core (complex), which has its own structure, which varies depending on the specific work situation. The strength of stimulation is determined by the degree of relevance of a particular need for the employee. The more urgent the need for a particular benefit, the stronger the desire to obtain it, the more active the worker will be.

Thus, an important factor of personality is the system of its needs, incentives, interests, i.e. what determines the reasons for an individual's behavior helps explain the decisions made. An individual's need is an awareness of the absence of something that causes a person to take action.

Accordingly, motivation is a feeling of lack of something that has a certain direction. It is a behavioral manifestation of a need and is focused on achieving a goal. A goal in this sense is something that is perceived as a means of satisfying a need. When a person achieves such a goal, his need is satisfied, partially satisfied or unsatisfied. The degree of satisfaction obtained from achieving a goal influences a person’s behavior in similar circumstances in the future.

A reward system is used to motivate people to perform effectively. Together with the concept of “incentive,” the term “reward” has a broader meaning than just money or pleasure with which this word is most often associated. Reward is everything that a person considers valuable to himself. But the concept of value is specific for each person, and, therefore, the assessment of reward and its relative value is different. Types of incentives are presented in Figure 1.2.




Achieving results, significance, self-esteem, communication with colleagues


Figure 1.2. Types of incentives

Internal rewards come from the work itself. This may be a feeling of achieving a result, the content and significance of the work performed, and self-esteem. Friendship between members of the same work team and simple communication with colleagues that arise in the process of work are also considered as internal rewards. The simplest way to ensure internal rewards is to create appropriate working conditions and accurately define the task.

Extrinsic reward is the type of reward most often associated with the concept of reward. It does not arise from the work itself, but is given by the organization. From a motivational point of view, it can be defined as stimulation of work. Incentives should be focused on the structure of the employee’s value aspirations and interests, and on the full realization of the existing labor potential.

Motivation and stimulation as methods of labor management are distinguished by their focus: the first is aimed at changing the existing situation; the second is to consolidate it, but at the same time they complement each other.

The function of incentives is that it influences the workforce in the form of incentives for effective work, social influence, collective and individual incentive measures.

These forms of influence activate the work of management bodies and increase the efficiency of the entire management system of an enterprise or organization. The essence of incentives is to ensure that employees perform work in accordance with the rights and responsibilities delegated to them, in accordance with management decisions made aimed at changing the situation.


1. To create an effective incentive system, it is necessary to understand the driving motives.

2. Labor stimulation is a set of internal and external driving forces that encourage a person to work, setting the boundaries, forms, degree of intensity of activity, the level of effort, diligence, conscientiousness, perseverance and giving it direction, orientation towards achieving certain goals.

1.2. Labor incentive system, concept, content

In different sources, the system is understood as:

An object whose properties cannot be reduced without remainder to the properties of its constituent elements ;

Anything made up of parts connected to each other ;

Complex of interacting components ;

Many related active elements ;

Not just a collection of units, but a collection of relationships between these units ;

A set of objects that have given properties, and a set of relationships between objects and their properties ;

A complex of selectively involved components, in which the interaction and relationship takes on the character of interaction of components aimed at obtaining a focused useful result .

Thus, the following properties of the system can be distinguished:

A system is a collection of elements;

Under certain conditions, these elements can be considered as systems;

The system is characterized by the presence of connections (interrelations) between elements, which naturally determine the integrative properties of the system, distinguishing the system from a simple conglomerate, and distinguishing it as an integral formation from the environment.

A study of the literature on labor incentive systems revealed the presence of three interrelated components (groups of methods) of labor incentives. Among them are administrative, economic and social elements. The general structure of methods and forms of labor stimulation is shown in Figure 1.3.

Methods of labor stimulation

Organizational and administrative



Conditions, value of results, self-realization, recognition, gratitude, blame.

Material goods

Organization Affairs

Figure 1.3. M methods and forms of labor stimulation

Organizational and administrative methods involve, first of all, involving employees in the affairs of the organization and the work of collegial bodies: for example, they are given the right to vote when deciding a number of issues.

Stimulation with the prospect of acquiring new knowledge and skills also plays an important role. It makes workers more independent, self-reliant, and gives them confidence in the future. This group also includes stimulation by enriching the content of work. It consists of providing employees with more meaningful, important, interesting, socially significant work that corresponds to their personal interests and inclinations, with broad prospects for job and professional growth, as well as allowing them to demonstrate their creative abilities, exercise control over the resources and conditions of their own work.

Economic incentive methods include, first of all, activities that involve employees receiving or depriving employees of certain material benefits. These include various types of bonuses, various types of permanent payments and allowances, and benefits. This group also includes the provision of material benefits such as tourist vouchers, payment for sanatorium treatment, etc.

Social and psychological methods of stimulation contain the following main elements:

Creating conditions under which people could feel professional pride in the fact that they can cope with the assigned work better than others, involvement in it, personal responsibility for its results, would feel the value of the results, their specific importance;

The presence of a challenge, providing opportunities for everyone at their workplace to show their abilities, realize themselves in work, prove that they can do something;

Recognition, which can be personal and public;

Setting high goals that inspire people to work effectively;

An atmosphere of mutual respect, trust, encouragement of reasonable risks and tolerance of mistakes and failures; attentive attitude from management and colleagues;

Promotion to a position that combines all the incentive methods considered, because it provides higher wages (economic incentive), interesting and meaningful work (organizational incentive), and also reflects recognition of the merits and authority of the individual through transfer to a higher status group(social incentive). At the same time, this method of stimulation is internally limited: there are not many high-ranking positions in the organization, much less free ones; not all people are capable of leading and that's not all there is to it strive; promotion requires increased costs for retraining;

Praise at completing large amounts of work, mastering new work methodsor new products, implementation of rationalization proposals;

Approval during the process, if the work is done efficiently;

Support when an employee has doubts, is not sure, cannot decide on the choice of goals, objectives, methods of behavior and action;

Blame, i.e. the use of appealing to conscience when communicating with a person.

Great importance in organizing everyday moral and psychological stimulation should be given to the most authoritative members of the team. Praise, approval, support can come not only from the leader.

Let us note that each individual element of the individual’s work incentive system definitely has a relationship with other elements. Simply having high wages cannot motivate staff to work. If this were so, then managing staff would be extremely simple.

At the level of specific studies, it is possible to identify people who are guided in their activities by a very limited range of incentives, for example, only wages, and the rest either have no significance or their influence is extremely low. Other workers, when justifying their behavior options, compare a wide range of incentives - salary, interest in work, opportunities to increase their qualification level, relationships with colleagues, with the manager, etc. The variety of incentives depends on the development of the individual and allows us to determine the range of influences on workers in the management process. The variety of incentives, their relationships and ways of manifestation in individual employees is so significant that it is practically impossible to create an incentive system that takes into account all the variables of this system.

One of the ways to solve the practical problem of creating and improving a labor incentive system is to develop a hierarchy of incentives for the team, individual professional groups and specific workers.

When using this approach, the entire set of stimuli is distributed in order of their importance for a person, i.e. a hierarchy of incentives is created. In the management process, the hierarchy of incentives allows you to prioritize incentive methods, develop a concept and policy for personnel management and other aspects of management.

The development of a hierarchy of incentives is directly related to such a category as the strength of motives. This measure determines the relative importance of each stimulus in the hierarchy. The need to use the category of motive strength is due to the fact that the magnitude of the significance gap between two stimuli closely located in the hierarchy can be different.

In addition, in order to effectively use the labor incentive system, it is necessary to take into account that the strength of certain motives is gradually changing, and, accordingly, the hierarchy of incentives itself is subject to change. Of course, motives and their change require a significant period of time, since they are closely related to value-normative mechanisms. Comparison of the hierarchy of incentives (absolute importance) and the strength of motives (relative importance) in dynamics over different time periods, as well as in different situations, allows us to assess the stability of different incentives and determine the “anchor” motives that form the stimulating core of the individual and the team.

Having determined the structure of incentives for individual employees and the team as a whole, it is necessary to use a system of levers that activate certain incentives depending on the specific situation.

1.3 Types of incentives

Let's consider the existing classification of types of incentives (see Fig. 1.4). The most important type of incentive is material, designed to play a leading role in increasing the labor activity of employees. This type consists of material-monetary and material-non-monetary incentives, the latter containing part of social incentives.

Types of incentives



Material and monetary



Figure 1.4. Classification of types of stimulation

The second important thing is spiritual stimulation, which contains social, moral, aesthetic, socio-political and informational incentives. In the psychological approach, moral stimulation is the most developed and widely used subsystem of spiritual stimulation of work.

According to one of the expanded interpretations, moral incentives are identified with the entire set of ethical and moral motives of human behavior. However, only part of the ethical categories belongs to the area of ​​moral stimulation, namely those that reflect the assessment of a person and his behavior by others and by himself.

1.3.1 Material and monetary incentives

The tariff system serves as the main means of accounting for the quality of labor and reflecting it in wages. It is a set of standards with the help of which differentiation and regulation of wages of various groups of workers is carried out depending on the complexity and working conditions in order to ensure the necessary unity of the measure of labor and its payment.

Material and monetary incentives are incentives for employees with cash payments based on the results of their work activities.

The use of material and monetary incentives makes it possible to regulate the behavior of management objects based on the use of various monetary payments and sanctions.

The main part of an employee’s income is wages, which are heterogeneous in structure. It consists of two parts: constant and variable. Sometimes these parts are given the status of a powerful stimulus. However, according to psychologists, the effect of increased earnings is positive for three months. Then the person begins to work in the same relaxed mode that is familiar to him. Additional payments are characterized by the features of incentive forms of material incentives; additional payment is a form of remuneration for additional results of labor, for the effect obtained in a specific area. Additional payments are received only by those who participate in achieving additional labor results and additional economic effect. Additional payments, unlike the tariff, are not a mandatory and permanent element of wages. The increase in the amount of additional payments depends mainly on the increase in the individual labor efficiency of a particular employee and his contribution to collective results. If performance indicators decrease, additional payments can not only be reduced in size, but also completely canceled. Additional payments are considered as an independent element of wages, and occupy an intermediate position between the tariff rate and bonus payments.

A salary supplement is a cash payment above the salary that encourages an employee to improve their qualifications, professional skills and long-term performance of combined work responsibilities.

Compensations are monetary payments established to reimburse employees for costs associated with the performance of their labor or other duties provided for by federal law..

The most important area of ​​financial and monetary incentives is bonuses. The bonus stimulates special increased results of work and its source is the material incentive fund. It represents one of the most important components of wages.

The purpose of bonuses is to improve, first of all, the final performance results expressed in certain indicators. The award in its part is of an unstable nature. Its value may be greater or less, or it may not be accrued at all. This trait is very important, and if she loses it, then the bonus loses its meaning. Essentially, it turns into a simple additional payment to wages, and its role in this case is reduced to eliminating shortcomings in the tariff system.

The manager must take into account some psychological tendencies that appear during stimulation:

firstly, the higher the value and regularity of the reward received as a result of such behavior, the higher the likelihood of effective employee behavior;

secondly, the likelihood of an employee’s effective behavior with delayed reward is lower than with immediate reward;

thirdly, when effective work behavior is not deservedly rewarded, the likelihood of an employee’s effective behavior gradually weakens and loses the characteristics of effectiveness. The central place in the incentive system is the size of the bonus. It determines the connection between labor results and an increase in the amount of incentives. The employee sees the effectiveness of the bonus system used in the amount of money received in the form of a bonus.

1.3.2 Social incentives

The second important type of stimulation is social, which is presented as material and non-monetary. The main focus is the relationship between people, expressed in management’s appreciation of the employee’s merits.

This is encouragement through material and non-monetary incentives and social relationships in the team.

Material and non-monetary benefits can be used as incentives because the receipt of any of them can be associated with the results of labor activity and social activity of employees. They have the ability to distinguish the encouraged employee from the environment. It attracts everyone's attention and is the subject of evaluation and discussion among employees.

Moreover, the general tendency is that the less often an object (material object, service, advantage, benefit) that performs the function of an incentive is distributed in the environment, the higher, other things being equal, its prestige component.

Effective use of the enormous incentive potential of material and non-monetary benefits is literally unthinkable without an individual approach.

The use of a number of material and non-monetary benefits as incentives for work requires a serious moral justification and, in the future, a lot of work to restructure consciousness. It is in the interests of management to create an environment in which it is in every sense beneficial for a person to work well and disadvantageous to work poorly. This order of satisfying needs, which fully corresponds to the principle of distribution according to work, seems more fair than the order of simple priority.

1.3.3 Moral stimulation

Moral stimulation is the most developed and widely used subsystem of spiritual stimulation of work and is based on the specific spiritual values ​​of a person.

Moral incentives are those incentives whose action is based on a person’s need for social recognition.

The essence of moral stimulation is the transfer of information about a person’s merits and the results of his activities in the social environment. It has an informational nature, being an information process in which the source of information about the merits of employees is the subject of management; the receiver is the object of stimulation, the employee and the team, the communication channel is the means of transmitting information. Therefore, the more accurately such information is transmitted, the better the system performs its function.

Moral incentives are means of attracting people to work that are based on the attitude towards work as the highest value, on the recognition of labor merits as the main ones. They are not limited to incentives and awards; their use involves the creation of such an atmosphere, such public opinion, moral and psychological climate, in which the work collective knows well who is working and how, and everyone is rewarded according to their deserts. This approach requires ensuring that conscientious work and exemplary behavior will always receive recognition and positive evaluation, will bring respect and gratitude.

The moral incentives for employees developed at the enterprise must meet the following requirements:

Provide incentives for specific indicators on which employees have a direct impact and which most fully characterizes the participation of each employee in solving the problems facing him;

Establish incentive measures for success in work so that more significant incentive measures are used for higher achievements;

Provide confidence that, subject to the fulfillment of increased commitments, participants will be rewarded in accordance with the results achieved;

Strengthen the interest of each employee in the constant improvement of his production performance;

Be simple, intelligible and understandable for employees;

Take into account increasing socio-political activity and professional and technical skills, sustainability of high results in work;

Preventing the devaluation of moral incentives.

To effectively use moral incentives it is necessary:

Availability of provisions on moral incentive statuses and knowledge of them by employees;

Make wider use of various forms of moral encouragement in the interests of developing creative initiative and activity;

Moral encouragement should be supported by measures of material incentives, ensure the correct interaction of material and moral incentives, and continuously improve them in accordance with new tasks, changes in the content, organization and working conditions;

The workforce should be widely informed about each moral encouragement given to an employee;

Present awards and express gratitude in a solemn atmosphere;

Encourage employees in a timely manner - immediately after achieving certain successes in work;

Develop new forms of encouragement and establish strict moral responsibility of each employee for the assigned work;

Analyze the effectiveness of incentives;

Strictly follow the established procedure for making entries about rewards in employees’ work books.

One of the main conditions for the high effectiveness of moral incentives is to ensure social justice, that is, accurate accounting and objective assessment of the labor contribution of each employee. Conviction in the validity and fairness of recognition of an employee’s labor merits, in the correctness of his reward, raises the moral authority of work, elevates the personality, and forms an active life position.

Of particular importance is the principle of publicity of moral encouragement, that is, wide awareness of the entire team. Comprehensive information about the results achieved by employees and a festive atmosphere when presenting awards.

When organizing moral incentives, it is important to ensure a combination of incentive measures with increased responsibility for work results, which will entail an increase in responsibility in the team.

An effective method of strengthening labor discipline is rewarding for conscientious work. The number of incentives applied does not yet ensure high authority and effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality selection of candidates for promotion. The best people in the team must be rewarded in strict accordance with the incentive regulations. Moral incentives are effective to the extent that their distribution is assessed by employees as fair. Fairness depends on the accuracy with which they reflect the level of performance results.

Numerous sociological studies have shown that the motives of work, the influence of moral incentives on workers largely depend on age, gender, qualifications, education, length of service at the enterprise, and level of consciousness. This must be taken into account when developing incentive conditions.

Conclusions from Chapter 1: To create an effective incentive system, it is necessary to understand the driving motives.

Building an effective system for stimulating the work of employees of an educational institution presupposes the need to take into account and encourage these qualities existing among teaching staff.

The main motivating factor should be considered wages. This conclusion is indirectly confirmed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in which a separate article is devoted to wages.

According to this article, the salary of each employee depends on his qualifications, the complexity of the work performed, the quantity and quality of labor expended, and is not limited to the maximum amount. That is, the quantity and quality of work performed should be reflected, first of all, in the amount of the employee’s salary, although we should not forget about other mechanisms for stimulating the work of employees.

Labor stimulation is a set of internal and external driving forces that encourage a person to work, setting the boundaries, forms, degree of intensity of activity, the level of effort, diligence, conscientiousness, perseverance and giving it direction, orientation towards achieving certain goals.

The incentive system for employees of an educational institution should include a set of measures of both material and non-material incentives, presupposing a clear and distinct connection between the employee’s activities and the legally established results of the activities of the institution as a whole. The types of various incentives for employees for their work are determined by a collective agreement or internal labor regulations, as well as charters and regulations on discipline.

Chapter II. Stimulating labor in educational

establishment of MBOU "Secondary School No. 20"

2.1 General characteristics of the organization MBOU "Secondary School No. 20"

MBOU "Secondary school No. 20" of the city of Angarsk. The founder of the School is the Angarsk municipality.

Postal and legal address: 665808, Irkutsk region, Angarsk, block 95, building 20

The school is located in the geographical center of the city of Angarsk, in the 95th quarter.

The school is included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the form of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20”, registered by the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the city of Angarsk, Irkutsk Region, dated September 30, 2010, under state registration No. 2103801066191.

The school in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” and other legislative and regulatory acts adopted in accordance with them, the Model Regulations on a General Educational Institution, an agreement with the Founder and the Charter.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, 651 students study in 26 classes at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20”. The school implements programs of primary general education, which are successfully completed by 316 students (time frame - 4 years), 288 students are studying in basic general education programs (time frame - 5 years), 47 students in grades 10-11 are preparing to receive a secondary school certificate ( complete) general education (time of completion - 2 years). In primary schools, various educational systems and educational and methodological complexes are implemented: “School 2100”, “Russian School”, “Planet of Knowledge”.

In grades 5-9 there is continuity in the implementation of educational programs, methods and methods of teaching.

In high school, in the 11th grade, a specialized (medical) curriculum is implemented.

MBOU "Secondary School No. 20" also presents additional education programs in artistic and aesthetic, physical education and sports, scientific and technical, sports and technical areas.

MBOU "Secondary School No. 20" has the status of a reference school for the implementation of a network municipal project for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries.

The MBOU "Secondary School No. 20" provides instruction in two foreign languages: English and German.

Hierarchical system of MBOU "Secondary School No. 20":


Deputy directors for educational work - 4 people;

Deputy for economic affairs;

Teachers – 35 people;

Other workers: speech therapist, teacher-psychologist, teacher-organizer, social teacher, programmer;

Technical staff – 13 people.

2 .2. Labor incentive system in MBOU "Secondary School No. 20"

An important part of human resources management (personnel management) is the management of work stimulation in our educational institution. In this sense, an educational institution is no different from any other organization. Labor stimulation is generally understood as “the process of encouraging employees to work to achieve the goals of the organization.”

Currently, there is no universal theory of incentives. All employees have different stimulating properties, which is why managers do not always succeed in motivating employees. However, it is within the power of any manager to create an environment and find opportunities that will help employees achieve a high level of motivation.

Thus, all incentive factors can be reduced to several:

Recognition and approval;

Personal development;

Safe and comfortable working conditions;

Significance of the activity;

Fairness in assessing work results;

Salary, including incentive payments;

Social package (for example, medical examination, organization of recreation for children, other types of social support, etc.).

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of using both material and non-material incentive factors in an educational institution. Thus, according to Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer encourages employees who conscientiously perform their labor duties (declares gratitude, gives a bonus, awards a valuable gift, a certificate of honor, nominates them for the title of the best in the profession, applies other types of incentives).

Due to the impossibility of ensuring equal wages in our organization, a flexible system of benefits for employees has become widespread (training at the expense of the organization, providing creative freedom when performing tasks, annual medical examination, annual paid leave, additional days of rest, certificates, letters of gratitude, incentive points).

The main stimulating factor in MBOU “Secondary School No. 20” should be considered wages. According to the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the salary of each employee depends on his qualifications, the complexity of the work performed, the quantity and quality of labor expended and is not limited to the maximum amount. That is, the quantity and quality of work performed should be reflected, first of all, in the amount of the employee’s salary, although we should not forget about other mechanisms for stimulating the work of employees.

The incentive system for employees of the educational institution under study includes a set of measures of both material and non-material incentives, which presuppose a clear and distinct connection between the employee’s activities and the legally established results of the activities of the institution as a whole.(see Appendix 4).

The MBOU "Secondary School No. 20" has documents that describe various types of incentives for employees for work, and they are determined by the collective agreement, internal labor regulations, as well as regulations on remuneration of school employees (see appendices 1, 2, 3).

The effectiveness of any incentive system, and in particular ours, depends on the opportunities provided to minimize conflict situations while simultaneously improving the quality of work by rewarding the most distinguished employees. These opportunities are determined by the degree of participation of the workforce, as well as other participants in the educational process, in the procedure for adopting the established incentive system.

The list of possible incentives for work activity used in the educational institution MBOU "Secondary School No. 20" is the subject and result of an agreement between employees of the educational institution, and representatives of the administration, as well as representatives of educational authorities.The question also remains open about what remuneration systems for educators will allow to raise the prestige of the profession, the social status of the teacher, and ensure a decent financial situation for educators.

The basis of the remuneration system for educational workers, including MBOU “Secondary School No. 20,” is a tariff schedule that reflects the teacher’s experience, his workload in parallels, the number of hours of teaching students at home, regional and northern coefficients. Bonuses in the educational institution under study are regulated by the regulations on the remuneration of school employees and are established for high performance, successful completion of the most complex work, high quality of work, intensity, intensity of work, that is, for quality performance indicators. Additional payments in an educational institution are established for checking written work, managing classrooms, and other additional work not directly included in the employee’s job responsibilities.

One of the disadvantages of this remuneration system is the economic neglect of the extracurricular, educational work of the teacher. Since the actual tariffs for teachers include exclusively direct teaching hours, all extracurricular, extracurricular, educational work, work with parents (with the exception of additional payments for classroom management) and so on are not included in the tariffs, although according to the law and according to pedagogical theory, education is a priority over teaching.

In MBOU "Secondary School No. 20" quite a lot of attention is paid to motivating staff. An educational institution has a collective agreement in which the administration undertakes to:

Ensure stable employment of employees of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20” in accordance with their profession, qualifications and employment contract;

Create safe working conditions;

Carry out occupational health and safety measures, collective and individual protection, preventing industrial injuries and the occurrence of occupational diseases;

Ensure the organization of proper sanitary, household and medical and preventive services for workers.

The collective agreement stipulates several dozen types of social benefits and allowances for employees of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20”, which is an important factor in stimulating employees of an educational institution, which contributes to social attractiveness (see Appendix 1).

In addition to the collective agreement, the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20”, in order to motivate employees to achieve better results in their work, has developedpositionon remuneration, which sets out the procedure for establishing incentive payments to employees of the municipal budgetary educational institution “Secondary School No. 20” (see Appendix 3).

In addition to price incentive methods, MBOU “Secondary School No. 20” pays special attention to socio-psychological methods. The institution holds events aimed at developing corporate spirit.

Particular attention is paid to improving the qualifications of employees.

Continuing the analysis of the labor incentive system at MBOU "Secondary School No. 20", an assessment was made of employee satisfaction with the existing incentive system. Nine key parameters indicating the level of satisfaction were rated on a five-point scale. The assessments were differentiated by groups: “managers” and “specialists and workers.” The final results of the survey are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Assessment of labor incentive elements in MBOU “Secondary School No. 20”

Incentive element

Average score

on a five-point scale


Specialists and workers

1. Solving social problems: providing all forms of social benefits (sick leave, vacation, pension, etc.) regardless of position; ensuring the proper level of labor safety, health protection, assistance, etc.)



2. Content of work (intensity of the day, effectiveness, compliance with duties of the position, satisfaction)



3. Objective assessment of work by your manager, mutual understanding with him



4. Salary, material incentives



5. Growth prospects (planning, promotion, advanced training, training)



6. Relationships in the team (in your team, in the organization as a whole)



7. Working conditions (workplace organization)



8. Management style and working methods (culture, understanding of the organization’s goals, relationship with the team)



9. Awareness of employees (about the affairs of the enterprise, about employees, about their prospects)



According to the analysis, most of the elements of the incentive system are assessed by employees and managers at a level above average. However, this system has a number of weaknesses that require decisions:

Growth prospects are rated low by both management and ordinary employees;

The assessment of labor content by specialists and workers is low;

The assessment of the level of wages by specialists and workers is low.

This indicates the presence of reserves for increasing incentives for employees of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20”.

The next element of the study conducted at MBOU “Secondary School No. 20” was a survey to determine the most effective methods of increasing incentives from the point of view of school employees; school employees respondedto the question: “What methods of increasing motivation are the most effective.”The survey results are presented in the diagram.

Diagram. Results of a survey of employees of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20”

In this case, the sum of the estimates exceeds 100%, because workers were asked to choose several options. Note that the leader is the increase in wages (79% of employees). In second place is the dependence of wages on labor results (70%), as well as team-building measures, followed by improvement of working conditions.

In general, it is important to note that the incentive methods practiced at MBOU “Secondary School No. 20” coincide with their assessment by school employees as the most effective.

2.3. Factors influencing the satisfaction of employees of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20” with the system of remuneration and incentives

Having analyzed the situation in the field of staff motivation in the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20”, we can point to a number of factors that influence employee satisfaction with the remuneration and incentive systems. This:

An employee's satisfaction with his pay depends in part on how well his expectations match what he actually receives. A feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction arises in the process of comparing one’s work, qualifications, education and labor efforts with external and internal factors that stimulate work, that is, the return on labor;

Employee satisfaction with remuneration is also related to how similar work is paid in other organizations, i.e. the worker compares the contribution/output ratio for himself with a similar ratio for other workers. It should be noted here that different people assess their contribution to production activities differently. There is a tendency to overestimate one's contribution to work in those areas where the employee feels most confident; the same tendency is typical for those cases when some work has been completed particularly successfully. It is common for workers to rate their work contributions significantly higher than those of their superiors. It is typical for bosses to overestimate their contribution in relation to their subordinates. The problem is aggravated by the lack of communication skills: friendly relations with subordinates, the inability to give a sincere assessment of the work of a subordinate leads to the fact that the employee begins to overestimate his contribution to the business, which in turn gives rise to dissatisfaction with the payment for his work;

Employees often misperceive the assessment of their colleagues' work contributions, which is also a source of dissatisfaction. In addition, there is a tendency to overestimate the wages of their colleagues, which does not allow them to weigh their compliance with their labor participation. Dissatisfaction with pay and hostility towards colleagues often arise due to a lack of accurate information about the salaries or wages of other employees;

Ultimately, employee satisfaction depends on a package of incentive measures. It is obvious that moral and material incentives are equally important and cannot be replaced by one another. Workers who receive wages for repetitive work may express dissatisfaction with the lack of moral incentives; and workers who receive salaries for interesting work may be dissatisfied precisely with the lack of material incentives for their work.

2.4 Recommendations for improving the system

incentives for employees of educational institutions

MBOU "Secondary School No. 20"

To effectively stimulate employeesMBOU "Secondary School No. 20"

the following conditions must be met:

3. The employee must be sure that a certain level of personal labor contribution will lead to an increase in the efficiency of the educational institution as a whole.

The implementation of the above measures, taking into account the identified factors on employee satisfaction with remuneration and incentive systems and conditions for effective incentives will, from our point of view, allow us to improve the system of motivation and incentives for personnel, and, consequently, the quality of education.

At MBOU “Secondary School No. 20” an additional survey was conducted to identify the priority type of incentive; 53 school employees participated in the survey (see Table 2, Diagram 1).

Table 2. Priority types of incentives in MBOU "Secondary School No. 20"

Type of incentive

Number of teachers

(Human - %)


Material and monetary

41 – 77%

technical staff, young specialists, other workers, teachers


4 – 8%

retired teachers


8 – 15%

trainee teachers, retired teachers

From the processed data it is clear that 77% of employees of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20” give preference to material and monetary incentives for their work. Eight percent put social stimulation first and only 4% have a predisposition to social stimulation.

Conclusion for Chapter 2: Incentive system for employees of educational institutionsMBOU "Secondary School No. 20"should include and does include a set of measures of both material and non-material incentives, implying a clear and distinct connection between the employee’s activities and the results of the institution as a whole and taking into account the individuality of each school employee.


In conclusion, we note that the goal of the work has been achieved; I would like to highlight the most significant points.

At school, the system of stimulating the work of teachers should ultimately contribute to improving the quality of educational services provided, improving remuneration, and improving management methods. In conditions of limited funding, this approach seems to be the only possible way to solve these problems. This work will not require significant effort or material investments, and the results can be achieved in a fairly short time.

The employee incentive system should include forms of remuneration additional to salary.

The purpose of these rewards is to:

    motivating employees and increasing their responsibility;

    meeting the actual or perceived needs of employees, including needs related to security, financial assistance, and the provision of income in addition to pay;

    demonstrating how the institution cares about meeting the needs of its employees.

To effectively motivate an employee, the following conditions must be met:

1. The employee must be sure that effective work will be assessed accordingly.

2. The employee must consider the type of incentive he receives to be the most important for himself. Some employees are interested in promotion because they want power; others are interested in an increased pension because they have reached old age and want to relax without worrying about money.

3. The employee must be sure that a certain level of personal labor contribution will lead to an increase in the efficiency of the educational organization as a whole.

Control is an integral element of stimulation. In many cases, only control ensures that wages are earned. Ultimately, it is not the salary itself that stimulates, but the likelihood of receiving it or not receiving it. And this is determined by control. The need for control is a lack of material incentives compared to social and moral incentives to work. If an employee is passionate about his work and approaches it creatively, then he needs minimal control. Control is mandatory within the framework of material incentives for labor; it helps stimulate labor efficiency, forms and fosters the correct attitude towards work.

One of the disadvantages of this incentive system is ignoring the extracurricular, educational work of the teacher, because The teacher’s actual tariff includes only teaching hours, and all extracurricular, extracurricular, educational work, work with parents (with the exception of additional payments for class management) and so on are not included in the tariff.

The hypothesis is confirmed, i.e. If the system of labor incentives for employees of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 20” is properly structured, then it gives a positive result. The results of the study showed that MBOU “Secondary School No. 20” has created a fairly developed system of labor incentives (see Appendix 4).

List of used literature

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UDC 37.014.54
BBK 65.497.4

Target. To study the impact of changes in the wage system on the motivation of labor behavior of employees of educational institutions.

Methods. The study is based on methods of quantitative, point-based assessment of the criteria for remuneration of teaching staff in educational institutions.

Results and practical significance. The indicators and criteria by which teaching staff of educational organizations are assessed have been identified; the dependence of changes in the remuneration system on the motivation of teaching staff in educational organizations.

Scientific novelty. The patterns of influence of changes in the remuneration system on the motivation of behavior of teaching staff of educational organizations have been identified.

Keywords: motivation, educational institution, remuneration, teaching staff.

The continuous development of organizational and economic conditions for the management of educational organizations and changes in the economic situation in the country require the development of new approaches to remuneration that motivate employees to increase their human resources potential. The approaches to remuneration that existed until recently in the field of education did not have the proper stimulating effect on workers to increase the level of their professionalism and could not sufficiently orient highly qualified specialists through motivational mechanisms to work in this field.

The basis of any organization and its main wealth are people. Human beings have always been the key and most valuable resource, and in recent decades, especially in market-developed countries, there has been a clear trend toward an even greater increase in this value. Personnel today are the main driving force and strategic resource of any organization. At the same time, personnel management acts as one of the most important areas of strategic management in a modern organization, since in the conditions of an innovative economy and modernization of production, the role of a person increases, and increasingly higher demands are placed on his abilities, level of knowledge and competencies.

Personnel management of an educational organization includes many motivational components, such as personnel policy, relationships in a team, and socio-psychological aspects of management. The evolution of various approaches to the study of motivation has shown both positive and negative aspects of their application, since in the theory and practice of management there is no universal model of motivational activity that would meet various requirements. Today there is an active search for new forms of managing purposeful human activity. This process, on the one hand, is based on the analysis and reassessment of existing ideas about a person’s motivation to work, on the other hand, it is based on the scientific developments of domestic and foreign specialists in the field of labor motivation - economists, sociologists, psychologists, teachers.

We agree with the point of view of K.V. Rochev, N.R. Balynskaya and other researchers that one of the main reasons for the negative trends in the stability of the personnel potential of employees of organizations is the lack of development (lack of adaptation) of the motivational mechanism aimed at developing and increasing the competitiveness of personnel, especially within the framework of traditional forms and systems of remuneration, since wages are one of the most important incentives.

In modern management, motivation is understood as an integral part of leading an organization. It can be considered as a process of connecting the goals of the organization and the goals of the employee to most fully satisfy the needs of both. Motivation is most often interpreted as a set of internal and external driving forces that motivate a person to activity, determine its scope and form, and give it a clear orientation towards achieving fixed goals. The structure of motivation consists of needs, aspirations, incentives, motives, attitudes, and assessments. Depending on these components (motivational dominants), a person develops a certain behavior in relation to a particular stimulus, need, expectation. Modern managers need various methods for motivating and stimulating the personnel of organizations, since even the most advanced technologies, favorable external conditions and bold ideas cannot ensure the necessary efficiency of the organization without well-trained personnel motivated to achieve the goals of the organization.

We can distinguish five groups of teaching staff (Table 1) with different ratios of motivational dominants depending on their length of service in an educational institution.

Table 1 - Motivational dominants of the activities of employees of educational institutions


Motivational dominant

Essential characteristics in teacher behavior


dominance of internal motivation

desire for creative growth, activity in innovation, desire to have an interesting job

from 2 to 10 years,

after 15 years

dominance of internal and external positive motivation

desire to achieve various successes in one’s professional activities, desire to achieve recognition, focus on self-development

All internship groups

III group

dominance of external positive motivation

focus on external assessments of their activities, are very sensitive to material incentives

less than 5 years,

from 10 to 20 years

dominance of external positive and negative motives

are guided by external assessments of their work, but at the same time, the need for guarantees and security from management is more relevant to them, since teachers in this category strive to avoid disciplinary action and criticism

over 20 years

dominance of external negative motives

have a negative attitude towards various organizational changes and innovations in teaching activities. When choosing a place of work, they pay increased attention to the working conditions in the educational institution and the psychological climate in it

more than 20 years, pensioners still working

Taking into account the prevailing motivational dominants in the work behavior of teaching staff will make it possible to form an effective system of motivation for an educational institution.

One of the criteria for the effectiveness of the motivation system is its impact on achieving the strategic goal of the organization. The motivation system for employees of an educational institution should include a set of measures that presuppose a clear and precise connection between the employee’s activities and the legally established results of the institution’s activities as a whole. We agree with the authors that: a personnel motivation system is a set of measures that stimulates personnel not only to work for which they pay money, but, above all, to be especially diligent and have an active desire to work in this particular organization, to obtain high results in their activities; The labor, social and creative activity of each employee largely depends on the effectiveness of the current system of motivation and stimulation of the work activity of personnel, which ultimately will have a positive impact on the final results of all production and economic activities of the organization.

Remuneration is the basis of economic motivation for the work activity of employees of educational institutions. It provides a connection between the results of labor and its process, reflecting the quantity and quality of workers’ work. And calculations of this kind are quite complex, since they very often require an individual approach to each specific case, each employee. Workers experience greater satisfaction from work that has some visible outcome. If an employee knows exactly how the results of his work will be used, he begins to feel the importance of his own work, which stimulates him to complete the work as quickly as possible with good quality.

An employee always wants to know why he is doing this or that work. Even if he is asked to collect data for a report, he wants to know what purpose the report serves. Therefore, when formulating absolutely any task, it is necessary to mention the goals, what will really depend on the speed and quality of the work, how this work “flows” into the work of the educational institution as a whole. After completing the work, the performer will wait for the result.

The introduction of a new remuneration system in educational institutions raises the issue of using various motivational mechanisms and building a system for motivating the work of teachers in educational institutions.

Since December 1, 2010, a new system of remuneration for teachers has been introduced into the practice of educational institutions, according to which the salary of teachers consists of three parts: official salary, compensation payments and incentive payments (clause 1 of the Regulations on the establishment of remuneration systems for employees of federal budgetary institutions, approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 5, 2008 No. 583). The new system of remuneration for teachers makes it possible to take into account such types of their activities as extracurricular work on the subject, classroom management, checking notebooks, managing classrooms, consultations and additional classes with students, and working with parents.

Let's take a closer look at what teachers' salaries are made up of (from the point of view of its influence on the motivational behavior of employees).

1) Fixed salary - determined by the head of the institution according to the following parameters: the set of job duties performed; complexity of work (assessed by certification or certification); intensity and productivity of work.

The new remuneration for teachers assumes that the size of the official salary depends on the professional qualifications of the teacher: the presence of special education and professional experience. The salary is set depending on the assignment of a profession or position to professional qualification groups formed by type of economic activity (the assignment criteria are approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 6, 2007 No. 525). Professional qualification groups of positions for education workers were approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 5, 2008 No. 216n.

Teachers' salaries also depend on the application of increasing coefficients to official salaries for the position held, for the qualification category and length of service (Table 2). They may be provided for by the Regulations on remuneration of employees of the institution.

Table 2 - Increasing coefficients for official salaries of teaching staff



Increasing coefficient to salary for position held

is established for teaching staff depending on the classification of the position to the qualification level

Increasing coefficient for the qualification category to the salary for the position held

is established for teaching staff depending on the qualification category (if there is a highest qualification category it can be equal to 0.15, and the first - 0.10)

Increasing coefficient for salary for length of service to official salary

is established for teaching staff depending on their years of service (from 1 year to 3 years - up to 0.05, and for years of service over 5 years - up to 0.3 (clause 2.6 of the appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated September 25, 2008 No. 522n)) .

The decision to introduce increasing coefficients to salaries is made by the head of the educational institution, taking into account financial support. The amount of payments based on the increasing coefficient to the salary is determined by multiplying the salary of an employee of the institution by the increasing coefficient. Additionally, by decision of the head of the institution, an increasing factor may be applied to the salary for the qualification category of employees who have been awarded the academic degree of candidate (doctor) of pedagogical sciences or awarded the honorary title “Honored Teacher”. That is, a teacher’s salary may depend on the availability of an honorary title.

2) Compensation payments established by the head of the institution. Specific types of compensation payments are defined in the List of types of compensation payments in federal budgetary institutions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 29, 2007 No. 822. These include, in particular, additional payments for combining professions (positions), for increasing the volume of work or performing duties temporarily absent employee, payments for work in areas with special climatic conditions, for work at night.

3) Incentive payments - are focused on stimulating teachers to perform quality work and rewarding them for the work performed. These include incentives for the quality and effectiveness of work, payments for continuous work experience in educational institutions and length of service, and bonus payments based on performance results. The list of types of incentive payments in federal budgetary institutions was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 29, 2007 No. 818. The educational institution determines specific types of incentive payments independently within the limits of the wage fund. From January 1, 2010, at least 30% of the wage fund is allocated for incentive payments.

Based on the above, we can provide a summary table of methods for stimulating the work of teaching staff, as well as methods and techniques for motivating them, which are used in educational institutions (Table 3).

Table 3 - Forms and methods of motivation and stimulation of employees of educational institutions

Group of methods

Needs and motives

Methods and techniques of motivation


  • fear of being fired;
  • fear of punishment;
  • desire to have a stable job;
  • issuance of orders and instructions;
  • announcement of reprimands and thanks;
  • development and approval of job descriptions and other regulatory documents;


  • ensuring your existence;
  • the desire to be socially protected in case of illness or disability; in case of economic downturns;
  • desire for formal recognition of merit
  • bonuses from extra-budgetary funds
  • building a financial incentive system;
  • provision of a social package;
  • providing opportunities for commercial activities on school premises (paid educational services)


  • motives for recognition and self-esteem:
  • motive for gaining respect and recognition;
  • motive for achieving success;
  • desire for career growth;
  • need for recognition
  • generalization of work experience,
  • certification for a high qualification category;
  • involvement in management activities;
  • inclusion of management personnel in the reserve;
  • transfer to self-control;

Motives for safety and comfort: desire

  • have a safe and comfortable workplace
  • convenient work mode - quiet work without stress and conflicts
  • the presence of a trade union organization and a collective agreement.
  • clear job descriptions.
  • timely provision of information about inspections.
  • creating a convenient class schedule.

Motives of belonging, communication:

  • feel part of a group
  • the need for informal communication with colleagues / management, etc.
  • improving the status of an educational institution
  • support of existing traditions - joint leisure activities (evenings, excursions, hikes, etc.)
  • congratulations on significant events to the teacher - involvement in social work

Motives for self-realization: - desire to have an interesting job

  • the opportunity to realize your ideas and plans
  • desire for personal and professional growth, etc.
  • assignment of more complex and responsible tasks
  • providing opportunities to regularly improve skills, organizing intra-school competitions
  • inclusion in collective activities

Thus, it should be noted that when assessing work in an educational institution, the following indicators are taken into account:

  • high-quality performance of functional duties in accordance with the job description;
  • manifestation of creative initiative, independence, responsible attitude to professional duty;
  • performing work that is particularly important for the school;
  • active participation in events held at school;
  • management of extracurricular activities of students;
  • successful implementation of planned indicators;
  • improvement of forms and methods of training and education;
  • active work with public, sports organizations, creative unions, associations on the issue of education;
  • preparation of prize-winners of subject Olympiads, competitions, conferences of the scientific society of students, sports competitions (district, city, regional), all-Russian level;
  • methodological work, generalization of advanced pedagogical experience in the educational process;
  • work on writing curriculum, courses, manuals, projects;
  • active participation in the public life of the school;
  • effective work with parents of students.

All indicators are taken into account when developing criteria for the distribution of incentive payments to employees of an educational institution.

Personnel assessment is a procedure for determining quantitative measures of an employee’s compliance with his position. As mentioned above, this is a very difficult procedure for the head of an organization, since it is necessary to assess the professional competence of its employees as objectively as possible. Professional competence is the employee’s readiness to carry out professional activities, including mastering subject, methodological and psychological-pedagogical knowledge. Based on this, the employee’s assessment is given not only by the director of the educational institution, but also by the employee himself, the administration, assessing different types and areas of the employee’s activities.

To evaluate the work of teaching staff, a number of criteria have been developed, and for each criterion a rating has been determined in a point value:

  • High degree of severity - 5 points.
  • The average degree of severity is 3 points.
  • Low severity - 1 point.
  • Not expressed - 0 points.

Based on the regulatory document “Regulations on remuneration of employees of educational institutions,” schools are developing a list of permanent incentive bonuses and additional payments:

1. For high professionalism:

  • availability of departmental awards from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation;
  • personal allowance for teaching staff.

2. For skill level:

  • presence of the highest qualification category;
  • presence of the first qualification category;
  • presence of an academic title, degree.

3. For the intensity of work and intensity of work due to the innovative nature of management activities and the high level of responsibility for deputy managers

4. Young professionals from the federal budget

5. Young professionals from the municipal budget

6. To library workers in accordance with the regulations of the Chelyabinsk region regulating the amount, procedure and terms of payment:

  • annual medical benefit;
  • for length of service 30% of official salary;

7. Remuneration for performing the functions of a class teacher in accordance with the regulations of the Russian Federation, the Chelyabinsk region, local government bodies of the city, regulating the amount, procedure and terms of payment:

8. For checking notebooks, written and creative works:

  • teachers of primary school, Russian language and literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, foreign language, history, social studies, drawing and fine art.

9. Responsible for training workshops.

10. For leadership of school methodological associations.

11. For great leadership.

12. For work with the website of an educational institution.

13. For work with the Chronograph program.

14. For performing the functions of a freelance inspector for work with ward children of the microdistrict.

15. For work with special medical groups of students.

16. For working with families of students under guardianship, interaction with guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

17. For work on the prevention of crime among minors and interaction with authorities to protect their rights.

18. For work on registering those liable for military service and interaction with RVC.

19. For work with archival documents.

20. For work on interaction with the Pension Fund.

21. For working with personal data of the Institution’s employees.

22. For work with documents of the Pedagogical Council and production meetings.

23. For performing the functions of those responsible for the school museum and local history work.

24. For performing the functions of chairman of the school trade union committee.

25. For performing the functions of the person responsible for nutrition.

26. For performing the functions of the person responsible for occupational health and safety.

27. For performing the functions of filling out and registering certificates of incapacity for work.

28. For repairing school furniture.

29. For repairs and maintenance of school equipment.

30. For mentoring and working with young mid-level professionals.

31. For mentoring and working with young professionals in elementary schools.

32. For work on preventing road accidents and promoting traffic rules.

Permanent incentive payments may be adjusted. The decision to reduce the amount of permanent incentive payments, as well as their cancellation, is made by the administration of the institution, in agreement with the trade union committee, and is formalized by order of the head of the institution.

Payments established for employees may be reduced or canceled in the following cases: their validity period expires; expiration of the deadline for additional work for which additional payments were determined; the employee’s refusal to perform additional work for which they were assigned; the employee’s long-term absence due to illness, due to which additional work specified in the additional payments could not be carried out, or the employee’s absence affected the effectiveness of the work performed; failure to fulfill assigned duties; deterioration in the quality of work in the main position; in connection with a change (facilitation) of working conditions; for other reasons recognized as significant for making a decision to reduce or cancel payments.

The establishment of incentive payments for a certain period of time to employees from the incentive fund is carried out by an expert council formed at the school with the mandatory participation of a representative of the trade union organization, members of the administration, teachers, and heads of methodological associations. At school, teaching staff are set performance indicators. For each performance indicator of categories of employees of an institution, measurement indicators have been established. Each measurement indicator is assessed with a maximum number of points. The sum of points for measurement indicators gives the total number of points for one indicator. The total score for performance indicators is the maximum number of points for a certain category of employees.

An evaluation sheet is filled out for each school employee, which indicates the performance indicators of his activities. The assessment of performance indicators is carried out in two stages: first of all, by the employee himself and the deputy director supervising this area of ​​activity. If discrepancies in the assessments of the same indicator are identified in the assessment sheet, the administration takes measures to bring the assessment to one value (negotiations, clarification of calculations and data in primary documents, etc.). In case of divergence of opinions among members of the expert council, the decision is made by a majority of votes through open voting, subject to the presence of at least half of the council members. In case of an equal number of votes during voting, the chairman of the expert council has the right to two votes.

Within the established time frame (three days), the administration prepares and submits proposals for discussion to the expert council (analytical information and evaluation sheets of performance indicators of the Institution’s employees).

The calculation of the cost of one point for calculating the amount of the incentive bonus is calculated according to the following algorithm: the amount of funds allocated for the incentive bonus is established; the total number of points scored for all categories of employees is calculated; The cost of one point is calculated using the formula: the amount of funds allocated for establishing an incentive bonus is divided by the number of points.

Incentive payments for a certain period are established twice a year. Incentive payments, established to an employee taking into account criteria and indicators for a certain evaluation period, change in each period depending on the number of points scored and the cost of one point. The main criteria for assessing the results of the work of teaching staff and establishing incentive bonuses are the following: organization and quality of the learning process; working with gifted children; professional growth of the teacher, generalization of experience; assessment of the performance discipline of a teaching worker; class teacher's job . Below is a calculation table for criterion 1 - organization and quality of the learning process (Table 4).

Table 4 - Criteria for assessing the results of the work of teaching staff and establishing incentive bonuses



Indicator price,


Criterion 1. Organization and quality of the learning process

The effectiveness of the implementation of the educational program.

Development, testing, mastering of a new course/program, implementation of Federal State Educational Standards programs of non-profit educational institutions

  • the work program is drawn up in accordance with the requirements
  • timely submission of the work program for approval
  • timely adjustment of work programs
  • timely and high-quality preparation of teaching materials

0-2 points (1 point for more programs)

Quality of student learning.

1. Absence of unsatisfactory quarterly, semi-annual and annual grades in the subject taught by the teacher (scores are ranked in accordance with the degree of difficulty of each subject (according to I.G. Sivkov’s table)* SanPiN

Positive dynamics and stability

*11- mathematics; 10-foreign language; 9-physics, chemistry;

8-history; 7-Russian language, literature; 6-natural science, primary school; 5-physical education; 4-labor; 2-IZO; 1-music

  • positive dynamics in the absence of underachievers
  • individual educational trajectories for working with gifted students (preparation of students for competitions, olympiads)
  • individual educational trajectories for working with “at-risk” students

Ensuring the implementation of the calendar schedule

  • work without submitting certificates of incapacity for work
  • prompt replacement of lessons for temporarily absent teachers

1b. - 1-5 lessons

2b. - 6 and above

Walkthroughs of the microdistrict (universal education):

  • high-quality execution and delivery of information on time
  • PDOU and individual additional classes for students
  • poor performance
  • failure to comply

Work with documents:

  • correspondence between the content of the work program and journal entries
  • timeliness of journal entries
  • timely and high-quality submission of reports on the subject to the educational department
  • Timely and high-quality delivery of analyzes of test papers, administrative work, trial Unified State Examinations, and exams in the form of State Examinations

The main types of non-material incentives used in educational institutions include:

  • guarantee of social benefits provided for by regulatory documents of the Russian Federation;
  • opportunity to move up the career ladder (opportunity to improve: professional knowledge and skills);
  • the ability of a teaching worker to influence the amount of remuneration, depending on the results of his work;
  • the opportunity to publicly and openly participate in the life of the school at all levels.

Now, in the system of non-material incentives, already forgotten attributes of the Soviet era are experiencing a rebirth: diplomas, “Rolls of Honor”, ​​competitions for various titles (“Teacher of the Year”, “Cool Class”, and so on). These are good tools for moral motivation if they are used correctly and for their intended purpose, that is, on time. For the development of corporate culture, joint celebration of distinctive days and organizational rituals play an important role. The importance of corporate culture for work motivation is obvious - it helps to unite the team, turning it into a team of like-minded people.

It should be noted that if the employee is clearly explained the interdependence of remuneration on the variety of types of labor pedagogical activities (teaching, educational, scientific, methodological, etc.), as well as the independence of the amount of remuneration from subjective factors (the director does not like it, quarrels with head teachers), then motivation for teaching activities increases several times.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the practical application of the new remuneration system in educational institutions: allows you to stimulate the work of teaching staff, increase the efficiency of work, eliminate the “equalization” and pay for work upon completion (correlate with the results of the work of staff of educational institutions), make wages more objective (since the criteria are developed and accepted by the entire workforce) and, if possible, minimize the element of subjectivity in assessing the work of teaching staff.

Clear regulation of work activity and timely monitoring make it possible to compile a rating of teaching staff of an educational institution, which clearly demonstrates the achievements and shortcomings of work activity. The labor, social and creative activity of each employee largely depends on the effectiveness of the current system of motivation and stimulation of work activity of teaching staff, which ultimately will have a positive impact on the final results of all production and economic activities of the organization. Increasing the role of non-material incentives can be facilitated, for example, by such a long-standing and well-known document as the Collective Agreement, which can establish additional social and labor rights and guarantees that improve the situation of employees of an educational institution. The influence on increasing the interest of employees in the efficiency and growth of labor productivity of teaching staff is also achieved through a number of benefits (payment for business trips, taking advanced training courses at the expense of the educational institution, providing additional paid leave, assistance in placing research projects).


1. Kuznetsova N.V., Sinitsyna O.N. Strategic personnel management of a modern organization // Personnel management of a modern organization: monograph / E.Yu. Garanina, V.N. Gonin, N.A. Goncharevich and others / edited by S.S. Chernov. Book 3. Novosibirsk: Publishing house "SIBPRINT", 2010. pp. 146-171.

2. Kuznetsova N.V., Sinitsyna O.N. On the issue of the organization’s personnel management strategy // Modern trends in economics and management: a new view. 2010. No. 6. P. 224-229.

3. Rochev K.V. Assessing the quality of labor and material incentives at universities based on a systematic approach using an information index system // Management Issues. 2014. No. 6. pp. 60-70.

4. Balynskaya N.R. and others. Personnel management of an enterprise based on mechanisms for stimulating reproductive labor: monograph. St. Petersburg: Info-da Publishing House, 2014. 144 p.

5. Bakuradze A.B. Work motivation of teachers. M.: September, 2005. 192 p.

6. Vetluzhskikh E. Motivation and remuneration: Tools. Methodology. Practice. M.: Alpina Business Books, 2008. 148 p.

7. Samukina N.V. Effective staff motivation at minimal financial costs. M.: Vershina, 2008. 224 p.

8. Theoretical foundations of the content of general secondary education / Ed. V. V. Kraevsky, I. Ya. Lerner. M.: Pedagogika, 1983. 352 p.

9. Professional abilities of a teacher: acmeology of education and training / M.I. Stankin. M.: MPSI: Flinta, 1998. 368 p.


1. Kuznetsova N.V., Sinitsyna O.N. Strategic personnel management of a modern organization // Personnel management of a modern organization: monograph / E.Yu. Garanina, V.N. Gonin, N.A. Goncharevitch and others / Endorsed by S.S. Chernov. Book 3. Novosibirsk: Published by “SIBPRINT”, 2010. P 146-171.

2. Kuznetsova N.V., Sinitsyna O.N. Ad the issue of personnel management of an organization // Sovremenniye tendentsiyi v ekonomike I upravleniyi: nobiy vzglyad. 2010. No. 6. P. 224-229.

3. Rochev K.V. Labor quality assessment and financial incentives in Universities using the systematic approach with the help of informational index system // Questions upravleniya. 2014. No. 6. P. 60-70.

4. Balynskaya N.R. and others. Personnel management in an organization using stimulating mechanisms of reproductive labor: monograph. St. Petersburg: Published by Info-da, 2014. 144 p.

5. Bakuradze A.B. Motivation of teaching staff labor. M.: September 2005. 192 p.

6. Vetluzhskikh E. Motivation and remuneration: Instruments. Methods. Practice. M.: Alpina Business Books, 2008. 148 p.

7. Samoukina N.V. Efficient personnel motivation at a minimum financial expenditure. M.: Vershina, 2008. 224 p.

8. Theoretical basics of the content of general secondary education/ Edited by V.V. Krayevskiy, I.Ya. Lerner. M.: Pedagogika, 1983. 352 p.

9. Professional abilities of a teacher: acmeology of upbringing and education/ M.I. Stankin. M.: MPSI: Flinta, 1998. 368 p.

Changes in the remuneration system as a factor of incentive management of employees’ labor behavior in education establishments

Purpose. To study the influence of changes in the remuneration system on motivation of workers’ labor behavior of educational establishments.

Methods. The research is based upon methods of quantitative, score evaluation of remuneration system criteria of teaching staff of educational establishments.

Results and practical importance. The authors identified indicators, criteria for appraisal of teaching staff of educational establishments; relationship of remuneration system and motivation of teaching staff of educational establishments.

Scientific novelty. The authors identified influence pattern of changes in remuneration system and motivation of teaching staff behavior in educational establishments.

Key words:

Motivation and stimulation of work as a method of managing the teaching staff of a preschool educational institution in the context of modernization of preschool education

MBDOU "DSKV No. 120" Bratsk

Mylnikova Tatyana Vladislavovna

Currently, the scope of management responsibilities in the context of modernization of preschool education has significantly expanded and become more complex. Today, one of the main tasks of the leader in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education is to increase the efficiency of the professional activities of teachers through the comprehensive development and reasonable use of their creative powers, advanced training, responsibility, and initiative.

Team management includes many components. Among them are personnel policy, relationships in the team, and socio-psychological aspects of management. A key place is occupied by identifying ways to increase the efficiency of professional activities, ways to increase creative initiative, as well as stimulating and motivating employees.

Relevance motivation and stimulation of work of employees of preschool educational institutions today is determined by a number of factors. These factors include:professional and psychological unpreparedness of personnelto a rapid change in modernization processes in preschool education;lack of qualified teaching staff, which in turn leads to increased workloads for workers and affects the quality of the educational process; discrepancy between the education of teachers and the activities they carry out,which also entails the need for training and retraining directly during work; low level of remuneration, which provokes the departure of young, promising, certified specialists to other industries;the need for internal motivationemployees for more effective implementation of the institution’s goals.

It is very important to what extent the head of a preschool educational institution will be able to build his own system of motivation and stimulation of teachers’ work, with the goal of the most effective work of the entire teaching staff in the created conditions.

The motivation system, built into the general economic mechanism, gives the manager an additional opportunity to influence not only the team, but also the competitiveness of the educational institution itself. The ability of a manager to effectively motivate his employees is one of the sources of its long-term prosperity, leads to an increase in the competitiveness of the organization, which is what the heads of all organizations strive for, which also determines the relevance of this issue.

To motivate means to indirectly influence in such a way that behavior, deeds and actions meet the planned requirements of the institution and contribute to the development of the teacher himself. Each organization has its own system of personnel motivation. Building it so that it meets the goals of the organization, helps achieve effective management and at the same time does not create a negative microclimate in the team is one of the main tasks of a manager.

Purpose my work was to study theoretical approaches to staff motivation in the context of modernization of preschool education and to develop ways to improve the system of staff motivation in a preschool educational institution.

To achieve this goal, the following were resolved during the work: tasks :

  • consideration of the theoretical foundations of motivation and stimulation of personnel;
  • studying the role of the personnel motivation system;
  • consideration of theories of motivation and their characteristics;
  • conducting an analysis of the existing system of motivation and stimulation of workers in the institution;
  • development of a system of measures to increase staff motivation.

Object my research is the relationships that arise in the process of personnel managementMunicipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 120” in the city of Bratsk.

Subject – techniques, methods and approaches to motivating staff.

Hypothesis : the stability of the staff and the efficiency of the staff of an educational institution in the conditions of modernization is influenced by the system of motivation and stimulation of the work of personnel in preschool educational institutions.

When carrying out the work and writing it, I used variousresearch methods: monographic - theoretical analysis of literature, scientific works on the problem of motivation and stimulation of personnel; empirical - observations, survey methods (questionnaires, interviews); testing; comparative analysis.

  1. Theoretical foundations of motivation and stimulation of work activity

When planning and organizing work, the manager determines what exactly the organization must do, when, how and who, in his opinion, should do it. If the choice of these decisions is made effectively, the manager has the opportunity to coordinate the efforts of many people and jointly realize the potential capabilities of a group of workers. Unfortunately, managers often mistakenly believe that if a certain organizational structure or a certain type of activity “works” well on paper, then it will also “work” well in life. But this is far from true.

A leader, in order to effectively move towards a goal, must coordinate the work and force people to carry it out. Managers are often called executive leaders because their main purpose is to ensure that the organization's work gets done. Leaders translate their decisions into action by putting into practice the basic principles of motivation.

Motivation is a set of internal incentives of an individual or group of people to activities aimed at achieving the goals of the organization, since the employee simultaneously acts as a subject and object of motivation. It distinguishes between two aspects: self-motivation (self-motivation) and motivation due to external influences (stimulation).

To effectively use motivation in order to enhance managerial influence, it is necessary to have a good understanding of its essence, that is, needs, interests, abilities, desires, expectations, value orientations, attitudes. Motivation is based on needs. They act as internal sources of personality development and its activities.

Need is a feeling of lack of something felt by a person (need), which has taken a specific form in accordance with the cultural level and personality of the individual.

Psychologists, observing people, have determined that needs serve as a motive for action. Because needs motivate people to seek their satisfaction, managers must create situations that allow people to feel that they can satisfy their needs through the type of behavior that leads to the achievement of organizational goals.

A more prominent role in motivation is played by interest - a deeply realized and perceived need by a person, ensuring that the individual is focused on realizing and achieving certain goals. Based on these values, the employee decides what to do and how.

Also important in motivation is the goal - a consciously predictable result of activity. If the goal is chosen correctly and is clear to the employee, then it mobilizes him to achieve results.

Another powerful motivating element is anticipation—the extent to which an employee anticipates a reward and then feels rewarded for achieving a goal. If expectations are high, the strength of the incentive increases. But rightfully the first place in the theory of motivation is occupied by the concept of “motive”. Which not only motivates a person to action, but also determines what needs to be done and how this action will be carried out.

Motivation is the process of influencing a person to encourage him to take specific actions by activating certain motives in him. Depending on what goals motivation pursues, two types of motivation can be distinguished: external and internal.

External motivation is a kind of process of administrative influence or management: the manager entrusts work to the performer, and he performs it. With this type of motivation, the employer needs to know what motives can motivate a particular employee to complete the work efficiently and on time. This can be either normal remuneration or a bonus, or simple praise or another type of moral encouragement.

Internal motivation is a more complex process and involves the formation of a certain motivational structure of a person. In this case, you need to find a psychological way to strengthen the desirable qualities of the employee’s personality and weaken negative factors, for example, reducing the monotony of work, etc. The second type of motivation requires great effort, knowledge and abilities from the manager himself.

The main levers of motivation are motives (internal attitudes of a person) and incentives (for example, wages).

Stimulation is implemented through the creation of working conditions that encourage the employee to act in a certain way. The situation includes the conditions of activity that directly determine it: the amount of wages, conditions, organization of work, its content, etc.

An effective system of stimulating labor, labor activity of employees and teams includes not only a set of incentive measures, but also a reasonable system of sanctions used to punish in the event of material damage or violations of labor standards. Such sanctions may be a reprimand, reprimand, dismissal, deprivation of a bonus, transfer to a lower-paid job, compensation for the cost of damage, etc.

Labor incentives –This is a method of influencing an employee’s work behavior through a system of external incentives.

Thus, and motivation and stimulation of work activity, as a set of driving forces, encourages a person to perform productive work. But at the same time, stimulation is fundamentally different from motivating work.

The essence of this difference is that stimulation is one of the means by which motivation can be achieved. At the same time, the higher the level of development of relations in an organization, the less often incentives are used as a means of managing people.

Stimuli can be physical, these are external stimuli, and internal (unpleasant sensations emanating from internal organs). But incentives can also be demands, requests, a sense of duty and other social factors.

In the process of motivation, as in any other, a system of influence methods is used. All motivation methods can be divided into three groups:
1) economic (direct) - time-based and piecework wages; bonuses for qualitative and quantitative labor indicators; participation in the organization's income; tuition fees, etc.;
2) economic (indirect) - provision of benefits in payment for housing, transport services in the organization;
3) non-monetary - increasing the attractiveness of work, career advancement, participation in decision-making at a higher level, advanced training, flexible work schedules, etc.

The main part of an employee’s income is wages, which are heterogeneous in structure. It consists of two parts: constant and variable. Sometimes these parts are given the status of a powerful stimulus. However, according to psychologists, the effect of increased earnings is positive for three months. Then the person begins to work in the same relaxed mode that is familiar to him.

Additional payments have features of incentive forms of material incentives,additional payment is a form of remuneration for additional results of work.Additional payments are received only by those who participate in achieving additional labor results and additional economic effect. It should be noted that one group of additional payments in its economic essence is closer to the tariff part, the other to the bonus part.

Additional payments of the first group are established by law, they apply to all employees and their size does not depend on work results, they are a measure of payment for the main factors of labor contribution. In this case, additional payments are designed to stimulate work overtime, on holidays, at night, and for working conditions.

The second group of additional payments is more characterized by the features of incentive forms of material monetary incentives, since these additional payments, like a bonus, are a form of remuneration for additional results of work. Such additional payments include premiums to tariff rates for combining professions, increasing the volume of work performed, professional excellence and high achievements in work, bonuses, and compensation. Among these progressive forms of incentives, the most common is an employee’s bonus for combining professions and positions.

The second important type of stimulation is social, which is presented as material rather than monetary. The main focus is the relationship between people, expressed in management’s appreciation of the employee’s merits.

Moreover, the general tendency is that the less often an object (material object, service, advantage, benefit) that performs the function of an incentive is distributed in the environment, the higher, other things being equal, its prestige component.

Moral stimulation is the most developed and widely used subsystem of spiritual stimulation of work and is based on the specific spiritual values ​​of a person. Moral incentives are those incentives whose action is based on a person’s need for social recognition.

The essence of moral stimulation is the transfer of information about a person’s merits and the results of his activities in the social environment. It has an informational nature, being an information process in which the source of information about the merits of employees is the subject of management; the receiver is the object of stimulation, the employee and the team, the communication channel is the means of transmitting information.

There are anticipatory and reinforcing forms of incentive organization. In a proactive form, the employee, even before starting work, is informed about what results need to be achieved and what can be obtained for them. He is told how his work will be measured, how it will be evaluated and what the incentive function will be.

In a reinforcing form, the employee learns that he was valued, recognized and rewarded for his work only after completing the activity. Stimulation in this case reinforces actions already taken.

The division of forms of organization of incentives into individual and collective depends on the results of what kind of work the incentives for specific performers are carried out. If it is based on the results of the work of a direct employee, then this is an individual form of incentive organization, and if the result of the work of the team as a whole is a collective form.

Positive and negative forms of incentive organization are based on taking into account deviations of performance results from normative ones. Positive stimulation helps to increase a person’s prestige and authority in the eyes of others. Negative incentives are aimed at infringing on certain work needs, which leads to a decrease in his prestige and authority. Negative stimulation hurts a person’s self-esteem, so its use to stimulate work activity requires taking into account many psychological nuances.

Immediate, current and long-term forms of organization of incentives are highlighted depending on the time gap between the results of activity and the receipt of the corresponding incentive.

The advantage of the direct form is its efficiency and a very clear and direct relationship between action and stimulus.

The current form can appear at the end of the quarter, half year and year. Its stimulating essence is obvious; it creates confidence in a person to be rewarded based on the results of these periods.

The promising form contributes to the formation of a single, cohesive team that directs its efforts to achieve the final performance indicator, which is focused on long-term motivation of workers and contributes to the growth of activity, education and qualifications during working life.

All this, when applied correctly, is a means of increasing the productivity of individual workers and an incentive for the entire team.

So, to ensure the effective functioning of the motivation and incentive mechanism, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements: first of all, it is necessary that goals and objectives are formulated with the utmost precision and detail and communicated to each department and performer. This will allow the team and individual workers to develop a sense of responsibility for achieving the final goal.

It is important to systematically study and identify the desires, aspirations, needs and personal goals of employees that they pursue, and to search for the most effective forms of incentive organization. And finally, it is necessary to have common principles of incentives for everyone.

2. Construction of a system of motivation and stimulation of work for employees of Preschool educational institution No. 120 in the city of Bratsk in the context of modernization

MBDOU "DSKV No. 120" is a municipal educational institution for preschool children.

Organizational and legal form: municipal institution. The institution has a Charter registered in accordance with the procedure specified by law, a License for educationeducational activity, state registration, is a legal entity. Employee salaries are financed from local budget items, in addition to which a monthly cash fund is allocated to stimulate the work of employees in accordance with the provisions on the super-tariff fund. The institution is fully staffed, there are no vacancies, the teaching staff is working stably: according to the staffing table, the MDOU has 29 teachers, 35 service personnel. In 2011-13, 5 new teachers joined the team.

Of the 29 teachers, 4 people have work experience of up to 5 years (14%); up to 10 years – 5 people (17%); up to 15 years – 2 people (7%); up to 20 years - 3 people (10%; over 20 years - 15 people (52%). By level of qualifications: if in 2011 17 teachers had the category, which amounted to 58.6% of the teaching staff, then in 2014 they had the category already 23 teachers – 79%.

For quite a long period, there has been no turnover of teaching staff in the institution. The turnover rate for service personnel is up to 5% per year.

The sustainability of the staff, even at the difficult stage of modernization of preschool education, is ensured by the created working conditions in the preschool educational institution, the competitiveness of the institution, and methods of motivating and stimulating employees.

Getting a new job, as well as changing the usual working conditions, stimulates the employee and makes him want to show his best side. Without having the opportunity to feel like a necessary, independent worker who is trusted and respected, he becomes disappointed in his activities.

At the same time, even just from an economic point of view, people are an extremely expensive resource, and therefore must be used with maximum efficiency. The leader must be aware of the existence of the moral factor.

Awareness of this problem poses the question: “What should be the ideal job for subordinates?” When answering it, you should not strive for excessive specificity and originality. Still, it is rarely possible to take into account the differences in tastes and personal opinions of everyone, so we, as a rule, strive to increase the integral productivity of the entire institution.

We believe that with the factors below, a manager has a chance of getting the consent of the maximum number of his subordinates.

So, an ideal job in the current conditions should:

  • have integrity, i.e. lead to a certain result;
  • assessed by employees as important and worth doing;
  • enable the employee to make decisions necessary for its implementation, i.e.

there must be autonomy (within established limits), as an option - group autonomy;

  • provide feedback to the employee, evaluated depending on performance

his labor;

  • bring compensation that is fair from the employee’s point of view.

Work designed according to these principles provides inner satisfaction. This is a rather powerful motivational factor, since it stimulates high-quality work and its complication.

Based on such principles, a corresponding model was developed from the point of view of motivation by Heckman and Oldham. (Table 1).

Table 1

Performance Model

Main settings


Basic psychological states

Employee motivation

and effectiveness

Diversity of skills and abilities

Feeling the importance of work

High internal work motivation

Integrity of work

Feeling responsible for results

High quality

Importance of work

Pride in successful completion of work

High job satisfaction


Increased need for staff to grow professionally

Low staff turnover

Let's look at each of these parameters and determine what they mean and how they influence the psychological state that determines people's attitude toward work.

Diversity of skills and abilities.This term describes the degree to which a job requires a variety of activities in its performance and which involves the use of different skills, abilities and preferences of the worker.

If a worker feels that someone else can do the job just as well, he is unlikely to find value in the job and is unlikely to feel a sense of pride in completing the task. A job that does not use a worker's valuable skills does not generate the need for further training.

For example, one of the teachers is excellent at working with plants and soil; he is interested in flora, reads additional literature, and grows flowers. We invite him to develop his own approach (methodological techniques, methodology, author’s program, etc., depending on his level of qualifications) for teaching children environmental concepts. Another likes mathematics, a third likes speech development, etc.

There is also an optimal level of variety. It is individual for each employee. Thus, monotonous work may be considered boring by one person, while it may seem to another that it has an unstable and intermittent nature, and therefore it is impossible to establish any specific mode of its implementation. Therefore, we necessarily take into account the characteristics of the character, temperament, and individuality of each employee when motivating him for any activity, innovation, innovation.

Integrity of work.By this parameter we mean the completion of a work operation as a whole and specific part of the work, i.e. performing work from start to finish with visible results. Closely related to this concept is the certainty of the task on the part of the manager. To do this, we, together with the employee, develop a plan (program) for introducing innovation, clearly define the goal, objectives, expected results, and select evaluation tools (diagnostic methods, tests, questionnaires, questionnaires, etc.).

The importance of work.By this parameter we understand the degree of influence of the work performed on the life or activities of other employees in the institution or in the external environment. The concept of importance is closely related to the performer’s value system. Activities may be interesting and exciting, but employees will remain dissatisfied until they feel that their work is important and needs to be done.

In this case, we think over a system for presenting the experience gained by the teacher: we provide for presentations from work experience at meetings, meetings of the Council of Teachers, seminars, conferences, preparation of consultations for teachers, parents, publications and coverage of the results of work in the media (both local - for example, a note about carried out action, and federal ones - an article in a newspaper, magazine, online forum presenting work experience).

Feedback. Ensures that employees receive information about the quality of the work they perform. We, as managers, can use all available opportunities to encourage an employee: gratitude in the order, a certificate, a cash bonus, presentation for a Certificate of Honor from higher authorities (department of education of the city, district, region, ministry), title, award, placement on the Honor Board.

The manager is an important source of such feedback. However, the best feedback occurs when employees themselves control and realize the quality of their own work, receive satisfaction from their professional activities, and from public recognition of their contribution to the education of the younger generation.

The first three factors discussed above contribute to the evaluation of a job in terms of its difficulty, value, and necessity. If a job does not have these parameters, it will not become intrinsically motivated. The good quality of its implementation will not give rise to either a feeling of accomplishment, or a feeling of novelty or the acquisition of something useful.

Work that satisfies all the described factors internally motivates workers, ensures good quality of professional activity, and brings satisfaction. It creates a feeling of personal contribution to the effective work of the entire institution, its image, and gives employees a sense of belonging.

A) Methods for improving the work parameters of employees of a preschool educational institution

As managers, we constantly think about possible ways to improve the performance and motivation of our subordinates. It is important that even not the most effective, and sometimes just demonstrative projects attract the general attention of the workers involved in the project.

To improve the work parameters of the institution’s employees, we use various methods of motivating work.

Increasing the diversity of skills and abilities. It is important to remember here that it is the diversity of skills, and not just diversity in itself, that is fundamental. If team members have a limited number of skills, we look for a way to stimulate the need to increase their number.

It is important for employees to feel recognized for the skills they use. We try to publicly announce the exceptional value of a certain skill in an employee. This approach, as a rule, stimulates the latter to expand the range of his abilities.

Increased work integrity.As we have already noted, employees experience greater satisfaction from activities that have a visible result. Increasing the integrity of a job is achieved by adding tasks associated with it. These are, as a rule, some kind of preparatory or final operations that are performed by different people. At the next stage of innovation development, we involve other team members in the work, ensuring interaction and interconnection. As a result, we move from one individual program of pedagogical search to an innovative program for a group of teachers or an entire educational institution.

Increasing the importance of work.If an employee knows how the results of his work will be used, he begins to feel the importance of his own work, which stimulates him to complete it as quickly as possible with good quality.

An employee always wants to know why he is doing this or that work. Even if he is asked to collect data for a report, he wants to know what purpose the report serves. Therefore, when formulating absolutely any task, we talk about goals, about what will really depend on the speed and quality of the work, how it “flows” into the activities of the institution as a whole. After completing the work, the performer waits for the result.

So, for example, a teacher conducted a survey of the parents of his group and he really wants to know about the results: how his group looks compared to others, the overall result for the kindergarten (city). We make sure to bring to the attention of employees that it was the results of the survey that made it possible to increase the efficiency of work with parents: to develop and implement new forms of work with parents, to protect the innovative program of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents, etc.

Increased autonomy.The work of a manager consists of solving problems of varying levels of importance. We believe that the transfer of some low-level management functions to subordinates has a double effect - concentrating the manager’s efforts on solving higher-level problems and at the same time having a positive impact on employee motivation.

Transferring low-level decision-making rights to subordinates is seen as a good thing, provided that they are trained and correctly understand all the features of the job, including where to get the necessary information and at what point to make a decision.

Provided that subordinates know all the requirements and instructions in force in the institution, we provide them with the opportunity to independently set goals for their work. Even if they are partially involved in the decision-making process, they are much more likely to feel ownership of the job and feel satisfaction when it is completed successfully. In reality, this is realized through a system of qualified interviews, during which we prevent a situation where an employee sets unrealistic goals that are obviously not realized for some reason, depending, among other things, on the current state of affairs of the educational institution.

If the manager independently determines how and by what means employees can solve assigned tasks, he will not be able to fully take into account the individual characteristics of each employee. Experiencing even minor inconveniences and at the same time deprived of freedom of choice, employees soon lose motivation for their activities.

Time is an extremely important factor in all types of work. If an employee does not have enough time to do a job well, he will believe that it is not worth the effort. Assigning work in advance gives workers significant autonomy in choosing when to complete it. He has the opportunity to set priorities, plan work taking into account his inclinations, which, of course, brings positive results.

Strengthening feedback.Feedback can be internal, i.e. coming from the work itself, and external - in the case when the consumer of the work results speaks about their quality, as well as in the case of public praise.

Internal feedback is more reliable because it acts directly on the employee while performing the task. The surest way to stimulate it is to set clear and specific goals, without indicating the path to achieving them. Another way is qualified and unobtrusive correction of the work during its execution. This allows the employee to immediately correct deficiencies and accordingly adjust the work process, bringing it closer to the most efficient. As a result, such failures will not be repeated in the future.

There are cases of negative feedback, i.e. workers only learn about the shortcomings of their jobs, thus losing out on the rewards for doing a good job. On the other hand, people are known to respond little to critical feedback. An employee will not analyze negative ratings in more than two or three parameters. However, if a leader alternates between positive and negative criticism, information about failures will be more fully accepted.

At the other extreme, the manager is unable to criticize his subordinates. In this case, the failures seem to be fixed, and the employee does not get the opportunity to correct his mistakes, and often does not even know whether this should be done.

People often resist introducing feedback because they are not ready for it and don’t know how to provide it. For external feedback to be effective, it must be truthful, accurate, detailed, and delivered immediately. A message about poor quality work only demotivates the employee. If you indicate exactly what was done wrong, why it happened, how to correct the situation, and at the same time do not forget to touch on the positive aspects of the work, the effectiveness of such feedback will undoubtedly increase. It can be even higher if the employee figures out these issues himself.

Therefore, in the process of analysis (class, methodological event, program, etc.), we explain the work so that he tries to discover his shortcomings and outline ways to correct them. (“Why do you think it was not possible to achieve the set goal? Why was it not possible to solve the assigned tasks? What could have been done (needed to be done) to make everything work out as you planned?”).

In order to prevent loss of efficiency of the institution, we achieve maximum efficiency from our subordinates. For optimal management of such an expensive resource as people, we highlight certain parameters of the work entrusted to subordinates, by changing which we can influence the psychological states of the performers, thereby motivating or demotivating them. Well-designed work should create internal motivation and a sense of personal contribution to the development of the institution. Man is a social being, which means that a sense of belonging can cause deep psychological satisfaction in him; it also allows him to realize himself as an individual.

This is the approach to motivation based on “Theory Y”, the essence of which is the impact on the psychological state of the employee. However, the effectiveness of this approach will be extremely low if the employee has needs to satisfy lower-level needs. In this case, “Theory X” justifies its existence. According to its premises, the best way to stimulate work is economic.According to the premises of Theory X, people work primarily to satisfy their economic needs.

The manager’s task, in the case of using economic motivation, is to develop a bonus payment scheme for performance, a system of additional payments and allowances. This task is by no means simple, since the situation in each educational institution is individual and, therefore, the bonus system must be individual for each case.

A number of regulatory documents of the institution also help in matters of stimulating and motivating the work of employees: a collective agreement that has a paragraph “Social benefits and guarantees” (Appendix 1); regulations on the establishment and amount of additional payments to employees of the institution (Appendix 2); regulations on the procedure for establishing additional payments for unfavorable working conditions in preschool educational institutions (Appendix 3).

We understand that not all types of economic incentives can have a motivational effect on employees. However, there are several basic provisions on bonuses that do not affect the specifics of the organization and are universal. They can guide any manager when introducing methods of economic motivation:

Bonuses should not be too broad and widespread, otherwise they will be perceived as simply part of the normal salary in normal conditions;

The bonus must be related to the employee's personal contribution, whether individual or group activity;

There must be some acceptable method of measuring professional performance;

Employees should feel that bonuses are based on extra rather than normative efforts;

The additional efforts of employees stimulated by the bonus should cover the costs of paying these bonuses.

There are no uniform methods of motivating staff that are effective at all times and under all circumstances. However, any method used by the manager is based on the organization's chosen human resource management strategy. This means that the specific motivation method must, first of all, determine the overall HR strategy that the institution should or wants to follow.

B) The effectiveness of methods of motivating and stimulating the work of employees of a preschool educational institution

As we noted above, the existing stability of the institution’s personnel potential promotes mutual understanding in the team, provides a favorable psychological climate, high rates of educational activity of the institution, a high rating of participation and prizes in city competitions, festivals, and competitions.

In the 2012-2013 academic year, some work was carried out to increase the potential of teachers based on:intensification of self-educational activities;creating conditions for advanced training for teachers, based on the results of certification and analysis of difficulties;certification of teaching staff;certification of service personnel.

A stable trend has taken hold in the personnel policy of an educational institution, aimed at the formation of a professional teacher and a creative personality, as evidenced by the results of certification of teaching staff. To date, 79% of teachers have been certified (27% first and highest qualifiers, 56% second qualifier), 17% are newly arrived young staff).

Teachers have developed a positive attitude towards continuous improvement of education and self-education. In the 2011-2012 academic year, 5 people were trained in various courses (two of them were in Moscow following the course of the Educational System “School 2100”). In the 2012-2014 academic years, 20 teachers completed course training. It should be noted that all advanced training courses are self-supporting services and are paid for by teachers, with future reimbursement of training costs. In the 2011 academic year, two teachers studied part-time and received higher education. In the 2014 academic year, four teachers are studying at universities, two junior teachers are receiving special preschool education, a physical education instructor completed specialized education, receiving the specialty of a swimming instructor.

In the context of the implementation of FGT and Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education, teachers have to quickly adapt, retrain, conduct research, develop new projects, programs, and share their acquired experience at the city and regional level.
The teaching staff of the educational institution is focused on constantly updating the content of its own activities. And also to search for new non-traditional approaches to solving pedagogical problems related to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, requirements for the quality of education, upbringing and development of the child’s personality.
Today, 97% of teachers have basic education corresponding to their position, 3% are trained.

At the end of the 2014 school year, 44% of teachers had higher education (4 teachers entered a university), 66% had specialized secondary education. The level of ICT - employee competence has significantly increased by 29% and is 62%. Employees with extensive work experience who are not computer literate are happy to learn ICT.

The methods of motivating and stimulating the work of employees used in preschool educational institutions make it possible not only to maintain a high level of educational activities of the institution, to introduce changes, to maintain a high level of competitiveness, but also to maintain a stable staff composition for many years.

3. Conclusion

The relevance of the topic discussed lies in the fact that today there is an increasing need to solve the problems of each person’s interest in working for the benefit of the institution.

And yet, managing people is an art that needs to be studied for more than one year. Only by applying theory in practice can you achieve the desired results.

The motivation system always depends on the organization's policy in the field of personnel management. Of course, you need to take into account the incentive systems implemented by competitors. Consequently, a thorough development of the incentive system is necessary, taking into account the individual conditions, characteristics, and traditions of the institution.

In conclusion, I would like to say that when implementing motivation, the manager must not only know the employees, but also be able to direct them to achieve management goals and ensure the effectiveness of motivation. The effectiveness of motivation is determined by the degree to which educational and social goals are achieved.

Educational goals determine the degree of complexity of the educational programs being implemented, the level of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the quality of education, the state of health and emotional well-being of children attending a preschool institution. Social goals are realized in the form of fulfilling the expectations, needs and interests of employees and are expressed in job satisfaction, personnel stability, and the absence of conflicts.

When implementing motivation, it is necessary to take into account that management efficiency is higher if the goals of the employees and the goals of the institution are adequate. When forming the goals of the institution, it is necessary to take into account the personal goals of subordinates and shape them. The results of motivation depend on the management methods used by the leader and on the individual characteristics of the leader, as well as the psychological compatibility of the leader and subordinates.

As motivation factors, one can highlight security and a sense of belonging: a sense of belonging, approval of the manager and the team, good relationships in the team, participation in decision making, awareness of the affairs and plans of the institution.

For creative professions, which include teaching, personal growth and interest are important regulators. Personal growth is associated with the possibility of learning, with the gradual acquisition of teaching experience that allows the realization of teaching abilities. Personal interest stimulates the complication of work, requiring growth, mastery, and setting difficult but interesting goals.

Being a connecting process, motivation is present in the implementation of all management functions: control and analysis are necessary to assess the performance of employees and the situation of choosing regulators and building a motivation mechanism. Planning acts as a condition for harmonizing the goals of the institution and employees. The implementation of the motivational mechanism requires clear organization from the manager.


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Annex 1

Extract from the collective agreement between the administration and the workforce

MBDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 120"

Municipal formation of the city of Bratsk for 2010 – 2015

  1. Social benefits and guarantees

The administration undertakes:

3.1. Pay monetary compensation for book publishing products and periodicals to teaching staff of the institution monthly in the amount of 100 rubles.

3.2. Ensure periodic free (at the expense of the founder) medical examinations for those employees for whom they are mandatory.

3.3. Pay monetary compensation to employees receiving specialized secondary or higher education in accordance with the regulations on the establishment and amount of additional payments and incentive allowances.

3.4. Pay monetary compensation to employees for self-supporting advanced training courses.

The trade union committee undertakes:

3.4. Represent workers, both members of trade unions and non-members of trade unions, who make transfers to the account of the trade union of at least 1%, in government and management bodies, judicial and other bodies, in higher trade union bodies on issues of protecting the socio-economic rights and interests of workers.

3.5. Provide financial assistance to union members at the expense of the union budget in emergency domestic circumstances.

3.6. Create an incentive fund:

  • The winners of the competition “Best in Profession;
  • For anniversaries and birthdays;
  • On anniversary dates of work experience;
  • Winners of sports competitions;
  • To the winners of traditional competitions.

Appendix 2


Chairman of PC__________ Head of MDOU "DSKV No. 120"


on the establishment and amount of additional payments and allowances

stimulating nature for employees

municipal budget preschooleducational

Institution "DSKV No. 120"

This Regulation has been developed in accordance with Appendix No. 1 “Regulation on the procedure for remuneration and conditions for the application of compensation and incentive payments to employees of municipal institutions financed from the city budget” to the Resolution of the Mayor of Bratsk dated October 31, 2005. No. 1917.

This regulation establishes the types of incentive payments to employees of a municipal educational institution and their amounts.

Additional payments and bonuses of an incentive nature are not mandatory payments and are established for a certain period, or for the period of time the head of the institution performs additional work, taking into account an objective assessment of the professional level and qualifications of the employee, his business qualities, but not more than one financial year within the established limit of the wage fund fees.

Issues related to the establishment of additional payments and allowances based on this provision are resolved by the administration of the institution in agreement with the elected trade union body.

Additional payments are made as a percentage of the employee’s tariff rate (salary):

  1. Teachers for leadership, district and city methodological and creative associations
  2. Employees of the institution for holding public events for students, for preparing for events at the city, regional level, and seminars

Up to 50% of the tariff rate (salary)

3. Employees for performing work on registration of the institution

Up to 30% of the tariff rate of the 1st category of the UTS

4. Teachers for performing the duties of secretary of the pedagogical council

Up to 25% of the tariff rate (salary)

5. Employees of institutions responsible for organizing work on technology
safety and labor protection, prevention of road traffic
injury and fire safety

Up to 50% of the tariff rate (salary)

6. Teachers (young specialists) for the period of the first three years of work after

Graduated from an educational institution with:

Professional education- up to 20% of the tariff rate (salary)

Higher professional education, specialized secondary education

Professional education with honors - up to 30% of the tariff rate (salary)

7. Employees studying in secondary vocational institutions in their field

Specialties - 30% of the cost of training;

Students studying at higher educational institutions in a specialized specialty

8. Teachers who have completed course training on a commercial basis

50% of the tuition fee.

9. Employees from among educational, support and maintenance personnel,

Those who, in addition to their main work stipulated by the employment contract, perform additional work are paid an additional payment to the tariff rate (salary):

For carrying out repair work in an institution - up to 100% of the 1st category tariff rate


For plant care - up to 25% of the 1st category tariff rate


10. For intensity and intensity in work, application of achievements in work,

science, performing particularly important and urgent work, an additional payment is made in the amount of up to 100% of the tariff rate (salary)

11. For mentoring work - 15% of the tariff rate (salary)

12. Teachers and recipients of the “Excellence in Public Education” badge

10% tariff rate (salary)

If standards are revised, as well as the quality of work deteriorates, additional payments and allowances may be reduced or completely canceled. The amount of each additional payment or allowance is calculated from the size of the tariff rate (salary) of the Unified Tariff Schedule without taking into account other additional payments and allowances. Additional payments and allowances are paid simultaneously with the payment of wages.

The amount of additional payment to the heads of the institution is determined by the municipal property management committee in agreement with the leadership of the education department, and to other employees - by the head of the educational institution.

Appendix 3


Chairman of PC__________ Head of MBDOU "DSKV No. 120"


on the procedure for establishing additional payments

for unfavorable working conditions in MBDOU "DSKV No. 120"

This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Procedure for establishing additional payments for unfavorable working conditions, determined by order of the USSR State Education Committee dated August 20, 1990 No. 579, and on the basis of an instruction letter from the Department of Education of Bratsk dated October 16, 2008. No. 2968.

  1. Payment for unfavorable working conditions for employees of the institution is established at up to 12% of the official salary.
  2. Payment is made for time actually worked under unfavorable conditions.
  1. Junior teachers are paid extra when working with chlorine-containing preparations, disinfectants approved for use by SaNPin - 1.5 hours a day (10% of the official salary).
  2. The pool nurse receives an additional payment for providing and conducting classes in indoor swimming pools - 7.2 hours a day (12% of the official salary).
  1. The physical education (swimming pool) instructor is paid additionally for providing and conducting classes in indoor swimming pools - 6 hours a day (12% of the official salary).
  2. The cleaner of office premises (swimming pool) is paid additionally for working with disinfectant solutions, as well as for preparing them, and cleaning toilets - 7.2 hours a day (10% of the official salary).
  3. The clerk is paid additionally for working on a computer display - 7.2 hours a day (12% of the official salary).
  1. The baby food cook is paid additionally for work at hot stoves and electric ovens - 7.2 hours a day (12% of the official salary).
  2. An auxiliary worker is paid additionally for work related to cutting, trimming meat, fish, cutting and peeling onions, singeing poultry - 7.2 hours a day (12% of the official salary).
  3. The loader is paid additionally for loading and unloading work performed manually - 8 hours a day (12% of the official salary).

2.9. The laundry operator is paid additionally for work washing clothes manually using detergents and disinfectants - 7.2 hours a day (12% of
official salary).

2.10.Cleaner of office premises: additional payment is made for work with
disinfectant solutions, as well as for their preparation, cleaning toilets - 7.2
hours per day (10% of official salary).

3. Regulations on the procedure for establishing additional payments for unfavorable working conditions in MBDOU
“DSKV No. 120” will be applied until the scheduled certification of workplaces.

Project No. 1. “Creation of a system for stimulating the work of personnel in an educational organization”
The complexity of the transition of educational organizations to the development mode is associated with the presence of a number of contradictions, in particular, between the awareness of the importance of teaching staff as the most important resource of an educational institution and the lack of motivational factors that help improve professional competence and allow effectively realizing the potential of each teacher.
The imperfection of the existing system of incentives for teaching staff is manifested in the absence in most educational organizations of public examination of teaching activities and criteria for determining the type of incentives for teachers for work aimed at their own professional development and the development of the educational organization. The modern director of an educational organization is interested in the high professionalism of his teaching staff, which will help improve the mechanisms for stimulating their work. Against the backdrop of increased attention to this problem, the issue of high-quality incentives for teaching staff to perform highly productive and efficient activities, allowing them to achieve the goals of modern professional education, becomes particularly relevant. That is why it is necessary to define a system of moral and material incentives for retaining the best teachers in an educational organization and replenishing educational institutions with a new generation of teachers. It is important to encourage teaching staff to be productive. Reasonably organized incentives should contribute not only to increasing the effectiveness of the educational organization, but also to improving social relations in the teaching staff, the formation, formation and development of the teacher’s personality. In modern economic literature, the study of the problem of changing the content and nature of labor, its improvement and stimulation in a transition economy is occupying an increasingly important place. The works of V.V. are devoted to these problems. Antropova, A.A. Vaskina, R.D. Gutgarts, I.I. Kochetkova, V.K. Chunikhina and others. I.M. devoted their works to the study of labor motivation in a market economy, including in higher education. Aliev, I.Yu. Anufrieva, I.F. Belyaeva, O.V. Vasilyeva, M.A. Vinokurov, O.N. Volgina, V.I. Gerchikov, T.G. Ozernikova, D.A. Sofyanov, I.P. Povarich, A.M. Starkov et al. Stimulus (from the Latin “stimulus”) is a motivating reason for interest in work. In the process of work activity, the benefits available to the organization are considered as incentives. Stimulation of work activity is the desire of the organization, with the help of moral and material means of influence, to encourage the employee to work, intensify it, increase productivity and quality of work to achieve the goals of the organization. An incentive system based on flexible remuneration mechanisms is not an alternative, but a possible addition to the incentive fund and existing bonuses provided for by the collective agreement, and for most teachers it can become a significant factor influencing the desire for activities that develop professional competence. An incentive is often characterized as an external influence on an employee (from the outside) in order to encourage him to perform effectively. The incentive contains a certain dualism, which consists in the fact that, on the one hand, from the point of view of the organization’s administration, it is a tool for achieving a goal; the incentive is the opportunity to obtain additional benefits (positive incentive) or the possibility of losing them (negative incentive). In this regard, we can distinguish between positive stimulation (the possibility of possessing something, achieving something) and negative stimulation (the possibility of losing an object that satisfies a need). The labor incentive system comes from administrative and legal management methods, but does not replace them. Labor incentives are effective only if management bodies are able to achieve and maintain the level of work for which they are paid. The system of moral and material incentives for work in educational organizations involves a set of measures aimed at increasing the labor activity of people and, as a result, increasing the productivity of work and its quality. The educational organization uses material and moral incentive methods in the teacher incentive system:
- moral methods of stimulation:
Public praise.
Gratitude in the order.
Presentation for an honorary title.
Awarding certificates, certificates of commendation, and thanks.
Placing a photograph on a stand like “The best teachers of a technical school.”
Publications about the teacher in the media.
Publications about the teacher’s achievements on the website, maintaining a personal page.
- material (non-monetary) incentive methods:
Providing time off.
Providing additional days for annual leave.
A valuable gift.
Assistance in obtaining a grant for the implementation of a project that is important for the teacher.
Providing financial assistance for treatment and recovery.
Providing a voucher to a sanatorium
Providing vouchers for treatment of children.
- labor incentive methods:
Involving teachers in working as part of creative groups.
Organization of a personal exhibition of students' works.
Providing the opportunity to work in the most prestigious groups.
Establishing the most convenient work schedule (convenient schedule).
Transfer to self-control.
- monetary incentive methods:
Incentive bonus for work intensity and productivity;
Increasing coefficients;
Material aid
Of great importance in managing the behavior of social objects in the world of work are forms of organizational incentives, identified according to the way in which the results of activities and incentives are interrelated.
Anticipatory and reinforcing forms of stimulation;
Individual and collective forms of stimulation;
Positive and negative forms of stimulation;
Immediate, current and future forms;
General and target forms. The remuneration system for employees of budgetary educational organizations of the Primorsky Territory (hereinafter referred to as educational organizations) includes the amounts of official salaries, (wage rates), compensation and incentive payments, established by a collective agreement, agreements, local regulations in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation containing labor law norms.
Clause 6.1. The Regulations define that incentive payments include payments aimed at stimulating an employee to produce quality results, as well as incentives for work performed:
- for intensity and high results of work;
- for the quality of work performed;
- based on the results of the work;
- for long service to teaching staff;
- other incentive payments.
As criteria for assessing the quality of employees' activities, indicators indicating their participation in the creation and use of educational organization resources (human, material, technical, financial, technological and information) are used. The indicator must be presented in a quantifiable format (in units, pieces, shares, percentages, etc.) for effective use as a performance assessment tool. Stimulating teachers is one of the main ways to motivate innovative activities, professional development of each teacher and educational organization as a whole. Stimulation involves creating conditions under which, as a result of active work, an employee will work more efficiently and more productively. The administrative team of an educational institution needs to create conditions in which teachers will be interested in engaging in self-education, self-development, and therefore working in an innovative mode. The system of management steps to stimulate teachers to innovative activities contributes to the creation of an environment in the team in which each teacher can self-realize and he will be interested in increasing the efficiency of the entire institution.
The most important type of incentive is material, designed to play a leading role in increasing the labor activity of employees. This type consists of material-monetary and material-non-monetary incentives, the latter containing part of social incentives. The second important thing is spiritual stimulation, which contains social, moral, aesthetic, socio-political and informational incentives. In the psychological approach, moral stimulation is the most developed and widely used subsystem of spiritual stimulation of work.

Interest in the problems of motivation and incentives arose even before the emergence of management theory as a science. The scientific study of the causes of human activity was initiated by the great thinkers of antiquity - Aristotle, Heraclitus, Democritus, Lucretius, Plato, Socrates.

Further scientific study and justification of the problem of motivation and incentives was carried out during the formation and development of theories of personnel management; Moreover, we can say that the problems of motivation and incentives were initially part of three groups of theories of personnel management: classical theories, theories of human relations and theories of human resources.

Each of the theories of personnel management is represented, respectively, by approaches to motivating and stimulating their work: “economic man”, “social man” and “human resources”.

Management is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling necessary to formulate and achieve the goals of an organization.

A management system is a set of elements that ensure the purposeful functioning of an enterprise.

Control system elements:

1. Goal – the desired result of the system’s functioning. Requirements: real, possible under the given operating conditions of the enterprise, achievable, implementable.

2. Management principles – rules for carrying out management activities.

3. Management functions – specialized types of management activities.



Coordination (regulation),

Stimulation (motivation),

Accounting (fixing the state of a managed object),

Analysis (identifying the reasons for the state of the managed object),

Control (development of measures to eliminate deviations from a given regime).

In management, management methods are classified according to the nature of their impact: administrative, economic, socio-psychological.

Table 1

Characteristics of management methods

Management activities are impossible without the reasonable application of administrative management methods, which are often called organizational-administrative, or organizational-administrative. With their help, basic management systems are formed in the form of stable connections and relationships, provisions regulating the rights and responsibilities of departments and individual employees.

The essence of economic methods is to create an effective working mechanism by influencing the economic interests of workers and other economic levers. Economic methods are based on the use of economic incentives that provide for the interest and responsibility of management employees for the consequences of decisions made and encourage employees to proactively achieve assigned tasks without special orders. Management gets rid of the need to overcome staff inertia in implementing new tasks; managed processes become more flexible and adaptive.

Administrative and economic management methods have much in common. In management practice they complement each other. As a rule, administrative decisions are not just directives, but decisions that are justified from the point of view of their economic feasibility.

Social-psychological methods. The essence of socio-psychological methods is to use an effective work mechanism by influencing the non-economic interests of workers and economic counterparties.

These methods involve the use of moral incentives, special methods and conditions of communication, images, metaphors and other methods of influencing psychological attitudes and the emotional sphere of the people’s psyche. Among these methods are persuasion, suggestion, “infection,” and demonstration of examples of behavior. Modern management activities are impossible without the widespread use of socio-psychological management methods. They always complement both administrative-command and economic management methods.

From the characteristics of the methods it is clear that labor stimulation is, first of all, an external motivation, an element of the work situation that influences human behavior in the world of work, the material shell of personnel motivation. At the same time, it also carries an intangible load that allows the employee to realize himself as a person and an employee at the same time. It performs economic, social, moral functions.

The economic function is expressed primarily in the fact that labor stimulation helps to increase production efficiency, which is expressed in increased labor productivity and product quality.

The moral function is determined by the fact that incentives to work form an active life position, a highly moral climate in the organization and in society as a whole. At the same time, it is important to ensure a correct and justified system of incentives, taking into account tradition and historical experience.

The social function is ensured by the formation of the social structure of society through different levels of income, which largely depends on the impact of incentives on different people. In addition, the formation of needs, and ultimately the development of personality, is also predetermined by the organization and stimulation of labor in society.

Types and forms of employee labor incentives

In the literature on management, when considering issues of managing an organization and the specifics of using personnel management methods, they often talk about external types of rewards, which in various proposed classifications are designated as types, methods, and forms of incentives.

Based on the set of tools through which the stimulation procedure is carried out, several types can be distinguished:

Administrative (based on decision-making by managers in the field of non-material rewards and punishments, for example, thanks or reprimands, as well as those related to the process of organizing work, distributing powers and responsibilities, determining work schedules, etc.);

Economic (based on the use of material rewards as incentives as compensation for the employee’s labor efforts and the results achieved by him);

Socio-psychological (based on the application of special incentives to the employee, such as the attitude of the team, status, etc.).

Thus, by comparing the concepts of management and incentives, we conclude that they are related.

In Personnel Management, motivation and stimulation of personnel is considered as one of the subsystems of the organization's personnel management system. This determines the place of motivation and incentives in the personnel management system. If the subject of study is not the entire personnel management system, but only one of its subsystems, then we can consider this subsystem as a system, in turn consisting of subsystems. Thus, the system of motivation and stimulation as a system has an object and a subject of control. The subject of management is the managers and specialists of the organization’s management apparatus, and the object is the personnel of this organization. Within this system, the process of managing the motivation and stimulation of the organization’s personnel is carried out. In the specialized literature, as well as in research and dissertations, this process is often confused with the process of managing the system of motivation and incentives for personnel, when it comes to the personnel management system of the organization as a whole, when motivation and incentives are considered as part of the whole, as a subsystem of the management system staff. This process is carried out by the subsystem of the general and line management of the organization.

In the specialized literature, the following definition of motivation and stimulation has emerged.

Motivation and stimulation is the process of satisfying a need that activates behavior and creates an incentive aimed at achieving a certain reward (obtaining certain benefits) through work activity. Thus, the key to understanding the process of motivation and stimulation lies in the meaning of the words “needs,” “motivation,” “reward,” and the relationship between them. Needs create incentives aimed at obtaining rewards; this is the basis of the process of motivation and stimulation, which consists of three interacting and interdependent elements: needs, incentives and rewards

Needs arise whenever the physiological is disrupted. psychological or social balance. For example, a need exists when the cells of the body are deprived of food and water, or a person lacks the company of other people, or there is no satisfaction in work

Drives, or motives (both terms are often used interchangeably), arise to at least partially satisfy needs. A physiological motive can be defined simply as a feeling of lack of something. Physiological, psychological, and social drives are action-oriented and provide the energy to achieve rewards.

Reward is defined as something that dampens a need and reduces drive.

Stimulation is a tool for managing a person’s motivation through external encouragement to activity through various benefits (incentives) that can satisfy a person’s needs. The stimulation mechanism involves influencing an already existing system of human motives (embedded in a person as a result of socialization or changed through motivation mechanisms), updating and strengthening these motives without changing the structure of motivation itself.

The processes of motivation and stimulation are closely related to two key categories of motivation theory: motive and incentive. Motives relate to the internal environment of a person, i.e. depend on the individual characteristics of the individual. The stimulus influences human behavior, updating certain motives. The contents of the concepts “motive” and “stimulus” are closely related to each other.

table 2

Relationships between motives and incentives in management practice

Receiving material benefits

Wages, indexation of wages due to inflation, travel, food, lending

Social guarantees

Hospital insurance, pensions, employment and employment stability, compensation packages, flexible work hours

Life self-determination

Manage careers, provide learning opportunities, encourage creativity and innovation


and recognition

Opportunities for career growth, expansion of competencies, the right to sign documents, public recognition of successes, personal benefits, representative functions, participation in enterprise management

Social interaction

Unified status of employees, democratic leadership style, team participation in decision making

corporate culture, mentoring

In general, there is the following classification of types of stimulation.

Financial incentives:

Material and monetary (salary, bonus);

Material and non-monetary (provision of additional social benefits: payment in kind, payment for housing, payment for additional training, reimbursement of travel expenses);

Non-material incentives:

Moral (medals, insignia, certificates of honor, cups, etc.);

Organizational (increasing creative elements in work, participation in management, career, professional growth and personal development);

Free time (time off, choosing the time of vacation, reducing the length of the working day, flexible employment, home work).

The effectiveness of influencing a person by one or another stimulus is determined by its specific value - reward.

This means that people's remuneration must correspond to their value to the enterprise and can be measured directly by their personal labor contribution to the final financial results of the organization.

By material monetary type we understand the actual amount of wages, its variable part - bonuses, additional payments, allowances and other payments. Material non-monetary type is a reward for merit that has a monetary value, but is issued to the employee in non-monetary form (that is, various vouchers, gift certificates, company products, etc.). Non-material incentives for work are rewards that do not have a monetary value: recognition of status and merit (certificates), providing individual employees with special working conditions (flexible or free schedule). In a managerial sense, such moral incentives serve as signals from personnel about the extent to which their activities correspond to the interests of the enterprise. The use of this type of stimulation involves the creation of a favorable atmosphere and a positive moral and psychological climate. But nevertheless, the majority of managers of Russian companies believe that financial incentives are the main factor in the development of commercial enterprises.

Thus, a correctly chosen remuneration system in an organization plays an important role in material incentives. Exactly 80–90% of the incentives for highly productive work in a developing market economy are wages. In recent years, large Russian companies have seen a tendency to move from a time-based wage system to a flexible, tariff-free system. At the same time, the material incentive system is focused on the actual qualifications of the employee (depending on the work he performs). At such enterprises, workers receive a fixed remuneration for their qualifications, and not for the hours spent at the workplace.

Thus, the essence of new approaches to incentives is the abandonment of traditional remuneration systems, as well as their replacement with remuneration consisting of two elements: a base rate and additional incentive payments, which depend on individual results and the performance of the unit and the organization.

Personnel incentives in the modern interpretation are a combination of material and non-material incentives for employee labor.

The main part of the income of an employee of an educational organization is wages, which are heterogeneous in structure. It consists of two parts: constant and variable. The constant part of remuneration is a set of elements of wages that are weakly related to the results of an employee’s work for a specific period of time, that is, it is a part of remuneration that is independent of the volume of work and stable over time. It includes:

The main part of remuneration in the form of salary or monthly tariff rate;

Regular additional payments, which include bonuses and additional payments.

Additional payments are payments that are of a compensatory nature in order to compensate the employee for additional expenses or discomfort associated with the characteristics of his work activity. They are charged for increased intensity of work or for working in conditions deviating from normal ones. For example, additional payment for working on weekends and holidays, at night, for combining professions (positions).

Allowances are payments of an stimulating nature, which are accrued in order to reward the level of competence and education achieved by the employee, and the need for self-improvement. For example, for class, for length of service (work experience), for knowledge of foreign languages, for professional excellence, for high achievements in work and a high level of qualifications, for the duration of continuous work, an academic degree or title, etc.

Allowances are established by local acts of organizations, labor and (or) collective agreements; in budgetary organizations are established by the Government of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and local government bodies.

The variable part of wages is a set of wage elements that are directly related to the quantitative or qualitative results of labor and are not constant. This includes, among other things, bonuses as remuneration for a special, increased result of work.

The purpose of bonuses is to improve, first of all, the final performance results expressed in certain indicators. The bonus mechanism is a set of interrelated elements:

Bonus indicators that determine those labor achievements that contribute to the achievement of high final results of the organization and are subject to special incentives;

Bonus terms;

Sources of bonuses and bonus amounts;

Circle of awardees.

L.I. Lukicheva notes that practice has developed seven general rules for material incentives for personnel, based on the unity of material and moral incentives with the dominance of material ones:

1. Material incentive systems should be simple and understandable to every employee.

2. Systems must be flexible, making it possible to immediately reward every positive result of work.

3. The amount of incentives must be economically and psychologically justified (“more, but less often” or “more often, but less”).

4. Personnel incentives can be organized according to indicators that are perceived by everyone as objective.

5. Reward systems should create in employees a sense of fairness of material rewards.

6. Employees must see a clear relationship between the results of their work and the activities of the organization.

When highlighting the problem of developing a system for stimulating the work of employees, many authors note that material factors do not always come to the fore and cannot be the only form of remuneration for work. The main thing is the attractiveness of the work, its creative nature. It is precisely this attractiveness that the manager should create by constantly updating the content of the work of each subordinate.

Thus, the system of employee labor incentives is a combination of material and non-material incentive systems, in which all elements are interconnected and can influence each other. The development of an incentive system is an integrated approach to solving the problems of increasing the efficiency and quality of workers’ work and involves taking into account the interests of the individual, the workforce, and the degree of their satisfaction, based on the principles of accessibility, flexibility, objectivity, timeliness, and fairness. The basis for classifying types of stimulation is the set of tools through which the stimulation process is carried out, and the properties of materiality. Types of stimulation are specified by specific forms. There is a dialectical connection between the known types and forms of stimulation; they complement and enrich each other.

In the process of functioning of the motivation and incentive system, it is important to evaluate its effectiveness in order to find ways to improve and develop it.

A. Ya. Kibanov proposes the following procedure for diagnosing the existing system of motivation and incentives for personnel, as part of the process of improving the motivation management system in the organization:

Monitoring the state of the labor market and positioning the organization;

Diagnostics of methods, forms and elements of motivation and stimulation existing in the organization;

Diagnostics of the motivation of the organization's employees.

O. G. Odegov and T. V. Nikonova identify the following procedures for diagnosing the system of motivation and stimulation of work:

Analysis of the forms and incentive systems used, their connection with staff motivation;

Analysis of the level and structure of remuneration;

Assessing the compliance of the developed principles and remuneration structure with the goals of the organization.

When improving the system of motivation and stimulation of work activity in an organization, the key issue is collecting information about the system currently existing in the organization. To facilitate the diagnosis of a “working” personnel motivation system, M. O. Olekhnovich and T. A. Makarova developed a special technology, which is a “Motivational Audit”. The goals of conducting a motivational audit may be:

Assessing the effectiveness of the existing motivation management system;

Determining compliance of the motivation management system with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Development of a personnel incentive system for new goals;

Assessing the compliance of the motivation system with the goals of the enterprise;

To evaluate the incentive system, we will choose the diagnostic procedure for A.Ya. Kibanova.

Regulatory support for stimulating the labor of employees of educational organizations of secondary vocational education

The new quality of professional education is ensured by the new quality of teaching, new approaches to motivating and stimulating the staff of educational organizations.

To do this you need:

establish a clear correspondence between performance results and remuneration for it;

provide new conditions for advanced training: personalized financing, a modular approach, individual educational trajectories, personnel exchange with the real sector of the economy - internships for teachers in production, attracting practitioners to teaching;

introduce mechanisms for professional and pedagogical support of leading specialists and experienced craftsmen of specialized organizations included in the process of implementing professional educational programs that provide training for priority sectors of the economy;

provide conditions for the formation of a personnel reserve and a mentoring system;

develop effective mechanisms to support young talented teachers, including preferential loans, subsidies, social packages, and career prospects.

When creating a labor incentive system, it is necessary to develop appropriate local and regulatory acts that would stipulate the procedure and conditions for remunerating teachers for high-quality and effective work. The content of these acts should clarify the main provisions on stimulating the work of workers, reflected in regulatory documents at the federal and regional levels.

In the Russian Federation, the main document that should be followed in matters of remuneration in practice is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In it, in Chapter 30 “Labor Discipline” in Article 191 “Incentives for Labor” it is specified that “... the employer encourages employees who conscientiously perform their labor duties (declares gratitude, gives a bonus, awards valuable gifts, a diploma of honor, nominates for the title “Best in profession." Other types of incentives for employees for work are determined by a collective agreement or internal regulations, as well as charters and regulations on discipline. For special labor services to society and the state, employees may be nominated for state awards."

Let us turn to the concept and content of a collective agreement.

A collective agreement is a legal act that regulates social and legal relations in an organization and is concluded by employees and employers represented by their representatives.

In a collective agreement, taking into account the financial and economic situation, the employer can establish benefits and benefits for employees, working conditions that are more favorable in comparison with those established by laws, other regulations, and agreements.

For the education system, the main document that must be followed is the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ (as amended on July 23, 2013) “On Education in the Russian Federation.” Here we also find the corresponding article 47, which reflects the labor rights and social guarantees of teaching staff. There is no specific mention of the types and forms of incentives, but it is stipulated that “... other measures of social support are established by legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.”

The Law of the Kemerovo Region dated July 5, 2013 No. 86-OZ “On Education” contains articles on state support for teaching staff who have demonstrated outstanding abilities, on measures of social support for teaching staff, attracting young specialists to educational organizations, which indicate possible measures of material stimulation. Thus, “...persons working at their main place of work in an educational organization as a teaching worker, who are labor veterans and who were awarded honorary titles of the Russian Federation, the USSR, the RSFSR or the title of Hero of Socialist Labor before January 1, 2014, are paid a monthly social benefit in the amount established by the Board of Administration of the Kemerovo Region. Pedagogical workers of state professional educational organizations of the Kemerovo region who won the regional competition "Teacher of the Year" are paid a monthly social allowance..., subject to continued work in educational organizations."

In the approved Resolution of the Board of Administration of the Kemerovo Region dated December 29, 2014 No. 528 “On amendments to the Resolution of the Board of Administration of the Kemerovo Region dated March 25, 2011 No. 120 “On the introduction of a new wage system for employees of state educational organizations of the Kemerovo Region created in the form of institutions "The approximate regulations on the remuneration of employees of state educational institutions of the Kemerovo region clarify that the terms of remuneration for these employees include the amounts of salaries, wage rates, compensation and incentive payments, the procedure for forming remuneration systems, as well as types of compensation and incentive payments character

Let us dwell in more detail on incentive payments, the types of which are listed in part 4 of this document. These include:

Payments for intensity and high performance results;

Payments for high-quality performance of work;

Payments for continuous work experience, length of service;

Bonus payments based on performance results;

Other incentive and one-time payments.

The condition for incentive payments is that the employee achieves certain quantitative and qualitative performance indicators. These payments must be established in accordance with the Regulations on incentives for employees of the institution, in agreement with the elected trade union body. Attached to these Model Regulations is a Model Regulation on incentives for employees of an institution, where the basis for material incentives for employees is:

High-quality performance of official duties;

Strict adherence to the institution’s Charter;

Compliance with internal regulations;

Successful and timely implementation of planned activities;

Systematic professional development;

Strict compliance with labor discipline and professional ethics;

Accurate and timely execution of orders and instructions from higher authorities, the head of the institution, and decisions of the institution’s pedagogical council.

It is important to note that it is recommended to allocate at least 60% of the entire incentive fund for bonus payments based on performance results. The establishment of bonus payments is carried out by the bonus commission. The specific periods for which these payments are established are determined by the Regulations on Remuneration. The institution, in agreement with the elected trade union body, independently establishes incentive indicators by category of employees, which must necessarily be related to labor productivity and be relatively stable during the academic year. The document describes a possible mechanism for assessing the implementation of incentive indicators, the procedure for filling out evaluation sheets by employees and approving the established amount of bonus payments based on work results.

If we turn to other types of incentive payments mentioned above, we can note that the procedure, amounts, and conditions of appointment must also be specified in the relevant local act of the institution.

Payments for intensity and high performance results include: bonuses for the implementation of certain types of activities of the institution; special operating mode (related to ensuring trouble-free, trouble-free and uninterrupted operation of the institution’s engineering and economic and operational life support systems); awards for organizing and conducting events aimed at increasing the authority and image of the organization among the population; successful completion of particularly important and urgent work, efficiency and high-quality results.

Incentive indicators for the intensity and high results of work for employees' positions are established by the institution independently, taking into account the improvement in the quality characteristics of the work performed.

Payments for the quality of work performed are established for employees of institutions in the form of bonuses in cases of awarding state awards of the Russian Federation, departmental awards, awards of the Kemerovo Region, the Board of Administration of the Kemerovo Region, the Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region, the municipality of the Kemerovo Region.

To establish the direct dependence of the level of remuneration of employees of educational organizations on the volume and quality of educational services provided, by order of the Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region dated December 25, 2013, “Methodological recommendations for the development of performance indicators for state (municipal) educational organizations of the Kemerovo region, their managers and teaching staff by type of organization."

The recommendations detail the requirements for performance indicators of teaching staff and the requirements for the content of evaluation sheets. As incentive indicators, it is recommended to select only the main ones that influence the efficiency of educational organizations, the quantitative and qualitative change in results in relation to the strategic goal, task, and expected result. The criteria for establishing performance indicators are the goals and objectives set in the state program for the development of the Kuzbass education system.

Key performance indicators are recommended to be measured by appropriate indicators, which must have a target value and be measurable numerically or qualitatively. It is prohibited to establish indicators and indicators that are not related to the job responsibilities of employees.

The evaluation sheet must indicate, among other things, the weight value assessed in points, the measurement period, and the source of information.

The action plan (“road map”) “Changes in sectors of the social sphere aimed at increasing the efficiency of education and science” (approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2012) (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan) established a list of measures to ensure the development and introduction of effective contract mechanisms with teachers and industrial training masters of educational organizations implementing vocational training and secondary vocational education programs.

An analysis of regulatory legal acts has shown that significant attention is paid to stimulating the work of employees of educational organizations at the Federal and regional levels. At the level of the educational organization, appropriate local acts should be developed regulating the procedure and conditions for remunerating teaching staff for quality work.


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